My grandma's composition (19 practical)
Quiet recovery
2024-05-24 00:41:08

My grandma's composition (1)

I never liked Grandma.

Her short stature, silvery hair, and her smiling face show a gentle appearance. However, when she spoke, her loud voice always sounded very harsh, coupled with her dusty clothes, it destroyed the sense of harmony and made people feel very indecent.

When I was six years old, she often took me to pick up garbage to sell money. At that time, I had a serious illness soon after, so my mother blamed everything on my grandmother's fault. Maybe it's the nature's dislike of dirty garbage and the heartache for my mother when she used her thin body to carry me upstairs and downstairs. In addition, my mother's complaints from time to time make me feel more disgusted and disgusted with her.

Things turned around later.

Occasionally, in my father's conversation, I suddenly mentioned that Grandma broke her head when I was a child. He said that my grandmother carried me upstairs with a stroller, but I grabbed the handrail playfully and fell down the stairs. It was Grandma who protected me with her body that made me safe. However, Grandma was admitted to the hospital with her head broken.

It seems that I don't believe that the grandmother who "wanted to make me sick" in her mother's mouth and the grandmother who "saved me" in her father's mouth are really the same person? But no matter what, the hatred for Grandma seems not so strong.

Later, she returned to her hometown. When she returned to her grandmother's home for the Spring Festival, she entertained us all with a kind smile. I remember going out late that day. The darkness was pressing down, and there was silence all around. The cold of the countryside was coming. Gently unscrew the flashlight she secretly stuffed in her bag before leaving, and suddenly saw the lamp hanging in her doorway, reflecting her vague figure. The two lights met in the long dark night, leaving a lingering warmth and emotion in my heart all the way.

So he began to be less hostile to her. Think of the food she prepares carefully every night; Think of the care and love when she sent me water for homework; Think of her understanding and tolerance after every quarrel. I began to find that she was also a good grandmother. Although she might have made some mistakes, sometimes the way to deal with problems was not appropriate.

This Mid Autumn Festival, I called again to bless her. Hearing her harsh voice, I felt a little relieved. "Happy Mid Autumn Festival!" Heard her blessing again, from the imperfect but loving grandmother - my grandmother

My grandma's composition (2)

Looking at the twinkling stars in the sky, I can't help recalling the past, but I always remember my grandma. My grandmother has passed away now, but her kind face is always full of joy. Grandma was 56 years old. He had short hair with a few white hairs in the middle. From time to time, wavy wrinkles appeared on his pale face, and there were some bags under his eyes; Grandma smiled with a small dimple on one side of her red lips. He seemed very amiable.

I remember a time when Feng was ill and cried loudly. Grandma heard this and ran to the hospital wearing thin clothes. It was a steep road. After the treatment of the doctor, I was well. I fell asleep in bed. When I woke up, I found Grandma had already fallen asleep at the head of the bed. The next day, Grandma caught a cold because she caught cold last night.

Whenever I see someone's grandmother coming to pick up a classmate, my heart is sour and tears are in my eyes. Grandma, I would like to call you Grandma again, but you can't hear me anymore. What I regret most is that when you were dying, I didn't have the courage to look at you and call you. You left like this. Grandma, although you are no longer alive, your love will always be passed on to the world. Goodbye, my dear grandma.

My grandma's composition (3)

I want to thank my grandma, because since I was born, she has taken care of me. If I get sick accidentally, my grandma will be as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. She will take me to the hospital in a hurry.

I remember when I was a child, my father and mother did not live together. I asked my mother to take me back to my grandmother's home and let her take care of me. Grandma loves me very much. Whenever I am in a bad mood and unhappy, she will gently touch my head and chat with me.

I like listening to Grandma tell stories most. Grandma seems to have endless stories. Every story is so exciting and interesting, which makes me have endless memories. When I was young, my grandma often took me to the vegetable garden to work. When I watched my grandma irrigate the vegetables in the garden hard, I would play with sand obediently. Until dusk, my grandma would hold my little hand with her big hand and slowly walk home together.

