Appreciation of composition (20 pieces recommended)
Dust Flyer
2024-05-22 04:53:32
primary school

Appreciation of Composition (1)

"Great, it's a success!" I shouted with my neighbor's children. What's the matter? Please listen to me slowly.

It turned out that in this summer vacation, in order to preview the physics to be learned, I borrowed a physics experiment manual from someone else and started my first physics experiment.

This is a simple experiment. I have seen it on TV several times, but I still carefully prepare the equipment: a glass of water and several pieces of hard paper.

At this time, a group of primary school children in the community gathered around. One of them dared to ask me, "What are you doing?" I told them about the experiment I was going to do, and curiosity forced them to stay and become the audience of my first experiment.

First, I filled the cup with water, then I took a piece of paper, covered it on the mouth of the cup, pressed the paper with my palm, and flipped the cup violently. The children stared at my hand with more than a dozen dark eyes, and I gently moved my hand away. "Wow -" The water in the cup hit the pool, announcing the failure of the experiment.

"Let's go, let's go, we failed." The children scattered in a crowd, and I quickly shouted to them: "Don't go, try again!

All right. The children stopped to watch again.

This time, I was more careful to do every step well, but the result was still unsatisfactory - again failed!

Looking at their disappointed expressions and the wet papers on the ground, I could not help feeling a little discouraged: "What a broken experiment, it has been done twice but has not succeeded!"

"Don't worry, big sister, calm down and try again." A child said. "Well, try again!" The other children echoed.

I looked at their expectant eyes, and suddenly in my heart. Be strong. Their group of young children all know how to persevere. Am I not as good as them?

I raised the spirit of twelve points, carefully covered the paper on the mouth of the cup with water, pressed the paper with my hand, sealed the mouth of the cup tightly, and then gently turned the cup, moved the hand away - "Ah, success!" I was very happy, and the children were even more jubilant.

Looking at the children's happy smiles, I suddenly thought: persistence is indispensable on the way to success, and how can we reach the peak and enjoy the joy of success without persistent pursuit?

I like my persistence!

Appreciation of Composition (2)

At night, the moon is like a hook, and the wind is blowing. The weather beaten persimmon tree in the yard is still tall and straight, and bears sweet fruit every year. Open the window, and the cool breeze makes the memory in my mind more solid

One day and night, I had a fever for some reason. I called to my mother quietly. When my mother saw that I was a little pale, she hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?" Listening to my mother's eager voice, there was a trace of sweetness in her heart. I said weakly, "I seem to have a fever." When my mother heard the words, she touched my forehead, and then hurried to find medicine. She leaned against the bed and looked at her busy figure. The sweetness in her heart became stronger and stronger, and praised this love!

Soon, my mother found the medicine and poured a cup of warm water for me to take. The light bitterness makes the sweetness more rich. Lying in bed, it will soon be convenient for Duke Zhou to play chess in his dream, boil wine with Kong Ming on the Three Kingdoms, and discuss national affairs with Liu Bei

Time seems to be like an arrow, shot out by someone, penetrating the endless void. When I woke up in the morning, I saw my mother lying beside the bed. I moved gently and looked at her quietly. Some messy hair is mixed with a few strands of white silk, and the hands are rough due to years of hard work. I don't know when the ruthless sculptor time carved traces of Tao on her face. All kinds of traces show that her youth has been stolen by time. Looking at the history of self memory beginning, mother has never said pain and fatigue. Give this loving family a compliment! She and her father always worked hard for me and my sister, but they never said that they were bitter and tired. The cool wind blew, and the back of my mother who was looking for medicine for me lingered in my mind. Instead of dissipating, it became more solid, until it became a brand, deeply hidden in the deep memory. Looking at the persimmon tree in the yard, it was bent, but she still took pains to bear sweet fruit.

Close the window and fall asleep with the light moonlight

Appreciation of Composition (3)

Praise 800 compositions for youth (I)

Like your youth

Youth, I in bloom, praise you!

Youth is hot and sour, youth is sweet; Youth is full of worries and colorful. It is these ups and downs, it is so rich and colorful, it is worth my praise for it.

Youth, such a beautiful word, is full of vitality, maturity and childishness. Although independent, it has to snuggle up in the arms of its parents, which is both rebellious and cute.

Youth is a complex age, noisy that they have grown up, but full of childish atmosphere. Youth is an elusive stage, a transitional period of life, and a flower season of life.

Now I am in the flower season - youth. The ancients used to describe the rapid passing of youth as "flowers bloom again, and people are no longer young". Youth is a good thing!

Praise 800 compositions for youth (II)

Semi topic composition "like ______" (composition guidance)

Real question playback:

"Praise these kind-hearted people", "Praise our great motherland", "Praise our beautiful youth", recently the word "Praise" has become popular on the Internet, and has entered the lives of many ordinary people, becoming a highly used oral expression. Among the "Top 10 Catchwords of 2013" released by the editorial department of Bite Words, "Like" is one of them. So, is there anything worth praising in your life? Please write a composition on the topic of "likes for _____". The requirements are: ① complete the topic; ② There are no limited genres except poetry; ③ No imitation; ④ The number of words is more than 600.

Writing guide:

1. Solve problems accurately and fill out personality. This is a semi proposition composition. When solving the problem, first understand the meaning of "like". According to the relevant sentences quoted in the composition, you can read the meaning of "like", that is, to affirm, support, love and praise people and things in life. Therefore, the composition title of "like for _____" can actually be replaced by "praise for _____", "applaud for _____", "applaud for _____", and "applaud for _____".

If you understand the question, how can you fill it? Under normal circumstances, people, events and social phenomena worthy of praise are directly used to fill in the questions, such as "praise others who are not disabled" and "praise CD actions". But if you can be creative, fill out your own unique personality, and make the topic different, you can be preconceived and stimulate the interest of readers. For example, if you add the title "Praise the unyielding life in the wind and rain" to praise the strength of the disabled, the effect will be different. Therefore, students should try their best to fill out new ideas when filling in the questions.

2. High purpose and new materials. The key word "like" in the title determines that the main purpose of this article is to praise the truth, goodness and beauty in life, and applaud all kinds of words and deeds that convey positive energy. It is undoubtedly accurate to focus on individuals and praise and support them, but if students can raise their perspective a little more to praise the country and the nation, and praise the generosity and selflessness of nature, then their intention will be naturally superior to others.

3. Ingenious and fascinating. Wen Gui Qu, if written as a narrative, should have a good beginning and end in the design to form a trend of echo; More importantly, the main part of the article should be carefully arranged so that the story line is clear, the transition is natural, the plot is turbulent, and the characters are ready to emerge. For example, when writing the composition "Praise the 'stingy' cousin", you can "misunderstand" as a clue. First, I write that my cousin is too stingy, causing my misunderstanding; Then he wrote that his cousin swallowed his pride and hid the misunderstanding; Then write that cousin gives money first in the love action to break the misunderstanding; Finally, write "I" to understand my cousin and remove the misunderstanding. Such interlocking links will naturally move people's hearts.

