My Family Composition Junior High School (16 preferred)
Life will continue
2023-11-05 02:15:12
junior middle school

My Family Composition Junior High School (1)

Do you want to know my family and understand the interesting things that happened in our family? Then, please take a look at this "family photo" first. Look, the smiling middle-aged man with a pair of black rimmed glasses sitting on the right sofa is my father; The middle-aged woman with a quiet smile sitting beside him is my dear mother. My little sister is the little white girl who snuggles up to my mother. Look at her, with one eye closed, smiling mischievously. How lovely! The little girl with a bunch of flowers in her hand and a smile need not be said to be me. What do you see from this "family photo"? One word: Le. Yes, there are so many interesting things happened in our family, how can we not be happy? For example

"Hmm, it's so delicious! Mom, what's delicious?" My sister shouted at her busy mother in the kitchen as soon as she entered the door. My mother didn't bother to answer, but my father smiled and said, "Your nose is really smart!" "Of course! My 'nose is the first in the world, leading the new trend of nose!" I put down my badminton racket while learning how to advertise. "Ha ha!" Dad laughed. My sister glared at me and got into the kitchen. After a while, he ran out happily and said to me: "Sister, according to statistics, tonight's food is very rich, including sweet and sour ribs, braised 'lion's head' in brown sauce, steamed eggs, fresh fish soup..." My god, so many delicious dishes! Just listen to me, my mouth is watering, and my stomach is also "cooing" and singing "empty city plan".

It was not easy to hear my mother cry: "Dinner is ready!" We immediately ran out, ho! At this sight, my saliva really flows out! There was a big bowl of delicious crucian carp soup in the middle of the table, and all kinds of delicious food were placed around it, just like a big lotus flower blooming on the table. The steaming rice was served and the family sat down around the square table. I asked, "Mom, what's the festival today?" Mom shook her head and smiled. "Is it your birthday or father's birthday?" Mother still shook her head. "Well..." "Well, today is the weekend, everyone is having a good meal and happy!" Dad winked cunningly and came in and said, "Come, come! Eat!" Then he grabbed a sparerib and sent it to my sister and me. We were all going to pick it up with a smile. Who knows that the sparerib turned and fell into the mother's bowl. We were stunned, and then laughed: "Yes! Yes! My mother was very tired after a busy day. She is the 'hero' of our family, and this piece of ribs should be given to my mother!" My mother smiled and squeezed a piece of ribs, and handed it to my father. My father proudly picked up the bowl. Who knew that the ribs flashed before his eyes and fell into my bowl, and then my mother squeezed another piece to my sister. Dad pretended to be helpless and said, "Alas! It seems that I have to carry it myself." As soon as the words came out, two chops were delivered to his bowl. It turned out that my sister and I carried one to him. "Ha ha ha..." We all laughed happily.

When the "Weekend Family Dinner" reached its climax, my father was radiant, stroked my head, and told me quietly and excitedly: "Son, my father has been approved as a probationary party member!" Oh, no wonder! Dad is so excited tonight! My mother also said with a beaming face: "Our group's research project won the first prize in the research institute!" Ah, listening to all this, I recalled the joy of my parents' salary increase a few days ago, as if I understood the real meaning of holding this "family dinner". "And me, I got a hundred in this math exam!" My sister announced loudly, looking at me proudly and smiling, and my father and mother looked at me expectantly. I smiled and said happily and solemnly: "Today, I also wrote an application for joining the League!" "Come on, let's drink!" My sister suggested. But where is there wine? We were quick to get wise, and four bowls of fish soup collided

Yes, in our increasingly prosperous socialist motherland, we are not the only happy family, but also the interesting things that happen in the family!

My Family Composition Junior High School (2)

It is a warm word, shining with seductive light, making people feel that it is a haven from the wind, a friend willing to listen to all your troubles, a place of spiritual sustenance, a place of warmth for us, and a driving force for me to move forward!

It was after the final exam, and the results had been posted. I staggered to the report card. My name did not appear on the first one, and I felt as if the sky had collapsed - I failed again! Looking at the different eyes of the students, tears swirled in their eyes. How I want to turn back the clock and go back to the moment of the exam. I will take a closer look at that math question! But that's just expectation!

I hung my head and walked on the way home, as if everything around me had disappeared. Looking up at the sky, the gray whistle made me more upset, letting the shadow grow, shorten, grow and change under the street lamp

Short?? It seems that I have walked 25000 miles to reach my home. I didn't want to go in. After hesitating for a while, I still went in. I didn't dare to look up. When I told about my achievements, I thought I would be scolded. But my parents' eyes were full of hope. I couldn't help crying. My parents said to me, "Children, achievements are not important, but the process is important. We believe you! The long road of life cannot be smooth. This is the time to test you. Don't be discouraged. We will always trust you and support you! " Looking at their encouraging eyes, the sun in my heart passed through the clouds and lit up everything, "I will succeed"!

