's Composition (18 Collections)
Fish going upstream
2024-05-22 01:15:26
first grade

Writing by (1)

I like to do handwork very much. I like to combine some small parts into a complete object. I will feel very happy and satisfied when I look at it. Just yesterday, my mother and I went for a walk in Hefang Street. I bought a model plane with the money I earned. Holding it, I paid special attention to it, because I bought it with the money from working as a migrant worker.

When I got home, I couldn't wait to spread the model parts on the table and assemble them carefully. The parts of this model are very complicated and colorful. I think it will be a beautiful plane after it is made. I sang songs and made them, very happy. But as I worked, I was stopped by a difficult problem, just like a tiger. The wing of this aircraft has two layers. How to install it? I looked and thought for a long time before I realized that the first wing was connected with two missiles, So I went on working. It was about to be finished, but something happened again. I tried too hard and accidentally broke two wheels. I was very upset and sat there for a long time without talking. My mother reminded me that we have 502 glue! Ah, that's great. I quickly glued the wheels together and firmly assembled them on the plane. In this way, I finally made a plane. This is a powerful fighter. I like it very much.

Before going to bed at night, I put the plane beside my pillow, and I will take it with me to have a dream!

Writing by (2)

delicious food? Do it yourself? Yes, I'll teach you how to prepare eggs and sweet potato powder first!

The first is to use a basin to hold water, almost as much as to cook instant noodles. Then put two eggs in it. If you have more water, you should also send more time. Then stir, add sweet potato powder, and stir until it looks like milk!

Then put the oil into the pot, and when the oil is hot, pour a little more and stir it, then turn it over until it looks like an egg, and shovel it on. Don't pour too much in the next three times, or it will be difficult to fry. Finally, add proper amount of soy sauce and MSG, and finally pour some water to prevent scalding. Remember to put onions! Finally, the last one of the first two!

Finally, it was shoveled up. You can't hold it with chopsticks. When I eat it in my mouth, I have an unspeakable feeling. It is delicious and fragrant, and is very suitable for the elderly!

It tastes good and fragrant, just like the delicious food on earth!

Try it if you don't believe me!

Tip; Turn it over when frying. Don't burn it. Remember safety first! Don't let the oil burn you!

Writing by (3)

I especially like hot dishes. Do you like them? Today, I will teach you how to make an authentic hot dish!

First, we need to go to the supermarket to buy some pig bones, some vegetables and meat. After returning home, Big Bone blanch water, remove the blood foam floating on the water with a spoon, pour the onion and ginger slices into a pot, boil it over high heat, turn it over low heat and cook slowly. In a long time, soak the soybeans in hot water, clean the vegetables, and cut the meat. Two and a half hours later, open the lid of the pot, pour in the soaked soybeans, adjust the medium fire and cook for half an hour, and the soup is ready! At this time, pour all vegetables and meat into the pot and cook them. Turn off the fire and eat them.

If you think the taste is light, you can make a dipping material. Pour chilli noodles, soy sauce, scallions, vinegar, ear root, diced sour radish into a bowl and stir it evenly. Dip a little dipping material in the delicious vegetables to immediately open the mouth.

When hot dishes are served on the table, the delicious hot dishes come to my face. Use chopsticks to pick up a piece of potato and dip it in water. Put it into my mouth. The soup and spicy taste mixed in the potato occupy my mouth and swallow it into my stomach. It's delicious! It's like walking into a fairyland.

Hot dishes are not only delicious, but also highly nutritious. Pig bones have more protein, and the boiled soup is nutritious.

The soup of pig bones can supplement calcium and vitamins. Isn't that killing two birds with one stone?

I eat hot dishes that are full of color, smell and taste once or twice a month. Its delicious food is really fascinating!

Writing by (4)

When I finished eating at noon, my grandma said to me, "Jiahui, grandma is going to make tofu, do you want to help, I asked my grandma, "Why are soybeans soaked in water?" She replied, "Only when soybeans are soaked in water and become soft, can they be ground into soymilk and turned into tofu." Then my grandma gave me a task to pick out the hard and small beans from the bucket. "Why pick?" I asked. "Because these beans are" dead beans "as hard as stones, the machine cannot grind them, which will affect the quality of soymilk." Grandma replied. Then I picked beans according to Grandma's request.