Now, my favorite grandma has suffered a stroke and can no longer take care of me. I'm really worried about my grandma. I hope her illness will get better soon, so that I can continue to stay with her. I want to say to my grandmother, "Grandma, I love you so much, and I miss you so much. You should get better soon, so that I can go back to you and my mother. Although my father is very kind to me and takes care of me, you have accompanied me and taken care of me since childhood. The person I know most is you, and you should come on! Get better soon."

My grandma's composition (4)

My grandma has a pair of big watery eyes, black eyelashes on her eyes, a big mouth under her flat nose, and a pair of dimples when she smiles.

Grandma came from the old society. She suffered a lot from childhood and now lives well. But she gives me any good things as soon as she has them, probably because she loves me. Once, I caught a cold and had a severe fever. This worried Grandma. I fed me medicine, took my temperature, and sang songs for me. I fell asleep under Grandma's fresh songs. In the morning, I woke up and found Grandma beside me. Looking at my haggard grandma, I could not help but sigh with emotion

Grandma, I want to say a thousand words to you, but a thousand words come together into one sentence. You are really my good grandma. I will repay you with my achievements, and I will honor you when I grow up. Don't you think it's admirable to take care of the grandchild like this.

My grandma's composition (5)

A pair of rough hands can easily sew a sandbag, and a pair of small eyes can easily see one sewing skill after another.

She is my grandmother who is going to be 60 years old.

My grandma, although she has a pair of small eyes, her eyes exude sewing skills. Although she has a pair of crooked and rough hands, they seem to be specially made for her life's sewing. The crooked hands can just hold the tiny silver needle!

In the cold winter, my sister and I stayed at home cold and boring. At this time, Grandma came up with a wonderful idea. Take out a square cloth, a bundle of snow-white threads, and a box of silver needles that you almost carry with you. She picked up the square cloth, gently folded it in half, slowly picked up the silver needle and sewed it. The silver needle, like a small snake in Grandma's hand, was bobbing around the edge of the cloth. Grandma soon finished sewing the four edges. I suddenly found that the cloth was sewed backwards. I shouted, "Grandma, you are sewed backwards!" Then Grandma looked at me happily and said with a smile, "Little fool, just leave a small hole in the cloth and turn it back!" Oh, so it is! It suddenly dawned on me. Grandma walked to the rice bag, grabbed a handful of rice with her hand, and gently leaked it from the opening. Oh! The original flat sandbags have suddenly become the "belly" of a big boss! Grandma grabbed another handful, and the rice went into the "big belly" like the tail of a meteor! Grandma sewed up the small slit again. "All right!" Grandma said with a smile. A delicate sandbag was soon born from Grandma. Watching my sister and I playing happily, Grandma smiled with satisfaction!

This handy grandma can not only make exquisite sofas, but also help me "check and fill gaps!"

"Alas, this schoolbag is broken so quickly!" I said, and I was going to throw this shabby schoolbag away. Grandma quickly took it and said, "Oh, don't waste it, it's OK!" As the words fell, Grandma took out cloth and needle from her pocket and sat down on the balcony to work. Ah, isn't Grandma sewing for me with love? She is just telling me to study hard! Ah, when a complete schoolbag appeared in front of me, a warm current came to my heart. Grandma sewed it with love! I made a decision in my heart: I must study hard and let Grandma live a happy life in the future!

Grandma, your ingenious work, your schoolbag woven with love... You really deserve to be an outstanding mender!

My grandma's composition (6)

In our family, my grandmother impressed me the most and had the greatest impact. Grandma is 75 years old. Although she hasn't completely dyed her hair white in the hard years, her waist has been bent by the hard life. Grandma is very hardworking. Her children have already got married and started a business, and it is time for her to enjoy the peace and happiness. But Grandma said stubbornly, "You can not feed pigs; you must buy sheep; you are uncomfortable when you are idle." Grandma always carried a basket to cut fresh grass in order to feed sheep.

