Little Naughty's Composition (17 in general)
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2023-09-30 02:26:18

Little Naughty's Composition (1)

Previously, my family had a dog, which was very naughty.

Its fur is very soft, black and white, like a football. One big eye is round, and the ear shakes alertly, which makes people feel creepy. What's more lovely is its big tail, which always cocks up from time to time. As long as you touch it with your hand, it will immediately rise up.

It often plays with the neighboring dogs. As long as it is happy, it will play regularly. It competed with one dog in running. The other dog was very confident and started running with a loud cry. Our dog refused to be outdone. It ran quickly, and its legs were very long. It ran very fast and won the first place. If it is unhappy, the scene will be horrible. It will press other dogs on the ground and scratch wildly. I have to see if he is happy before I put it out.

It is very strange when it eats. If I feed it a piece of meat, he will take it to another place and eat it by himself. If he gives it a lot of food, he will gather things together and enjoy "delicious food" bit by bit.

It is a part of my life and my bosom friend.

Little Naughty's Composition (2)

My family has a dog named Tiaotiao. Why? Because it jumps around all day. I go home every day, and every time it comes bouncing over, its four feet keep grabbing my pants, barking, as if to say to me: "Dear little master, you are back."

He was naughty. When I wasn't paying attention, he secretly licked my hand, and I immediately shouted, "Tiaotiao, dare you lick me?" Tiaotiao immediately hid under the sofa, and I found it out.

He likes to eat meat. I don't know from which day he changed to eat apples. I don't believe it, so I took an apple and put it next to the kennel, waited for it quietly, jumped up, and saw it pounce on it, cut the apple into pieces, and ate it with a big mouth

My dog is like this. If you have a pet, please tell me about your pet.

Little Naughty's Composition (3)

My brother is 8 years old this year. His standard image is a cowboy suit, a pair of fashionable ears, two big eyes and a small crew head. Grandpa often said that the nickname "little naughty" was too appropriate for his younger brother.

His younger brother, whose original name was Tao Yang, was a naughty boy who made parents headache. Once during the summer vacation, my younger brother "Little naughty" came to my home to play. After a while, my younger brother showed his "true face". He was really foxy - unable to hide, and repeatedly asked me to take him out to "visit, visit". When I came to a railing, "Little naughty" patted his chest and said to me, "Sister, look, I am" Little Saint Fighter Xingya "! The railing is two meters high, and even I have to turn it over, let alone my little brother? I quickly stopped: "Brother, don't be arrogant! You can't go up there! It's very dangerous!" As soon as the voice fell, my brother turned over. I shouted, "Be careful!" Just as I said that, my brother turned back with a beautiful spin. When his feet just landed on the ground, his younger brother said "Ouch!" It turned out that his feet were twisted. I asked hurriedly: "Does it hurt? Do you want to go to the hospital?" But my brother showed his teeth and pretended to say: "Nothing, nothing! This little thing is nothing!"...... But in the next two days, my brother had to stay at home honestly.

My younger brother, "Little naughty", is not only naughty but also very smart! I remember that he and I were at Grandma's house that day. Grandma cooked four dishes for us at noon. The whole family was sitting around the dinner table and preparing to eat. My brother suddenly shouted, "Who can tell a poem about these four dishes before you can eat them?" Suddenly, everyone's eyes fell on my brother. At this time, "naughty" deliberately kept silent for a moment, When he got off the table, he imitated the poet's way of thinking, with one hand behind his back and the other hand gently stroking his "beard", and walked around shaking his head. He pointed to two braised fish and said, "Two orioles sing in green willows", pointed to celery and fried lilies and said, "A line of egrets goes up into the sky", and pointed to the steamed chicken cake and said, "The window contains the snow of the Western Ridge.", Finally, he took the vegetable and meat yuan soup in his hands, shook the stress and said, "'Do you want to go to the east of the gate?'" Then his younger brother returned to his seat with pride and ate it greedily, which made us all laugh so much that we couldn't afford to eat for a long time.

Look! This is my naughty and cute brother --- "Little naughty"!

