One sentence composition (select 5)
one falling leaf is indicative of the coming of autumn
2023-10-12 03:42:13
Grade 6

One sentence composition (1)

One sentence that makes me unforgettable is - "This is the first and the last time." Now I will collect excellent and unforgettable one sentence composition for you. If you like this article, you can refer to it. Welcome to keep an eye on our subsequent updates.

Unforgettable sentence composition 1

Whenever I encounter setbacks, I always remember my mother once said to me, "Stand up from where you fall".

Once when I was a child, I played hide and seek with several children. As a result, I accidentally fell down while running, and I cried bitterly. At this time, my mother came over and said to me gently: "You must stand up from where you fall. "After saying that, I also rewarded me with a bag of sugar, which turned my sorrow into joy. Since then, I have remembered this sentence.

Another time, my father took me to play a game of squirt gun. My father manipulates the water gun skillfully, but I am clumsy and don't even know where the switch is. I was so angry that I sat down on the ground and whispered, "Broken machines, I won't play anymore! "But after saying this, I remembered my mother's words to me," You can stand up from where you fall down. "So I fought, patiently looked for the switch, and finally found it. I also played, and had fun!

On another occasion, I did an experiment at home, and the experiment was to make bubble blowing people bubble water. But I didn't understand anything at that time, so I had to make up. As a result, not only did I fail to make it, but I also soiled my beloved clothes. I was wronged and looked for my mother, who said, "Stand up wherever you fall!"! "This shocking remark gave me determination and belief when I sorted it out. I carefully thought about what was wrong. After about ten minutes, I finally figured out what was wrong. It was the problem of the number. In the previous configuration, the shower gel was either too much or too little. So, I learned from the lessons of the previous several times and worked with one heart and one mind. Ah, it's finally finished. I hurried to the balcony and blew bubbles. Looking at these crystal clear bubbles, my heart is full of pride.

Now whenever I encounter setbacks, I can never forget that sentence. It seems that my mother is right to stand up wherever I fall.

Unforgettable sentence composition 2

From birth to the present, I have heard too many words, but most of them did not have a deep impression. Only the most special one impressed me the most.

It was still my first grade. At that time, every student had to have a specialty, and I was no exception. However, what's your specialty? After thinking hard for a long time, piano became my specialty.

At the beginning, I had a strong interest in piano. One hour's piano lessons were not enough. My heart was very happy to see my flexible fingers fluttering happily on the black and white keys, playing a simple and melodious music.

But before long, I got tired of the piano. Because in the piano class, I was criticized for not only practicing but also going to the toilet. I felt uncomfortable and wanted to give up the piano.

This is another piano lesson. I sat on the piano chair closest to the door to practice and dared not move. The door behind him opened with a bang. An aunt walked into the door and rushed straight to Teacher Jian's lounge. Needless to say, she came to find Teacher Jian. Sure enough, soon she and Teacher Jian walked to the tea table closest to the door, drinking water and talking about the sky, as if I were not there. Time passed by by minute by minute, but their chat seemed to have no end, and there was no intention to stop. My God? Teacher Jian, do you forget that there is another class of students waiting for you to shout "class is over"? I thought in my heart that I was absent-minded when playing the piano... Suddenly, the aunt said something that made me feel determined: "How beautiful the little girl sitting near the door of your class is! How beautiful her voice is! I must be a great musician when I grow up! "No matter whether the aunt said it intentionally or unintentionally, I felt warm after listening to it and played the piano more seriously.

The words of strangers sometimes make us summon up courage and forge ahead. I can't learn the piano so carelessly anymore, because I can't live up to my aunt's expectations!

An unforgettable sentence composition 3

In your life, there must be one sentence that you will never forget. This sentence will inspire you every moment and may make you strong enough to step into the door of success. I also have the most unforgettable sentence that I heard when I was riding a bicycle.

It was a sunny day with blue sky and fresh air. Everything is perfect. At that time, I was learning to ride a bike, and my mother was watching. I struggled to get on the bike and pedal hard, but the bike didn't run at all and kept turning around. I lowered my head and looked at my feet. Just as I wanted to step on it, my feet kept turning back. What should I do? I was sweating with anxiety. At this time, I simply practice pedaling first.