Grandma's body was not good at all. With her back bent and a basket full of grass, her body became a "7" shape. In order to walk easily, Grandma had to lean on a wooden stick. Later, the ewe gave birth to two lambs. Grandma was overjoyed and became more energetic. Grandma is very simple. He also carefully fed six hens, and always hated to eat their own eggs. When there are twenty or thirty, they will be sold in the market. The uncles advised her to keep them for her usual meals. Grandma explained, "Of course, there is no shortage of flowers. I don't want you to spend money if you get sick in the future." It was cold. Dad bought a pair of down cotton trousers for Grandma. Grandma couldn't bear to wear them. She usually wore cotton padded trousers with her for many years. Grandma said, "It's a pity that she always works at ordinary times and gets dirty. Besides, you don't have to wear it so well when you are old. Keep it for relatives and market visits. " Grandma is very kind. Grandma Li is a lonely old man in our village. Grandma always takes some time to talk with Grandma Li every day. There are delicious food at home. I always send some to Grandma Li. When Granny Li was ill, Granny took care of her like her own sister. Once when it was dark and the road was slippery, Grandma accidentally hurt her leg when she came home. But Grandma didn't complain. The next morning, she hurried to deliver delicious food to Grandma Li.

Grandma was hardworking, thrifty and kind-hearted all her life. She didn't talk much at ordinary times, but she taught her children how to behave with practical actions. Grandma is a bright mirror that I learned to be a person on my way of growing up.

My grandma's composition (7)

My grandma is a rural old lady in her 60s. She is a little fat and her face is covered with wrinkles. She has two characteristics: one is that she likes to eat, with food in her mouth all day; the other is that she likes to play mahjong, and forgets the time when playing.

But my grandma loves me most. When I was young, my father and mother were busy working and didn't have time to take care of me. She left me at her grandma's house. In order to take care of me, Grandma stopped playing mahjong, her favorite game. She focused on me all day long. Grandma said all day long, "It's not important to look after children." I know that's because Grandma likes me.

Grandma knew all the interesting things about my childhood. She said that when I was young, I didn't know what the shadow was. Seeing it followed me all the time, I was frightened and cried. After Grandma's patient explanation, I was no longer afraid of the shadow. Grandma also said that when I was a child, I didn't know animals. Grandma pointed to the horse and said, "This is a horse." Once when the donkey pulled a car over, I happily pointed to the donkey and said, "Grandma, grandma, horse, horse." Grandma laughed with joy.

I love my grandma.

My grandma's composition (8)

Grandma is an ordinary rural woman. She is 60 years old this year. She is tall, fat and has gray hair. Time has left many marks on her face.

Grandma is a strong person. She speaks very hard and is very strict with me. Once, I stole a dollar from Grandma's shop, and I held it in my hand for fear that Grandma would find it. Grandma saw me holding hands all the time and asked me what I was holding. I dare not say. Grandma pulled me over and broke my hand. When she saw the money, her face turned black. She said fiercely, "Where did you get the money? Did you get it in my cabinet?" I dared not raise my head and said timidly, "Yes." Grandma immediately pulled me into the yard and let me kneel on the ground. I cried loudly. Grandma began to teach me: "You can't steal things at home. You can't get up until you realize that you are wrong." Grandma didn't let me get up until I said I would never dare again.

In addition to being fierce, Grandma is also very thrifty and hardworking. This is my beloved grandma.

My grandma's composition (9)

The body is thin, the eyes are big, very healthy.

Grandma is old, but she is still so wordy and annoying. During the summer vacation, I had a lot of homework, and my grandmother said to me all day long, "Hurry up and do it!" "When will I finish it?" But I can only do that every day, and I am really bored by my grandmother.

