About the Seed (15 compilations)
Cold winter fog
2023-12-16 08:04:13

About the Seed (1)

Part 1: Seed Chen Jiahe

What a seed it is!

It lies on the dense and soft dark soil, so peaceful and quiet, slightly opening its red flowering heart.

I picked it up carefully: the dark but soft shell rolled up in circles, with a faint light green at the end, like a small city surrounded by layers of cicada wings, with tenderness that cannot be felt without touching. The white tiny hairs generated on sepals crawl like pilgrims in the sun: this is the only life, and I am cautious not to take a wrong step. So every stain, every depression and curvature on this little seed is wrong. At the moment when I picked it up, I had to be surprised and hold my breath in this small pious heart, and the initial and initial beauty of life.

Holding it in my hand, this small seed is heavy like a thin and continuous stream of water hanging straight down in my palm from a high altitude. I can clearly feel its eager flowering heart beating regularly between the lines of my palm. No, not only the desire to blossom, but also the pious love of life itself, the longing for that may be the only spring, the prudence of growth, the yearning for heights, and even the endless imagination of the future flowers when they smile in silence, filling the small red heart so tightly! In contrast, how thin, how small, and how unbearable is the original exquisite and magnificent shell that God gave to this little life that just made me sigh!

After careful consideration, I realized that the first step of this little seed's life was to make the hope in his heart heavy enough to press himself into the soil, expand and be strong enough to stretch his body, and then he could break through the soil to see the blue sky that was originally overhead.

I cannot help but be in awe of this little seed, and carefully put it on the original land. I wonder what kind of red flowers this little heart will open in the future? When we think about our life, compared with this small seed and the long youth after its germination, it is so short that we can not hesitate to give up the initial package and protection of life and break the indefinable shackles. Perhaps only in this way can we witness all the beauty in life, not just a young heart with a beautiful vision like a seed. I dropped my hands and felt my heart heavy.

Chapter 2: Seeds of Happiness

There is a seed of happiness in everyone's heart. However, inadvertently, years make it dusty, anger makes it burn, discontent makes it deteriorate. Let's open the window of mind! Let the wind blow away the haze, let the rain moisten the earth, and let the seeds of happiness sprout quietly.

The seeds of happiness need you to irrigate with tolerance, fertilize with happiness, and shine with enthusiasm. Only in this way can it bloom happy flowers, emit charming fragrance and bear rich fruits.

The seeds of happiness can be passed on to each other. When you help others lift the fallen car, when you pick up the packaging bag and throw it into the dustbin, when others step on your feet, you are full of apologies, and you smile and say: Never mind! Then the seeds of happiness are quietly passed on.

The seed of happiness is fragile. It has many natural enemies. Anger, discontent, sadness and loss will creep into your heart inadvertently to damage the seeds. The person who has been damaged has a bitter face and is impatient with anything. Serious damage can also lead to a disease called depression.

However, the seeds of happiness recovered quickly. When anger penetrates into the heart, send calm to stop it; When dissatisfied with the attack, let appreciation fight; When sadness comes quietly, let optimism face it. In this way, the seeds of happiness can develop healthily.

The seed of happiness is strong. Once it germinates, nothing can stop it. As long as it is watered and fertilized, it will grow luxuriant. Without wind and rain, how can we see the rainbow? Happiness is also to experience hardships. The test of wind, frost, rain and snow is always inevitable, but the shaking of the wind deepens the foundation of happiness, and the baptism of rain makes the branches and leaves of happiness more lush.

Sow the seeds of happiness everywhere, and the flowers of happiness will bloom everywhere. Let's sweep away our troubles and clean our dusty hearts. Let the sunshine come in, let happiness fill the heart. Open the window of your heart and welcome the dawn!

Remember: the key to happiness is in our own hands. As long as you hold tight, no one can take your happiness away. The seeds of happiness are in our hearts. As long as you stick to it and take care of it, nothing can make you unhappy!

