Composition in the Intelligent Age (5 in total)
Unwilling to degenerate
2024-05-29 07:11:50

Composition in the Age of Intelligence (1)

In the age of intelligence, we should strive to innovate high school composition

In study, work and life, many people have written a composition. Composition is the flow of words that people express their feelings in written form. I'm sure many people will find it difficult to write compositions. The following is Xiaobian's intelligent era, and we should strive to innovate high school compositions. I hope it can help you.

Looking at the current market, there are many mobile phone brands and the mobile phone generation is accelerating. In the face of increasingly fierce competition, the three enterprises of A, B and C are independent and committed to innovation, and their attitudes and practices are particularly commendable.

The three enterprises tell us with practical steps that innovation lies in continuous improvement, and the road to innovation is endless. There is no instant innovation in the world. Innovation needs continuous research; There is no innovation once and for all in the world. Innovation cannot always be "new".

In fact, the development of anything is a process of "new" and "old" replacement. As the old saying goes, "Every day is new, every day is new, and every day is new", that is, to exaggerate that innovation is a dynamic process, not a result. At present, mobile phones generally have excellent chips, bodies and cameras, but Enterprise A still strives to be better in this regard. Enterprises B and C also strive to be better in their respective fields. At that time, Nokia mobile phones had outstanding functions, but their innovation awareness was insufficient, so they lost the market in the trend of smart phones.

In contrast, Apple mobile phones have become the world leader in the mobile phone market by constantly updating and pursuing better functions and better manipulation experience. It can be seen that innovation is not the best, only better.

An important reason why enterprises must try their best to innovate is that the development and dissemination of science and technology are increasingly fast.

Once the innovative achievements are applied and promoted, they will be absorbed by many enterprises and surpassed by more "new" products. Recently, the stop and take shared bicycles operated by mobile phones have gradually occupied the streets and alleys of cities. Mobike was originally the creator of this model, but after the launch of its products, many similar brands such as Uber Bike have sprung up. However, due to its uncomfortable riding experience, Mobike tends to decline. In this case, Mobike quickly launched an updated version of Qingqi Bike, and then stabilized the market.

The three enterprises, A, B and C, are pursuing better without interrupting innovation. In fact, they are driven by rapid development and technology. No innovation, no survival. Even if the pace of innovation is half a beat slow, it is likely to be surpassed in an instant.

Innovation is necessary, but it does not accept Yi. Where can I make a difference? The practices of the three enterprises enlighten us that the focus of innovation lies in the increasingly detailed division of labor in the industry. The social division of labor promotes the development of productivity, and the development of productivity further refines the social division of labor. Under this trend of social development, enterprises should find their own areas of expertise, even if it is a mobile phone patch, as long as it is done to the extreme, it can also win the market. Enterprise A focuses on hardware, enterprise B focuses on software, and enterprise C focuses on trade mode. They find their own areas of expertise, which is just a manifestation of intelligence.

The innovation of Xiaomi mobile phone lies in its high cost performance ratio, the innovation of Hammer mobile phone lies in its humanistic design, the innovation of Oppo mobile phone lies in its high-quality sound effect, and the innovation of Jinli mobile phone lies in its high real encryption settings... An enterprise's ability is limited, so it is unable to take into account the innovation of all aspects, but the one thing is to focus on breakthroughs, so that it can be more effective.

In the face of competition, the attitude of the three enterprises to strive for innovation is worth learning, and the practice of focusing on their own areas of expertise is worth imitating. Innovation drives development, while development forces enterprises to innovate. The speed of innovation is required to be faster, and the difficulty of innovation does not stop progress. However, we should not be afraid to step forward. Only by making efforts to innovate can we take the train of the era of rapid development and move forward quickly.

Composition in the Age of Intelligence (2)

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, the traditional posts have their own superiors, and people have been laid off, becoming a huge useless group. In fact, the emergence of the intelligent era is not a good thing. Its emergence can make more people face more serious crises. Therefore, I think the intelligent era is full of drawbacks, which outweigh the advantages.