Grandma is a very good person. Every time she bought something, she had to be careful and economical. Once, when I slept and wore a beautiful nightgown, Grandma saw it and shouted, "I haven't seen it before. How much is it? It's expensive!".

Although Grandma was a bit upset, our family was very happy under her control.

My grandma's composition (10)

My grandma has white hair. She is not tall. She often has a kind smile on her face. She is hardworking, kind and caring!

Once, our school and my family donated money for the Sichuan earthquake, and my grandmother donated 100 yuan. She also wrote new news about the Sichuan earthquake every day. Once, my grandmother cried when she watched the news, My grandma cried and said, "The children in Sichuan are so pathetic that they are suffering. We are still living a good life. We should help them more.

My grandma is really kind! I like my grandma!

My Grandma's Composition (11)

My grandma is a very ordinary person. She is a genuine farmer. Because I lived at my grandmother's house when I was young, I was very profound to him.

Grandma is as fat as Ah Chang. So she always walks slowly. A head of black and white staggered hair, face has already climbed wrinkles. Her medium height, coupled with her unique way of walking, are the characteristics of Grandma. When I was young, I didn't like Grandma very much, because she always liked to nag, for fear that others would not remember. It's strange to me now. Grandma always likes to keep a stiff face and doesn't like to laugh. And every time I do something, I always have to give it a blow. For example, when I was young, I always shouted "Grandma, I'm back" when I came back from school. Grandma would say, "I'll be back when I come back! How about giving you a piece of" Old Man Bian "?" This seems to have become accustomed to me.

Grandma is superstitious. Every night, when I am sleepy, I can always hear Grandma's voice of prayer. Sometimes I would sneak a look and see Grandma kneeling in a corner, with her hands folded, eyes closed, and her mouth reciting the familiar spoken language. What "God bless..." I couldn't hear it clearly later. It seemed to be about my father and uncle. Maybe this will give grandma spiritual comfort! Now, I don't want to be with Grandma anymore. However, she would come to see us every once in a while, and sometimes she would bring us some things from her hometown. I know that although Grandma didn't say anything, it can be seen that Grandma still misses us.

I have an unspeakable sadness when I think of this. We don't want to see Grandma, but Grandma will drag her old body to see us. Let me understand that this is a mother's concern for her sons, but also a grandmother's missing for her grandchildren.

My Grandma's Composition (12)

My grandma is over sixty this year. She is a lively and cheerful old man, healthy, dexterous.

Grandma often exercises every morning and goes running and climbing in the park. Although her blood pressure is a little high, she often takes medicine to lower her blood pressure, but it seems that her body is always healthy. When Grandma is active, I am always willing to follow her, and my body is much better than before.

My grandma is very skilled. She can sew words, flowers, grass, etc. My grandma sewed my name on my schoolbag and school uniform. I wanted to learn so much that I asked my grandmother to teach me how to sew these things. I want to learn sewing first, and then learn something else. Influenced by Grandma, my hands are getting better and better. Grandma's cooking is delicious. For example, chicken stewed with potatoes, fish stewed, and sausages fried with ham are all better than those cooked in restaurants. When I came home every day, I was always attracted by the smell of rice from the kitchen.

My grandma is a clean and tidy old man. Every morning, when I go to school, my house is very messy. When I come home from school, I always see that my home has been cleaned. Grandma often said to me, "Girls must be clean and tidy, not so untidy." After listening to Grandma, I became more and more clean. For example, every time I brush my teeth, I always put my toothbrush and tooth jar in the same place, so that my home will not be in a mess.

Grandma is very cheerful. My family likes traveling. Grandma always takes an active part in it, whether in the city or other places, she also buys this and that. Every time we travel, Grandma always prepares some fruits, ham and other food, so that we can enjoy the beauty of nature and go home safely and smoothly.

I'm in Grade Three now. I learned a lot of things that I can't learn from books. It will benefit me all my life. I thank my grandma, I love you forever!

