Sun Composition 800 (16 recommended)
Every year is like a song
2023-08-19 09:34:42

Sun Composition 800 (1)

The "sun" in my heart The sun in my heart The wandering son sings the thread in his mother's hand, and the wandering son wears his coat. Before leaving, I am afraid of returning late. Who said that the heart of grass inch, reported three Chunhui.

This is an ode to maternal love, which describes maternal love as the genial sunshine in spring. Who can say that a little filial piety like grass can repay the kindness of the mother like the spring sun? Soon after school began, Mother's Day came! At the age of ten, I decided not to be the little emperor in my mother's hands, and I really hope to be an independent and filial child who can share my parents' worries! What can I do for my mother today? After some careful thinking, I decided to give my mother a surprise. After school, I went home very early. At this time, my mother must still be busy in the hospital! Today, I decided to change my position with my mother. This is called "Great Shift". Like my mother, I put the clothes into the washing machine after sorting out, add detergent, select the "quick washing" button, and then connect water and electricity. Through the window of the washing machine, with the rotation of the drum, I saw beautiful bubbles emerging inside. Put on an apron and cook first (my mother usually taught me this). If I haven't learned how to use a gas stove for the time being, let's use the microwave oven instead. The ready-made "steam boiler chicken" and Harbin red sausage will soon be out of the oven. The fat chicken, roasted dark brown red sausage, exudes an attractive aroma, plus dried tofu, ice sugar gourd, tomato and egg soup... After being put on the plate, they are all served one by one, Wow! There are eight dishes. Self evaluation: satisfied! It was ten minutes to six, so I quickly sat down in front of my desk, wrote down the words "Happy March 8, Mom" on the card, and hung it on the door with adhesive tape, so that Mom could see it as soon as she opened the door. When the doorbell rang, I stood in the living room waiting for my mother with the "carnation" I bought with my pocket money. When I saw everything in front of me, my surprised mother smiled. That smile was the sweetest, most beautiful, happiest and most satisfied smile in the world! In my mother's smile, I read the comfort; In my mother's smile, I taste happiness; In my mother's smile, I realized "gratitude". Yes, "You should repay the kindness of others by pouring water". Today, I finally understand this truth. I thank my mother for sheltering me from the wind and rain during my ten years of growth. I thank my mother for her tireless teaching, which enables me to understand the meaning of respect, trust, understanding, sincerity, help and cherish.

Deep maternal love bathes me all the time and sows the seeds of love in my young heart! Mom, I want to say loudly to you: "I love you! You are the sun in my heart!"

Sun Composition 800 (2)

"One, one, one, two, one" Every day, when the morning star rises, with this rhythmic pace, it ushers in another exciting day. In the wind and rain, under the hot sun, in his heart, there is always the highest pursuit that will never be washed away by the storm, that is, exercise. In the cold winter, when everyone was still hiding in the warm quilt, he wore a sports suit and played his accompaniment that would never change against the biting wind. He is my father, a father I am proud of.

My father's life was ordinary and he could not make amazing achievements, but he had a spirit that everyone should admire. It is his nature to persevere and persevere. Gradually, under his influence, I, a daughter, have the same things as my father. Sometimes, I am really proud of my good habits; Sometimes, when this great spiritual pillar gains many honors that students envy, I often enter the time and space tunnel and return to my rainy season in 2008 that was not "packaged" by my father.

I clearly remember that it was a night when the moon was dark and the wind was blowing cold. It was extremely quiet around. Occasionally, wild geese chirped bitterly. As a young boy, I could not help but feel creepy. I recalled that I was criticized indiscriminately by my teacher in the morning, and my pen could not find work. As the sky grew darker, my fear grew more and more. I wanted to leave my seat and go to bed, but my father suddenly appeared, which made me feel flattered. "Have you finished your homework?" Father asked with a stiff face. When it comes to homework, I consciously looked at the "white and flawless" notebook. Although I was only 7 years old at that time, I knew my father's behavior. An unfinished thing can never be stopped. What's more, I did the same day. My original fear of heart can not help but feel more uneasy, who told me not to finish my homework! I couldn't help it. Under the severe pressure of my father, I had to go back to my desk. "Hurry up and I'll check later." God! I still need to check. I can't believe my ears. But in order to cope with my father's inspection, I had to start my homework. After a long time, I suddenly felt the dead silence around me, and the chill was getting heavier and heavier. At this time, I completely forgot my father's instructions when he left, and went to bed recklessly. Then I wrapped my whole body in quilts and fell asleep unconsciously. "Get up, get up quickly." In a daze, a rude cry woke me from my sleep. At that time, I was so angry that I pretended not to wake up when he broke his throat. My father was an impetuous person. After several times of urging, he still didn't work. He forced me to the desk. In this way, with his father's "escort", I managed to finish the homework of the day.

Sun Composition 800 (3)

I like the sun, more like the sun in May.