I stepped on and on, and finally I could step on it. I had to push my foot forward. I just pedaled up, but the car tilted and fell on the lawn. It seems that this should be practiced slowly. I kicked and kicked, but fell down again and again. I have practiced for more than an hour and haven't learned yet. I couldn't help being discouraged: why is it so difficult to learn to drive? How envious of others! Alas, I still don't want to learn.

At this time, an aunt came over and understood what was going on. She smiled and said, "Don't be discouraged, look ahead! When I sorted it out, I understood that looking forward is success. Looking forward to success will speed up our steps and make progress towards success! If you bow your head, you will not see success and may give up. Students, no matter how tired we are today, we should look forward to success, speed up our steps, and forget about disappointment and discouragement! However, it is not enough to only think about success in the heart. We need to walk steadily and well step by step!

This is my most unforgettable sentence: Don't be discouraged, look forward! I will take this sentence with me and walk my own life!

An unforgettable sentence composition 4

One day, our monitor had a quiz, and I only got 90 points, which was the worst score I got. I was very excited, a burst of sadness, tears could not help but flow down.

Walking on the way home, although the clear sky is cloudless, my mood is just the opposite, very cloudy. I trudged home. When my mother saw me go back, she smiled and asked me, "How was it? Did you do well in the exam?" I dared not look up at my mother's eyes, lowered my head, and whispered, "I didn't do well in the exam, I only got 90 points." I summoned up the courage to speak, and waited for a storm with apprehension. But I waited for a long time, and my mother didn't do that. I looked up at my mother and found that she turned her head, shook her head slightly, turned her head to look at me, and whispered to me: "Today, my mother will not hit you, just let you remember that this is the first time and the last time, I hope you can understand my mother's words." I looked at my mother and saw a white hair on her head. I nodded silently and firmly.

"This is the first time and the last time." This sentence has always encouraged me. This sentence made me understand that I should study hard and not make my mother sad again. I know that no matter how my mother treats me, it is always her love for me. Just because of my mother's love for me, I will redouble my efforts to report back to my mother. My later achievements have never disappointed my mother.

One of my unforgettable words is - "This is the first time and the last time."

An unforgettable sentence composition 5

Once, my mother took me to have a haircut. The barber shop was far away from my home. I begged my mother to take a tricycle, but she refused.

After walking for a while, I couldn't bear it. My feet hurt. A tricycle just passed by. I begged my mother again. My mother glared at me and scolded: "I'm not promising. I'm tired of walking such a little way. How can I let others help me walk on my own way!" I was very sad. I thought: my mother doesn't care about me at all, she is a different mother!

When I arrived at the barber shop, I couldn't find a seat. I could only watch others sitting on the chair leisurely for haircuts. I had to squat down and wait. After a long time, it was my turn at last. However, my hair was originally short, and I was cutting it short in just a few minutes. I got on the seat excitedly and thought: I finally have a seat. My aunt began to cut my hair, and I felt that my buttocks were just stable, so she told me that it was over. I had to go out of the barber shop with my mother. I didn't want to go before I took a few steps, but my mother always encouraged me. I gritted my teeth and insisted on going home.

Since then, whenever I want to rely on others when I have problems, I always think of my mother's words, "How can I let others help me with my own way". Yes, you can't let others help you with your own problems.

"How can you let others help you along your own way" will always be my motto. I will never forget it.

One sentence composition (2)

Composition on the power of one sentence (I)

Composition themed on the power of one sentence (2)

1. Read the following text and write a composition according to the requirements.

As the saying goes, good words are warm in winter, while bad words hurt people in June. Indeed, words can be true or false, and their impact is also very different: one sentence can make people repent, and one sentence can make people leave good karma forever; One sentence can make people move inexplicably, and one sentence can make people hate each other. A word is insignificant, but it has infinite power.

Please write an article with no less than 800 words under the title of "the power of one sentence", in connection with your own or social reality. Self determined, self selected style (except poetry).