My Grandma's Composition (13)

My grandmother is 66 years old. Her silver white hair was mixed with several black hair, which was combed neatly. Although her eyes are not very expressive, they are enough to find evidence of my bad behavior. Grandma has many traps. Today I will find them one by one.

Grandma is not tall, so she can't walk fast. Unfortunately, my grandma's IQ is too high. My traps are always in a hurry.

The first is food. Grandma will cook some delicious food first and put it on the table at the kitchen door, waiting for me to bite. When I saw the delicious food ready to rush to eat, Grandma hiding behind the door would catch up with me at the speed of Liu Xiang, but she didn't run so fast, but her hands were fast.

Second: Candy. When it gets dark, the lights in the house come on, but the lights in the countryside need to pull ropes. Grandma first tied the candy to the rope, then turned off the light and waited for me to put on the lid. As soon as I came back, I saw the candy. I rushed up and grabbed it. The rope was turned on when I pulled the light. The strong light shook me for a few seconds. In those seconds, my grandma caught me fast and hard.

Third: banknotes. Grandma will put some money on the table. Once I get the money, I can't help spending it. Grandma always waits for me at the store gate.

Fourth: The simplest and most useful thing is that she first asked several of my friends to ask me out to play at the door. My grandma always waited for me at the door and was fooled by her.

Although Grandma is always unfaithful to me, if she wants to eat, she can or cannot do it. I want money. She will never give it away. On the street, she can buy anything I want. My parents always give me the money they give her. Once I felt bad and wanted to eat the kind of hemp balls sold in the county, but it was raining heavily outside. Grandma went out with an umbrella to buy it for me, but after she bought it, she was reluctant to take a bite.

Grandma is strict with me sometimes, but sometimes she loves me very much, my grandma

My Grandma's Composition (14)

My grandmother, 57, is a rural woman. I am busy in the fields every day. I like listening to music, playing flute and dancing in the square when I am free.

Last New Year, when I entered the room, my eyes lit up. Grandma was wearing a black leather vest with shiny metal rivets and a red tight base coat. It's like a rock punk dress. It really has nothing to do with old women. Open Grandma's wardrobe, colorful. Pink jacket, green sweater, bright blue dress, yellow shorts. Grandma said, although I'm old, I like bright colors of clothes, but I don't like old clothes. This is also a knot in her heart. When Grandma was in her early 20s, she grabbed a red shirt and resolutely bought it home. In the era when the streets were full of black, white and gray, Grandma's father jumped up with anger when he saw the red shirt and shouted, "It's a mess to dress like this. Go back quickly and don't embarrass yourself." Grandma gave up everything, but dared not contradict her father who was always right at home. So I went back to the market, but I couldn't find a stall to buy clothes. I'm afraid I can't find a job at home, so I have to sell clothes at a low price. Although things have been going on for decades, my grandmother always talks about them with interest and regret. Although the red shirt has disappeared, the desire for youth and beauty has not stopped.

While doing farm work, listen to songs. When you hear that you are in high spirits, you should sing a few words in your voice. During the rest, I brush my hands, shake my throat, upload some of my singing works from time to time, and wear beautiful clothes to dance square dance every night. Although she basks in the sun every day, there is no trace of years on her face.

If one's heart is young, then the wrinkles of aging are impossible to appear; If one is rich in heart, he can have his own spiritual habitat even if he lives in a remote village; Wear the most colorful clothes, not afraid of eyes, whether it is green or yellow; Sing the most dazzling song, whatever you want to sing, no matter low or high.

My Grandma's Composition (15)

My grandma has a simple face with wrinkles like chrysanthemums. Although Grandma is over sixty, she cares about me meticulously.

As my father and mother were busy with their work, my grandmother moved from the countryside to take care of me. She is responsible for cooking delicious food for me every day, and she has to watch me do my homework. Although Grandma doesn't know how to study, she insists on doing so.

