Nature has given me enlightenment (18 selected articles)
The sunset is beautiful
2024-03-26 07:21:17
Junior three

Nature has given me enlightenment (1)

I want to invent the "radio and television tower". There is a radio and television tower in my life, but the radio and television tower I invented is more convenient and suitable for use than the current one.

My inspiration comes from a thick and strong spruce. When I saw this lesson of spruce, an idea came to my mind. If the appearance of this spruce is used in the radio and television tower, the tower will not fall when encountering a storm. For the invention of the radio and television tower, I forgot to eat and sleep. After three days and nights, I finally invented it.

This radio and television tower can not only broadcast news and music, but also be used for night lighting and direction guidance, so that people are not afraid of getting lost in the dark. Its most important function is to send a distress signal to the air. Is this radio and television station very special? If you feel special, the following product will surprise you even more.

Now let me introduce a product related to the radio and television tower, that is, a new type of TV set. News, TV dramas and music broadcast by radio and television stations will be broadcast on TV, and the inspiration of this new type of TV set comes from thinking and the eyes of flies.

The good thing about this product is that it doesn't consume electricity. For example, if you watch TV all morning, the electricity charge will be very expensive. But not here Why? Because the TV is powered by the hot light from the sun, the electricity charge is very cheap, even without money.

This TV has many advantages. It can watch TV. It can be shrunk and placed in clothes for watching at any time. How is it! If you want to buy, please call 6898776. You are satisfied with our product package.

Science is the common wealth of mankind, and the task of a real scientist is to enrich this treasure house of knowledge that all mankind can benefit from.

Finally, I hope that science is more advanced and the world is better.

Nature has given me enlightenment (2)

Nature has many secrets. When we discover these secrets, it will give us enlightenment and solve problems in life.

Sunday morning, I came to the grass, I found the nest of ants, ants nest like a small mountain. That mountain is really spectacular. I found them very united.

I saw a small ant climb out of the nest and found a yellow grass arching where the ant walked. I followed the little ant. I saw that the little ant seemed to find a big grain of rice and was about to move it. This rice grain is several times bigger than ants! I am curious that a small ant can carry something several times bigger than itself? I saw the little ant return to the nest, and another ant just came out. Their heads collided and whispered, and the little ant returned to the nest. After a while, a large group of ants climbed out, and the group of ants followed the small ant in front to the big rice. Some of the ants climbed onto the big rice. Some bit here, some bit there, pulled, pushed, pushed, and tried their best to pull the big rice. The "giant" was finally pulled. They worked together to remove the rice and pull it back into the hole.

What can ants do with their antennae? Why did a large group of ants come into the collision?

I found in the data that the antennae of ants can call partners, search for food, and communicate with each other when ants collide.

When they find food, they use their antennae to send messages and call their partners to move food. Those ants will gather around the food and work together to move the food away. It seems that they can move something several times bigger back into the hole together. They are so united.

The inspiration from these ants is unity, unity is strength!

Nature, there are many secrets, waiting for us to discover.

Nature has given me enlightenment (3)

Nature is beautiful, with birds, flowers, towering trees, but also fragile creatures... Nature is colorful and brings us many happiness, but if people do not pay attention to protection, nature will punish us.

As human beings cut down trees indiscriminately, the number of trees gradually decreases, resulting in repeated flooding; Sandstorm and acid rain erode the ground, and buildings are damaged; The desert area is increasing, and the land area is decreasing rapidly... The cruel facts are in front of people's eyes, making them panic and panic. As the earth's green clothes can no longer protect water and soil, flood, hail, wind and other demons also take the opportunity to make waves, so that people's homes were destroyed, and human beings were severely retaliated by nature.

Therefore, people should realize the importance of protecting trees. Trees can prevent people from sandstorms, debris flows and other disasters. Trees can also reduce noise. Noise is very harmful to people. Some people compare it to an "invisible weapon for killing people". If we stand in a tree lined forest, we can hardly hear the roaring motor sound, reducing the harm of noise to people. It can be seen that trees have many functions. We should start from ourselves and protect trees.

All human beings rely on the gift of nature for their food, clothing, shelter and transportation. Air, forests, rivers and grasslands are the basic conditions for human survival. We should realize that destroying nature is tantamount to causing hunger and destroying our homes.

There is only one earth. If we do not cherish it, but destroy it artificially, there will be a day when there will be no fertile land, animals and plants can not survive, and human beings will also face extinction. What a terrible result! However, this is not imagination, fiction or hypothesis. It is a living reality.

We should protect nature, environment and animals. Imagine: what a pity it would be if our children and grandchildren could not see the gift of nature! So we should start from ourselves and protect the nature. I believe that although nature is great and personal efforts are just a little light in front of it, the little light will gradually illuminate everyone's heart when it is gathered.

Nature has given me enlightenment (4)

Nature is the teacher of human beings. People imitate the shape of eggs and build arched bridges; Inspired by the soaring birds, he invented the airplane; The saw was invented by cutting your fingers from the grass... Here are the 400 words of inspiration from the fourth grade unit composition brought to me by Xiao Bian. Welcome to read it for reference.

Inspiration from Nature I

Nature is the teacher of human beings. People imitate the shape of eggs and build arched bridges; Inspired by the soaring birds, he invented the airplane; I cut my fingers from the grass and invented the saw... When enjoying a comfortable life, I am deeply grateful to Nature.

One Sunday, I was enjoying myself by the pond beside my house when a deep "croak" attracted me. What made the frog deliberately lower its voice? Isn't it in danger? A big green snake appeared in my head and was eyeing the frog. "Hurry, the frog will die". I hurried to find a long bamboo pole and tried hard to find it. "Brother Tian Ji, don't be afraid, this superman will save you from the snake's mouth when he comes." "Gua --" I followed my reputation. There was no snake. It was Tian Ji who found his food -- a group of mosquitoes. Oh, I know that the deep "quack" sound is its hidden joy. Look, it is approaching the mosquitoes who are playing with ease. With the speed of lightning, it "brushes" out its long tongue, rolls fat mosquitoes into the mouth, and eats them with relish.