2. Write a short composition centered on the characters. It is required to reflect the ideological and spiritual qualities of the characters through one or two small things, and reflect your impression and feelings on the characters in the narration. The title is self prepared, with about 300 words.

Composition themed on the power of one sentence (3)

Read the following materials, and then write a composition according to the requirements.

"Come on!" The simple words made her full of strength and tenaciously rushed to the end. "My child, the teacher said that if you do well, you can do better!" In a simple sentence, let a child with learning difficulties step by step into the palace of the university.

"When three people walk, there must be my teacher." A simple sentence made him realize that "there are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the people."

Why is a simple sentence so powerful? How do these phenomena cause you to associate and think? Please draw up your own topic, choose your own style (except poetry and drama), and write an article with no less than 600 words. Do not include the real school name and person name in the text.

1、 Problem analysis

The composition of Wuhan 2008 High School Entrance Examination consists of three pieces of material and the following prompt (writing requirements). On the surface, the three materials only describe the process of a sentence giving power to people. After careful analysis, they show the power of a sentence from different perspectives: it can cheer you up, cheer you on, give you confidence and courage, and also give you wisdom and enlightenment.

In the prompt, "why does a simple sentence have such a great power?" is the key to finding out the question. Whether the examinee's article is relevant depends on whether they can pay attention to the three words "why". Smart examinees will clearly understand the purpose of this composition in their minds: to use their own words to focus on the reason why a sentence gives people strength, not just the process. There is also a prompt "What kind of association and thinking do these phenomena cause you?", which prompts how we can write: not only can we tell our own life experience, reveal the source of the power of a sentence through personal experience, but also can use typical examples to analyze the will and emotion contained in a sentence, and the psychological, emotional The great influence of will and wisdom.

Through the analysis of the topic of the composition, we can understand that the prompts here provide the examinees with the focus and direction of the content of writing (reveal why), and prompt the basic method of writing (narration or discussion). In fact, the materials in front play the role of guiding ideas and prompting the main points of content. As long as we understand the ideological connotation contained in these materials when writing, we can be confident, and there is no need to stick to the materials and follow the trend.

2、 Writing Guide

After clarifying the key points, it's time to make up your mind and conception. No matter what content you write, students should be clear before writing, that is, why does a sentence have great power? If you can clearly and profoundly answer this point, your article will be half successful. How to solve this seemingly abstract problem? First of all, we may consider from two perspectives: what is included in a sentence? How will it affect people? For example, "You can certainly do better!" contains trust and encouragement, and gives listeners the power of self-confidence and the belief of success; "I want to seize the throat of fate" contains the indomitable spirit of fighting against fate, giving people the courage to overcome difficulties and the will to be rock solid; "Mother doesn't blame you for this, don't blame yourself too much" contains tolerance and care, and gives people the power of gratitude and the belief to change. If we can analyze this from both subjective and objective aspects, maybe your understanding of the article will be suddenly clear.

Next, we can choose the idea according to the actual composition: you can record your experience of being influenced and shocked by a sentence, and focus on the connotation of the sentence and its impact on you; We can sort out the famous sayings that have a great impact on people at all times and in all over the world, and analyze their connotations and functions; You can list a typical example of changing your life and reveal the reasons

3、 A collection of materials

An American youth who wanted to commit suicide was going to buy another newspaper and read it before committing suicide. When he read the poem "Life is nothing but an empty dream" written by the black poet Hughes, he suddenly woke up, gave up the idea of suicide and started a new life.

During World War II, there was a man named Doke who was rejected for enlistment because he was too old. He felt very sorry and signed up for the field hospital to help doctors treat the wounded. It takes a lot of perseverance to cure the wounded day after day. In order to encourage himself and everyone, he thought out a sentence and wrote it on the wall: "No one will die here." Everyone will pay one after seeing it

Laugh. However, over the years, the wounded, medical staff and even the president of the hospital have gradually remembered this sentence. The wounded lived tenaciously because they remembered this sentence; The medical staff carefully implemented the treatment because they remembered this sentence. One sentence has changed a hospital and the fate of many wounded people.