Now that I am a senior, my grandmother can't take care of my study any more, so my parents sent me to my teacher's home to study. The task of picking up and sending off naturally falls on Grandma.

Once, when I went to my teacher's house to finish my homework, it rained heavily outside. It was getting late, and my grandma had not come yet. I was very afraid, and thought to myself: Grandma would not come, no, Grandma loves me most... I was very anxious. The teacher seemed to understand my mind and said, "Wu Shuang, if your grandma doesn't come, I will send you back." I felt a little comforted. After a long time, nearly 9:20, the teacher's doorbell rang. I thought to myself: it must be Grandma. I hurried to open the door. It was really Grandma. She took two wet umbrellas and gasped: "Because your grandpa came from the countryside and he didn't know the way, I took him home first and then came to pick you up, so it was late." I threw myself into Grandma's arms, eyes full of tears of excitement.

Now my family has moved into the elevator room. Because the elevator is sometimes in danger of falling down or being locked in, I am very afraid and dare not take the elevator myself. Therefore, every time I go to school, Grandma will go downstairs with me. Grandma will go home after I go to school.

Grandma cares about me and loves me like this. I hope Grandma will always be healthy and accompany me.

My Grandma's Composition (16)

I go back to my hometown every Sunday. Why? Oh, because someone is waiting for me, she is my grandma. Her coarse gray hands are covered with calluses, her face is covered with wrinkles, and she walks slowly.

That day, when I returned to my hometown, my grandma took my hand and said, "Second child, you are taller." Grandma's white hair was disturbed by the wind. "Shall we go to the cow factory? The cows there are big, and there is fresh milk to drink." Grandma said kindly. But I still have a lot of homework to do, so I can't go to the cow factory with my grandma. Seeing her disheartened expression, I felt very sad.

Last week, I went back to my hometown by bus after school in order to stay a little longer with my grandmother. At that time, my grandma was planting sticks for my favorite green plants to grow on the sticks. Grandma took the stick and inserted it on the ground. She tried again. One stick was inserted. I saw it and thought, "This is too simple, Watch quietly. On the way home, Grandma was breathless, and then I found that Grandma was old!

When I was in primary school, I went to school in my hometown. As long as Grandma bought biscuits or something, she always let me eat them. She would not like to eat them. I let her eat them. She often replied, "We are old and useless. You can eat them. You can study hard after eating them. When you grow up, you can buy good things for Grandma.". Before eating, she always asks me what I want to eat, and she can eat anything by herself.

Now that I have grown up and come to the city, the best middle school and the best class, I am still very happy. But when Grandma and Grandpa were together in their hometown, Grandpa's temper was bad. Grandma made some mistakes and was often scolded by Grandpa. They lived a lonely life at home. They brought me up, but I left them behind. When I thought of this, I couldn't help crying in my eyes.

Grandma is always so kind, always smiling; Grandma is always so kind, which makes me feel warm; Grandma is always good at cooking. The dishes are full of love; Grandma is very diligent, and all housework is not a problem; Grandma is ingenious in sewing and mending. This is my grandma!

My Grandma's Composition (17)

I have a grandmother who is over sixty, strong and kind. She is the best person for me in my life.

Before May Day last year, I didn't go to my grandma's house for about four weeks because I was busy studying. There will be seven days off on May Day. Early in the morning of May 1, I came to my grandmother's house. As soon as she entered the door, her grandmother ran out and said, "My good granddaughter, I'm dying to see you here." With a bang, a kind kiss was printed on my red, soft face. Then I asked them one by one: Are you tired of studying, are you wearing warm clothes, and are you eating well. I also answered one by one: not tired, warm clothes, full food.

Speaking of Grandma, her personality is also a little "special", and she has a lot of childishness, perhaps because she is older. As the saying goes, "old children, little children." Grandma also likes snacks like children, potato chips, egg rolls, shrimp chips. These are all her favorite foods. There are many delicious things in Grandma's box. There are many in the refrigerator, including yogurt, juice and almond juice.