The speed of the frog's prey is so fast. Doesn't its eye have a special function? I quickly search on Baidu. The eyes of the frog are dedicated to watching moving objects. As soon as the mosquito moves, the frog will immediately find it, and according to its flight direction and speed, it will jump up to prey on its mouth. According to the vision principle of frog eye, people have successfully developed an electronic frog eye. This electronic frog eye can correctly identify objects with specific shapes, just like the real frog eye. At the airport, it can supervise the takeoff and landing of the aircraft, and give an alarm in time if it finds that the aircraft is about to collide. In the main traffic lane, it can direct the driving of vehicles and prevent the occurrence of vehicle collision accidents. As we all know, the frog can live on land and play with fish and shrimp in the water. We are only suitable for living on land. As long as people get into the water, they can't see anything. Because our eyes can't get into the water, once we get into the water, our eyes will feel extremely stinging. What shall I do? take it easy.

According to the vision principle of frog eyes, I want to invent an eye mask. This new eye mask can let people know the distance between each other and themselves correctly, so as to reduce the danger. When swimming or water lessons, you don't have to worry about water entering your eyes by wearing the eye mask I invented. I think this convenient and practical eye mask will be recognized by many people.

Inspiration from Nature II

The great nature is changing constantly, providing us with a lot of resources, but also giving us a lot of inspiration.

Today, I found a small spider in a corner of my home. What is it doing? Through my careful observation, I finally found that it was weaving a web. At first, it slowly spun silk, fixed it in a corner, and then pulled the silk to the opposite wall. After erecting a "bridge" in the air, it began to circle from outside to inside slowly. After three or four minutes, it finished the outline, and the remaining steps were simple. It is true that practice makes perfect. It is growing faster and more beautiful, like a hardworking textile girl. In a little while, a fine and thin net will be fine. I thought to myself: What a delicate net!

I learned to persevere from a small spider. Only in this way can I feel the joy of fighting bravely. I also learned that to do things perfectly, we must lay a solid foundation and be down-to-earth.

Let's look for the enlightenment of nature, and let it create a bright and brilliant road for us.

Comment: This article has learned a lot from the description and observation of a spider's web weaving process. The little writer depicts the process of spider web weaving smoothly and naturally, and compares spiders to hardworking textile girls, which is really vivid and interesting!

Inspiration from Nature III

I want to invent the "radio and television tower". I have a radio and television tower in my life, but the radio and television tower I invented is more convenient and suitable for use than the current one.

My inspiration comes from a thick and strong spruce. When I saw this lesson of spruce, an idea came to my mind. If the shape of this spruce is used in the radio and television tower, the tower will not fall when encountering a strong wind. For the invention of the radio and television tower, I forgot to eat and sleep. After three days and nights, I finally invented it.

This radio and television tower can not only broadcast news and music, but also be used for night lighting and direction guidance, so that people are not afraid of getting lost in the dark. Its most important function is to send a distress signal to the air. Is this radio and television station very special? If you feel special, then the following product will surprise you even more.

Now let me introduce a product related to the radio and television tower, that is, a new type of television. The news, TV dramas and music broadcast by radio and television stations will be broadcast on television, and this new type of television is inspired by thinking and the eyes of flies.

The good thing about this product is that it doesn't consume electricity. It's like watching TV all morning, and the electricity charge will be very expensive. But not here Why? Since the TV is powered by the hot light from the sun, the electricity charge is very cheap, even without money.

This TV has many advantages. It can watch TV. It can be shrunk and placed in clothes for watching at any time. How is it! If you want to buy, please call:. You are satisfied with our product package.

Science is the common wealth of mankind, and the task of a real scientist is to enrich the knowledge treasure house that all mankind can benefit from.

Finally, I hope that science will be more advanced and the world will be more beautiful.

Nature has given me enlightenment (5)

Nature not only teaches us a lot of knowledge, but also brings us a lot of enlightenment. Because of this, human beings have invented many things, and their survival depends on nature. Although those ants and spiders are insignificant, they bring us a lot of enlightenment. I just got some sense of life because of a spider. Now let me introduce the story to you.

In the past, I hated spiders very much. Every time I saw this disgusting guy, I would sweat all over my body. But I don't know when a spider crawled into my house. What's worse, it walked freely in my room. One day when I accidentally opened the curtains and saw this black little thing, I was so scared that I squatted on the ground and sweated all over. So I ran out of the room and called my father for help, but my father didn't care, but asked me to find a way. In desperation, I had to take a shoe and walk gingerly to the room. The spider disappeared and a heart finally returned to its original position. In the next few days, I didn't see that hateful guy again.

On Sunday, I was preparing to do my homework. Suddenly I saw my natural enemy, the black spider. I was just about to run away. I saw the spider weaving a web. I stood there quietly and looked curiously, Finally, the net was broken by a small wind. In this way, the little spider kept busy, neither angry nor giving up, and finally finished weaving the web.

Through this event, I understand that no matter what one does, he will succeed as long as he has perseverance. As the old saying goes: "Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb." Nature has a lot of enlightenment to tell us, let's observe it carefully!

Nature has given me enlightenment (6)

Nature is like a silent teacher, teaching me a lot of knowledge.

In spring, bamboo shoots pierce the hard stones, take off clothes, and put on a thin green dress, straight into the sky. It shows its strong vitality. I still remember that it was a stormy night. My sister and I stood at the door and saw that the bamboo was not broken by the wind, but was stuck on the ground with head held high. Nature has taught me to be strong and not to bow to difficulties at the slightest setback.