The sun in May is not as faint as the sun in spring, as sharp as the sun in summer, as bright as the sun in autumn, and as callous as the sun in winter. The sun in May is soft and warm. It is like a kind mother between spring and summer, gently caressing us with her unique hand - sunshine.


The sun in May is like a naughty child, playing hide and seek with us.

I got up early to watch the sunrise in May. At four o'clock in the morning, it was the best time for people to sleep, and the father-in-law of the sun appeared quietly at that time. Like a child, he looked around first, and then called his "loyal guard" - Yun. He blocked himself, and then jumped up a step, and up another step. At this time, the sun was very red, but there was no light, and the surroundings were still dark. I hurried for the sun and thought: Is the sun sick? Why doesn't it shine? Damn it! The sun must be ill today. Hurry to call Doctor Yun. Doctor Yun takes out the "murder weapon" - a needle and stabs it at the back of the sun's hand. The sun must be in great pain. He tried to run up. Doctor Yun caught up with the "murder weapon". The sun trembled and jumped out of the sea of clouds. At this time, the sun suddenly gave out a dazzling light, which made people's eyes ache. At this time, I found myself, the distant mountain, and even the big tree suddenly had brilliance. Ah! The sun in May, like a girl's eyes, has a smart luster and is very popular.


The sun in May, like a kind mother, shines on the earth with her warm mind and nourishes all things.

At dusk, Mother Sun is about to set in the west. I look at her quietly, and she also looks at me quietly. At this time, she blushed as if she was carrying a heavy load, which made me very distressed. I want to fly to the sky to help her lighten her burden. I want to cheer for her with shouts. I want to become a cloud to float beside her, but I am just an ordinary girl after all, and I can't help anything. I have to look at her with heartache. The sun's face is still red, but the things on her back seem to be much lighter, and the clouds around her become colorful. It turned out that what she carried was Caixia. Caixia is playing happily with her good friend! The sun mother smiled, as if thinking: What a happy child! No one noticed that she stepped down a ladder while we were distracted. The sun is now like a ripe red apple. I know that it is the sun's hope to draw a perfect end to people's "today" with her light before the end of each day. Maybe she was tired. She walked faster while trying to shine. The original red and big sun, suddenly only a small half of the face left. At this time, the moon sister on the other side of the sky rose. Oh, the sun didn't trust everything here until Sister Moon took over. Before she left work, she didn't forget to take her sister Caixia away. The sun in May is really a good and responsible mother!

You see, this is the sun in May. It is the same as the sun in spring, summer, autumn and winter. It is so serious, and has a spirit of silently giving without paying back. But the sun in May has a more persistent and loving heart, just like a mother's warm mind. In May, let's bathe in the warm caress of our mother.

Sun Composition 800 (4)

When I saw the certificate of "Second Prize of School Sports Group" in the classroom, Mr. Wei's kind face naturally came into my mind. His kind words echoed in my ears, and Mr. Wei's familiar figure appeared in front of me.

Mr. Wei was just transferred to our school for our class's Chinese class last semester. In school, she not only spreads knowledge to us, but also cares about us like a mother.

I remember that in the school sports meeting last semester, I took part in the women's long-distance race preliminaries. When I was about to sprint, I slipped because of my strength. At that time, my right knee was too painful to stand up. Director Deng and his escorting classmates saw me and immediately escorted me to the class headquarters to sit down. I carefully rolled up my trousers. I only saw blue and purple. My joints are swollen. In some places, my skin was scratched and my blood was oozing. Looking at the injured leg, I thought: I used to be a strong competitor. Today, I not only lost the right to the final, but also lost the opportunity to participate in the relay race the day after tomorrow. Thinking about this, pain and sadness make me cry together. Crying very sad, some students also laughed at me, this time, I cried even more severely, tears as big as broken string beads wet my clothes. At this time, Mr. Wei, who was organizing students to participate in other activities, came to hear the news. She looked at my wound and asked kindly, "Must be very painful? Don't cry. It doesn't matter. This time there is no chance. Let's wait again! As for your wound, I have a way. You can sit here and wait. Don't go anywhere." After listening to Mr. Wei's words, I felt very warm in my heart, just like a ray of sunshine shining into my heart.

Later, I saw Miss Wei holding a potato and a fruit knife. She squatted beside me and sliced the potatoes. She stuck them to my wound one by one. Each of them was so careful, so careful, afraid of touching my wound. Since then, Mr. Wei has been telling me some happy things to let me forget the pain. At that time, I thought: Mr. Wei is really like my mother!

Mr. Wei didn't leave until he saw my tears turn into laughter. Later, I heard that Mr. Wei ran all over the dormitory looking for potatoes. My heart can't help shaking. For me, I said in my heart: "Teacher, you have worked hard."

One day later, the school sports meeting continued to be held, and the preparations for the team relay match began. Mr. Wei asked me anxiously, "Does it still hurt?" No, it doesn't. I can compete. "Can you do it?" I can do it. " I answered confidently. The teacher smiled and nodded. So I stood on the track alive and participated in the relay race. Our class won the prize in the relay race.