If you write an argumentative paper, you can first show your opinions, then use live examples, celebrity stories, celebrity speeches, etc. in your life to demonstrate, and finally summarize the main points and achieve success in one go. It can also start from the life phenomenon, lead out topics, expand the discussion, and finally get a point of view. Fan Wenyi 1. Praise yourself

When I was young, I was always elated by a compliment from others, and discouraged by a rebuke from others. I remember when I was in the fourth grade, my father told me: Don't let others influence your emotions. You should always praise yourself and feel that you are the most beautiful and the best. My father's words have always been hard to forget, and I regard them as aphorisms.

In school, when I saw that my academic performance was not as good as that of my classmates, I would feel ashamed. I silently read in my heart: "Yangmei, are you really so stupid? Why are you not as good as others?" I always blamed myself so much that I lost confidence in myself and my academic performance declined. From another perspective, in fact, I have other advantages! I have won awards in writing competitions and composition competitions held in the school, and I can also play basketball, table tennis, etc. I won a female champion in a school table tennis competition! In fact, I'm not bad! What skills are inferior to others are just some polite words. But then again, you have to be modest. As the saying goes, "learn from each other's strengths".

The best way to make yourself confident is to constantly praise yourself. Praise yourself without reason, as people often say: "Love does not need reason". Similarly, there is no reason to love yourself and praise yourself. You can say to yourself anytime, anywhere: I did a great job today

Some people say that the greatest enemy of human beings is themselves, but what kind of situation is it when you constantly challenge all your self feelings with the ability to praise yourself and love yourself? I'm sure that the more you praise yourself, the more confident and happy you will be.

Every day, from the bottom of my heart, sincerely say to myself: Today, I have done very successfully! Over time, you will find that you become very confident. Worry, pain and sadness will leave you.

Friend, do you have confidence in yourself? If not, just follow me! Praise yourself more. If there is no praise in life, the stage of life will lack passion, and the plain life will lack affirmation of its own value, and the flower of life will be difficult to bloom. A wonderful life needs you to create constantly. The key is to see whether you can give yourself a reason for confidence in the long journey of life!

Fan Wener

2. Like the network

Bill Gates once said that the network is changing the way of human existence. In today's society, this sentence has been well proved. Today, the Internet is developing rapidly. It not only appears in our life, but also is well integrated into it. No matter what age you are, you can enjoy the convenience brought by the Internet.

In the summer vacation, when I went to my grandfather's house for dinner last time, I talked about current affairs and politics. My grandfather smiled and asked me: "Where was the first China Charity Forum held?" I smiled and said, "Beijing!" I secretly told my grandfather that this was the news I had seen when I was playing computer games. Grandpa was stunned for a moment, and then questioned whether the computer was so good? I smiled and shrugged. He ignored many times of recommending computers to his grandfather before. This time, he was interested in it. I hurriedly took my grandfather to the computer and Baidu talked about various current political issues. My grandfather expressed his feelings about these issues while muttering that he would also learn. I will be happy to accompany you. Since then, Grandpa has been very handy with computers. It's just that they can't spell, and they often need to type by hand. Now when I go to my grandfather's house, I often hear him talk about various hot news on the Internet. I clap my chest and say, thank you for teaching you how to watch news on the Internet. After thanking me, my grandfather teased me and said, "Really, I didn't expect to become a scholar when I was old.". I went on to say: If a scholar does not go out, he will know the world!

In the first year of his life, he used the network

When I came to my uncle's house, I knew he was very busy with his work, but I didn't have to go to the company. I was very curious about what this job was. At the invitation of my cousin, I went to my uncle's house to play with her. In fact, I want to find out how my uncle works. But I saw my uncle sitting in front of the computer, typing the words on the screen, and got a headache. When I came home, I could not help sighing that this was the programmer in my mother's mouth. It's really a job to earn money with computers.

Love Network

As one of the many teenagers who walk in a hurry, I also have different views on the Internet. Many teenagers are young, ignorant or inexperienced in the eyes of their parents. But in the network world, we found our own piece of world.

Now, we can learn all kinds of news and current events on the Internet, learn extra-curricular knowledge that we are eager to learn but can't learn from the classroom, and find a suitable teacher on the computer for one-on-one explanation when encountering problems that we can't, which really means that if students don't go out, they will be good teachers. The network can not only help us to learn, but also help us to entertain ourselves. We can express our most authentic views on things through the Internet, but we don't need to show all our information to others, that is, to tell the truth under a false name.

In the online world, we can communicate with our classmates and teachers in time and greet our relatives without leaving home. Even if you are thousands of miles away, you can be as close as a neighbor. From the prime of life to the near age, the network shows its charm all the time. Sometimes when I look at the spy movies in the past, I really imagine that if there was a network at that time, the spies would stay at home and tap the computer with their fingers to easily penetrate the enemy's interior to investigate the enemy's information. Now, we should all be happy to live in this scholar and know the world without going out! I like the network.

Fan Wensan 3. Praise them

Praise is a kind of beauty, a kind of satisfaction, and an encouragement. Praise others, sometimes make him fight bravely, and then make a great achievement; yes

Time will inspire his confidence and continue to work hard; Sometimes it can also make others complacent and conceited. If you praise others appropriately at the right time, you may change them, change their lives, and change yourself.

I vaguely remember the article: one day, the focus of the originally busy railway station suddenly gathered on a poor father and his young daughter. They were dressed in rags and looked embarrassed. A wooden sign was placed beside him, "My daughter and I urgently need 50 yuan to go home. I told my daughter's uncle that he would send us money, kind person. In order to protect her daughter, please don't tell her." The girl was very cute and ran around her father. Bored, she stepped on the "stairs" into the "steel piano" with his father's encouragement. She danced on the empty stairs, although there was no beautiful music, There is no gorgeous dance skirt, but as long as there is this graceful dance, it is enough to be praised and picturesque. A lot of people gathered around the stairs, and the girl became the focus and center of the whole railway station unconsciously. It is no longer a question, but an exclamation! An old man like a beggar grabbed the girl, put 50 yuan into her hand and said, "Come on, kid, you will succeed! Tell dad that the old uncle has been here." The girl nodded and rushed to her father, her eyes full of tears

The story is over, but my thoughts have not stopped. The girl proved with her own actions that as long as she was willing to praise herself, all the outside voices were not enough to change her actions. With her father's caring eyes and the courage to step on the "stairs" into the "piano", others would give you a big praise. This article explains the truth, goodness and beauty of the world very well. We should not only praise the lovely girl, the kind father and the kind man, but also the successful article and the author who is looking forward to the beautiful feelings of the world. With the appearance of this article, I can't help changing my own outlook on life and values: there will always be difficulties in people's life

At the moment when you can't support yourself, maybe you were once high and shining, but at this moment, you fell to the point where you need to ask the society for help. No matter how miserable, no matter how others see you, you should praise yourself in your heart, believe that you can change, and change your environment.

If you like it, you don't need a high click rate, and you don't need a lot of exciting comments. Do yourself a good job, like yourself, put aside other people's opinions, do yourself a good job, and strive hard!

