The most profound memory (19 preferred)
be neither humble nor pushy
2024-02-29 00:10:20

The most profound memory (1)

In my deep memory, there are many things that have given me useful enlightenment, but what impressed me most was what happened that weekend.

It was a Friday, and the teacher assigned less homework. I finished part of it at school, so I felt very relaxed. I came home humming a little song, threw my schoolbag on the chair, jumped onto the sofa happily, and shouted, "Yeah, watch TV!" My mother came up and said, "You haven't written your homework yet, go, do your homework." I pursed my mouth unhappily, "Mom, you are a wet blanket. The old teacher assigned very few homework. I have already written some of it, and I will write the rest later." "Well, I can only watch it for a while." Mother nodded. I grabbed the TV remote control in ecstasy, turned on the TV and watched it with relish. After watching CCTV 1, I watched the children's TV station, and after watching the children's TV station, I watched a series of dramas. I had already left my homework behind.

10 minutes, 30 minutes, 50 minutes... I watched it for more than an hour unconsciously, until my mother asked me to eat, I reluctantly looked away from the TV. I looked up at the clock. It was already 7 o'clock at night. I thought to myself: It's still early. It doesn't matter if I write my homework at the party. I ate slowly, read for more than ten minutes, and took out plush toys to play for a while. Just as I wanted to play mobile games, my mother stopped me and said, "What are you going to do? Go and do your homework first." I reluctantly stood up, slowly moved to my room, took out the math scroll, and wrote word by word.

It didn't take me long to write, but my mind ran into the yard. I turned my eyes and thought: Oh, it's too tiring to do homework. The teacher also said to combine work with rest. Going out for a while is nothing. I pulled out the jump rope and rushed into the yard with the football. I jump rope and play football now. I'm so happy!

When I came into the room sweating heavily, I found that it was almost 9:30. My mother said, "Go and wash.". I comforted myself and said, "It's OK. There are two more days, Saturday and Sunday. Don't worry.".

The next morning, I finished my extracurricular class and thought: I will do my homework in the afternoon. So, I wrote quickly in the afternoon. However, after only ten minutes of writing, I suddenly thought of a movie that I wanted to see very much. So I put down my pen, searched the computer, and immediately saw it.

After watching the movie, I went to have snacks and read a book again... After dinner, I played several games... The time of the afternoon passed away quickly.

By Sunday night, I had a sense of crisis. When I saw it, there was still a composition and a paper left! I panicked and hurriedly made up my homework for 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour... I made up until half past ten at night. I was so tired that I saw stars in my eyes and my hands were sore. Seeing how tired I am, my mother said earnestly: "Son, you can learn a lesson from me in the future. You can't put everything back. You should move forward. Today's work should be finished today, so you can take it easy. You should remember this sentence." I nodded heavily.

Since then, the phrase "Today is the end of the day" has been deeply engraved in my heart, guiding me to develop good working habits, which has benefited me a lot!

The most profound memory (2)

It was a sunny winter afternoon. I was walking on the way to the bookstore. There were many pedestrians on both sides of the road. At this time, a young man in fashionable clothes was eating a cake while walking, and then a piece of cake wrapping paper fell down. The paper circled in the low sky with the wind. I took a look at it, but didn't pick it up. I thought, "It doesn't matter if it's not mine." Other people just looked up and watched the paper fall to the ground little by little, without meaning to pick it up. This piece of waste paper suddenly appeared on the clean road, making it particularly conspicuous. But I still walked into the bookstore by myself.

When shopping for books, I saw through the window that the plastic paper was still moving with the wind. At this time, an old lady came from a distance, leaning on a crutch. She walked with difficulty, bent over and hunched over her back. The wind blew the paper to her feet. She looked down and looked around again. After some hesitation, she slowly bent down and picked up the paper on the ground with her hands; Then he held the tree beside him with his hand, stood up again bit by bit, walked to the garbage can, and carefully put the crumpled paper in the garbage can. Then she left as if nothing had happened. I stood in front of the glass and watched her leave. The aging figure gave a feeling of weakness. When her figure disappeared into the crowd, I found that there were many passers-by along the road, just like me, staring at the gray old lady with admiration in her eyes. I walked to the payment desk with a book in my hand, feeling thoughtful and ashamed of myself.

There will always be people or things that impress you everywhere in life. A drop of water can reflect the brightness of the sun. If you are a conscientious person, you will find lofty ideological quality and great spirit everywhere!

The most profound memory (3)

Today, in the cool autumn wind, the seventh sports meeting of our school opened a magnificent prelude.

When we came to the playground, our blood couldn't help boiling. Here, was full of laughter; Here was the place where we shed our sweat; Here is also the world where students shout; Here, it is full of youth and vitality!
The grand opening ceremony began. With the flying of colored flags, the sound of trumpets and drums, one class entered the arena in turn. The students marched forward with their heads held high, their faces red, and their spirits refreshed, just like the warriors entering the battlefield, walking towards the rostrum. This scene, like an army, is neat and quiet, while the colorful flag flying in front, like a bird about to spread its wings, spreads its colorful wings. When Shi Shitao, the announcer, introduced us, we were even more proud to shout our slogan: "The autumn wind blows, the war drums beat, and Class 2, Grade 6 has been afraid of anyone!" We believe that we must be the most dazzling and shining in the field!

At the end of the opening ceremony, the big playground suddenly boiled like a well cooked iron pot. The athletes did a good warm-up exercise with confidence one by one, and our class sent 200 meters of strong athletes: Shi Bangyu and Wang Jincheng.

