Pupils, this is me (18 in total)
2024-04-13 02:59:13
primary school

Pupils, this is me (1)

Speaking of me, my father has a big head: it is only one semester since I entered junior high school, and the teacher has invited parents no less than 10 times. "I really have no place to take it in," he said. "After all, do you know shame?"

Indeed, I am a very naughty student. I can't even control my daily behavior. I feel like I have an active disorder. I always move when I sit in my own position. The teacher reminded me that I could only get it for a while. After a while, I started to move again. I may be a neurotic, but sometimes I even smile at Zhang Cheng in class without reason. What is more incomprehensible is that I was criticized by my teacher because I didn't finish my homework carefully. The teacher spent a lesson telling us the truth about being human. But after class, I went to let my classmates' bicycles go. I am a junior high school student, and I still make such simple mistakes, which makes people laugh.

The funny thing is far more than that. One day after music class, several classmates and I hit Qin Qi on the playground. He came to persuade me. Instead of listening, I punched him in the face, which made his nose bleed. He went to the teacher crying to complain. I didn't admit that I was wrong and insisted that he should start first. The teacher was so angry that he had no choice but to invite the parents. In the end, although the problem was solved, I was convinced. My father asked me if my classmate's nose would be all right. I said no, he was always a sharp nose, but it would bleed if he touched it. You see, I'm still in the mood to tell jokes at this time. It's really shameless.

I am still a stubborn person. Stick to what is right and stick to what is wrong. One Sunday, Zhang Cheng and I didn't finish our political homework. When we studied at night, I began to make up for it, but I felt that it was too slow to turn the book over. So I took advantage of Huang Minauqi's time to turn around and talk, and copied his textbook. Zhang Cheng snatched it before he copied it. "I'll take it tomorrow, you can't say," he said. Huang Minamata turned his head after saying something. When he saw that the book was missing, he went to tell the teacher. He doubted that we had taken it. The teacher said, "Any student who accidentally took Huang Minamata's book wrong, please return it." We didn't understand that the teacher was giving us a step and didn't say anything. So the teacher asked Huang Minamata to search our table and found it in Zhang Cheng's table. The evidence is conclusive, but we still refuse to admit it. "Doesn't he grow feet?" said the teacher, so he invited his parents to help with the education. After more than an hour of hard work and fact analysis by the political teacher, the head teacher and the parents, I felt it was useless to persist, so I admitted it. It's true that you can't cry without seeing the coffin, and you can't hang up without seeing the devil.

This is me, a headache for teachers and parents.

Pupils, this is me (2)

I am a lively and cheerful girl with short black shiny hair. The round face is embedded with a pair of big bright eyes. The eyes are black, like two black gemstones. Under my high nose, I have a very eloquent cherry mouth.

I am a bookworm. I remember one Saturday morning, when I had nothing to do, I began to read with interest. It was noon before I knew it. My mother shouted in the dining room, "Li Yanghui, it's time for dinner." "Here we are," I said casually. At that time, I was reading hard, how could I put down the book in my hand? I looked again. My mother waited for me in the dining room for a long time, but I didn't go out yet. She angrily went into the study, grabbed my clothes and dragged me to the dining room. I had to say goodbye to the study reluctantly.

I'm a real tomboy. Everyone thinks I'm a little boy. Because I love sweating, my father cut my hair short. In addition, I am always careless and clumsy, and I speak loudly. Therefore, many people often think that I am a boy.

I have an eloquent mouth. When others are bullied, I will use my smart mouth to complain for them and make those bullies feel extremely ashamed. I am very friendly to people, and I will take the initiative to greet and chat with everyone I know.

I'm very diligent. At home, I will do a lot of housework. Sweep the floor, tidy the room, water the flowers, clean the glass... In my shop, I will help my father mop the floor and pick up things. I can also help my father do business! I am like a small businessman. As long as customers come in, I will greet them warmly. Ask them to sit on the bench, let them blow fans, and warmly recommend products to them!

I am what I am. Do you like me?

Pupils, this is me (3)

My name is Song Zhiyuan, and I am a student from Class 4 (1). My name is taken from Zhuge Liang's "The Book of Commandments", which says that "there is no distance without peace". My personality is lively and cheerful, and my image is healthy and sunny. Reading extracurricular books is my greatest interest, especially science books. I think the knowledge in books is like a vast ocean. I can roam freely. Every time I finish reading a book, I feel that my whole body is full of infinite energy, and I am particularly willing to share it with other students. So the students gave me a very proud title - "Little Doctor of Science".

