Quotes of Emotional Motivation in 2023
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2023-03-18 13:50:09
Complete sentences

1. The once palpitating feelings will not go far.

2. Life, no matter how long or short, depends on what you can stick to. Things in the world are not perfect enough to stick to for a lifetime. It is to stick to it all your life, and it will become perfect enough!

3. I like sitting on the grass quietly looking at the sky, singing songs in my mouth.

4. I began to learn to love myself. I knew that I would get up early and drink warm water. I would put on clothes when it was cold. I took medicine when I suffered from dysmenorrhea. I endured hardships. I began to learn guitar. I occasionally got together with my best friends and bought things I liked when I got paid. I believe that someone must wait for me, who can take care of everything from being injured all over the body.

5. You, so believe you. Sometimes, because I believe too much, I don't love anymore. Because the faith in my heart is broken.

6. Every expression of yours, I keep it in mind quietly.

7. Life has never been easy, but we have become stronger. If you don't want to do it, you will always find an excuse. If you want to do it, you will always find a way. People who can't afford to lose often can't win. When you bravely take the first step, you will have won.

8. The most improbable things often turn into facts.

9. Where there is light, there will be shadows. As long as you are there, I will not disappear.

10. Lonely people need to be brave. Brave people fight alone. May all loneliness bid farewell to tears because of bravery. Lonely and brave people like you and me will eventually meet someone who is not leaving you alone and pretend to be brave.

11. If I can't be your favorite, then I wish you good morning, good afternoon and good night.

12. Dad always said that no matter whether the future is good or bad, I still pay for you silently. In my father's words, I know that he cares and worries about me.

13. I hope you are behind me when I turn around.

14. The shadow is another self. As long as there is sunshine, shadows will certainly exist, so there is a saying that when you see the shadow in front of you, don't forget that there is sunshine behind you.

15. Time goes to women's breasts. No matter how busy they are, there will be a squeeze. But once they relax, there will be no more.

16. I am a fool, whether the unknown road starts together.

17. The network relationship is incomparable. In reality, no one is who.

18. Why do you put poison in the same bottle? In the same heart, why should you be full of troubles?

19. When I love you, I feel the air is moving. I just wait to lie at your feet like a puppy who loves you. Peach blossoms should take advantage of the west wind.

20. Always remember that you can give priority to yourself, because no one else will treat you like this.

21. I don't know what you want. In the end, I can only be sad and disappointed, especially feelings.

22. If you can't give the only one, don't say no!

23. Face and temper are not as important as you.

24. Drunk life, drunk death, drunk world of mortals, flowers bloom, flowers fall, flowers are unintentional.

25. In a short life of several decades, don't leave yourself any regrets. It's meaningless to repress yourself by loving when you should love.

26. The world of love is so big that it can hold 100 kinds of grievances. The world of love is so small that three people will suffocate together. There are only so many places around one person, and you can only give so much. In this narrow circle, if some people want to come in, some people have to leave, but leaving is not to give up, but to return better.

27. Silence due to powerlessness, silence due to abandonment, silence due to busyness, silence due to irritability, all are essentially the same good night!

28. Women think that their best self is the financial planner, makeup artist, professional planner... decathlon. Men think that the best women are women with femininity. This is also the cause of many leftover women.