Chapter 3: The Last Seed

In nature, every piece of green is alive. Until one day, the smoke came with a terrible smell, the forest was destroyed, the air was polluted, and the green color disappeared, leaving only the tears of our human beings

The nature can no longer bear the devastation of human beings. Pieces of green are destroyed. Small souls are struggling to stay, but they still disperse into the air.

With a snap, a seed opened its eyes. He flew to all parts of the world with the breeze. He did not know that he was the last seed in the world.

Seed, why do you become so gentle? Don't you use your meager power to give people a green earth? Sister Feng said.

Yes, that's a thing of the past. How proud I am to recall the blue sky, beautiful white clouds and clean air! Sister Feng, will you take me to find my companion? I don't want the beautiful earth to disappear like this. Seed said.

He searched and searched. Suddenly, he found a skinny snow rabbit. He asked the snow rabbit, have you ever seen a partner like me? The Snow Hare shook his head and said, "When I was born, I didn't have the same companion as me.".

The seed is unwilling to believe that he is the last seed. He continued to look for the footprints of his companions in the breeze

A swallow opened its eyes with a pale face, and the seed saw the swallow as if it saw hope. Ask her anxiously, have you seen my companion? The listless swallow has no strength to speak, and shakes its head.

The seed's eyes are full of sadness.

The long wandering seed was already skinny. He took the breeze to the lake, which was almost dry. At this time, he was surprised to see that the other seed was actually his shadow. Put me down, put me down, I found my partner! He said to Feng Er.

The wind put him on the lake and he fell asleep forever

Chapter 4: A Seed's Journey Wang Zhiyuan

I am a soybean seed, growing in a pod.

One day, when the hot sun shone on the pods, I felt very hot and uncomfortable, so I held my breath, shook the pods open, and jumped out of them. Unconsciously, he fell onto a hard object, which turned out to be a big stone. Just calm down, the body seems to be pulled by someone and fall off

The next day, I was thinking about where I had gone, and the sudden strong wind made me take another trip. After a while, the wind passed and I stopped flying and landed on the football field. I saw a group of children playing football. Suddenly, the football was kicked by a little boy in blue short sleeves. Looking at these black and white giants, I was afraid. At this time, a child walked to the football, swung his right foot and kicked it. It was very powerful, with the momentum of overwhelming mountains. Of course, I also flew out with it.

This time, I fell in the middle of a desolate stone crevice, and I made my home here. I have spent countless beautiful mornings and terrible nights here, experienced countless ups and downs, and encountered various setbacks. Whenever I encounter difficulties, I always think of my mother encouraging me to say, "Don't be afraid, my mother has come here in this way, and now when it comes to germination, I must not shrink back."

Finally one day, I woke up and found that I finally came out of the cocoon and saw the beautiful world outside. Under the rain and the sunshine, I grew up slowly and became a mother. Like my mother, I sent my children away. A year later, when I learned that my son and daughter had grown up in the distance, I said happily: My children have finally grown up.

Chapter 5: The Experience of a Seed Feng Yuanlin

It was sunny and the air was particularly fresh that day. I accidentally found a small seed near the grass beside the road. It was an oval seed with bright green lace in brown. Seed? I stepped it into the soft soil. That night, it began to rain.

I don't know how many days have passed. When I passed there again, my God, it's incredible! I cried out in surprise, because I was surprised to find that the seed I stepped on had sprouted a section of green seedlings.

Could it be grass? I scraped the soil under the bud and pulled out the seedling by root. It was the same seed: an oval seed inlaid with tender green in brown, but a bud appeared on it. I carelessly threw Xiaomiao on the road and left.

After a long time, one afternoon, I found a vigorous young tree emerging from the cement crack on the road, which looked like the one I had pulled out. I squatted down to watch carefully. The young tree was already more than ten centimeters high, but its roots were stretching out along with the cracks in the cement ground, and a thin layer of dust was covered on several oval green leaves.