In summer, ants are looking for food in the hot sun. An ant found a piece of sugar, and then it went to point the tentacles of another ant. The ant seemed to know what it was going to say, and immediately gathered many ants to move the sugar into the hole. When they left, I blocked their way with a stick, and none of them fell behind. Nature taught me to unite, and the strength of unity is the greatest. When winter comes, even if all the birds fly back to the south and the snow is all around, they can't stop the plum blossom? In the snow, it is still so beautiful and natural. No matter how bad the environment is, whether growing near garbage dumps or on the vast Gobi, we are so brave to face every difficulty. Nature has taught me to have tenacity, perseverance and indomitable spirit!

Nature, my good teacher, is the wisdom you taught me about life and the enlightenment of life.

Nature has given me enlightenment (7)

Everything in nature has given us a lot of inspiration. For example, humans invented the airplane after seeing birds flying; Radar was invented from the phenomenon of bats flying at night; Seeing the shape of the whale, improving the design of the hull, and improving the speed of the ship's navigation... As long as we are a conscientious person in our daily life, we will also gain something.

I remember one sunny Sunday when I finished my homework and went downstairs for a walk in the garden. I found two ants in a corner by chance. I squatted down with curiosity to see what the ants were doing. They were trying to carry a dead fly. The fly is a huge thing for ants, However, the two ants were moving forward step by step in a leisurely manner. They stopped walking. Half a day ago, they only walked a little. At this time, I found that one of the ants had left the dead fly and crawled away on its own. I thought: hee hee, there is a good play. How can an ant move this big guy? But after a while, I found a secret: the other ant was looking for a partner. When the ants were unable to move, they would always find some partners. With the concerted efforts of the partners, the dead flies were carried into the hole at the corner of the wall by the ants. Seeing this, I was moved by the spirit of mutual help of ants, and learned that unity is strength. In the future, I will unite and love with my classmates and be ready to help others.

Nature is not only mysterious, but also a good teacher for us human beings! As long as we are willing to learn, we will gain something every day.

Nature has given me enlightenment (8)

The fourth grade composition of primary school, inspiration from nature

Have you ever seen a mountain? The mountain is high and great. Have you ever seen the sea? The sea is vast and capricious. What can you think of when a leaf occasionally floats in your hand? Is it the history it had in the past? Where does it come from? Or do you rely on everything you see in the years on the branches?

I always think that people can understand a lot in the world of nature. For example, the natural phenomenon of full moon and lack of moon often represents the reunion and separation of relatives and friends. Ants and aphids, on the other hand, cooperate for survival. Have you ever seen a bee living alone? They stress the spirit of unity and division of labor.

Nature also brings me a rush of time, so I must cherish the 'enlightenment' of time. You have seen the sunrise and sunset. It seems that the sun has just risen, but the stars and the moon are sparse in a twinkling of an eye. The evening primrose quietly bloomed and withered. If we say that the fallen flowers and leaves once represented a splendid life, then it is too short. The flower bud is alive and turns into dead and dry in a twinkling of an eye! Butterfly will also die in the cold fragrance of flowers after a season of busy summer!

Although life is short, if we can make it shine, it can be called eternal, right?

Nature has given me enlightenment (9)

Inspiration from Nature

Zhang Zihao

One day, I occasionally went to my grandmother's house and got a discovery that inspired me a lot.

At night, I was sitting in the living room drinking tea. Suddenly, I found a gecko on the old glass window. It was clinging to the wall and motionless. I can't help thinking: Gecko can do this, can people do the same? So I ran outside and put one foot on the wall, but before the other foot was put on, I fell down and almost fell. I had to take a magnifying glass, and when I saw it, I could see clearly that there were small disks on its feet, and they firmly held the wall. It turned out that these were suction cups.

I suddenly thought: Why not use suction cups to help the painter? A roller can be placed below, on which there is a pipe to send paint, and then a pusher can be added. In this way, there is paint sent from the pipe on the wheel, and micro suction cups can be added from the wheel. In this way, the pusher pushes the wheel to roll, and the paint is also stuck to the wall.

Nature has inspired me too much!

Instructor Cui Meiru

Nature has given me enlightenment (10)

[See the enlightenment of ants]

This noon, I sat on the chair to watch my brother play marbles. Suddenly, I saw some black dots moving on the ground nearby. So I went closer and found that some ants were carrying things.

I looked carefully again and saw that they were carrying some food. I saw how hard they moved and thought they were very hardworking. Suddenly, a strange idea occurred to me. So I went to fetch a glass of water. I poured this cup of water on their bodies and wet a large area. I saw them all struggling in the water, some of them could not move, lying there motionless. "Ha ha, these little ants were cured for me at once." However, these ants were not drowned. When the water dried up, they lived again and got up. I saw that they went to carry the food again. I think these ants are really industrious. They are killing me. I want to test these ants again to see their adaptability and viability. I brought another glass of water. I fell on these ants again. Many ants fell to the ground and did not move at all. Some ants were still struggling to climb out. Then, in order to save their lives, some ants climbed out of the puddle and ran away. Maybe they want to stay in the green mountains, not afraid of no firewood.

At this moment, I seemed to get some enlightenment. When I think about it again, I understand that we should also treat difficulties like little ants. We should be desperate to overcome difficulties and not give up halfway. Only by persevering in the end can we win. At the same time, we should learn to look at the direction like ants, and not be foolhardy. Willing to give everything for the collective!

Nature has given me enlightenment (11)

Inspiration from nature Composition 500 words

Nature is like an endless treasure house. As long as people observe carefully, they can get many inspirations.

Why can fish breathe in water? Because fish oil and gills can extract oxygen from water. Why can't people breathe in water? Because people breathe with their lungs, not with their cheeks. So, I had a bold idea to make a machine based on the principle that fish gills extract oxygen from seawater. In this way, people can dive freely in the water without being restricted by oxygen?

