New Plan Composition (19 pieces)
The fragrance of wild lotus
2024-05-29 06:33:05

New Plan Composition (1)

The new semester has begun, and our plan should be updated. Here is my new study plan.

First of all, I should reasonably arrange my study time. I should get up on time at seven in the morning and arrive at school at eight in the morning. I should concentrate on listening to the teacher in class. I should go home for lunch at twelve in the afternoon. I went to school at thirteen ten in the afternoon. After school, I returned home at five to do my homework. At seven in the evening, I would go to school to for synchronous classroom exercises and think more, Work hard, practice hard, and try to pass all the knowledge learned in Chinese, mathematics and English every day. In the new semester and new test, I will study hard and try my best to reach the goal of knowing the Chinese topic at a glance, knowing the answer at a glance of mathematics, and understanding the score at a glance of English before the mid-term exam. Zhuzhou, Hunan: Li Zhe, a famous teacher, commented that today is the first day of the new semester, so many students must have made study plans like the little author.

New Plan Composition (2)

A happy summer vacation has passed, and we are finally looking forward to a new semester.

In this semester, I became a senior student. I am no longer a younger brother and sister in the first, second and third grades, but a big brother and sister in the fourth grade. We will enter the new semester with a new spirit. In this semester, I will make further progress.

First of all, in class, I should listen carefully and try to digest all the knowledge that the teacher taught in class; For difficult problems, we should not be ashamed to ask questions from our teachers and classmates. Secondly, we should carefully complete all the assignments assigned by the teacher and be meticulous. Classroom assignments are completed in class; After class homework and homework should also be completed independently on time. Third, we should do a good job in the pre - Chinese class. For preview words and idioms, you should first look up the dictionary to understand them and understand their meanings; Also learn to segment the text, write the general idea of each paragraph in the shortest language, and then summarize the main idea of the text; Try to do the after class questions of each text first; If you don't understand and can't do the text and after class questions, you should first write them down in the book or write them down. The next day, you can listen to the class with questions, or you can ask the teacher for advice in class.

In a word, I will work harder in the new semester.

New Plan Composition (3)

The holiday is coming to an end and a new semester is coming. What new plans do you have? The following is the composition of the new school plan written by the small editor for everyone. I hope it can help everyone.

Write a composition for the new school plan 1

The winter vacation has gone, and a new semester has arrived. We are students in Grade 9. We will take the college entrance examination soon, and face intense review. In order to improve our learning efficiency and academic performance quickly, we can think of making a plan by ourselves.

1. Listen carefully in class; Listening carefully in class is one of the ways to improve learning efficiency and academic performance. Since we are conducting a general review, only listening carefully in class can keep up with the speed of the teacher's lectures, so that we can not fall behind. Listening carefully in class is also a responsible behavior.

2. Preview and review; Preview: Before class, preview the internal reception to be learned today, get a general understanding, and prepare for class, so that the internal reception in the book that is easy to understand can be more accepted in class, and it is easier to catch up with the teacher. Review: After class, take 10-15 minutes to review what you learned today, strengthen your memory, and remember those lessons more firmly in your mind. In order to quickly read it when it is used.

3. Communicate with teachers and classmates about wrong titles; It is a very important learning method to exchange wrong questions with teachers and classmates. Correcting wrong questions with teachers and students can not only improve your learning efficiency, but also make the students who give you a lecture remember more firmly, which is equivalent to giving yourself a review, and can also promote the friendship between teachers and students, so that teachers and students get along better.

4. Have a good attitude; Take learning from the bottom of my heart as a pleasure. Don't be discouraged when encountering setbacks. Instead, take setbacks as a tool to sharpen yourself, defeat them and win. Don't decadent yourself after failure, but confidently prove that you can do it. If you follow through, you will succeed.

Where there is a will, there is a way.

Write a composition for the new school plan 2

Time flies. In a twinkling of an eye, I became a middle school student. In retrospect, it seems that one second ago, I was led into primary school by my father, and then one second later, I became an ambitious youth and entered my new campus.

In my primary school days, the Chinese teacher taught us Chinese knowledge and morality, the math teacher made our logical thinking more developed, the English teacher brought us familiar with a new language, and the PE teacher made our bodies stronger... In this environment, we thrive. However, in junior high school, we will no longer be naive and ignorant, and we can not always rely on teachers, we must start to rely on ourselves. And I also made some plans for the new semester.

1、 Respect teachers, unite students, love labor, love classes, and consciously abide by the rules and regulations of the school and classes.

2、 Love physical exercise and ensure a strong body.

3、 We should conscientiously complete all the homework assigned by the teacher, the after-school homework and home work, and we should also complete them independently on time.

4、 In class, I should listen carefully and not make small movements or whisper with my classmates. I should try to digest all the knowledge that the teacher taught in class.

5、 Be sure to do a good job of preview and review before class, and speak actively in class. If you don't know the title, ask the teacher after class.