Like is more than just a way of socializing, nor just like everything around you on the Internet, and you will be moved by all the good things around you, including yourself. At the same time, your heart will become more clear and beautiful!

Model 4 4. Like You

When I turned on my mobile phone, I suddenly saw a photo that I had sent to the Internet. It had received numerous compliments - it was a pine tree. Look up

Appreciation of Composition (4)

Praise Composition for Youth (I)

Like your youth

Youth, I in bloom, praise you!

Youth is hot and sour, youth is sweet; Youth is full of worries and colorful. It is these ups and downs, it is so rich and colorful, it is worth my praise for it.

Youth, such a beautiful word, is full of vitality, maturity and childishness. Although independent, it has to snuggle up in the arms of its parents, which is both rebellious and cute.

Youth is a complex age, noisy that they have grown up, but full of childish atmosphere. Youth is an elusive stage, a transitional period of life, and a flower season of life.

Now I am in the flower season - youth. The ancients used to describe the rapid passing of youth as "flowers bloom again, and people are no longer young". Youth is a good thing!

Praise Composition for Youth (II)

"Praise these kind-hearted people", "Praise our great motherland", "Praise our beautiful youth"... Recently, the word "Praise" has become popular on the Internet and has entered the lives of many ordinary people, becoming a highly used oral expression. Among the "Top 10 Catchwords of 2013" released by the editorial department of Bite Words, "Like" is one of them. So, is there anything worth praising in your life? Please write a composition on the topic of "likes for _____". The requirements are: ① complete the topic; ② There are no limited genres except poetry; ③ No imitation; ④ The number of words is more than 600.

[Train of thought guidance]

1. Solve problems accurately and fill out personality. This is a semi proposition composition. When solving the problem, first understand the meaning of "like". According to the relevant sentences quoted in the composition, you can read the meaning of "like", that is, to affirm, support, love and praise people and things in life. Therefore, the composition title of "like for _____" can actually be replaced by "praise for _____", "applaud for _____", "applaud for _____", and "applaud for _____".

If you understand the question, how can you fill it? Under normal circumstances, people, events and social phenomena worthy of praise are directly used to fill in the questions, such as "praise others who are not disabled" and "praise CD actions". But if you can be creative, fill out your own unique personality, and make the topic different, you can be preconceived and stimulate the interest of readers. For example, if you add the title "Praise the unyielding life in the wind and rain" to praise the strength of the disabled, the effect will be different. Therefore, students should try their best to fill out new ideas when filling in the questions.

2. High purpose and new materials. The key word "like" in the title determines that the main purpose of this article is to praise the truth, goodness and beauty in life, and applaud all kinds of words and deeds that convey positive energy. It is undoubtedly accurate to focus on individuals and praise and support them, but if students can raise their perspective a little more to praise the country and the nation, and praise the generosity and selflessness of nature, then their intention will be naturally superior to others.

3. Ingenious and fascinating. Wen Gui Qu, if written as a narrative, should have a good beginning and end in the design to form a trend of echo; More importantly, the main part of the article should be carefully arranged so that the story line is clear, the transition is natural, the plot is turbulent, and the characters are ready to emerge. For example, when writing the composition "Praise the 'stingy' cousin", you can "misunderstand" as a clue. First, I write that my cousin is too stingy, causing my misunderstanding; Then he wrote that his cousin swallowed his pride and hid the misunderstanding; Then write that cousin gives money first in the love action to break the misunderstanding; Finally, write "I" to understand my cousin and remove the misunderstanding. Such interlocking links will naturally move people's hearts.

If you write an argumentative paper, you can first show your opinions, then use live examples, celebrity stories, celebrity speeches, etc. in your life to demonstrate, and finally summarize the main points and achieve success in one go. It is also possible to start from the phenomenon of life, draw out the topic, expand the discussion, and finally draw a point of view, with endless aftertaste.

Praise Composition for Youth (3)

Semi topic composition "like ______" (composition guidance)

Real question playback:

"Praise these kind-hearted people", "Praise our great motherland", "Praise our beautiful youth", recently the word "Praise" has become popular on the Internet, and has entered the lives of many ordinary people, becoming a highly used oral expression. Among the "Top 10 Catchwords of 2013" released by the editorial department of Bite Words, "Like" is one of them. So, is there anything worth praising in your life? Please write a composition on the topic of "likes for _____". The requirements are: ① complete the topic; ② There are no limited genres except poetry; ③ No imitation; ④ The number of words is more than 600.

Writing guide:

1. Solve problems accurately and fill out personality. This is a semi proposition composition. When solving the problem, first understand the meaning of "like". According to the relevant sentences quoted in the composition, you can read the meaning of "like", that is, to affirm, support, love and praise people and things in life. Therefore, the composition title of "like for _____" can actually be replaced by "praise for _____", "applaud for _____", "applaud for _____", and "applaud for _____".

If you understand the question, how can you fill it? Under normal circumstances, people, events and social phenomena worthy of praise are directly used to fill in the questions, such as "praise others who are not disabled" and "praise CD actions". But if you can be creative, fill out your own unique personality, and make the topic different, you can be preconceived and stimulate the interest of readers. For example, if you add the title "Praise the unyielding life in the wind and rain" to praise the strength of the disabled, the effect will be different. Therefore, students should try their best to fill out new ideas when filling in the questions.

2. High purpose and new materials. The key word "like" in the title determines that the main purpose of this article is to praise the truth, goodness and beauty in life, and applaud all kinds of words and deeds that convey positive energy. It is undoubtedly accurate to focus on individuals and praise and support them, but if students can raise their perspective a little more to praise the country and the nation, and praise the generosity and selflessness of nature, then their intention will be naturally superior to others.

3. Ingenious and fascinating. Wen Gui Qu, if written as a narrative, should have a good beginning and end in the design to form a trend of echo; More importantly, the main part of the article should be carefully arranged so that the story line is clear, the transition is natural, the plot is turbulent, and the characters are ready to emerge. For example, when writing the composition "Praise the 'stingy' cousin", you can "misunderstand" as a clue. First, I write that my cousin is too stingy, causing my misunderstanding; Then he wrote that his cousin swallowed his pride and hid the misunderstanding; Then write that cousin gives money first in the love action to break the misunderstanding; Finally, write "I" to understand my cousin and remove the misunderstanding. Such interlocking links will naturally move people's hearts.

If you write an argumentative paper, you can first show your views, then use live examples, celebrity stories, celebrity speeches, etc. in your life to demonstrate, and finally summarize the main points and achieve success in one go. It is also possible to start from the phenomenon of life, draw out the topic, expand the discussion, and finally draw a point of view, with endless aftertaste. Fan Wenyi 1. Praise yourself

When I was young, I was always elated by a compliment from others, and discouraged by a rebuke from others. I remember when I was in the fourth grade, my father told me: Don't let others influence your emotions. You should always praise yourself and feel that you are the most beautiful and the best. My father's words have always been hard to forget, and I regard them as aphorisms.