However, if you think I am just a "nerd", you are totally wrong. In my spare time life, I am also a child with a wide range of interests. Roller skating is my favorite and my strength. Whenever I come home from school and finish the homework assigned by the teacher, I will have a roller skating competition with other children in the community. This sport not only makes me know many other lovely children, but also exercises my own reaction ability and body coordination ability.

In the class, I am a representative of the Chinese class, a powerful little assistant and good helper of the teacher. Whenever a student's study manual is not finished, I will scrupulously stare at him until he has finished his homework, because I require myself to become a responsible class representative and can play a role model and lead among other students.

I am also a very enthusiastic person. When other students or partners have difficulties, I try my best to help them. When there is a quarrel between my classmates, I will take the initiative to stand up and preside over justice. Although sometimes it may be unpleasant, my smile will soon resolve those unhappiness. Because I am also a person who likes to laugh. As long as I encounter happy things, I will laugh all the time. The two dimples are the most representative features on my face. I will laugh at happy things, on the contrary, I will take serious things seriously. For example, when raising the national flag and singing the national anthem, because this is a very solemn thing, I love our motherland!

This is me, a little boy who is busy studying, playing, being happy and growing up every day. Although I am not the best, I will also be lazy and naughty, but I will try my best to change, I hope to improve little by little with the help of my parents, teachers and classmates. I believe I can do it!

Pupils, this is me (4)

A pair of round and shiny eyes, a small face like a melon seed, and a cherry mouth make up the unique me.

I like running. Because he can exercise and strengthen his physique. Today was a running race. When I stood on the first track, the teacher blew his whistle. I rushed forward as fast as a hungry wolf found food, and kept cheering myself: "Come on! Come on!" "Oh yeah! Third place!" I cried excitedly.

I also like reading books. Once, my father, mother, grandfather and grandmother were not at home. I was very happy because I could read freely. I picked up a book and looked at it with relish. "Squeak! Squeak!" Not good! They're back! I hurriedly arranged my books, and took three steps into two. I quickly opened my homework book and pretended to be doing my homework.

I also like helping others. I remember once my classmate, Han Jingcheng, fell down from upstairs accidentally and sprained his waist. I found something wrong with him. When I asked him, I knew that his waist was sprained. I rushed him to the clinic. "Thanks!" said Han Jingcheng. "You're welcome!" I said. At that time, I was as sweet as honey.

This is me, a little girl who likes sports, reading and helping others. Do you like me? Come and make friends with me!

Pupils, this is me (5)

In the eyes of my relatives and friends, I am a girl who doesn't like talking; In the eyes of my friends, I am a straightforward girl; In the eyes of my parents, I am a rebellious girl; In my opinion, I have become very rational.

The impression that my relatives and friends don't like talking to me may have formed when I was a child. I remember when I was a child, when I went to the festival, many people I didn't know would hold my hand, touch my head, smile and ask me: "Hi, this year is high again!" How many points did you get in the exam? My answer is always one word, that is, "Hmm". Because I haven't grown up at all, I'm embarrassed to let them know my achievements. When my mother saw all this, she would blame me: "How can this child not understand human beings? I can't say!" For a long time, I really liked what my mother said. I don't like talking, and I can't talk.

In the eyes of my friends, I am a frank girl. Every time I go out with my friends, if I see a beautiful girl or a handsome guy in front of me, I will quickly go to the front of that person and pretend to look back inadvertently. When I look back, I often feel disappointed. At this time, I will say loudly, "This is a waste of my eyes." I don't look very good! " The girl next to me will cover my mouth and pull me away.

My mother always said I was disobedient. In fact, I think I have always been obedient, but no matter what I do, my mother is always dissatisfied. I think it may be because there are good children like my brother at home, which can compare with me. Because my brother is very smart and my grades are very good, so my grades are average. I like to talk back to my mother. This is why I am so ordinary and disobedient. In short, my mother is not satisfied with what I have done. For example, when I wash the dishes loudly, my mother will say angrily, "Do you want to resist?" I heard Will mutter in my heart: next time I will learn from my brother and deliberately break the rice bowl. So my mother won't let me do the dishes, will she? But I hesitated for a long time, but I still couldn't do it.

In the eyes of my relatives, friends, classmates and parents, I have different personalities. In contact with me, they know different me. In fact, in my own opinion, I am just an introverted little girl, eager to be loved by my parents. I have grown up, started to have their own ideas, began to understand. However, no one really understands me, no one really enters my inner world, and no one really understands a real me.

