70 Selected Sentences Praising Fragmented Flowers
Sleeping in spring and not knowing the dawn
2023-02-09 01:58:09
Sentimental sentence

1. In the morning of flowers, the autumn scenery in front of the window is beautiful, moving and depressed. The continuous rain in autumn overnight makes everything moist and refreshing. A mist, like a dream mirror, like a veil, curls around my worried heart. Since I left my hometown, I felt the beautiful scenery in the mountain fog for the first time.

2. There can be no road, but there can be no step forward.

3. The sun is warm and quiet in autumn, the breeze is warm and soft in autumn, the blue sky, white clouds and grass are free and easy in autumn, and the fields are golden in autumn.

4. In the middle of the road, the phoenix died and fell to the east of the slope.

5. - Li Gongjun's Poems Maybe only when you slow down can you see what others can't see, hear what others can't hear, and think of what others can't think of.

6. When the wind blew, a large number of fallen leaves floated down from the mountain. The whole campus seems to have been cleaned by the golden grout. The golden leaves fluttered in the air and rolled from the air to the ground. The ground has long become a golden deep sea. Another gust of wind has passed. The leaves on the ground are like waves, wave after wave.

7. On the bank of Zhuqiao Lake, the former willows cannot recover the pace of time. They turn around quietly behind the season and throw their sorrows and arrogance into the rain, leaving only a piece of pure lead. The autumn water is always the same color as the sky. The rain is dark in that bay, like a beautiful woman. If no powder is applied, it is quiet and safe. Such autumn scenery, with bright vision, and with a clear sky, it is a bright mood.

8. (62) When a flower blooms, it is spring, and the garden is full of spring.

9. In autumn, in October, the leaves on the branches are as dry as tobacco leaves. The earth mother opens the spacious and bold as if she is welcoming the children who embrace and return. The withered leaves return to the arms of the earth mother and sleep with the sand sweetly.

10. October is the harvest season, and the beautiful northern Xinjiang is also beautiful: look at the endless paddy fields, where the rice waves are surging and golden, like the golden deep sea.

11. In Hongxing Village, cattle and sheep enter the enclosure every time.

12. When I am unhappy, music allows me to open my heart to her, so as to get rid of the dark clouds of depression; When I was hit by the music, I immersed myself in it and slowly found the truth that "the more setbacks, the more courage".

13. The sports center in Guangzhou is very spectacular.

14. This sadness will always take you to experience a helpless parting in life and death.

15. The wind has stopped, and the dust contains the fragrance of flowers, which have withered away. The sun has risen high, but I am too lazy to come to make up.

16. 146. When a sentimental woman meets Leng Langjun, I intend to be a rattan tree, but the heart of Lang is iron, and I am innocent.

17. The sun in summer is like a big stove, baking the earth hot. Even the air is hot, and people sweat when they move.

18. A book is like a ladder, which can lead us to the palace of knowledge.

19. She has decorated the beautiful autumn scenery of Manshan Mountain with weathering.

20. Flowers bloom, flowers fall, and dust returns. The withered flowers are bleak, and the joys and sorrows of life are more changeable.

21. If you expect freedom, you should understand that women's real freedom does not lie in how much money they have, but in how much time they can spend freely, and at the same time, they can have food, clothing, housing, and creativity and dignity.

22. Whose fleeting time is promised by the river of Sansheng.

23. It is not a matter of fighting or unyielding. Everything passes too fast, but has not been treasured yet.

24. In the afternoon in mountainous areas, autumn is pleasant. Just now, it was a very white dark blue sky, but now suddenly came several transparent gauze like clouds, which are charming and charming. The more you look at them, the more they look like pieces of dark blue cloaks and white scarves, the more they contrast with each other on the fairy, the more beautiful scenery of late autumn comes into being.

25. The feet of male rabbits are flapping, and the eyes of female rabbits are blurred.

26. We have wasted many years of life. When we are not striving to climb, we are wasting our time in a daze.

27. It was also a day of heroic autumn wind. Standing in front of the window, I quietly saw the falling maple leaves in front of the window, like small flames falling from the sky one after another, which was extremely beautiful.

28. When others criticize you, just be a little unhappy, but don't be angry, because it's probably true.

29. The happiness is that when you are sick, he is also sick; Unfortunately, he recovered, but you were unable to get up.

30. The little grey rabbit happily said thank you.

31. Adolescence is most likely to show feelings of joy, anger and joy, and it is very strong.

32. Jiang Shiquan's "Home at the End of the Year" wipes the snivel for his children, you whine and anger, but you are happy in your heart; Children naughty you spank, but pain in the heart; You encourage your children to travel far away, but you care about them; If you are happy with your children, you can rest assured; This is maternal love! I wish all mothers happiness! Mother's Day is the best holiday in the world.

33. The crickets on the grassland and fields are louder, but the streams are cleaner because they are dry.

34. The sea is full and shining in the setting sun. The waves jump like naughty children, and the water is golden.

35. Due to the accumulation of stream water, wild geese cut off the northern Xinjiang, and the frosty weather was cool. The sound of autumn is hidden, the rhyme of autumn is faded, and the resentment of autumn is getting stronger. But I appreciate the beautiful beauty of my hometown in the deep winter.