After picking up the soybeans, Dad picked up the soybeans we had picked up and followed Grandma to another grandma's house in the village to grind beans. The grandma turned on the machine and heard the sound of "boom, boom". At one side of the machine, soymilk with white and yellow color came out, and at the other side, bean curd dregs came out. I asked, "Grandma, can you drink this soy milk now?" Grandma said, "Not yet. You need to boil it and add some spices before you can drink it."

When the soymilk was brought home, Grandma poured a big bucket of soymilk into the big pot, and Grandpa started to burn wood, and the whole wood stove burned very vigorously. Soon the soymilk was ready. Grandma gave me a bowl. I added sugar to it. When I smelled it, the aroma was overwhelming; It's really cool to drink it! I have never drunk such delicious soymilk! I drank this bowl of soy milk at one go, and my grandma gave me another bowl, and I drank it again soon. Mother said: "You eat so much soymilk, it is equivalent to eating a large piece of tofu!"

Grandma began to pour bittern ice into the soymilk. She poured bittern ice on one side and stirred it slowly with a big spoon. After a while, Grandma stuck a chopstick in the middle of the soybean milk. When the chopsticks stopped moving, it meant that there was enough bittern ice. After about ten minutes, Grandma brought a square wooden frame, put a large gauze in the wooden frame, and Grandma poured tofu flowers into it. After pouring, she wrapped the tofu flowers with gauze. Finally, a heavy board is pressed on it. After pressing, more than half an hour later, Grandma opened the gauze, wow! This is tofu. Such a big piece of tofu can eat for a month!

It turns out that there is so much knowledge in making tofu.

Writing by (5)

Today, I'm going to make a delicious food called yogurt soft cake. To make it, first put in two eggs, then pour in a bottle of yogurt, then add some flour and some sugar, and stir them into a non granular batter. Finally, pour oil into a pan, and then pour the batter into the pan until it is golden on both sides.

I'll make the batter first. This step is very simple. It's finished in less than three minutes, and then it's fried. Pour in the oil and batter. After a while, turn over the noodles. But the first side has been fried for too long, and the surface has turned black! I have to throw it into the garbage can. I failed the first time. No, come again! The second time I paid attention to the front, but didn't pay attention to the reverse. As a result, this time the reverse was fried, which is too difficult to get! No, can't give up, come again! The third time, I learned the lesson of the previous two times, always pay attention to the situation in the pot, and occasionally try with a spatula to see if it has solidified. As soon as the batter solidified, I immediately turned it over. This time, it finally succeeded!

I couldn't wait to taste it, and I did live up to the price I paid for it: standing in front of the stove in a hot day, sweating all over. At this moment, I realized the hard work of my mother and grandmother in cooking. I will help them do more housework when I am free.

Composition made by (6)

"The New Year is coming, the New Year is coming!" bursts of laughter echoed in our ears. The Spring Festival is a very happy thing for children, but it is a worry for adults. Because my grandma makes tofu every New Year. One day last winter vacation, Grandma got up early and fished the pre soaked soybeans into a plastic bucket. Grandma picked the soybeans to the uncle's house next door and asked him to help her grind the soybeans with the machine. Listen to the uncle next door: "It used to grind soybeans with a stone mill. It's not as convenient as the machine now."

After a few minutes, the soybean becomes a paste liquid and flows into the plastic bucket. I walked over and sniffed gently. A bean fragrance rushed into my nose, making me feel great and comfortable. I can't help but touch it with my fingers and suck it with my mouth. Although it has no taste, it has a lasting appeal. Grandma first poured the paste liquid in the plastic bucket into a large basin, boiled a pot of water, poured it into the large basin and stirred evenly. Then, she put a wooden shelf on the pot, put a large plastic bag with holes on the wooden shelf, scoop up the liquid in the pot and pour it into the large plastic bag, squeeze the large plastic bag with force, and some white liquid without sundries flows into the pot and boil it with fire. Guess what it is? That's the soy milk we usually drink. Grandma then poured the gypsum powder into the soymilk, which was mainly used for coagulation. After a few minutes, soymilk becomes tofu pudding. Then she poured the tofu flower into the wooden frame, pressed the board, and opened the board after several hours. Then the tofu was ready. Unexpectedly, the tofu we usually eat needs so much effort to make. How tiring it is to make tofu, so we must cherish the fruits of labor.

