It feels good to be successful (collection of 17 articles)
The sky is no bluer than the sea
2024-01-13 03:07:21
Grade 3

It feels good to be successful (1)

From childhood to adulthood, there are countless things about my success, but one time it impressed me deeply.

It was a math exam. I was too careless to see the question clearly, so I wrote four figures into five figures. As a result, the test paper was handed out, and I only got 76 points.

Huh? Seventy six cents! How can I tell my father when I go back? I thought nervously and knocked on my door.

As soon as the door opened, before I could change my shoes, my father couldn't wait to ask, "How many points did you get in the exam! I believe you will do well in the exam next time! "

Another exam came. I confidently walked into the exam room, filled in my name, and began to write the exam paper carefully. After about half an hour, the blank exam paper was filled by my blue ink bit by bit. I checked the exam paper question by question, and knew there was nothing wrong, so I solemnly handed it to the teacher.

Two days later, the test paper was handed out and I got a hundred points. That's great! I succeeded!

It feels good to be successful!

It feels good to be successful (2)

In life, we have experienced a lot of things and had various feelings. Now I will talk about one of my deep memory feelings, which is the feeling of success.

That was when I practiced roller skating. One day, I went to grandma's house to play. I saw my cousin sliding on the roller, flying around the house like a small swallow. I saw my eyes were greedy. I had to pester my mother to buy me a pair of roller skating shoes. When I arrived at the toy store, I chose the pair of pink and white roller skating shoes with cartoon patterns, and asked my mother to buy them for me.

When I got home, I couldn't wait to put on my new roller skates and protective gear. When I finished wearing them, my mother said, "You can skate yourself." "I dare not, come and help me." I begged my mother. "You should practice by yourself and keep your balance. Don't be afraid of falling down." Mother said, "If you can't, I will help you." At this time, my sister also said, "I will teach you the method. You should try to walk first, and then press the eight characters to slide slowly."

I tried to walk up step by step according to the way my sister taught me, and then I slipped up again. I had just slipped a few steps, and then I fell down with a "plop". I endured the pain and went to the chair and sat down. I angrily took off my shoes and threw them aside, shouting, "I will never learn again, hum." When my mother heard this, she came to comfort me: "It's OK to be afraid of a little injury." He encouraged me to say, "You can do it, come on!"

I listened to my mother and made up my mind secretly. I must learn how to give up halfway? So I stood up and continued to practice, slowly sliding again and again. After several days of hard work, I finally got the balance and could slide easily.

"Oh, I've learned, I've learned." I cheered, and after hard work, I finally learned to skate. I'm so happy. The feeling of success is really good, indeed, it is a feeling of flying to the sky!

It feels good to be successful (3)

I don't know, have you ever succeeded? Today, I feel that the feeling of success is really good.

Today, my composition was published in the school book again. The reason why I am so happy is that I have been particularly well prepared for this composition. From the beginning of Duan Yi, to the good words and sentences found on the Internet, to the end of the historical data, to each sentence and word, I use the most appropriate and best words that can best express the real artistic conception. I really worked hard for 2 hours. The purpose is to write a good composition and give the teacher a different feeling. The composition I wrote is like Makaron. The production process is extremely complex, and each process is strict, which makes a delicious taste.

The success achieved through the efforts of his own time really makes people feel very special. At the moment of being applauded by the whole class, I think that the two hours of effort were worth it. Flowers watered with their own sweat are extraordinarily beautiful.

So have you taught Hua Er with your sweat? If not, then work together!

It feels good to be successful (4)

In my memory, there are some successful things that accompany my growth.

I remember that time, my father bought a balanced floating car. It was like a skateboard, but the two wheels were much larger than the scooter, which seemed very challenging. However, I didn't dare to go forward to try, because my sense of balance was poor and I was afraid of falling down. Just when I hesitated, my mother, the "Bold King", had bravely stepped on the balance car. A few minutes later, my mother was skilled in driving the car. At this time, she gave me a defiant look, and I said to my mother unconvinced, "Look at me"