It is unexpected that an ordinary seed should have such strong vitality. Think about how coincidental all this is. When it was trampled into the soil by me, it immediately grew up like a fish in water; When I threw it on the roadside, it was not crushed to death, but grew up firmly in the cement crack. This is a miracle of life!

About the Seed (2)

On a Saturday night, my family went to the balcony to drink tea after dinner. Suddenly, I vaguely saw a green seedling with a sharp head rising in the corner of the wall, which made me very strange!

Then I thought that I accidentally dropped a fruit into the corner of the wall a few weeks ago, and I told my parents about the sprout in the corner. My father said, "Kiki, do you know why the sprout grows out?" I could not help shaking my head. Dad said: "Because not only people have the desire for life, but also plants, so this young plant can survive in this very difficult situation, because it knows that the most beautiful moment in its life is to become a beautiful flower, and people also want to live no matter how hard your life is, because the most beautiful moment is the moment of your progress, so the seed The spirit of life is worth learning and practicing!

The words my father said to me are deeply impressed in my heart, and now when I encounter difficulties, these words are my motivation!

Seed Thank you for letting me know such a truth of life!

About the Seed (3)

Everyone has his own dream.

That dream may be great, unreachable, or simply "daydreaming" in the eyes of others. But this dream has always been in your heart, and even has become an indispensable part of your life.

A dream is like a cup of coffee. Only when you taste it carefully can you feel the sweet taste in the bitter and the sweet taste in the bitter; Dreams are like endless paths of life. You will never know what will happen next; Dream is also like a seed. If you plant it and water it with your heart, it will germinate gradually

I also have a dream that I planted in my heart when I was young. This dream is the dream of actors.

I don't know when this dream seed has been planted quietly in my heart

When this seed sprouted quietly in my heart, I told my mother about my dream, but what I got was not words to encourage me or eyes to agree with me, but a sneer, a sneer at my dream

My mother said that my dream was too unrealistic to happen to me. Don't dream about it. We should walk the road of life step by step.

After listening to these words, it seems that I was thrown a basin of cold water, my nose is sour

But I didn't give up because I knew that "as long as you stick to your dream, you will get closer and closer."

Gradually, I grew up and understood what my mother said to me. In spite of this, I will not give up my dream, because I also know that as long as I water the seed of this dream with my heart, it will certainly card out beautiful flowers, and the flowers will also send out a faint fragrance.

Students, have you planted the seeds of your dreams? Have you ever given up in the process of dream seed flowering? If so, I hope this will not happen again.

About the Seed (4)

The first ray of sunshine gently covered the whole earth with gold, and the first beam of wind gently sang the ballad: "The seed will grow up quickly, and grow into a big tree soaring into the sky."

Spring is coming! The seed wakes up from sleep. It opened its eyes joyfully and looked around. But all around is dark soil, which seeps into the bone marrow coldly. But it clearly heard Spring Girl calling to it.

"The seed will grow up quickly and become a big tree soaring into the sky."

The ballad is still singing softly, and the seed is riveted enough - it wants to see the outside world with its own eyes.

He straightened himself up hard. But there was no change. It stayed in the dark soil.

No -- I must see the outside world! The seed strengthened his belief and stood up again stubbornly. Still not. Again and again, hundreds of times, it stood up to the ground, letting the stones hurt its waist.

It stretched out a smooth stem and pushed its toes upward. It poked out its hairy roots and tried to drill down. It could hear the soil around it being squeezed.

Finally, the ground cracked a small gap, and the warm sunshine in spring covered the seeds. No, it should be the buds now. It gently rubbed its eyes, yes, yes, it was sunshine.