Writing by (7)

Today is the last day of summer vacation. I asked my mother to teach me how to make super delicious Mapo Tofu. My mother agreed without thinking.

First of all, I made preparations and bought everything I wanted to buy. The next step was to cut tofu. Looking at the tender tofu, I felt a little helpless. I clumsily cut it. The tofu was big and small. My mother could not stand it anymore. She had to teach me how to cut tofu. Finally, I cut the tofu. I thought I was done. I looked around, but there were onions, ginger and garlic waiting for me to cut! After slowly cutting the ingredients, it's time to stir fry the minced meat.

After putting the oil neatly, I put the minced meat on the plate. When the oil started to smoke, I "scared" the meat in the plate. The hot oil in the pot jumped up like a bouncing ball, burning my face. I hurriedly picked up the spatula and tossed the minced meat in the pot until it changed color. Then I put it on a plate. I was also busy in the field after frying the bean paste, then add water into the pot, put in the pepper, pepper powder, pepper powder and simmer for 7 minutes on low heat.

At this time, it suddenly occurred to me that I had forgotten to prepare the water starch, so I raced against the clock to prepare the water starch, put it into the pot, put the tofu in, cover the pot, boil for a few minutes, put it on the plate, sprinkle the onion, and a plate of fragrant Mapo tofu will be ready.

Looking at that dish of Mapo Tofu, which is beautiful in color, fragrance and taste, I felt inexpressible joy and satisfaction.

Writing by (8)

Today, I want to make a pair of beautiful slippers. Materials: various colors of cardboard, double-sided tape, hard paper, pencil, scissors.

I prepared the materials. First, I put my feet on the pink cardboard, drew the outline with a pencil, and then cut them with scissors to make the shoe pattern. The red cardboard became the shoe pattern. Then, stick two pieces of double-sided adhesive tape on the reverse side of the shoe pattern, paste the shoe pattern on the hard paper, cut the hard paper along the shoe pattern, and the sole is made. Next, cut four centimeter strips of paper with pink cardboard, paste the two ends on the hard paper, and paste two pieces on the sole of one shoe. Then cut out two butterfly festivals and paste them on the top of the note, one for each shoe. Soon, slippers were ready.

I showed my mother the shoes I had made. My mother smiled and said to me, "You are great! You did a good job!". I put on my slippers and went to the living room. I put a pose and made my grandparents laugh when they were watching TV.

Ha ha, my slippers are strong!

Composition made by (9)

Spring Festival is one of my favorite traditional festivals, because it is the most solemn traditional festival among Chinese people. Every year before the New Year, my mother will take me to Laoxiguan in Guangzhou to work as a volunteer and make traditional New Year food with the elders in the community. This year we made "Xiaokou Jujube".

On the morning of January 31, when it was freezing cold, my mother took my sister and me to the day care service center in Fengyuan Street, Liwan District, Guangzhou, to prepare for the New Year food making activities. The parents in law of the community were responsible for preparing the raw materials of Xiaokou jujube and rolling them into small balls. I'm responsible for making the balls stick with sesame seeds and placing them. Aunt volunteers are responsible for getting fried. The division of labor was clear. One hour later, the delicious and hot "Xiaokou jujube" was ready. The finished Xiaokou is like a small ball, covered with sesame seeds, with a crack on the surface. Mom said that it was too hot to eat just after frying, so we should wait to cool down. At this time, I asked the parents in law of the community about the meaning of "Laughing Jujube". My parents in law told me that "Xiaokou Jujube" is a kind of fried snack in Guangzhou. It got its name because its upper end was cracked after frying. It looks like people are laughing. Eating Xiaokou Jujube means that the whole family is happy. Finally, I can eat it. I put one into my mouth and bit it. Ah, it's very delicious. No wonder it's one of the necessary New Year goods for Guangzhou people during the Spring Festival.

The food is made for the poor elderly in the community, so that they can also feel the festive atmosphere of the Spring Festival. I like to participate in such activities, which can not only let me know about traditional food, but also help me learn about traditional culture.

Writing by (10)

Hello, everyone. Let's love the delicious muffin. Today, I want to share with the students the process of making the muffin.