This is me, a girl with different personality in the eyes of different people.

Pupils, this is me (6)

A pair of bright big eyes, a pair of attractive ears, and a talkative mouth make up a lively and lovely little boy, that is me, Li Pipi.

Everyone said I was an introverted little boy. I can't see it in school, but when I see outsiders, I will show my true face. I never dare to look at strangers and talk. I always keep my head down and talk like a mosquito. I finally raised my head, but I always looked around and dared not look at others. My mother often encourages me to remind me, alas, but I can never change my character and habit.

I am always careless in my study. I remember one Chinese midterm exam when I wrote "What's the weather like today?" into "Nice weather today?"; He also wrote "bird" as "black". When I checked the paper, I didn't look at it carefully at all, so I didn't find it. I thought proudly: this time, I will definitely get the first place in the exam. A few days later, the teacher handed out the paper. Seeing how my classmates looked when they got a mark in the exam, I thought to myself: What's the big deal? I must get a mark later. To my surprise, the teacher took my paper and asked me kindly, "Is the weather nice today?" I was puzzled and didn't respond for a long time. Then, the teacher asked me, "Where are the eyes of the bird?" It made my father and two monks lost their heads. Until I read my paper, I suddenly realized that it was the "careless" thief who came to a "swap", which made me make a big joke. I was determined to catch the careless thief.

After listening to this introduction, do you want to know me? Then please come to Class 3 () of Postal Road Primary School to find me!

Pupils, this is me (7)

A smiling face, a mouth filled with food all the time, and a pair of eyes that roll out when they see something delicious constitute a greedy me.

Walking on the street, if you hear "Oh, my God" or something, it must be the smell of some food that irritates me. Thanks to my grandmother's superb cooking skills, every ton of delicious food with perfect color, fragrance and taste, and the "stomach spirit" that I never tire of eating, my mouth has never rested.

I'm very greedy. Potato chips, apples, pears, ham intestines... A lot of things that can be eaten will often "die" in my mouth. When my mother saw my shiny, pattering mouth, she would shake her head and sigh, "Eat now, would you like to eat less?"

Once, my mother asked me to buy vegetables. When I walked, a refreshing fragrance came to my face. It was really fragrant! Let me feel like flying. I followed the fragrance and found a new cake shop in front of me. Oh, the fragrance came from there. Looking at the people eating bread and their intoxicated expressions, my saliva had already hit a small hole on the ground, almost making me fall. I found that the price of the bread I most wanted to eat was just the money my mother bought me vegetables. Why didn't my stingy mother give me more money? A "war filled with gunsmoke" started in my heart. Is it bread or vegetables? Don't eat! Pity my "stomach god". Eat! Thinking about my mother's hot temper, I can't stand the thunderstorm soon... After some ideological struggle, I decided to listen to the "stomach god" - eat! Just as I was eating hard, I saw a familiar and angry face, ah! Yes... Mom

On the way home, I saw the tender grass shaking its head and sighing for me, the breeze playing a sad music for me, and the sun was no longer so bright in the clouds.

When I got home, I was already weather beaten after being bombarded by my mother.

This is me, a greedy person.

Pupils, this is me (8)

I am a Young Pioneer with a small round head, a ponytail, big black eyes, a high nose and a small mouth. Want to know who I am? I'll tell you now. My name is Jin Shumei. I'm 8 years old. I'm already in the third grade. I'm a small dance fan.

I like dancing best, because dancing can not only cultivate sentiment, but also is a way to exercise. It is a pleasure in my life. All the year round, regardless of the severe cold and heat, I always practice with perseverance and dance to fill my spare time. While exercising my healthy body, I hone my strong will and cultivate my elegant temperament... Of course, the most important thing is that dancing has cultivated my cheerful and lively personality. Therefore, I love to smile, often with big eyes shining happily, grinning, showing two big teeth and smiling happily at everything.

Let's take this incident that just happened not long ago. That day, my eraser fell to the ground between classes, so I squatted down to pick it up. Unexpectedly, when I stood up, my face was cut by the corner of the table. At the beginning, I didn't feel much pain, just a little numb and numb, but a classmate next to me suddenly glared at me, pointed at me in surprise and shouted, "Ah! Your face is bleeding!" I burst into tears, feeling more and more hurt, feeling wronged... But after crying for a while, my classmates made me laugh through tears. When the students found me so funny, they made me gasp for breath. With laughter, I forgot the important thing of disfigurement.