Inspired by this, Nengya exerts all her strength to go up——

"Sprouting! The seeds sprouted!" A group of children clapped their hands and jumped. Young Bud heard the cheers of children, the ding dong sound of a nearby stream, and the cheerful ballad it heard in the soil: "The seed will grow up quickly and become a big tree soaring into the sky -" It stretched its leaves and danced in the air with the spring wind.

It's spring! It saw the bright spring light, the sun was smiling at it, and around it, there were some unknown buds waving to it. It straightened up again. It will eventually become a towering tree.

"The seed will grow up quickly and become a big tree soaring into the sky."

Listening to the familiar songs, it smiled at the sky.

About the Seed (5)

One day at noon, after I had had enough food and drink, I patted my round stomach and was contented to go to the "doghouse" to have a little nap. I was just about to lie down on the bed when a heavyweight box hit my bed! I opened the box with great difficulty. There is a green Dongdong and a manual in the box. When I opened the manual, it read: This is an alien seed, which can be directly buried in the soil without watering. It will grow after one second of planting, and can grow according to the grower's command. I hope those who receive this item can plant it correctly.

I couldn't wait to plant the seeds in the yard and said, "Take me to the Jade Emperor!". well! As soon as I finished speaking, a seedling grew in the field. When it grew to the same height as me, I grabbed its tip, and this vine took me up. It grows, grows, and when it stops production, I come to the Tianting Gate! After entering the courtyard, I exchanged a bottle of Coke in my hand for a bottle of Jade Dew Jelly from the Queen Mother, and a bag of "Wangzai steamed buns" and the Seven Fairies for a tree in the peach garden. The fruit on this tree will be mine! Another flashlight was used to replace the 'magic power' that can make the finger shine. I returned with these "trophies". The family drank a mouthful of jade dew agar, and all of them "floated"! I am also envious of my magic power.

After a while, I want to travel again. Last time I went to heaven, let's go to the Wonderful Kingdom this time! Our little sister has always blamed me for not taking her with me last time. I'll take her with me this time. I tied my sister's "leaf safety belt" and said to go to the Wonderful Kingdom. "Whoosh", there we are.

Wow! The sun here is square, the moon is triangular, and the sky is pink! The wind is colorful. The house is made of mushrooms, carrots and cloth! The clothes here are also various, each has its own ability! After wearing the spider clothes, you can fly over the eaves and walk on the wall; After wearing the fish clothes, you can breathe freely in the water (without oxygen cylinder), and you can open your eyes without water! There is also casual clothing, which can automatically change the style. When the owner wants to change a style, just pat the waist twice, the clothes will change the most suitable for the owner, and the most beautiful look! There are also bird clothes, thinking clothes, etc. I used 60 grass to exchange 20 casual clothes, 20 spider clothes and 20 fish clothes with them. These are the most popular clothes!

Now, I often travel with my family and good friends, and we have become more knowledgeable. ha-ha! This is really a magic seed!

About the Seed (6)

After class, a male classmate hurried to the toilet.

When he got to the toilet, he turned on the faucet and splashed some water on his face. He also washed his hands with water and wet his head. At this time, several students shouted, "Xiao Ming, go to play football!" He heard them call him again and ran out, but he forgot to turn off the water tap. He was running out of the toilet when he saw their classmate Xiao Mei coming. Xiao Mei saw that the water tap in the toilet was not turned off and turned it off quickly. Then she looked around and saw that there was no one around. She thought she had seen Xiao Ming running out just now, Maybe Xiaoming forgot to turn off the tap. She hurried to catch up with Xiao Ming and said to him, "Xiao Ming, didn't you turn off the water tap?" Xiao Ming said, "Just now, my classmate asked me to play football, so I forgot to turn off the water tap. Rest assured that I will turn off the water tap next time, and forgive me this time." Xiao Mei said, "Don't you know, there are more than 400 cities in our country that are short of water and eager for water.

