600 words for a touching thing in fifth grade (8 required articles)
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2024-03-06 07:59:46
fifth grade

A Moved Event in Grade Five 600 Words (1)

Moving is a blue sky. Looking up at the sky makes our hearts clearer and clearer; Moving is a thick book. Reading books makes our hearts more relaxed and happy; Moving is a lovely puppet. Playing with puppet can make our hearts more happy and innocent!

I remember when my blog was recommended by xxt for the first time, I was very happy. I excitedly ran to my mother, shook her arm, proudly boasted: "Mom, Mom, my article has been recommended!" I thought I would get praise from my mother. But to my surprise, my mother said with a serious face, "Modesty makes people progress, and pride makes people lag behind." When I heard that, my face sank and I went upstairs unhappily. But I didn't believe my mother's words. I thought: Although this sentence is a classic sentence, it can't really regress because I'm happy! Anyway, I didn't put my mother's words at ease.

Later, the teacher assigned us a proposition composition. I thought that composition was my strong point, so I didn't have to worry about it at all. I could pass the exam with a little writing, and maybe I could be recommended! So I wrote it carelessly, without thinking about whether it was off the topic or not, whether it was rich in content or not, whether it was echoed at the beginning or the end, so I paid the difference. Unexpectedly, I didn't pass the exam! And because I rewrote this composition four times, I passed the exam. Now I thought of my mother's sentence: "Modesty makes people progress, while pride makes people lag behind". My heart is very sour. Since then, every time the teacher assigns a composition, I will think carefully, then write a framework, and finally write in detail. My articles basically pass the exam at one time and are recommended from time to time.

Until now, the words "modesty makes people progress, pride makes people lag behind" have been deeply engraved in my heart, because it contains strong maternal love, which moved me!

A Moved Event in Grade Five 600 Words (2)

In the long river of my memory, there are many things that move me like the stars in the sky, bright and shining. Among these things, there is one of the brightest stars, which is the most touching thing, the most unforgettable thing, and the most unforgettable thing.

I remember that it was a sunny day. When I walked out of my house, the breeze hit me. The wind was full of dew and gardenia. How refreshing it is in the morning!

Suddenly I remembered that there were still some homework that I couldn't write, so I just went to find my friend. Walking on the road, birds call my name, dewdrops exchange eyes with me. Everything is so beautiful. So we arrived at my friend's house.

I asked her cheerfully: "Have you finished your homework?"? She said no. Otherwise, let's write together. If not, you can ask, I said.

We started to write the questions. I had a smooth journey. Suddenly, a big stone blocked my way. I wondered what to do. At this time, my savior came, and my good friend began to explain it to me. So I solved the big stone in two or three times, and then I continued to write for ten minutes, 20 minutes... I finally finished writing, and then my good friend finished writing.

So I looked out and it was getting dark. It also rained heavily. I saw the scene and immediately ran out. I naturally said to myself, "Why am I so unlucky? God, why do you treat me like this... Suddenly, my good friend came out, and she came with an umbrella and a raincoat. She put on my raincoat and took me home with an umbrella. At this time, my heart is like being warmed by a warm flame. At the same time, I am also full of emotion.

When I got home, all my thoughts were pinned on the small umbrella and raincoat. Although this is a small thing, it is my friend's concern for me and the friendship between us. So it is the most dazzling stars in the sky, the most touching and unforgettable thing for me.

A Moved Event in Grade Five 600 Words (3)

There are many moving moments in life. There is a small thing that I am excited to think of so far. Let's share it with you. That's what happened when I was 12 years old.

One afternoon in the summer of that year, my mother and I went to the supermarket. Just entering the door, I saw a soda seller nearby, and asked my mother: "Mom, are you thirsty? Let me buy two bottles of soda to drink?" My mother said, "Do you want to drink?" I blushed. "Then you can buy a bottle." Mom said and gave me money. I went to buy a bottle. After drinking water, I saw the ice-cream seller again, so I thought of it again. I asked my mother to buy it for me, but she said nothing. I don't give up. My mother had no choice but to promise me. I feel a little complacent. After finishing the ice cream in three or two times, he threw the box behind him and wanted to chase his mother. Suddenly a voice behind me called me. I turned around and saw a grandfather in his sixties. He said, "It's wrong for you to litter, kid.", But because of my face, I just didn't want to pick it up. The old man saw that I had not moved, and slowly bent down to pick up the box. I was really sorry to see him struggling so hard. Why did I run to pick it up and throw it in the garbage can. I looked at him and said, "I'm sorry, Grandpa, it's my fault. Would you please forgive me?" He said happily, "It's great to know your mistakes. You are a good boy, and you must not litter in the future." I thought he would teach me a lesson, but I didn't expect him to say that. I nodded hurriedly and said, "I will not lose it". My heart is full of gratitude to him.

