Writing for People, Grade One (19 compilations)
Always on the road
2023-11-03 02:27:11
first grade

Writing Human Composition Grade 1 (1)


Mother turned on the dim oil lamp, and the warmth suddenly spread all over the humble house. Under the light, the mother was trembling again at the eye of the needle. Again and again; Again and again. Mother thus used that thin thread to string up one difficult day after another. Every stitch is full of affection. Looking at my mother's silver hair and her face, which was divided by the wind and rain over the years, tears could not help flowing down from her eyes.

My Mother

My mother is an honest person. She often says funny things. My mother is a person with short hair, short stature, glasses, and a smile on her face, which makes people feel very kind. She is a math teacher. She is very diligent and eager to do everything. At the same time, she is a smart person.

Mother is always in a hurry. She has a lot of things to do every day. After finishing this thing, she will do that again. I remember once, my mother was ill. My mother still insists on cooking for us, and my father and I are very moved.

Mother's hands are very skillful. My mother weaves a pair of shoes for me during the break time, which is relaxed and comfortable, and it is very convenient to move. I wear it every day when I come home from school and play at home. The cover of my water cup is also made by my mother, and there are English letters on it! Very beautiful, I like it very much.

I love my mother, because she not only has a pair of skilled hands, but also has a kind heart.

My grandma

I have a country grandmother. Her coarse gray hands are covered with calluses, her face is covered with wrinkles, and she walks slowly.

I remember once when I returned to my hometown, my grandma took my hand and said, "Ning Yu, you have grown taller." Grandma's hair was disturbed by the wind. "Shall we go to the orchard to pick persimmons? The persimmons there are red and big." Grandma said kindly. "Good! I'll get the straw hat." I ran upstairs. "Grandma, hurry up!" I cried. "Well, go!" Grandma dragged her heavy footsteps to the persimmon forest.

The orchard is yellow everywhere, and the persimmons on the trees are like red lanterns. "Ningyu, come on, look at how red the persimmon is!" I was so greedy that I climbed up the tree like a monkey. Persimmons are like shy girls who refuse to show up. As I climbed higher and higher, I reached out and picked the biggest persimmon, which made me happy. When I looked down and wanted to show off to my grandmother, I couldn't help being afraid. "Oh, my god, it's so high!" I felt dizzy. I cried out in panic, "Grandma, Grandma." But there was no response. I was scared out of a cold sweat. From childhood to adulthood, my parents never let me do anything, let alone climb a tree, so I am very timid. This is my first time to climb a tree, but where is Grandma?

"Grandma, where are you?" I almost cried, but Grandma still didn't appear. Now that I have picked persimmons, how can I get down? I can't help it. Grandma is not here. I have to rely on myself. I plucked up my courage and slowly climbed down the tree. God, I finally came down. It took me nine cows and two tigers! When I go back, I have to criticize my grandma carefully.

I'm so angry that I want to settle accounts with Grandma. But then Grandma didn't know where to get out and stood in front of me. "Grandma, where have you been? How can you leave me alone?" Grandma touched my head and said, "My child, you have grown up and need to learn to be independent. You can't rely on others for everything. I deliberately dodge to let you learn to be independent!" After listening to Grandma's words, I suddenly realized and threw myself into her arms, "Grandma, thank you. I will take care of myself in the future."

This is my grandmother, a grandmother who let me teach me to be self reliant.

My sister

My sister is now 6 months old. Her eyes are big, her face is fat, her mouth is small, her skin is white, her hair is long, her hands are fat, and she is very beautiful. Her nickname is Gull.

My sister is very good. She sits on the bed, holding toys, babbling, and doesn't know what she is singing. Her voice is haggard and sweet. He loved to talk when he was young, and he was very good when he was young.

She pronounced surprising words several times, such as "Mom, no, yes, etc."

She likes rose red things. If they have the fragrance of roses, she likes them even more. She also likes beautiful pink. If it is pink, it also has a matching taste. If it is pink flowers with the smell of roses, she doesn't like it. If it's a pink flower and the fragrance of cherry blossom, she likes it very much. If the fragrance is the same color as the flower, then she likes it very much. Of course, fragrance has no color. If there is a flower that emits this fragrance, the "fragrance" will have the color of the flower.

Ah, look, how she likes the world, her mother, me and father. My mother and father also like this lovely sister!

