32 slogans of the kitchen
A smart smile
2023-01-31 12:25:38
A complete set of slogans

1. Reduce waste and cost.

2. Communicate more and complain less.

3. Improve quality and create benefits.

4. Improve quality and ensure safety.

5. The atmosphere is harmonious and the work is standardized.

6. There is no best, only better.

7. Pay attention to practical results and improve management.

8. I am not tired of eating fine food, and I am not tired of eating fine food.

9. Together, stone becomes gold.

10. Go further every day and set foot on the road to success.

11. You can only work with your hands, not taste food with it.

12. You can only work with your hands, not let it taste food.

13. Adhere to first-class management and produce first-class products.

14. Prefer to check in advance rather than rework afterwards.

15. Loyalty, faithfulness, being a real person and doing real things.

16. Action changes the status quo, and thinking determines the future.

17. To satisfy customers is the eternal pursuit of chefs.

18. One person neglects one hundred people are busy, and everyone is more careful and smooth.

19. One cleaning, two washing and three disinfection: first light the open fire and then open the air.

20. First line chefs, please note that quality and efficiency depend on you.

21. If everyone does a good job in quality control, the enterprise's profits will naturally be high.

22. Analyze the causes carefully and solve the problems thoroughly.

23. Distinguish the purpose of articles and know clearly what is not used.

24. Necessities shall be placed in different areas and clearly marked for convenience.

25. Adhere to education and training, and it is impossible to improve the quality.

26. Innovate, break through and stabilize quality, implement management and improve efficiency.

27. Say goodbye to the traditional yesterday and stride forward to the normative future.

28. Guests appreciate your beauty and pay more attention to your service.

29. Take a telescope to look at others and a magnifying glass to look at yourself.

30. Sweat can only be reserved for yourself, and guests will only feel queasy when they see it.

31. Paralysis is the biggest hidden danger, and dereliction of duty is the biggest curse.

32. Your beauty is not only for appreciation, but also for improving the appetite of guests.