German youth Fulds played the Moonlight Song on the stage, but he played several wrong notes due to nervousness. After the performance, he was very upset. At that time, the famous musician Feng? Sal walked onto the stage and unexpectedly kissed Fulds on the forehead, saying, "You played very well! Remember, when I was your age, I was a student of the great musician Liszt. After a performance, he also kissed me on the forehead in the same way, and said to me that Beethoven gave the kiss. It turned out that after Liszt played for the first time, Beethoven kissed him in the same way. He also said to him that you played very well! " Later, Faldes really became a musician. He recalled the incident and said with emotion: "Praise is a powerful force, a candle in the dark, a magic magic, powerful and attractive."

Alexandre Dumas, who has not yet embarked on the road of literary creation, wanders in Paris, hoping his father's friends can find him a job to earn a living. His father's friend asked him, "Is he proficient in mathematics?" He was silent and shook his head shyly. "How about historical geography?" He still shook his head in embarrassment. "What about the law?" He hung his head more embarrassed. "Where is the accountant?" Facing a series of questions from his father and friends, he could only shake his head in shame. "Then you should write down your address first. I must help you find something to do." Dumas wrote down his address with a red face, and hurriedly turned to leave, but was pulled by the elder. Seeing Dumas' inferiority complex, he kindly encouraged him: "Young man, your name is beautifully written, which is your advantage! You should not only be satisfied with finding a job to live in." Dumas learned from this sentence that the friendly elder encouraged and appreciated him. So he began to write diligently. After years of hard work, Dumas Dumas finally wrote the world-famous classic - La Traviata, and became a world-famous writer.

Lin Qingxuan, a famous Taiwanese writer, was inferior in his studies and conduct when he was in high school. Many teachers had no hope for him, but his Chinese teacher did not dislike him. He also told him, "I have taught for 50 years, and I can see at a glance that you are a student who can achieve great things." This sentence made Lin Qingxuan very moved and shocked. In order to live up to his teacher's painstaking efforts, he made great efforts to be a useful person to the society.

4、 Appreciation of excellent works

The power of one sentence

An unforgettable word, sometimes like a wisp of spring wind, gently sweeps away the dust that has blinded the soul for a long time, soothes the new wounds and old pains in others' hearts, and melts the ice in their hearts; Sometimes it is like a silent drumbeat, letting people put aside their cowardice and depression, set their minds, lift the sails of life, and sail in the wind. On the balance, it has no weight, but it is very powerful. It often inadvertently brings people surprise, warmth and care. One sentence is not much, but it brings us endless power.

A sentence often contains vigilance and encouragement. In the autumn of 1946, Wang Zengqi, a graduate of Southwest United University, came to Shanghai alone. He was trapped in life and writing, and even thought of committing suicide. Before committing suicide, he wrote a last letter to Mr. Shen Congwen, who was far away in Beijing. After Shen Congwen received the letter, he replied a letter to Wang Zengqi as quickly as possible, which was like a slap in the face: "For a moment of difficulty, you are crying like this, even thinking of suicide. You are really hopeless. You have a pen in your hand, what are you afraid of?" After reading the letter, Wang Zengqi woke up like a dream, and then became very embarrassed. He shook off all his burdens and soon found a job in a private school in Shanghai.

Since then, he has become a literary master of a generation while teaching and writing. A sentence is often full of deep love. I still remember that I acted as if nothing had happened to me when I failed repeatedly; Hear parents earnestly exhortation on upset irritable; Even when I see a teacher I once respected, I will hide far away.

I never thought that a word from Mr. Zhu made me find myself again. On that day, he held a miserable Chinese test paper and said with emotion, "I'm really worried about you, son." Somehow, my tears suddenly took my eyes

However, I didn't expect that the teacher always thought about me, a disappointing student! This sentence turned into gratitude and the power of the prodigal son to turn back, accompanied by my recapture of wasted time, singing a loud song of youth.

In fact, the road of life will never be smooth and will inevitably encounter twists and turns. At this time, if there is a warm word, a moving advice, or a head slap, a wake up advice, it may save not only a person's life, but also an unprecedented cause.