After listening to the "bang", the athletes flew out like arrows. Seeing the person who had been overtaken, they even swung their arms and increased their horsepower, thinking: I can never lose at the starting line! At the top of the list is Shi Bangyu in our class. When we were about to cheer, we were surprised by the changes in the game and stopped moving. Shi Bangyu was in pain. His hands covered his legs and his speed slowed down. Gradually, he became the last one from the first. We knew that Shi Bangyu had injured his legs, We suddenly became quiet, and the opposite stand shouted "Come on! Come on!" When the game was over, we learned that Shi Bangyu was injured because the warm-up coal was well done. Looking at his appearance, I knew that he was blaming himself for not winning honor for the class. Although he smiled on his face, he was worried in his heart.

The teacher even advised him to give up, but Shi Bangyu said that he had to finish the whole journey. After hearing this sentence, I couldn't help giving him a thumbs up.

As soon as Shi Bangyu's event was over, everyone was back to their previous activity, talking and laughing, full of happiness and excitement in the stands.

This sports meeting has taught me a truth: competition is not just about striving for the first place, but about enjoying the happiness brought by sports, surpassing ourselves and making breakthroughs.

The most profound memory (4)

Childhood is like a colorful bottle, which is full of things that are worth remembering. One thing I remember most is making a doll.

That year, my mother went to the market, and my father was not at home. The elder sister and younger brother did not see a trace. I was so worried that I cried. On second thought: Hum! If you are not at home, I will make a doll by myself. Anyway, I can sew things with thread! In this way, I will have company and I will not be afraid.

Just do it! I dug out some cloth from the wardrobe and went looking for scissors... I found no cotton until I found something I needed. I can't do without cotton. If I don't have cotton, I will become a little wimp? I was so anxious that I scratched my hair. Finally, I thought that my mother told me that we would take the cotton from the first floor and the second floor for fun. If we wasted the cotton, we could not play the quilt with the cotton. I think: not on the first floor or the second floor, it must be on the third floor! I ran to the third floor and found that there was really cotton, with two big bags! I couldn't help thinking: I have nothing to do with so much cotton. So I took a little cotton.

Everything is finally ready. Now it's time for me to show my skills! First, I put cotton into the cloth and wrapped it into a small circle. This is the head of the doll. Then I used a watercolor pen to draw beautiful eyes, a small nose and a red mouth on the doll's face. Then I picked up the scissors, "Zazam" I cut the excess cloth under the doll's head. Then I cut two fat "big" characters with flesh colored cloth, and sewed them with a needle. Then I sewed the head and body together. I looked at the doll and felt satisfied with my work.

However, I suddenly frowned: "The little man is ready, but he has no clothes. What kind of clothes does he wear? Forget it, I'll make a lot of clothes for him." I first measured the baby's height, and then rolled a piece of cloth into a cylinder. Put two holes in the top of the skirt and tie two lines (so that the doll won't fall off after wearing it). This is the first dress of the doll. Then I cut a piece of cloth into two "herringbone" shapes. These are the pants of the doll. I made another shirt for the doll, on which I drew a butterfly.

I looked at the doll and thought if only she had a car. By the way, why don't I find a shoe for her as a car? I rummaged around and thought my rabbit slippers were the most suitable. I stuffed her into my rabbit slippers. Oh, great!

Shortly after the completion, my mother came. She looked at the messy ground and stared, "What's the matter?" I happily raised my slippers (of course, there was my finished doll inside): "Look, Mom, I made a doll!" Mom raised the doll and looked at it, suddenly said: "You are great!" I was very happy. I looked at the doll, who was smiling at me. I'm so happy!

Childhood is a beach, which is inlaid with colorful memory shells. It is these shells that decorate the beach beautifully.

The most profound memory (5)

When I opened the door, I heard a clear knock on the door! It was Xiao Ming. In fact, Xiaoming and I are very good friends and buddies. When it comes to the most profound thing in our memory, Xiao Ming and I almost fell apart because of a little incident.

Here's the thing. One hot afternoon, Xiao Ming came to play with me. He said that he would do his homework for a while before playing. We were working hard on our homework when Xiao Ming's pen suddenly broke. He asked me to spare one. Xiaoming finished his homework quickly and returned my pen to me. At that time, I was thinking about a question carefully and just said "Hmm". When I finished my homework and asked him to return it, he said he had returned it. I searched the house all over but couldn't find it. I was very angry and scolded Xiao Ming as a thief. Xiaoming said wrongly, "I have returned the pen to you." Xiaoming didn't want to quarrel with me, so he left.

Since then, Xiaoming and I have met at school without greeting or even wanting to see it.

Until I saw the pen in a corner of my house when I was sweeping the house. At that time, my heart seemed to be crawling with thousands of ants. I immediately went to find Xiao Ming and apologized to him. Xiaoming also forgives me. Since then, our relationship has deepened.

This matter has been in the third grade, but it has been lingering in my mind.

The most profound memory (6)

I often think of a familiar, kind face that I will never forget. My memory is like a shackle, suddenly opened, remembered the best memory.

It seems that there is always a shadow in my mind that can never be erased. She has carved an eternal scar in my memory. I think I will never forget her.

I don't like math very much. No matter how hard I listen to the class, I still can't understand it. And I don't know where I didn't do well enough. I remember that I only got 70 points in the last math exam. The teacher was very disappointed with me and I was very discouraged.

For the math exam, I have been very upset. When I heard the teacher announcing the exam again, my mood was like a broken flower. Just then, Zhao Xinyu, seeing that I was worried, came to me and asked, "What's wrong?"