First, we need to prepare a batch of ingredients. Two eggs, a tablespoon of flour, two tablespoons of sugar, a cup of yogurt, and a small portion of your favorite fruit. These materials can be increased or decreased according to your hobbies. Next, pour the beaten eggs, flour, white granulated sugar and yoghurt into a basin, and fully mix them to become a pale yellow paste without particles. Then take out the non stick pan and preheat it for one minute. After the pan is evenly heated, scoop out some batter with a small soup spoon and put it into the pan. The shape of the small muffin can be made into cute animals such as bears, turtles, rabbits, etc. When you find that the small muffin in the pot is slightly bubbling, turn the cake over quickly, or it will become terrible black. About 30 seconds later, the fragrant, yellow muffin will be out of the pot. After 10 muffins are made, you can set the plate. Use the muffins in the plate to set out your favorite pattern, match with the prepared fruit plate, and pour sweet honey on it, then you can eat it.

I learned how to make muffins from our beloved teacher Wang during the anti epidemic period. From this, I learned that it is not easy to make a muffin. If the muffin turns over early, it will rot; If turned late, the muffin will be carbonized into black. At the same time, it also tells me that we should grasp the opportunity to do things. We should not rush early or be late. As a primary school student, it is the prime time to study. If you don't study hard, you will be sad. So I should hurry up and study hard!

Composition made by (11)

Today, I'm going to finish a piece of handcrafting and make a "helicopter". No, let's start now.

I will prepare the tools first: scissors, glue, etc. And read the production instructions. According to the instructions, I first picked up the scissors and cut along the dotted line on the cardboard printed with "helicopter". After more than ten minutes of cutting, there was still more than half of it. I became impatient. Then look at the front cut, which is not even, which is not round. I stopped cutting and went to help my father. My father said patiently, "No matter what you do, you should have patience and perseverance. Otherwise, you will not be able to do anything, let alone achieve great things." I reluctantly cut the remaining patterns. After more than twenty minutes, I finally finished cutting.

Now start the assembly. First fold and glue the fuselage, and then glue the tail fin to the back of the fuselage. "Eh, how should the wings be installed?" I said to myself. There is no place for wings. So I went to ask my father for help again. However, my father still said the same thing and gave me back. I thought about my father's words and seemed to understand the true meaning of those words. I picked up the book and thought about it carefully. The effort pays off. I finally know how to install it. It was originally inserted. No wonder there is a small hole! Then it dawned on me. I continued to work patiently. When I encountered difficulties, I studied them carefully and eliminated them one by one. Finally, a helicopter finally appeared in front of my eyes. Although it was not very exquisite, it was done with my own heart. Looking at the plane in front of me, I feel happy.

When I went to sleep at night, I thought about this plane and fell asleep. I dreamed that I was flying around the world in a helicopter made by myself!

Making Composition of (12)

Today is the weekend. I will go to grandma's home early in the morning. Grandma asked me what I wanted to eat, and I said, "I watched children's programs last night and said that tofu is nutritious and good for my health. I want to eat tofu.". Grandma said, "That's easy. We can make tofu by ourselves today, but we can't eat it at noon. We can only eat it at night. I'm going to soak soybeans now.". "Great!" I jumped three feet high with joy.

Just do what you say. Grandma takes out the soybeans. I help Grandma carefully pick out the impurities and bad soybeans from the soybeans, wash them with clean water, and then soak them in a basin with hot water. I was anxious to see if the soybeans were ready again and again. Grandma laughed that I was a greedy cat.

It was not easy to wait until the soybeans were soaked. Grandfather moved out the machine for grinding soymilk, plugged in the power supply, poured soybeans into the machine, and then pressed the switch of the machine, the machine "roared". After a while, white soybean juice flows out from the outlet on the top of the machine, and bean dregs flow out from the outlet on the bottom of the machine. About ten minutes later, half a pot of soybeans were ground. Grandpa put the machine away. Grandma poured the milled soya bean juice into the pot, lit the fire and began to boil the soya bean juice. There was a lot of foam in the freshly ground raw soya bean juice. Grandma kept stirring the soya bean juice in the pot with a spoon while burning the fire. When the bean juice boils several times, the foam in the pot is gone, and the bean juice is cooked (Grandma said that the bean juice must be completely boiled, and it will be cooked after several times of boiling). At this time, Grandma turned off the fire, added proper amount of brine (a special material for making tofu) and salt to the pot

Stir the bean juice slowly, wait until the bean juice in the pot slowly solidifies, and then cover the pot.