You see, this is the happy and carefree me. Of course, I also have a weakness in my math. However, I am confident that I will work hard to learn it in the new year!

Move? Listen, how simple? But when it really moves, the rhythm still can't keep up.

I must learn English better and better. I also want to be an English teacher! This is my little wish.

Pupils, this is me (9)

When I heard about introducing myself, I asked my mother for a small mirror. I think I can better introduce myself by looking in the small mirror!

I am a boy with big ears like big ears. I am nine years old and studying in Class 3, Grade 3 of Huicui Road Primary School. I am the study committee member of this class, which means that my grades will be relatively better. However, the quality of my performance does not affect my relationship with my classmates. When we play together, we are all good friends. When we study together, I can also help those whose performance is not very good.

Oh, hold the mirror and say. My eyes are like my father, and my mouth is like my mother, which makes me look like a combination of my father and mother. Sometimes I look like my father, sometimes I look like my mother, and sometimes I find my father and mother have amazing husband and wife looks because of my appearance. Oh, this seems to be a long way off. Let me talk about myself.

My eyelashes are a little long, because my eyes are as big as my father's eyes. The big eyes always have long eyelashes, which sometimes makes me look like a girl! Maybe you should think that I will be upset because of this. No, I'm not worried about it. Although I'm a boy, I also like girls, not that I want to become a girl, but that if I am treated as a girl occasionally, I will not be angry, and even feel that I may be as beautiful and lovely as a girl!

Of course, I'm still a man! My hobby is playing football. As long as I step on the court, I will not be considered a girl any more, because my movements are vigorous, and because I will go home sweating. Most girls don't like this, which is exclusive to boys.

Next semester, I will be in the fourth grade, but my stature is still the only thing on my mind. The small mirror can't show my size, but it can show my mind. The boy with something on his mind is me.

Pupils, this is me (10)

With a height of 134 cm, a weight of 49 kg, a slim figure, a pair of shining eyes, and a eloquent mouth, who would she be? Of course, I am naive and lovely!

My name is Wu Peiqi. I'm ten years old and studying in Donghua Primary School. I don't know what my name means. It must be that my parents think too much of Piggy, so my nickname has become Piggy.

I have many interests, such as painting, singing, dancing, playing badminton, etc. My specialty is painting. My comic career began like this

One weekend, I was going to an organization to study Chinese and mathematics. When I passed the corridor of the organization, I saw many cartoon pictures hanging on the wall, beautiful! It's beautiful! I guess girls are naturally interested in this, so from that moment on, I thought I would learn to draw, and also hang my works on the wall for others to see.

After tutoring, I went home, and immediately told my mother that I would sign up to learn comics. My mother agreed. After a period of practice, my painting skills became better and better. Finally, I successfully hung my own works on the wall, but there were still two. I was so happy! It seems that it is right to say that where there is effort, there will be gains. I told my mother this good news. My mother was very happy after listening to it. She went to take a picture and sent it to her WeChat friends circle. Seeing many people praising me, I became more and more confident in my own painting skills.

My handwriting is also very good, especially pleasing. Of course, I also have a disadvantage, that is, I am impatient and always careless. I usually do my homework not carefully, because I get nagging and criticism.

Speaking of my personality, I don't understand it. Sometimes I'm extroverted and sometimes I'm introverted. When I communicate with my parents and grandparents, I can get along with them and speak freely. But when I meet strangers and distant relatives, I will stand behind my mother and say nothing

This is me, an innocent and lovely girl who loves painting.

Pupils, this is me (11)

My school is Cultural Green City Primary School. It seems that a shining star rose slowly in Zhengzhou, Green City five years ago.

Walk through the tall and magnificent gate and you will see the huge playground and the grand rostrum. However, after class, it has become a place for students to relax. With the bell ringing, the students all rushed to the playground. Some of them played diabolo, some skipped rope, and some gathered in a pile to "talk".

There is a lost and found office on the right side of the campus. It has made countless articles "leaving time" with the owner find their own belongings, and made countless anxious "little careless" find their own things, making our campus full of warmth.

Our school has many wonderful school-based courses. For example, there are "Rubik's Cube Station" that can dazzle you with hand speed, "Golden Microphone Little Host" that can exercise your eloquence, and "Drama English" that is both interesting and rich in knowledge. In addition, our school has also carried out various associations, including football associations, basketball associations, art associations, and even paper airplane associations, simulated flight associations, and so on. The development of these associations not only strengthens the physical and mental health of students, but also enriches their after-school activities, which are deeply loved by students and parents. In order to guide us to correctly understand the network, learn to use the network, and be the owner of the network, the school also carried out information and technology classes. In class, we can talk with the teacher, ask questions to the teacher, and solve our doubts at any time.