36. On this day, the six sisters suddenly received the same emergency notice that a pregnant woman was about to give birth, and the hospital needed to go to her home immediately for treatment.

37. Looking at his smiling face, I guess it must be the implementation of the work problem.

38. Walking in the broad street under the sun, you don't need to compare the roads in Beijing with those in Shanghai. But in the south, after all, the beauty of flowers and trees appeared earlier. The golden flowers of mango trees, with a little fragrance, will remind you that this is Guangzhou, the flower city, if you sit quietly and the fragrance of flowers lures you.

39. When flowers bloom most brightly, they naturally wither. Enthusiasm will naturally dissipate when you give it the most.

40. The falling flowers gradually enter the charming eyes and disappear once they fall. How many flowers bloom and how many flowers fail in life. In fact, everything is the way of reincarnation# Poetry.

41. One of the questions I can do is good, and I won't lose any points.

42. The sun in early autumn is like a quilt with an orange lamp cover, which emits a gentle light source and makes the body and face warm.

43. Dark clouds covered the sky, and it was dark before my eyes.

44. The crossroads of life is a multiple-choice question. Careful selection can ensure the correct direction. Confused choices are easy to go astray, and giving up choices will lead to disorientation.

45. There are beautiful women in the south. They look like peaches and plums.

46. The most beautiful scenery is just a flash. The most beautiful flowers will wither and wither, as will the scenery, flowers and people. Although the world is good, it will never come again in the next life.

47. Autumn, the season of acquisition, the golden season -- as delightful as spring, as passionate as summer, and as beautiful and moving as winter.

48. The willow leaves are curling, the florets are hanging their heads, the earth is steaming, the lake is hot, and the dragonfly is flying low on the lake. This is that it is telling the fish: good news, it is going to rain.

49. I held you in my arms that night and told you to wear that thing in your ear. You said it would be nice not to wear it. Now it's the safety period. It's OK... What should the traffic police do without wearing a helmet.

50. "New Sound of Willows" is a blockbuster.

51. It is autumn when the flowers wither, and yellow leaves fall on the branches. The mellow wine dyed the fragrance, and the full moon shone brightly in the Qionglou.

52. How far away has this autumn been from the other way? Fragmented flowers walked over the bamboo bridge of years, from the big city to the village, and with cool style, they also walked into the small station in everyone's heart, staying in the deepest part of my text, and let me still recite alone in this season of fragmented flowers!

53. Flowers

54. The white and flawless lilies are blooming in the spring, just like the trumpet playing majestic music, which makes people very friendly.

55. The key is that each member is both a king and a soldier, so we should build it to guard it, harmoniously adjust our domestic and foreign affairs, and handle our border defense.

56. Autumn is the season of great harvest. From a distance, the boundless rice fields are full of intoxicating gold. Under the direct sunlight, they are more and more brilliant, like gold everywhere.

57. Looking at the red maple tree, the thin top of the tree is exposed, and the ground is like colorful brocade. There are still two or three or three or four leaves left on the shoot by the northwest wind, shining in Chaoyang District. Until yesterday, the cherry trees were covered with golden clouds, but this morning, they were thin. The leaves are like yellow dishes in late spring, dotted here and there.

58. The visa is about to come down, and my mother and father are picking up things for me. This is when I saw that my father and mother were silent. Then I found that my father and mother are no longer young.

59. Love is simple, because everyone will say, "I love you and will give everything for you.

60. With a low chirp, the autumn scenery is unconsciously sinking into the dark rain, which is cold. The lack of clothes can't resist the chill of upper body. Holding a cup of tea, coveting the warmth. "The autumn scenery is far and near, and when you go out, you will see the cold mountains". There are distant branches everywhere. The air conditioner moves through, gently brushing the rain and dark, gently brushing the maple red, teasing different coldness. Sometimes the withered leaves drifting with the wind dance sadly in the wind of the flowers.

61. In terms of safety, do not hurt yourself, do not hurt others, do not be hurt by others, and protect others from being hurt.

62. Although the flowers are beautiful, they will eventually wither. Although people are good, they will eventually grow old; Although the grass is green, it will wither in the end.

63. The vehicles in early autumn are very solemn and cheerful. After self-study, the sky is dark, which makes people feel very secret. There are a few stars in the high sky to decorate

64. Showing in the rain frees my whole body and enables me to enjoy the beauty of nature at zero distance.

65. Autumn has always been a sad season in my mind. With withering and fading, it interprets a jumbled end, as if all the mind and body were separated little by little, leaving only pure pain.

66. No matter in that era, the meeting between people is the most beautiful fate.

67. - "Five Chants on Vegetation, Citron": Song Qi gathered like a duckweed and scattered like clouds, and Jianghu surnames were always heard.

68. The white lily wears a snow-white dress, letting the wind blow, and the fragrance spreads to the whole house.

69. Choose a positive attitude towards life, so that you will no longer tremble because of bureaucratic intrigues, and will no longer feel sad because of social dishonesty.

70. When others compliment you, it's OK to be happy secretly, but you can't take it seriously, because in nine cases out of ten, you will be tricked.