Little Naughty's Composition (4)

I have a little brother who has just turned 7. He is very short and looks like a child aged 5 or 6. My brother has a pair of shiny, dark big eyes, curly eyelashes, and a red little face. The most special thing about my brother is that his head is very big. My father often makes fun of him and calls him Big Head Brother! At this time, he would raise his thin hand, frown and shout angrily, "I'll hit you!"!

My brother is the most naughty. I remember once, when the third grade just started, I was writing with a pen. He was very curious when he saw it, so he said, Sister, give me a pen, and I will write too! If I didn't give it to him, he would grab it from my stationery box. After that, he wouldn't give it back to me. So I asked him to write, but he didn't write. He squeezed the ink in the pen into his hands and played, making his face black and white. He not only lost the water in the pen, but also made it dirty, turning into a black and white kitten. Now, I'm really angry! I said to my brother seriously: Go and wash the ink on your body! When he got to the bathroom, he saw two little turtles in the fish tank eating. He thought it was fun, so he played with those two little turtles again, and the ground was covered with water. When he had played enough and was ready to come out, he slipped and fell into the bathroom with water everywhere on the ground, and fell on his feet. At this time, the whole family burst into laughter, and even I, who could no longer contain my anger, suddenly opened my mouth.

Look! This is my naughty brother!

Little Naughty's Composition (5)

A little guest came to my home recently, that is Cheval (an Alaskan dog). I bought it in the flower and bird market during the summer vacation. I thought: What a naughty little guy!

Cheval's mischief is more reflected in her playfulness.

Cheval eats dog food. She needs two things to eat, calcium powder and water. When I grab a handful of dog food, it will stand up, put the front paws on the sofa, like an acrobat performing acrobatics, and then turn a somersault. As long as I put the dog food in its cabin, it will rush over as fast as possible, and then devour the "food". Cheval's favorite food is calcium powder, because calcium powder has a very fragrant taste, even I want to eat it. When he eats dog food and wants to eat calcium powder, he will straighten his chest and raise his head. He really looks like a general, and then walks to the front of the basin and falls head over head. Before you know it, he has eaten up calcium powder. What a glutton!

Its play also often attracts others' attention. Its most intimate toy is the balloon. Every time it has eaten, the balloon comes in handy. Cheval used her head and feet to support it, sometimes she used her tail to play balloons, and sometimes she used her tongue to lick it. It should be regarded as a cake, right? Once, Cheval was playing with balloons as usual. Unexpectedly, the balloon exploded against her head, which scared her back a step. Cheval's favorite place is the garden, because it is very beautiful in spring, summer, autumn and winter. She either rolls in the mud and tramples on the lawn. You will never scold her. She is so lively and naughty!

Little Naughty's Composition (6)

Pi Nikolai's Reading Experience in Minor Primary School Composition 1

If you want to know what a troublemaker is, I will give you the best example. He is Nicola!

If you are a troublemaker, you should do something mischievous. Alas, the bad things that Nicola has done are countless! If you want to say that these bad things are very mischievous, they really don't have much influence, but if you want to say that these things are just small things and are not worth mentioning, that's not true. At this time, you should ask: How bad is his bad thing? Let me tell you something about him!

Once, when Nikolay left his toys all over the house, his mother was very angry and said that Nikolay must clean up the house before she came back from shopping, so Nikolay began to clean up. He first put all his toys in a big box, and then he wanted to surprise his mother. He saw that there was some dirt on the ground of the yard, which was very dirty. He turned on the tap, wetted the cloth, and concentrated on wiping it in the yard, but it was getting dirtier and dirtier. He had to go back to the kitchen, but when he saw the water flowing all over the floor, plates, bowls, kitchen knives, dishes and other things were floating on the floor. He wanted to save some energy, so he picked them up and threw them below (note: the kitchen was on the second floor, and he threw them below). But he didn't think about it carefully. There was a door below, and the door had a ceiling, All those things hit the ceiling! In this way, the bowl is broken and the ceiling is broken. Well, it's a bad thing! He quickly put away all his things. Just then his mother came back. She almost fainted when she saw all this!

Hee hee, is it powerful enough! When I read this story, I almost fell off the sofa with a smile! Alas, what little Nikolay has done makes people laugh and cry! If there is a trick contest, he will win the first prize! But don't you find that Nicola is naughty, but he is also very sensible. Let's take the story I told you as an example. In fact, Nicola intended to help his mother do some work and surprise her, but he did not help her! On second thought, Nicola is really a sensible child! Only... hey hey!