Under the influence of the school motto of "Morality, determination and action", our school attaches great importance to cultural education. There is a reading corner in each class, and there are various types of books on the bookshelf. Here we can cultivate our own sentiments and enrich our knowledge. The teachers in the school are also very strict with us, but I know that teachers are strict with us for our good. This is a kind of love of teachers.

This is my smart campus. I want to thank it for giving me knowledge and teaching me how to be a man!

Pupils, this is me (12)

My surname is Yang Mingliu, and I'm 9 years old this year. Occasionally I will see my name in the book. Students often joke with me about these things.

I have two black eyebrows, a pair of bright eyes like stars, and a small mouth.

My personality is lively and cheerful. I like to make others laugh. Once, I saw my sister sitting in the corner of the room, unhappy, and went to ask: "Sister, what's wrong?" My sister did not answer me. When I saw that my sister was unhappy, I said, "Sister, I told you a joke." My sister said carelessly, "You can tell if you like." My sister laughed after hearing my joke. I was very happy to see my sister was amused by me.

I have a problem. I do everything carelessly. Once, the school held a final exam. During the exam, I thought to myself: Don't be careless today. It was still early to the end of the exam. When I finished the paper, I checked it again and again and found no mistakes. The papers I had reviewed were handed out, and when I saw the scores on the papers, I felt very uneasy. I quickly calmed down and carefully checked the mistakes on the paper. It turned out that the answer to the word problem was not written. I can't laugh or cry about it. Now, I'm trying to get rid of this bad habit.

My hobby is painting. Although my painting is not very good, as long as I have extra time, I will paint.

This is me, a very lively, cheerful and somewhat careless girl.

Pupils, this is me (13)

My name is Zixuan. I'm 10 years old this year. I have an apple like face, a pair of watery eyes, a fleshy nose and a small cherry mouth. I am a lively and cheerful girl. I have many hobbies, such as singing, dancing, playing the piano, painting... Among them, I especially like playing the piano.

In school, I often exchange feelings about playing the piano with my piano practice classmates. Many students say it is difficult to play the piano, but I enjoy it. Every day, I would play the piano for at least an hour without moving. Sometimes I even forgot to eat when I was excited. Once, the teacher assigned a new piece of music, and I played it again and again. I thought it sounded good, so I played it several times more. The more fluent the music is, the better it will be. Playing, playing... I am totally immersed in the beautiful music. When it is time to eat, I am still playing my piano. My mother repeatedly urges me to eat, but I always say: "Later, later." When my mother forcibly pulls me to the table, the food is cold.

This is me, a girl who likes playing the piano. Do you like me?

Pupils, this is me (14)

There was a boy. He was tall, with a pair of big bright eyes under his curved eyebrows. His skin was a little dark, but such a "small defect" became an advantage in his father's eyes.

"The skin is black, which is like a man!" Dad said solemnly.

"How can you praise others like this?" he said to himself with a smile.

His Chinese achievement has been very good in the class, and he is the "representative of Chinese class" in the class. In addition to his own hard work, he has a good father who strictly requires him to study.

I remember that it was in the first grade. No matter how tired my father was after work every day, he always came to his little bed at night before he went to bed and read the picture book story to him in full voice and emotion. Until he entered a sweet dream with a smile, my father refused to leave. From then on, he remembered the rabbit in "Guess how much I love you"; Remember the little dreamer in What to do when you grow up; Remember... Since then, he has been swimming in the sea of books and fell in love with reading. He has been reading everywhere in the bathroom, in front of the table and on the bed, becoming a veritable "little bookworm"!

Although his performance in the class has been relatively stable, and he has been praised by the teacher for many times, the aura of "Chinese class representative", "English class representative", and "squadron leader" has always accompanied him, he also has an unforgivable shortcoming - carelessness! It is precisely because of this shortcoming that he seldom gets full marks in mathematics. After many big and small exams and many painful lessons, he became more careful and serious when doing math problems. He expects to get a 100 points in the math midterm exam of the first semester of the fourth grade in 2017. I hope this dream can come true!

He is a "mischievous guy" who makes friends with many friends in his life and study. In winter, when the snowflakes are flying, he will make snowmen and have snowball fights with a group of friends; In the hot summer, he and his friends will go to the Yellow River to play a fierce gunfight game.

