Aesthetical archaic sentence
Sunny mountain stream
2023-06-26 08:12:13
Complete Poems

1. It seems that this star was not last night, for whom the wind was exposed, it was midnight.

2. The fog dispersed and I woke up. I finally saw the truth. It was the silence of thousands of sails.

3. Let's just do it. We will never meet again.

4. Finally, the whole world was covered by the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River. After letting Hua thank him, the mountains and rivers would never be left.

5. There are trees in the mountain and trees and branches in the mountain. You are happy, but you don't know.

6. Listen to the string break, break the three thousand entanglement. Falling flowers annihilate, annihilating the wind ripple. If the flower is piteous, it falls at whose fingertips.

7. Like flowers and beautiful families, they can go back to the past, but not the past.

8. One year old, day after day, autumn after autumn, one generation urges one generation to get together and leave, one happy and one sad, one bed and one bed, and one dream in life is to find a group of acquaintances. He will know us and others, and will play and sing for a while.

9. There is a kind of forbearance, which is actually a kind of power, and there is a kind of silence, which is actually a shocking confession.

10. Dark clouds cover the moon, and people are lost. I can't say how lonely it is.

11. Who should be robbed by who becomes the obsession of who.

12. The weather is not old. The heart is like a double screen, with thousands of knots in it.

13. The lights and stars, the voices of people, and the songs are endless.

14. At the two ends of life, we stand on the shore of each other.

15. The vast earth is broken with a sword. Where is the prosperity. Leaning against the clouds, a thousand pots cover loneliness, even if others laugh at me in vain.

16. The still water flows deep, and the sound of the wind and the music of the wind; The three lives are full of ups and downs, and once there are joys and sorrows.

17. This time I leave you, is the wind, is the rain, is the night; You smiled, and I waved my hand, and a lonely road spread to both ends.

18. If you act wildly, I will accompany you with wine in this life.

19. Who forgets first when you forget each other. Refusing to play, walking around startles the goose.

20. Always born in an unexpected year. Look back to the other side. Even though the scene is long.

21. The short pavilion is short, and the world of mortals is rolling over. I sigh Xiao again.

22. I can't help feeling sad and funny for several generations.

23. In the spring, beauty and old age will disappear, and people will die when flowers fall.

24. The tender feeling is like water, and the good time is like a dream. If the relationship lasts for a long time, it will not be in the court.