The emergence of Chenyang intelligent era has brought a lot of convenience to people's lives, but we can not blame it. The function of intelligent people is to alleviate the disaster to a certain extent, and the shortage of labor force is also certain. But because of this convenient situation, people use a large number of workers to lay off in order to reduce the production cost of labor force, becoming a large number of useless groups, The social contradictions that eventually lead to will become more acute, so I do not agree with the mass production of robots to replace human labor. The unmanned supermarket developed by Alibaba appeared on the streets of Hangzhou. There were no shopping guides and cashiers. What was the result of everything supported by machines? In the hot summer, citizens rushed to the unmanned supermarket to enjoy the cool. There were no shopping guides and cashiers in the whole unmanned supermarket to manage the supermarket, What is the disadvantage of the phenomenon from no management to overcrowding? At the same time, no supermarket relies on machinery to exclude labor force, making people with labor capacity unavailable. Social conflicts become increasingly intensified, and the regime cannot be consolidated. The consequences will threaten the 'unity and security' of the country.

Have you been used to the convenience of knowing everything with the click of the mouse? The flowers forget the blooming and falling, the clouds roll and the clouds are comfortable, and the emergence of the intelligent era has brought great convenience, but the intelligent era has made people addicted to artificial intelligence. They dare to use their brains and forget to write. I think that under the influence of such social environment, human beings may also fall back, The emergence of robots has constantly replaced human work, and people are constantly facing employment difficulties. How can society be stable? Since freedom, people have freely picked chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, and leisurely saw the leisure interest of Nanshan. There are red and green, fat and red, and thin sentiments of everything. But under the impact of the intelligent era, people are satisfied with the inebriation in network intelligence, and have long forgotten the fun brought by nature.

At that time, the emergence of artificial intelligence provided greater challenges to the current society. Not only did people face the embarrassing situation of uselessness, but also let artificial intelligence bring harm to human life bit by bit. Although artificial intelligence is good, please don't forget that the pay of artificial labor and standard human activities will have unimaginable consequences.

In the era of intelligence, the disadvantages outweigh the benefits. Only labor can create value in all kinds of activities. In the process of developing artificial intelligence, we forget all kinds of human activities, which resonates with people and machinery.

Composition in the Age of Intelligence (3)

In daily life or work and study, everyone has the experience of writing a composition. You are very familiar with composition. Composition is the transition from internal speech to external speech, that is, from the compressed simple language that you can understand to the developed external language form that has standardized grammatical structure and can be understood by others. So, how to write a composition? The following is a collection of 900 words of assimilation and dissimilation compositions in the era of artificial intelligence, which I hope can help you.

With the gradual advancement and deepening of industrial 4.0, the concept of artificial intelligence has been repeatedly mentioned and even applied to real life. From Alfa Dog's defeat of human chess players to the built-in voice assistant of all kinds of mobile phones, humans are constantly trying to assimilate computers - that is, use "AI" to make computers think like humans. It seems that this is enough to make people nervous. "AI revolution", artificial intelligence control human beings. However, as Cook said, we should be alert to another kind of assimilation. In the era of artificial intelligence, the assimilation of computers to human beings is the great enemy of human beings.

In life, we often meet people who are careful in everything and pay attention to the best strategy, but are indifferent and self-centered. They even ignored the consequences to others for their own interests, and recycled to Fudi Machinery to operate each of their subjectively affirmed processes. Such sophisticated egoists under computer assimilation are undoubtedly detested and are the black sheep of society. In the final analysis, it is the assimilation of computers to human beings that leads to the alienation of modern people and their predecessors.

The root of assimilation is the assimilation of values. People have three views, which are regular and not crooked. An important part of the computer is the algorithm, which calculates the logical order of a program. The computer is originally a tool made for use by human beings, and the algorithm is also encoded by human beings according to the laws of natural science, with the optimal solution as the fundamental purpose. Nowadays, people worship algorithms rather than values. From revising students' wishes to poisoning their dormitories, isn't this tragedy just because the person concerned has abandoned his value judgments and choices and selected what he thinks is the "best solution"? Without the constraints of values, will the "solution" obtained by the algorithm be the answer? Losing values, people become like computers walking upright.

At the same time, assimilation is also going on in empathy. Computers are cold and hard industrial creations, while human beings are blood flowing flesh and blood. Now, more and more people have replaced their hearts with "mechanical cores", and they never care about human feelings. In the new era, the visitors in Lu Xun's works are presented to the world with a new look and a new form - mechanically assimilated, unsympathetic people. They receive information mechanically, perform calculations mechanically, and output mechanically. How terrible!