I held my mother's hand carefully and got on the balance car. My mother asked me to move my weight forward gently. Who knows I was too forceful and "plopped" and fell a big horse, ah! It was killing me. I rubbed my aching arm, held my mother's hand and got on the balance car again. My parents protected me from left to right. My mother patiently said to me, "Slowly lean forward, don't force, relax, and bend my legs slightly." I carefully followed my mother's instructions. I really did better over and over again, so I practiced back confidently, Who would have thought that I leaned too far back and fell to the ground with a "plop"? My mother quickly picked me up and rubbed my buttocks. My father worried and said to me, "Why don't we practice tomorrow?" I shook my head firmly because there was a voice in my heart: Can I admit defeat like this? Absolutely not, come on! Success is just around the corner. I gritted my teeth, regained confidence, and stepped on the balance car again. My mother smiled and said to me, "Great! Keep going!" I learned from the experience of the last time, and my focus was slightly backward, slowly practicing to back up. An hour later, my skills have been greatly improved. My mother also gives me a thumbs up from time to time, and my father gives me encouraging smiles. Finally, I learned to move forward, backward, turn, rotate and other basic movements. My father smiled and said to me, "I really admire you!" I also smiled and returned, "That's necessary."

Persistence is the most important thing in doing anything. You can't give up halfway. If you stick to it when it is difficult, success will not be far away. The balanced floating car, you let me experience the feeling of success.

It feels good to be successful (5)

In the twinkling of an eye, I am 11 years old. In the past XX years, I have experienced many things, some of which made me sad, some of which made me happy, but what impressed me most was the joy after the success.

On my way home from school, I saw many older brothers and sisters skating on the roadside. They changed their tricks from time to time, which made me dazzled. When I got home, I made my parents buy roller skates for me. My mother shook her head helplessly and agreed.

The next day, my mother went to buy roller shoes. I sat on the sofa, waiting for my mother's triumphant return. After half an hour, I finally came back. I was even happier than I had scored 100 points. I jumped three feet from the sofa to welcome my mother's roller skates.

I picked up my roller skates and ran to the small square. I put on my roller skates and stood up. Before I started to slide, I fell to the ground with a plop. Just as I stood up, my weight was unstable, and I fell down again. Finally, I was knocked down by a stone. I rubbed my sore butt and walked home, thinking: Hey, why is skating so difficult?

When I got home, I threw my roller skates on the ground and sat down to play computer games. My mother saw it, she seemed to understand everything, and said to me sincerely: My child, how can we see the rainbow without experiencing the wind and rain? You should know that failure is the mother of success! I was deeply encouraged and confident.

As soon as I had time, I practiced roller skating. I fell down and got up again. Once, twice, and three times, after several days of continuous practice, my efforts paid off. I finally learned roller skating! At that time, I felt that flowers were smiling at me, white clouds were waving to me, and the sun gave me a thumbs up.

Ah! It feels good to be successful!

It feels good to be successful (6)

The sun shed thousands of golden rays on the walls of the school. In the classroom of Class 61, on the ceiling, a set of suspended electric fans are rotating "squeaky, squeaky". Under the energy-saving lamp, the Chinese teacher is famous for the total score of the product club. hey! We won. It's a good feeling of success!

On the blackboard, the clear four hundred and four cents seemed to open a smiling face to us. We also smiled and looked at it, we finally succeeded. But behind the success, how much hard work and sweat has been paid

A few days ago, we were carrying it carefully at each break. Seeing others playing there, we felt itchy, but we persisted. We will be tired and tired of carrying these everyday, but we haven't given up. During the physical education class, others had a great time on the playground. Only our group checked each other in the classroom with firm eyes. Sweat often overflows from the scalp, but we have no complaints.

Everyone was excited about the sugar. I took this candy and felt ripples in my heart. Smell the lemon fragrance of this sugar powder, take a deep breath, inhale the nostrils, and the fragrance lingers in the body, opening up my internal organs. This fragrance reminds me of the alarm clock on the wall ticking away when I was in the back goods club; It is already 11:30 at night. Under the eye protection lamp, a teenager is reading the book of Pinshe attentively. Sometimes his brow is tight, sometimes his brow is stretched, and gradually his successful smile is written on his face.

Peel the candy to make it more fragrant, and gently bite the light green candy. The aroma of lemon is around my heart... The tip of my tongue sucks the sugar, and a fragrance blooms in the tip of my tongue. Tears rolled in his eyes unconsciously, and he caught a glimpse of his deskmate, whose eyes were full of crystal tears. He patted me gently and murmured, "We have finally won. It's a good feeling of success." I nodded slightly. Sugar seems to be sweeter, not only the sweetness of sugar itself, but also the sweetness after our efforts. Finally, I can't help it anymore. Tears slowly stay down my cheeks and flow into my mouth. There is no bitterness, but sweet as sugar. Smile jumped to the corner of the mouth and said that sentence again and again. It's a good feeling of success! Suddenly, saccharification, sweet heart.