Lenin said, "A person is judged not by his own words or opinions, but by his steps." So we cannot be "a giant in language, a dwarf in steps!" Although sometimes we will encounter many difficulties, we can use our firm will to overcome problems to achieve more proud results and create a better tomorrow for ourselves.

Write a composition for the new school plan 3

In the new semester, everyone has his own plan, but I also have my own plan.

In this new semester, I want to be different from before. First of all, I want to get rid of my carelessness in class and looking around. If you don't pay attention in class, you will not hear what the teacher says, and then your learning will decline. If we can get rid of these problems, we can improve our study. I still have to get rid of the problem of not handing in my homework. Although I only have five or six times in a semester, I still want to change it. If you don't pay it all at once, the teacher will urge you to make everyone feel uncomfortable. It was an exciting day for the teacher. When he came to the class and knew that there were students who didn't write their homework, the good mood of the day disappeared. Therefore, I have to get rid of this bad habit of failing to hand in my homework. Also, you can't be late for school. If you are late, you will deduct points for the class. As long as the class deducts points, you will not get a five-star class. You should also wear clean clothes for school. If you don't wear clean clothes, you will also deduct points for the class.

At home, we must help our parents do more housework, so that we can help them reduce the pressure of the day. Don't let your parents worry too much about learning. Let parents worry less, so that they can make greater contributions to their work. Don't play while your parents are away. In this way, when they work outside, they should also think about whether their children play at home. In this way, the work will not be done well.

These are my plans for the new semester. Let's go to good students and come on! come on. come on.

New Plan Composition (4)

The new semester came to us unconsciously.

The new semester has begun. This semester is the most unforgettable for me. The last semester of primary school

When the new semester comes, everyone will have new plans. What is my plan? In fact, my plan, like others, is to study hard in the new semester, listen carefully to the teacher, and speak actively in class. Not only that, but also often participate in various activities, which is far from enough. I also hope I can get good results in the graduation exam. I know that it is difficult to do these things, but as long as you stick to them and never shrink back, they will become very easy.

I think that people's hopes will change at any time. Each of us has different hopes at different times and under different circumstances. In the new semester, my hope is to always remember my alma mater, because this is the primary school where I have lived for six years after all! At the same time, I also hope to do something for my dear alma mater in the last six months and leave something beautiful. I think I will do it with practical actions. In his life, no matter what he has become, a celebrity, a great man, or an ordinary person, he will always remember his alma mater and have very deep feelings for him. I also want to be such a person.

I know that everyone thinks differently, because everyone has different aspirations and goals. Now that I am growing up, my new goal is not to be a great man, nor to be an artist, nor to become a scientific giant. But when I grow up, I will be admitted to a better school and find a stable job. It is enough to do extraordinary things for the country and the society in their ordinary posts and contribute their own strength.

Everyone has new plans in the new semester. You must be like me! Let's join hands in the new semester and move forward together towards our goals!

New Plan Composition (5)

In the new semester of the fourth grade, our Chinese teacher and math teacher have changed. I want to say goodbye to the old teacher. I hope to see you again.

When I was in the third grade, I still remember the class teacher Chen and math teacher Huang's intention to take care of me. Miss Chen is a Chinese teacher. She is very beautiful. Her small eyes are bright and sunny, her cheeks are round, and her short black hair is energetic. She is strict and humorous in class, and the atmosphere of the whole class is very good in each class. Occasionally, she will give "rewards", which are small stationery gifts. We are happy to learn more carefully.

On one occasion, I was sick, vomiting, soft feet. When Mr. Chen found out, he took me to the school doctor's office to see a doctor. He took a temperature, wow... 39 degrees. "You have a fever!" Teacher Chen said. I was confused. I heard the teacher's words, as well as the teacher's communication with the school doctor. They seemed to say that after taking medicine, they would drink more water and have a good rest. It would be OK. But I still felt Mr. Chen's anxiety, frowning, looked at me with concern, touched my forehead, held me in my arms like my own child, held me back to the dormitory, and told the warden to pay more attention to my situation, and immediately notify her if something was wrong. In order not to worry the teacher, I took medicine on time and had a good rest as instructed by the school doctor.

Math teacher Huang is a very special teacher. Although she is a teacher, I actually think she is very cute. Her round face often has a smile, which is kind and charming. The mathematics and Olympiad Maths lessons she taught were particularly wonderful, funny and humorous, and I listened with great interest.

The fourth grade is coming, and we will have new Chinese and math teachers. I believe that with the previous teaching of Mr. Chen and Mr. Huang, I have laid a solid foundation, and I am confident of the fourth grade teachers. Look forward to sparking new sparks with the new teacher.

New school year, new look, I will continue to work hard. Good bye, Mr. Chen and Mr. Huang. I will cheer up!

New Plan Composition (6)

When I woke up from my sleep, the new semester began. In a twinkling of an eye, I became a fourth grader. I want to study hard in the fourth grade, make progress every day, insist on reading and exercise every day, and strive to win the three good students.

In the new semester, what I should do most is to listen carefully in class, get rid of the bad habit of small talk and improve my concentration. My English score is the best, because I am very attentive in English class and don't talk small. When I get rid of this bad habit, I believe that all subjects will become as good as English.

