Qinling Mountain (6 compilations)
Man is not a sage
2023-12-27 02:24:52
primary school

Qinling Mountain (1)

It's a fine day today, so I went to Qinling Mountain with my parents.

After breakfast, we set out. After a long ride, we finally arrived at the foot of the mountain. I saw many rolling mountains, which were really magnificent. The winding mountain roads surrounded the mountains like a long dragon, and there were clear streams flowing in the mountains. We continued to drive into the mountains. The scenery on the mountains was really fascinating, I saw that the leaves on the mountain were redder and yellower, like putting on a flower skirt for Aunt Qiu. There were birds' nests on tall trees, and I saw some trees hung with "red lanterns". I asked my mother curiously what it was. My mother told me that it was a long ripe persimmon. There are also some people selling wild kiwi along the road. We stopped the car and tasted one. It's really sweet. It's the best kiwi I've ever tasted. After buying some, we continued to walk to the top of the mountain.

At the top of the mountain, the weather here was completely different. The fog was thick and the cold wind was biting. When the fog met the cold air, it turned into frost and hung on the trees, forming a wonderful natural scene. Mother took some photos, because it was too cold, we went down the mountain.

Qinling Mountain (2)

My hometown is Zhouzhi County, Xi'an City, which is a beautiful place; The most famous place in my hometown is the continuous Qinling Mountains. In spring, summer, autumn and winter, each season has its own beauty.

Spring is warm, flowers are blooming, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, and Qinling Mountain is no exception in spring. The stream thawed and began to flow happily, making a pleasant sound of "clattering"; The bird flew back from the south and returned to the branch at the door of the house. It sang and made a pleasant sound. At this moment, a warm wind blew, grass drilled its head out of the soil, flowers opened their smiling faces, and the small tree sprouted new shoots... everything seemed to wake up. After a spring rain, the bamboo shoot doll also appeared, took off its layers of clothing, and was about to grow into bamboo.

In summer, the plants have reached the peak, the streams are more joyful, and the birds sing along, making pleasant sounds; The little frog couldn't help but jump out of his nest and sing along with them. It was a wonderful concert! At this time, the mountain also bears fruits, including wild strawberries, which are delicious.

In autumn, in this harvest season, Qinling Mountain is no exception. Many people go up to pick all kinds of wild fruits and vegetables; In addition, the upper layer of the forest is dyed with leaves of all colors, red and yellow. From a distance, Qinling Mountain is a beautiful oil painting.

When winter comes, in this snow covered season, it is "birds in thousands of mountains fly away, and people in thousands of paths disappear." It seems that there is no life in ordinary days, but under the thick snow, there is still new life. Listen, under the thick snow, mountain streams are murmuring.

This is the Qinling Mountain in my hometown, the beautiful Qinling Mountain, whose beauty makes me linger; Every weekend, I would go there to climb mountains and see the scenery. I love Qinling Mountain in my hometown, but also my beautiful hometown!

Qinling Mountain (3)

In the morning, my mother and I walked happily on the way to Fengyukou in the morning sun.

Along the way, we saw many beautiful scenery, willows on both sides of the road had sprouted green branches, and colorful flowers were in full bloom, as if to tell us that Spring Girl is coming.

Soon we came to the foot of Qinling Mountain. It was so tall and powerful, but it revealed its beauty from time to time. Under the wind of spring, the mountains have put on a green coat. The peaks come and go in different shapes, some like bamboo shoots, some like palms, and some like lions. The spring water slowly flows down from the mountain. At the foot of the mountain is a clear stream.

At this time, I could not restrain my excitement and could not wait to pull my mother to climb the mountain. From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, there is an artificial winding stone step. At first, I confidently took this big step to run up the mountain, but soon, I was tired and panting. At this time, my mother told me that I should not rush to climb the mountain, but climb slowly at a constant speed, so as to maintain my strength and reach the top of the mountain. In this way, my mother and I slowed down our pace and took a rest. I found that there were many thousand year old trees on the mountain. They were all in different shapes. The grass and wild flowers in the mountains also drilled out their little heads from the arms of the land mother, sending out bursts of fragrance. About three hours later, we finally reached the top of the mountain, although we were exhausted. However, when my mother and I stood on the top of the mountain, the excitement made us forget our fatigue. Overlooking the distant scenery, everything is so beautiful and the air is fresh, which is really a natural oxygen bar. The cool mountain wind blew in, and I felt like I was immersed in poetry and painting.

I love nature, but also the mountains and rivers of our hometown.

Qinling Mountain (4)

This is a memory from a long time ago. One day, my parents, grandparents and I went to Qinling Mountain to play. As soon as the bus arrived, I couldn't wait. I pushed the door open and rushed to the front of Qinling Mountain.
The wind of Qinling Mountain is very gentle, just like my mother's hand gently caressing me, I looked up and saw the sun. It was a red sun, but this was not the main thing. It was the main thing in front of me. It was a tall stone mountain, and the mountain was connected with the sky! Many people beside me looked up at the top of the mountain, and I thought, "If I really climbed up, how great it would be!" My dream came true! But, do you know? Between the dream and the reality, I don't know how many times I failed. Grandma and my mother worked hard to cheer me on. I moved step by step and climbed up carefully with my hands. My nails were black. Finally, I climbed to the top of the mountain. At that time, I almost fell down excitedly. At that time, I really realized the words in Huashan: "Raise your head and the red sun is near, look back and the white clouds are low." Really, the sun is right in front of me.
But I can't get down! I was so frightened that I looked back at the crowd and waited for a kind man to save me. My nimble father came up and saved me, which scared me into a cold sweat!

Qinling Mountain (5)

I am covered with lush trees, like a green ocean; The spring on my body flows like blood, moistening everything and making the air fresh and sweet. All kinds of birds are singing in the branches and dancing happily in the branches, which brings me joy.

I am also a paradise for animals. The lovely giant pandas have also made their homes here. They all live freely in my arms.

People say I am the back garden of Xi'an people. I don't know when people came to my arms to enjoy my beauty. I am very proud of this.

Soon, my troubles came. People barbecue by the river, smoke rises everywhere, and the air is filled with a choking smell. People throw away plastic bags and drink cans after eating. There is garbage everywhere, and some of them flow away with the river. Some people even cut down my trees and built houses.

I'm in pain! How I want to go back to my peaceful life. I really want to protect my beautiful coat!

Qinling Mountain (6)

The green peaks stretch in majestic blue.

Protect the ancestral land of Sanqin.

The descendants pay tribute to their father.

The imperial capital Chang'an is the dragon head.

Anlan, Huanghe Town, Huayue.

Where is your home?

Climb up the Qinling Mountains and look at Qinchuan.