This matter makes me unforgettable. Whenever I think of this, I can't help but recite a poem: "Not only my mother is good, but also my teacher treats me as a treasure." If my mother is the moon in my heart, my teacher is the sun in my heart.

Sun Composition 800 (5)

The sun is hanging high in the sky, emitting infinite light. Everything that shines on the earth brings light, happiness and warmth to people. It is the spiritual pillar of human life. Bring infinite vitality to the earth, shine on all things, selfless dedication, silent protection.

But what shall we do when the sun goes out, sets, and turns off one day?

"I'm not afraid, I'm your sun", your words slowly dissipated in the air, spread in my ears, shocked my heart. I don't need to look up to know that it is you. The call of the heart especially needs to be seen with eyes.

Yes, you are like the sun in the sky, guiding me when I am frustrated; When I am confused, break through my dilemma, and lead me forward when I retreat.

"Only by walking on muddy roads can we leave clear footprints".

In the first day of junior high school, I was frustrated by a failure in an exam. I didn't know how to advance or retreat. When you came to me, you said softly, "Don't shrink back, you can only leave clear footprints on the muddy road." After listening to your words, I firmly established my direction. Life cannot be defeated by a small failure. It is you who guide me when I am frustrated.

There must be a way in the deep mountain, and we must meet again at the last place.

For a period of time, I was very confused, how to meet life when I came to a dead end. Perhaps you noticed my predicament, came to me, stretched out your hand, and said to me: "There must be a way in the mountains, and there is always life in every place, and we will walk together." After hearing your words, I was suddenly enlightened, and your words surrounded my ears, yes! There is no way out unless you give up yourself. When people encounter setbacks, everything goes wrong or there is no way out, they must be very depressed, or even feel that God is unfair. Little did we know that after the twists and turns of heavy mountains and rivers, there will be a bright future.

There is no retreat, there is no retreat

Now I am in the second year of junior high school, and I have lost my youthful tenacity. I always try to avoid math problems. But you said to me, "There is no way to retreat, and there is no way to retreat in life after all." Listening to your words confirmed my direction of progress. Yes, a math problem is like this, so is life? I can't shrink back. When there is no way back, where to go is the direction of progress. Only when you cut off the back road and put yourself to death, fear will really be far away from you.

Your words shine on me like the light of the sun, guiding me, helping me, guiding me, and making me benefit a lot.

Even if the sun goes out, goes down, or goes out, I'm not afraid of it, because you are my sun, shining on me all the time, and watering my heart with your light.

Sun Composition 800 (6)

The sunshine by the window is sprinkling down one by one. Through the window, through the fingers, it is soft on my face and body. The sun shines on me warmly, and I can't help thinking of you, Wang Junkai - my sun.

I remember Mr. Skke said that the best way to like you is not to be fanatical, but to let others know that those who like you also work hard, so they also try to make themselves better. It doesn't matter whether you were good or bad in the past, as long as you are working hard, that is right.

I won't cry if you are still smiling, I won't turn back if you are still moving forward, I will accompany you to continue your journey if you are still holding on to your dreams, and you will still be my pride in 20xx.

My little sun, when you smile, it seems that the whole world is bright. Because you and I are working hard to live, not only for ourselves, but also to let others know that people who like you are not just idle, but are working hard to face life like you. Please shine where we can see, and don't cry where we can't see. Please take care of yourself for all those who love you. You said thank you to us. You didn't know what we wanted to thank most was you, so that we could meet you. I am willing to accompany you from green to white. You are my pride, because you and my heart become stronger than before.

Some people say that waiting for an impossible person is waiting for a ship at the airport.

It is impossible for a ship to come to me through the airport, but I can cross the airport to meet that ship.

I always like boys who are warm, responsible and introverted. I always thought it was my fantasy to be cute and handsome. How could there be such a boy? I didn't believe it until I met you. I had known you for a long time. At that time, you were just a little boy. Yes, I didn't know your name, but I thought you sang very well. Later, I saw you, Captain TFBOYS, So you are the little boy I liked. Thank you for sticking to your dream and letting me see you later. I love giggling when I met you. Sometimes when I saw your photos, I was very happy and glad to meet you at the age when I needed to work hard and struggle most. It's never too late. The dream has just set sail and will accompany you forever.

You are still running non-stop, I have no reason not to fight hard. The best Wang Junkai in the world.

You have always been my sun, even if sometimes covered by clouds. But you must know that a lion never turns back when a dog barks.

From the beginning to the future, only for Wang Junkai. Because you are my sun.

Sun Composition 800 (7)

Today is a rest day.

