Inspiration of Skiing (Collection 5)
Flowing thoughts and dreams
2024-03-26 02:27:24
junior middle school

Enlightenment of skiing (1)

Life is like a book, in which we can get enlightenment and grow. In the hot summer, Rui Zijian, Wang Zhihang and I went skiing in the ski resort together. Compared with the heat outside, here is heaven!

We put on our clothes, shoes and other skiing equipment and came to the site excitedly, ready to start skiing! The three of us took the escalator to a downhill ski resort to line up for skiing. Soon it was our turn, and my heart was pounding. I saw that many people fell down when they slid down in front of me, so I was afraid all the time and thought: What if I fell down? That must hurt! While I was fighting in my mind, Wang Zhihang was impatient and urged me to "slide down quickly, it's OK!" So I didn't think about it anymore, but "chuffed" and scratched down. It's a pity that this is my first ski slope. I'm too nervous and my mind is blank. I'm rushing in the crowd. My God? Happy! I was about to run into a little girl, but I changed my direction when my legs became weak, and then I fell down with a bang! This scared me out of a cold sweat.

well! Don't tell me, I really like ski slopes! I tasted the sweetness and went to queue again. This time I was no longer afraid, but confidently stood up and took a deep breath, and bravely slid down! This time, I learned a lesson. When I changed direction, my feet changed: sometimes they expanded and sometimes they closed, like a happy bird shuttling in the crowd without any mistakes. When I arrived at my destination, everyone applauded for me! I feel very happy and proud!

The applause of so many people is a truth I understand: because you try everything, you will get more surprises and fun, and you will get more applause!

Enlightenment of skiing (2)

One day in winter vacation, my parents and I went skiing at Linshan Ski Resort.
When I came to the ski resort, I saw a sea of people there, which was very lively. Wearing ski suits, stepping on skis and holding ski poles, everyone quickly slid down the slope with a whoosh. Everyone was as light as a swallow and had extraordinary skills. Seeing someone else's "flying man" seems to be sliding, I can't wait to be a "flying man" at once.

I put on my ski suit, stepped on my skis and took my ski stick. I walked up the magic carpet with difficulty and slowly went up the slope. I slid down the slope. The small snow hit my face and I enjoyed its coolness, but I didn't see that the snow in front was beginning to steep. As a result, I fell down and my leg was tied in a knot. I struggled hard, and the stronger the strength, the more painful it was. Finally, my mother and I had a lot of trouble to rescue me. I think: Flying Man is so difficult, it's not appropriate. My mother saw me and knew what I was thinking now. She said, "Come on! You didn't skate very well at the beginning? As long as you follow the previous skills, you can be a flying man. Come on!" I suddenly had confidence. I stood up at once, slid forward, and slid to the bottom smoothly. Although I was not fluent, I still slid to the bottom. I continued to practice, Finally, I became a "flying man" just like others.
I really understand the meaning of the sentence "Nothing is difficult in the world, but only if we have a heart". As long as we make up our minds, any problem will be solved.

Enlightenment of skiing (3)

I can do many sports, such as swimming, running and skating, but I have never tried skiing. When I heard that my mother was going to take me skiing, I jumped with joy.

When I came to the ski resort, I saw people sliding down the high slope one by one: some people screamed excitedly while sliding; Some of them fell to the ground after only a few steps, raising snowflakes all over the ground, which made me nervous.

After wearing the equipment, I decided to try skating on the flat ground first as a novice. The legs that normally move freely do not obey at the moment, like being filled with lead. How laborious! I supported the ground with one foot and tried to move forward with one foot. Two rows of skis left on the white ground. I was very proud. Wow, I could walk without a teacher. But there is the highest mountain slope in front of me, which is undoubtedly a more dangerous challenge waiting for me. I am both excited and worried.

As the saying goes, "sharpening the knife will not stop the woodcutter". After finishing the equipment, we are ready to move to the highest peak. When I finally climbed to the top of the mountain, I was exhausted. I wanted to throw away my skateboard, take off my snowsuit and shoes, and lay on the ground on all fours. But there was always a small voice in my heart reminding me that if I lay down now, my previous efforts would be wasted? So I stood up again by relying on the handrail, and chose a place with a small landslide to probe down. Although my arms and legs were very sore, I was not discouraged, and slowly slid down from the top of the mountain.

I galloped down with the skateboard. The biting wind froze my face. Snow flakes stuck on my face like thousands of silver needles, but I didn't care. I silently recited the tips I had just mastered. Gradually, the originally bumpy road became smooth, and even my heart pounding gradually calmed down. In a twinkling of an eye, it slipped to the foot of the mountain.

In this way, I gradually learned to ski. Look, I dare to slide down the highest slope! In the process of gliding again and again, I am like a swallow, flying lightly in the wind, and like an arrow off the string, I shuttle swiftly. The distant scenery quickly retreats behind my ears, and people around me wave to me frequently. I finally succeeded in conquering the high and steep slope top!

Life is so interesting. This ski trip told me that everything is difficult at the beginning. As long as you stick to it, you can succeed.

Enlightenment of skiing (4)

Last summer vacation, I stayed in Zhengzhou for a month. One day, my aunt and I went skiing. This interesting and unforgettable event gave me great inspiration - persistence is victory.

My aunt and Aunt Beibei took me skiing. After we went in, we saw many people. I can't wait to go skiing. We changed our clothes, took the elevator, put on the skiing equipment, and took two sticks. There were three uncles who taught us skiing beside us. I thought, isn't it very simple? Just slide down. I tried it, but I really couldn't slide. When I saw someone fall down, I suddenly felt a little scared.