At the head of the tree, the birds were singing excitedly. The sugar has been used up, but the fragrance is long-lasting. Close your eyes, and the scene of the hard work of the souvenir club echoes in your mind. It's a good feeling of success!

It feels good to be successful (7)

[Chapter 1]

Title: What is success? Excellent results in an exam; What is success? It is the source of confidence for us; What is success? It is the joy of achieving the goal through unremitting efforts

[It feels good to be successful]

I once read a passage in the book: "Success is a cup of sweet wine, success is a beautiful poem, success is a ray of warm sunshine..." Yes, success records my best feeling, making me have endless aftertaste.

I remember that my parents took me to Qingdao for a tour that winter vacation, one of which was to climb Laoshan Mountain. According to the guide's aunt, Laoshan Mountain is very steep, about 1000 meters high. Walking to the foot of the mountain, I looked at the towering peaks and thought: If the mountains are so high, why not take the cable car? Besides, can I climb up? My father seemed to see through my mind and said to me with a smile: "Nothing is difficult in the world as long as you are willing to climb! You haven't experienced the fun of climbing, dare you challenge yourself?" Excited by my father's words, I replied without hesitation: "Well, of course I dare..." Before I finished, I took my father's hand and began to run along the mountain road. At first, the wind blew under my feet and I climbed dozens of steps! But the more I climbed up, the more I felt my feet were heavy, and the speed was not as fast as before. When I climbed halfway up the mountain, I felt I had no strength at all. I was panting. My legs were like sandbags. They were heavy and sour, and I couldn't lift them. Seeing my weakness, my father comforted me and said, "Don't climb if you can't do it!" At this time, I saw all the children younger than me climbing up from me, and I suddenly got back to my feet. Before long, we heard bursts of laughter. Looking up, we were only one step away from the top of the mountain! I opened my arms and shouted loudly, "I'm coming up! I succeeded! " Standing on the top of the mountain and enjoying the beautiful scenery at the foot of the mountain, I really realized the meaning of seeing all the small mountains for the first time!

April showers bring May flowers. Ah, how nice it feels to succeed!

[Chapter 2]

[It feels good to be successful]

There are joys and sorrows, bitterness and spiciness in people's life, and I like the joy of success most!

One day, my mother and I went to the park to play. Upon arriving at the park, I saw a long red path beside the gate and asked my mother curiously: "Mom, what is this path for. But when I followed my mother to get a special bike, I was dumbfounded. This bike is really tall. I have never ridden such a big bike before. How can I compete with my mother? My face was bitter, but my mother ignored me, took a bike and rode. After a round ride, she stopped to call me. I slowly pushed the bike and said back to her, "I need to ride first to grasp the feel." So I tried to get on the bike, but as soon as I stepped on the pedal, the bike tilted to one side. Seeing that I was about to fall down, my mother ran to hold the bike, and I didn't fall down. My mother had to hold the bike for me to ride, but as soon as she let go, I fell to the ground with a bang, which was the same for several times. My mother sighed and said, "You'd better have a rest!" It seems that my mother is disappointed with me. That's no good. I must learn this kind of bicycle! So I said, "No, I will try again."

In this way, I started to ride again, and my mother held the bike behind me. I felt more comfortable this time, so I saved my strength to pedal forward. The car seems to have obeyed, and it doesn't run around any more. I was trying to let my mother loose her hand when suddenly, the handlebar turned to the right. I quickly grabbed the halter and turned to the left. The car remained stable again. Before turning around, I found my mother still standing in the original place. She had already let go! That means I can ride this bike! Ha ha ha, I succeeded! I happily rode round and round.

Success is my favorite feeling!

It feels good to be successful (8)

I believe that everyone will be a little nervous when facing the game, right? So am I. Today I'm going to participate in a provincial zither competition, and I can't help but feel my heart pounding.

Before the game, I put on my nails and didn't recite songs because I could recite them backwards. I kept taking deep breaths and quietly watched the performances of other players. In my opinion, the opponents are very strong, so we have to fight hard! "Let Hu Yihan perform on the stage, and let Yang Yang get ready." I walked to the center of the stage with the belief of winning. Today, I played Croatian Rhapsody. I don't know how many times I have heard it, nor how many times he has played it. So I silently told myself that this time I must show them my highest strength!