The encouragement from my parents made me confident, and the warmth from my family made me take a successful step in my life!

My Family Composition Junior High School (3)

Home is a place that everyone can rely on. When I was young, my mother often sang the song "My father is a boat, my mother is a sail, carrying Wen Wen, and forming a happy family" gently, coaxing me into a sweet dream. Whenever I recall my mother singing this song when I was young, I can't help but feel a nostalgia for home.

Although my family is small, it is always full of happiness. At home, my father is just a civil servant, and my mother is an ordinary worker. But they are very concerned about my study and life. My father often tutors and checks my homework. Last year, when I was approaching the final exam, my father went to Nanning on business, but he still called me to encourage me to review carefully, not to have too much pressure on the exam, and to be confident that I can do well in the exam; My mother is a great contributor to my family. She is busy every day. She didn't have any free time, but she was absolutely concerned about my study. Every day, no matter how busy I am, I will take time to check my homework. Because her educational level is not high, when I encounter any problem in my study, she will teach you a lesson: "Don't listen in class, just ask questions. I think! If there is a mistake, she will fight with her roommate, and beat me to the ground with ruthlessness and ruthlessness. My father can't do anything about it! In life, my father and mother can say that they are considerate and meticulous to me, but their care methods are different. My mother tries to pet me, meet my food hobbies and clothing needs, and often gives me small change, while my father, on the contrary, lets me eat vegetables and other vegetarian foods that I don't like, and often teaches me to eat snacks with a stiff face, He often told me about his hard life when he was studying. He often asked me to watch revolutionary story films and help me borrow some revolutionary story books from the past. He seldom gave me pocket money, which gave me the impression that he was very stingy, but he was also generous. I remember that in July this year, my father asked my mother to buy less meat, but my father loved meat very much. When I asked my mother why, my mother told me that my father saved money in order to help me buy a "good memory star" I yearned for. When I heard the news, my eyes filled with tears.

Talking about my home, happy things happen from time to time. Although the sparrow is small, it has all the dirty things, but it is not. My family is like this. Although there are only three people in my family, the big and small officials are also well divided. My father is the President of the United Nations, and my mother and I are permanent representatives of the Security Council. We discuss family issues together. I take turns to be the family's on duty. What I'm most happy about is that on my turn to be on duty, I can exercise the rights of adults, control the expenses of a family on that day, and buy a lot of things I like to eat. Although peace is the mainstream in my family, local wars occasionally occur. I remember one time when my mother came home from work with a big bag of things, and just got home, she mopped up the floor. Just because my mother is an impetuous person, she is very agile. If she sees you dawdling there, he will kick you. After a while, my father came back. As soon as he got home, he put on the airs of the President of the United Nations and asked my mother to cook delicious food for him. Then my mother began to rebel. She quarreled with my father. My father was not satisfied and argued with my mother, but my mother did not show weakness, The example of "Malaysia's East Capital is a woman who is the president, and the country's men and women, both inside and outside, are governed obediently" is used to refute my father's fallacy. Just when they are red faced and indissoluble, I stepped out to fight the fire and mediate, so that the two sides can stop fighting.

On weekends, people in the yard often see our family playing badminton, poker and other games. At sunset, people in the small town often see us walking together by the riverbank. What could be happier and happier than my family?

In my imagination, I want to say that only my happy family can shelter me from the wind and rain, and accompany me to grow happily. I will always love my home. I will work hard to learn scientific and cultural knowledge, strive to build my home more beautiful and lovely with wisdom, and use my hardworking hands to make my happy home more beautiful.

My Family Composition Junior High School (4)

Home is our safe haven; Home is our spiritual sustenance; Home is a warm place for us!

Everyone has his own home, everyone loves his own home, I am no exception, I also love his own home, because it gives me warmth! In cold days, my mother gave me clothes; In the evening, my father sent me to school; Someone covers my quilt at night Every detail of this has warmed me and given me impetus to move forward!

I remember that it was after the final exam, and the results had been posted. I stumbled to the report card, and my name did not appear on the first one. I felt as if the sky had collapsed - I failed again! Looking at the different eyes of the students, tears swirled in their eyes. How I want to turn back the clock and go back to the moment of the exam. I will take a closer look at that math question! But that's just expectation!