After about twenty minutes, open the lid of the pot. The bean juice in the pot has become a pot of white bean brain. Grandma filled a bowl for me, "so fragrant", and I ate a bowl of bean brains at one go. Grandma poured the rest of the beancurd brains into a small round basket covered with bundles and squeezed out the remaining juice. A plate of delicious tofu is presented. I wolfed down a large piece of pancake. My stomach is bulging.

I like to eat my own tofu, which is fresh and clean. I said to my grandma, "We will make tofu next week.".

Composition by (13)

The weather was getting cooler, and everyone changed into cotton padded jackets. Seeing the calendar is missing one by one, the year is getting closer! There is a custom in my hometown that every family should make tofu before the New Year. So that night, Grandma suggested, "Let's make tofu tomorrow!"

I was very happy to hear that. Thinking that I could make and eat tofu tomorrow, I quickly said in funny local language: "OK! Especially good!" My mother and uncle also answered in a relaxed tone: "OK, we will get up early tomorrow." Eh? Where's grandpa? So Grandpa went to get beans and wood.

"Good to get up!" Early the next morning, I was awakened by my grandmother's cry. I turned over lazily and asked my mother, "What time is it?" I was still hiding in the warm quilt. Mother stretched out and said, "It's half past five. Today we need to make tofu, so we should get up early!" When I went downstairs slowly, it was just dawn. It's freezing cold outside and everywhere is quiet, but our house feels hot.

Here we go. I was responsible for putting beans into the small hole of the millstone. My grandfather was responsible for the millstone. From the aura of the millstone, I knew that he was a "heavyweight". Grandma is responsible for making tofu and receiving bean water, while my uncle wants to make the fire burn up, make the pot boil, and so on. What is Mom doing? Well, mother can only help us to carry dishes or grab a white gauze.

I held a hot water bag in one hand and a small iron spoon in the other. When Grandpa finished three or four turns, he would put half a spoon of beans in a bean dish soaked in water and let them slide into the small hole. Grandfather said, "The more delicious tofu is, the more delicate it needs to be polished." I nodded vaguely. Sometimes grandpa would have a hard time pushing a stone mill weighing about 10 kg, rotating like an old donkey. Grandma was very busy. She had to take the bean water here and pour it into another basin. There was also a fine sand net on it, covered with white gauze, and the filtered water was sent to burn. It was not "steamed into chunks of cold bean curd". The dirty things detained on the white gauze were carefully picked out by Grandma, wrapped into small pieces by white gauze, and moved to the steamer to form a bean paste! The most leisurely one is my mother. Grandma didn't ask her to take it because she was afraid that she would be tired. She just helped me lead Xiaodoudou into the hole or burn a fire for a while sometimes.

I like to make tofu, and I prefer to feel the beauty of life through working together as a family.

Composition made by (14)

We should all know the allegorical saying: "The bean curd stewed with shallots is one by one clean (green) and two white". On the second day when we came to the agricultural base, we experienced the whole process of making bean curd, which is very impressive.

In the afternoon, with the sound of light rain dripping on the ground, we sat in the cool classroom and witnessed the birth of tofu with our classmates.

Upon entering the classroom, a smell of soybeans came to my face, and eight stone mills were placed neatly on the ground. Let's sit down in turn. First, we need to grind all the soybeans soaked for 10-12 hours into a bean paste like cream. Looking at the pot full of soybeans, I can't help but feel embarrassed How long will it take to grind so many soybeans!

Ground soybean milk

There are 8 people in our group. Two people are responsible for adding water and soybeans to the stone mill, and the other six people rotate the stone mill in turn. I was the first to turn the stone mill. I was full of confidence. I grabbed the handle and tried to turn it back. Unexpectedly, the stone mill did not move, but my hand was bounced away. I looked at the small stone mill and determined to turn it. I held the handle tightly with my hand again and turned it with force. The stone mill also made a sound of friction between stones.