A word is a ray of sunshine, illuminating the darkest corner of the world.

A word is a gentle breeze, blowing away the clouds accumulated on others' foreheads.

A word is a lamp, which not only lights the way for him, but also lights the fire of his love. We don't know how many words we have to experience in our life, but to maintain the original color of life, we must rely on a powerful word to help, a powerful word to encourage, whether to others or to ourselves, can light up the pure and true feelings in our hearts. (The author is Ye Yongzhong of Wuhan No. 6 Junior Middle School)

The power of one sentence

How many times have you been sailing on the river of memory to find you; How many times, wandering in the nursery of the soul, staring at you.

Although you have been with us for only one year, your face is sometimes vague, but, Mr. Zhao, your words of encouragement that I will never forget are still ringing in my ears

On that day, dark clouds covered my head, and I saw a rainstorm coming. The strong wind ruffled the red forked math paper in my hand and stirred my heart that had knocked over the Wuweiping bottle: confusion, helplessness, and boredom flooded into my heart. My confidence building is being hammered and tottering. When I think of the new environment and new faces since I entered junior high school, I always feel at a loss. To make matters worse, my Chinese performance fell into a low ebb, and the contemptuous eyes of my classmates made me feel as if the cold wind swept through my heart again and again.

Looking out of the window, the sky finally broke down in tears after a short silence. So, when you, my favorite Chinese teacher, came to me, I didn't dare to look into your eyes with your head down and an impassive expression. You drew me closer, so that I could still hear your gentle guidance in the noise of wind and rain: "How careless! I forgot to write the title. You see, it's only appropriate to change the two paragraphs, "Also, the teacher hopes that one day he can hold a thick book and proudly say to people around him, 'Look, this is a book written by my students!'"

A soft word, but accompanied by the sound of rain outside the window heavily hit my heart. It is like a ray of sunshine, which completely dispels the long hesitation in my heart; It was like a huge stone, which broke through my frozen heart lake in an instant. At this moment, I see you looking at me, your eyes are full of encouragement and expectation. Oh, the rain is still falling outside the window, which seems to echo and sing happily

Therefore, I will not flinch from each piece of test paper that flutters down; Holding a thick book of homework, I am no longer tired; In the long night accompanied by lights and shadows, I am no longer lonely. Because there is a

Faith has always supported me. One word of encouragement has always accompanied me. One "promise" has always guided me, that is, "the teacher hopes to hold a thick book one day and proudly say to people around: 'Look, this is a book written by my students!'".

Teacher, in your teaching career, you may have said many words of encouragement to your students, but for me, it is a unique memory collection, a source of strength when I am at a loss, and an inexhaustible driving force in my life.

Thank you, dear teacher!

[Brief comment]

In this paper, the scenery sets off the feelings, and the feelings blend with the scenes. The author pays much attention to the change of his mood in the process of describing his motivation after being encouraged by the teacher. In particular, the scenery description is timely and skillfully sets off the mood of the characters. For example, "Looking out of the window, the sky finally broke down in tears after a short silence." This sentence is followed by rain to suggest that "I" myself began to cry, very figuratively; "Oh, it's still raining outside the window, and it seems to be answering and singing" ", which just shows the confidence recovery and happy mood of" I "after being encouraged. The scenery always serves the characters and their mood, which is very appropriate and vivid. This article expresses the image and has strong appeal. The author pays attention to the sense of image when describing life scenes and moods. For example, instead of directly saying, "I often think of you and your words of encouragement", he said, "How many times do you go boating on the river of memory to pursue you; how many times do you wander in the nursery of your heart and stare at you", which gives readers a beautiful picture and a strong shock. There is also the penultimate paragraph of the article. The use of parallelism shows the infinite power of the teacher's encouraging words to "me".

You will be the embodiment of beauty

I felt my head, bit open the thin film, and slowly crawled out. Alas, I am a little caterpillar. The dying old butterfly next to me shook its wings slightly and said to me gently: "My child, you will become a beautiful butterfly. No matter how much tears and sweat, no matter how much pain and suffering, they will only make you more valuable. Please believe that you will be the embodiment of beauty." Then the old butterfly died. Its wings were broken by the wind, and its body fell to the ground and was buried by the soil.