Grandfather said that and walked away. Then my mother came back and asked me what was wrong. After I told my mother everything with a red face, my mother said, "Grandpa is right, and my mother hopes that you will be brave to take responsibility for whatever you do wrong in the future. Only in this way can you be respected and have a foothold in the society." I bowed my head with shame.

A Moved Event in Grade Five 600 Words (4)

One thing that moved me

There must be something unforgettable and touching in everyone's heart. For example, your parents sent you to the hospital on a stormy night; Another example is that your relatives send you umbrellas when they are far away. I also have such an experience. Although his time with me was very short, he left a deep impression on me.

I remember that at noon on a Wednesday, I went home with several classmates as usual. Unfortunately, when I was crossing the road, an oncoming bicycle hit me on all fours, which must have caused serious injuries. I touched my head gently, ah! bleeding! When I was young, I sat down on the ground and was scared out of my wits. Just then, a young uncle came over. Seeing my head broken and bleeding, he immediately took a taxi to take me to Yijishan Hospital.

Along the way, I couldn't open my eyes because of the pain, and cried out for pain. The uncle kept comforting me and taking care of me. When I got to the hospital, I was pushed into the operating room. I saw the lights of a dozen operating lights coming at me, which made me fall asleep. Unconsciously, the operation was finished, but I didn't feel any pain at all. After a while, I suddenly remembered my mother, and kept shouting: "Mom, Mom!" The uncle asked my phone number, and I told him in a hurry to ask him to call my parents. At this time, I felt a little hungry. The uncle knew it and immediately went downstairs to buy food for me. I soon fell asleep again.

When I woke up, the uncle, father, mother, teacher and classmates were all around me. I was very moved. That scene was so moving. I bit my lips hard, trying to restrain myself from tears. But in the end, the big tears came out of my eyes. These are tears of emotion and friendship!

I think that this touching event will be deeply impressed in my mind and will never be forgotten!

A Moved Event in Grade Five 600 Words (5)

Grade 5 Volume 2 Chinese Unit 4 Composition: A thing that moved me 600 words

Some things are forgotten with the passage of time, but some things can not be forgotten for a long time, because it has been deeply engraved in the heart. It is a stone fixed in the mind, a big tree growing on the memory land, and a pearl living in the shell. It is it that moves you deeply and makes you remember it in your heart and never forget it!

I remember once, when I was playing on the playground, I was tripped by a classmate, and my forehead fell heavily on the steps, with bright red blood flowing down from my head and dripping on the steps. When my head teacher, Mr. Wang, learned the news, he hurried to the scene. No matter what happened, he picked me up and ran to the hospital. At that time, I felt the teacher's rapid breathing, and her mood must be extremely anxious! In the process of bumping step by step, Mr. Wang's head has sprouted beads of sweat... When I arrived at the hospital, the doctor asked me to lie on the hospital bed for a detailed examination. After the examination, he said, "It's nothing serious. It's just a skin injury. A few stitches will do." The teacher listened and breathed a deep sigh of relief. The heart that had been hanging was finally released. All this I saw in my eyes and remembered in my heart. Mr. Wang gently touched my hand and said, "Does it hurt?" There is more. " The teacher smiled and said, "The doctor said it's OK, just a few stitches." Looking at the gentle face of the teacher, I suddenly felt a warm current rising from my heart, and I was moved beyond words!

This matter has been engraved in my heart, the scar has been left on my forehead, and the gentle face of the teacher has also been lingering in my mind. I will experience many things on the way of life, and that thing is the one that shakes me the most! Full of lotus, it is the most elegant; Among the mountains, it is the towering peak! It makes me unforgettable and will be remembered forever!

Mr. Wang, you are the most beautiful rainbow in my heart!

A Moved Event in Grade 5 600 Words (6)

In the process of growing up, I experienced many things. Some make me sad, some make me happy, some make me feel wronged, and some make me...... However, these are ordinary things that will disappear in the long river of memory as time goes by, but there is one thing that will stay in my heart forever and never forget.

It was an exam, and all of our class brought draft paper, but I didn't.

On the day of the exam, I went to school happily. I didn't know that I didn't bring any paper with me.

"Nail... Nail..." The exam began.

When I finished a calculation problem, I realized that I had forgotten to bring draft paper.

"Ah!" I whispered.

"What have you done?" my deskmate said.

"I forgot to bring draft paper," I said calmly.

"Then... I'll give it to you!"