Bean sprouts are a kind of food. But do you know how bean sprouts grow? During the growth of bean sprouts, do not give them any light, otherwise, the bean sprouts will grow into bean sprouts. And the growth of bean sprouts depends on the nutrients in the beans, which is why we can't see beans when we buy bean sprouts. As we all know, bamboo shoots have roots that can absorb nutrients from the soil. If this is applied to bamboo shoots: build a large darkroom and plant bamboo shoots in it, will the bamboo shoots grow bigger and bigger and become a huge bamboo shoot instead of bamboo?

Why can a chameleon change color? Because there are four different pigments in its skin cells, affected by the environment, some of the pigments expand rapidly, and the rest will shrink, changing the color of the body. If the military camouflage clothing can also use this principle, it can quickly change the color of camouflage clothing. In this way, they will not be attacked by the enemy.

Nature is wonderful!

Inspiration from nature Composition 500 words 2

A while ago, a mouse slipped in through the crack of the exhaust fan in Grandma's kitchen. This mouse is very powerful. We didn't catch it by any means. The mouse cage, sticky mouse board and mouse clip came on the stage one after another, but they could not touch it at all. We think it is absolutely a millennium rat demon with human wisdom.

Once, the science teacher showed us a video about pitcher plants. I think, if my grandmother also had a pitcher plant, wouldn't the mouse have no way to escape? However, I searched for information about pitcher plants, which can only prey on insects. It seems that I will "transform" it well to make it become a fully automatic omnipotent pest trap. Anything harmful to our human beings can be hunted if it climbs onto it.

Maybe you will think, how can the pest climb onto the trap on its own initiative? There is no food to tempt it. You don't have to worry about that. Since pitcher grass can give out fragrance, the trap crow can also give out all kinds of attractive fragrance! Once the pest smells the fragrance, it will run to lick the trap mouth of the pest grass. The trap mouth is very smooth. If you step on it, it will fall into the trap cage. The liquid secreted in the cage will be drowned and dissolved.

Ha ha, if we have this kind of trap, we will not be afraid of mice, flies and moths coming in our house. I think, soon, the rat's nemesis will come.

There are many exotic flowers and plants in nature, which have more or less brought us some enlightenment. Let's learn more about them through more knowledge!

Inspiration from nature Composition 500 words 3

Everything in nature has given us a lot of inspiration, such as: plum blossom stands firm in the cold wind, which is to make us brave to face difficulties; The grass bends down in winter and straightens up again in spring, which is teaching us to climb up from where we fall.

Although the spring rain is not as violent as the rainstorm or as magnificent as the autumn rain, it moistens everything on the earth with its thin body, making them recover in the beautiful spring season. I think we should be like Chunyu, even if we can only contribute a little. So I thought: as long as I can give a little strength to the society, I will also contribute to the world.

Although the stream is not as powerful as the sea or as surging as the Yangtze River, it still wants to flow into the sea and contribute its share. Along the way, she will encounter hard stones, but she will try her best to pass through them; Along the way, she will see the quiet valley. She is very tired, but she will continue to move forward; Along the way, she will hear the clear sound of birds. The birds ask her to take a rest. She refuses, and she will work hard towards her goal. I think: as long as you have a goal in mind, you should work hard towards that goal. Don't relax in the middle of the journey. Even if it is just a moment, your goal will not be achieved. When you reach this goal, you can relax and enjoy it. Then, continue to set your second goal and strive for it.

Students, I hope you can observe nature more, pay attention to nature, discover the enlightenment of nature, and strive to make contributions to mankind.

Inspiration from nature Composition 500 words 4

Falling flowers are merciless things, which turn into spring mud and protect flowers. Fallen leaves are insignificant garbage in the eyes of others, but it brings me a different feeling.

On a crisp autumn morning, I just went out and found that there were many withered and yellow leaves on the ground, and the leaves on the trees were slowly falling down. I know they have finished their short life.

Deciduous leaves know that they should show their gratitude and repay Big Tree Mother for letting them come to this colorful world and snuggle up with Big Tree Mother at the last moment of life. Slowly, they rotted and mixed with the soil to become nutrients for the mother tree, so that the tree could grow more leaves in the coming year.

The cold winter has passed, and spring has quietly come to the world. People have almost never paid attention to the ordinary and inconspicuous leaves, but the leaves have no complaints and are still delivering nutrients to the mother tree in obscurity. They do not seek fame and wealth, but only hope to let Mother Dashu breed more life and make our world more green.

When I saw the fallen leaves, I thought of our parents. They brought us up, worked hard, and did everything for us. But we often talked back to our parents, causing them trouble and grief. It's really wrong. All fallen leaves know how to show their gratitude and repay their parents, so we should learn from them, be filial to their parents, and stop them worrying about us.

A flower is a world, and a leaf is also a world. It has taught us a lot.

Nature has given me enlightenment (12)

Sunday morning, I came to the grass, I found the nest of ants, ants nest like a small mountain. That mountain is really spectacular. I found them very united.

I saw a small ant climb out of the nest and found a yellow grass arching where the ant walked. I followed the little ant. I saw that the little ant seemed to find a big grain of rice and was about to move it. This rice grain is several times bigger than ants! I am curious that a small ant can carry something several times bigger than itself? I saw the little ant return to the nest, and another ant just came out. Their heads collided and whispered, and the little ant returned to the nest. After a while, a large group of ants climbed out, and the group of ants followed the small ant in front to the big rice. Some of the ants climbed onto the big rice. Some bit here, some bit there, pulled, pushed, pushed, and tried their best to pull the big rice. The "giant" was finally pulled. They worked together to remove the rice and pull it back into the hole.

What can ants do with their antennae? Why did a large group of ants come into the collision?

I found in the data that the antennae of ants can call partners, search for food, and communicate with each other when ants collide.

When they find food, they use their antennae to send messages and call their partners to move food. Those ants will gather around the food and work together to move the food away. It seems that they can move something several times bigger back into the hole together. They are so united.

The inspiration from these ants is unity, unity is strength!