Since then, we have become inseparable friends, always talking about some ways of learning. When helping me to solve this problem, she said, "This problem should be done this way." She told me very patiently. But I didn't seem to understand. When she saw that I was still confused, she patiently taught me again. After listening again, I knew how to do it. I was also very embarrassed at that time. I thought to myself: she didn't review for the exam, and she helped me. I really didn't know how to thank her. After we finished the questions, we would both smile brightly and go out to play together.

I will be rewarded for my efforts. My exam results have improved a lot this time. I am very happy to be excellent. At that time, I went to Zhao Xinyu and thanked her. She smiled at me. She is the first little teacher in my life.

Every time I encounter a difficult problem, I will run to ask her, and she will patiently give me advice. She is also my good friend, and she likes to help others. Whenever I get a little achievement, I always think of this little tutor. Think of her guidance to me.

May you go through thousands of sails, and when you return, we will still be good friends.

The most profound memory (7)

I lie like a pug in my "cave" and don't want to move. "Xinxin, today I will go to Grandma's house, will you go?" I immediately jumped out of bed, because the thought of seeing Grandma's piglets made me very excited.

When I got to Grandma's house, I flew to the pig's den like an arrow. Wow! These little pigs are so cute! Look, they are sleeping on the soft body of the mother pig! I gently picked up a pig, which was full of small spots. Unexpectedly, the mother pig woke up unexpectedly. "Bad!" I quickly picked up the pig, followed my Fenghuo wheel, ran into a small house nearby, and immediately locked the door. I said to myself, "Hum, why are animals so selfish now? Why don't you hold a pig? Why do you chase me angrily! Chase! Chase! You can't get in anyway."

This sentence seemed to be heard by the mother pig. With a "bang", the door was hit hard and opened! I saw Mama Pig staring at me angrily. Suddenly, I was shocked. Before I knew why, a word quickly flashed in my mind - "Escape". I quickly got out of the other door, ran and ran, and ran hard. "Ah!" In the dead end, bad! The only road was blocked by the mother pig. I hurriedly put the piglet on the ground, closed my eyes, and remembered that my feet were shaking beans, eh? Why hasn't Mama Pig hit me yet? I slowly opened my eyes, and my mouth was open enough to put down the eggs. In one scene, the mother pig took the piglet to her buttocks and went home happily.

Although it's been a long time, I can't help laughing when I think of it

The most profound memory (8)

There are still five minutes to go before class. The students are all talking excitedly about whether to arrange seats? Or make a summary? Or class? Some students even draw lots to decide whether the head teacher or the math teacher will attend the class. In short, the classroom is shrouded in a mysterious color.

Finally, a burst of bell made the classroom become silent. The students' eyes converge into a line and weave a net to stare at the threshold less than 5cm high. The sound of "Deng Deng" high-heeled shoes came from the door, as if to tell the students that it was the head teacher. Sure enough, the head teacher crossed the threshold, and then the students' eyes followed the teacher's footsteps, and finally fell on the mouth.

"Today, we are going to have a psychological test." Just after the words ended, the classroom suddenly burst into flames. The head teacher cleared his throat and said, "Be quiet! Be quiet! Please take out a piece of paper and write the names of your five closest relatives. You can also abstain." At this time, students took out a piece of paper and wrote their relatives. But I thought for a long time and still couldn't be sure. Five are too few. Finally, I chose to abstain. The teacher then said, "Draw off a relative, and then stand up and say the reason." At this time, a small number of students stood up. Some rowed father, some rowed mother. One of the students said, "I hate my father the most. When I left, I didn't even leave a phone. He didn't love me at all."

"I hate my mother. She prefers my sister. Why did she give birth to me if she didn't like me?"

"I hate my mother too, and I like to take it out on me."

"I hate my mother. Why did I leave me? Did I do something wrong? Why can't she forgive me?"


The speeches of my classmates made me cry. This is the most true emotion.

The teacher paused again and said, "Please stand up if you cross two." Then another small group stood up.

"I always regard my teacher as my family member, but Mr. Zhang...... He seems to look down on me, why can't I answer the question correctly? Why can't I get 90 points?" Some students stood up without saying a word. He opened his eyes wide to recover the tears that filled his eyes, but it was useless. Tears still fall down. My tears also fell on the table. Looking back on the past time when I quarreled with my relatives, my heart became more and more painful, and the scenes played back slowly in my mind like slow motion pictures

The rain finally fell, and the rustling rain outside the window was rhythmically in line with our heartbeat. God, are you moved by us?

The most profound memory (9)

What is a teacher? A teacher is a candle that lights the way ahead. What is a teacher? Teachers are the keys to knowledge. What is a teacher? The teacher is a kind mother with blood!

The teacher I remember most is not Wang Jingchao, who took me for five years, nor Wang Bing, who is humorous and funny, but Li Hailin, who is unknown and selfless!

Miss Li, like a jasmine, breathes fragrance silently. She is very beautiful, but she spends her youth in teaching time.

Once in a Chinese class, I was desperately managing the class. I saw the monitor talking to others, so I shouted: "Fan Jixiao!" Just after the roar, the students shouted: "Why do you control Fan Jixiao? He is the monitor, he can also control you!" I felt a grievance, which turned into tears from my eyes.

At this time, Zhou Yang ran out to tell the teacher. Before the students could dissuade Zhou Yang, he rushed out. After a while, Miss Li came. The ground shouted loudly: "Who made Xu Xiaojie cry? Apologize! Apologize to her immediately! Who said he can't manage? She will manage all the language classes in the future!" Then he comforted me: "Don't cry, go and bring the hard pen exercise book, go!" But I cried too hard just now, and now I can't slow down. It took me a long time to get up and hug, and the teacher didn't blame me.