I like this book! I also hope that more people can read my book and make friends with little Nikolay!

Pi Nikolai's Reflections on Primary School Composition 2 in minor

When I finished reading Little Naughty Nicholas, I became familiar with many good friends, but my favorite good friend was Little Nicholas.

Little Nikolay is cute, lively, sometimes naughty, sometimes caring.

Nikolay's mischief and love are deeply impressed on my heart. School is about to begin. Mother bought a pair of brown leather shoes, an excellent schoolbag, a pencil case like a holster, and a pencil sharpener for Nikolay... Father said to Nikolay, "You must protect these things." Nikolay nodded and agreed. However, Nikolay smashed the "plane" when he used a pencil knife to fry the rubber. Dad was very angry. My father is angry here, and my mother is angry too. It turned out that Nicholas had been suntanned since they came back from their vacation. I hope my friends can see how handsome he was suntanned. However, there were still a few days before school began. He was afraid that his partners would not see him after school began. So he went to the garden every day to bask in the sun. Sometimes he would stay outside on rainy days and get wet. My mother is almost mad. Finally, Nikolay had to go back to the beach to bask in the sun, but his mother said that he was already a lovely ape Tarzan.

Nikolay is also very caring. He gave his parents many presents on their birthday. He took 10 francs and the money his mother gave him to buy a blue scarf and a beautiful blouse for his mother, which also showed Nicola's deep love for his mother.

Do you want to know other interesting stories? Come and read this interesting book! It's called Little Naughty Nicholas.

Pi Nikolai's Reflections on Primary School Composition 3 in minor

These days, I read a book called "Little Nikolay the Naughty", in which many interesting things still appear to me.

This book is about what happened to the naughty little Nicholas at school with his classmates, as well as interesting things with his parents and neighbors at home. One of the most interesting things I think is that Little Nigula's grandmother gave him a big gift. It turned out to be an extremely difficult 800 yuan puzzle. Little Nikolay was very happy. If he wanted to spell it as soon as possible, he cooperated with his father. Because the puzzles occupy a large space, they cannot eat at the table, so they eat in the kitchen every night. In the end, to meet the guests, it was necessary to make room for the table in advance. Little Nikolay's mother also came to do her part. Little Nikolay was very happy because he believed that the puzzle was almost finished.

After reading this book, my feeling is: children are children after all. They are childlike, naughty and fond of playing. Parents should not imprison their children's dissolute and unrestrained minds too much. They should properly guide their children in life and communicate with them more. They can also play educational games together, just like the father of Little Nigula, playing puzzles with children, Educate children to have a wonderful and unforgettable happy childhood, so that we children can grow up happily.

What about? After reading my book, I believe you are also impressed. It's better to walk than to move. Go to the bookstore to feast your eyes on it!

Pi Nikolai's Reflections on Primary School Composition 4 in minor

Today, I read a book called Little Naughty Nicholas. I like the hero in the book - Nicola very much.

In this book, in addition to the hero Nicola, there are his little friends; A Xun, Ya San, Lu Fei, Ou Duo, Ke Dou, Ruoqi, Mai Xingxing, Qiao Fang... Qiao Fang is the best in this book. Qiao Fang has a rich father, and his family has a waist shaped swimming pool and a living room like a hotel. Ya San, he is a fat guy who likes to eat, but Nikolay still likes to play with him. Nikolay also regards Ya San as his best friend.

This book mainly talks about Nikolay's going to school after he came back from the seaside. At school, he was with Yasan, who likes to eat bread and butter and always gets his hands full of oil, Oddo, who always likes to be big people's nose, and Qiao Fang, a rich and boastful family member. When they arrived there, they could not be peaceful and were messed up, but they didn't think it was right. Qiao Fang went to the wedding of a relative's family in a distant place, took a plane, and bragged with his friends after he came back. He said that he was caught in a storm on the way, and that everyone except him was extremely frightened. The little friend who had never been on a plane thought it was nothing important. However, because of this little thing, he didn't stop ringing the bell for class. As a result, the teacher fined Qiao Fang to copy a hundred lines of sentences.