In school, when I saw that my academic performance was not as good as that of my classmates, I would feel ashamed. I silently read in my heart: "Yangmei, are you really so stupid? Why are you not as good as others?" I always blamed myself so much that I lost confidence in myself and my academic performance declined. From another perspective, in fact, I have other advantages! I have won awards in writing competitions and composition competitions held in the school, and I can also play basketball, table tennis, etc. I won a female champion in a school table tennis competition! In fact, I'm not bad! What skills are inferior to others are just some polite words. But then again, you have to be modest. As the saying goes, "learn from each other's strengths".

The best way to make yourself confident is to constantly praise yourself. Praise yourself without reason, as people often say: "Love does not need reason". Similarly, there is no reason to love yourself and praise yourself. You can say to yourself anytime, anywhere: I did a great job today

Some people say that the greatest enemy of human beings is themselves, but what kind of situation is it when you constantly challenge all your self feelings with the ability to praise yourself and love yourself? I'm sure that the more you praise yourself, the more confident and happy you will be.

Every day, from the bottom of my heart, sincerely say to myself: Today, I have done very successfully! Over time, you will find that you become very confident. Worry, pain and sadness will leave you.

Friend, do you have confidence in yourself? If not, just follow me! Praise yourself more. If there is no praise in life, the stage of life will lack passion, and the plain life will lack affirmation of its own value, and the flower of life will be difficult to bloom. A wonderful life needs you to create constantly. The key is to see whether you can give yourself a reason for confidence in the long journey of life!

Fan Wener

2. Like the network

Bill Gates once said that the network is changing the way of human existence. In today's society, this sentence has been well proved. Today, the Internet is developing rapidly. It not only appears in our life, but also is well integrated into it. No matter what age you are, you can enjoy the convenience brought by the Internet.

In the summer vacation, when I went to my grandfather's house for dinner last time, I talked about current affairs and politics. My grandfather smiled and asked me: "Where was the first China Charity Forum held?" I smiled and said, "Beijing!" I secretly told my grandfather that this was the news I had seen when I was playing computer games. Grandpa was stunned for a moment, and then questioned whether the computer was so good? I smiled and shrugged. He ignored many times of recommending computers to his grandfather before. This time, he was interested in it. I hurriedly took my grandfather to the computer and Baidu talked about various current political issues. My grandfather expressed his feelings about these issues while muttering that he would also learn. I will be happy to accompany you. Since then, Grandpa has been very handy with computers. It's just that they can't spell, and they often need to type by hand. Now when I go to my grandfather's house, I often hear him talk about various hot news on the Internet. I clap my chest and say, thank you for teaching you how to watch news from the Internet. After thanking me, my grandfather teased me and said, "Really, I didn't expect to become a scholar when I was old.". I went on to say: If a scholar does not go out, he will know the world!

In the first year of his life, he used the network

When I came to my uncle's house, I knew he was very busy with his work, but I didn't have to go to the company. I was very curious about what this job was. At the invitation of my cousin, I went to my uncle's house to play with her. In fact, I want to find out how my uncle works. But I saw my uncle sitting in front of the computer, typing the words on the screen, and got a headache. When I came home, I could not help sighing that this was the programmer in my mother's mouth. It's really a job to earn money with computers.

Love Network

As one of the many teenagers who walk in a hurry, I also have different views on the Internet. Many teenagers are young, ignorant or inexperienced in the eyes of their parents. But in the network world, we found our own piece of world.

Now, we can learn all kinds of news and current events on the Internet, learn extra-curricular knowledge that we are eager to learn but can't learn from the classroom, and find a suitable teacher on the computer for one-on-one explanation when encountering problems that we can't, which really means that if students don't go out, they will be good teachers. The network can not only help us to learn, but also help us to entertain ourselves. We can express our most authentic views on things through the Internet, but we don't need to show all our information to others, that is, to tell the truth under a false name.

In the online world, we can communicate with our classmates and teachers in time and greet our relatives without leaving home. Even if you are thousands of miles away, you can be as close as a neighbor. From the prime of life to the near age, the network shows its charm all the time. Sometimes when I look at the spy movies in the past, I really imagine that if there was a network at that time, the spies would stay at home and tap the computer with their fingers to easily penetrate the enemy's interior to investigate the enemy's information. Now, we should all be happy to live in this scholar and know the world without going out! I like the network.

Fan Wensan 3. Praise them

Praise is a kind of beauty, a kind of satisfaction, and an encouragement. Praise others, sometimes make him fight bravely, and then make a great achievement; yes

Appreciation of Composition (5)

Interesting third grade composition

In daily study, work or life, we often see the figure of composition. With the help of composition, people can achieve the purpose of cultural exchange. What kind of composition have you seen? The following is a collection of interesting third grade essays collected and collated by Xiao Bian. For reference only, let's have a look.

I'm not a fan of likes, but I feel I enjoy the process of likes.

Sometimes, when I see some favorite words, I will not hesitate to praise the author. One of my hobbies is to pay attention to the life trends of famous writers and small writers. "Your heart decides what you see." This is the emotion expressed by a female writer. At first, I didn't understand this profound connotation. Why can your heart decide your own vision?

When I gradually put this sentence into my own life, I will find that as I experience life little by little, I also find the same feeling. When I feel that I have lost something, I may want to avoid the lost thing, or I may firmly face the fact that it is difficult to change, but the key is what direction my heart focuses on. I had a crazy experience. I couldn't believe my heart could find the surprise at the corner at a certain moment. It was an opportunity to save the 800 meter race. I had a very complicated psychological struggle before running. One heart told me: your level is like this. Don't try again. It seems to be futile. Another heart is cheering me on: if you fight again, you will earn an opportunity if you get good grades. If you don't make progress, you should consider it as exercise. I finally chose the latter and won the final victory. Later, I praised this sentence.

Maybe the fun of liking is that you can create more things for yourself. When I feel that I have found a special feeling in life, I may be surprised that I have experienced the wonderful process. Maybe this process does not bring any joy, but it is also a harvest when I feel an unusual taste, It's like even if you fall on a banana peel, you will hold a surprise, smile, and say to yourself: Nothing, just be careful when you walk in the future. Perhaps, this is the indifference of a wise person in the process. If you don't have time to experience real life, liking is a unique way. You can vaguely feel the experience you don't have in life.

"Your heart determines what you see."

Later, I also searched the Internet and found that this sentence was from the most popular American novel, I Wait for You in the Rain. I even bought this book. In reading, I shed tears. I also began to understand my heart, began to wait for a long time, and manipulated my heart to persevere.

Maybe the purpose of praising is to give your life a little awakening and change in the process.

When I love some touching words, I will definitely move my thumb to praise these wonderful words, and then write down these colorful experiences. Occasionally, I will think about what new things those words can bring to the hurried life.

We may not be born poets. Sometimes our life may be immersed in the dry and tasteless wind. We cannot change the environment, but I may be able to change the temporarily tasteless life. Occasionally walk in the gentle wind, and then praise those celebrities. In the process, enjoy the fun of pressing the button. Maybe you can run in the wind of reminiscence, see the scenery along the way, and perhaps walk between the future and reality to see the unique experience of those elders in life.

Sometimes, my praise is to quietly pursue the hearts of those free people who want to go.

