72 sentences of birthday greetings for the 60th birthday
2023-04-01 21:30:03
SMS Collection

1. I wish grandpa: healthy and healthy, young forever, happy and happy every day!

2. In such a season, I would like to send you my sincere wishes. May happiness always be with you.

3. If my blessing can bring you a source of health, I would like to pray for you day and night, happy birthday!

4. Cheer for your year, cheer for your today, and pray for your tomorrow: always maintain your youthful appearance and beautiful mood!

5. Your life is like a boat, rising and falling in the waves and deep valleys of life. On your birthday, I sincerely wish you to sail out of the harbor safely!

6. Today is your grandpa's birthday. I wish grandpa a happy birthday, a happy mouth, a long life, good health, and a healthy old age!

7. Mom, I miss you, not only today, but today is your birthday. Although I am away from home, my heart has flown back to you!

8. I would like to be like that maple leaf, stretching my pure aquamarine in the morning wind, burning my brilliant red in the sunset, dedicated to your birthday.

9. Father, I wish you happiness! Your love is a noble love. You can only give, not ask for, never forget the past, and never fall in love. I love you forever!

10. It's best not to eat salt all over the world, and it's best to go all over the world. Only you, my mother, can let me give my life in the world. I will love you all my life!

11. Mom, I love you from the bottom of my soul. I am willing to give my life to you. You can accept as much as you want. It was like this at the beginning, but now it will never change.

12. When your birthday is coming, I wish you Pepsi Cola, everything is perfect, every day is wahaha, every month is happy Pepsi, every year is high and Lego, and your mood is like Sprite, always eye-catching!

13. The fire is always extinguished, and people are always in their twilight years. Blossom hair is the witness of mother's hard work, and the slightly curved back is the figure of mother's hard work. Blessing comes every year, and blessing goes deep every year!

14. Let's give our best wishes for the evergreen tree of old people's life, the ever flowing water of life, the ever blooming spring glory, the bright face, the health, the longevity and the boundless longevity! Happy birthday!

15. You have nurtured my soul and soul with your maternal love. Your milk is the source of my thinking, and your eyes hold my hope for life. My mother, I do not know how you, I wish you a happy birthday!

16. It is good luck to brush off the dust. The flowers have blossomed and become rich until now. People love their children with gold and jade, and enjoy happiness, wealth and longevity. It is rare to have more money in the sea, and children's faces are full of happiness! I wish you health and happiness!

17. For us, the greatest happiness is that we have understanding parents. I have obtained this happiness and never lost it. So on your birthday, I want to say thank you!

18. The magpie has good news. Today is my mother's birthday. Here, the child wishes you a happy birthday, a happy smile, good health and good luck! I hope this wish will come true every day!

19. Without you, the world would collapse half way; With you, the world will be happy; Before meeting you, the world is a wasteland. After meeting you, the world is a paradise. Happy birthday, Grandpa!

20. Father's love is like a mountain, and the sea is full of rivers. Father's love is like a river, bearing long cherished wishes. Father love is like a road, winding and lingering. Father's love is like heaven, supporting the home. Father love is like a harbor, nourishing and warm. Happy birthday to my father!

21. Mother, sacred and dignified, gives us courage and faith; Mother, kind and kind-hearted, teaches us to be human and nurtures us to grow. On the arrival of mother's birthday: May mother be happy and healthy.

22. Mom, happy birthday. Thank you and Dad for your kindness to me over the years. I will always love you. At the same time, I will, as you have taught me, better educate children to grow up healthily.

23. Bring a ray of breeze to relax your mother; Pick a ray of sunshine to send fragrance to your mother; Holding a handful of clean water to relieve her fatigue; Send a message to bless my mother. Happy birthday!

24. Wearing big leather shoes, I think of my grandfather; Your Buddha heart is eternal in your life, and your happiness and longevity are long; When your birthday comes, I hope you will live a long life with plenty of clothes and food. Dongfeng intends to be young.

25. Mother's birthday is coming. I will use the paper of the soul to fold three color carnations - healthy and long-lived red, pure love white, beautiful and young pink. I wish your mother health, happiness and peace!

26. When I am sad and depressed, my dear father always pays attention to me. Your advice and encouragement helped me get through the difficulties. Dad, thank you for your help and understanding. Wish you a very happy birthday!

27. Father's love is like a mountain, covering the wind and rain for you, washing your heart for you, and accompanying you through life. Father's love is a spiritual pillar and a light for illumination. May all fathers in the world be happy and healthy! Happy birthday to my father!

28. Grandpa, I really want to accompany you more, but I can't help it. Do you understand that there are too many helplessness? Your birthday is coming, although I dare not call you, I wish you all the best from afar, happy birthday!