Another time, Li Shuxian had a stomachache. I went to tell the teacher that the teacher asked her to pass, and she passed. The teacher cared about her for a long time, asked him if he needed to go home, and told her to drink more hot water and not eat cold food

Who wouldn't like a teacher like this? Teacher Li is not only a teacher, but also a great mother!

The Most Profound Memory (10)

The kite ascended into the sky, unable to resist the lingering silk thread, and the wild geese flew south, still looking back frequently. Time is easy to grow old and everything is easy to change. What I can't forget is the most profound memory of her!

——- Title

Life is a road, who can walk smoothly through this life? This bumpy road, in the bumpy, I remember and forget, but what I can't forget is that she lives in the deepest memory.

"Ding Ling Ling" A pleasant lunch bell, like a naughty child, ran into the ears of one classmate and another. The teacher arranged the dining line of the students. It was the first time that I went to dinner with my friend. We talked and laughed all the way. Suddenly, a sixth grade brother pushed me away with a jerk, and I stumbled on my friend. The friend quickly helped me steady: "Are you OK, are you injured?" I shook my head, I comforted myself and said, "The elder brother must be eager to eat and want to go back to the dormitory to review quickly, so he pushed me to jump in the queue!" My friend angrily prepared to go to him to argue. I remembered a news I saw last time: a female classmate in Grade 5 was injured because a brother in Grade 6 jumped in her queue and came forward to argue. I immediately grabbed my friend and said, "No, I'm fine, no need." My friend shook my hand and said, "No, they can scold me and hit me, but they can't touch my friend." After hearing this sentence, my eyes were blocked by crystal clear tears, and I could only vaguely see my six-year brother bowing to apologize to me

The white snow turns into a stream; Shallow falling flowers, scattered into mud. Snow will become water, flowers will become mud, but my memory of you will never fade

The Most Profound Memory (11)

I was walking home after school that day, when I saw the uncle, I ran to him and gave him the money, but he smiled and said, "Why did you give me the money? Did I do something?" I smiled and said, "Did you forget about yesterday, uncle?" "My thoughts can't help flying back to what happened yesterday

On the way home that afternoon, my stomach was empty, and I thought in my heart that I would buy a string to eat and starve, so as to support me to walk home. But when I came to the crossroads, I was attracted by a family selling cakes. In front of the car selling cakes, there were more than a dozen students competing to buy cakes. I comforted myself: it's nothing to argue about buying a cake. I was still going to buy a bunch in front of me, but the attractive smell pulled me to the side of the car. Surrounded by the students, there was an adult who was making the attractive Shandong miscellaneous grain pancakes. I thought such a fragrant thing must be very expensive. I asked the student who was about to buy a cake: "How much is one?"? "" The student said calmly, "" None is expensive, as long as three yuan. " I want to try it after listening, but I only have two yuan. What should I do? At this time, I suddenly wondered if I could ask my uncle to remember this matter. I will give it to him next time? Finally, I couldn't resist the greedy insects in my heart and squeezed into the crowd. In a panic, I got to the front of the car and said to the uncle who sold the cakes, "Uncle, I want a cake. But I only have two yuan. "My uncle didn't say anything, but skillfully took a handful of dough from the bucket and turned it on the turntable, then beat eggs and sprinkled with scallions. After a while, the screen gave out an attractive fragrance, and I watched my mouth water flowing.

After the cake was finished, the uncle handed it to me. I took out the only two dollars I had and whispered, "Uncle, give you the money." Unexpectedly, my uncle didn't have any special reaction, just nodded. I felt that I put down a big stone in my heart and took a bite of the cake, which was more fragrant and crispy than usual

This is the end of my mind. I gave my uncle one yuan less than he gave me yesterday. After listening to my story, my uncle took the money. He was smiling and smiling so happily. I saw my uncle's beautiful heart in this smile.

I still remember this uncle. He is both a stranger and an acquaintance in my heart.

The Most Profound Memory (12)

Memory can be warm, sweet and unforgettable. Memory can be at home, on the lawn, in the forest, or in the classroom. My memory is on the blackboard.

In the winter of that year, the cold wind was biting to the bone. The north wind made my ears ache and my hands cracked. But we still insisted on sitting upright in class and waiting for the teacher. In fact, we did this for a reason. In the past, we always hated a teacher. We always felt that she was too strict and assigned too many homework. She always made small movements, drifted away and talked empty words in her classes, which made her pale with anger. But a few days ago, her hands holding chalk all the year round were almost full of cracks because of the dry weather, and a little red blood spilled from the wound. In class, she picked up the chalk with her "bruised" hands. When the chalk came into contact with the wound, the powder "drilled" into the wound. She felt a piercing pain, and could not help frowning into the word "Sichuan", but she still insisted on writing on the blackboard. After writing for a long time, drops of cold sweat fell from her forehead, and the white chalk was dyed red because of the little blood spilled from the wound.

Seeing this, we can't help feeling guilty and sorry for the teacher. I also remembered that the teacher gave up his rest time to give us homework, and insisted on giving us lessons when he was ill to give us lectures and topics... We realized how foolish we were before, and we didn't care about the warmth and memory the teacher gave us on the blackboard, so we planned to reform and apologize to the teacher.

The warmth and memory left by the teacher on the blackboard has become our permanent memory. This humble little blackboard has left us deep memories.

The Most Profound Memory (13)

In our life, there may be many things that people will never forget, touching, sad, happy... But for me, there is one thing that I remember very deeply.