In the morning, I slammed the door angrily to show my dissatisfaction with my mother. I love being free. I turn on all the lights at home every night. I like the feeling of being as bright as day, but my mother said that I don't know how to save. In summer, I would like to open the window and enjoy the fresh air without worrying about mosquito bites, but my mother said that I don't know how to think of others. In the study, I will spread books all over the table. I think it is more convenient to find things, but my mother said that I do not know how to tidy the room, and always make the home very messy. When a friend called, we talked and laughed. My mother urged me to stop talking, but my mother was still the same. After meeting my friends, they kept apologizing to me, which made me ashamed. I began to complain about my mother, blaming her for neglecting my face.

A bellyful of resentment made me ride my bike slowly and spin around the street. Before I knew it, I rode to the countryside. It's really different here, full of green breath and poetic mood. For a long time, I pulled down a handful of leaves and suddenly remembered to vent. I tried to tear the leaves until they were torn to pieces by me. At this time, I felt a heavy earthquake in my heart:

——I saw a bloody red sun nestling against the horizon, and saw a stretch of clouds stretching on the horizon; When I saw the rosy clouds, they were as bright as the freshly baked ink wash paintings. The ink was still wet and spread naturally on the rice paper

Is this the sun? No, in my heart, the sun is always fierce, it is too strong, too dazzling. If I were a painter, I would draw it into a triangle to show its intensity.

Is this the sun? Yes, two points and one line. When I was online, I only used my back to face such a scene. I just turn my back to it and stay away from it again and again. Gradually feel that all the existence of the sun is taken for granted, and gradually get used to its temperature, its intensity, and its dazzling. Little did we know that there was such a beautiful scenery behind the "ugly". I have no scruple to choose to escape, choose to complain.

How can I do this? I always call myself a dutiful daughter. How can I ignore my mother's advice?

The sun is still in front of me, its soft light is just like my mother's care for me for more than ten years. I looked at it with a long sigh of relief and a faint smile on my face, because at this moment, its warmth slowly melted into my heart and resolved all the previous unhappiness.

At this moment, I realized happiness. It is an acquisition, a spiritual acquisition. However, it is expressed through matter, and its meaning goes beyond matter itself. It is a kind of detachment and understanding.

Yes, the sun is just like my mentor: he gave me the direction to move forward; He taught me the truth of happiness; It was he who told me the greatness of maternal love.

I turned around and ran home quickly.

Sun Composition 800 (8)

If life is a big tree, then sunshine is the nourishment for growth. It is precisely because of the sunshine that the tree of life will flourish, bloom, and bear beautiful flowers and happy fruits—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

People have joys and sorrows, and the moon has its ups and downs. Life is filled with setbacks, failures, success and success. It is difficult to complete the matter. But you can use your heart to determine your mood. A smooth life is lucky, but not many people are willing to taste it. The five flavors of life: sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty. Each flavor has its own unique side. Life without bitterness and depression is not perfect, When they come quietly, you can choose to submit to it and become a slave, but you can also fight to rise the sun in your heart, break the haze in your heart with light, smooth the wound in your heart with light, and use light to accumulate strength for self sprinting. The sun in your heart will give you correct guidance.

The definition of the sun is sunshine. The root of sunshine is happiness. A heart that is always cheerful is happy. Gravels are everywhere on the journey of life. Storms and storms are common. A happy heart will transform it into a component of happiness; The sad heart will also transform into another scar of the heart. Life is a plane mirror. If you smile at it, it will smile back to you. A 45 ° upward smile is the sweetest. When we are in trouble, we might as well try smiling at him. The smiling self is the most beautiful.

Life is a process of sharpening, and the process of sharpening will inevitably lead to hardship. When we are exhausted, we might as well take it as a necessity of life, use everything we have to meet its arrival, rise the sun in our heart, inject light into our body and mind, and turn it into a constant source of invincible power. We should work bravely to move forward for the brilliant moment after success, The fruits of success are especially sweet because of our sweat. Maybe you will suddenly find that life was so wonderful.

The rising sun in the heart symbolizes a person's courage, a kind of courage that is still joyful when in trouble;

The sun rising in the heart reflects a person's determination, a determination to experience failure but never give up;

The sun rises in his heart, shining with the glory of success. Optimism keeps him alive, and the belief of victory inspires him to forge ahead. Together, the fruits of success are shining!

All success is accumulated day by day. When you are suffering but not sad, when you experience failure but do not put it down, perhaps on a weekend, perhaps in the morning, perhaps in an instant, when the sun rises in your heart and is not filled with power, expectations will quietly come to our hearts. The sun in my heart is beautiful.

Sun Composition 800 (9)

I know that he has a pair of rough hands, a small body, wearing simple clothes, and his waist aches all night until he can't sleep, but he doesn't have the heart to wake me up. I know that she is a sun, giving me light and hope. She is my dear grandma.