Gorky said that books are the ladder of human progress. So in the new semester, I will read more books, such as story books, history books, geography books, science books, and English books... I will read at least half an hour every day. If I read for an hour, I must rest my eyes.

I feel that without good health, I cannot persist in studying hard. Therefore, I will strictly implement the school's physical training plan. I will jump three groups of ropes every day after school and go home. After jumping the ropes, I will do standing and forward bending, and finally sit up. I also have some extracurricular exercise plans: playing basketball, table tennis, football... These are all sports I like very much. I regard them as part of my life and let me grow happily in the sun!

New Plan Composition (7)

Time flies. In the twinkling of an eye, it's less than twenty days since I left school. Next semester, I'm going to enter the senior grade. It's time to have some new plans.

Dad said, "If you want to make progress, you should make your strengths longer and your weaknesses stronger." What are my strengths?

The first is learning. At school, I did well in all subjects, and I usually got on the top line in exams. However, as the saying goes, "no one is perfect", I sometimes lose. How to do better? I think the best way is to listen carefully in class and answer questions actively! Another point is "be careful again". Only in this way can we get a satisfactory score.

The second is hobbies. In the new semester, I'm going to manage my hobbies according to my own situation. First, basketball training must be adhered to, because physical exercise is the most important. Secondly, focus on vocal music, hosting and Olympic math. I have made some achievements in Olympiad Maths. But how to make "advantages better"? I thought for a while and thought that I must listen carefully and do more questions. Mother often said: "Do something well." So, try to do the right thing.

People have their strengths, and naturally they have their weaknesses. What are my shortcomings?

First, I am not too tall and in poor health. For example, I often catch cold, and have a series of problems with my eyes, nose, teeth, etc. How to solve this problem? There are almost no effective drugs! Only strengthen exercise and pay attention to diet. As for the problem of eyes, we can only look less at electronic products, use less eyes and get closer to nature.

Second, I often forget what my teacher told me. I have come up with an effective and good way to this point, that is, to write a memo every day and put it in the stationery box to remind myself to finish the work on time.

I believe that if I can persist in doing so in the new semester, I will be better and better!

New Plan Composition (8)

Finally, after the exam, I can have a holiday again.

In a year, there are two semesters, and two semesters have two holidays. Everyone likes holidays. Because everyone thinks it's time for a holiday, so they can enjoy themselves.

On July 4, I went to school to get the report card. I was so nervous because my father said, "If your grades are not good, you can't play computer all summer, so you can do it." I thought happily, "OK, I got a certificate of merit, or I will die."

On the first day of summer vacation, I worked hard on my homework. It took me a whole morning to finish my English and science homework. In the afternoon, I was excited to sit at a computer table and play computer games. My mother didn't scold me when she saw it.

On the second day of summer vacation, I was unlucky. I got up in the morning and was scolded by my mother. I thought to myself, don't play computer today. I have to do my homework honestly.

The third day of summer vacation. I think I should make a new plan for the summer vacation. So he went to work.

The content is as follows: get up at 8:00 every day, brush your teeth, wash your face and have breakfast. The homework starts at 9 o'clock. Write to lunch at 11 o'clock. After eating at 12:00, read books for 30 minutes, and then go out for a walk. Play computer at one o'clock, and play computer for one hour. Go out to play at 2 o'clock. Go home to do homework at 4 o'clock. Dinner at six. Finally, check your homework on the last day of summer vacation.

New Plan Composition (9)

Time flows like water. Six years have passed at a glance. In the rest of the semester, I will seize the good time to study hard. For this reason, I made a detailed plan to successfully end the six years of primary school. I believe that if I do the following, I will become better.

First: In class, we should be aware of the five principles: eye, heart, mouth, hand and ear.

Second: Do not eat snacks in class, do not look around, look around, do not wander, and carefully prepare before class.

Third: Before class, prepare the books for class and welcome the class. During class, answer the teacher's questions actively, think carefully, and raise your hands as much as possible to speak. Don't gossip, even if others come to talk to me on their own initiative, they can't ignore it and don't make small moves.

Fourth: earnestly complete every homework and task assigned to me by my teachers and parents. And become the teacher's right-hand man, and the good girl of parents.

Fifth: Don't hit or swear, use polite language, treat others friendly, and become everyone's friend. If someone asks me a question, be patient and explain it. If you find fruit peel and paper scraps on campus, you must pick them up and put them in the garbage can. Clean carefully every time on duty, never miss every corner, and maintain the collective honor of the team.

Sixth: Listen to teachers, parents and school leaders. When raising the flag, stand in line, do not whisper, do not litter, and be moral.

I believe that as long as the above six points "moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor" are achieved, they will be very good. Let's shout "Come on" for ourselves! I believe that our future achievements will be more excellent, and we will also draw a complete end to the six years of primary school life!

New Plan Composition (10)

New semester, new weather. In the new semester, we all have new plans and goals. Let me talk about our learning plans in Chinese, math and English.