One summer, cicadas were singing in the trees outside the window, and students were quietly writing their homework in the classroom. At that time, I was thinking about a math problem. Suddenly, a thunder accompanied by a flash of lightning sounded in the sky, interrupting my train of thought. I looked up and saw that the raindrops like beans rushed into the classroom with the wind. I said to the students near the window: "Close the window quickly! It's raining!" The students turned around and quickly closed the window. I watched the raindrops as big as beans hit the window, and the dark clouds gathered together, pressing the sky lower and lower, as if I could touch them as soon as I reached out my hand. It seems that the students around feel the change outside the window, and they all raise their heads and talk about how to go home today.

Just looking at it, I was stunned. Today, my parents still go to work without an umbrella. How can I go back! I thought: Ah! Don't you really want to go home in the rain? Watching the rain getting worse, I was as worried as an ant on a hot pot! "Ding Lingling" class was over. Some of the students were standing downstairs, some ran out in the rain, and others said that they had brought umbrellas today.

Then, hearing the sound of "Ah!", all the lights went out. Probably because of nervousness, I am a little worried! I stood downstairs with my schoolbag on my back, looking at the distance. A familiar figure rushed over with an umbrella. That figure is getting closer and closer to me. When I look carefully, it's my father. When my father saw me, he quickly gave me my raincoat and umbrella and said, "Put them on and go home!" My father and I ran in the rain with the umbrella. On the way, I looked up and saw that the umbrella on my head was tilted to my side at some time. I looked at my father's wet clothes and burst into tears.

This may be an ordinary thing for others, but for me, I have a deep memory.

The Most Profound Memory (14)

The most profound thing in my memory is one that happened in the ward this summer.

On that day, six hours after I finished the operation, which was the time when I could eat something, I woke up, but my eyes were still closed.

Suddenly, I smelled a fragrance. I opened my eyes and looked. This was not the operating room, but the ward. On the table was a bowl of porridge with scallions removed. I just raised my hand to get the spoon in the bowl, but found that I had a needle in my hand. At this time, a big hand gently put my raised hand back. I looked up along these hands. It was my mother! She smiled at me, took a spoon to scoop out the porridge, gently blew it, and put it on my mouth. Because I didn't eat before the operation, and six hours after the operation, I was already hungry. After a few mouthfuls of porridge, I wanted to say a few words, but I always felt that there was something in my throat, and I could not say it. I reluctantly told my mother about the situation of my throat. My mother listened to me, and hurried to the doctor. The doctor saw that it was because my throat was still swollen after the operation. Eating ice cream could relieve it. Mother fed me porridge and went to buy ice cream. On such a hot day, I felt the most genuine maternal love when I watched her running in and out. A mother's love is a bowl of porridge when she is hungry, and an ice cream when she relieves her throat pain... Everyone has a mother in his deepest memory.

The Most Profound Memory (15)

This Thursday, our school organized a "small diplomatic mission". I participated in this activity. I think it is a good opportunity to exercise my independence. I'm ready to go and embark on the journey. I am very excited because I have never experienced international teaching methods. Maybe through this special learning experience, I will gain a lot.

After getting off the bus and stepping into this international campus - International School, we entered the church of their school. The magnificent church and the red cross above the podium are desirable. After we assigned our partners, we went into their classes. Pure English, which is only available in our English class and English speaking class! The happy classroom atmosphere is due to the teachers who love joking; Students are interested in class because of the advanced and fun learning equipment. In them, we can only see the happiness of learning, and we can never see the anxiety of learning. They are like birds in the sky - free, and this sky is learning. In my opinion, I envy them because they are all happy.

The next day, my partner's class had science lessons. I saw a real science class. Their lesson that day was what would happen if they used different water to plant a garden. I was also very curious. The teacher asked them to take some materials and then began the experiment. The students did their best because they wanted to show the obvious effect. Everyone is discussing

At the same time, I should listen to the teacher's instructions on how to do it. The teacher carefully tutored the students to do these experiments so that they could get more knowledge. I was very moved. Seeing the close interaction between teachers and students, it is conceivable that their feelings between teachers and students are very harmonious.

Through this special learning experience, I not only learned a lot of new English words, but also learned the joy of learning. This will be the deepest memory in my heart.

The Most Profound Memory (16)

"There is a beauty like jade in the book, and there is a golden house in the book" Whenever I read this famous line, it will remind me of my unforgettable memories.

The "sand and sand" rain hit the plantain, and the crystal clear raindrops danced a beautiful waltz outside the window. Reading in rainy days is the most comfortable, but I don't like reading very much. I have never touched the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Journey to the West at home. It happened that my parents were away today, and I was the only one left at home. I slept until half past nine when a carp straightened up and sat up. I picked up my clothes and put them on at random. I ran to the TV, but there was a big piece of paper on it: "There is beauty in the book, and there is a golden house in the book." I then pressed the TV remote control, but there was no response.

I fell on the sofa and began to complain about my mother: Mom really is, why not let me watch TV, why paste a piece of paper? I thought about it, looking at the ground. Suddenly I spotted a book on the sofa. It says, "There is a beauty like jade in the book, and there is a golden house in the book." Eh? How could there be such a sentence in the book? I opened the book - the three golden characters of Journey to the West appeared, and the chapters were listed in front of me. I sat down and began to read the world famous book page by page. From Huaguo Mountain to Shuilian Cave, there are Liusha River and Gaolaozhuang. The wonderful pictures came into my mind through the layers of waxy yellow paper. At this time, I felt like the Monkey King. I finished reading this youth edition of Journey to the West at one go. Then, after reading the book, I saw that "after reading this book, you must have a new understanding of 'there is beauty in the book, and there is a golden house in the book'." After reading this sentence, I was filled with emotion. After carefully tasting it, I flew to the bookshelf and pulled out the second masterpiece

Yeah! There is more than "gold" and "beauty like jade" in the book? In fact, there is endless knowledge in the book, and knowledge can not be bought by gold. It left me a deep memory.