29. Uncle, my mother asked me to tell you that she missed you. In fact, I also miss you. So I will send you a full text message on behalf of my mother and me. I wish you good health and happy life with my aunt!

30. You are a big tree, the body of the great bank, covering the wind and rain for me; You are the sun, the shining light, pregnant with my healthy growth; My dear father, my son wishes you a happy birthday and a long and healthy life!

31. Take some happiness trees, some good luck, and some peace to cook a happy meal for you; With a few liang of pleasure, a few yuan of auspiciousness and a little bit of health, we can brew happy wine for you. Mom's birthday, wish you happy!

32. When I was young, my father was my giant. Sitting on his shoulder, I looked very high and far. When I grew up, I was my father's support, holding his arms, I felt very warm and proud. Happy birthday, father!

33. Your care is meticulous, your exhortation never stops, your eyes follow you all the way, and your figure always exists in the bottom of my heart. My dear mother, I sincerely wish you health, longevity, youth and happy birthday!

34. You brought me to the world and watered me with care; Fertilize me with care; Prune me with love. Today, my little seedling has grown into a big tree. I want to say to you: Thank you, Mother!

35. Your face is wrinkled and your hands are calloused. Years record your hard work, and people miss your kindness; On this special day, I wish you happiness and longevity, health and happiness will always accompany you!

36. Mother's nagging, like the old and new weather forecast, warns you in advance; My mother's nagging is like a hot spring bubbling and gurgling and never ending. I deeply wish my dear mother a happy birthday! good health!

37. The mother faced difficulties with a smile, the mother faced disasters with fortitude, the mother faced suffering with perseverance, and the mother faced suffering with garrison. Today is my mother's birthday, and my children bless my mother with short messages: peace and security for life!

38. Without water, fish cannot live overnight; Without light, flowers will not bloom; Without you, there would be no my present; Thank you, my favorite mother. Today's mother's birthday, I wish you happiness and health!

39. On that sunny day decades ago, you came to this world! We will celebrate your birthday together in this autumn breezy season decades later! My friend, may your life have a bright future!

40. Vigorous ancient pines, you use your strong and thick arms to shield us from wind and rain; You are the majestic mountain. We are in your arms, and we wish you health and longevity!

41. Today is my mother's birthday. No matter how shy you are, you should express yourself bravely. No matter how simple you are, you should send flowers. No matter how busy you are, you should find time to go home. No matter how far away you are, you should make a phone call. No matter how familiar you are, you should send a reminder. Mom's birthday, don't forget.

42. When I wander on the dark road of life! You are the star in the sky! When I was in the wild in the storm! You are the little tent. When my heart is cool! You are the warm chicken soup! Happy birthday to mom!

43. Give you 365 yuan and wish you happiness every day; Send you 24 circles, wish you happy every day, send you 60 threads, wish you beautiful for many years. A bowl of longevity noodles for you. May your smile meet forever. Happy birthday!

44. Between heaven and earth, fatherly love is the truest and deepest; In the years, father love is the longest and the most enduring. Father's love will never be forgotten. My father's birthday is coming. I wish my dear father good health, happiness and happiness.

45. Heaven, there is no broad maternal love; To be tolerant without maternal love; The sun, no maternal warmth; Children grow up in maternal love; Mother, you are getting old because you are working hard for your children! Mother's birthday, wish our mother health and longevity!

46. The flowers are similar from year to year, but the people are different from year to year. When I wake up, I am not dreaming. The wrinkles between the eyebrows are again heavy. Reading the familiar poems, I can't help missing you. Mother, I miss you. Happy birthday, I miss you.

47. Silent love is as deep as the sea, bearing my growth and future; The love from afar is as high as a mountain, supporting the obstacles and difficulties on the road. He never said he loved me, but he gave me the love of his life. Father's birthday, said to you: I love you!

48. Grandpa, for so many years, you have always been a white haired boy with bright eyes; At the age of 70, you are still hale and hearty, ambitious; Grandpa, you are my good example; Wish you a long life and happiness!

49. Birthday wishes fall from the sky. Worries are all over the body, and bad luck is scared to flee everywhere. You can live happily for ever, and your happiness has a long history. If you are faced with resistance in a corner, bless the explosion forever! Thank me!

50. My mother has a big heart and is tolerant of my capriciousness; Mother's eyes are beautiful, and she can distinguish right from wrong; Mother's words are warm and sweet; My mother's love is pure, which comforts my moving heart. Happy birthday to mom and mom!