My good friend

Did you hurt when you fell? Did you break it? " Chen Junyan ran quickly from the crowd, let me help him up. Ask me with concern. I remember that after school that day, the students rushed out of the school. I was walking when a senior brother pushed me to the curb and I fell down. My body was covered with dirt and ashes, which made my arms and knees hurt. Wang Siyu saw this and ran to pick me up, put my backpack on my back, and helped me beat the dust all over my body to accompany me home.

She is my good friend Chen Junyan, a little girl who likes to help others. She has a slender figure and a pair of big watery eyes under her thick eyebrows. There is a small mouth under her small nose, and her dark skin looks very healthy. He wears a ponytail all the year round and always smiles on his face. Chen Junyan is not only helpful but also a competent labor committee member. She helps the students on duty every day. She is always the last one to close the doors, windows and lights before leaving the classroom.

We are good friends, and I am often influenced by her to help the class with hygiene. I am so happy to have such a good friend. I want to make progress with her and be a good friend for life.

My classmates' grandma looks like my grandma

I don't know how long it has been since I went to see her. But there are still vague traces of her childhood. Her face has silver threads that look shiny, and there are traces of years settling down.

"Ding Ling Ling", a telephone bell in the morning woke me from sleep, and I was stunned when I hung up the phone. I felt that the world flooded me in an instant - Grandma had an accident. When I hurried to the hospital, she was already lying in the intensive care center. Tears welled up in a flash. I took my grandfather's advice and went back to my hometown to get changed clothes.

It is still the old house, full of the taste and memory of my childhood. Hesitated up to the attic. When I entered the bedroom, the smell in my memory rushed out, which was her smell. At a glance, I saw several large calendars on the desk, which were torn into pieces. Go over and look, the front of the calendar is ordinary, with ordinary dates, and the words on the back freeze me: "In February 2003, Nana went home with her parents today." "In May 2003, Nana called me today to put on more clothes." "In July 2004, Nana took the entrance exam today." "In February 2005, I saw the photos of Nana today." "In March 2005, I haven't returned for three months." "In February 2006, I haven't called for a long time." I flipped through all the torn calendars crazily. The above is the detailed date and what happened between her and me. Time is up and minute is up. I can't believe it, but it painfully reminds me how she wrote this bit by bit in front of the desk with a presbyopic in front of the dim light. How long has it been since I came back? How long has it been since I called? Is it the busyness of my studies or the alienation and indifference of my growth? And how can she place her hope on these calendars and expect me to be the baby again?

I packed all the calendars and returned to the hospital. Looking at her sleeping in front of the hospital bed, tears burst out again. I held her hand tightly and silently begged God not to take her away from me.

The face on the bed is still the face that hurt me and loved me when I was a child, shiny silver, calm between eyebrows and eyes. I slipped the last calendar paper full of my wishes into her hand and murmured: "Grandma, wake up quickly, Nanny has come to see you, and Nanny won't let you count the calendars anymore, wake up quickly

A respectable "alien"

"Dad, look at that man, is he an alien, But I can't laugh at all. It's a little disgusting!

My father looked at it and said to me, "That's a respectable man!"! "Why?" I asked. "Just because he can work with his head held high when he looks like this," Dad returned. "Do you still remember the beggar with good limbs at the gate of Grandma's shop, and the elder brother who had no money to eat late at night and asked Dad for 10 yuan at Dad's shop...?" Dad said a lot at a time.

Yes! I suddenly felt that the "alien" in front of me talking with people was so tall, he was really a respectable person! In my heart, I don't think he is an "alien" at all.

I'm a wild horse

There is no stiff rope, no restraint, no need to pull a cart, no need to hump people, jumping around all day, coming from the mountains and going to the grass.

This is a wild horse. No thinking, no burden, muddled by nature, play when you wake up, and sleep when you are tired.

I am also a wild horse.

Mustang is smart. It knows that when it grows up, it has to shoulder heavy responsibilities, even though it still has its mother's snuggle.

The wild horse is happy, and now the nature is full of grass and flowers. But when autumn comes, it will be yellow and cold.

The wild horse is growing up. Like the little wild horse, I am also growing up. I want to get rid of wildness, mature my mind, learn knowledge and master skills.

Give it to me? It's a stiff rope. The teacher leads me in the daytime and lets me listen attentively.

