Simple love sentences
wishing you prosperity
2023-03-21 13:12:24
Complete sentences

1. Siyi is very old. I am thousands of years old.

2. Love is a vine growing in our hearts.

3. Good love wins time and can stand the current.

4. Love is a kind of meeting that can't wait or prepare.

5. It seems to be used to waiting, simply thinking that waiting will come.

6. I just don't want to waste my acting skills on you.

7. Baby. I have always loved you. Why break up today?

8. Disappointments and grievances are unnecessary to explain. The more you explain them, the more confused they become.

9. I will not be as eloquent as others, because I like quiet.

10. I know you are the person I care about most, and the happy time is also full of scars.

11. The old love has been formatted; The current love cannot be displayed on this page.

12. Little you, in your little dream, blow all my big things into the wind.

13. When you fall in love with a person you don't love, all you have left is heartache, wandering around the street at midnight, reflecting the lonely figure.

14. We think it is a needle on the surface. It keeps turning, while watching the time rush away, it can do nothing.

15. Time is sometimes terrible. You don't even know it, but it has turned the intimacy of the past into the irrelevance of the present.

16. Love is drinking arsenic with a smile. When you love someone deeply and lose yourself, you will stare at his smiling face and drink the poisonous wine he handed you one mouthful at a time.

17. Plant love faith under the ferris wheel, touch the cold first kiss in the pirate ship, encounter the parting of life and death in the Rift Valley of East Africa, walk left and right at the ends of the earth

18. I have seen such a sentence in the book that no matter how love ends, no matter whether you still have true feelings for him or not, you will lose half your life when you leave.

19. Everyone's fate is different, and the time of love will also have a length. Only by doing my best, I can do is: I will let my love accompany you to grow old slowly.

20. Lei fell in love with Lightning and gave birth to his son Yu; Love between heaven and earth gives birth to all things in the world; I fall in love with you, and now there are no grandchildren; When can we hold the baby.

21. Everything has passed. Tell yourself to learn to give up, and get up and leave at the moment when tears fall. Bury the pain in the bottom of my heart, leaving the best memories that once belonged to each other. Exchange a little regret for a little missing

22. I tell you what is the most sad thing. You met a person and made a mistake. You wanted to make up for it, but in the end, you found that you were unable to recover. The sins you committed can never be made up. We will always pay off the crimes we committed.

23. The friendship of people is in love, and love is accompanied by understanding. The most true and eternal love is always honest with each other, and the people who know most about people are always irreplaceable. The people who love you will love you selflessly, and love you selfishly. The people who know you will approach the heart and comfort the soul.

24. They will meet again. Maybe in a corner of the city, a coffee shop, a bar, and so on. But they are not each other, or have nothing to do with love. Just greetings. Goodbye or never see again.

25. In fact, I particularly want to know when the drama will happen to me. In fact, I really want to know, will there be perfect men? In fact, I really want to know, what is love? More and more I forget what I used to be!

26. When I miss you, I miss the warmth and happiness in my arms. I really want to become a bird and fly to you to see your appearance. Now whether you are fat or gaunt, I just want to see your appearance and listen to your breathing in deep sleep.

27. How long a person can love depends on their common beliefs and how long they can persist. Without common beliefs, there will be no love will, and there will be no passion and feelings for it. Love believers will not understand love, but will be treated well by love.

28. There will be neither hate nor leave behind love. Even if we love each other in the name of a friend, we will love each other for a lifetime. Maybe all these things are destined to end like this from the beginning. It's just a punishment for us to stubbornly stick to the thought of loving you!

29. It's not good to quarrel too often. Even small quarrels add up. The occasional small quarrel is not to blame him, but to appear wronged and sad, so that he can love you more. When quarreling, we should leave a way for ourselves. It's not good to do things or say things out.

30. As long as we are not trapped by love, everyone can live a very relaxed and comfortable life. Since some feelings can not be influenced and retrieved, why don't we live for ourselves? Maybe when we try to open the door of love again, we will know that the happiness of being loved is actually sweeter.

31. When you are with this person, you can feel the joy of your soul and the warmth of your heart at any time. In fact, the appearance is not important. Love at first sight is also fleeting. In the end, I just want to find someone to talk to. When you want to talk, speak freely; Don't want to talk, snuggle up to each other.

32. There is a kind of happiness called plainness, a kind of happiness called togetherness, and a kind of yearning is my eternal concern for you. No matter what kind of life you are, you are always my favorite. How have you been lately? Struggling and missing are all afraid that you will hear, how to cover up, and how to fall in love with you. A gentle heartbeat sleeps alone in the dark night. Missing you is my eternal language!

33. Exiled into the vast sea of people, there are often such strangers rubbing shoulders. When someone comes into your view, it becomes a scene that makes you excited, but he doesn't know that there was a you in the world. Maybe you fall into the scenery of others, but you don't know that there has been a man in the world. I don't know whether it's a first meeting or a chance to meet again after many years?

34. The Zen method of life is to maintain the tranquility and solemnity, clarity and cleanness of the mind. It is less logical affectation, less self clinging futility. After the great sadness and joy of life, it returns to the tranquility and liveliness of the heart, resolves the heavy worries, and lives a clean life. No matter how noisy the world is, it is just like walking through the mountains and rivers, walking into the mountains and rivers, enjoying the clear mountains and rivers, and knowing the breadth of the mountains and rivers.

35. However, a beautiful encounter is as elusive as a beautiful dream. Those unreal beauty will come and go in a hurry after all. I stop, look back, you have gone far. Happiness, regardless of the sentimentality of the last moment, precipitates a bunch of desolate past in the horizon of time, unable to withstand the passage of time. What I have been looking forward to is just a misunderstanding.