One sentence a day, 85 sentences of mood signature
Floating in time
2023-05-24 15:02:59
Complete set of signatures

1. After all, everything has returned to the origin and started again.

2. You only see my loneliness, but you can't see my cold heart.

3. He buried his first bosom and forgot his pain.

4. Position can increase people's strength, but not their ability.

5. There is only one person in the world that I can't cherish.

6. Our so-called love was just my wishful thinking.

7. What is more lonely is not not being together, but being together without words.

8. You only taught me how to cry, but not how to forget.

9. Don't be mean in front of me. I tell you, you are not qualified.

10. Time does not make people forget the pain, but make people get used to it.

11. Time has not made me forget you, but made me used to thinking about you.

12. After all your enthusiasm, you get your indifference and determination.

13. You said you would stay with me forever, but I forgot to ask which life it was.

14. The relationship is in jeopardy, and distrust between two people is the absolute end.

15. I will also be on call without complaint, accompany you through the streets.

16. Some people will plant a prairie at the ends of the earth and watch me run with a smile.

17. In this world, I am sinking for you. After several reincarnations, we will fall in love again, OK?

18. You are one half of me. Without you, I believe I will suffocate.

19. I would rather sad memories in my dream than forget you with pain.

20. We met at the wrong time, but separated at the right time.

21. It is said that if a boy likes you, he will never call you by your name.

22. Watch a painless movie and talk about a purposeless love.

23. The end of this bustling, not the city, not the country, but all I have.

24. Maybe giving up can get close to you. If you don't see you again, you will remember me.

25. Happiness is really simple: someone loves, something to do, and something to look forward to.

26. When we know happiness, we know how to cherish it.

27. I can wait for you for a long time. I'm not afraid of waiting for you in the end.

28. My strength, my pride, in front of the word "break up", completely shattered!

29. Some roads are very long, and it will be very tiring. However, if you don't go, you will regret it.

30. The most beautiful memories can only be the past, and the sweetest love can only be the past.

31. There is always someone who lives in your heart forever, but doesn't appear in your life.

32. Did you become distrustful of me, or did I make you unwilling to believe.

33. There is a person living in everyone's heart, who either misses, secretly loves or misses.

34. Yan Yushu, I am willing to be stable for you, ordinary for you, and protect you forever.

35. There is always a person whose message can make you smile immediately.

36. The best hard work is to think of you and cry. The best happiness is to remember someone.

37. I suddenly felt sad. Looking back, I found that I missed a lot of happiness.

38. Meeting or separating is a fixed number. The past fate has long been changed by time

39. The woman without makeup is just to find the man who can tolerate her.

40. Don't expect me to believe any more vows, and don't expect me to believe any more sweet promises.

41. The day you left, I decided not to cry. I held my eyes against the wind without blinking.

42. In fact, it's no use for me to cherish you again. Don't you think I may fail to hold you this time.

43. Only those who truly understand others' pain can devote themselves to doing good things for others.

44. Memories detain me in the sad past, so that I can't see the happiness now.

45. When we were young, we cried and laughed. When we grew up, we laughed and cried.

46. We are all so absorbed in our wounds that we forget to hold others' outstretched hands.

47. Hold your hand and accompany you to the end. The road is long but only you and me.

48. From beginning to end, I just walked alone in the street where I once held hands with you.

49. Don't regret the past; Don't worry about the future; Now, double cherish.

50. No matter how familiar people are, they will gradually become estranged once they are separated.

51. Only in a dream can I hold you in my arms. It's sad to say.

52. The most tacit thing we do is that I do not contact you, and you do not contact me.

53. I miss someone with all my strength, but that person will never stay for me.

54. Time goes by like fleeting years. It's just that we can't keep up with the happiness we have.

55. Where there are trees, there is my missing; Where there is you, there is my deep blessing.

56. Don't blame some people for their coldness, because they were deeply hurt when they were enthusiastic.

57. If you are a piece of straw in the trash can, I must be the person who threw you in.

58. One day, when you find that you can no longer remember why you were injured, it is the time of recovery.

59. If the knife is stuck in your body, I will feel distressed. If the knife is stuck in my body, will you feel distressed?

60. In everyone's heart, there will be a person you will never mention or forget.

61. The biggest advantage of blind date is that if the marriage goes wrong in the future, you can shift the responsibility to the matchmaker.

62. As soon as I turn around, the time is lost. I remember my old face. I am still here, but you have left.

63. You are never alone, because there must be someone in the world who is trying to come to your side.

64. If you can, please leave me in my childhood, youth and the best time.

65. Some people treat you well because you treat them well; Some people treat you well because they understand you well.

66. The most urgent is the most beautiful scenery; The deepest hurt is always the most true feelings.

67. Please don't be like this while I'm still alive. Maybe I will die that day.

68. If life is just like the first sight, what's the matter that the autumn wind is sad to draw a fan? When things change slowly, people's hearts change, but people's hearts change.

69. Drink three courses of tea. The first is bitter as life; The second way is sweet like love; The third way is as light as the breeze.

70. You are not me. You don't know how much I care about you, let alone how afraid I am that one day I will lose you.

71. No matter how beautiful the love is, it is also mixed with sadness. No matter how beautiful the story is, it has an end. It is doomed to hurt yourself if you fall in love with you!

72. I am in a bad mood. Looking up slightly to see the blue sky and the long clouds is also a kind of comfortable happiness.

73. I also hope that when I am tired, someone can call me, make me laugh and sing a song to me.

74. Let the one you love be free. If he comes back, he is yours. If he doesn't come back, he never belongs to you.

75. Night, very dark; Heart, cold; Man, how lonely! The memory of the past overflowed like a flood, washing away the lonely self!

76. There is nothing that cannot be passed, only the mood that cannot be passed. If you change your mood, the world will be completely different.

77. Only when there is a long line in the railway station can you really realize that you are the "descendant of the dragon"

78. Loneliness means there is no one in the heart, and loneliness means there is someone in the heart but not around; Loneliness is the suffering of one person, and loneliness is the pain of two people.

79. All is well for me who is far away. In my heart's yearning, what changes is my appearance, and what remains unchanged is that I will always love you and miss your heart!

80. If I can only gather my thoughts of you in a distant place, I would like to turn into the fragrance of flowers in the wind, drill into your sleeves, and blend into your heart.

81. Turn the calendar page by page, and double the missing; White clouds float one by one, and happiness is added little by little. Miss you sweet, see you more urgent.

82. When the moon is full and you want to go home, how are you from afar? The tears of missing are creeping on your face secretly. If you are alone in a foreign country, remember to call home often!

83. If missing is a cup of tea! I will always hold it in my hands! I will taste it slowly until I can taste its fragrance!

84. When I am bored, I look at them one by one. The more I look, the more I want to laugh. Everything will change. Who was who, and who is who now.

85. I miss you so much that I can't sleep; I love you so much that I feel young. Day after day, year after year, I can't stop missing you.