There are many secrets in nature, waiting for us to discover.

Nature has given me enlightenment (13)

Inspiration of Nature Composition 1

There are many things that nature can enlighten people. No, when I observe ants, I find that ants are persistent, which also gives me an inspiration.

On a sunny morning, I sat on the stone bench in the community and enjoyed the beauty of the morning. Just as I inadvertently bowed my head, I suddenly found a piece of white things moving slowly. I came closer and saw that it was several ants carrying a small piece of bread crumb. I thought: there must be ant nests nearby, otherwise, why do ants carry food? Driven by curiosity, I found it all around. After a while, I found the ant nest hidden under the flowers.

I continued to observe the movement of ants. I saw those little ants carrying a piece of bread crumb, climbing faster, really want to call ants "Hercules"! After a while, a small ant ran out from under the crumbs and hurried into the nest. Then, a large and strong ant followed the small ant and climbed out. It seems that this little ant is looking for help.

With the help of big ants, the speed of small ants was much faster. I guess they must have shouted "One Two One, One Two One", just like we did in our recess activities. After a while, the ants came to the hardest stage - climbing the small earth slope! On the small soil slope is the ant nest. I saw that the ants still didn't give up and tried to move up step by step. One or two of them would take turns to run to the back of the team to support them. Oh, what a spiritual guy! I watched ants work so hard that my love burst out! I used a small branch to push the ants upward. In the blink of an eye, the ants arrived at the nest! Finally, after everyone's concerted efforts, the ants finally transported the bread crumbs to the ant nest.

Although ants are small insects, this humble little fellow has given me a lesson: unity is strength, and persistence is victory.

Inspiration of Nature Composition 2

When it comes to ants, everyone must agree that ants are weak animals and will die if you step on them lightly. Ants are often seen crawling around in flower beds, bushes and corners on campus. There is also an ant hole at my door. When I was a child, I thought ants were fragile creatures, but something happened later deeply shocked me and changed my view of ants.

I remember that it was one day in the first month. My sister and I were setting off fireworks at the door of our house. Everyone talked and laughed. The whole alley was full of laughter and laughter, and the deafening sound of fireworks in the air never stopped... Suddenly, a stream of smoke came out from the corner of the wall in front of my house. It turned out that when my father was setting off firecrackers, a cluster of firecrackers accidentally fell there and attracted the withered grass in the corner. Fortunately, it was a small flame, which was not in the way. But when I looked at the smoke, I suddenly remembered that there was an ant hole there. too bad! I quickly squatted down to observe the safety of the ants.

At this time, I vaguely saw a "black group" rolling out of the "sea of fire" from the small flame, and soon spread into a pool. Ah! It's ants. Many ants are still alive. It turned out that when the ants saw that the hole was on fire, they crowded together. You bit me, I bit you, and they escaped with their own strength. I immediately scooped a bowl of water and poured it on the fire, which was put out with a whoosh. I was also relieved that the ants had escaped the disaster.

We were moved by the strength of unity of ants, and I admire the indomitable spirit of ants in the face of danger. We should think about this: in real life, when we encounter difficulties, we should ask our parents and teachers, or we should not be submissive like ants and overcome all difficulties.

Inspiration of Nature Composition 3

Have you ever seen a mountain? The mountain is great and magnificent! Have you ever seen the sea? The sea is vast, but capricious! What can you think of when a leaf falls in your hand? Use the history it once had. Where does it come from? Or rely on all the people and things, big and small, and countless, seen in the years on the branches?

I always think that people can understand a lot in the world of nature. Don't you think that everything in nature represents the pressure, frustration, competition, joy and sorrow of life? Good! Take the moon for example. The phenomenon of full moon and short moon is often used to represent the reunion and separation of relatives and friends. Ants cooperate for survival. Have you ever seen a bee living alone? They stress the spirit of unity and division of labor.

Nature also brings me a rush of time, so I must cherish the enlightenment of time. You have seen the sunrise and sunset. It seems that the sun has just risen, but the stars and the moon are sparse in a twinkling of an eye. The evening primrose quietly bloomed and withered. The newly born bud instantly turns into dead and dry! Butterfly will also die in the cold fragrance of flowers after a season of busy summer! If falling flowers and leaves once represented beautiful lives, then it is too short.

However, although life is short, if we can make it shine, it can be called eternal. Yeah?

Nature has given me enlightenment (14)

"Wow, it's so cool! It's windy, sister, come and see, the big trees are shaking violently in the wind!" said the younger brother excitedly. "Yes, but the grass under the tree doesn't seem to move?" So I ran to ask my father, who smiled and said, "Go and check yourself. I believe that the answers you know in this way will make you remember more!" I walked away dejectedly. When my mother came back from shopping for vegetables, I went to ask her the same question happily, and her mother said, "My child, go and find the answer yourself!"

So, I took out the book about astronomy and meteorology that my mother bought for me, "One Hundred Thousand Whys". Ha, the answer was finally found: because the wind is moving, because the low ground is uneven or there are many obstacles, it is easier to form vortex movement, so the wind is small; And there are fewer obstacles at high places, so friction will be reduced, so the wind will be strong. Ha ha, that's the truth! Therefore, when it is windy, the tall trees shake much more vigorously than the grass on the ground!

I understand why there is a word called "big trees attract wind" through reading books. It must be the inspiration from nature! Well, the process of finding the answer by yourself was so interesting and surprising. At the same time, this event also taught us to be diligent in searching. I believe you will also get the same surprise as me!

Inspiration Composition of Nature (2)

Although human beings are very smart, there are still many places to learn from nature. Let me give you some examples!