I don't understand what the words Old Butterfly said to me mean, but I feel there is endless bitterness in them. I began to wriggle slowly, looking at the colorful and busy beautiful world with my own eyes.

"Look, what an ugly caterpillar!" The crow stopped at the branch suddenly opened his mouth, full of dark sarcasm. "It's so ugly that I can hardly swallow you. Go away!" The crow flew over and shook the branches with its two claws. I was heavily dropped on the ground, and there was stinging pain in the tender skin. "Get away! Damn it!" Before I could heal the wound, I heard the vicious curse. At first sight, Sister Hua was scolding me. I couldn't help crying, so sad. After a long time, I suddenly remembered the old butterfly's words - no matter how much tears and sweat, no matter how much pain and suffering, they will only make you more valuable. Please believe that you will be the embodiment of beauty.

I decided to live well.

A month later, I am still an ugly caterpillar.

Two months later, I am still an ugly caterpillar.

The cold winter has come. I have tied my cocoon and slept quietly. In my pillow dream, there is a most beautiful butterfly flying.


When I woke up, I felt a sharp pain in my body. It was the pain of tearing off a layer of skin, and it was the pain of tearing my heart and lungs. Will I die soon? Perhaps, I will incarnate as beautiful?

Slowly, I felt numb with pain. I don't know how long it took, when I came out of the cocoon, I saw the colorful world. I saw green spring wind passing under me. I stopped at the branch, my heart was still timid.

"Look, what a beautiful butterfly!" People pointed at me. I can't help flying. When I flew by the green stream, I saw my beautiful reflection and smiled sweetly. In the spring wind, I am excited to dance. I believe that wherever I fly, there will be traces of beauty left.

At this moment, I can't help blurting out the words of the old butterfly when he was dying: "No matter how much tears and sweat, no matter how much pain and suffering they have experienced, they will only make you more valuable. Please believe that you will be the embodiment of beauty."

Composition themed on the power of one sentence (IV)

The power of one sentence

A word is insignificant, but it has infinite power.

"Cheer up" cheers for the athletes on the playground to make them tenaciously rush to the end. Sometimes a word of encouragement lets a person with academic difficulties still go to college. Sometimes a word of comfort lets a person who is down and out regain confidence. Sometimes a word of encouragement makes the two people turn against each other. The power of a word can change a lifetime, or even the journey you will take later.

Due to the charm of "one sentence", there are even fewer life changing examples. I read a story about a child with ADHD who was absent from school and did not listen to the teacher in class. One time, his mother went to school at a parent's meeting. The teacher complained more than once, "Your child can't sit still for a minute in class." But the mother encouraged the child to say, "The teacher praised you today, saying that you could sit for only half a minute before, but now you can sit for one minute." Because of this sentence, the child gained confidence, and finally went from a low to an intermediate to an advanced student, which led him to a disorderly university.

There was a child who stole a pumpkin and went home one day. His mother praised him and said, "Good boy, yes, he stole a pumpkin and came back." The child was very happy to hear this sentence. Gradually, the boy stole more and more, and it became more and more serious. From stealing pumpkins to stealing money, one day when he went to a house to steal something, he was caught unfortunately, and he gathered the junior high school people together, Put him in a cage and drown him in the river.

Because in a word, it makes the former succeed and the latter fail. What is the power of a casual frivolous sentence that allows people to choose between life and death?

Composition themed on the power of one sentence (5)

three million seventy-nine thousand and twenty-five

The power of one sentence

One sentence can make people repent, one sentence can make people leave their good relationship forever, one sentence can make people move inexplicably, one sentence can make people hate each other, one sentence is where the power is, I am thinking.

In this vast universe, the power of a sentence seems so small, just like a grain of sand in the desert, a drop of water in the ocean, and a grass in the forest. However, a grain of sand on the top of a mountain can add a new height to it, a drop of water on a dry lip can revive a dying life, and a grass growing in an endless desert can give hope.