In terms of Chinese, I will preview before class, know the new words and characters in this lesson, find the materials related to the text, and make annotations carefully. If you don't understand the words in class, you will look them up in the dictionary in advance. After class, I will also review the text in time to "learn from the past". In addition, I will read a lot of books in my spare time to broaden my knowledge. At the same time, I will also do some exercises in Chinese, so that I can better "check and fill gaps"

In mathematics, I plan to do 20 exercises every day to improve my accuracy and speed. I will review well before the exam and never do things like "cramming". Of course, I will also establish a "set of wrong questions" as my test paper; If there are any mistakes in the exercise book, they should be recorded in the "error set" in time until the end of the term, and then they can be taken out for review.

In English, I will listen to and read English tapes for half an hour every day, and recite words and texts every day. When necessary, I will also read some English books to improve my English reading ability, or write some small articles to improve my writing ability. Of course, I will try my best to communicate with my classmates and teachers in English class, and actively talk with my classmates after class to improve my oral English.

New Plan Composition (11)

Maupassant said: "People live in hope. When a hope is broken or realized, new hope will emerge." Spring Festival is a new hope, a new hope, a new journey, and a new harvest. A new semester, a new starting point, and a new look, let's look forward to a better tomorrow, embark on the journey of progress together, and forge ahead! The plan of a year lies in spring. We can reap in autumn only when we plant seeds in spring.

After the hard work of last semester, some people have gained joy and some people still suffer from failure. But that has become the past and the present. Time has given us new opportunities and new starting points. We should take the best mental outlook to meet the challenges of the new semester. In the new semester, we should have new goals. I hope that in the new semester, we can reposition, do everything well, cherish every minute, every second, and not let ourselves waste every moment. In learning, determine your own learning goals. Learning goals are the direction of your own learning. Correct learning goals can spur people to make progress.

As long as you work hard, you will succeed. Learning without goals is a great waste of time. While studying hard, we should also actively participate in various activities to achieve good results in the final exam.

New Plan Composition (12)

The year 20xx has come! In the new year, everyone is striving for their own cause or goal! The new semester has begun again. In the second half of the year, we will leave this alma mater with my six years of good memories. So, this is the last semester of our class in this primary school. I'm going to make some new plans and goals for myself in the near stage of primary school graduation! I also want to set a good example for younger brothers and sisters!

My 'plan: The last semester is particularly important. It is the first step of our society and determines your future path.

(1) The foundation should be firmly laid and the steps should be firm. Lay a good foundation for future studies.

(2) The correct rate of operation shall be improved as far as possible to reduce errors and try to get full marks for each operation.

(3) After finishing homework every day, we should not watch TV or play computer games, but read more books, read good books, and strengthen our extracurricular knowledge.

(4) When you see good words, sentences and paragraphs, you should write them down. It's better to remember them in your mind. You can use them flexibly when writing a composition.

(5) When reading a book, the pen is in hand. I don't know how to draw in circles. I can also make comments to deepen my impression.

(6) In class, we should raise our hands to speak, exercise ourselves, and strengthen our language skills and courage.

(7) After writing homework or taking an exam, take the initiative to check, and learn to check. The accuracy rate will be high.

My goal: This semester, my goal is to test for a good junior high school. In the final exam, I will test a score that satisfies me and everyone. Also, I hope I can exercise myself to raise my hand and speak in class, and get on well with teachers and students. I can't be careless, and I should maintain my correct learning attitude at all times.

New semester, new plan. These are the goals and plans I have worked out this semester. We will work together to achieve success!

New Plan Composition (13)

Another Monday, another new beginning. This week's plan is very simple: 1. After reading the book, read it again. This time, you must take a small book and extract the 'good words and good sentences'. 2. Preview before class and review after class. 3. Read more extra-curricular books before the exam to avoid problems similar to extra-curricular knowledge. 4. Listen carefully in class and ask the teacher when doing exercises.

This is my plan. How about you?

New Plan Composition (14)

Having spent a happy and meaningful summer vacation, I set foot on a race point full of challenges. In the new semester, I have a new goal. In this new semester, I am determined to achieve the comprehensive development of "morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor".

Virtue is the embodiment of a student's good quality. Whether at home, school, or in public, a person's morality can reflect the quality of the person. Respect parents at home, respect teachers at school, and unite classmates. Be public minded and helpful: for example, do not litter or spit everywhere; When I sit on the bus, if I meet old people and children looking around for seats, I will politely give them seats and so on.

Intelligence, a student's ability to learn and solve problems. In the learning process, I will change my bad learning habits, be good at thinking about problems, and strive to be among the best. In addition, there is a second meaning in my mind, that is, the ability to deal with things. When the head teacher and the science teacher are absent, the class cadre is like a huge pillar of support, standing up to the sky and fearless, and some things need to be properly handled by the class cadre. As a class cadre, I don't give up easily when encountering difficulties, and I will do my best.

