My Rabbit Friend (11 preferred)
Lifetime love
2023-12-14 05:05:42

My rabbit friend (1)

My mother's friend gave us a white rabbit one day. My mother's friend said that she had no time to look after it, so she put it in our house temporarily.

I think she is shy and always keeps her head down.

It is very particular when eating. It doesn't eat leaves with water on them, but only leaves with clean water on them. The same is true for carrots, which can't touch any water. Otherwise, it will have diarrhea. The rabbit will eat the carrots when their skin is peeled. Otherwise, it can't bite.

We have to clean the feces it pulls every day. The feces it pulls out are really smelly.

We open the door of its cage every day, but it just doesn't come out. It stays in the cage all day, just like a child who likes learning and stays in the room all the time, unwilling to go out for a walk.

This rabbit, with snow-white fur, is picky and cute. It is always unwilling to go out and only wants to stay in the cage. I like it very much!

My Rabbit Friend (2)

"Little rabbit, little rabbit, it's so nice to jump up!" A cheerful song rippled in my ears, reminding me of my lovely and lively little rabbit!

The rabbit has a unique appearance. It has a snow-white fur on its body, like wearing a "skirt" of Snow White. There are several whiskers on both sides of a small three flap mouth. We all said: "People's eyes are bright." I think the rabbit is very suitable, because it has a pair of big red eyes, which are crystal clear, just like ruby; The little rabbit also has a pair of big and long ears, drooping down, and its tail is round and short and fluffy, which is really cute!

Do you know what Little Rabbit likes best? That's carrots. Every day I put some carrots in the cage. The rabbit ate carrots very carefully and lovingly. Don't believe it. Look: the rabbit first circled around the carrots for several times, then sniffed them with its sharp nose, and then touched the carrots with its white and tender "little hands". After confirming that the carrots were not dangerous, it began to eat carrots with peace of mind. Do you think the rabbit is very cute!

The little white rabbit is very clever. There are tigers, lions and other beasts in the forest. If the rabbit can't protect itself, it is easy to fall into the tiger's mouth or lead wolves into the house; Because in a song, the wolf sang like this: "Little rabbit, open the door, open it quickly, I want to come in." Because the little rabbit is very smart, it didn't open the door to the wolf! Do you think the rabbit is very smart!

After listening to my description, do you want to know more about Little Rabbit. I hope you like and care for the rabbit as much as I do, because it is cute, smart, and our good friend!

My Rabbit Friend (3)

My family once had a white and lovely rabbit. Do you want to know its story? Now please listen to my explanation slowly!

It is my darling and the apple of my eye. All day long, I am like a professional waiter. As long as it cries out, I will quickly pick up countless fresh green leaves to feed it "respectfully". Look at the way it eats vegetables. It uses its small mouth to eat the leaves bit by bit. It seemed that he was enjoying a delicious meal. When he was full, he began to lick my hand again. Its little pink tongue bit by bit licked my palm, and it scratched me and laughed.

He gently rubbed my clothes with his head again, as if to say to me: "Good master, get me some more leaves! I looked at his poor appearance, and still took a lot of leaves. When he saw the leaves, he immediately devoured them, grabbed them and quickly ate them again. Then he put on a lovely expression, one moment he rubbed my face, one moment he rubbed here, and after a while. It fell asleep on me again. Seeing its lovely appearance, I was reluctant to wake it up. Although it is greedy, it will repay me! It often amuses me, sometimes tickles me, sometimes plays with me. Sometimes he licks me! When I was doing my homework, it always looked at me with love and wouldn't let me leave.

How about this? This is my little rabbit, cute!

My Rabbit Friend (4)

Naonao is a special rabbit I brought back from my grandmother's house. He is snow-white, like a round snowball!

His two ears were long and hung down on his heart like head, so he quickly pricked up his ears to detect everything around him when he heard the sound. Especially because the hair around his white eyes is black, people who see him always think he is a relative of pandas. His eyes are also very beautiful, red and transparent, shining like two rubies. When eating carrots, the three valve mouth moves every time, which is very interesting.