When he was young, he was naughty and playful. Just because of a chance encounter and a simple sentence, he became a "poetic immortal".

His literary talent, his talent, like that beautiful pearl dazzling eyes, but all this, only from the old woman's words. Just the sentence that "as long as the kung fu is deep, the iron pestle will be ground into a needle" made him famous later; Just that sentence revealed his talent. Without that sentence, it is hard to imagine how many cultural treasures we would lose.

When people are immersed in infinite sadness, his words make us feel the hope of life. Buried under the ruins for more than 80 hours, he conquered the world with indomitable life and optimism. "Uncle, I want to drink Coke." A simple sentence revealed his strong and optimistic life, and a simple sentence infected everyone. This sentence alleviated our nerves that collapsed too close and too tight due to grief, and amused China immersed in grief; This sentence, like the sun after the haze, gives special encouragement to those who have passed through sadness, and makes people feel endless hope.

How powerful is one sentence? The answer is endless. The power of a sentence can lead people to a new era, enable people to create one miracle after another, and awaken countless sleeping hearts.

In the face of sadness, a word of comfort can help people out of the haze; In the face of difficulties, a word of encouragement can help people overcome difficulties; In the face of failure, a word of support can create success. The power of a sentence cannot be ignored.

The power of a word, such as thunder, snow, and rain, sweeps away all delays and delays, and gets rid of hesitation and laziness.

The power of a sentence is like a war drum, a horn, or a banner. It urges people to march forward bravely, march forward boldly, and change with each passing day.

The power of a sentence is like sunshine, rain and dew, and nectar. It helps people to think quickly, be energetic, and be free and easy!

Composition themed on the power of one sentence (6)

The power of one sentence

I went to the post office to pick up the money order that day. The young man at the window was probably new. He was still unskilled in his business and obviously nervous. He took my ID card and money order, and began to click on the numbers on the computer. In a short time, sweat poured out on his forehead. He couldn't help saying to him, "It doesn't matter. Take your time. I'm not in a hurry." The young man looked at me and began to smile brightly.

Since then, when I went to the post office to pick up the money order, the young man always looked respectful. I laughed at his politeness to me. He said to me seriously, "The day you picked up the money order, it was my first day at work. Thank you for not urging me. I felt warm. It was you who made me feel I could handle my work. Thank you!"

His words reminded me of the first time I walked on the platform. Although I felt fully prepared, I was still nervous and speechless when I stood on the platform and looked at so many eyes. Especially, the teachers in the back were all school leaders. I began to sweat ceaselessly. I didn't know how to speak at all. I didn't even know how to speak the opening words.

At this time, the girl sitting in the first row handed me a small note, which said: "Teacher, trust yourself, don't be nervous, come on!" This simple sentence made me more confident. I began to have the strength to face the students. The trial speech went smoothly, and successfully won the first victory.

Rujin, who has taught for many years, still keeps that little note, which is the most important fortune in my life. It is no exaggeration to say that it is because of it that I have the strength to face my first job.

I also remember the first time a girlfriend of mine pricked a needle. She was so nervous that her fingers trembled

A patient, a very kind old uncle, said to him kindly, "Little girl, don't worry, take your time!" Her girlfriend finally braved the obstacles in her heart in his encouraging eyes and smoothly pierced the first needle in his career.

His girlfriend said that he was still grateful to his first patient for giving her the strength to start her nursing career smoothly.

In fact, how powerful is one sentence? Many times, it is not a word of others that can change the fate, but we need such a word, which can give people encouragement, confidence and courage to face, so we will be grateful to those who are willing to give us such a word.

If possible, should we also give people a word of encouragement? It's not that you want to be a noble person in others' lives, nor that you want to be a savior in others' lives. But if you also encounter such a situation, you still want to say something gently

One sentence composition (3)

Whenever I encounter setbacks, I always remember my mother once said to me, "Stand up from where you fall".

Once when I was a child, I played hide and seek with several children. As a result, I accidentally fell down while running, and I cried bitterly. At this time, my mother came over and said to me gently: "You must stand up from where you fall. "After saying that, I also rewarded me with a bag of sugar, which made me smile through tears. Since then, I have remembered this sentence.