After taking a breath, I imagined the scene in the song and began to play. With the fingers moving, the zither made all kinds of wonderful sounds. The sound of the piano changes rapidly: sometimes it is high pitched, as if it is in a lively dance; Sometimes it is low, like sitting alone in the window looking up at the quiet night sky. The audience is strangely quiet. They must be as intoxicated with the music as I am.

After all the players finished playing, the results came out, and I was the first! At the same time, I remembered what my teacher said, when you really enter the world you play, miracles will happen! I didn't really understand the profound meaning behind this sentence until today.

It feels good to be successful (9)

When another composition of my knowledge was published in Xiamen Radio and TV News, a faint smile appeared on my face. It's a good feeling of success

My success comes from my three years of training, and I have achieved today's success.

When I was in the third grade, my mother decided to let me practice writing, so she brought out a picture and let me practice reading pictures and writing words. At that time, my level was not good. I stared at this picture blankly, and then I uttered this sentence: children are sweeping the floor. After I wrote this sentence, I couldn't write any more words. Time passed by, and the six words were lying on the paper quietly without any change. I looked at the picture with a worried face, wondering what to do.

My mother came to check my work, and saw that I only wrote a little. She asked, "Honey, why only write so little?" I honestly replied, "I really can't think of it." My mother patiently came to enlighten me: "Look, where are they sweeping the floor? When are they sweeping the floor? And can you write their actions separately, and can you write their feelings at the end. In this way, the composition will be long. " I suddenly realized that under the guidance of my mother, I finally wrote a composition with more than 100 words for the first time.

After that, I had to write a composition every day on holidays. Gradually, my ability to write composition became stronger and stronger, but I still had a problem. I was not good at writing scenic compositions. Every time I wrote such compositions, I would be deducted points. I went to ask my mother for advice, but her mother always smiled. I struggled in the failure again and again, but I fell back into this abyss. After I wrote dozens of landscape writing compositions, I was surprised to find that although the composition is still bad, it has made a leap forward compared with the past. I immediately understood the way to really write a good composition - look more, observe more and practice more. Since then, I began to practice landscape composition tirelessly, turning it from weakness to strength.

I like success because it is like a cup of coffee. First, I can taste the light bitter taste of "success" accumulated into "success", and then the little fragrance of "success". I like this way, because with the help of bitterness, fragrance can better show its value.

Good feeling of success (10)

[Chapter 1]

As Grandpa Mao said, "Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb." We will experience numerous failures on the road of life, but you still persist in your efforts after failure. I believe that the fruits of success will be produced through the accumulation of time

One day in the summer vacation of the fourth grade, my father and I were worried about where to play. Japan? Unpatriotic; jiuzhaigou? Too dangerous; Harbin? It's not fun to go in summer vacation. Thinking about it, my father suddenly said, "Let's go to the nearby Fragrant Hill." I felt speechless, but nodded yes. Some games are better than none.

The next day, we sorted out our things and soon arrived at the foot of the mountain. I saw the mountain at a glance and couldn't help saying "oh". Dad took out his climbing stick to start climbing, but I hid behind him, trembling, "Oh, this is too high." I shouted, but he continued walking as if he hadn't heard me. Dad went farther and farther, a black figure gradually condensed into a small point, gradually, even the small point disappeared in the depths of the forest. At this time, I was alone in the small forest in the mountain. The wind blew through the leaves and made a rustling sound, as if there were many monster eyes staring at me in the forest, and a cold air hit my whole body. I was so scared that I began to cry. One minute later, two minutes later, but Dad never came back. I really had no choice but to rely on myself. I braced myself up, closed my eyes, and tried not to look below or in the forest. "Come on, come on!" I said in my heart. Unexpectedly, I soon saw my father standing on the top of the mountain. It turns out that this mountain looks very high, but actually it is not high at all. Dad turned around, with a quiet smile on his face, and gave me a approving look.

The air at the top of the mountain is so good! I open my arms against the mountain wind and let the wind and sunshine wrap me. At this time, I tasted the taste of bitter before sweet. After this effort, I learned that nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb, I also learned that when you are in trouble, the most terrible thing is not the difficulty, but that you do not do, do not think, which is the most terrible. It feels good to succeed through your own efforts.

[Chapter 2]

"Shua -" A beautiful person shared the ball "Yeah -" I finally used that move, and the human ball was divided.