Class 6 (5) of Xinghai Primary School: Zhou Chenye

The Most Profound Memory (17)

If I could go back in time, I wouldn't go through that again. That's what I remember most and what I fear most.

I remember that time I was really afraid. On Wednesday afternoon, when we came home from class, I went to the school gate and found that no one picked me up today.

I thought: Why didn't anyone pick me up today? Didn't my mother pick me up on time every day? I looked around and didn't see my mother. It's impossible for my mother not to pick me up. I must have thought too much. My mother picks me up on time every day, so she will definitely pick me up today.

I went into the school gatehouse and sat quietly in the chair. Time passed by, and the students went home again and again. The noisy campus became silent. The more I think about it, the more afraid I am. With my impatience, I summon the courage to go home for the first time.

I used to be very afraid of the dark, but today it is late, I must go home by myself. I walked along the familiar road, trotted across the road and ran back to the gate of the community.

When I saw my mother standing there, I ran to her and hugged her, and my frightened heart was finally comforted. My mother held me and said, "Now that you are grown up, you have to learn to do a lot of things by yourself.".

Everything can be done over and over again. But time goes back and never comes back, so we should not bow to fear easily. We must face fear bravely and cherish time well.

The Most Profound Memory (18)

There are still five minutes to go before class. The students are all talking excitedly about whether to arrange seats? Or make a summary? Or class? Some students even draw lots to decide whether the head teacher or the math teacher will attend the class. In short, the classroom is shrouded in a mysterious color.

Finally, a burst of bell made the classroom become silent. The students' eyes converge into a line and weave a net to stare at the threshold less than 5cm high. The sound of "Deng Deng" high-heeled shoes came from the door, as if to tell the students that it was the head teacher. Sure enough, the head teacher crossed the threshold, and then the students' eyes followed the teacher's footsteps, and finally fell on the mouth.

"Today, we are going to have a psychological test." Just after the words ended, the classroom suddenly burst into flames. The head teacher cleared his throat and said, "Be quiet! Be quiet! Please take out a piece of paper and write the names of your five closest relatives. You can also abstain." At this time, students took out a piece of paper and wrote their relatives. But I thought for a long time and still couldn't be sure. Five are too few. Finally, I chose to abstain. The teacher then said, "Draw off a relative, and then stand up and say the reason." At this time, a small number of students stood up. Some rowed 'father', and some rowed 'mother'. One of the students said, "I hate my father the most. When I left, I didn't even leave a phone. He didn't love me at all."

"I hate my mother. She prefers my sister. Why did she give birth to me if she didn't like me?"

"I hate my mother too, and I like to take it out on me."

"I hate my mother. Why did I leave me? Did I do something wrong? Why can't she forgive me?"

The speeches of my classmates made me cry. This is the most true emotion.

The teacher paused again and said, "Please stand up if you cross two." Then another small group stood up.

"I always regard my teacher as my family member, but Mr. Zhang...... He seems to look down on me, why can't I answer the question correctly? Why can't I get 90 points?" Some students stood up without saying a word. He opened his eyes wide to recover the tears that filled his eyes, but it was useless. Tears still fall down. My tears also fell on the table. Looking back on the past time when I quarreled with my relatives, my heart became more and more painful, and the scenes played back slowly in my mind like slow motion pictures.

The rain finally fell, and the rustling rain outside the window was rhythmically in line with our heartbeat. God, are you moved by us?

The Most Profound Memory (19)

The most memorable thing 300 words [novel] (I)

Write down an interesting thing 300 words

That was two years ago. When I came home from school that time, I saw my mother making dumplings, so I was ready to help my mother. Mother said: "Then you can cut the noodles for me!" So I began to clumsily pick up the knife and start cutting. But then Grandma called, saying that she had something urgent to ask her mother to come over, and she left in a hurry.

After my mother left, I felt very bored. Suddenly, I had a brainwave and thought: If the surface is so sticky, it's better to dip in water! " So I put a large piece of noodles into a basin and poured water. After a while, I took out the noodles. Unexpectedly, the noodles were more sticky, but I didn't regret it at all. I thought: pinch a villain! I pulled the noodles off one by one and squeezed a small man and a cute mouse. But I thought it was too dull, so I took the plasticine and decorated the figures and mice with those colorful plasticines. Look at that little mouse: a pointy blue hat, a small red dress, a long tail, and small gray shoes. It's so cute that people can't help feeling it.

I was enjoying myself when my mother came back. When she saw that the face on the panel was gone, she asked me quickly. I proudly pointed to the little man and the little mouse and said, "I made them like this." Unexpectedly, my mother shouted, "Sweetie, what do we eat when you make noodles like this?"

That night, after Dad came back, we had to eat some noodles. Although I didn't eat dumplings, I think the harvest is still great.

Write down an interesting thing 400 words

In everyone's life, there will be many "stories", happy, sad, angry... a "story" of childhood, still interesting when I think about it.

I remember when I was five years old, I had just learned to ride a bicycle (four wheeled bicycle). In order to show off to my friends, I often rode it in the community to "show off". On this day, the sky is clear and the air is crisp. I especially want to ride a bike. So I took it out and called my father, mother and grandmother to show them my "real skills". As Grandma was very fond of me, she wanted me to ride slowly, so she made a joke with me with a smile, "* *, be careful on the road, don't ride too fast, it hurts, we are not responsible!" After listening, I remembered Grandma's words. After saying goodbye to my father, mother and grandmother, I rode to the small garden. I ride faster and faster, just like a happy bird. As I rode, I thought: Look how fast and good I can ride, and I will break the world record.