After reading the book "Little Naughty Nicholas", I feel that this book can make everyone happier.

Pi Nikolai's Reflections on Primary School Composition 5 in minor

Want to ask my favorite book? That's a small tune of Nicholas! Since it is the "favorite", there must be a reason to like it! Then listen to me slowly.

Tiny Pi Nicholas is a lively and cheerful boy. He is very popular when he is good, but when he is naughty, people want to punch him. Nikolay is the king of children at home, and he is also loved by his parents. He enjoys this quiet and respectable life very much. But one day, Nikolay overheard some strange conversations between his parents. He thought that he would have a little brother in the near future, which caused a great panic to Nikolay. He was afraid that his parents would not love him and face him squarely. Even among his friends, he may be sneered at... Of course, there is not only little Nikolay in the story, nor only his peers. The stories are more about adults who are much older than Little Nicholas. They are the father and mother of little Nicola, the cook of the camp, and the camp manager. Camp coach, Kerban's mother, etc.

Xiao Tiaopi's life during the summer vacation was rich and colorful. He brought countless joys to people, but also created countless troubles for people.

A little naughty is a little naughty. I appreciate Nicola's character and envy his freedom. I really want to experience this interesting life for myself!

Pi Nikolai's Reflections on Primary School Composition 6 in minor

During the winter vacation, I spent half a month reading 530 pages of Little Naughty Nicholas. After reading this book, I am very interested in several stories in the book. They are: school canteen, new teacher, bath, Bangbang, etc. Nikolay made many friends at school, including Yasan, Ke Dou, Mai Xingxing... His best friend is Yasan, who likes to eat and is very fat, but this does not affect his becoming Nikolay's good friend.

Nikolay was very naughty. He broke the vase that his grandmother gave him, and made the house in a mess, which made his mother very angry. As a result, his mother ordered him to clean it up. There are countless naughty things.

Nikolay is very naughty, but he is also very cute. For example: Nicola sees that Mai Xingxing is going to be his brother-in-law. He also wants to be his brother-in-law, so he wants to have a sister, so he can also be his brother-in-law.

The lovely Nicola often makes us laugh. I like reading this book very much. If you are sad, reading this book will make you happy. "Little naughty Nicholas" is really a good book.

Pi Nikolai's Reflections on Primary School Composition 7 in minor

The French film Little Naughty Nicholas was very interesting and made me laugh.

Little Nikolay wore a red vest, and his mind was lax, unable to concentrate; Adams is Nicola's best friend. When he grows up, he wants to be an official, which means there will be endless parties; Claude has a great bicycle. His dream when he grows up is to be a cyclist; Jeff's only hobby is cross dressing; Ruff wants to be a policeman like his father when he grows up; Ao wants to be a gangster when he grows up... They are all Nicola's sworn companions. While Anan is the best student, he is the magic weapon in the eyes of teachers and students.

The story is that young Nikolay thought that he had a younger brother, so he came to his close friends to discuss countermeasures. The close friends thought that his parents would throw him in the countryside. Little Nikolay was very depressed all day. Sure enough, his parents proposed to go to the countryside, but little Nikolay refused to open the car door, so that his parents would push the car home... His friends came up with all kinds of ways to make money to help little Nikolay get rid of his younger brother, which made the town turned upside down. When they earn money, they also do many things that make people laugh. For example, they get a gambling table and try to make money in this way, but the old lady wins. They can't afford to pay ten yuan and run away; They cooked a kind of "Dinglishi Soup", which made a little boy's face covered with red beans, and made his father find them and ask him to compensate

This film made me understand that earning money is not easy to accept. We should correct the problem of spending money recklessly. We should not spend money lavishly.

This is what I understand.

Pi Nikolai's Reflections on Primary School Composition 8 in minor

I read a book called Little Naughty Nicholas. This book tells about a primary school student named Nicola. He is a bag boy who often makes teachers and families angry. At school, he didn't study hard. When the teacher asked him questions, he often said he didn't know, and he never made much progress in his study; At home, we either turn our toys upside down, or go to the wasteland to play with our friends, never paying attention to study. Later, under the patient education of his mother and teacher, he gradually became a good student.