Remember, my dear grandma? Last summer, you went to mow in the field at noon. Because of the high temperature, you almost fainted when you came home, which made me nervous. Every autumn harvest season, you are always too busy to eat. I asked you not to be so tired. You always said that you should save more money for me to use in college in the future, but I felt sad after hearing that. One day, when I came home from school, you were busy cooking for me. Unfortunately, you slipped and fell down in a hurry. I cried while holding you up. I go home every day, you nag me, but I never get bored, and my heart is always warm. When you are tired, I will beat your shoulders and pinch your shoulders. You can't keep your mouth shut each time, and you can always boast that your granddaughter will hurt people. I always kick the quilt when I sleep dishonestly, and then you quietly cover it when you wake up in the middle of the night. When you come home late from school, you will pick me up on the road and worry about me. Grandma, do you remember these?

Once, because of the decline in school performance, the teacher talked to me: "What's the matter? Why have you been out of shape recently? Look at how many places have been dropped? Suddenly, the top ten slipped to the midstream! I hope you can work hard, otherwise the next time will not be just a simple conversation, must write a review." I walked out of the office, tears burst into my eyes. When I got home, my grandmother asked me what was wrong, and I forced a smile and said, "It's OK." Then I went into the room, and I didn't write my homework. I always thought about what the teacher said to me. The more I thought about my usual fun, the more uncomfortable I became. Finally, I couldn't help crying. Grandma knew what was going on and put her arm around my shoulder and said, "It's OK. You can work harder if you don't do well in the exam this time! Although Grandma doesn't understand culture and know nothing, she knows that you can only gain if you pay! Just like the corn in the field, can it grow without watering and fertilizing? It's not the same as learning! Don't worry." Grandma's words were like a shining sun, which lit up my heart. Since then, I have stopped being lazy, listened carefully in class and answered questions actively. In the mid-term exam, I was admitted to the top ten of the school. When I got home, I told Grandma about it. Grandma was so happy and showed a bright smile, as warm as the sun, as bright as the sun.

My grandma, you can rest assured that I will study hard, because you are the sun in my heart, always illuminating my way forward.

Sun Composition 800 (10)

One kind of climate that we often pay attention to is solar rain. The solar rain is very strange, not only in the sunny weather, but also with raindrops. This kind of weather will always upset some people. Is it to hold an umbrella or not? Some people often wonder, but I love holding an umbrella under the sun and rain. I can not only walk outside, but also watch the beauty of the sun rain. In a word, many people think that the solar rain is particularly interesting, and it always rains when we are not paying attention.

I remember one time, my mother and I went to the food market to buy food. Neither my mother nor I brought an umbrella, because it was sunny at that time. The sun is already high in the sky, emitting heat that makes us sweat. At the same time, the earth was shining with it. At that time, we braved the sun to come to the food market, and we chose many dishes. After choosing the dishes, we have to face a very unpleasant thing. Yes, it's going to be sunny again.

At that time, we were on our way home against the sun. Suddenly, a drop of rain fell on our heads. We raised our heads and looked up at the sky. It suddenly rained heavily, and the rain drops were very separated and scattered. The sun was also high in the sky. The sky was clear without a dark cloud. My mother and I quickly hid under a roof. My mother said it was the sun rain. I was very curious when I looked at the sun rain. It was amazing that the rain and the sun should be there at the same time!

When I was wondering, some people like us without umbrellas hid under the eaves or in places where they could take shelter from the rain. Those who have umbrellas, while the sun is looking at the sky, I think they should be as surprised as I am! Suddenly, a burst of happy laughter broke all our feelings of embarrassment. We saw several children running together in the street. They didn't hold umbrellas, but merged with the sun and rain.

I looked at them, and gradually I was dumbfounded. Some pedestrians with umbrellas put their hands out of the umbrellas. They stretched out their palms and felt the sun rain. The raindrops with temperature were not cold, but warm. I stretched out my hand to feel the temperature of the sun and rain, and felt its kindness and tenderness. Ah! The sun rain is a beautiful girl. It makes the earth very beautiful, making it a world of rain. It is a girl who loves beauty.

The sun and rain are gentle. She watched us being exposed to the sun and knew that the earth and all things were being exposed to the sun. She used her coolness to reduce the temperature of the earth, so that she became a warm rain drop. The sun rain, when we look at the sun rain, everyone's heart is full of joy.

Sun Composition 800 (11)

There is an open space in my yard. Every spring, my mother will plant several sunflowers. In midsummer, I watched the sunflowers open their bright smiling faces to the sun. I often think: I am a thriving sunflower, and my mother is my sun.

Mom, do you still remember the toddler? My grandparents said to me more than once: "When you were young, you were very stupid. Children of your age would run and play in the street, but you still dare not walk. Your mother took you with her and taught you to walk step by step. In order not to make you feel that there is a gap in height, your mother always squats down to synchronize with you." Mom, I often think, When you see other people's children playing happily, but your own children are so weak, it should be as painful as needles in your heart. When you squat and walk with me, you will suffer more than physical torture. However, you did not disappoint your child, but led her step by step to help her find the way forward. Mom, you are my sun.