Guess who is that boy? That's right, that boy is me: Liu Wenbo, Class One, Grade Four!

Pupils, this is me (15)

I am a student of Class 4 (2) of Taizhou Baiyun Primary School. I am very tall, about the fifth tallest in the class. I have great strength. It can be counted as the top ten in the class. I am a very smart child. Sometimes I can answer all the questions that the whole class cannot answer. My eyes are big. I can find anything I can't find.

One day, when I went to the library to borrow a book, I slowly held the book and felt that it was very beautiful. I said to my mother, "I will stay here and read a book for a while." My mother said, "OK, I will help you find a book", and I quietly read the book. Suddenly, I saw a little girl looking for a book. The bookshelf was too high for her to reach. I immediately went over and reached for the book. I handed it to the little girl. Another time, when I went to the park to play football, I saw some friends want to play football with me. They laughed at my lack of strength and my inability to play football. I said to them that we should compete. I served first, and when I tried to kick their goalkeeper's hand was scratched by my ball, they didn't laugh at my lack of strength.

This is the special me, isn't it very interesting.

Pupils, this is me (16)

My hobbies are running, drawing and swimming, but my favorite is reading. At ordinary times, as long as I have time, I will pick up the book and absorb the rich nutrition from it.

I remember once I missed a big event because I read a book. It was a sunny Saturday. After finishing my English homework, I sat lazily on the sofa and read with relish. After a while, Grandma reminded me: "Tong Tong, stop reading the comic book, and you will be late for reading it again.". It was half past nine before I knew it. Grandma found that I was still reading. She shouted at me in a hurry: "Li Yitong, it's half past nine. If you don't go out, you will be late!" I listened, closed quickly, put on my shoes in a hurry, picked up the bag, and ran to the studio. It was 9:40 when I went to the studio. I was ten minutes late. Teacher Wu said to me, "Li Yitong, what's wrong with you? Usually, you are never late. What happened to you today! Forget it. I'll forgive you this time. Don't be late again next time! " "Got it!" I said to Mr. Wu. "When you know it, go and paint!" Teacher Wu replied with a smile. "Hmm!"

Alas, this is me. I love reading. Boys and girls, do you have any good way to help me get rid of the bad habit of "reading and forgetting the time"? Tell me if you have any!

Pupils, this is me (17)

I remember one time, we saw carbon roasted oysters in the food street. The oysters were sizzling with the charcoal fire, and the garlic on them was extremely fragrant. My parents bought a lot of oysters, and when they were ready to eat them for the whole family, I had never seen oysters at that time. Whatever my parents said, I would not eat them, and I was afraid. It was not until many years later that I learned about oysters, a kind of seafood, that I dared to eat it and fell in love with it. I don't know how many times this has happened to me since I was young. My mother criticized me as a "coward" who lacks the spirit of adventure. I know this is my weakness, because a person who dares to try can understand more and have more fun than others, right? I hope that as I grow up, I will not be a coward one day.

Hee hee, this is me, He Yingqi.

Pupils, this is me (18)

However, if you think I am just a "nerd", you are totally wrong. In my spare time life, I am also a child with a wide range of interests. Roller skating is my favorite and my strength. Whenever I come home from school and finish the homework assigned by the teacher, I will have a roller skating competition with other children in the community. This sport not only makes me know many other lovely children, but also exercises my own reaction ability and body coordination ability.

In the class, I am a representative of the Chinese class, a powerful little assistant and good helper of the teacher. Whenever a student's study manual is not finished, I will scrupulously stare at him until he has finished his homework, because I require myself to become a responsible class representative and can play a role model and lead among other students.

I am also a very enthusiastic person. When other students or partners have difficulties, I try my best to help them. When there is a quarrel between my classmates, I will take the initiative to stand up and preside over justice. Although sometimes it may be unpleasant, my smile will soon resolve those unhappiness. Because I am also a person who likes to laugh. As long as I encounter happy things, I will laugh all the time. The two dimples are the most representative features on my face. I will laugh at happy things, on the contrary, I will take serious things seriously. For example, when raising the national flag and singing the national anthem, because this is a very solemn thing, I love our motherland!

This is me, a little boy who is busy studying, playing, being happy and growing up every day. Although I am not the best, I will also be lazy and naughty, but I will try my best to change, I hope to improve little by little with the help of my parents, teachers and classmates. I believe I can do it!