I used to be a transfer bag. I was afraid of hardship and tiredness in learning. When the teacher asked me to write my homework, I said, "I still want to play with toys!"; In class, I sometimes read extracurricular books and take out a pencil sharpener to play as a small plane; When doing eye exercises, I sometimes open my mouth and stick out my tongue. Even the inspectors are amused by me! At home, I often don't listen to my grandmother. Sometimes I do my homework at "midnight".

After reading this book, at first I thought why I was like Nicola? There are many children like me! I feel very proud. Reading the book, I found that Nicholas was slowly changing himself, and I also slowly understood a truth from the book: the main task of students is to learn, as the ancients said, "young people do not work hard, old people are sad"! Only by learning hard from childhood can we become a useful person and serve our country!

Nicola, you left a deep impression on me, and I will always remember you. Let's study hard together for the future of the world!

Little Naughty's Composition (7)

Today is the last day of the New Year holiday, and the sun is still so bright.

After getting up, I kept begging my mother to send WeChat messages to Chen Zhidian's mother, because I wanted to ask my friends to go to the naughty city to play trampoline! My mother seriously urged me to have breakfast, but she locked herself in the room. I promised to go to the table, but soon, I crept to the door of the room again, close to my ears, heard my mother talking with Chen Zhidish's mother on the phone, as if to meet in the naughty city in the afternoon. yeah! I was so happy that I ate breakfast quickly. She also obediently finished all the "jobs" assigned by her mother: checking homework, cleaning school bags

In the afternoon, I met Chen Zhidish as scheduled. There are not many children in the naughty city today. Many of them are younger brothers and sisters than us. Mother took care of us: when you see children younger than us, be careful not to meet them; Keep away from children older than us. Don't be hit by them. I kept yelling: "I know, I know!" I couldn't wait to take off my coat and immediately got into the maze with Chen Zhidish

After a while, we became one with other children, and our creaking laughter kept coming out of the naughty city... After playing for a while, I began to sweat, and I saw Chen Zhidish blushing like a red apple. We lined up and took turns on the slide. When we reached the bottom, I sat in a square pile of colorful balls. The children gathered here, and we began to play the game of throwing colorful balls. I threw a pink colored ball at Chen Zhidish. Chen Zhidish plopped, but didn't receive it. Instead, several colorful balls flew up. Some fell on the head of my little brother, some bounced on my little sister's buttocks, and others simply flew outside, causing bursts of silvery laughter. Chen Zhidish started to fight back, catching several balls in one hand and flying towards me. I flashed left and right. Although most of them were blocked by me, I was unlucky to be hit. A purple ball flew to my shoulder. The little sister beside him was very quick in eyes and hands. She immediately picked up the ball and threw it to the other child. The naughty city has become a sea of joy

While we were playing and sweating, our mothers urged us to go home.

On the way, my mother said that we were naughty, and we liked to play in the naughty city when we were so big. I made faces for my mother, hehe. I really enjoyed myself today.

Little Naughty's Composition (8)

In nature, air is everywhere, invisible and intangible, but air can occupy space, it is a "little naughty".

The following experiment can prove that air can occupy space. We first prepare a plastic cup filled with half a cup of water, and then fix two straws on the cup mouth with plasticine. One is immersed in water, and the other is above the water. Then he blew into the straw immersed in water, and found that there were many small bubbles on the water surface, while the air ran out from another straw. Then the other straw is blown, and water flows out of the thin pipe immersed in the water, indicating that "little naughty" can occupy space.

In life, "Little Naughty" got into the quilt in the wardrobe. We put the quilt into a vacuum bag and sucked "Little Naughty" out with a suction stick. "Little Naughty" had no choice but to slip away. When we were about to blow the balloon, "Little Naughty" came in handy. We used a pump to blow "Little Naughty" into it and turned it into a round balloon.

"Little naughty" is naughty and cute. We like it and cannot live without it.

Little Naughty's Composition (9)

Our family has a black and white dog, which is very naughty. It also has two little friends, whose fate is very poor. One was given by her mother, and the other was scared away by me. They are twins with black hair all over their bodies. That puppy is a poodle. It is very cute, so I call it naughty.