"I used it. What did you use?" I asked.

"I will find a way! What else to think, do it quickly!" my deskmate said. I hasten to do it.

Twenty minutes later, I finished. My deskmate has a little more draft paper, and I gave it back to him.

He said: "Have you finished?" I said quickly: "I have finished!" He smiled, and his white face seemed to write these two words: I love helping classmates!

Five minutes later, the paper was collected, and he still had a 20 point question to do. I said, "You... you have

20 points... "He said casually," Nothing! "

On Monday, I got curly. I got 98 points, but my deskmate only got 80 points. At this time, all the students in the class looked at me with eyes, while my deskmate was looked at with eyes of discrimination. I thought to myself: I have draft paper that is so good that it is worth 98 points. If I give it to my deskmate, he will get 100 points. Ah!

In class, the teacher asked him why he didn't do it, and he said such a touching sentence: I can't do it! I cried on the spot.

This matter has been in my mind for a long time. Although it has been three years, I still remember it clearly, because it has taught me a truth: what is a good friend?

600 words (7): a touching thing in Grade 5

In real life or work and study, everyone is no stranger to composition. With the help of composition, you can vent your feelings and adjust your mood. Is there no clue when writing a composition? The following is a 600 word composition about a moving thing in Grade 5 collected and sorted out by Xiao Bian. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

On a sunny day, something happened that made me unforgettable and moved all my life.

As usual, I spent the beginning of the week happily. But a bad thing came along with a good thing, and I didn't know anything about this sudden bad thing. "It's killing me," accompanied by a scream. Who screamed that? Of course it is - I am such a wretch. Why did I scream? That's because I accidentally stepped on the water and fell down from the last five steps and twisted my left ankle. The first thing I thought of was to go back to the classroom and not let the teachers and students worry about me. Although I walked back to the classroom with great pain in my left foot, the good times were not long. Soon it was time to finish school, and the students were all going down the stairs, but I stopped because of the great pain in my foot.

The students were very worried when they saw it. Some said, "Go to find Mr. Zhang." Some said, "Let one of the students carry me on his back first." When the students were all worried, Mr. Zhang came. The students explained the whole story to Mr. Zhang, who immediately called my mother without saying anything. Then, Mr. Zhang immediately asked a classmate to carry me to the reception room. The students went home one after another. Only Mr. Zhang was still sitting beside me, accompanying me and comforting me until my mother and them arrived. In the evening, Mr. Zhang kept asking me about my situation. Later, I found that my left ankle was broken, so I had to rest at home for a while. Teacher Zhang and his classmates call me from time to time to greet me, encourage me to have a good rest at home, and they will handle the study well. Until now, teachers and students have given me good care and help.

This event made me unforgettable all my life and moved me very much. Moving is just around us. Moving is such a simple thing. We should always be ready to do small things to move others and ourselves!

A Moved Event in Grade 5 600 Words (8)

Grade 5 Volume 2 Chinese Unit 4 Composition: A thing that moved me 600 words Some things have been forgotten with the passage of time, but some things can not be forgotten for a long time, because it has been deeply engraved in the heart. It is a stone fixed in the mind, a big tree growing on the memory land, and a pearl living in the shell. It is it that moves you deeply and makes you remember it in your heart and never forget it!

I remember once, when I was playing on the playground, I was tripped by a classmate, and my forehead fell heavily on the steps, with bright red blood flowing down from my head and dripping on the steps. When my head teacher, Mr. Wang, learned the news, he hurried to the scene. No matter what happened, he picked me up and ran to the hospital. At that time, I felt the teacher's rapid breathing, and her mood must be extremely anxious! In the process of bumping step by step, Mr. Wang's head has sprouted beads of sweat... When I arrived at the hospital, the doctor asked me to lie on the hospital bed for a detailed examination. After the examination, he said, "It's nothing serious. It's just a skin injury. A few stitches will do." The teacher listened and breathed a deep sigh of relief. The heart that had been hanging was finally released. All this I saw in my eyes and remembered in my heart. Mr. Wang gently touched my hand and said, "Does it hurt?" There is more. " The teacher smiled and said, "The doctor said it's OK, just a few stitches." Looking at the gentle face of the teacher, I suddenly felt a warm current rising from my heart, and I was moved beyond words!

This matter has been engraved in my heart, the scar has been left on my forehead, and the gentle face of the teacher has also been lingering in my mind. I will experience many things on the way of life, and that thing is the one that shakes me the most! Full of lotus, it is the most elegant; Among the mountains, it is the towering peak! It makes me unforgettable and will be remembered forever!

Mr. Wang, you are the most beautiful rainbow in my heart!