You don't cherish every drop of water we have now. Do you think that we are not short of water, and there is water every day, so you don't have to worry about the problem of water use, but other places and cities are in urgent need of this precious water resource. In North China, the water there is rain in the sky, so their water shortage is very serious. They dig a hole in the ground, When it rains, the rain will fall into the pit, but the water in the pit is very turbid, but they still cherish the turbid rain. Whether we are short of water or not, we should cherish this precious water resource. " Xiaoming said: "I see. Thank you for telling me in a hurry, otherwise I will waste this precious water resource. We should encourage all students to cherish water resources and not waste water resources!

About the Seed (7)

During the summer vacation, my mother bought me the book "Little Seed". There were many colorful pictures in it, but the number of words was not very large. I soon finished reading it.

Small Seed mainly tells the story of the growth of a small seed. The autumn wind blew the flower seed into the air, and there was a small seed very small. One seed flew too high and was burned to death by the hot sun; One fell on a snowy mountain, and the seed was too frozen to sprout; One fell into the sea and drowned, and another fell into the desert. It was too dry and hot to sprout. The strong wind stopped, and the small seeds fell to the ground together with other seeds. A big bird ate a seed. When winter came, the seeds were sleeping in the soil. A hungry mouse ate a seed. The snow melted, and spring came. They began to sprout and grow into small seedlings. One was covered by weeds and died, the other was trampled off, and the one that first bloomed was broken. The little seed finally sprouted, and the little sapling grew all the time. Finally, it grew taller than the house and opened a giant flower. People came to see it. Birds, butterflies and bees also came to visit it. It was really a big and beautiful flower. Later, the flowers fell, and many small seeds flew to distant places by the autumn wind.

After reading this story, I think the little seed is very strong, because although it is very small, it still flies very hard, and finally takes root and sprouts, grows very tall, and opens big and beautiful flowers. I want to learn its strong. I don't like that boy. He broke the flower that was not easy to grow. We should take good care of the flowers and trees.

I was moved by this stubborn little seed! I feel that this small seed is very tenacious. No matter how many hardships it has experienced, it is still persistent. We should learn from the little seed, learn from its tenacious vitality, learn from its perseverance, learn from its character of not being afraid of hardship and fatigue.

About the Seed (8)

It was sunny and the air was very fresh. I accidentally found a small seed by the roadside grass. It was an oval seed with brown green lace. Seed? I stepped it into the soft soil. That night, it began to rain.

I don't know how many days passed. When I passed there again, my God, it was amazing! I cried out in surprise because I was surprised to find that the seed I stepped on had grown a green seedling.

Is it grass? I pulled away the soil under the buds and pulled out the seedlings one by one. In fact, this is the same seed: the oval seed is inlaid with green brown, and only one bud appears on it. I accidentally threw the seedlings onto the road and left.

After a long time, one afternoon, I found a vigorous young tree growing out of the cement crack on the roadside, looking like the one I pulled out and threw away. I squatted down to observe carefully. The sapling is more than 10 cm tall, but the root of the sapling twists outward with the cracks in the cement floor. Several oval emerald leaves are covered with a thin layer of dust.

I didn't expect that an ordinary seed would have such strong vitality. Think how coincidental all this is. When I stepped on it, it grew up like a duck. When I threw it on the roadside, it was not crushed to death, but grew up firmly in the cement seam. This is a miracle of life!

About the Seed (9)

A woman dreamed that she was walking into a newly opened shop. What's more, there was an angel standing behind the counter.

"What do you sell?" the woman asked excitedly.

"Everything you want in your heart."

The woman couldn't believe her ears, and then decided to buy some of the things that people wanted most: "I want to buy peace, love, happiness, wisdom and strength." After thinking for a while, she added, "Buy some not only for me, but also for all my family members. Can you pick up the goods now?"

The angel smiled and said, "Son, I think you made a mistake. We don't sell fruits here, only seeds."

About the Seed (10)

Among the numerous bonsais in my home, the one that impressed me most was a morning glory. But what I remember is not its beautiful flowers, but its strong seeds.