He always likes to play in the sand. Sometimes he lies quietly and looks at us. Sometimes he digs sand from inside to outside, like digging gold. Every time we get home, it will greet us. I want to train it to be as powerful as the god dog Xiao Qi. So I started the first lesson I arranged for him to pick up the dishes. Every time I threw the dishes out, he would lie on the ground lazily and look at the dishes, but he would not pick them up. Looking at the uncooperative appearance of the dishes, I was very angry.

I think it may have no talent in this field, so it ended the first unhappy lesson. It runs freely in the yard every day, sniffing this and gnawing that.

Once, I took two sisters and a brother to ride a tricycle in the yard. But the good times didn't last long. I thought I was very good at driving, but I accidentally bumped into the naughty guy, which made me very sad. The side of its right eye is rotten, and the bottom left of its mouth is rotten. At that time, I was riding a tricycle over a wall when the dog jumped out and hit the tire. Grandma criticized me for this, and I realized my mistake. My dog is very naughty. I must train him to be what I think he is. Come on!

Little Naughty's Composition (10)

My little spotted cat is very naughty, and is a complete naughty bag.

The white, yellow and black hairs on its body are interlaced, shiny and shiny, like gorgeous clothes. The four snow-white paws are like wearing woolly socks. The long tail is cocked high and wags to you in a friendly way. When it is bored, it also makes a "meow meow" sound, as if to say, "Who will play with me for a while?" It always walks with its head held high and its beard cocked high, which is extremely impressive!

When Mimi sits, her legs are always slightly extended in front, so that she can sit for a long time and watch TV with me attentively. Its sleeping position is also very interesting: the head is always on the front leg. Sometimes, it will drool. I must have dreamed that I would feed it braised fish``````

Every time it makes a mistake, I criticize it. It silently lies down, curls up, and its long tail shrinks into a ball. Its eyes open to see my movements, then close again, and sleep in a dress. When he thought I was not angry, he jumped up and played happily.

Sometimes, when her mother weaves a sweater, when she sees a rolling thread ball, the kitten arches her back and raises her tail very high. Her two forepaws press on the sofa, her two eyes closely stare at the thread ball, pounce, press the thread ball and release it. It retreated to one side, looked at the thread ball for a while, and then pulled it with its left paw and right paw, as if it were very novel

What a naughty kitten! He is really my little naughty!

Little Naughty's Composition (11)

My father bought a kitten for me when he was on business a few days ago. It was really timid. I put it in a wooden bucket. It "meow, meow," as if it were called "mom, mom" again. But I had a good way to stop it from asking me to give it some biscuits. It ate greedily and finally stopped calling it "mom, mom", I found it when it was eating: round head, jewel like eyes, triangle nose, two radar like ears living on the head, and colorful leather clothes, so beautiful.

I gently took it out of the barrel and stroked it, but it was restless. It broke away from my arms and ran to the flowerpot. It jumped on this flowerpot and then jumped on that flowerpot. This flowerpot turned over and that flowerpot also turned over. After a while, all the flower pots in the yard were overturned. He was bored with the flower pots and ran to the tree. Alas, he almost fell off the tree. By the way, since it has no name, it should be called "Little Naughty".

It's time to have a meal. "Little naughty" jumped on the table and looked around. I was afraid that he would eat the rice on the table. I quickly put it on the ground and took a small bowl to hold some rice for him. He ate with relish.

how? This is my "little naughty". Do you like it?

Grade 4 of Xiquancheng Primary School in Zhengding County, Shijiazhuang, Hebei: Li Die

Little Naughty's Composition (12)

Good book recommendation - Zhou Yi, Class 4 (2) of Little Naughty Nicholas

Today, I'd like to recommend a book to you. Its name is Little Naughty Nicholas.

The book mainly tells about all kinds of interesting things in Nicola's life. The hero, little Nicola, is a lively, mischievous and helpful junior student. He often does some harmless pranks to make everyone laugh. In order to play freely, he often tries his best to please his mother, for example, kissing her and making her happy. He often played games with his friends about helping the poor, defeating the bad and catching the bad, which showed their respect for heroes and for justice. Little Nicholas is not only kind and brave, but also an honest boy. Once, on his way home from school, he picked up a wallet and asked his parents to take him to the police station to give it to the police uncle.

The interesting sentences and beautiful words in this book deeply attracted me. Through my brief introduction, are you also interested in little Nikolai? Then pick up the book and read it!