Body, a student's healthy body. In the rush of learning, there should be appropriate relaxation time, that is, sports. I will actively participate in various sports activities, exercise well, and let health and learning go hand in hand.

Beauty is a student's ability to discover and create beauty. A person should have a pair of eyes that are good at discovering beauty. In addition to discovering the blooming and fading of flowers, sunrise and sunset, feeling the charm of nature and dressing up properly, more importantly, I should learn to discover the beauty of people around me, because everyone has "shining points".

Lao, a student loves working. As a student, we must remember that the class is my home and the environment depends on everyone. At school, I will strive to contribute to the "beautiful class, beautiful campus". At home, I will help my parents do what I can. I firmly believe that in the new semester, I will meet better myself!

New Plan Composition (15)

Whenever I step into the campus full of children's laughter, the new semester begins; Whenever a new year comes and grows, a new semester begins; Every time a clear and loud sound of reading spreads all over the campus, the new semester begins; Every time children run around on the playground, the new semester begins. Yes, the new semester has begun. The new semester needs a new start.

In the new semester, listen carefully and speak enthusiastically in class. After class, do a good job of preview, review, read extracurricular books properly, expand our knowledge, and enrich our knowledge. Chinese, mathematics and English, these three subjects, we should learn steadfastly. As the saying goes, "No one can reach a thousand miles without a single step, and no river or sea without a small stream." This saying shows that you cannot reach a thousand miles without a half step journey; Without a trickle, rivers and seas cannot be formed. If learning does not accumulate over time; How can I learn a lot of knowledge? Yes, learning is like sailing against the current. If we don't advance, we will fall back. We can't relax at all. Only by working hard can we succeed.

We should grasp our own boat and make clear whether our goal is forward or backward; Is it left or right. When you are confused in navigation, you need to think carefully before reaching a conclusion. When the shore is not far away, it is not far away from success. From now on, I will stand on a new starting line and strive to catch up with Chaoyang!

New Plan Composition (16)

New School and New Plan Excellent Composition 1

The new semester is coming again. In this critical period, I will plan every minute carefully. Devote yourself to study. Once a teacher told me that attitude is everything, and we should face learning with a good attitude. Challenge yourself and believe in yourself. Personally, I believe that the time of a person's life is limited, and time waits for no one. Because this is the last period of my junior high school career, I will not miss every time from my side to earn every minute of my life.

Looking around my study career, I think the weakest subjects are Chinese, chemistry, and the strengths are mathematics and physics. Every month there are chemistry and Chinese scores. I think I should strengthen these aspects. I think the first thing we should do is to listen carefully, fully digest what the teacher said in class, and synchronize our thinking with the teacher. Generally, the textbook is the first, and the content in the book is the basis. On the basis of mastering, special training shall be carried out to make up for and improve the level. I also need to establish a set of wrong questions, record the wrong questions in the exercise and the questions that have not been understood in time, solve them one by one, and form a consolidation. In review, we should advocate pragmatic spirit, pay attention to standardization and formatting, and develop a scientific and rigorous attitude. Because any non-standard answer may result in loss of points.

1. Because one of my weakest subjects is Chinese, my performance is at the middle level, and my composition is dry and lifeless.

Read more extracurricular books in your spare time, write down 1~2 good words and sentences every day, and practice writing according to the teacher's instructions. Try to score more than 95 points in each composition exercise.

2. The teacher explained the exam outline and the full product questions in advance, and prepared carefully the night before yesterday. Do more in-depth and refined topics to expand thinking.

3. Keep reading foreign language works every day, develop a good sense of language, carefully remember the words behind the exam syllabus, and strictly avoid losing points due to words in the middle school entrance exam. Carefully review and preview the test focus and appendix of the whole product, and focus on mastering grammar and sentence patterns. Pay attention to learning and using flexibly.

4. Review and recite the commonly used atomic mass table, element valence table, acid, alkali and salt dissolution table in a circular way, and strictly avoid losing points in the middle school entrance exam because of forgetting them. Carefully memorize and summarize the chemical equations given by the teacher. It is required to learn and use flexibly, and know the reaction conditions and results.

5. Seriously memorize physical formulas, material constants, electricity and optics are my weakest links in physics. I will follow the teacher's general review and carefully consolidate the knowledge of electricity and optics. According to the exam syllabus, carefully review each point of knowledge, complete the homework on time, and take notes.

6. Carefully review historical knowledge points according to the examination syllabus, and review circularly in the next two months to strengthen memory, carefully remember the pithy formula and tables summarized by the teacher, and use them to remember knowledge points well, pay attention to current events this year, and link current events with the history of middle school.

7. Review and recite according to the examination outline and the questions and knowledge points on the whole product. As the politics of this year's high school entrance exam has become very lively, we should not memorize by rote, but learn and use flexibly, and carefully refer to the high school entrance exam questions in other cities and regions.

New School Plan Excellent Composition 2

The end of the vacation is coming. We will enter the new semester with a new spirit. In this semester, I will make further progress.

First of all, in class, I should listen carefully and try to digest all the knowledge that the teacher taught in class; For difficult problems, we should not be ashamed to ask questions from our teachers and classmates.