Man invented the boat, which can walk on water, but what is the underwater world like? So people thought that they could invent a boat that could dive, but there was still one problem to be solved. When the submarine tested the water, the experimental submarine sank with "Gudong" and "Gudong" twice, and could not float. Therefore, a scientist dissected the fish and found that there was a "small bag" filled with air in the belly of the fish - the swim bladder. When the fish floated to the surface, Fill the "bag" with air, and generate huge buoyancy like a swimming circle. When a fish dives, it shrinks its swim bladder to expel air and sinks. Human beings solved the problem by installing a floating chamber for the submarine based on the principle of "swim bladder". Look! This is why human beings should learn from nature.

We all know that the plane invented at the beginning cannot stop in the air. Human beings invented the helicopter by learning from the hummingbird.

Human beings have learned a lot from nature, such as researching frogs and inventing "electronic frog eyes", and being inspired by bats and inventing "radar"... There are countless examples.

The nature is really diverse and full of wonders, which is worth learning!

Inspiration Composition of Nature (3)

Nature is a wonderful world with many amazing mysteries.

In the summer when the sun is shining and the trees are overcast, I came to the East Lake Park for sightseeing. As soon as I entered the gate, I saw a pair of butterflies dancing in the sky, just like Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai in the legend. I immediately became interested and ran along their flight route. They came to a cluster of flowers, stopped and remained motionless on the petals. I finally couldn't help reaching out to catch one of the butterflies, but my movements were not as fast as theirs. I threw myself into the air and surprised a large group of butterflies in the flowers. Eh? Why didn't I find it at the beginning? It turned out that they hid themselves with their camouflage colors. I became more and more interested in finding other butterflies carefully. After a while, I found several butterflies. The most interesting one was a dark green butterfly, which looked like a leaf. It took me a lot of effort to find it.

As early as World War II, butterfly research expert Shi Wanwei invented camouflage clothing based on the "camouflage clothing" of butterflies, combining its protection, deformation and imitation, and putting butterfly like camouflage on hundreds of important military facilities. This is the magic butterfly like "camouflage clothing".

How cool it would be if I could invent a kind of clothes based on the reflective principle of butterfly phosphor, which would change color with the light, and people would have a colorful clothes!

The mysteries of nature are endless, and they are waiting for us to discover and explore!

Nature has given me enlightenment (15)

Chapter 1: Enlightenment from Nature

The enlightenment of nature to me: abandon the smoky city, embrace the nature with fresh air, and then walk into the nature, you will find many strange flowers, plants, birds, animals, fish, insects, etc. You will also find that nature has brought many inspirations to human beings. For example, scientists invented the Diamondback Missile and modern night vision instrument through the inspiration of the Diamondback; Scientists discovered the electronic frog eye through the enlightenment of frogs; Scientists also invented radar through the inspiration of bats Nature is really a good teacher for human beings! If we want nature to give us more enlightenment, we should protect nature and not cut down trees indiscriminately. While protecting nature, we should also learn the way of nature. Don't be kind to help. Protecting nature is equal to protecting human beings themselves.

Chapter 2: Revelation of Nature

The survival of human beings depends on nature, and the development of human beings is based on the enlightenment of nature. Without the enlightenment of nature, human beings would not be so developed now Nature is a beautiful nature. We should protect nature and not throw rubbish, spit food or cut down trees

Human inventions - inspired by animals - boats and submarines come from people's imitation of fish and dolphins. Scientists made the world's first gas masks according to the unique ability of fire boar's nose to detect poison. The rocket takes advantage of the recoil principle of jellyfish and cuttlefish. Researchers have developed many military camouflage equipment for the army by studying the chameleon's ability to change color. Scientists studied frog eyes and invented electronic frog eyes. The US Air Force has developed a miniature thermal sensor through the "hot eye" function of poisonous snakes. Humans also designed a frog rammer based on the principle of leaping frog. Humans imitate the high sensitive smell of police dogs to make "electronic police dogs" for detection.

Bionic and high-tech modern radar, a radio positioning and ranging device: scientists have found that Bat Devil does not rely on eyes, but on the echo positioning system composed of mouth, throat and ears. Because the bat demon sends out ultrasonic waves when flying, and can detect the ultrasonic waves reflected by obstacles. According to this, scientists have designed a modern radar - a radio positioning and ranging device... Scientists have invented artificial dolphin skin that can improve the speed of a torpedo through the research on the small swimming resistance of dolphins; And a wheeled car (jumping machine) that imitates the movement of kangaroos in the desert. Inspired by the Penguin King, scientists from the Institute of Zoology of the former Soviet Academy of Sciences designed a new type of vehicle - the "Penguin King" brand polar off-road vehicle. The wide bottom of this kind of car is directly attached to the snow surface and is pushed forward by the wheel scoops. The driving speed can reach 50 km/h. Scientists made space robots by imitating insects. A research team from Australian National University has developed a small navigation and flight control device through the research on several insects. This device can be used to equip small aircraft for Mars exploration.

According to the vision principle of frog eye, people have successfully developed an electronic frog eye. This kind of electronic frog eye can accurately identify objects with specific shapes, just like the real frog eye. After the electronic frog eye is installed into the radar system, the radar anti-interference ability is greatly improved. This radar system can quickly and accurately identify aircraft, ships and missiles with specific shapes. In particular, it is able to distinguish between genuine and fake missiles, so as to prevent the false from confusing the real.

The electronic frog eye is also widely used in airports and traffic arteries. At the airport, it can monitor the takeoff and landing of the aircraft, and give an alarm in time if it finds that the aircraft is about to collide. In the main traffic lane, it can direct the driving of vehicles and prevent the occurrence of vehicle collision accidents.

People have successfully designed an accurate "jellyfish ear" instrument by simulating the organs of jellyfish that sense infrasound waves. It consists of a horn, a resonator that receives infrasound waves, a converter that converts this vibration into electrical pulses, and an indicator. Install this instrument on the front deck of the ship, and rotate the horn 360 °. When it receives the infrasound waves of 8 Hz - 13 Hz, the rotation stops automatically. The direction indicated by the horn is the direction of the coming storm. The indicator can also tell people the strength of the storm. This instrument can forecast storms about 15 hours in advance.