Little Naughty's Composition (13)

Lucky "little naughty"

Feng Yuchen, Class 5 (1), Central Primary School, Xiaolin Town, Cixi City, Zhejiang Province, when you see my "honor box", you will envy: Wow, so many awards! There are national level, provincial and municipal level, and school level; There are "three good students", "excellent team leaders", and various competitions... Seeing these, you will surely think that I have always been a good child of my parents, a good student of my teachers, and a good example of my classmates. In fact, people familiar with me know that I was originally a smart and eccentric "little rogue". I would like to thank my head teacher, Mr. Zhou Zhongbo, for having these things.

As a child, I was "stupid" among my cousins. I heard from my mother that I opened my mouth late and could speak, but I still could not speak clearly. I had to rely on my mother to do "translation". I was naughty and mischievous, often causing trouble.

Finally, I went to kindergarten. I should be more sensible, but I was even more naughty. In class, he always makes small movements, grimaces and talks empty words when the teacher turns around, which makes the children laugh. If the teacher "stares" at you and you can't move, you can sit on the seat and play with toys. Sometimes I feel bored, and the pencil box has become my "toy". Of course, these were all captured by the teacher's "dragon catcher". After three years of kindergarten study, I didn't even have a certificate of merit and had to "trouble" my parents to go to the kindergarten to receive "re education". Mom and Dad didn't say anything, but they felt a little sorry (of course, this is what I will know later). My relatives and friends also don't attach importance to me. I am a pathetic person at home. Although I was very young at that time, I could still clearly feel that I was "ignored", but what could I do? I'm stupid and naughty! Whenever I see other children get a small red flower, a five pointed star or a certificate of award, I feel "jealous" in my heart, which can hardly be expressed in words. These also made me have a "inferiority complex" mentality. Gradually, I formed the habit of not daring to see and talk with teachers.

When I was in the first grade of primary school, I met Mr. Zhou, and my luck began.

At first, when I saw Mr. Zhou, I always looked at him from afar and dared not approach him. But Mr. Zhou's amiable smile held me like an invisible rope. Gradually, I became familiar with Mr. Zhou, and became bolder and more talkative. For the first time, I felt that the teacher, like a big brother, was not terrible and could be my good friend who talked about everything.

Under the guidance of Mr. Zhou, I slowly got rid of some bad habits. Especially in class, I seemed to be a different person, serious and attentive. My mother was very surprised when she heard my performance in class. Grandma and Grandpa said that Teacher Zhou was "not easy".

Mr. Zhou is also good at looking at faces and faces, always able to guess what I am thinking.

Whenever I see the "little teachers" performing on the platform, I always envy them. I thought, if that was me, how wonderful! Teacher Zhou immediately recognized it. Then, soon, the opportunity came. On that day, when I came to the stage, I was very nervous. My feet seemed to be stuck by 502 glue, and I couldn't move my feet. I thought: Can I do it? At this time, I saw Mr. Zhou's bright smile and trusting eyes. Suddenly, my courage doubled and I resolutely stepped onto the platform. On that day, I was very serious. Of course, the "little teacher" was also very good. At the end, Mr. Zhou took the lead in applauding. The applause was so warm and warm! I was moved to tears. Since then, I believe - I can do it. I am no longer a simple "little naughty". I can do what others can do, and I can do better than others!

Now, "Little naughty" is still "naughty". You can always see "Little naughty" in "naughty" in various activities held by the school. At the award ceremony, "Little naughty" always appears frequently. Not far away, there is always a pair of familiar eyes watching me, giving me courage, giving me strength, that is my beloved teacher Zhou!


Instructor: Zhou Zhongbo

Little Naughty's Composition (14)

Little naughty

I have a sister who is over one year old. She has a pair of bright eyes on her round head. She looks around from time to time. You should know that she is a little naughty.

Let's just say today. Early in the morning, my sister kicked the bed board with her little feet and made a sound of "dong dong", which woke me up. I reluctantly got up without sleepy eyes and said to her angrily, "What's the noise in the early morning?" Then I lay down and continued to sleep. Who knows, she climbed over and slapped me on the face with her two small hands, like a ball, and giggled all the time. they hurt! Now my sleep has gone. I have to get up.