51. You don't have the sweetness of lilies, but you are refreshing; You don't have the smiling face of peony, but you are brilliant; You use your lifelong emotion to support the warm blue sky for me. I would like to put my lifelong love beside you. Happy birthday, Mom!

52. Your gray hair mixed with hard work; Your profound wrinkles are full of vicissitudes of life; Your bright eyes are full of love and expectation. I don't know how to express my gratitude and gratitude. I only wish your father a happy birthday!

53. Whether it's grass or treasure, you should treat children well. Hard work, dreamy, worried about the cold, hungry, warm and full children; He is meticulous and does not ask for return, but only hopes that the child will grow old safely. I love you forever, mom. Happy birthday to your mom.

54. You taught me to walk, you taught me to speak, you raised me with sweet milk, so selfless, so unrequited, so unknown. I wish my mother happiness forever when her birthday comes.

55. The broadest in the world is the sea, the sky is wider than the sea, and maternal love is wider than the sky. The broadness of maternal love can hold the ocean and cover the sky. Mom's birthday, I wish you and your mother a happy birthday and a happy family!

56. Mom, you have worked hard. You brought me up and taught me the principles of being a man. I'm here to thank your mother. I would also like to sincerely wish you a happy birthday here, and also wish mothers across the country a happy birthday!

57. The shoulder of mother is the responsibility; Mother's hands are tired of life; In the mother's back, is silently pays; The mother's gaze is deep love. Happy birthday, happiness and health to all mothers

58. Your face is wrinkled and your hands are calloused. Years record your hard work, and people miss your kindness. On this special day, I wish you happiness and good fortune. May health and happiness always accompany you. Happy birthday!

59. Gray your hair, colorful my years; Simple your clothes, gorgeous my footprints. Remind, worry, your child knows your heart; Hope, pay, children understand your meaning. Declare the beauty of maternal love with missing and returning!

60. More happiness and less worry. No matter how much money you have, just be happy every day. Go to bed when you are tired, smile when you wake up, taste of life, and put more spices on. I have sent my blessing in advance, and I hope my father can receive it before his birthday!

61. When I was a child, you were the hero in my mind, so that I would not be afraid to wander in the dark; When I grow up, you are my mentor and friend, and let me find the way forward in life. Happy birthday to you!

62. When I was young, I read a poem called "Mother". When I grew up, I read an article called "Mother". Now I read a life called "Mother". Mom, you are the classic I will read all my life. Happy birthday to you.

63. No regrets is the mother's pay; The harvest is the mother's smile; The surging rivers and seas are mother's toil; The affectionate land is mother's love! Mother's birthday is coming, wish our dearest, ordinary and great mother!

64. The brilliant mother's love day is not as broad as mother's love; To be tolerant without mother's love; The sun is warm without mother's love; Clouds are white without mother's love; Flowers, no mother's love brilliant. Mom, happy birthday!

65. Through endless loneliness and years, what you can't get out of is your concern, your endless attachment, and your mother's warm heart will always be around. On special days, only wish: Happy Birthday, Mom!

66. Finally, my mother wants to say to you dear: Happy birthday! Always happy! Mom hopes that you will make persistent efforts, be positive, and be a sunny and happy young man in the new journey! Mother is always blessing my precious son.

67. No matter whether you are beautiful or ugly, your mother's favor is as always; No matter you are poor or good, your mother's concern is always with you; No matter you are rich or evil, your mother's expectation is all the time. Mom's birthday is coming, remember to tell your mother that you love her forever.

68. She smiles when you are happy; You are sad, she is holding; When you grow up, she bears... You are like the god in her heart, and she is your guardian god. Who is she? She is my mother. Mom's birthday, don't forget to tell her you love her!

69. The cause of Huaer is sweet, and the cause of Fruit is noble. But mother, you are still willing to do the cause of leaf silently in dedication. There is no boredom and impatience, only warmth and attachment. Mother's birthday is coming, wish her health and longevity.

70. Once I was severely bent for you, once I was indifferent and unhappy, once I scolded and complained for you, once I was cold because of your estrangement. When I grow up, I gradually understand that it is all warmth and responsibility. Let me understand your greatness and wish my hardworking father a happy birthday.

71. Father's birthday is coming soon. I'm afraid I can't get on the highway of blessing and the fast lane of SMS, so I came to greet him in advance. It's better to come early than to catch up. I wish all fathers around the world good luck and dreams come true. Finally, I wish all fathers around the world happy, safe and smooth.

72. Father love, give me information in the face of setbacks; Father's love, in the face of failure, let me see the dawn of success; Father's love is the happy agent when I am worried; Father's love is my happy agent when I am depressed; Father, I wish you happiness and happiness on your holiday.