The compound eyes on both sides have the greatest impact on the behavior of limulus. After being irradiated by the light beam, the compound eye produces pulses. One eye is irradiated by light beam, and the other eye produces main pulse; When two eyes are irradiated by the light beam at the same time, both eyes produce pulses at the same time, but the frequency of the pulses is slightly lower than when the light beam irradiates one eye. Inspired by it, human beings have successfully developed an electronic simulation device, which can solve the network equation composed of 10 elements. The television camera made by this principle can provide TV images with high definition under the laser.

Without nature, there would be no beautiful earth. Let's protect nature and the earth hand in hand

Chapter 3: Revelation of Nature

Human beings have received many inspirations from nature.

For example:

A very peculiar small gas analyzer was successfully imitated by the annoying flies. It has been installed in the cabin of the spaceship to detect the composition of the gas in the cabin; The following ear of jellyfish, which imitates the structure and function of jellyfish ear, has designed a jellyfish ear storm predictor, which can predict storms 15 hours in advance, which is of great significance to the safety of navigation and fisheries; According to the vision principle of frog eye, people have successfully developed an electronic frog eye. This kind of electronic frog eye can accurately identify objects with specific shapes, just like the real frog eye. After the electronic frog eye is installed into the radar system, the radar anti-interference ability is greatly improved. This radar system can quickly and accurately identify aircraft, ships and missiles with specific shapes. In particular, it is able to distinguish between genuine and fake missiles, so as to prevent the false from confusing the real. The electronic frog eye is also widely used in airports and traffic arteries. At the airport, it can monitor the takeoff and landing of the aircraft, and give an alarm in time if it finds that the aircraft is about to collide. In the main traffic lane, it can direct the driving of vehicles and prevent the occurrence of vehicle collision accidents; According to the principle of bat ultrasonic locator, people also copied the "pathfinder" used by blind people. This kind of pathfinder is equipped with an ultrasonic transmitter, which can be used by blind people to find people on poles, steps, bridges, etc. Now, "ultrasonic glasses" with similar functions have also been made

Human inventions - inspired by animals - boats and submarines come from people's imitation of fish and dolphins. Scientists made the world's first gas masks according to the unique ability of fire boar's nose to detect poison. The rocket takes advantage of the recoil principle of jellyfish and cuttlefish. Researchers have developed many military camouflage equipment for the army by studying the chameleon's ability to change color. Scientists studied frog eyes and invented electronic frog eyes. The US Air Force has developed a miniature thermal sensor through the "hot eye" function of poisonous snakes. Humans also designed a frog rammer based on the principle of leaping frog. Humans imitate the high sensitive smell of police dogs to make "electronic police dogs" for detection.

Bionic and high-tech modern radar, a radio positioning and ranging device: scientists have found that Bat Devil does not rely on eyes, but on the echo positioning system composed of mouth, throat and ears. Because the bat demon sends out ultrasonic waves when flying, and can detect the ultrasonic waves reflected by obstacles. According to this, scientists have designed a modern radar - a radio positioning and ranging device... Scientists have invented artificial dolphin skin that can improve the speed of a torpedo through the research on the small swimming resistance of dolphins; And a wheeled car (jumping machine) that imitates the movement of kangaroos in the desert.

Inspired by the Penguin King, scientists from the Institute of Zoology of the former Soviet Academy of Sciences designed a new type of vehicle - the "Penguin King" brand polar off-road vehicle. The wide bottom of this kind of car is directly attached to the snow surface, and is pushed forward by the wheel scoops. The driving speed can reach 50 km/h

This is the inspiration from nature.

1. Save the earth and work together.

2. Don't look on, please join the actors.

3. Protect water environment and save water resources.

4. Pursue green fashion and embrace green life.

5. Garbage recycling, protecting the earth, taking part in environmental protection.

6. Today we save a drop of water and leave a drop of blood for future generations.

7. To treat the earth well is to treat ourselves well.

8. Let the tide of economic development enter the green river.

9. Build a beautiful frontier and cherish our homeland.

10. Destroying the environment will bring disaster for thousands of years. Protecting the environment will make great contributions for thousands of years.

Nature has given me enlightenment (16)

Sunset · Time Saving

I like to sit on the soft grass and watch the sunset. The red fireball slowly fell and faded out of my vision, quietly. I just want to reach out to catch it, but it has disappeared. I really don't know when it will fall to the West Mountain. But my hands are really getting empty. Like a drop of water on the tip of a needle dripping into the sea, my days are dripping into the stream of time, without sound or shadow. "When you wash your hands, the days pass through the water basin; when you eat, the days pass through the rice bowl; when you are silent, the days pass through the staring eyes.". Isn't the once brilliant time just like the sunset quietly flowing away? I can't help but cry. At this moment, I realized that the sunset was telling me to cherish the time, so that I would not sigh "pity for nothing".

Ant · Unity

A little ant found a grain of rice at the mouth of the cave and hurried back. I knew it was going to gather people and horses. After a while, a huge army of ants arrived at the destination, without hierarchy, hierarchy, command, or hesitation. They rushed forward. They acted vigorously, combined freely, assisted each other, pulled, pushed, and moved the rice back to the nest in a lively manner. The "heavy" rice is as heavy as a weight for one little ant, but for two? How about three "A thousand miles long dike was destroyed in the ant nest" is not groundless. If we humans are as united as ants, what can we fail to do?

Grass · Strong

On the endless grassland, the wind is blowing and clouds are gathering. The grass is defending the land under its feet like a strong guard. The wind swept over the grass and shook them from side to side. The raindrops hit them relentlessly, "ticking" "ticking". This is the victory prophet shouting: "Let the storm come more violent!" It was sunny after the rain again. The grass on the ground stood up again, with victory tears still hanging on their faces. Looking up from afar, a thriving green is extending into the distance. Why don't I want to be a strong weed?