My mother planted morning glory in a flowerpot this spring. We are all excited and hope it can blossom quickly.

But after waiting for a week, the morning glory did not germinate. After waiting for another week, it still did not germinate. Mother was impatient, so she dug up the soil and planted other flowers. After that, I didn't care.

After a long time, the seeds finally germinated and later bloomed. However, the petunias actually opened, with big horns. The purple petunias opened, as if to say to us: "Look, how beautiful I am!"

I think this seed must have fought fiercely in the soil before it bloomed such a beautiful flower. No matter how hard, no matter how hard, I still haven't given up. Since even the seed can do it, why can't the human being who is called "the spirit of all things" do it?

About the Seed (11)

"Even if you break your wings, you will fly with blood and tears!"

I don't know how long ago, a seed of self-confidence and hard work was quietly planted in my heart. Many days have passed, and the handwriting has not been erased. But I don't know whether things have changed or not?

The road ahead is filled with yellow dust, but I can smell a ray of hibiscus flowers occasionally

The dense fragrance of flowers carved the years, and the time was like scattered gold and jade, leaving only people to walk away. After entering junior high school, the pressure suddenly increased, and I went astray several times. The boring life was filled with papers all over the sky. I don't know when I lost myself in the noisy crowd. Let's run away, but I'm really willing to become a bad student who doesn't want to make progress?

Suddenly, there was a fragrance of hibiscus flowers, and when I looked up, I felt the amazing beauty of cold and beautiful!

The afterglow of the setting sun cast a fragmented silhouette, scattering a mottled. The cluster of hibiscus flowers hiding in the corner is dotted, but it is as clear and refined as a fairy. It is graceful and graceful, and has a galaxy of talents. I can imagine that it will stick to it day by day, keep growing, and pass on the hope of flowering. One day, it will proudly raise its head under the mottled afterglow!

I was also inspired by it, and I took the sail of hope to face the blue sea and sky!

However, the honor is only temporary. After a few days in the afterglow, the flowers withered and dissipated with the wind

But it was this temporary surface aura that faded, and it understood that rebirth was the ultimate mission given to it by nature. The newly born flower climbs onto the branch, and then rises gradually, playing the music of jointing life. Careful touch gently caresses the fingertips, which is the beauty obtained through continuous struggle. From root to branch, from branch to leaf, from leaf to flower, it is passed layer by layer, transmitting the power to make progress!

The belief that hibiscus flower has endured many hardships but is still determined encouraged me. It is a year old withering glory born in confusion and desolation, and a quiet Zhiyuan in a place with dim lights. It's the spring return to the stranger

Now, I still believe that on the road ahead, even if you break your wings, you will fly with blood and tears!

500 word composition about a seed 6

I am a small seed. Now, I am looking for a piece of land belonging to me to grow on the "Wind Speed" driven by Grandma Feng. "Look, Grandma Feng is that piece of land, please send me there quickly!" Grandma Feng is really fast. She sent me to that piece of land in the blink of an eye, so I started my journey of life on this land.

At the call of Grandma Chunlei, I also emerged from the land, slowly stretched out my body and put on new green clothes. When I came outside, I found how beautiful and magical the world was. It turns out that spring is so clear! Everywhere is a refreshing green: Uncle Big Tree has green hair; Little grass brother put on a green vest; Sister Flower also changed into a green dress; There is also a scene of vitality everywhere in the paddy field.

In the twinkling of an eye, the hot midsummer has come, and I have grown up a lot, and opened beautiful and fragrant flowers for people to enjoy. To my delight, people sometimes take pictures with me as a souvenir. However, there are still some naughty children who want to remove me. Fortunately, the mother of the child called the child away, otherwise, the flowers I worked hard to open would be gone.