Every morning, I would run to the small cage to see it. It turned out that the rabbit also wanted to dress up. First, it licked its little paws with its tongue, and then rubbed its face. After taking him to wash, I would put fresh vegetables or carrots into its bowl.

Naonao is a very lively rabbit. It always jumps up and down in the cage as if it had escaped from the cage. It looks like a little naughty boy. When it gets worried, I call it Naonao. In the summer evening, when I am satisfied with Naonao, I will take him out for a walk and play on the grass. Sometimes he will jump on the green grass, and sometimes he will sleep under the trees.

I like my noisiness.

My Rabbit Friend (5)

How cute the rabbit is! The eyes are red, the ears are long, and the whole body is white, like a snowball in the snow. People can't help but want to touch it!

Rabbits are cute, smart and cute animals. They like to eat vegetables and carrots without meat. It's really troublesome for vegetarians to feed them. Even if they are hungry, they will wait for you to go to eat. They are like ancient princesses. It's really difficult to serve them!

The rabbit is very beautiful. Its red eyes look like rubies. It's lovely with its snow-white body and furry tail

Rabbit likes to bask in the sun. He always combs his hair in the sun. He stretches his legs and kicks off the dirt on his hair. He washes his face with money claws. It's very comfortable

Rabbits never hibernate, and even when they sleep at night, they will get up immediately and be very alert. Rabbits are very afraid of walking around when they see streams, rivers and rivers. Although Rabbits say that they can swim, they only know simple methods. When the running water is a little bit urgent, rabbits can be drowned by water, so they are very afraid of water

The rabbit's nest is made of dead leaf moss soil. Spread the moss evenly in the nest, and then mix the soil and leaves together on the moss. The rabbit's nest will be built

The rabbit is as happy as a mute, or whether it is happy or not, or whether it is silent. It is golden to keep silent. Only when it is beaten can it make a pathetic cry, which is not much louder than the sound of a mouse

Rabbits have strong reproductive capacity. They can give birth to three to four babies at one birth. When they are born, they have no hair and their whole body is as smooth as a small mouse. When they are born, they are orange flesh and grow up to be white.

Well, my animal friend will tell you that. Which animal is your animal friend? Come on

My Rabbit Friend (6)

[Chapter 1]

My animal friend, rabbit, has a pair of long and sharp ears on its head. The red blood on the ears is faintly visible, and the two red eyes are shining like two rubies. I guess it was because it lost the race with the tortoise and cried its eyes red? Its mouth is small and divided into three parts. And the furry tail, like a small ball. Although it is short, it starts fast.

The little rabbit has a strange personality. Call it cute. Sometimes, no matter how much you tease it when it plays with you, it will be caressed like a cute baby, and will play coquetry with you from time to time. Rub your legs and lick your feet. Sometimes I really doubt that it is the little jade rabbit of Chang'e sister in the sky. Otherwise, how could it be so cute?

But when you shut it in the cage, it will stand on tiptoe and use its claws to grasp the cage as if it had to break it. Two red eyes are still staring at you, and his mouth seems to be still muttering: "Let me out! Let me out!" At this time, I just need to feed him some of his favorite vegetables, and he will devour them all. It also makes a sound of "bazaar! Bazaar!". It seems that it never has enough to eat. It has a strange appetite, and sometimes I really doubt that it was reincarnated from a hungry wolf in its previous life. You can't help but keep feeding.

Every time I come home from school, the rabbit will run towards me, jump into my arms, and keep rubbing against my chest. How happy we are running and playing together! Sometimes I go to do my homework and ignore it for the time being. It will play the game of wooden people by itself. Sometimes, one position can stay still for more than ten minutes.

This is my animal friend Little Rabbit. If you see him, you will definitely like him.

[Chapter 2]

Mom bought me a little white rabbit, which is very cute. Let me introduce it to you!

My little white rabbit is called Xiaobai, and it is hairy all over. Its ears are so high that it can hear any wind or grass moving. Two eyes are red, like two rubies, and the tail is short, like a small pompon, very cute!