Appreciation of Composition (6)

Praise the composition for the four seasons

In daily study, work and life, everyone has dealt with composition. Composition is a narrative method to express a theme through words. When you write a composition, you always have no way to start? The following is the composition of Xiaowodun's praise for the four seasons, for reference only, and I hope it can help everyone.

I like the four seasons. They all have different things and climates.

Praise the spring - spring is tender, not all cold.

Willow green, flowers blooming, water flowing, fish swimming. The arrival of spring indicates the beginning of a new year! In spring, the anxious grass all rushed out of their heads! Although everything in spring is young, it is not afraid of the cold. No matter how cold the wind is, everything in nature is still growing as before. Look! The little flower stood there alone and proud. The naughty wind made her stagger, but she did not give in. I like spring!

Praise the summer - Xia Gang is not afraid of rain.

Cicadas, crickets, birds, warblers fly. When summer comes, even cicadas compete to sing because of the unbearable summer heat. Summer is a rainy season, but no matter how big the rainy night cannot take away the summer heat. In this season, it is not very quiet. The hot weather makes cicadas keep chirping. At night in summer, when walking on the country road, you can listen to the cicadas, crickets and birds. Together, these sounds are a symphony.

I like summer!

Praise the autumn - autumn is clean, not afraid of the wind.

The leaves fall, the fruit is red, the wheat is ripe, and the weather is cool. The occurrence of these things means that Miss Qiu came here in a hurry. In autumn, the maple leaves are red, as red as fire, and attractive. Autumn is a harvest season. Uncle Farmer will harvest his crops in this season. When the fruits are red and the wheat is ripe, Uncle Farmer will harvest them well. In autumn, the air is clean. Even if the wind is strong, it will not pollute the fresh air. I like autumn!

Praise for winter - winter is clear, not afraid of snow.

The weather is cold, the snow is flying, children are happy, and people are idle. Winter is quiet, but he is not afraid of snow. Every winter, it always snows heavily. This is often the happiest time for children. They can make snowmen and have snowball fights. As the weather turns cool, adults will always be free. Winter is very quiet, but he will not change his appearance because of Xueer. I like winter!

I praise spring for not being cold, summer for not fearing rain, autumn for not fearing wind, winter for not fearing snow, and four seasons for not fearing snow!

Appreciation of Composition (7)

Sometimes I do a good job in my life, but not necessarily someone will see it and praise it. So when we do well, we can praise ourselves and encourage ourselves. Do better and better next time—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

I was very sad that I didn't get into the top 20 of my class when I got the exam results. That exam hit me hard. I was called a "good student" by my teacher, but I became a "better example". At that time, I thought: I can't shrink from pessimism. The more it is like this, the worse the exam will be next time, thus forming a vicious circle. Then, I should have the perseverance to find out the key to the problem and correct it, so that the next time will be better than the last time. Ah! I just did it! I got into the top ten in this exam, and I was ecstatic. It was because I didn't flinch after the last exam that I got my present score. I praise my perseverance!

Last time, the school organized a trip to the Second Vocational School to experience life. At noon that day, we went to participate in the "Seven Military Events" activity. When we arrived at the vacant land, I saw several buildings to train the physical quality of soldiers. The first few are very simple, but when we reach the last "pit jumping", we have to climb up again after jumping in. For people like me who are afraid of heights, that's not good at all. Besides, my body is so huge. Would I break a bone if I jumped down! The students passed one by one smoothly, leaving me alone. The whole class wanted to watch me dance. So I overcame my fear. The whole class applauded me when I jumped down and climbed up flexibly. I'm embarrassed. I like my courage!

One evening, I walked briskly downstairs. Suddenly I heard something barking. I found a crying puppy in the grass. I hurried upstairs to get a bottle of milk for the dog to drink. The dog drank with relish, wagging his tail and barking, as if to say thank you to me. My father, my father and my dog were sent to the stray dog adoption center. On the way back, I was very happy because I finally had my own good deed to praise!

If there is no praise, the next time will certainly not be as good as this time. If there is no praise, then there will be no passion in life next time. Praise yourself, be your own audience, and find reasons for yourself to bloom!

Appreciation of Composition (8)

No one expected that I would like to praise myself. Nowadays, like is the most popular word on the Internet, "like one" can be seen everywhere on the Internet.

To praise is to praise what others have done. Seeing that the disabled people on the street can live on their own, I would like to praise them. The ant is so small that it can climb on the elephant's back. I praise the ant. Flowers, plants and trees can make the world so beautiful, and water can breed many people in the world. I would like to praise them.

Today, I also want to praise myself.

I want to buy test papers. My father wants to send my mother to work, so he will take me to buy them. I want to buy them in the Stairway Bookstore, but my mother's place of work is in the south of the city. My father said that he would let me wait for him in a place. It's raining today, but it's not very big. I took an umbrella when I went out, but it was raining harder and harder when I arrived in Guang'an. I waited for my father under the eaves of a nearby house. Standing on the steps, I had nothing to play with. I could only watch the cars and pedestrians coming and going on the road. After a while, the pedestrian knives gradually became less and less, but the rain was still falling, and the water on the eaves seemed to be chasing each other to drip through the floor.

I stood there for a long time. I was impatient, but I didn't know the way. I kept looking at the road and saw a car coming. I thought my father was coming, but when I came near, I was not my father and was disappointed again. When I was in a hurry, I saw an aunt running to take shelter from the rain with a child in her arms.

When I saw her coming, I quickly made room for her. The child she was holding was about two or three years old and had been crying. The aunt had also been coaxing him. I asked, "Aunt, didn't you take your umbrella?" She said, "No, it didn't rain when I went out. How could it have rained so heavily?" I asked her again, "Where are you going?" She said, "The child has a high fever, and I will take him to see a doctor." "Then why don't you take the bus?" I looked at her doubtfully, but she was silent. My aunt asked me why I was here alone? I told her to wait for my father to buy books. After a while, it was still raining. I looked at my aunt in a hurry and said to her, "Auntie, use my umbrella. It's important for the child to see a doctor." She hesitated. I said, "It doesn't matter. My father will be here soon. Take the children with him." She took the umbrella and thanked him. Then he walked to the hospital, looking at her back, he was very happy. When my father came, I told him the story. He smiled, "My daughter has grown up and knows how to help others." Then we went to buy books together.

I think today is very meaningful and I am always happy. Helping others is a man's virtue. I want to like myself.

Appreciation of Composition (9)

It is said that teachers are gardeners and have cultivated delicate flowers. It is said that teachers are candles that burn themselves but illuminate others. I compare teachers to a pool of crystal clear water. We all know that human beings cannot live without water. As the saying goes, "Where there is water, there is spirituality, and where there is a teacher, there is soul."

She has curved eyebrows, a pair of bright eyes under her eyebrows, which are bright but unfortunately blocked by glasses, a dignified and beautiful nose, and a red mouth with delicate lips.