Secondly, we should carefully complete all the assignments assigned by the teacher and be meticulous. Classroom assignments are completed in class; After class homework and homework should also be completed independently on time.

Third, we should do a good job in the pre - Chinese class. For preview words and idioms, you should first look up the dictionary to understand them and understand their meanings; Also learn to segment the text, write the general idea of each paragraph in the shortest language, and then summarize the main idea of the text; Try to do the after class questions of each text first; If you don't understand and can't do the text and after class questions, you should first write them down in the book or write them down. The next day, you can listen to the class with questions, or you can ask the teacher for advice in class.

Fourth, we should take advantage of Sundays and holidays to continue to participate in Olympic mathematics and English, read more extra-curricular books, constantly enrich our knowledge, and squeeze out time to do more things.

In a word, in the new semester, I will work harder to achieve good results in every subject and become an excellent student in all aspects.

New School Plan Excellent Composition 3

"Ah --" I jumped up on the bed, raised my hands above my head, and stretched hard. "Come on, today is the first day of school. Get up quickly, put on the clothes I bought for you, and I will send you to school later." Mother said outside. I rubbed my hazy eyes and said, "I know." (In fact, I didn't hear it too clearly. It's inevitable that I would become delirious just after waking up.) "Eat slowly, eat slowly." My mother began to nag, "Why would I choke if I ate so fast?"

As soon as I entered the school, it gave me a new feeling. The air seemed to be fresh. After staying at home for two months and going to school suddenly, I was really not used to it. Look - nearly half of the school is green, including holly, poplar, willow, and, oh, yes, vegetables. The new five-star red flag is flying high in the wind, which can be described as "a little red in the green cluster". When I step into the playground, I feel different. It seems that the earth is breathing. The basketball court is made of cement. There are many simple strokes about sports on the wall, and many fitness equipment, which was not available in our school before.

"Ding Lingling" The bell rang for class. This loud and elegant bell seemed to greet us, as if to say: "It's time for class, respected parents, you should go back."

Walking into the classroom, I saw the smiling faces of the teacher, as if I had regained my confidence. I smiled at the teacher and said, "Hello, teacher!"

The first day of school, a new day; On the first day of school, I found my confidence. On the first day of school, the day of my junior high school career, I hope that in the future, I can study happily and be happy!

New Plan Composition (17)

When I woke up in the morning, another year passed and a new year began.

I want to get rid of all the bad habits in the new year, such as: doing homework slowly, not listening in class, being careless in exams... When doing homework, I want to do it carefully, and try to finish it in half an hour; Listen carefully in class and never stray; The examination must be careful, careful, and carefully checked after completion.

I also want to ask the teacher when I encounter a problem that I don't understand in school, so as to win honor for the class, not drag the class behind, and strive to become the monitor. I also hope that this contribution will be well received by experts!

I also need to read more good books: Journey to the West, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, A Dream of Red Mansions, because reading these books can increase knowledge. I also want to see the "Complete List of Good Words and Sentences", which can make my composition vivid and vivid, unlike the previous journal entries!

This is my New Year's resolution. I hope I can do it in the new year, and make it the best, the best!

[Chapter II]

With the sound of firecrackers, everyone knows that the new year is coming. Let's go to the street and have a look!

As soon as I got out of the gate, the street was jubilant. Wearing bright red clothes, people greeted each other and looked very energetic. The shop is full of variety, and the fortune cat on the table is also greeting us. It is estimated that it also likes the arrival of the new year.

oh Why are there so many people over there?

In the past, people were performing there, and everyone was watching the show! These programs represent people's thoughts and feelings about the Spring Festival. It makes people clap their hands and say hello, and a feeling of happiness goes straight into their hearts.

Look! The cars have changed. Each car is painted bright red, and various patterns are strange. And the patterns on each car are different. Have you found them?

Look, there has also changed. I don't know who made several big snowmen on the square, which attracted many children to play

The new year is coming. Have you found any changes in the new year?

[Chapter 3]

Time flies like an arrow and the sun and the moon fly like a shuttle. As we bid farewell to the unforgettable 20xx year, we ushered in a new 20xx year. New year, new plans, new year, new aspirations.

On the occasion of the New Year, I made a wish - I hope I can make great progress in the new year and get into a good school!

My wish is not very great. Unlike others, I hope my family, teachers and classmates are healthy. But my wish is really the most real. As long as I get into a good school, my parents will be happy, and my parents will be happy, and my health will naturally be good.

In the new year, I will study hard, arrange my life reasonably, and make every day happy.

I believe that everyone has their own New Year's wishes and will make efforts to achieve them. I will also make efforts to achieve my New Year's wishes.

My friends, you must have many wishes. The New Year is coming, let's muster up our spirits and work together to set sail for the realization of our dreams.