Mom, do you still remember that naughty and naughty me? That winter, my partner and I played in a snowy afternoon, fell down carelessly and broke our leg. In the first few days, because of illness and worry about my homework, I cried all day long, but you never frowned. You always comforted me with a smile. You told me about new things happening outside every day, made me a lot of delicious food, and found a companion to help me with my homework. Your optimism overcame my vulnerability, You use your inner light to drive out my inner haze. Mother, you are like the sun shining on your daughter and warming her.

Mom, do you still remember that arrogant and unbridled me? In adolescence, I seem to rebel much more than my peers. That rainy night, just because you didn't promise me to buy a new dress, I rushed into the rain curtain and ran to the street regardless of the depth of the mud. You can't change your slippers before you chase me out. I run like crazy, you shout and chase anxiously. When I'm tired and squat on the ground, you catch up with me, hold me, and ask me to go home with you. I didn't know until I entered the house that your shoes had been lost and a long cut had been made on your feet. Later, I asked you if it hurt, and you said lightly, "I only worry about you, but I don't know if it hurts." Mom, you helped me through that period of time with your sun like enthusiasm.

All things in the world share the gift of the sun. Grass and trees become more green and straight because of the sun's rays, and rain and dew become more crystal clear because of the sun's rays. I am so lucky. Under the natural sun, you still have your mother's warm care. Mom, you are my sun!

Sun Composition 800 (12)

Everyone has at least one sun in his heart; Pedestrians on the road, strangers who don't know each other, may all be the sun. How many people on the road have helped me, whether they are teachers at school or others. The sun in our heart, sharing its glory, lets us grow.

How many people accompanied me to thrive, perhaps tens of thousands. I can hardly remember the humble ones one by one. Their brilliance deeply affected me. Sunshine used to be a teacher, comforting me when I was sad, and Sunshine would also be a classmate, giving me friendly support, making me worry free and fearless.

Every time I fail in the exam, every time I have no motivation to continue studying, and every time I encounter setbacks and have nothing to do, a burst of light and warmth will rise in my heart. Suddenly, a person appears in my heart and gently says to me, "Come on! Come on! Come on! I believe you can do it." Hearing such warm encouragement, I feel like eating a powerful pill, Once I have strength, I will continue to fight bravely. The person who brings me the power like the sun is my dearest aunt.

Every time before the exam, my aunt would encourage me to say that if I did well in the exam, she would not only take me to the movies, but also take me to eat Xidi Steak. She always tried her best to let me not be afraid of the exam, so that I would have confidence to face the exam. So my aunt was like a cheerleader, so that I would be ready to go to the battlefield, with full confidence.

The sun in my heart is my aunt. How about you? It is a wonderful happiness to have the sun in your heart! Every time you encounter difficulties and tensions, there will be a positive energy, which will come out of your heart to cheer you on and cheer you up. You need not be afraid of any difficulties.

The sun in my heart, with their care, I will forge ahead resolutely on the road of life, standing up like a giant.

Sun Composition 800 (13)

Undoubtedly, it was the old man's words that reminded the young man and made him suddenly enlightened. Indeed, as the old man said, there should be an unbroken ray of sunshine in everyone's heart.

If there is no sunshine in your heart, even if there is light around, you will often feel gloomy; If your heart is full of sunshine, you can see hope even in the dark. If there is a ray of sunshine in our hearts when we fail to do something, then the cold will not bring us to the edge of despair, nor will sorrow bring us into the abyss of loneliness. Because we understand that failure is the mother of success, and this failure is to meet the next victory

No one will refuse the sunshine of the soul, because it gives us hope, gives us the motivation to make progress, and gives us warmth and strength. In the long road of life, even though there are many thorns and setbacks, we should challenge it fearlessly and not lose easily. As long as there is sunshine in our hearts, victory will belong to us. "You can see the moonlight through the clouds". Isn't the most magnificent scenery in the world also hidden behind the desperate situation?

Leave a ray of sunshine in your heart, and the world will shine in front of you. At that time, you will find that life is also very beautiful.

Composition of the Sun in the Heart [2]

The road of life is always bumpy, but there is always a ray of sunshine illuminating you. Sunshine is warmth, brightness and happiness. Perhaps that touch of sunshine is not the sun's shining, but more valuable than the sun's sunshine is the father's love.

- Title

I am a child who has been held in the palm of my father since childhood. At home, I am the little princess of my family. No matter what mistakes I make or who I quarrel with, my father will always stand by me. My father always promised me what I asked. Every time he broke his promise, I would nag him several times, and would make a lot of noise to prevent the family from being peaceful. This was me when I was young, and I was a bad tempered little princess.