Class, the students are sitting straight. My deskmate and I are not serious in class. We make small moves there! The teacher saw what we had done. I thought, "It's over, it's over." My heart was like jumping around with a rabbit. But the teacher didn't blame us, but said to us: "Listening carefully in class is the important weapon for learning." Take your own weapon. After listening to the teacher's words, the stone hanging in my heart finally fell to the ground. What came naturally was a kind of admiration and gratitude.

Another time, the teacher wanted to dictate. After I handed in the dictation, I was confident that I would get full marks. It seemed that the winning ticket was in my hands. But after the dictation, I was surprised. "One hundred marks are gone", and even the simplest word was written wrong. After I corrected it, I gave it to the teacher. I wondered what the teacher would do to punish me? Is it suffering from the "soft ruler"? Is it that the taste is bitter enough? Is it...... I just think about it. I didn't expect the teacher to pat me on the shoulder. It's OK to be wrong this time. As the saying goes, it's good to eat and learn. I hope you can work hard next time. My heart is particularly moved. What a good teacher!

The teacher's conscientious attitude has been deeply impressed on my mind. After school, we happened to pass the teacher's office and saw that the teacher was still working hard for us to write lesson plans, prepare lessons, and correct homework... My heart is warm, teacher, thank you for your hard work.

My good teacher, your kindness makes me never forget that I admire her for supporting us step by step to the palace of knowledge with her love, sincerity, patience and perseverance.

Appreciation of Composition (10)

Some people say that teachers are hardworking gardeners, who take pains to cultivate us; Some people say that the teacher is a big tree, guarding our young trees; However, in my mind, no matter what teachers are like, they always love us as their own children.

There is a teacher in our school. He has short hair, big face and tall, fat body. Students are used to calling him "superman teacher". Speaking of this, familiar students will surely guess who it is. By the way, he is our math teacher --- Lin Chao. Because Mr. Lin's body shape is very similar to my father's, and his class is humorous, lively and not boring, I want to praise Mr. Lin.

Teacher Lin's teaching method is quite different from other teachers. He never brings textbooks in class, always memorizes the teaching content, and teaches us the boring mathematical knowledge in a humorous, vivid, familiar and understandable way. Everyone listened with interest, and the classroom atmosphere was also very active.

Mr. Lin is the math teacher I just transferred to our class when I entered the fifth grade stage. At the same time, he also serves as the head teacher of Class 51. Although Mr. Lin is very busy every day, he will spend a lot of time in our class every day, meticulously correcting students' exercises such as "math books, oral calculation books, exercises and tests, supplementary exercises, and test papers", There are high requirements for children to write neatly and conscientiously. Especially for students who focus on wrong knowledge points, he will send messages to parents in time to tell them what to pay attention to and how to guide children to think. Each time, he would suggest that we collect the wrong questions to deepen our impression and better consolidate our knowledge. Whenever our exam is not ideal, Mr. Lin will carefully explain it to us. If we still don't understand it, he will explain it to us, and then give us several such questions until we understand it.

This is the teacher I want to praise. He is not only our good teacher and friend, but also a humorous and interesting teacher, so I want to praise him!

Appreciation of Composition (11)

One cannot live without the praise of others, but if one only envies others and praises others on the way forward, he will not become a talent. Such people are doomed to be humble.

It was several years ago that my parents accompanied me to Beijing to participate in an oral contest. At that time, I watched the other players with lofty demeanor, vigor and self-confidence, and looked at them spitting and talking with foreign friends. They were so beautiful in the sun. I stood silently in the shadow of the inferiority and could hardly raise my head, tears falling down.

The competition was arranged at noon the next day. After entering the examination room, it was dazzled by the flashing camera. There are still a few players. It's my turn soon. I stood in the waiting area, clenched my teeth, trembling with my legs, silently recited my lines in my heart for fear of going to the back of the stage. The performances of the contestants were excellent. Their gorgeous voice and beautiful disclosure won the praise of the judges. I was scared. I'm afraid of failure. Almost subconsciously, I glanced at my mother. She was behind a row of monitors, and I could not see her face. But I saw that she praised me. Heart suddenly warm a lot. Suddenly, I found that there was nothing to be nervous about. I silently said to myself, "You are the best, you must be able to do it, come on!" I gave myself a big praise.

After the game, all the troubles disappeared. I got a fairly good 'ranking. I understand that the premise of success is to believe in yourself, defeat yourself, and break through yourself. Give yourself a compliment. I hope that on the way to the future, I can sing happily and be brave and self reliant. When setbacks come in life, please learn to praise yourself!

Appreciation of Composition (12)

With the clear and pleasant singing approaching, a spring girl in beautiful clothes walked slowly with light steps. She hummed a tune and waved her long sleeves constantly. Suddenly, everything came back to life, flowers bloomed and birds competed.

After a burst of spring thunder, it began to drizzle.

Spring thunder is like a command, awakening small animals from their dreams. Swallows dance in the sky; Bees flit from flower to flower; Squirrels are bouncing in the trees; The frogs in the pond also croaked with joy

The spring rain is moist as crisp, and the tender grass rushes out of the soil, happily sucking the long lost nectar; The willow trees beside the pond sprouted new branches and buds, floating in the air with the wind. They were attached to each other, as if beautiful women were combing their long hair like silk; Roses, roses, peach blossoms, apricot blossoms, cherry blossoms, etc. with various shapes and colors are blooming. Spring is beautiful, full of purple and red everywhere, full of vitality.

Spring is not someone's patent, it belongs to everyone. The ancients said well: "The plan of a day is in the morning, and the plan of a year is in the spring." Time flies like an arrow, fleeting. Those of us who are at the stage of spring and are eager to draw nutrition from the beautiful time of spring, we should especially cherish the good time given by nature, study hard and accumulate knowledge for future development! Let's praise, cheer, sing and dance for spring!

Appreciation of Composition (13)

When I was a child, my mother always had too many exhortations. When I grew up, my mother still had so many exhortations. Even when I was in college, every time I hung up the phone at home, my mother would repeat many of the words she had told me since I was a child: when I went to bed at night, I should cover my stomach, and my heart would catch cold; It's very hot these days. Don't wash your face with cold water when you sweat

To tell the truth, I was really tired of listening to these words, so I agreed casually and hung up the phone. Alas! Mother is always like this. Sometimes I can't figure out: Is she not bored at all? Why does she always have so many worries? Does she not know that I have grown up?

I know the answer to these questions after I have a son. Because he followed his mother-in-law in his hometown, not at his side, he was always a little worried. I often call two or three times a day to inquire about the situation and tell my mother-in-law some small details. It's a pity that every time I think about it, my mother-in-law has already done it. The husband said, "If you have a mother to watch, you should be happy." Yes! My mother is so careful to protect and love him. What can I not trust? However, I just don't trust. For example, I seemed to hear a noise that night, but when I came home and saw that my mother-in-law had not yet put up a mosquito net, I would worry about whether my son was bitten; When the weather suddenly turns cold, I can't help calling to "check" whether I have added clothes to my son. By the way, if it is hot at noon, I will change my son into thick clothes

In fact, I also know that every time it is to gild the lily and gild the lily. However, if not, I will always feel uneasy and secure.