The little white rabbit is very changeable. When he is happy, he is more gentle and amiable than anyone else, jumping around in the living room. If he is not happy! Just sit there foolishly, motionless, like a wooden man, so funny!

The way it eats is more interesting. Once, I played with Xiaobai. I used carrots to attract Xiaobai. Xiaobai's drool was left behind, as if to say, "I'm starving. Give me some!" I held the carrot in my hand and deliberately raised it higher. Xiaobai jumped up. When it jumped up, I raised it again. It stared at me as if there was fire in its eyes. If it was not fed, it would be angry. I slowly lowered my hand a little. Xiaobai jumped up and met the carrot. He grabbed it and walked away. Look, it sniffs and eats up.

He is very popular with our family. We often take him to the park below. He is not impatient. He always waits for us to help him choose a place with rich grass, and then slowly walks his elegant "rabbit step" in the small green sky, enjoying the food we carefully selected for him.

Looking at the rabbit so happy, our hearts are happier!

My Rabbit Friend (7)

During the summer vacation, I went to visit my grandparents in the countryside.

Entering the door, I saw a group of rabbits, some white, some shiny. I picked up one of them, but it kicked my hand violently. It hurt and I quickly released my hand. Grandma saw it and told me, "Just pull its ear and lift it up." I remembered that once when I didn't finish my homework, my mother pulled my ear with her hands, but it hurt. It would hurt if I pulled the rabbit's ear.

How can we make friends with the rabbit? At this time, I saw a basket of radishes behind the door. I tried my best to take the basket out from behind the door, picked up a radish and squatted on the ground, saying, "Little rabbit, this is your favorite food." It seemed that the little rabbit understood my words, and rushed to eat the radishes. I was so happy to see them taste delicious one by one! I picked up a rabbit, and it really stopped kicking me. It was very intimate with me!

I have made so many "friends", I feel very happy!

My Rabbit Friend (8)

We all have our favorite animals. Some people like smart kittens. Some people like flying birds. But my favorite animals are cute rabbits

Rabbits are cute, intelligent and cute animals. They like to eat vegetables and carrots. They don't eat meat at all. They are really vegetarians

The rabbit is very beautiful. Its red eyes look like rubies. It's lovely with its snow-white body and furry tail

Rabbit likes to bask in the sun. He always combs his hair in the sun. He stretches his legs and kicks off the dirt on his hair. He washes his face with money claws. It's very comfortable

Rabbits never hibernate, and even when they sleep at night, they will get up immediately and be very alert. Rabbits are very afraid of walking around when they see streams, rivers and rivers. Although Rabbits say that they can swim, they only know simple methods. When the running water is a little bit urgent, rabbits can be drowned by water, so they are very afraid of water

The rabbit's nest is made of dead leaf moss soil. Spread the moss evenly in the nest, and then mix the soil and leaves together on the moss. The rabbit's nest will be built

The rabbit is as happy as a mute, or whether it is happy or not, or whether it is silent. It is golden to keep silent. Only when it is beaten can it make a pathetic cry, which is not much louder than the sound of a mouse

Rabbits have strong reproductive capacity. They can give birth to three to four babies at one birth. When they are born, they have no hair and their whole body is as smooth as a small mouse. When they are born, they are orange flesh and grow up to be white.

Well, my animal friend will tell you that. Which animal is your animal friend? Come on

My Rabbit Friend (9)

The ancients said, "If you have a bosom friend in life, you will die without regret." Is it really that important to have friends? I also have a special friend.

Speaking of my friend, he looks really strange. A white dress, two blood red eyes set in the face, these two eyes like ruby set off the dress more beautiful. Ah! By the way, its ears are also one of its characteristics. Its ears are hairy and surprisingly long. You should know who it is! Yes, it is my good friend Mr. Rabbit.