Finish my homework on time: my mother leads me at night, so that I can watch less cartoons and not enter the game room.

Teacher, mother, I hope you don't pull the stiff rope too tight, or my nose will get sore and my eyes will cry.

My "Old Mix"

When you see this topic, you must wonder why I have a "wife" at a young age? But you should see clearly that this "mixing" is not that "companion". This is the "mix" of bickering. If my family's title is "the king of bickering", it must belong to my father. As long as his golden mouth opens and his words come to you like cannons, I will often be defeated by my father's words, and have to run away. My father is a first class speaker! How can I deal with this young man? But I have a strong temper. I'm not afraid of even the gods coming to earth. Therefore, we have fought a lot of wars. It's almost "a little noise every three days, a big noise every five days." Look, it's not noisy again.

"Peng Yu, how many times have I told you that the used things should be put in order, and the garbage should be put in Lou. Why don't you always listen to me?" Dad scolded me while picking up my schoolbag. I was dissatisfied: "Is it just that I didn't tidy up? If it's a big deal, it's OK to tidy up again? Every time it's like a volcano eruption, so we have to make a big fight!" "Yo, you want to quarrel with me again. Do your own things. Besides, you can't even tidy up a schoolbag, let alone life. Haven't you seen the "Why sweep the world if you don't sweep a house?" If you rely on your parents when you were young and can't take care of yourself, then when you grow up, so many things will be done for you? It can't be true. Your practical ability is poor, can your life be better? What should I be like when I grow up! This family depends on me. Don't you even want to contribute? You are still fighting with me here. If you have the ability to study first in the country, even if you find dozens of nannies, I have no problem. If you say I have a big fight, you will not turn it into a treasure! " I was stunned by this string of cannons, and the whole person was stunned. After a while, I quickly ran into the room with a big red face. On my father, I deeply felt the charm of language.

How about this? This is my "Lao Pao". No, my "Lao Pao" is coming. When I see this article, I will talk about me again. I will run away quickly!


Dad, I always want to tell you that it is not a good habit to be angry and angry all the time, Dad, because it is easy to hurt your health. If you break down, how can we support this family? Therefore, Dad, I sincerely hope that you will be less angry and less angry in the future. It is better to never be angry and not angry. This will not only benefit your health, but also enable our family to live together and happily. In addition, our family will also have a strong pillar.

Writing Human Composition Grade 1 (2)

There are 69 children in my class. My example is Yu Shubing, because when the teacher asks for something, she is very quick, so I want to learn from her!

Writing Human Composition Grade 1 (3)

My idol is my father. He is the person I admire most. My father is a doctor who specializes in helping people with decayed teeth. Every time children cry because of toothache, my father will patiently help them with treatment and tell them not to cry. Dad is the best doctor. Although my father is busy all day long, he will definitely take time out to check my sister's homework and play with us on Sundays. Sometimes, my father will help my mother do some housework. He is really a great father. I love my father. He is my idol.

Writing Human Composition Grade 1 (4)

It, a cartoon character, is not noticed by the world; It, a silent creature, broke into my world; It was an unexpected action that made me laugh. It was vividly portrayed by Aunt Yang Hongying, which made thousands of our children worship, pursue and be fascinated. It is my idol - Ma Xiaotiao. In the eyes of others, what can a small cartoon character worship? In my eyes, otherwise, it is like an angel, a navigation light, guiding me to pursue it. I was fascinated by its naivety, its childlike charm, its loveliness, its bravery, and its honesty, all of which were engraved in my heart.

Writing Human Composition Grade 1 (5)

I have a good friend, it is not a person, but a white football. Every day when I come home from school, I will play football with my sister. Football is like an elf, shuttling between my sister and me, making us breathless and sweaty. In this way, football has become my good friend. However, this good friend once sprained my foot. That time, I tried to do acrobatics and kicked with my left foot, but it was empty. I fell and sprained my foot. I went to the hospital, took pictures and took medicine. When I walked, I limped. My parents laughed that I was lame. How ugly! Don't mention how uncomfortable I feel. At that time, I hated football so much that I really wanted to throw it into the garbage can. Now, I don't hate it anymore. Why? Because my feet have healed. Football has become my good friend again.