As a mother of children, she also inherited her mother's nagging and exhortation; Having become the mother of the child, she is still worried about and exhorted by the elderly mother, but her heart is not only happy, but also moved.

Yes, there are thousands of exhortations, but they never tire of it. The exhortation is because of anxiety, and the exhortation is because of love.

Appreciation of Composition (14)

Praise is a kind of beauty, a kind of satisfaction, and an encouragement. Praise others, sometimes make him fight bravely, and then make a great achievement; Sometimes it will inspire his confidence and continue to work hard; Sometimes it can make others complacent and conceited...... If you praise others at the right time, you may change them, change their lives, and change yourself.

I vaguely remember the article: One day, the focus of the originally busy railway station suddenly gathered on a poor father and his young daughter. They were dressed in rags and looked embarrassed. There was a wooden sign beside him. My daughter and I needed 50 yuan to go home. I told my daughter's uncle that he would send us money. Good people, in order to protect our daughter, Please don't tell her. The girl is very cute. She runs around her father. Bored, she steps the stairs into a piano with her father's encouragement. She dances on the empty steps. Although there is no beautiful music or gorgeous dance skirt, as long as there is this graceful dance, it is enough to be praised and picturesque. A lot of people gathered around the stairs, and the girl became the focus and center of the whole railway station unconsciously. It is no longer a question, but an exclamation! A beggar like old man grabbed the girl, put 50 yuan into her hand and said, "Come on, kid, you will succeed!"! Tell my father that my uncle has been here. The girl nodded and rushed to her father. Her eyes were full of tears

The story is over, but my thoughts have not stopped. The girl proved with her own actions that as long as she was willing to praise herself, all the outside voices were not enough to change her actions. With her father's caring eyes and the courage to step on the stairs into a piano, others would give you a big praise. This article explains the truth, goodness and beauty of the world very well. We should not only praise the lovely girl, the kind father and the kind man, but also the successful article and the author who is looking forward to the beautiful feelings of the world. The appearance of this article and the comments on it made me change my outlook on life and values: people will always have difficulties in their life, and there will be a moment when they can't stand it. Maybe you were once high and shining, but at this time, you have come to the point where you need to ask the society for help. No matter how miserable, no matter how others see you, you should praise yourself in your heart, believe that you can change, and change your environment.

Like, there is no need for high click rates or exciting comments. Do yourself a good job, like yourself, put aside others' opinions, do yourself a good job and strive hard!

Like is more than just a way of socializing, nor just like everything around you on the Internet, and you will be moved by all the good things around you, including yourself. At the same time, your heart will become more clear and beautiful!

Appreciation of Composition (15)

Jingle the bell, the class bell rang, and a sound of fast and steady footsteps came. Everyone knew that our cute teacher Li was coming to class.

Mr. Li is our Chinese teacher, our Pinsheng teacher, and our most respected class teacher! Why does she use the word "cute"? Listen to me.

I still remember when I was a freshman in the first grade, Miss Li wore a neat ponytail, a beige coat and a pair of skinny jeans, and smiled with a sweet dimple on her face. My first impression was that the cartoon "Cute Big Sister" did not have the teacher's "Fan" at all. Now we are in the third grade, and the three years have not left any traces on our sister. She still wears bright yellow or light pink clothes every day, which is delicious and moving. This is the cuteness of Miss Li's appearance.

In the class, she used various interesting animations, music and pictures to attract our attention, so that we gradually fell in love with learning. Whether it was the Chinese text or the practical activities of students, every time we went to teacher Li's class, it was a kind of enjoyment. It was like watching a live version of a dance drama. She played a knowledgeable "Laofuzi" for a while, After a while, we turned into naive "little urchins", so that we unknowingly learned the knowledge we should have, and also learned a lot about how to behave. Each of us was moved by Miss Li's lovely personality. The most unforgettable time for me was when Ms. Li gave us the article "Let's Swing the Double Paddle", she sang the song without any score, which not only let us all remember the lyrics at once, but also let our whole class quickly learn to sing the song and learn the music lesson included in the Chinese textbook. Even our music teacher was very surprised because we had prepared this chorus song so well in just a few hours, and also participated in the performance of "Lixian Grand Stage" with this chorus! This is the cuteness of Miss Li's teaching.

In life, Miss Li is also a cute sister who loves sports. Once, several of our classmates invited Miss Li to accompany us to climb Zijin Mountain. She told us jokes while climbing the mountain. Her tired face was red, but she didn't notice it. She climbed happily and talked about it. She was really more innocent than our own sister. At the top of the mountain, Sister Mengmengda invited each of us to eat an ice-cream. Watching her sister eat ice-cream on her face and around her mouth, we all laughed. This is Miss Li's cuteness in life.

How do you think we are lucky? This is our cute sister, who makes us lucky. We all like you - Meng Meng Da!

Appreciation of Composition (16)

"Ding, ding, ding" the rapid bell interrupted my dream. I reached out a hand, with great difficulty, turned off the alarm clock and went to sleep.

"What time is it now? I'm going to see a movie." I whispered, mercilessly opened the quilt, picked up the alarm clock and looked at it. It was 8:17. I had an appointment with my friends to meet at the cinema at 8:50. I dressed hurriedly, ate casually, and rushed out of the house.

Alas, it's cold outside! Even when I was wearing warm underwear and a down jacket, I felt chilly. This is especially true of pedestrians on the road. They walk in the street with their heads folded and their feet broken. Although they want to reach their destination earlier, they can't walk much.

"Sobbing, Sobbing, Sobbing..." A childish voice attracted everyone's attention. It was a little girl! But why is she crying? I decided to find out.

"Little sister, why are you crying?" I asked, touching the girl's head.

"My mother... my mother is gone! Sobbing, Sobbing, Sobbing..." The little girl said and began to cry again. "Brother, can you help me find my mother?"

At this time, my heart was clouded, and two villains in my head were quarreling ceaselessly.

A white angel kept telling me, "Give it away! It must be given away! How pathetic she is! She lost her mother at such a young age. I wonder if there are any human traffickers on the road."

A black devil, playing with his little fork, said to me: "Don't listen to the white words. Look, it's 8:40 now. If you don't go there, you won't be able to see the movie. You will also break your appointment. People will stand in the cold wind and wait for you. Do you want to pigeon him?"

I turned around and was about to leave when a pair of icy hands grabbed my palm. That burst of cold pierced into my heart and instantly opened the lock of my callous mind.

"Go, my brother will take you to find your mother." Although I felt that all passers-by looked at me contemptuously, I even heard an aunt say to her son, "Don't trust him when you see such a person in the future, you know?" But I didn't stop because I didn't do anything wrong.

It took a lot of time to send the little girl back to her mother's hands with the help of the police uncle. When she returned to the cinema, it was 9:20, and the film had begun. My friends began to complain that I was not trustworthy. I just smiled bitterly.

That time, I really wanted to give myself a thumbs up, because I became my real self.

Appreciation of Composition (17)

When I was young, I always stood high because of a compliment from others, and wept secretly because of a compliment from others. I remember when I was in the fourth grade, my grandmother told me: Don't let others influence your mood. You should always praise yourself and see your own advantages. Grandma's words have always been hard for me to forget, and I regard it as a famous saying.

