Excellent composition of "Snow Train"
Farewell to the past
2023-07-10 03:12:08

First of all, I am very happy to be selected by the "Dahe Daily" for the film viewing activity and participate in the film viewing, writing and review activities.

The film I watched this time was "Snow Train", directed by Feng Junhao. This is a Korean director we are familiar with. I think the representative work is Memories of Murder. The Snow Train can also be called Noah's Ark. The difference between them is that after boarding Noah's Ark in 20XX, the survivors live in a relatively equal space. In the Snow Train, the carriages become unshakable class divisions, and the last carriage undoubtedly lives in the bottom of the society. They became survivors because they were only alive.

The visual effect of this film is excellent. From the shaping of the ice and snow outside the train to the depiction of each train on the train, we are full of eyes. From the last carriage to the first carriage, the director not only depicts the characters with events, but also depicts the inner changes of the characters with beautiful scenes. Through the high protein production kitchen - water supply carriage - children's classroom - botanical garden - underwater world - slaughterhouse - restaurant - sweat room - bar - control room (some links may not be accurate), the characters will have a collision in their hearts every time they pass through a carriage, which also foreshadows the development of the story at the end. In the process of watching, the vision of the follower protagonist seems to have experienced a transformation from the primitive society to the modern society.

The story is very compact, and human beings will eventually pay a price for destroying nature, but the price of prosecution is not what the director wants to tell us. What the film reveals is how to get real freedom from the original hierarchical concept. One by one, the train shows us an unknown destiny. What can we get when we reach the destination? Can we get real freedom through all sacrifices? Along the way, we reviewed the original resources of the world. Every step closer to these resources will lay a solid foundation for the later heroes to be brainwashed. How to keep the world ecological balance? All species maintain an absolute balance in number, which of course also includes human beings. Therefore, the rulers regularly massacre human beings who breed too fast, and the human slaughter is certainly classified according to the hierarchy -- the last carriage. This not only reminds people of the locust infestation in China, but also the carp in the United States. The way of human treatment is to kill people. So killing people on the train is very convincing. But the director also found another seemingly reasonable reason for the massacre, the last carriage riot from the lowest society. When there is riot, there is stop; when there is confrontation, there is slaughter. The uprising has brought a reasonable excuse for killing to the upper class. It turns out that the seemingly powerful uprising is just a game played by the people in power to applaud, and everything seems meaningless.

In the battle of capturing the water supply carriage, what came to my mind was Mel Gibson's Brave Heart, and I mistakenly thought that the director would follow this routine. As a result, this is not a pure sense of heroism, but a flawed heroism. The moment the male host gave up saving his companion and rushed to the door, the audience had a little doubt about his pursuit of freedom. At the end of the story, the director reveals that the man's pursuit of freedom is more driven by redemption. He wants the ruler of the train to account for the crimes he committed years ago.

The director doesn't want to show us anything, but what the audience can think of. The ending is not the tone I like. Why can only black children and women survive to start a new life? If the upper class on the train wants to pay their due price for ignoring the last carriage and coveting enjoyment, what about the surviving last carriage?

Maybe I am ignorant, and there are several logical problems in the process of watching: 1. Why do realistic disaster documentaries arrange a heroine that can be seen through. Although the director deliberately arranged the heroine to predict the truth behind the door in advance before the opening of the first few doors, laying the groundwork for the final discovery of the children under the floor, it still seemed abrupt; 2. In the fight for the water supply carriage to enter the tunnel, from the hero's cry to the need for fire, to the last carriage, and then to countless torches appearing in the circulating water supply carriage, the speed is amazing, as if deliberately arranged for victory. 3. The guests in front of the train enjoy all the material comforts they should have. They have never fought for survival and have no experience of killing. They should have general moral standards. In the later period, the arrangement of sudden transformation of killers to drugs was a bit exaggerated. 4. All the creatures in the nature outside the train have died out, and the new biological chain needs to be rebuilt. According to the species survived on the earth after the end of the long Ice Age, the polar bear that finally came into sight was slightly abrupt.