As if I had beaten chicken blood, I used all my strength to turn the stone mill one by one, and milk white soybean paste gradually flowed from the cracks in the stone. When I was tired, the members of the same group would quickly connect. Finally, with our unremitting efforts, we finished grinding beans within the specified time. The teacher took the bean paste and poured it into a large pot, stirring it constantly, adding brine bit by bit in the middle, and gradually a white lump appeared on the pot, that is, tofu. Finally, the teacher put them in a square box and pressed them neatly. Finally, a piece of white tofu appeared in everyone's eyes. I scooped up a spoonful of tofu and put it in my mouth. The soft taste, the strong bean flavor and the salty smell of soy sauce bloomed in my mouth. At that moment, all efforts were not in vain.

This experience of making tofu not only made me feel the importance of unity, but also made me understand that being a person needs to be like tofu.

The road we have traveled through will eventually be full of flowers.

Making Composition of (15)

Today, I cooked another delicious dish - fried potato cake, which is also a dish with high degree of difficulty for me who is good at cooking.

I don't know which is flour, so I used the most stupid method. There are two kinds of powders at home. I'll try them one by one, won't I know? I first tried one of them. I was very confident at the beginning. I thought it must be flour, so I made a tablespoon of flour and mixed it with water. The more I saw it, the less it looked. The flour always wanted to settle at the bottom of the bowl; I picked up another kind of powder. I was not so confident as I was just now. I just dug a little powder with a spoon and mixed it with water. This time, when I stirred it up, I felt that the powder listened to chopsticks very much! Ah, that's it! Ordinary adults are like this! I was ecstatic and finally found the flour!

I use salt to mix the large potato chips that have just been cut, ignite the fire, put oil, and then dip those large potato chips with flour and put them into the oil pan. Listening to the crackling sound, I have a sense of achievement. I had just fried three or four pieces, and my greedy mother arrived home. Maybe she smelled the flavor of the delicious food, went straight to the kitchen, picked up the large potato chips I had fried and sent them to her mouth. I asked her how it was, and her mother said, "The heat is not enough!" So I reluctantly went back to the pot, waiting for the fried potato chips to be covered with layers of gold, and the food was finally finished!

I hurriedly put it on the table and set out a lot of assorted plates. After taking pictures, I ate it first, but forgot to invite my elderly wife to eat it first. My mother said, "Why didn't you give it to my wife?" My wife was very angry. I asked her to eat it but she refused to eat it. I was at a loss

Composition made by (16)

At noon this afternoon, I found a card for making aircraft models in the Military Science Pictorial. Then I asked my mother to make a model plane together.

My mother and I picked up the card and cut all the modules without thinking. After cutting, we stared at the mountains of modules on the table. I don't know where to start. I panicked and began to cobble together. But what if I can't make a model plane? However, we carefully observed the 'plane' on the sample picture. It turns out that each module is marked with numbers, and the modules are symmetrical. Then I suddenly realized that, just like Columbus discovered the New World, they were carefully put together in order. Soon, a lifelike small plane appeared in front of us.

After this experience, I realized that no matter what I do, I should observe carefully, form a preliminary impression in my mind, and then practice in an orderly manner to make perfect things.

's Composition (17)

Small production

"June 1" Children's Day is coming, our teacher asked us to go home and make some decorations. When I got home, I took out a lot of cardboard and drew many patterns (an) on it, including moon, sun, stars and clouds. After painting, cut it off, paint bright colors on both sides of it with yan paint, and string it with string.

I made two, one about the sky, and the other four about sporting goods. They are very beautiful. They must be beautiful when they are hung at the door of the classroom tomorrow.

's Composition (18)

Before doing this, I prepared a small egg, a ball of plasticine, some wool and some handmade paper.

I picked up the egg first, broke a small hole in the tip of the eggshell, pierced the soft skin inside with chopsticks, carefully poured the egg white and yolk drop by drop into the bowl, and washed the inside with clean water. I knead the plasticine into strips and put it into my mouth bit by bit. I tried. Alas, why do eggs always pour to the left? I thought it was not enough, so I threw a little more. Who knows, the egg still doesn't listen to me, instead, it tilts backward. I picked it up and shook it in my ear. I heard the sound of the plasticine rolling around inside, and I suddenly had an idea. I dug the small mouth a little bigger, and put my little thumb in it to fix the plasticine. I tried again, and the egg finally stabilized. Then, I sealed the top of the egg with double-sided adhesive tape, and stuck wool hair on it. Finally, I used a marker to draw two big watery eyes on the egg. Then he cut a molded microphone with handmade paper and stuck it in front of its "chest". In the light, it is almost as attractive as a singer.