Writing Human Composition Grade 1 (6)

I study in Class 5, Grade 2 of Dinghai Primary School. The school is located at No. 33, Changdong New Village. There is a beautiful environment. I like reading in that environment. There are Chinese classes, math classes... I like these teachers because they are very kind, usually care about us, and are also serious and responsible for our study. The head teacher of our class is Mr. Chen, a female teacher. She is about forty years old, her hair is curled up, her eyes are big, and her body is very slim. I always take care of us. I feel like my relatives. But in Chinese class, we are very strict. Some students are very naughty in class. Teacher Chen will criticize them and even pull them outside to punish them. She lectured very carefully, and did not answer the phone when it rang. She did not answer the phone until after class. I like Miss Chen's class, because she is like telling a story in class, which makes me listen with great interest. I believe my Chinese score will improve. I feel love and warmth in this school. I like learning and growing in this environment. I love my school, I love my teacher.

Writing Human Composition Grade 1 (7)

My teacher Li is very strict. If I write a wrong word, I will copy it three times. If I write poorly, I will stay in the classroom until it looks good... Once I failed in writing, I was asked to stay in the classroom and write another article. When I finished the first composition, I felt very satisfied. But as soon as I handed it in, Miss Li said, "This composition is not vivid and vivid enough." My first composition "lost" to Miss Li. When the second chapter was finished, I thought it would be OK this time! When I handed it in, Miss Li said, "This composition is not specific." My second composition was also "defeated" by Miss Li. When I finished the third article listlessly, Miss Li said, "This composition is very good." I finally breathed a sigh of relief. I said, "It's getting late. I'm going home. See you, teacher." Miss Li is so strict! I will study conscientiously in the future.

Writing Human Composition Grade 1 (8)

She is very kind and kind. She often teaches us to read and write. We all like her very much. If some of us are disobedient, instead of criticizing us, she teaches us not to do such things anymore, so we all like our teachers very much! My teacher's composition for grade one in primary school 2: My teacher's name is Li. He has big eyes, is tall and thin, and walks slowly. She spoke kindly, but when she got angry, she frowned. At this time, the students would behave themselves, listen carefully to the class and listen to the teacher. My teacher's essay 3: I have a good teacher. She has a pair of thick eyebrows and big eyes! Her surname is Tian, like a big child. She paid close attention to the students' learning. Once again, I made a mistake. The teacher did not criticize me, but taught me to understand my mistakes. I like my teacher!

Writing Human Composition Grade 1 (9)

There are only four people in my family. Look, the wrinkled and amiable old man is my grandfather. Grandpa is over 50 years old this year. Although he is nearly 70 years old now, he has been working hard. I like to get up early. I get up at 5:00 every morning, so Grandpa often gets up earlier than me to cook for me. I often advised him that I would do it myself and not spoil me too much, but he always refused to listen to me cheerfully. From my understanding until now, I have always seen him busy and seldom rested. My father said that my grandpa never thought about himself, and he has been paying for his relatives all his life. Look, that's my father. He is responsible for his work. If there are no special circumstances, he will never ask for leave. Dad doesn't like smoking, but he likes drinking. I always like to drink half drunk when I am empty, which makes my mother look bad. My mother is the only person in the family who attaches great importance to my study. Every time I go home, she checks my homework, even "Mental Arithmetic Training". I sometimes find her boring, but I still try to cooperate with her and understand her. I am a pupil. I am not tall, because of this reason, I often think it is my mother's fault. Because my mother is short, she inherited it to me. Because I am short, people often say that I am still small and ignorant. I pretended to be ignorant and smiled at them. In fact, I understand everything. Father and mother often quarrel. At first, I would persuade them. Later, I found it useless, so I had to flee to my uncle's house. Once, my mother returned to my grandmother's house after a quarrel. Maybe looking at me seems heartless, my mother and aunt say I don't understand. I really want to tell them how I feel and how sad I am. But he didn't say a word. Only I know, watching my parents fight, no one will understand the sadness in my heart. I always think that Grandpa will always be healthy, and Mom and Dad will fight for the last time

Writing Human Composition Grade 1 (10)

I have a brother. My brother is the most handsome in my eyes. He is tall and has short dark hair. His mouth is small, his nose is not high or low, and his eyes are bright and bright. Brother has a quick temper. If I am wrong, my brother will get angry. Once, my brother severely criticized me when I made a mistake in my math calculation. My brother also loves me and cares about me. Once when I was ill, he accompanied me to see a doctor and gave me medicine. My brother is not relaxed about my study at all. He will check my homework and sign my name every day. My brother loves to keep pets. He keeps a kitten. He gives it delicious food and plays with it every day. My brother likes to eat fish, and he also likes to chew bones. I think my brother is very good. I like him very much.