In autumn, many fallen leaves fall into the arms of Mother Earth. The paddy field is a scene of bumper harvest, and the world is golden. In this season of harvest, I also worked hard to get results. Although I didn't receive fruits, I produced many small seeds like me. Let them continue my journey of life by riding the "wind speed" I used to ride, and my life is about to end when they set sail. Gradually, I withered

Although my life is short, I live a wonderful and meaningful life. I try my best to make my life beautiful!

About the Seed (12)

Bury a seed of love in your heart, water it with gratitude and patience, and you will reap different flowers.

notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

The human mind is like a fertile land full of seeds. Some flowers are like flowers and grass are like grass; Some are overgrown with thorns and weeds. Everything in the world starts from a single seed. Some seeds are the crystallization of good, and some seeds are the incarnation of evil

As the saying goes: steal needles when you are young, steal gold when you are big. There is a story like this: a little boy stole a box of colored pens from the kindergarten and went home. His mother praised him for his intelligence. The boy was very happy. Sometimes I steal a book, sometimes I steal a pen. The little boy often stole his classmates' clothes after he went to primary school. In junior high school, the boy stole money from his classmates, but was criticized by his teacher, and his mother didn't take it seriously. When he was 18 years old, the boy killed a man by mistake when he went to rob. When the police arrested him for execution, he looked at his mother with hatred and asked, "Why didn't you stop me when I stole crayons from the kindergarten?"

This story not only reflects the importance of a mother to a child, but also reflects the influence of "a seed" on a person. The boy planted the seed of love to steal things, and from then on, his life is doomed to be bad.

Isn't it true in our life that students who don't like cleaning in their own homes are also very untidy in school?

Zhu Ziqing loved reading when he was young, and regarded books as treasures. In middle school, he often sent his pocket money given by his family to the bookstore to buy books. In his last year of college, Zhu Ziqing went to the bookstore and saw a copy of Webster's Dictionary priced 14 yuan. He wanted to buy it, but he didn't have so much money. In desperation, he had to become his own fur coat and bought the dictionary back. It is precisely because Zhu Ziqing planted the seeds of love of reading and learned knowledge from books hungrily that he made great achievements in literature later.

The seeds will break through the hard soil and rocks, braved the strong wind and snow, and tenaciously drill out of the soil. The seed planted in our hearts will also break through all kinds of difficulties, take root and sprout in our hearts. Whether the seed is good or evil, it will open flowers that affect your life path.

About the Seed (13)

All feasts come to an end. Just ask, as a dandelion seed, how can I muddle along and hide in the protection of my mother?

Time changes everything. Now that I have grown up, I should fly with the wind and find my own paradise.

If a river wants to be clear, it can only flow continuously. If it stays where it is, it will become more and more turbid. Dandelion is the home where I grew up, my mother, but I must leave, because only in this way can I open more brilliant flowers.

In my mother's arms, I also have a group of brothers and sisters. They grow with me. We have walked many roads together, laughed together, chased together and worked hard together. When I was most helpless, you whispered to me: "Come on, you can do it" "Don't lose heart, achievements can only represent the past". Now, like you, I will leave an invisible umbrella to face the ups and downs before me. Maybe we will be in a different place in the future, but after all, we all have the same goal "dream", so it's time for me to say to you, "Come on, you can do it.".

"Every drop of water will repay each other." Mother has already given us too much, so we only have to open flowers that are brighter and more beautiful than everyone else to repay our mother's kindness to us. We can't live up to your teachings, so I will work hard, mother.

How can I, who is about to graduate from high school, fail to live up to all the people for me for a rich feast. You know, only when the dandelion blooms its brightest flowers can someone appreciate it, until my mother and brothers and sisters arrive together, making my new banquet more and more prosperous. When my mother and others are proud of me, it is my ultimate goal. So, I have to go. Goodbye, my mother. Goodbye, my friend.

Because the destiny has brought us together, I want to say one last word to you: "Thank you"

About the Seed (14)

Fallen leaves fall into the marsh, which will rot, turn into sludge, and merge with the marsh.