Ignorance at a young age

I entered the first grade of primary school that year. I was introverted. I was undoubtedly an obedient student in school. I took the teacher's words as the imperial edict. I would do whatever she asked me to do, and I would never make any mistakes. In fact, I'm also a little smart. That's because my grades are very good. I often get full marks in math. My father also dotes on me. At school, my teacher praised me, and my classmates envied me. Don't mention how happy I am! But I didn't think so at home. At that time, I was very naughty. I broke the glass at home when they didn't notice, so my father beat me up. I feel very aggrieved. I think my father doesn't love me anymore. I secretly hate him in my heart. They thought I was too young to understand anything at that time. In fact, I was also thoughtful. I had my own answers to everything, more love and hate. So during that time, I often fought with my father, and I gradually had a shadow in my heart. The bad tempered princess used to be so ignorant, but it also let us know each other better in the future.

The sun takes away the darkness

Once, I had a serious illness. Because I was very picky about food, my physique was not very good. As a result, I suffered from bronchitis on the basis of a cold. That's why I feel so bad. My throat is very uncomfortable. I can't sleep at all, but I have a bad cough. My father was on the night shift at that time. He came back at 12 o'clock and watched me gently embrace me in my arms and sit on his legs until dawn. I had a good sleep. When I got up in the morning, my father sat beside my bed. He stroked my forehead and saw that I still had a fever, so he took me to the hospital in a hurry. Soon, I put on the bottle, and my father looked at my pale face with distressed eyes and gently patted me to sleep. My father hardly slept for several days when I was ill. Since I was ill, my hatred for my father has been passed away by time. I know that my father still loves me, and hitting me is a kind of love.

In our growth process, there are more ups and downs. Maybe many people will give up on you, or sometimes they will give up on themselves, but my father will never give up on you. On the road of life, fatherly love is a touch of sunshine shining on oneself, very warm, very happy!

Sun in the Heart Composition [3]

It is another rainy day. Looking out of the window, a gray cloud covers my heart. I thought to myself: Why is there only darkness in my world? Where is my sunshine?

Rainy days always remind me. I don't understand why the seeds sown may not blossom? Why do flowering seeds not necessarily bear fruit? Why does it make people lose more miserably, lose more bitterly, and fall more painfully if they try again and again, fail again and again, and fall again and again? Why does the sentence "failure is the mother of success" mean nothing to me? Only I know that even in sunny weather, my heart is covered with dark clouds, and I will never feel the warmth of the sun.

One day, when I was sorting out books, I came across a beautiful article.

The article said: "Give yourself a piece of sunshine. Even if the future road is full of vicissitudes, we should also interpret our story to the soul. The long flute is blowing in the willow wind again. The lingering melodies, winding the tears of singing... Where there is a dream, there is a pursuit, there is hope. Thank God for leaving a window for us, gently open it, and the sun is coming.". There is hope and depression in the heart. Life has its ups and downs. The road is smooth and bumpy. Life is full of sunshine, rain and snow. There are always two windows in the soul. Only after opening the two windows can you have a complete life. " Seeing this, my heart was suddenly surprised. Oh, I was too negative, too pessimistic, and lack of perseverance. The more I pay, the more I will gain. I am not optimistic enough. Just like two people eating bread, half of the bread is eaten. The optimist says, "I'm too lucky, and there is still half of the bread." The pessimist says, "Alas, there is only half of the bread left." I belong to the latter. When something happens, I will only complain about the injustice of fate.

I finally understand that everyone is God's favorite. Although we cannot choose our destiny, we can change it. The deeds of great people from generation to generation have told me that fear of wind and rain may lead to missing the sun. While enjoying the sun, we must also bear some wind and rain. The whole world will make way for him who works hard towards his goal!

Try to store sunshine, keep your heart warm and bright all the time, let the flower of your heart bloom all the year round, let your heart have a "little sun" all the time, let the sun shine brightly in your heart, and let the dark clouds in your heart nowhere to hide.

Sun Composition 800 (14)

I dreamed that I had slept a long night, but there was no sign of dawn. Through the window, I saw that the sky outside was still full of stars, shining charming, shining like diamonds.

What's up? I am puzzled.

I walked to the window barefoot, and the air outside smelled heavy. The street lights were on lonely, and no pedestrians walked on the sidewalk. The car drove silently, without any lingering feeling. When the night wind blew, I was cold, so I curled up my hands and rubbed my arms slightly. At this moment, the phone rings. I was startled at first, and then quickly went to answer the question.

"Hello, how are you?"

"Hello, I'm the sun." The voice came from the other end of the microphone. I feel its silence, a kind of silence from the wonderful and mysterious space, which makes me awe inspiring.

wait! The sun? I was surprised that I didn't respond for a while. Instead, he said, "Are you wondering why I didn't show up?"

"Yes! I slept for a long time, but still woke up at night. Where are you?" I was a little excited. After all, the sun was talking to me!

"You hurt my favorite child, the earth." It said sadly, "I can't bear to watch you mutilate it again. It is so vulnerable! But you keep pulling out its hair, those green trees, every day! You also dirty its blood, those beautiful rivers. Do you know how terrible industrial wastewater is? Do you know that rivers also ache and groan? " The sun was excited, "I have given you too much! The growth of everything, the adjustment of the ecosystem, the change of the climate... all need me so much! If I don't appear again and leave my scarred child behind, can you bear all this?" Its tone was so regretful and indignant, like a knife straight into my heart.