In school, when I saw that my academic performance was not as good as that of my classmates, I felt depressed and silently read in my heart: "Why am I so stupid? What is worse than others?" I always blamed myself so much that I lost confidence in myself and my grades kept falling. From another perspective, in fact, I have other advantages! I have won prizes in writing competitions and composition competitions held in the school, and I can also play badminton, table tennis, etc. I won a female champion in a school table tennis competition! In fact, I'm not bad! What skills are inferior to others are just some polite words. But then again, you have to be modest. As the saying goes, "learn from each other's strengths".

The best way to make yourself confident is to constantly praise yourself. Praise yourself without reason, as people often say: "Love does not need reason". Similarly, there is no reason to love yourself and praise yourself. You can say to yourself anytime, anywhere: I did a great job today.

Some people say that the greatest enemy of human beings is themselves, but what kind of situation is it when you constantly challenge all your self feelings with the ability to praise yourself and love yourself? I'm sure that the more you praise yourself, the more confident and happy you will be.

Every day, from the bottom of my heart, sincerely say to myself: Today, I have done very successfully! When this becomes a habit in your daily life, you will find that you become very confident. Worry, pain and sadness will leave you.

If we want to live a wonderful and beautiful life, we must not be afraid of difficulties and dangers, not afraid of questions, and work bravely to go forward. We must live the happiest ourselves! Give yourself a pat on the back, as if it were applause, strength and courage.

Don't forget to always give yourself a compliment.

Appreciation of Composition (18)

Lenin once said that intelligence lies in learning and genius lies in accumulation. I feel a lot about this sentence.

When I was in kindergarten, I took part in the Zhejiang Rongguang Cup Live Creative Art Competition by chance. At that time, I was full of confidence.

At the beginning of the competition, everyone took out the tools they had prepared. In a few minutes, the invigilator came to see how our work was progressing, and issued a label for us to write our names. My work was completed, I confidently handed it to the teacher, and then I went to the prize area to wait for the prize.

My heart is crawling in my stomach, hoping to get the first prize and take the prize home. The first thing the judges said was the first prize. My classmate got it. I'm really happy for her. In my heart, I thought silently: Why doesn't my name exist? The second prize has begun to be awarded. I guess there must be my name here, but my name has been read one by one, but my name has never appeared. My heart suddenly lost. The third prize still doesn't have my name. I lowered my head in frustration, tears swirling in my eyes. My father looked at my face and comforted me, saying, "Don't be sad. The most important thing is to participate.".

The judges announced the final grand prize. Why is there such an award? But I have lost confidence. There are more than 300 works on site. The grand prize will not be mine. When hearing the judges call Zheng Yuxuan, the children. I pricked up my ears, afraid that I would hear wrong, so I didn't dare to step onto the stage. The judge called again. I heard right. It was really me. My father accompanied me to the platform, and my eyes were filled with tears of excitement. Standing on the podium, my little figure stood beside my brothers and sisters, looking so tall and dignified.

I am very proud of my performance this time, and I want to give myself a big praise. When I think of my classmates taking naps and playing on the playground, I am practicing hard.

Any achievement is the result of hard work. I will apply this spirit to my study.

Appreciation of Composition (19)

That time, because I was going to the airport to meet my sister, but it was raining and I didn't bring an umbrella, so I saw a bus and ran up.

As soon as I got on the bus, I regretted my decision. Because it was rainy, there were so many people on the bus that if water and some mud hit the ground, they would fall down if they were not careful.

I tried hard to get through the crowd and stand in a better position, but even if I tried my best, I couldn't get through. The muggy weather in the rainy day made me a little breathless. The bumpy car also made me feel overwhelmed and dizzy. The car continued to drive. After arriving at the station, one or two people got off the car. I saw a gap and quickly drilled through it.

I held the handle tightly, the door opened, and an old lady in her seventies and eighties came in. Her face was pale and her legs were shaking, which made people feel that a gust of wind might blow her down. With such a crowded bus, such hot weather, and such a weak old man, I'm really worried that the old lady will fall down accidentally. But everyone on the bus was busy and didn't seem to notice. My eyes have never left this old man. If I had a seat now, I would definitely give it to her. What's more, there are some young brothers and sisters on the bus?

I watched the old man's face turn pale and her eyes turn dim. My heart was eager, afraid, helpless and confused. I was at a loss. Suddenly, I had a flash of inspiration, and an idea came into my mind: Yes, why can't I ask some people to give up their seats?

My eyebrows opened, and I saw a big sister next to me. I walked over and said softly, "Hello, excuse me...". I didn't give up and went to another seat.

Unexpectedly, before I said anything, he shouted: "Hum, give up your seat? The devil will! No, I didn't owe her in my last life. Who is she? My mother? Hum!" Such a loud, contemptuous tone made everyone on the bus turn around. My face was red because of embarrassment, and I had no courage to say a word, I just whispered out the words "I'm sorry".

"Children, do you need to give up your seat. The aunt's words were full of concern. What is "respect the old and love the young"? This is it. She is not too young, but she still gives up her seat, which shows how commendable her quality is. Compared with those people, I want to give her a big praise to show my full gratitude.

Everyone can like it, but only people with good quality can get others' praise. I think this aunt is one of them.

Appreciation of Composition (20)

At noon, after breakfast, our family and grandpa, grandma and old watch drove from home and planned to visit Yudong Reservoir. Along the way, cars came and drove, and willows brushed gently along the fishing river, like a girl combing her hair. In this scene, I couldn't help praising the beautiful spring with a couplet "green willows and red peaches say goodbye to the old year, and hearts say hello to the new year".

At the destination, there are more people here, including the elderly, children, young people, men and women, who come and go with great excitement. The hawking and shouting of small vendors are mixed together, like a symphony. Our children just chase, fight and play happily.

"Fire, fire!" suddenly a man shouted while walking. All the people looked at the opposite mountain, and saw the smoke billowing on the mountain, and the fire was soaring. Some people walk and watch, some point, and some call the police. And how I wish it would rain heavily now! However, instead of raining, the sky blew a strong wind, and the fire became fiercer and fiercer. My father and cousin watched for a while, then borrowed two old mops from the farmer's house, and ran straight to the place where the fire was burning on the mountain. I only saw the swaying figure from a distance. The fire grew bigger and bigger by the wind. No matter how people on the mountain beat it, it could not be put out. One, two, three... Dad and his cousin danced mops and fought desperately. One side went out, and the other side burned again. The fire devoured every tree and plant mercilessly. In the light of the fire, my father was fighting with the fire with his thin body. I was really sweating for my father. As time went by, all my efforts failed to stop the arrogant fire. My father was so tired that he went down the mountain panting. His whole body and face were gray and bald, and his face was red like burning charcoal. His hands were scratched with blood and his pants were scratched several times, but his father seemed totally unaware. He kept looking at the fire, sighed and said, "If only it rained."

Although this event is very common, it deeply touched me. Dad and all the fire fighters taught me a lesson in the face of danger with their own practical actions. I want to praise them.