2022 WeChat Classic Connotation Love Signature Selection (45 selected sentences)
Cangjing Liunian
2023-08-03 13:39:03
Complete set of signatures

1. Because I like it, I will mind many things. If I don't like it, I won't be so angry.

2. People who are too sensitive are always cranky because of someone else's casual words. They are not too scheming but too kind.

3. He once warmed me with 6 words, but in the end, he stabbed me deeply with 3 words.

4. The person who really loves you will not say many words but do many things that love you.

5. If love is hard to put into your hands, why not put these hands into your heart.

6. I thought that you can compare your heart with your heart. Now I know that you can't change your heart with your heart.

7. Time does not make people forget the pain, but make people get used to it.

8. Do you really like it or just want to fall in love.

9. Don't be too deep about anything. Friendship or love is a knife.

10. Ask not what others have done for you, but what you have done for others.

11. You have what you want to pursue and I have my direction.

12. We always comfort others like wise men and torture ourselves like fools.

13. There is no incurable pain, no sinking that cannot be ended, and all the lost will return in another way.

14. I also want to keep going with a person no matter what will happen in the future.

15. How can you know my pain and happiness if you haven't walked my way.

16. You hide in a corner. Why do you expect the world to move you? Why do you want to attract the attention of all people.

17. They had intended to love for a lifetime, but in the end, they only loved for a while.

18. It was only after a long time that I realized that not all the lingering thoughts could be heard.

19. Like is joy at first sight, love is never tired of being around for a long time. When care and companionship become disturbance, loneliness is redemption.

20. Meet in the casual, lose in the casual.

21. Those who love each other deeply will love each other deeply in the end.

22. All the long standing in the world is due to the heart.

23. If a relationship doesn't turn you into a better person, it's a pity that you are with the wrong person.

24. Many things in life can only be understood after experience.

25. Growth is a cruel plunder, robbing innocence and simplicity.

26. You should get used to everyone's ups and downs and also look down on everyone's progress.

27. Don't live like a dramatist, interpreting other people's stories and shedding your own tears.

28. The road comes and goes several times. It can't go out of memory and forever.

29. Memory is very beautiful, as long as you can let the past go.

30. The world is too dangerous. Time should be wasted on beautiful things. Love and be loved.

31. Cherish every friendship around you. It may fade away or alienate, but it should never be forgotten.

32. You said to me that you will never leave forever. Now I understand my missing forever, my pain will never leave.

33. People who are quick to warm are also quick to freeze people who are slow to warm.

34. Give me less hope, so that I will be less disappointed.

35. I choose to forget, but always remember your familiar appearance.

36. Crush the sadness, mix it with the story of years, and taste it slowly.

37. Those who are not mature will believe that love can retain them.

38. The person who can't get together is actually the wrong person.

39. The wind and rain are beating, and my heart cannot let go. How can the road of growth be unimpeded.

40. Love is like a mirror. The closer your face is, the less complete it is.

41. It's a good feeling that no matter how many times you make a fuss, you will still be reconciled because you can't bear it.

42. I try my best to get into the public carnival just to take the opportunity to drive away loneliness.

43. Always lose what you have gained while striving for what you have not gained.

44. Persistent or free and easy freedom and love are three or seven points.

45. In fact, you know that no one at this age will live a lifetime.