"Since then, I will not shelter you." It said, "You can live and die." It quickly hung up the phone, leaving no room.

"No!" I exclaimed, and woke up. The room was dark. I hurriedly opened the heavy curtains and found that the sun had just risen. The surrounding clouds are pink. There were people on the street who were talking and laughing in twos and threes. They broke all my doubts and relieved my restlessness.

"If there is no sun tomorrow..." I muttered to myself. unable! As long as we love their favorite children, as long as we understand their importance. I believe that the sun will not leave us. Our world, every day will be sunny.

Sun Composition 800 (15)

Once you choose to chase the sun, you must go forward bravely and persevere.

I vaguely remember when I was a child, the adults around me were talking about college students. At that time, I didn't understand. My own understanding is that I am a pupil now, and I will be a college student when I grow up! Now think about how funny it is. Time flows like water day and night. Before I know it, I have entered the first round of review stage of senior three. Now I have to face the high school entrance examination for college. University is like the sun in my heart, always emitting a red hot light to attract me. It's not easy to chase it. There are so many examinees in the country, but only a few of them have a single wooden bridge. It is so difficult to pass. The only thing I can do now is to study hard, fill my mind with knowledge, use my pen as a weapon to fight, and be proud of the world in the bloody arena.

It's not easy to chase the sun. Every day we have to face stacks of exercises. The first thing we do in the morning is to calculate. From morning to night, I worked hard to calculate that the sky was gradually darkening. There are sweat beads hanging on the forehead all the time. The sweat on the back moistens the clothes. The clothes cling to the skin tightly, emitting a sweat sour smell. But at the moment, I don't feel the sour smell of sweat. I think it is a taste full of happiness.

In the face of a pile of practice questions piled up like a hill, sometimes I calculate a question for a long time but still can't figure out the result, so I have an impulse to tear the book. Every time, I always rub a piece of draft paper and throw it into the basket, and throw the pen into the corner of the desk. Tidy up your emotions, pick up your pen and continue to calculate. Even though this kind of life is very boring, I still feel very happy. In order to chase the sun in my heart, no matter how hard or tired it is, it is worth it.

Every morning, I always get up ten minutes early, eat breakfast early, and walk quickly in the campus. The wind in the morning always has a sweet and cool feeling. When I watch the sun rise slowly from the building, I smile with understanding. The sun, like the sun in my heart, is rising slowly.

There are more than 230 days to go before the college entrance examination. I always want to give up when I am tired and can fall asleep in bed. But I told myself again and again that one more day, one more day. One year later, we will persist in this way. I believe that in the hot June, I will smile very brightly, and the sun in my heart will emit dazzling light!

Sun Composition 800 (16)

The sunflower opened the book of its memory and told me that the stories with the palm facing the sun guided me and you who are reading this article.

He is Carlyle, a famous British historian. He worked hard to complete a book, "The History of the French Revolution", but before it was published, all of it was burned by servants carelessly. In the course of more than 20 years of creation, when each chapter was completed, he tore up and burned drafts and materials. Therefore, this means that everything must start again. He thought about giving up. It was so cruel that no one could face it calmly. In the choice, he stretched out his hand near the window and faced the sun. The sun whispered in his ear, "Come again! This is what you dream of. It's so long, what's impossible?" He heard the sun's whisper and began to run around again, writing. Over a long period of time, he constantly opened his hand and strengthened his belief again and again, so a true and complete History of the French Revolution, which has brought countless wealth to future generations, was born.

She is an ordinary mother. Before the earthquake, she was rushing home with new clothes for her children. When she was buried in the collapse of the passage, she thought of the bright and naughty smiling face of the child. At that moment, the sunlight that jumped earlier seemed to jump on her shoulder again, "Yes! I still have such a lovely child, how can I give up easily? Someone will save me soon! I will be saved, and I will definitely live!" The mother thought of calming down, and she waited for six days, each time when she was about to lose heart, She thought of that ray of sunshine, so she got up the courage again until others found her.

Perhaps you would say that Carlisle's story is too far away from me? I can't meet that earthquake? Indeed, not everyone has a magnificent and unforgettable life. Most of them are plain and follow the rules. However, no one's life will always be smooth and smooth. There are always so many frustrations. Maybe it's a failed exam, maybe it's a family quarrel, maybe you are lonely in the crowd, maybe the opportunity is gone, maybe you don't know where to go this night. These will make you confused and sad, but you can't do anything about it. It's a deep night, and you can't get away from it. But there is one thing that will not change. No matter the tide rises or falls, the stars change, and the night will always usher in the day. This is what I know from sunflowers. So how about you?

Make an appointment. On this long road of life, in that deep lane, let's face the sun with our hands, and hold the sun dancing in our hands. No matter when you don't doubt whether you can find the sun, yes, this beam of sunshine is called hope.