2022 Wedding Blessing Sentences 2022 Wedding Blessing Sentences (93 selected sentences)
Until the four seasons are missed
2023-02-10 03:53:46

1. After years of cultivation, you can cross the same boat and sleep together after a hundred years of cultivation. Finding him/her in the vast sea of people is clearly a fate thousands of years ago. How can it not be the result of careful engraving on Sansheng Stone? Take care of this fate with your heart, you who really love you.

2. It is not a rare occasion, but a rare one. It is not a thousand year love, but it is beautiful and romantic. Special day, special you, special blessing, in words, in mind, in heart: beautiful bride, handsome groom, happy marriage!

3. Congratulations on finding your only soul mate in this life. In the quiet river of love in the future, I wish you two love each other, share one heart, cultivate happy flowers, and wish you a happy marriage!

4. A happy couple under the lamp, two love flowers in the bridal chamber; The golden house is full of songs and colorful phoenixes, and the bridal chamber is full of flowers and candles.

5. My days are bright because of you, my heart is vast because of you, my feelings are enriched because of you, my life is happy because of you, and everything in my life is warm because of your presence!

6. Grasp the old man's hand. Please send me your solemn greetings. Listen to the cup of wine. Wish you happiness forever.

7. At this moment, we don't need too many sweet words, but too many true feelings to make you go on the same boat together in the future. As friends, please let us share this romance, and then send a sincere wish to your friends: May your new marriage be happy and happy!

8. I hope you can think together and create, cultivate, run in, build, maintain and improve your marriage in the years to come.

9. Hand in hand, into the palace of marriage, towards a better life; Shoulder by shoulder, work together for the future, and the days become more prosperous; Wish the married couple a happy life and a successful career.

10. All the songs are blowing for you, all the flowers are blooming for you, all the blessings and laughter are coming for you, and all the lights are bright because of you tonight. The moonlight tonight sends my wishes: get married, mandarin ducks play in the water, and live together forever!

11. Perfect marriage, love and love, talented people and beautiful women get married, and only envy mandarin ducks rather than immortals. I wish my friends a happy marriage, a sweet love, a long life together, and a happy life!

12. Beautiful sister, how can you lose my blessing on such an important day? I wish you and your brother-in-law hold hands and grow old together. Sister, you must be happy forever.

13. Thank God for arranging you to meet, experience the test and finally come together, happy each other, sweet continuation, forever holding hands with the white head, and forever being together, I wish you a happy marriage!

14. Thousands of years of fate today hand in hand, a hundred years of prayer now white headed. The two hearts are tied by the red line pulled by the old moon, and what we get is our sincere blessing: I wish you a happy marriage in this beautiful day, and we will accompany you in this life!

15. When we get together in spring, love is the beginning; In summer, walk side by side and talk softly before flowers and under the moon; Autumn hand in hand, vows of eternal love; In winter, we will feast relatives and friends and enter the wedding building on auspicious days.

16. Before people realize it, they send their blessings by SMS. We used to laugh together, but now we can't be wives. The wedding lady is smiling, surrounded by relatives and friends. I wish you a happy life and a long life together!

17. The sunshine in June gently emits fragrance, the beautiful bride is happy on her face, and the handsome groom is in high spirits everywhere. I wish the newly married brothers and sisters: a good marriage for a long time and a heart to heart relationship!

18. Marriage is like the string holding a kite. With this string, a kite can fly higher. If the string is broken, even the kite flying higher will fall with the wind; Marriage can make stable feelings more stable and make beautiful love always beautiful.

19. Why do we get together. How can we love each other and cherish this life. Love how to stay together, heart to heart. God has given us good luck, and true love will last forever. Bless you, mandarin ducks and butterflies, forever in love, happy newlyweds, always happy.

20. Finding her in the vast crowd is clearly a predestined relationship thousands of years ago. I wish you both happiness and harmony.

21. The sound of firecrackers spreads auspiciously, and the flowers bloom with happiness; A pair of newlyweds will tie the knot forever; People are happy when they are attracted by the attention of all people, and the feeling is stronger when they worship the heaven and the earth; Family and friends come to congratulate and smile; I wish you more happiness in your new marriage and everlasting love between husband and wife!

22. Marriage lies in commitment, which is the basis of a happy and long-term marriage relationship. At the same time, trust is also a necessity in the marriage process. I hope you can help and understand each other all your life.

23. Love is honey, snow lotus, eternal hymn and source of life; Love is caring, dedication, pain of missing, and sweet memories. Wish you a happy life on this happy day!

24. In the days when all the beauties show their beauty, you two will always get together, which is called "heaven made pair"! Happy newlyweds!