I put the tumbler on the table and gently pushed it. It shook from side to side for several times, but it didn't fall down. I gave it another shove, but it still didn't fall. What an indomitable soldier!

Looking at my hand made tumbler, I felt inexpressible joy and felt that it was more lovely than any other one in the shop. I believe Yi Xiaomeng will also like it.

Today, I would like to introduce my small craft to you; 45 second timed water leak.

The drain is made of two mineral water bottles without water, some transparent glue, three sticks and some water.

The manufacturing process is as follows: first unscrew the caps of the two bottles, and then stick the two caps together with double-sided adhesive tape. Then, fix it with transparent glue. Then, fill an empty bottle with water. Finally, pierce a hole in the center of the two caps, and screw the two bottles together on the caps. The water leak is ready!

The difficulty I encountered was that it was impossible to put the water drain straight. It must be sloped to drain water. But it's inconvenient to put it sideways. So I thought of a way: make a tripod. I started to do it without stopping.

The tripod is made of three solid wooden sticks and some transparent glue. Cross the three sticks into a tripod shape and fix them with transparent glue.

Finally, put the water drain on the tripod (remember to put the water bottle up). At this time, you will find that the water in the bottle filled with water starts to drip slowly to the empty bottle. When the bottle of water is completely drained, the time required is the calculation time of the water leak.

The time for my drain to finish dripping is 45 seconds. You can also do one to see how long it will take to finish dripping.

My small productions may not be very attractive, but they are fun. They are small planes made of beautiful colored paper. Trash cans and small fans. Small planes can fly freely in the sky, and garbage cans can let people hold some small domestic garbage, which can protect our environment. Finally, the cute fan is also very useful. When you are very hot, you can use it to cool you.

After listening to my introduction, are you eager to do something! Let me teach you! I will teach you to fold a lovely fan today! It is very simple. First take a piece of rectangular colored paper, fold it in half to make the middle line, then open it and fold a finger thick fold from the side, and then fold a finger thick fold in reverse to finish the paper. After folding, fold the two sides in half, and bind the bottom with a stapler. This beautiful and lovely fan is finished. If you think your small fan is not beautiful, you can draw your favorite pictures on it!

Students, have you all learned? Come on!

In the morning, I found a thick and light plastic bag full of gas at home. It is a cylinder, as if it is composed of long and thick habits. So I immediately went upstairs and asked for a helper: 2 sponges, 3 films, 1 small box and 1 adhesive tape.

Then I started to take action. First, I took an egg out of the refrigerator and wrapped it in a thin film to let him stay in it. Then, wrap the small box with film, and then put a sponge and the small box of the packaging film into the plastic packaging bag. In order not to let the eggs fall out, I stuffed another sponge to fix them. Finally, I closed the plastic cover and wrapped it with tape circle after circle.

In order to slow down the falling speed of eggs, I specially filled the balloon very full! ha-ha! be accomplished!

One day, the teacher asked us to go home and do a craft - parachute. I think: Who uses the parachute? It should be used by pilots, so its safety should be considered to be high, or the pilots will fall to death.

When I got home, I was thinking: what to use for umbrella cover, cloth, seems to be no good, and paper bags, seems to be no good. Alas, I'd better drink a can of yogurt! When I opened the refrigerator, I suddenly got inspiration. I saw that there was a bag of fresh-keeping bags in the refrigerator, so it was right to use the fresh-keeping bags as umbrella surfaces! It is light and has floating power. It can definitely float in the sky. Hurry up and take action. I blew a big breath into the fresh-keeping bag and tied it with string. At this time, the fresh-keeping bag became a transparent sphere. I held it with my hand, and it was OK. But what do you use as a fake pilot? I think: find a button! Wait till I tie it up and fly, eh? No, it's too light. What should I do? For what? I looked in the drawer to see if there were any other treasures. I could borrow the beads on the packaging box of Happy Candy. If there are beads, try again with them and throw them hard, ah! If it succeeds, it can fly a distance and slowly land on the floor.

Now, I am more happy than getting lucky money!