My rabbit came to my house as a gift when I was seven years old. For seven years, after school every day, the first thing I did when I came home was to see if the rabbit was hungry or thirsty. Day after day, year after year. Under my careful care, it finally grew from a skinny little rabbit to a big fat rabbit.

I have been going out with Little Rabbit for so many years, and we have experienced many unforgettable things together. There are painful and happy ones.

One sunny afternoon when I was nine years old, rabbit and I hid in our room and enjoyed delicious afternoon tea. I ate cake, while rabbit ate delicious vegetable leaves and cried "sticks" while eating. Suddenly, my mother opened the door and came in. She just knocked over the cup full of soda water beside the door, and the soda water flowed into the rabbit's "house", wetting all the hay. I quickly put away the cake, picked up a piece of dry cloth, dried the soda on the ground, and thought: Ouch! Is the rabbit all right? Turning around, I saw that the rabbit was still leisurely eating the vegetable leaves. I was relieved.

Two days later, the rabbit suddenly became ill. I held it in my arms and rushed to the animal clinic. The doctor took the rabbit, examined it for a while, and said, "There is nothing serious. Just take some medicine, but young man, you should pay attention to drying the grass in the rabbit's nest before it can sleep, or it will get sick." After listening to the doctor's words, I remembered the sprinkling of steam water two days ago, and suddenly felt sorry for the rabbit. Tears rushed out of his eyes, It wet my face at once. At this time, the rabbit leaned against my face with its body, and pushed its hind legs hard, trying to dry my face with its own body. I looked at the rabbit, and saw that the rabbit's mouth kept moving and made a sound of "Zhizhi", as if to say: "Master, stop crying, I'm all right." Looking at the rabbit, I broke into tears and smiled, stroking the rabbit with both hands.

If you have a bosom friend in life, you will die without regret. I also want to cherish my bosom friend and cherish my friend.

My Rabbit Friend (10)

There is a little rabbit in my house. It's called Grey Ball. Why is it called Grey Ball? Because its tail is grey, it is called grey ball. Grey Ball was given to me by my neighbor when he moved. When she gave it to me, she told me: "Clean the food for him, let him run every day, and give him some wood chips to grind his teeth... There is no way to check it online." Then she left, alas!

Grey ball, it has a pair of ears that are neither long nor short, standing on its head obediently. It feels fluffy and very comfortable; Its eyes are different from those of other red eyed rabbits. It is gray because its eyes do not have so many blood vessels; Its tail is gray and a bit long, but its hair is white. In my eyes, it is really an extraordinary rabbit!

One day, when I came back from shopping, I saw Grey Ball looking at me pitifully. I didn't know what he was doing. I gave him carrots and he didn't eat them. I guess he wanted to go out and play. Sure enough, as soon as I opened the cage, the grey ball came out and was bouncing around in the living room. Grey Ball and I played very well in the living room, but Grey Ball suddenly screamed, which made me jump. Fortunately, I did my homework ahead of time, and I knew that Grey Ball was happy and satisfied to grind his teeth; Goo goo is dissatisfied and angry; Screaming is fear and pain; The sound of blowing is self-protection. It seems that I hurt it. I should be more careful in the future!

This is my animal friend. How is it, cute? I like my grey ball!

My Rabbit Friend (11)

One afternoon in July, my mother bought three ducklings and two rabbits.

I don't know where she got two paper boxes, which were filled with ducks and rabbits respectively. Then she put the two paper boxes at the door of the unit. After putting them down, a lot of little Doudou came to watch and feed them. She talked about the origin of the rabbit again (there are about ten or twenty words, so I won't talk about it in detail). She said that she bought it under the ×× Bridge. She bought it when she thought it was fun.

After we went upstairs, we told our father, and after that, we began to play with the rabbit. The father said, "Look, this little rabbit must have been born for only one month." Mother: "Put it on the south platform."!

After the dog left, the rabbit arrived at the big platform in the north, and later we gradually got to know each other. A few days later, a neighbor sent her rabbit to my house and said that she wanted a pot of stew. Hum! Let her dream. Besides, rabbits are my friends. How can I eat them!