600 word composition for primary school students (4 collections)
Ten li Peach Forest Drunk in Spring
2024-03-26 07:48:33

600 word composition for primary school students (1)

After my hamster Doo Doo, who bit off the railing and escaped, this chubby little thing walked into the threshold of my house - it was a cute little guinea pig!

At that time, in the pet shop, Tuan Tuan was very beautiful among many guinea pigs: two small round eyes were as bright as black grapes; The flesh red nose sniffs everywhere; Two alert little ears move at once; The nimble body darts about, very vigorous. I decided to take it right away!

When I first came to our house, it might be because I was not used to it. Tuan Tuan refused to eat all the time, and when I saw people, I went into the corner. You won't even touch it. But Tuan Tuan could not fight against hunger. The next morning, he ate the vegetables in the feed trough obediently.

Tuan Tuan is a sly little guy. Every time I feed it vegetables, it always tries hard to pull them in, and when the food arrives, it hides in a hidden place to eat them. Once I was very angry because it almost bit my finger, so I blamed it loudly. It recognized that I had a problem with it, and hurriedly came up to me, looking at me with watery black eyes, as if to say: "Little master, did I make any mistake? Please don't blame me, OK?" Often it would soften my heart and not scold it.

Tuan Tuan is a picky little guy. The root of celery, it just smells it and throws it aside; The big pears are so sweet that they don't even touch the amethyst grapes. I can only angrily ask him not to be too picky, and often at this time, he is eating a piece of green vegetables.

Tuan Tuan is a little guy who knows how to enjoy life. In the pet shop, it may be because many guinea pigs ate together, and the food was not good, so it kept a good figure. But when I came to my home, I could eat a super vegetable meal every day. When he was hungry, he called me loudly, which was very loud! At this time, he looked at me with a pathetic expression. He also stood up and scratched his furry belly with his little paws subconsciously, as if he was too hungry to stand. Every time I can't stop it, I immediately fill its feed trough. So now, as its name suggests, it has become extremely fat!

Listen, it's barking again. I can only leave for a while to feed it. This little thing really makes people happy and worried!

600 word composition for primary school students (2)

People always give him birthday gifts to express their feelings on his birthday, but I received a gift from my grandfather on his birthday. What's going on here?

When I was 7 years old, that day was my grandfather's birthday, just the day before the math exam. At first, I wanted to get full marks as a birthday gift for Grandpa. However, when the examination papers were sent out, ah, I only got 85 points. What a blow it was. It was like a bolt from the blue. It hit me in the head. I fainted, I was sad, and I cried.

On the way to celebrate grandpa's birthday, I felt that my steps were so heavy, my heart was so sad, and my face was so gloomy. As soon as I entered my grandpa's house, I ran straight to the bedroom, threw myself on the bed and cried. I wanted to give my grandpa a full score as a birthday gift, but what should I do now? When grandpa saw me on the bed, he immediately touched my head and asked me what was wrong. I said. After listening to this, Grandpa was not angry and did not criticize me severely. Instead, he said to me earnestly: "You should find the reason and analyze the problem of your failure in the exam." "I thought that if I reviewed, I would not have problems, and I was complacent." Grandpa turned and went out after listening to my words.

After a while, Grandpa came back. At this time, I saw my grandfather holding a roll of paper in his hand. I was puzzled. He walked up to me and opened the paper and said, "This is a gift I gave you. You must remember what is written on it." I finally understood that it was a couplet: the first couplet said, "Modesty makes people progress, pride makes people lag behind." The second couplet said, "There is no end to learning." I looked at the couplet and nodded. Grandfather said again, "Remember that learning is endless. Don't think you will reach the end when you learn it. You should live and learn it forever. There is no end to learning knowledge." Grandfather is a calligraphy enthusiast. His handwriting is so good, which is inseparable from his daily practice and copying. Grandpa's beautiful calligraphy is to prove to me that only through ordinary hard work can we achieve good results.

Now, I hang them on the wall at the head of the bed. I read this couplet every day to remind myself to work hard and not be proud. In my opinion, it is a special and most precious gift!

600 word composition for primary school students (3)

The night before my birthday, I tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. I kept imagining what my birthday gift would be: a new mobile phone, a pair of boxing gloves, or a new pet? It took me a long time to fall asleep.