Today is Tuesday, the most exciting day for all our players, because today is not boring training, but playing games. A few days ago, I went to play a game with Deng Hao Zhong from Yunpan. He used the human ball to score in the game, which inspired me a lot. Today, I will learn and use it now, with the new practice of left side volley. At the beginning, I flew to the opponent confidently. My body began to sink, making my weight lower than others. I made a wave to the left (referring to the left foot), passed to the corner kick point, and ran in that direction with a 100 meter sprint speed. My first attempt failed. The reason why I failed was that I overexerted when I was excited, and the ball flew out of bounds. After that, I failed several times, which not only broke my self-confidence little by little, but also made me lose trust in my teammates. The first half is over.

"Beep --" The whistle sounded, and at the beginning of the second half, the opponent scored quickly. When the goal was scored, they were excited to applaud and congratulate each other, but my teammates were not overwhelmed by the fierce momentum of the opponent, still struggling in failure, and I would never give up until the last second. My heart was ignited, and I was secretly determined to win the game. After playing two past one with my teammates, I calmly observed, leaned down, took a big step to the left, followed up, passed to the corner, then hit the bottom, followed by an inverted triangle, and caught the opponent off guard!

The ball came to my feet again, and I used the left side to volley, my body was low, my left foot lifted the ball, my body tilted, and my heel was on. "Brush -" scored a goal, "yeah - I succeeded, I succeeded!" My heart is sweeter than honey. I used my own strength to win back the morale of everyone. According to this momentum, one step, two steps, with the whistle, we turned defeat into victory. The football field was cheering.

Before doing anything, how can you know if you can do it without trying?

Good feeling of success (11)

Some people say, "Failure is the mother of success." But some people say that success is certain after failure, but I don't think so, because failure is not terrible, but the terrible thing is that you have no confidence to stand up.

Failure to success is a road of your choice. Once I got 89 points in my midterm math exam. I was very sad and came home. I didn't do my homework because I failed in the exam. Later, I did the same for several days. But one day when my mother found out about me, she asked me what was going on. I told my mother in detail, and her mother smiled and said, "My child, although I failed in the exam this time, there will be another time! My mother will go to buy papers for practice tomorrow." Suddenly, I got the fire of confidence again. Every day when I met the Olympic math questions when I did the exam, I would warn myself not to go down a road of failure, Take a road to success. Gradually the final exam came and I was confident to go to the "battlefield". As a result, I got a score of 98 and 96. My tears of joy came out because it was all my hard work. I feel that success is really good!

Failure to success is a serious heart. A few days ago, my mother bought a pot of Chlorophytum, but I raised it to death. I was very sad to buy a new pot, and I went to buy it good fertilizer. Every day, I took good care of it, and sometimes I caught pests for it. Sure enough, it was healthy. But one day a small insect climbed onto a leaf and began to bite. I was so angry that I "killed" it. No insects will invade my Chlorophytum henceforth. I watch it every day, because it is poured out by my hard work and wisdom!

Success is a door that needs you to open. Success is a coffee sugar that tastes bitter before sweet. Someone will ask you if you have tasted the taste of success? I will proudly say: "I have tasted it, because I irrigated it with my heart and blood."

Good feeling of success (12)

There are many wonderful stories in our lives. Let me tell you my wonderful stories:

I envy those big brothers and sisters who can go to school by bike. So I also asked my mother to go to school by bike, but my mother didn't agree, and said I was too young, until I grew up to be a big brother. So I locked myself in the room angrily all day.

The next morning, my father said that my cousin's family had bought a new bike. In the afternoon, I told my mother that as long as I learned to ride a bike, my mother would buy me a bike.

The third morning, I came to my cousin to learn to ride a bike. He readily agreed. My cousin and I came to a deserted square to learn to ride bicycles. My cousin first gave me a demonstration, which is aimed at people like me. I first learned to get on the car, put one foot on the ground on the left side of the bracket below the front of the car seat, and then step on the left foot pedal with the other foot, and then sit on the seat. At first, I need my cousin to help me. Slowly, I don't need my cousin to help me. Then I had to learn how to ride a bike. When I saw that I only had to step on the pedal round and round, but I fell down after two rounds of riding on the bike. Fortunately, my cousin didn't help me. So I practiced repeatedly and finally learned.

Success is a cup of sweet wine, a wonderful poem, a wisp of gentle sunshine, which makes me have endless aftertaste. What a good feeling of success!