Another time, I played with my sister and tried to make her laugh. What could I do? I had a brainwave. By the way, when I threw the towel on her face, she would laugh when she took it down. I might as well try again. I found a red towel, threw it on her face, covered her face with the elementary school composition, and then ran to a place one meter away from her to sit down. My sister grabbed the towel with two small hands and pulled it down. The towel fell off. At this time, I immediately shouted "Ah!" My sister stared at her big eyes, first stunned, then cried "wow", I thought: broken, scared her! I hurried to her, picked her up and coaxed her. Unexpectedly, she first smiled at me in my arms, and then beat my face and kicked my belly, which made me feel painful! This sister really makes me laugh and cry!

Do you think my sister is naughty?

Little Naughty's Composition (15)

Listening to the heavy footsteps, I knew Zeze was coming.

I'm ready to lock my room tightly. When I first came here, I just... (Don't watch violence under the age of 15) It's OK. I have a must kill skill: show him smart TV, not old TV, or he will be furious! In this way, two hours later, it was 13:30, and he was still interested in the smart TV with 500% of his attention. No matter how he said it, he always seemed to ignore others as if there was no one beside him. If you shout more times, you will either slap you hard (in fact, it is only 1/10 of our strength, but it still hurts a little) or scratch you. (Warm tip: if we catch it, it will hurt us by 1/7, and it may hurt a little! Little secret: 99% of him uses this move. Well, this "Ze Ze Ji" is over!

Little Naughty's Composition (16)

Little rogue wears a black and white coat, a black gem eye, shining, a small nose, very powerful, can smell the smell 20 meters away! A small mouth, but it can eat a large bone. A wet and red tongue often comes out of the mouth and makes a sound of "ah, ah, ah", as if there are bacteria playing on the tongue. The little rogue always licks me with his tongue. A pair of quick ears can hear my whispers. Do you say tough? Although the four short legs are short, they seem to run like a flash of lightning, a short tail. When they see a person, they use their tail to wag their tail at that person, as if to say hello.

Why is my dog called "little naughty"? Some people say, "Such a cute puppy should be called a little cute." In fact, there is one thing that can be called a little naughty.

Once, I led the little rascal to An An's house to play. An An's house also had a dog. His dog was bigger and very fierce than our dog. Generally, when a dog saw it, it would hide behind its owner. It was called Big Wolf, which sounded terrible! But the little rogue was not afraid. An'an and I went to the room to watch TV. The little rogue walked up and shook his tail to the big wolf, as if he were good friends with the big wolf. But he made a terrible expression to the little rogue. The little rogue didn't admit defeat, and took a rope to tie the big wolf up. I heard the barking of the dog and hurried out to see the little rogue standing beside the big wolf, So the dog is called Little Naughty.

Little naughty accompanied me through childhood life. When I entered primary school, I still missed him every day.

Little Naughty's Composition (17)

The ears are round, the tail is short, the eyes are big, the courage is small, and the corn and red beans are full. " Guess what little animal this is? Yes, it is hamster.

There are two new hamsters in our class. I call them "Little naughty". They have small bodies, small facial features, and a little fat belly. Their claws are long. No. 1 "Little naughty" is an old woman's breed. He is agile and can crawl freely on the railing like Spiderman. No. 2 "Little Naughty" is a kind of husband. It is like a shy "little master". In addition to eating something, he lies in a pile of wood chips and sleeps all day long. He is really a little sluggard who "puts out his hands with clothes and opens his mouth with food".

The character of the little hamster is really strange. They are honest. They are really good. They hide in the house all day long and don't say a word. No matter how you tease them, they won't come out; It's true that they are fond of playing. Otherwise, how can they sing and exercise at night? They will climb from the first floor to the third floor at once, and will run endlessly on the treadmill. Even once, when the cage door was open, they agreed to "run away from home" together and planned not to go home for several days and nights. As a result, they were intercepted before they ran 20 meters away. What two "naughty boys"!

They are still gluttons! I put some food for them, and they compete with each other. Everyone wants to take these food for himself so that he can eat enough. They eat small melon seeds and peel them clean and fast. It seems that they will be robbed by another one if they are not careful. I can't keep up with the speed of peeling melon seeds.

These two naughty hamsters are so cute!