Another time, my father took me to play a game of squirt gun. My father skillfully controlled the water gun while I was clumsy and didn't even know where the switch was. I got angry and sat down on the ground with my mouth whispering: "Broken machines, I won't play anymore! "But after saying this, I remembered my mother's words to me," You can stand up from where you fall down. "So I fought, patiently looked for the switch, and finally found it. I also played, and had fun!

On another occasion, I did an experiment at home, and the experiment was to make bubble blowing people bubble water. But I didn't understand anything at that time, so I had to make up. As a result, not only did I fail to make it, but I also soiled my beloved clothes. I was wronged and looked for my mother, who said, "Stand up wherever you fall!"! "This shocking remark immediately gave me confidence. I carefully thought about what was wrong. After about ten minutes, I finally figured out what was wrong. It was a problem of quantity. In the previous configuration, the shower gel was either too much or too little. So, I learned the lessons from the previous several times and worked wholeheartedly. Ah, it's finally finished. I hurried to the balcony and blew bubbles. Looking at these crystal clear bubbles, my heart is full of pride.

Now whenever I encounter setbacks, I can never forget that sentence. It seems that my mother is right to stand up wherever I fall.

One sentence composition (4)

From birth to the present, I have heard too many words, but most of them are not deeply impressed. Only the most special one has impressed me the most.

That was when I was in my first grade. At that time, every student had to have a specialty, and I was no exception. However, what's your specialty? After thinking hard for a long time, piano became my specialty.

At the beginning, I was very interested in the piano. One hour's piano lessons were not enough. Watching my flexible fingers dancing happily on the black and white keys, my heart was very excited, and a simple and beautiful music popped up.

But before long, I got tired of the piano, because in the piano class, I was criticized for not only practicing but also going to the toilet. I felt uncomfortable and wanted to give up the piano.

This is another piano lesson. I sat on the piano chair closest to the door to practice and dared not move. The door behind him opened with a bang. An aunt walked into the door and rushed straight to Teacher Jian's lounge. Needless to say, she came to find Teacher Jian. Sure enough, soon she and Teacher Jian walked to the tea table closest to the door, drinking water and chatting with each other, as if I were not there. Time passed by minute by minute, but their chat seemed to have no end, and there was no intention to stop. My God? Teacher Jian, do you forget that there is another class of students waiting for you to shout "class is over"? I thought in my heart that I was absent-minded when playing the piano... Suddenly, the aunt said something that made me feel confident again: "How beautiful the little girl sitting near the door in your class is! How beautiful her voice is! I must be a great musician when I grow up! "No matter whether the aunt said it intentionally or unintentionally, I felt warm after listening to it and played the piano more seriously.

Strangers' words sometimes make us summon up courage and march forward bravely. I can't be so careless anymore, because I can't live up to my aunt's expectations!

One sentence composition (5)

Once, my mother took me to have a haircut. The barber shop was far away from my home. I begged my mother to take a tricycle, but she refused.

After walking for a while, I couldn't bear it. My feet hurt. A tricycle just passed by. I begged my mother again. My mother glared at me and scolded: "I'm not promising, I'm tired of walking such a little way, how can I let others help me to walk on my own way!" I was very sad, and I thought: my mother doesn't care about me at all, she is an unqualified mother!

When I arrived at the barber shop, I couldn't find a seat. I could only watch others sitting on the chair leisurely for haircuts. I had to squat down and wait. After a long time, it was my turn at last. However, my hair was originally short, and I was cutting it short in just a few minutes. I was happy to get on the seat and thought: finally there is a seat. My aunt began to cut my hair, and I felt that my buttocks were just stable, so she told me that it was over. I had to go out of the barber shop with my mother. I didn't want to go before I took a few steps, but my mother always encouraged me. I gritted my teeth and insisted on going home.

Since then, whenever I want to rely on others when I have difficulties, I always think of my mother's words, "How can I let others help me with my own way". Yes, you can't let others help you with your own problems.

"How can you let others help you along your own way" will always be my motto. I will never forget it.