But something unexpected happened. Just when I was elated, my car was knocked by a small stone on the road

I wobbled and jumped into the "disco", and I also wobbled with it. Suddenly, people turned upside down... I looked sadly at the bleeding wound, and I really wanted to run home to let Grandma bandage me. But when I thought that Grandma said that the fall hurt, they were not responsible, so I had to give up the idea. Frustrated, I took a napkin out of my pocket, wiped the blood from the wound, and then pushed my bike home like a defeated cock.

When I got home, my family saw my leg injury and asked me urgently what happened. I told them everything exactly. Grandma smiled and nodded my forehead: "What a little fool! I was just joking with you. How can you take it seriously? Let's go, I'll bandage you." Then she took me to the small room to bandage the wound.

Write down an interesting thing 300 words

There are joy, sadness, sadness and many interesting things in our life. They are as numerous as the stars in the sky; It is also as numerous as the colorless seashore shells. The most unforgettable thing for me is this funny story! When I was in the first grade, I wanted to grow up. Once in a while, I heard someone say: "You know, I heard that eating salt can grow up quickly!" "Really? I will try it when I go home!" Another person said. I couldn't help but hurry home and sneak a bag of salt into my mother's room when she didn't notice. I took a spoon and started to move. Taste it: Mrs. and Mrs. are too salty. I can't help it. In order to grow taller quickly, I have to sacrifice my favorite snacks. Alas... I pour salt bit by bit on the potato chips, hold my breath, and put the potato chips into my mouth. I thought it would not be salty again. But I was wrong. Salt is salt after all. It is salty. Forget it. In order to grow up, don't you want to be salty? What's the big deal! Thinking of this, I took the salt bag again, poured a lot in my mouth, took a glass of water and poured it into my mouth. I drank a lot of salt water at once. It was too salty for me to do that anymore, and I ran out to play without cleaning up. In the evening, my father, who had been out for a day, came home and found a bag of salt on the ground with a lot of snacks beside it. My father thought: this must be Xiaojin's, and only my snacks are the most. Under the pressure of my father, I had to explain the whole story clearly. After listening to my father's earnest words, I nodded.

Since then, I have never made a similar mistake, but it has also become a footprint of my childhood, a footprint I will never forget.

Write down an interesting thing 300 words

As the saying goes, "As you sow, you reap." Whenever I think of this sentence, I can't help recalling an interesting thing in my childhood. One day when I was five years old, my grandfather taught me to plant pomegranates. He first put the seeds into the soil, watered them, and fertilized them. A few days later

Then Zhang Miao went. My grandfather also said to me, "When Xiaomiao grows up, he can still bear fruit, and then we can eat pomegranates." I thought to myself: if pomegranates grow, then I plant chicken legs in the soil, then a chicken leg tree will grow? By then, I will have more fried chicken legs than I can eat! It makes my mouth water.

Just do what I say. I run home, take out a big greasy chicken leg from the refrigerator, plant it in the soil, fill the soil, water and fertilize it, and dream of eating chicken legs every day.

One day later, I came to the flowerpot and saw that the chicken legs had not yet sprouted. I thought: maybe the chicken leg is too big, it needs time.

Another day later, the chicken leg still did not move. I felt very strange. I turned over the soil and looked, ah! Why is there only bone left in my chicken leg? I cried sadly, "Wow! My chicken leg..." Grandpa heard me and ran to me and asked, "What's wrong?" I told my grandfather what happened. After listening to this, Grandpa burst into laughter, touched my head and said to me: "Silly boy, only plants can be planted. Chicken legs are not plants, and they can't produce results. After hearing this, I suddenly realized.

I couldn't help laughing at the thought of this funny story of my childhood.

Write down an interesting thing 300 words

Childhood is colorful; Childhood is happy; For me, my childhood is interesting. Many interesting things happened in my childhood, some of which may have been forgotten, but only that one thing makes me unforgettable!

It happened when I was ten years old. At that time, I was nosy, but there was nothing I could do to help at home. Just when my grandfather put the chicken in the cage, there was a chicken that was very "naughty". When I saw that my grandfather could not catch it, I was nosy and said to my grandfather, "Grandpa, let me help you catch the chicken, OK?" My grandfather said while waving his hand, "You won't." "Well, let me do it!" Grandpa could not help but play hardball and agreed.

Then, the chicken catching operation began. I first aimed at the chicken's position, stood on tiptoe when it was not paying attention, walked carefully to the chicken, and was about to catch it, but the chicken seemed to have a pair of eyes behind it. Seeing me coming, I ran away. I turned my eyes and thought of a good plan. I whispered a few words in my grandpa's ear. My grandpa and I blocked the chicken to a corner of the wall. I thought to myself: Hum, you can't escape this time. I threw at the chicken. The chicken might be frightened and flapped its wings and flew up. I fell down and "the dog chewed the mud". My mother laughed and cried; Dad smiled and covered his stomach; My grandpa was also laughing, but I was not discouraged. Touching my sore jaw, I thought to myself, "To deal with this chicken, we can only use wisdom rather than force it. I asked my grandpa," What's the favorite food for this chicken? "" Green vegetables. "My grandpa replied, and I took out

There was a cage with some vegetables in it. The chicken smelled the smell of vegetables and was running back. As soon as I saw it enter the cage and lock the door, I was relieved. I thought: It's not easy to catch you! It's been bothering me for a while, but you still haven't escaped from my palm. Thinking of this, I smiled happily!

This is an interesting thing that happened in my childhood!