The two uncles taught Aunt Beibei one by one, and they learned it all at once. Watching them all slide smoothly, I felt envious and asked my uncle next to me to teach me. I tried, but still couldn't, and then tried several times. Finally, I thought I could slide. When I just slid down, I thought: I can slide. I can't fly low like a bird when it rains. I want to challenge a faster speed, and I want to test the feeling of flying.

I rushed down. Unexpectedly, I couldn't stop the car, and I turned over from Aunt Beibei. I thought I heard someone say, "It's funny. I can't skate but show off my ability." I didn't want to learn when I heard others laugh, but my aunt said to me, "You can't give up halfway. Persistence is victory. You can skate well." When I heard my aunt's words, I felt full of strength. This strength encouraged me to keep on practicing. I practiced all the time, and then I got up when I fell down, In this way, I finally learned how to skate well!

This event made me understand that persistence is victory, and I will persist in whatever I do in my future life.

Enlightenment of skiing (5)

The sun was shining golden against the sky, and the mint like blue sky pulled out several white and soft clouds like cotton candy. In a car speeding along the road, there were bursts of laughter and singing.

Today is my 13th birthday. My parents took me, my brother and my brother to Tiantai Ski Resort to ski at my request. On the way, we excitedly sang a happy ballad: "Edelweiss, edelweiss, meet me every morning. Small and white, pure and beautiful, it's always nice to meet me..." Across the distance from the destination, we saw two towering snow mountains, and could not help but utter a "wow" sound, full of longing and expectation for the next two hours.

Holding a sky blue electronic card, we got our own suitable clothes, shoes and sledges. With the help of my parents, our three children put on ski clothes and ski shoes, put on ski goggles, and entered the ski resort with big sledges and poles. The ski resort covers a thick layer of snow, and the top of the mountain is shrouded in a vast white snow fog. The hillside is like covered with a long white carpet, and the field under the slope is like covered with a thick white blanket.

"Coach, how should we ski?" We staggered into the ski resort, but found that we could not ski after being fully armed, so we had to consult a coach beside us. "Use a stick to support and slide backward, and remember to bend down and bend your knees inward when sliding from top to bottom..." The coach said the secret script of skiing carefully. We can't wait to climb a small slope of the snow mountain. "1, 2, 3, go~" At my command, people at the foot of the hill saw three children of different height "Shua" sliding down like a gust of wind, and then they fell to the ground one by one, turning over. "Ha ha, look at your nose... Ha ha ha." I pointed to my brother's nose and smiled. "You're not bad, either." My brother knocked my head. I wiped my face with my arm, and several small snowflakes popped out of my sleeve.

Next, we began to carry out "secret training" separately. I dragged a big sledge up the mountain slope, skidded down with a scream of "ah...", and when I nearly hit the railing, I leaned back and fell down. This drop made me "wriggle" on the ground like a worm for a long time, but finally I couldn't get up. At this time, my father's tall figure was reflected in the dazzling snow and helped me up. My chest was still full of unconvinced, and I ran up the hill again. I stand on the slope, concentrate my strength, make full use of my skills, and slide down again

I succeeded! I can't believe it! This time, I not only didn't fall down, but also braked! Joy permeated every nerve in my body. I was ecstatic. I blew a kiss to my mother who was watching me on the hillside. Then I ran to her with the clanking sound of thunder, and shouted "Yeh! Victory! Yeh!" all the way

While I was cheering, I saw my brother and younger brother sliding down from the top of the mountain! I can't show weakness, so I also came to the top of the snow mountain. Looking down from the top of the mountain, there was a vast expanse of white. People were as big as small insects. A little fear came up. "Hum, I'm not afraid!" I comforted myself in my heart. So, I took a step forward with the psychology that I would be lucky to succeed... I just looked like a crazy car that had failed, "whoosh" slipped to the ground, and my thumb was broken by a sudden fall. I couldn't help crying. At this time, my mother came to me. She rubbed my nose with her hand and said, "Oh, why are you crying? Don't you always say that you are the strongest? Why are you frightened by setbacks?". "That's right. Who can blame you? It's the result of your own poor skills. You see, people always bend down when they slide; you just lean back desperately and don't fall down."

After listening to my mother's words, I instantly felt that it was not easy to do anything. Even playing requires a certain amount of effort. So I climbed to the top of the mountain again, and when I slid down, I kept silently saying, "Bend, bend...". But I don't know whether I have a weak sense of balance or I bend too low. I fell down heavily again and felt pain like needles on my face. Once again, once again... I failed, and my confidence in myself decreased a little.

As I braced myself for another challenge, the time came. I can only leave this white snow with regret and regret. Before leaving, I looked back at the snow-white mountain and shed a few tears. Perhaps, this is the bitterness of failure.

However, after getting on the bus, I no longer regard this failure as my regret. Because from this failure, I realized another truth: life is also our teacher, and we will try countless new things in life, but no matter whether this thing is successful or not, we can accumulate all kinds of experience from it.

Life, can experience a person's will, life, you are my teacher!

Life, can exercise a person's perseverance, life, you are my teacher!

Life, can make a person laugh at setbacks, life, you are my teacher!

Through the brown car window, I made a grimace at the orange sunset and waved at the colorful clouds. I know that with the good teacher of life, I will always smile at everything!