Good feeling of success (13)

Over the years, I have experienced many things, many of which are our small successes. For example, from the first time we walked, talked, and went to school, perhaps, after years of washing up, these small successes are often forgotten, but they can cheer you, make you confident, and make you proud.

In countless things, the feeling of success is really good! I can't forget that the pride of success, the applause, is an encouragement to me, but behind the success, of course, I have to pay hard and practice hard. I remember that was my experience in training track and field, and now I can't help being proud of myself. Let's start with the recent years. The year before last, I participated in the track and field on behalf of the school in the town transportation. Before that, I started the hard training. I ran every day and practiced all the time. No matter under the cultivation exposure or in the drizzle, there was one goal every day, that was to win. That was what I most wanted and longed for. Because I would win applause and honor, I kept running, Everything is watered with sweat. Finally, it was the day of the game, but my body was unexpectedly ill. After that, it was a failed transition. I really want to ask why, why did I not respond to my efforts? In those days, my heart has been very uncomfortable, my eyes are wet almost every time, and I think every day, why? What went wrong? Can a small cold cover up my hard work and my efforts? In the face of all kinds of current situations, I am so vague that I don't want to think about it anymore. In the face of all kinds of blame, I have to remain silent, because I understand that I was wrong. In fact, it was a small setback, a process that can be forgotten, but I can't.

I lost an opportunity for nothing, but I am not convinced. A semester has passed and the town's track and field meeting is coming. I am full of longing for this competition, because I want to make up for my mistakes, and I have to pay 200% efforts and 100% sweat, because I am eager to stand on the podium, I must do so, and I started a series of training, No matter how much sweat I had, whether it was to gasp or sweat, I never gave up. My Kung Fu has paid off. After various trials and tribulations, I achieved my little success and finally got my wish. Everyone congratulated me, congratulated me, and cheered for me. In a flash, I left tears, which were tears of success, tears of satisfaction, tears of action, and my heart was full.

It's a good feeling of success. I like it very much, but the important thing is to enjoy the process of success. It can always make you grow.

Good feeling of success (14)

Hello, every one... Listen, the voice of reading English comes from the lecture hall. It's the first oral English contest!

That afternoon, it rained cats and dogs in the sky. Fortunately, I didn't become a ghost when I came to school, otherwise I would be laughed at by my classmates again. When I came to the classroom, I heard all the students shouting: "Wow!" Several female students and I were extremely shy. Everyone was like a hare running fast. We quickly ran from the classroom to the lecture hall and began to prepare for the "battle." The English competition finally started. The third grade passed, and the fourth grade passed. After hundreds of years, we finally reached the fifth grade. I was both nervous and excited. All kinds of feelings seemed to "explode" at this moment. When I finally got ready, the teacher suddenly said, "Ten minutes of intermission." I was just like a ball that was just full of gas and then deflated. Just now, I was full of confidence, complaining and nervously saying, "People... people just... prepared just now, why... why did they have the intermission? Alas, my life is too hard!"

Ten minutes later

The game started again, and I am full of confidence. I heard the host read my name and asked me to go backstage to make "final preparations." So I followed Tong to the stage in a muddle. Seeing that I was nervous, Cai came over and whispered in my ear, "Come on. It's my turn at last. Sure enough, my kung fu has paid off. After the downpour, a gorgeous rainbow appeared, and I got a good result of first place.

Success is not something that can be achieved with two attempts. It requires effort. The feeling of success will make you happy and make you a confident person. How nice it feels to be successful!

Good feeling of success (15)

In this golden autumn harvest season, I walk on this familiar country road. A gust of wind blew gently, which made me feel a bit cool. At the same time, it also drew me back to my memory at that time. A smile could not help but spread on my mouth. The joy of success once again came to my heart.

That day, my parents took me to participate in outdoor activities. One of the most arduous tasks is to climb mountains. This mountain is about 1730 meters high. I looked up at the top of the mountain and couldn't help sighing: Wow! How tall! The summit seems to be penetrated by clouds.