When a person loses his values and compassion, what is left? I can't help thinking of the classic paradox thousands of years ago - when all the planks on a ship are replaced, is this ship still the original ship? I think that when a person is assimilated by computers all over his body, he is already a computer, and he has completely alienated from human beings. So, let's imagine: when human beings think completely like computers? Ho! What are you worried about AI threatening human beings? Man is artificial intelligence.

Please pay attention to the topic of assimilation and assimilation of artificial intelligence, and don't let the call of "saving mankind" finally echo in the computer room.

Intelligent Age Composition (4)

However, with the rapid development of artificial intelligence, people rush forward in the secular trend, but unconsciously lose something. Cook, president of Apple, once said, "I'm not worried about AI making computers think like humans, but I'm more worried about humans thinking like computers, losing their values and compassion and ignoring the consequences."

Today, robots with human emotions, which were once only seen in movies, have come to reality step by step. However, human beings themselves, who originally had feelings, thoughts, sincerity, kindness and other treasures, gradually moved closer to efficient and cold electronic machines. When people begin to pursue interests and efficiency, put them above morality, and ignore values, compassion, credibility and many other human natures, then when human beings proudly build this intelligent era, the era has quietly said that we have become another kind of intelligent and stupid robots.

From the original Sanlu milk powder mixed with melamine, which increased the nitrogen content but led to a large number of infant deaths, to the widespread and repeated use of gutter oil in an unimaginable way, to the present, from the food safety problem to the endless deception, shoddy and fake in all walks of life... All the chilling news is rolling on television, The continuous exposure of the product dark curtain has made the masses panic.

I don't understand why, after mastering the new era technology of computers, people do not use their intelligence and convenience to build an innovative world, but take advantage of opportunities to pursue their own interests at the expense of others? These reckless behaviors seem as if human beings are the most ruthless and cold machines, and true feelings, like the hope in Pandora's box, are pressed at the bottom of the dark box.

A writer once said: "When people burn ashes, the composition is similar to that of apatite, but people give every life meaning, life and death, time, thought and true feelings... The difference between us and a pile of chemical ingredients lies in this' meaning '." When the matter of sacrificing oneself for others is still in the ear, when the world is unfair, there are still righteous people who dare to speak up, It will make us believe with hope and gratitude that human beings still have our thoughts and sincerity, and our "meaning".

The world is still full of people who have grasped the original intention to open up a new bright star sea for the intelligent era. The torrent of history is rolling forward, and the most precious quality of human beings will be like the sand and stone that never dies, sinking on the river bottom and shining.

Intelligent Age Composition (5)

Recently, in the human-computer war between Alfa Dog and the top Korean Go players, computers defeated humans, causing an uproar. Many people are worried that the development of artificial intelligence may one day backfire on human beings. However, I think that the victory of computer in human-computer war only means that it is intelligent enough, not that it can think like human beings. It can not even think. Everything is just a program written for it by human beings who can think.

On the contrary, if humans think like computers, that scenario may be more frightening than if computers think like humans. If people lose their values and compassion, regardless of the consequences, their hearts become mechanically cold, and people feel numb to emotion, what is the difference between that and walking dead? When we lose the humanity that we were born with, why are we called human beings?

What people should fear most is not technology, but people's hearts.

If a person loses his values, he will have no moral bottom line, regard legal order as nothing, and he will become a bad person; If a person loses sympathy, he will lose his emotional perception, be insensitive, and do things recklessly. He will be a very dangerous person. It is hard for us to imagine a person becoming like this.

Fortunately, I don't think humans think like computers, as Cook feared. Even in the era of artificial intelligence, the humanity between societies will not fade. Even if we hold a smartphone, the person on the other end of the phone is the real person, and we still communicate with each other and communicate feelings. With the development of the times, people's values may change, but we will not lose it. The education we received from childhood on moral and human nature has been deeply engraved in our hearts. Similarly, we will not lose sympathy, because human brains are not programmed by machines, and we are always dominated by emotions.

What I worry about is whether human beings will gradually lose the ability to think because of the emergence of artificial intelligence. Because as AI can do more and more things and help people solve more and more problems instead of human beings, will ordinary people who only enjoy its convenience lose their ability to think except those who are at the forefront of science and technology? Especially in China, anti intelligence phenomenon and keyboard man are emerging in endlessly, which makes people especially worried about the weakening of people's thinking power. If any country, any nation, and any society lose the people's ability to think, no matter how advanced technology is, this country, nation, and society are all backward.

Artificial intelligence is still developing, and our concern about it will continue