As soon as I read it, there are thousands of rivers and thousands of mountains. Nature is a teacher who "holds the pipa half hidden", always inadvertently, deeply touches my heart.

Nature has given me enlightenment (17)

As early as in ancient times, Luban scratched his hand by the grass when climbing the mountain, so he was curious, why is the grass so strong? Later, Lu Ban found that there were small teeth on the edge of the grass, so Lu Ban invented the saw accordingly.

When the butterfly basks in the sun, if the sun is strong, the butterfly will erect the scales to reduce the exposure area; If the sun is not enough, the butterfly will spread the scales to increase the exposure area; Scientists apply this principle to the satellite solar panel, which can adjust the angle according to the intensity of sunlight.

When the submarine is tracked, it will imitate squid inkjet, and the submarine will launch something equivalent to a "scapegoat". It will imitate the sound of the submarine to distract the tracker.

There are still many inventions like this, and there are some revelations of nature around us; I believe you can also become a bionic scientist, as long as you observe carefully, have curiosity, ambition and creativity!

Nature has given me enlightenment (18)

Inspiration from Nature Composition 1

Nature is magical, like a huge treasure, waiting for human beings to discover; It is also like a human teacher, imparting human knowledge; It is more like a hardworking gardener, shining on human beings, irrigating flowers and trees.

Don't underestimate some small animals, such as spiders. Once, I saw a spider at home, which was only as big as a grain of rice. It was weaving a web. It first spins silk and sticks it to one wall, then climbs to the other wall, and then winds round and round. I was impatient and decided to observe later. After a while, when I went to see it again, the little spider had already tied the web. So I just blew it on the net, but the net didn't break. I was unconvinced and tore the net at once. I thought, "You will never weave the net again, and I will pull your net off if you weave it again, hum!" To my surprise, the next day, I saw a complete net again. I can hardly believe my eyes. The net is still as beautiful and strong as it used to be.

Such a small and inconspicuous animal has impressed me, because I learned perseverance from it. Only in this way can we taste the happiness of fighting bravely. I also learned that to do things perfectly, we should lay a solid foundation, be down-to-earth, and not "eat a big fat man", so that we can make things better and learn more and deeper knowledge. Not only spiders, but also silkworms are persistent. Ants are strong in unity, and people gather firewood with high flame

Not only do small animals give us enlightenment, but also streams. Although it does not have the surge of the sea or the majesty of waterfalls, it is not afraid of the barrier of rocks and does not crave the cleanness of the valley. It has been flowing to the sea to fulfill its wishes.

Nature is truly the best teacher of mankind. Nature, like a selfless mother, teaches us infinite knowledge. I love nature!

Self description of Parthenocissus' feet II

I am the foot of a Parthenocissus, and it is my credit that Parthenocissus can climb up like this!

I grow on the stem mother, and there is a petiole brother and a leaf sister beside me. They all like me very much. They say every day: "If it was not for the credit of the baby Parthenocissus foot, there would be no strong petiole brother, green and red leaf sister and loving stem mother." The stem mother also said that when I was born, I was as red as the leaf sister, but my shape was like the tentacles of a snail.

Want to know how I climbed up? In fact, when I was born, I wore a big round flat hat on my head, which can be used to lie on the wall. Then I pulled a stem mother hard to keep it close to the wall. I used to keep my back straight, but then I gradually became bent in order to try to stay on the wall. Parthenocissus climbed up step by step with my help. Stems mother also praised me as a dragon's claw, very powerful!

If I didn't touch the wall, our Parthenocissus family would soon wither; Once I touch the wall, I will lose my original tender red color and gradually turn into the same gray color as the wall. Therefore, I am a very important person in Parthenocissus family! Don't underestimate me. If you don't work harder, I won't let go easily!

Inspiration from Nature Composition 3

Nature is the teacher of human beings. People imitate the shape of eggs and build arched bridges; Inspired by the flying birds, he invented the airplane; I cut my fingers from the grass and invented the saw... When enjoying the comfortable life, I deeply thank nature.

One Sunday, I was playing happily by the pond beside my house. Suddenly, a deep "croak" attracted me. What made the frog deliberately lower its voice? Is it in danger? A big green snake appeared in my mind, eyeing the frog. "Hurry, the frog will die". I hurried to find a long bamboo pole and tried hard to find it. "Brother Frog, don't be afraid, Ben Superman will save you from the snake's mouth when he comes." "Gua --" I followed my reputation. If there were any snakes, it was the frog who found his food -- a group of mosquitoes. Oh, I know that the deep "quack" sound is its hidden joy. Look, it is approaching the mosquitoes who are playing with ease. With the speed of lightning, it "brushes" out its long tongue, rolls fat mosquitoes into the mouth, and eats them with relish.

The frog's prey is so fast. Do its eyes have special functions? I quickly went to Baidu to search. Frog's eyes are specially for watching moving objects. As soon as the mosquito moves, the frog will immediately find it, and according to its flight direction and speed, jump up to prey on the mouth. According to the vision principle of frog eye, people have successfully developed an electronic frog eye. This kind of electronic frog eye can accurately identify objects with specific shapes, just like the real frog eye. At the airport, it can monitor the takeoff and landing of the aircraft, and give an alarm in time if it finds that the aircraft is about to collide. In the main traffic lane, it can direct the driving of vehicles and prevent the occurrence of vehicle collision accidents. As we all know, frogs can not only live on land, but also play with fish and shrimp in water. We are only suitable for living on land. As long as people get into the water, they can't see anything, because our eyes can't get into the water. Once we get into the water, our eyes will feel extremely stinging. What shall I do? take it easy.

According to the vision principle of frog eyes, I want to invent an eye mask. This new eye mask can let people know the distance between each other and themselves accurately and reduce the danger. When swimming or working on water, you don't have to worry about water entering your eyes by wearing the eye mask I invented. I think this convenient and practical eye mask will be recognized by many people.