The activity began, and the one who reached the top of the mountain first was required to win. At the beginning of the climb, everyone rushed forward with confidence. I took my father's hand and began to climb along the mountain road. When I climbed to the mountainside, I felt that I had no strength at all. I was tired and panting, like a deflated ball, and sat down on the steps. My father looked at me and asked, "What's the matter? Are you tired?" "No, I can't climb! It's too tired!" I said. When my father saw that I had lost confidence, he encouraged me all the time: "There is a famous saying, 'Difficulties are like springs, you are weak and he is strong'. You see, this mountain is a difficulty, as long as you overcome it, you will succeed!" After listening to this, my unyielding strength came again, "I will climb to the top of the mountain! Maybe I will get there before you!" I can never give up, I secretly encouraged myself: "We must insist!" I looked at the people around me. Some of them were wiping sweat, some were there, and some had stopped to rest. I slowed down, adjusted my breath, took a deep breath, and continued to climb. I had no time to enjoy the scenery along the way. I had only one goal in mind: I must climb to the top of the mountain!

After about 30 minutes of walking, I finally reached the top of the mountain and finally realized the happiness of "seeing all the small mountains". Standing on the top of the mountain, looking at the family members who are still climbing the mountain, I feel an unspeakable pride. "Come on! Come on!" I waved my clothes to cheer them on. The flowers on the top of the mountain looked up at me one by one, as if they were cheering for me. At this time, I suddenly felt that the air on the top of the mountain was so fresh and the sun was so bright. I really wanted to sing a song to release my excitement and happiness. I stood on the top of the mountain, looked into the distance, and shouted, "I succeeded!" At this time, I felt that success was so beautiful and happy!

Although our family is not the first, I am also very happy, because I realized that persistence is victory, and success is extremely proud!

Good feeling of success (16)

The road to success is not smooth, but full of thorns and frustrations, but still many people choose this road. Success needs sweat, courage, confidence, and more importantly, the spirit of perseverance and never giving up.

That was my first time riding a bike. When I saw the brand new bike, I was very excited and took my mother to the community to learn to ride a bike. As I walked, I thought: Why is it difficult to learn to drive? Just ride forward on the pedal! I'm sure I can learn it soon.

Although I praised Haikou, when I got on the bike, I was afraid: what if I fell down later? My mother seemed to see my mind and encouraged me to say, "Don't be afraid, I will look at you from the side." I sat on the bike, firmly grasped the handlebar of the bike, stepped on the pedal, and went on the road!

My mother supported me at the back of the car, and I rode steadily forward. I felt very satisfied and turned around to show off to my mother: "Look, I will learn in a minute!" "Be careful, I will let go!" My mother smiled to remind me. I was a little flustered when I heard about it, and turned around in a hurry. Unexpectedly, I fell "on all fours". My mother quickly picked me up to see if I was injured. At this moment, I was a little discouraged. I didn't want to learn to ride anymore, so I said to my mother, "I don't want to learn anymore. It's too difficult to learn to ride. My just 'learning' to ride is just your credit Listening to my mother's words and looking at her eyes full of confidence in me, I regained confidence and rode on the road.

I didn't give up after falling, pain and failure. I kept my mother's words in mind and always reminded myself to stick to it and not give up halfway. Unconsciously, my mother let go of her grip on the car, but I continued to move forward. But when I was riding, the handlebars shook, and I fell to the ground carelessly. My mother hurried over, and then I found that my mother was no longer behind me. I finally learned to ride a bike. Although I fell and hurt, I still succeeded in the end. I shouted: "Hooray! I succeeded! I can ride a bike!" I persevered and learned to ride a bike with my own will and perseverance.

After my hard work, I finally tasted the sweetness of success. It feels good to be successful! Through this event, I understand that as long as you persist, as long as you work hard, and dare to challenge yourself, the door to success will be opened to you, and success will shake hands with you!

Good feeling of success (17)

People say that failure is the mother of success. In fact, it is. Babies learn to walk by falling down and then slowly climbing up; We learn roller skating. We have fallen before and learned roller skating just because we fell and got up again and again; How can you learn to play chess without losing? How is it possible to win outright? Therefore, it is necessary to learn lessons and experience from them, look at chess scores and practice more, so that chess skills can grow gradually. So everything we do needs us to fail, work hard, and make progress to achieve success. Although it was hard and tired, he felt good!

When we succeed, we feel excited for ourselves for our small success. After all, we have improved and learned our skills. We were even more excited about the great success. At that time, when we walked onto the podium and proudly picked up the trophy, the audience applauded warmly. At that time, we were proud and happy... So the feeling of success was sweet, good!

Everyone will succeed. Success represents their own progress, growth and harvest. The process of success includes laughter and tears, bitterness and sweetness. It's a good feeling of success!