The next morning, I got up early and saw my mother cooking breakfast for me. I beat around the bush and asked about the gift, but my mother always smiled and did not answer my question, which also added a lot of mystery to the gift.

In this way, I went to school with a series of thoughts. To me at that time, every minute and every second seemed to extend indefinitely, and I could not wait until school was over. Finally, the bell rang after school, which was so beautiful and beautiful. I ran out of the classroom like an arrow and flew home, with a smile on my face and infinite excitement and expectation in my heart.

When I got home, my mother had already prepared a table of delicious food. My father smiled as he moved out his chair. He said to me, "Come, our precious son, please sit down." My mother took out a cake under the table, placed it on the table, lit a heart shaped candle, and I blew out the candle gently and made a wish. Finally, at the moment I was most looking forward to, my mother smiled and handed me the gift I had already wrapped. As soon as I thought that the long awaited answer would be revealed, I couldn't wait to open the gift. Unexpectedly, the gift turned out to be a photo album.

I opened the thin album gently. The first page was taken at home when I was three years old. At that time, I wore a jacket embroidered with dragon patterns and small sunglasses, which were very imposing. The second page is a picture of me in the playground when I was in primary school. When I was not riding a horse, my body swung with the wooden horse, and I was intoxicated in a sea of joy. The third, fourth and fifth pages are taken in different grades. The neat uniforms represent a happy learning life in several years. The last few pictures were taken with my family when traveling last summer vacation. The whole family enjoyed themselves and showed their deep affection. The last page is a blank page. Just when I wanted to ask my mother a question, she took out her camera, took my picture and said kindly, "After this picture is developed, use it to fill the blank of the last one!"

I have never paid attention to these photos before. It was my careful mother who collected them and bound them into a book that gave me today's birthday gift. I threw myself into my mother's arms, and tears of excitement and gratitude finally flowed out. I sobbed and said, "Mom, this is really the best birthday gift I have received over the years. Thank you so much." Mother held me tightly, unable to let go for a long time.

An unexpected birthday gift, a thin photo album, records my joy and sweat, records my growth, and represents my mother's deep love for me. Ah, this is the best birthday gift I have ever received in my life!

600 word composition for primary school students (4)

Quietly, quietly, Spring girl walked into this small town with her light steps. Her steps were so light that we didn't know it at all. By the time we really felt her coming, she had put on green and walked into our life with light steps!

Walking on the way to the botanical garden, the air obviously added a bit of warmth. A spring wind blew, and willow branches on both sides danced softly with the wind, like the elegant long hair of spring girl. A closer look shows that there are some yellow willow buds dotted on it. A rough look shows that there is a light green color. After a few blinks, the green color seems to disappear again, like playing hide and seek with us.

Spring in the botanical garden seems more obvious. Each flower in the flower bed shows its fragrance and competes for beauty. It is as red as the sun. The bell shaped flowers of all colors climb up the thin bamboo poles. Each bright colored trumpet seems to say hello to people, and each flower stretches its soft petals to accept the gifts of spring. The wind ran past me again, and the flowers swayed gently from side to side, as if they were dancing for the arrival of spring.

The color of spring is not as bright and strong as that of summer, but light and unforgettable, like a light ink painting, with infinite charm.

The grass seems to be afraid of people. It stealthily pokes out its head to see the outside world, so it breaks the ground with some wet soil, and quietly dyes a little tender green. It seems that the light green will disappear if you touch it with your hand; The flowers seem shy and close their petals tightly to form flowers. Otherwise, how could their flowers show such a red glow when they opened? The sky seems to wake up and throw away the gray of winter and put on the pure sky blue coat of spring. Everything seems to be painted with a layer of crystal, which seems to shine everywhere.

Please smell the air again. Do you feel anything different? There is no cold and cold air in winter, but there is more warmth and warmth. There is a light fragrance of spring soil, a light smell of grass, and the fragrance of flowers. Combined with the unique flavor of spring, it makes a wonderful smell. It is the fragrance left by all the places where Spring Guniang has gone. Needless to say, you know, This must be the exclusive secret recipe of Spring Girl. Quietly, quietly, Spring Girl left again with light steps at some time, leaving no trace, making us imperceptible, unable to retain, and bringing us endless beauty and comfort!