The most memorable thing 300 words [novel] (2)

The most profound thing in my memory

Everyone has a golden childhood, which is full of laughter, joys and sorrows. However, the memory of childhood is also a fragrant and colorful flower, a brilliant treasure box with little secrets, a clear, transparent and silent river, and a colorful dream with laughter. The stories of childhood are as numerous as the stars in the bright sky. Some stories have gone quietly in my mind like flowing water with the passage of time, but one thing with deep memory has drawn an immortal trace in my heart. Then, let me tell you about it!

I remember that I was in the first grade. One night, I was enjoying the charming night scene. I saw the huge Milky Way Galaxy pouring down from my head through the deep and broad sky, really like a magnificent waterfall. The shining stars are like water splashes from waterfalls. The moon peeps out a smiling face from the eastern sky, like a quiet girl, sprinkling soft and bright silver light on the world. At this time, my mother walked over with light steps. My mother smiled and said to me, "Sasha, if you get a double hundred in this midterm exam, I will give you 50 yuan." At that time, when I saw such a good prize, I wanted to get it eagerly. Therefore, I hope to get that precious prize every day.

Maybe it was fate. When it came to the midterm exam, I didn't expect that I really took the Double Hundred. That day was in summer. It was sunny, cloudless and breezy. What a fine day! I walked on the road with a sweet smile on my face because I had passed the exam. Look at the big trees with thick poles, the flowers blooming in competition, and the birds singing freely on the branches. My mood became more cheerful, and I wanted to let my mother see my results as soon as possible, so that she would give me a prize, and I ran quickly.

After a while, I came home panting. However, the house was extremely quiet, and there was no one. I was already sweating heavily. Seeing the ice cream with incomparable fragrance, I had already coveted it, so I took one and ate it happily. While eating, I accidentally found my mother's wallet on the table. I walked over and involuntarily picked up my mother's wallet. At this moment, a bad idea came to my mind: "Where has my mother gone? It doesn't matter. I might as well get the money myself. If I don't get it now, my mother will give it to me when she comes back." I thought like this, so I opened my mother's wallet, took a 20 yuan ticket, and went out to buy what I wanted. When I came to the store, I first bought a doll in gorgeous clothes that I had been looking forward to for a long time, and then bought many snacks. After a while, the 20 yuan disappeared.

When I got home, I saw my mother had come back. She found 20 yuan missing from her purse. When I was young, I was at a loss. I thought to myself, "I know my mother's temper. Why did I take the 20 yuan at the beginning... I really asked for hardship, alas!" When I saw my mother's worried appearance, I was very scared. I was afraid that my mother would suspect me. Would the remaining 30 yuan be lost? In order to cover up my panic, I deliberately approached my mother to distract her attention.

In this way, although I successfully hid for a day, I was surrounded by fear all the time, and my heart was like 15 buckets of water - up and down.

The next day in class, the teacher told us a story about honesty, which was very in-depth. After listening to it, I seemed to recall what I had done at that time. I could not help regretting my mistakes and felt deeply wrong. I seemed to see a red scarf floating on my chest. She seemed to point at my nose and criticize me, saying, "You are not an excellent Young Pioneer! Young Pioneers should be honest, and you..."

On the way home, I seemed to see the tall and dense trees, the gentle and beautiful flowers, and the lovely birds. They all seemed dissatisfied with what I had done.

Later, when I got home, my mother was reading a newspaper. I walked up to my mother, lowered my head in shame, and prepared to take the initiative to tell her about it. Tell your mother all the details. Mother listened and asked me to sit down. She said to me calmly and sincerely: "My son, you have passed the exam of double hundred, and my mother is going to give you 50 yuan. However, you can't take the money without my mother's consent, which can be considered as stealing. You should know the truth of stealing needles when you are young and gold when you grow up! Besides, people can't buy 100 million liang of gold without honesty!"

After listening to my mother's kind teachings, my heart suddenly opened. I understand a truth from it: if a person does something wrong, as long as you sincerely tell the truth, it will turn big things into small ones. Although this matter has passed for a long time, when I think about it, my heart gradually shrouded in a cloud, and I can't be happy. Recalling the scene of shame, I suddenly felt on pins and needles. I am so sad and regretful!

Up to now, I still can't forget the profound life lesson and the meaningful words of my mother!

The most memorable thing 300 words [novel] (3)

The most profound thing in my memory

Everyone has a golden childhood, which is full of laughter, joys and sorrows. However, the memory of childhood is also a fragrant and colorful flower, a brilliant treasure box with little secrets, a clear, transparent and silent river, and a colorful dream with laughter. The stories of childhood are as numerous as the stars in the bright sky. Some stories have gone quietly in my mind like flowing water with the passage of time, but one thing with deep memory has drawn an immortal trace in my heart. Then, let me tell you about it!

I remember that I was in the first grade. One night, I was enjoying the charming night scene. I saw the huge Milky Way Galaxy pouring down from my head through the deep and broad sky, really like a magnificent waterfall. The shining stars are like water splashes from waterfalls. The moon peeps out a smiling face from the eastern sky, like a quiet girl, sprinkling soft and bright silver light on the world. At this time, my mother walked over with light steps. My mother smiled and said to me, "Sasha, if you get a double hundred in this midterm exam, I will give you 50 yuan." At that time, when I saw such a good prize, I wanted to get it eagerly. Therefore, I hope to get that precious prize every day.

Maybe it was fate. When it came to the midterm exam, I didn't expect that I really took the Double Hundred. That day was in summer. It was sunny, cloudless and breezy. What a fine day! I walked on the road with a sweet smile on my face because I had passed the exam. Look at the big tree with thick poles and race to open it