Writing Human Composition Grade 1 (11)

My mother is 36 years old this year. She is not tall and has a good figure. She has a oval face, big eyes and a mouth like a moon. Mother is happy all day long, as if she has never been worried. My mother loves doing housework, and never feels tired. My father and I usually change clothes, and my mother washed them as soon as she saw them. We had no choice but to hide every time we changed our clothes because we were afraid our mother was too tired. I have a clean mother.

Writing Human Composition Grade 1 (12)

Every day when my mother gets up, she comes to my bed. My mother uses her eyes to see if I have lifted the quilt. When my mother checked my homework, she would stare at my homework with her big eyes. If I did something wrong, my mother would look at me with those big eyes to show me that you did something wrong. My mother's eyes are caring for me, and my mother's eyes are also very powerful.

Person Writing Grade 1 (13)

My grandfather is over sixty years old, but he is still so humorous! My grandpa is very humorous. He always reads "the castle peak building outside the mountain" as "the castle peak cooking porridge outside the mountain", and wears his clothes in reverse. So my mother weaves a vest, so my grandpa won't wear it in reverse. Every time I pour water for my grandpa, he won't drink it. If I want to drink water, he immediately pours it for me. My grandpa is really humorous!

Person Writing Grade 1 (14)

My brother has many advantages. His greatest advantage is his love of reading. Once, when he was reading, his mother asked him to eat, but he didn't hear. When my brother read a book and saw that it was more than eight o'clock, he probably felt hungry and knew that he had not eaten yet. I think: my brother studies hard!

Writing Human Composition Grade 1 (15)

I am a good child. My parents like me. My ability is great. I can draw and write. Every day, I can make friends with several Chinese character dolls, and go to the Math Palace for a walk. I will shoot some small villains with a magic gun. I also have many hobbies after school. I like playing chess, gobang and bead chess. This summer, I learned to swim. Do you think Dad and Mom will not like me? Let me tell you a little secret. I'm going to learn skills again. See you next time!

Writing Human Composition Grade 1 (16)

I felt ashamed when I picked up the little boy's wish of the article full of love and gratitude.

This article is about a little boy Reuben who worked hard to give his mother a brooch on Mother's Day. His family was very poor, so the little boy kept picking up sacks for more than a year. But on the last day, the little boy went to the factory a little late, and the factory was about to close. Reuben pleaded repeatedly. Finally, the workers were moved by his sincerity and filial piety, and took four sacks from the little boy. The little boy bought the brooch for his mother with the money he got from picking up more sacks this year... I believe that after reading it, everyone will be moved by the little boy's courage and strength. The gift that the boy's mother received must be the most precious thing in her life, because it is far beyond her financial resources and is priceless. The brooch was full of the boy's gratitude to his mother.

In contrast to us, we usually open our mouths and reach out for clothes at home. How much effort have parents made to raise us. Some students only ask for gifts from their mothers on their birthdays and festivals. We should think about it. When did our mothers ask for gifts from us? Reuben sent his mother not only a gift, but also a deep and sincere love for her. Why don't we save our usual pocket money festival and buy a small gift for our mother? When we were ill in hospital, my mother always stayed in front of our hospital bed to make our eyes red. Have we ever said in our hearts, "Thank you, Mom!" In fact, there are many things we can do for my mother. After my mother worked hard for a day, we brought her a cup of tea, beat her back, beat her legs, and do some housework as we can

We can hardly repay our mother's love for us. Just as the wandering son said in his chant, "Who can say that every inch of grass will be rewarded with three spring rays!"! I will honor my mother and never talk back to her again.

Person Writing Grade 1 (17)

In my community, I often see several old rag pickers who wear very shabby clothes. Every time I see a newspaper, an envelope, a drink bottle or something, I run to them immediately, so I have a bad attitude towards them. But one thing changed my mind.