This is to care about me and be like a child's grandmother.

My Grandma's Composition (18)

My grandma is nearly seventy. Although years have rudely printed several deep wrinkles on her forehead and left white marks on her black hair, she is still in good spirit. As a child, she suffered from a disease in her right eye, and had no money to treat it, leaving her disabled. Therefore, the right eye was fitted with an artificial eye. But her vision in her left eye is still very good. She doesn't even need to wear presbyopia glasses to thread a needle. Grandma is small and thin. She is more than 1.5 meters tall and weighs only 80 kilograms. She is very energetic when working. Grandma is frugal, simple and neat. Although she is just an ordinary farmer, she is so special and great in my heart.

Grandma is illiterate, but she attaches great importance to education. Under her instruction, both of her sons were trained as college students. At that time, Grandma's family was famous for more than twenty miles around. The township government also invited Grandma to introduce her experience in educating children at the conference. The illiterate grandmother spoke vividly, which won everyone's applause.

Grandma has a tolerant and kind heart. If there is a quarrel between neighbors, she will always be duty bound to persuade them. Grandma's personality is good and reasonable. Many people will listen to her advice. Neighbors often listen to her advice and stop quarrelling. If you do something wrong, Grandma will not scold too much, but criticize a few words, as if nothing happened. It is often these few words that will leave a deep impression on your heart and let you always remember this lesson.

Grandma is very hardworking. She has two sons and one daughter. Both of her sons have become college students. They can enjoy the happiness at home. Her relatives and friends told her to stop working and let her enjoy her old age. But she insisted on working for herself and making money by herself. In her opinion, it is a happy thing to support herself, and she thinks that labor is the most glorious.

Grandma's love for the next generation is selfless. Whenever Mom and Dad came back late, Grandma would cook supper for them. She will put the washed fruit on the bedside table. Every time I go back to my hometown, Grandma always buys good drinks for our cousins. During the Spring Festival, she always prepares 100 yuan of lucky money for each of us to buy snacks when we go to school. You know, the 100 yuan is not much, but it is the hard-earned money for Grandma to work continuously for ro hours! However, she repeatedly refused the money given by her parents, uncles or aunts. She always said, "I have money to spend."

I will always remember Grandma's hard work. Grandma, you have always been my pride. I will repay you when I grow up and find a good job!

My Grandma's Composition (19)

My Grandma

Chen Shirui (fourth grade)

My grandma is good at everything except nagging.

My grandma has snow-white hair, small eyes and wrinkles around her eyes.

My grandma is very talkative. In the morning, "Granddaughter, get up, get up. If you don't get up, you will be late. It's already seven o'clock..." Grandma said to me anxiously. I got up slowly in the nagging voice of my grandmother. After cleaning, I looked at the clock. Oh, I'm going to be late, I thought. After washing my hands, I hurried to the table, sat down on the chair, picked up chopsticks and ate voraciously. Grandma saw this and said, "Eat slowly, be careful not to choke, and wash your hands after eating..." I sat on Grandma's bike after eating, and Grandma rode me to the school gate. I grabbed Grandma and got off the bike with one stride. Grandma saw me enter the school gate, and then she nagged again, "You should pay attention to the lecture in class, don't touch things, don't run around after class, wait for me after school......" When I walked into the classroom, the nagging voice just went away.

Another time, when I played games with my friends on weekends, my grandmother nagged: "Have you finished your homework, have you written it carefully, have you made any mistakes..." After listening to this, I ran back to my room, dug out all the homework from my schoolbag, ran to my grandmother and put it in her hands. She looked at me and said, "I didn't have money to go to school when I was young. Why did you give it to me? I can't understand it..." I became impatient and ran out to play.

I know grandma cares about me and loves me. Do you like my grandma?