Seed, where there is soil, it grows! The seeds in the cracks of the stone also sprout and thrive!

Seeds have dreams, hopes, passions, feelings, and struggles for dreams!

It is an indestructible form. We are also "seeds"! We are like the buds in spring. We once drilled out of the ground with longing, broke through the darkness under the soil, and welcomed the light!

We rejoice, our dedication to the new world.

The seeds burst through the darkness and pulled out fresh green buds. Although the environment is difficult, the wind blows and the sun shines.

But it still has its roots. It is looking for water for life, and it needs to grow up! It will become a tree!

It should have strong branches and red petals to show the world! I think we all have seeds in our hearts. They will sprout slowly in the softest part of our hearts.

Fight! Teenager! Fight for the ideal! Work hard for your dream! We have both kung fu and time. It's time for us to win a world for ourselves. We are not afraid of suffering. Bitter, let us grow, let us have experience, increase life experience and perception. Junior high school is a turning point in our life. It is a good time for us to change our personality and expand our knowledge in all aspects. We also feel the sunshine and rain brought by life in this beautiful flower season. At this moment, we seem to be seeds, sprouting up happily, growing like a bud to receive the sunshine. But if there is beauty, there will be pain, and if there is happiness, you will also experience hardships. How can there be a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain? When you are in trouble, you should be stronger!

It grows up little by little. The green buds will be thirsty because of the lack of water, and will cry because of the erosion of wind and rain. Don't be depressed, don't abandon yourself because of a temporary blow, when suffering comes. The stronger you are, the same is true of people. You will not grow up and succeed without taking detours and stepping on thorns. Light and confident, try to smile at everyone and let them know that today you are happy and brave.

Grasp the present and cherish the hard won happy life! Three years, such a short time, can change the fate of many people's lives! Change the path of a person's life.

Only successful people will feel happy and comfortable, not tired because of poverty, not cry because of hardship, but who knows their hard work and sadness? How envious they should be when they fail!

Is it just envy?

One day, you will find that the world is delicate. The seeds sprout, grow, blossom, and become trees in spite of carelessness or struggle. So keep a good attitude, calm and optimistic, with gratitude and distinguish between right and wrong people, you will get happiness, success and satisfaction!

About the Seed (15)

Sowing the seeds of the exercise

Xu Renzhe, the new fifth grade of Wenxinyuan

"Alas --" Mother sighed, very helpless. But what? But my composition.

"Don't just write false." Mother reasoned with me. "Write true, and you will get high marks!"

I am impatient: "I know!"

"I always say I know. How can I ever listen to it? Those who scored high in the composition of the junior high school entrance examination basically wrote narratives! What kind of argumentation and expository articles do you write in your weekly journal?" My mother began to play the last recording again.

"Oh!" I said, and quickly walked back to my study, slammed the door and locked it twice, so that my mother would not bother me.

Of course, this is a thing of the past. At that time, I didn't like writing a composition at all. Even if I did, I would have to write about 400 words. It's also very fake. Now it's not because I came here - Wenxin Garden.

Since I came to Wenxinyuan, my first impression of this place is much better than that of other composition training classes. The blue and white combination makes people feel very comfortable. Going straight up the stairs makes people feel upward. The long corridor makes people feel broad, which is really a good place.

Studying in Wenxinyuan always makes me happy. Humorous students, earnest teachers, funny courses, my compositions have won more stars than ever, all of which are improved by the constant encouragement of teachers and optimized by repeated attempts. Even my strict mother is very satisfied. Every time my composition is printed out and neatly pasted on the wall, I will say to myself from the bottom of my heart: "Look! I can! I can write a good composition."

After Shangxinyuan, my composition was not criticized by my mother. Now, I can't leave my composition class without Wenxin Yuan, which has sowed the seeds of exercises in my heart!