New Plan Composition (18)

New Plan I

A semester plan has been formulated before the school starts as follows:

1. In the new semester, we will step up our efforts to improve our subjects, focusing on both Chinese and mathematics. Learning pays attention to accumulation and recitation. For example, in Chinese, it is necessary to increase the learning of text ideas, learn to accumulate difficult words, ancient and modern strange words and so on; For writing, we can strengthen the training of short composition exercises in ordinary days, accumulate materials and good words and paragraphs in contact with life; English should train oral English, read aloud, increase the amount of reading, and accumulate new words. Mathematics learning attaches importance to understanding, listens carefully in class, follows the teacher in thinking, tries to understand the mystery of the same question type, understands the principle of "constant change", develops thinking, and makes mathematics learning "live". Learn to sum up, draw inferences from one instance, and practice more at ordinary times.

2. Actively participate in school activities, play their own strengths, take the initiative to undertake or help students complete their work, and contribute to the class.

3. In spare time, we should learn to broaden our horizons, cultivate more hobbies, enrich knowledge and improve our self-cultivation. Cultivate self-care ability and develop independent and independent personality.

4. Reasonably arrange time, carry out more sports in spare time, improve physical fitness, and pay attention to the combination of work and rest. Use various opportunities to exercise yourself and strengthen the cultivation of social skills.

5. In the new semester, I need to correct my hunchback, because I can learn well and protect my eyesight.

I believe that as long as I act in accordance with my prescribed starting plan in the new semester, all my bad habits will be corrected, and I can also make progress in learning faster than the best students in the class!

New School Plan II

Time flies. Six years have passed, and in a twinkling of an eye, it has become a tense countdown. "5, 4, 3..." is fast, fast, and the entrance examination is coming. Students are nervous to the limit, and they are trying to reach the limit. For a better life, everyone is working hard. So at this last moment, I made ten plans for myself to restrain myself and whip myself.

1; Read more and endorse more.

2; Read more extracurricular books and write reading notes.

3; Finish the homework carefully and write neatly.

4; Do a good job of the team leader's responsibility, and supervise the team members to endorse here.

5; Review carefully for the exam.

6; Do what you can for your family.

7; Help teachers and classmates.

8; Look at some review materials.

9; Do some exercises or test papers every day.

10; Get up early and go to bed early every day. Keep reading.

I hope the ten plans can help me. I will keep these ten in mind. At this last moment, I hope everyone can work hard to get into the ideal school. "Only by giving, can we gain, and there is no success without hard work." Giving is the road to success, and there is no shortcut to success, so we must pay. I hope I can pass the exam of Yuntianhua. Here, only by giving, I must go all out for the sake of the ideal school - rush! Go! Go!

New School Plan III

I have new plans for the new semester:

1. Listen attentively in class and actively answer the questions raised by the teacher.

2. Complete homework independently and check carefully. Chinese requires neat handwriting. Mathematics is not sloppy.

3. Go to bed and get up early every day. Tidy up your bags and clothes before going to bed, and read Chinese for 15 minutes and English for 15 minutes after getting up early.

4. Take the initiative to say hello to the elders, save water and electricity, and do not spend money indiscriminately.

5. Don't be arrogant or complacent, be confident, and actively participate in various activities in school and class.

6. Be a responsible person.

These are my goals and plans for this semester. In order to do well in the previous points. I need to remind myself from time to time. Every inch of time is worth an inch of money. It is hard for every inch of money to buy an inch of time. Only by defining the goal of the new semester and finding the way forward, can we achieve greater results.

New Plan Composition (19)

"A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier." The goal of a soldier is to be a general, to fight the enemy and defend his country. When I was still in primary school, the teacher would ask every student to speak on the platform about their dreams. Some said they wanted to be a policeman to protect the people, some said they wanted to be a teacher to tirelessly educate the students, and some said they wanted to be a doctor to treat people's diseases, so that they could get rid of the pain of disease...... This was the big goal of each of them. In junior high school, in order to encourage each student to decide which student they will surpass next time, the teacher will let them decide the learning plan. This is also a goal. In senior high school, the most talked about is which university to test. This is also a goal. A person's life is made up of these goals. Only in this way can life be motivated and meaningful, Only then has the life.

One goal means one progress, of course, we should move towards that goal!

In ancient China, when it was still a feudal society, the monarch, in order to consolidate his power and oppress the people, would not let them have their own ideas and goals, which meant that the people could only inherit their father's work from generation to generation, just like puppets. With the founding of New China and the socialist society, it is estimated that the new development of all walks of life, every industry and everyone has a goal. No matter the distant big goal or the immediate small goal, people's lives have become colorful and diverse, with life motivation, and with a pace of life, fast or slow, more or less, in short, they feel the meaning of life.

As a young man about to enter the society, my current goal is to find a similar job, earn a similar amount of money and live a similar life. This is my current goal. Of course, the goal may not be achieved, but at least it is good to have a goal and develop towards it.