It was a Sunday noon. I was taking a nap, and a knock on the door woke me up. When I opened the door, I saw an old rag picker, a tall, thin man with a wrinkled face and two bright eyes. He was wearing a torn and dirty cotton padded coat, which was patched, with a long iron hook in his hand. When I saw him, I said impolitely, "What are you doing knocking on my door?" "Is there anyone with the surname of Zhang here?" "No," I closed the door impatiently. Later, someone knocked on the door again, and I said loudly, "I told you, there is no one with the surname of Zhang, why do you still knock?" It's me, what are you calling? "It was my mother who came back. I told her what I had just done. My mother criticized me and shouldn't talk to people like that.

In the evening, we were having dinner when someone knocked at the door again. I hurried to the door and the old man again came. Just as I was about to speak, my mother came, "What's wrong with you?" "Do you have a family name of Zhang?" "The child's grandmother's family name is Zhang. What's wrong with you? That's right. Here is an envelope with your address. There is a thousand yuan in it. Count it. It turned out that my mother threw the envelope away when she was cleaning the house. Before we could thank her, the old man turned and left. Looking at my back, I felt ashamed.

This is the person I admire!

Writing Human Composition Grade 1 (18)

Huang Chenghao is 4 years old. He has a small face, round eyes, a crooked nose, and a curved mouth. He is a medium-sized man. The little brother speaks with a soft voice, which is hard to understand.

My little brother likes crying very much. Sometimes he can't help crying. One day, he fell down accidentally, but said I pushed him. Grandpa also said, "You are big, you should let your little brother." Whenever this happens, I hate him very much. But the little brother also has something lovely. When I went to my grandpa's house to play, when I heard my voice, my little brother immediately ran happily to open the door. Sometimes when I argue with others, he will help me deal with others.

Writing Human Composition Grade 1 (19)

My grandfather is a laughing and joking grandfather.

My grandfather is tall. He should be about 1.7 meters tall. His mouth is big, his nose is cocky, his eyes are big, and his face is nearly seventy years old.

I like my grandpa very much. Although he seems very serious to us, he is really good to us. Every time he has something delicious, he will keep it for us.

My grandfather has a sense of good health. He gets up at 7 o'clock every day for a walk and has breakfast at 9 o'clock. Go to bed on time and never eat disorderly.

My grandfather never gave us junk food. He only gave us daytime water and beans. I have such a healthy grandfather.

I love my grandfather and wish him health and longevity.

[2: My grandpa]

My grandfather is 66 years old, but he doesn't obey the old at all. He is a warm-hearted little old man. Grandpa always wears a hat on his head. Under the carving of years, he has two eyebrows that are neither thick nor light. His small eyes are bright. He crushes two walnuts with one hand. He likes to do farm work, but he is diligent. Even at home, he is also crackling firewood, and has a good cooking skill. He is definitely a "peerless man".

I remember one rainy day when Grandpa came home from farm work, someone called him "How nice to meet you! Hurry, someone's car fell off the bridge!" Grandpa threw down his umbrella and farm tools, plunged into the rain curtain, and followed the villagers to the bridge Grandpa quickly took off his overcoat and ran into the river. With the strength of nine bulls and two tigers, everyone finally pulled the car to the shallow water area. After a while, the car landed, and the owner said excitedly, "Thank you, thank you, thank you......"

After saying that, he took out a stack of money to give them to his grandfather, who hurriedly waved his hand, shook his head and said, "What are we doing? This is what we should do, ha ha." This is my grandfather. He is kind, honest and helpful. He is a grandfather who makes me look up and stand tall.

[III: My grandpa]

My grandpa, popularity is very good. No one who lives around my grandpa's house doesn't know my grandpa. Many of them are my grandpa's good friends.

Grandpa often plays chess, chats, goes to the market and drinks wine with his good friends. Once, when they got together to watch someone else play chess, Grandpa went up and pointed out this person and that person. As a result, the two sides were tied. Grandfather smiled and said, "I, the 'stinking chess basket', conducted well today.". At this time, the whole audience roared with laughter.

My grandfather fought in the war when he was young and suffered a lot. Although his life is better now and the society is rich, my grandfather still lives in the adobe house in the regiment. He is frugal. But when the Spring Festival comes, my grandfather will bring out the best food at home. I remember one Spring Festival, my grandfather killed nearly half of the domestic poultry to cook food for us, He also said, "It doesn't matter...".

I love my grandfather, who has always been a silent devotee to his descendants.