25. On this happy day, we wish a pair of intimate lovers happiness! All lovers will get married!

26. Joy, laughter, and sound are joyful; The groom, the bride, the new man is really happy! May you always walk into a new chapter of life with this joy and happiness! Bless you!

27. The branches of Lianli are bustling with magpies, and talented people and beautiful women like to get married. They raise eyebrows and fly together, laughing and drinking lotus wine together. A hundred years of love between mandarin ducks, and the hall is full of acacia flowers. Love is strong, sweet and happy forever.

28. The firecrackers sound, the suona sounds, and the big red hi stickers are on both sides. The white gauze skirt is really beautiful. The beautiful bride welcomes her. Parents laugh, children chase, happy wedding ceremony. Tie the knot, fly with two wings, tie the knot forever and follow the white head. Love each other forever, never change your heart!

29. Guo Qingjie came to meet friends, and he was also willing to vote; Holding your hand, happiness follows; Look at your eyes, tender in my heart; There is no reason to miss it; This situation is also difficult to ask, love to the white head. I wish you a happy National Day and a happy marriage.

30. The golden house can not only hide beauty, but also the bridal chamber can hide phoenix; Friends, the golden house can sing songs about colorful phoenix, and the bridal chamber can welcome happiness and ride the dragon; My dear friends, I wish you a happy marriage! Happy life.

31. Honey talk, sweet talk, and companionship are destined for three lives. Heart to heart affinity, mutual respect, and good company are destined to stay together forever. We will share weal and woe with each other, and we are destined to grow old together. Family and friends sit high and happy. The beauty has become a pair. I wish you a happy marriage and happiness.

32. In this special gift that only two people share, there is a special sweet love between each other, which cannot be expressed by writing or words.

33. Today is your wedding day. I hope you will love each other and be happy forever. I wish you a happy marriage, happiness, love and grow old together!

34. Step height; Gentle moonlit night is the time for reunion. On the wedding day, I sincerely wish you a long and sweet love.

35. Romance plays music in time, has your secret sunshine, happiness paints paint in time, has your sweet eyes, the palace of marriage, the paradise of happiness, and wishes you a happy marriage.

36. Hi! Hello! When I walked alone through the alley, I found that I had been forgotten in a small corner. I walked on the long road hoping that there would be another shadow beside my own shadow, so I would not feel that the road was very long.

37. From acquaintance to acquaintance, from acquaintance to love, from love to marriage. I know that this process has both happiness and bitterness. I hope you will cherish this hard won happiness and go on hand in hand!

38. The new people laugh with the sound of gongs and drums, and the guests make noise in the red couplets. The groom lifted the red cap and the rouge flew onto the bride's makeup. Gaze at your heart with deep feeling, and love vows will save your feelings. Walk towards happiness hand in hand and step into the gentle field with one heart. I sincerely wish you a happy marriage.

39. You are the hottest today. The falling wild goose Zhaojun presents white horses, and the Langxin Dragon Horse comes with colorful clouds. Diao Chan closes the moon and prays for the old moon. It's a perfect match. The shy flowers and jade rings hold roses and wish the couple a pair. Wish: Happy wedding!

40. It is not easy to walk from yesterday to today. The road is full of twists and turns. There have been ups and downs, joys and sorrows, as well as separation and reunion; It's not easy to walk from today to tomorrow. The road is full of thorns and thorns. I promise to work together and march forward bravely. I wish you a happy marriage and a lifetime of companionship.

41. When firecrackers are fired, tens of thousands of people are happy. Flowers are surrounded by beauties. The bridegroom is happy with his eyebrows. His parents in law are happy with their hands. Red couplets are posted in red. Red people are happy, envious, jealous and hateful. Sincere blessings are given to you: grow old together and have a baby early.

42. Love is missing, and it is continuous affection; Love is lingering, is always connected heart; Love is persistent, is a pledge of eternal love; Love is brave and steadfast forever; Congratulate your friends on enjoying the sweetness of love, and today you become attached to love.

43. Today is the day of your marriage. On behalf of my family, I wish you both happiness and longevity.

44. It is a kind of happiness to find the half you like. It is even greater happiness to live a wonderful life with the half you like in the long and trivial future life. I wish you to keep this happiness for a long time when you knock on the door of happiness!

45. Bless you and laugh for you, because today, my heart is as jubilant and happy as you! I wish you a long and happy marriage! reach old age!

46. Dongfeng is happy and full of joy. A cup of good luck will lead you all your life! Love, love, love! Spring is as new as new, people look red and smile happily! I wish you eternal alliance and eternal vow!

47. Marriage is the continuation of love. Nothing can stop you. Marriage is always together. You can build a new world together. Marriage is a book forever, depending on how you read it. Marriage is a blank sheet of paper waiting for you to draw a beautiful blueprint!