Someone asked, "How many dreams do you think people have?" I said, two. "Which two?" "One dream can be realized, and the other one can't be realized. It's just for dreams. Otherwise, people will be bored." I think there are also two goals. At this time, someone should say, "Can't you achieve your goal so high?" I think that a better goal will lead to a higher vision and higher motivation. This is not a lack of self-knowledge, but to surpass step by step. Goals and dreams are similar, but not, goals are step by step, little by little, dreams are spiritual guidance, and some can be achieved, Some are desirable but not desirable.

Goals are used to transcend. They are the way to dreams, step by step, little by little, to achieve one goal after another.

New semester, new goal, new plan Composition 2

Time flies. In the twinkling of an eye, we have said goodbye to our five years of primary school life and entered a new learning stage in Grade One of junior high school with full confidence. The learning in junior high school is different from that in primary school, with more subjects to learn and more homework. In addition, the military training classes since the beginning of junior high school have enabled me to adapt to what I usually do easily for several days in a row. Only a good beginning of the new semester can lead to a splendid end. I am secretly determined to work hard at Xiaoyi, and you will be better!

Today, a week later, I used the time after finishing my homework in the evening to sort out my thoughts and write down the exciting new enrollment scene that has been hovering in my mind.

On the first day of the new semester, I just walked into the school gate. At a glance, I saw many students who came to report today, and I also felt a familiar breath. I seemed to recall the five years of primary school life I spent here, and the picture of struggling with students here. "Xiaoyi, here you are, we are both in Class One!" Looking at Hao Qun, who has been a classmate for nine years since he was in a small class in kindergarten, I was moved to tears. My thoughts were interrupted by a sentence from Haoqun's mother. "It's Mr Peng! Is it Mr Peng who comes to teach you?" Mr Peng always smiles, and his classmates usually call him Peng School kindly. I'm also a little excited like many students, and I don't believe it's true. Do you know that Peng School's calligraphy and teaching are very powerful! I walked into the classroom with questions.

Once I entered the classroom, I saw several old faces and many new faces. Everyone sat in their seats and talked about it. Some of the students who came in happily sat with the students they knew, some bowed their heads and cleaned up the books on the table, and some were watching Miracle on Ice attentively. As for me, sitting opposite Haoqun, I have been waiting for the familiar class bell to ring, because I can't wait to learn new knowledge, new courses, and meet new teachers and students. At this time, a teacher with a bright smile marched in. He was Mr Peng! It's really him!

I finally let go of my suspense, like a classmate who finally solved a difficult mathematical application problem after thinking. At this time, I finally understood that Mr. Peng Zhen was our teacher. At this time, several students who were originally bilingual guessed that Mr. Peng must be our language teacher! Mr. Peng teaches us Chinese. Of course, we are very happy because Mr. Peng is humorous and interesting in class. We all like him very much. In the afternoon, we met our English teacher, Ms Zhang, and our math teacher, Ms Cao. We all felt that the day passed quickly.

In the new semester, I have a new goal: independent learning, in-depth understanding of textbooks and putting forward my own questions. Let's work hard towards new goals in the new semester!

New semester, new goal, new plan Composition 3

A long winter vacation has passed, ushering in a beautiful spring. At the moment when everything recovers, a new semester begins again. Facing the first ray of sunshine in the morning, we return to the beautiful campus and begin the journey of a new semester.

In the past journey, we have had laughter and sunshine, which have become eternal memories. Now we lock it with a lock, and everything in front of us is new. Look! The new semester is beckoning to us! After more than half a year of training, we "soldiers" have been integrated into the learning life of junior high school. In the new semester, let's wipe away the dust of our hearts, take our weapons, get ready to go, and let's impact on the new semester! In the past six months, we have all had a certain understanding of junior high school life. In order to better adapt to the new semester and achieve better results, I specially formulated new learning goals and new learning plans for the new semester. Learning objectives: At the beginning of the last semester, I used to regard several students with good grades in the class as my rivals. But when I defeated them one by one and became the first in the class, I gradually lost my rivals, which made me feel arrogant and complacent. I always think I am the "first". But otherwise, after going through the mid-term and final examinations, I gradually understood the truth of "there are people outside the mountain, there are mountains outside the mountain, and there are days outside the mountain", and learned that there are many people who are better than me in the school, and that there are countless people in Jinzhou City, even in Liaoning Province.

After understanding the whole truth, I decided that in the new semester, I would get rid of the bad habit of arrogance and complacency, and set my opponent among the top few in the school. Learning plan. As a result, when I was taking an exam, I answered all the difficult questions correctly, but the simple questions were muddled. It can be said that "all the rivers have passed, but the boat capsized in the ditch". Therefore, I have to get rid of this bad habit of laziness. At the same time, because I am fat, in order not to score on the sports of the middle school entrance exam, I will run on the playground every day after school to lose weight. This is my goal and new plan in the new semester. May my new goal and new plan be completed successfully, and may my everything go to the next level! The new semester, new goals, new plans, at this moment, I believe that every one of us is full of passion for progress, because our faces are full of youthful vitality.

Let's seize this beautiful spring, turn our ideals into grand plans, put our plans into action, set up our ideal oars, work together with the school, ride the waves, show the demeanor of students, and contribute to the wisdom of youth.