I walked home dejectedly, as if everything around me had disappeared. Looking up at the sky, the gray sound of the car whistle made me more irritable, letting the shadow grow longer, shorter, longer, shorter under the street lights It seems that I have walked 25000 miles to reach my home. I didn't want to go in. After hesitating for a while, I still went in. I didn't dare to look up. When I told about my achievements, I thought I would be scolded. But my parents' eyes were full of hope. I couldn't help crying. My parents said to me, "Children, achievements are not important, but the process is important. We believe you! The long road of life cannot be smooth. This is the time to test you. Don't be discouraged. We will always trust you and support you! " Looking at their encouraging eyes, the sun in my heart passed through the clouds and lit up everything, "I will succeed"!

The encouragement from my parents made me confident, and the warmth from my family made me take a successful step in my life!

Beginning: Eleven years ago, I came to this world and a happy family. In this family, there are people I love and love me. They bring me endless love and happiness.

Ending: I can't forget the birthday and the happiness this happy family gave me!

Start: Home is a warm word, which shines with seductive light. It makes people feel that it is a haven from the wind and a friend willing to listen to all your troubles.

Happiness from my family

Eleven years ago, I came to this world and a happy family. In this family, there are people I love and love me. They bring me endless love and happiness.

I remember that on my fourth birthday, I celebrated my birthday at my aunt's house. Grandpa, grandma, grandpa and grandma came, and the scene was very "grand". My aunt, my mother and grandma cooked delicious food for a table, and my father ordered a super large double cream cake for me. After I saw it, my drool was "flying down three thousand feet". Before I started eating, I stole a piece of beef and "enjoyed" it. My mother smiled and said, "You little greedy cat!" I also replied, "Then you are the greedy cat mother!" Hearing this, the whole family burst into laughter. After a while, dinner began. The cream cake was placed in the middle of the table with colored candles on it. I picked a top seat and sat down. By this time, my stomach had already "cooed". So I couldn't wait to yell, "Hurry up and eat!" So, at my call, everyone began to eat. Everyone is not idle at dinner. My aunt will take a piece of meat for me and my grandpa will give me a toast. I'm not idle either. I'll drink to my sister and grandpa. I saluted everyone and filled my stomach with drinks. At this time, my father smiled and said, "Come and eat the cake!" So my mother turned off the light, and my father and grandfather lit candles. "Happy birthday to you?" In everyone's singing, I made a wish and blew out the candle with my sister. I started to eat cake. My mother cut a lovely rabbit for me. I enjoyed it as soon as I put it down

My Family Composition Junior High School (5)

My home is a hand, a warm hand. We live together and cannot be separated.

My "thumb" is my father. He is as strong as his thumb. Carrying boxes, electrical appliances and other physical work are indispensable to Dad. However, he also knows a lot of knowledge and often teaches me math problems. Our forefinger belongs to my mother. Her hands are very dexterous, and the stir fried dishes are always satisfactory and delicious. My mother can also sew clothes. As long as there is a hole in my clothes, she can mend it as soon as she mends it. The highest finger "middle finger" is Grandpa. Grandfather is our parents' highest ranking, our family's "pillar". Grandfather was a little old, so she was protected by the "index finger" and "ring finger". Grandmother "ring finger" was not tall, but she was in good health. She covered most of my housework and slept late at night. Whenever I see my grandmother tired, I want to grow up quickly and take on some housework. The petite and lovely "little thumb" on the far right is me! I have many similarities with my little finger. My little thumb is short, just like me. The little finger looks naughty, so do I! I'm as lively as it is. Although I am so weak now, I will become the strongest "finger" in the family in the future! Hum, wait and see!

This is my home, my home is a warm hand, we live together, inseparable.

My Family Composition Junior High School (6)

I have a happy family. I love my parents deeply.

My mother is hardworking and kind. She is tall, and her eyes are full of expectations for me. Two curved moon eyebrows and a big nose were put on the round face to make up my mother's kind face. Mother's greatest feature is humor, which is called "the king of humor" by her friends. Mother can make up a funny story with a word or even a punctuation. The problem of being fat has been bothering my mother. My mother was very thin before she went to work, like a cucumber, but she looked like a fat winter melon after work. In order to keep fit, my beautiful mother would run around the community three times after dinner every day. Finally, she lost five kilograms, but her mother stopped running. She said that she was thin enough, and then ran into pieces of paper. Alas, my mother is not very good at doing things!

My father is away on business all the year round. In the past, he came home once a year, then once a month. Now, with the help of my mother's eloquence, he goes home once a week. My father is at home, I am very happy because my father can accompany me to swim and play ball games. Dad wore a pair of square glasses, which made him very gentle. My father likes playing computer games at ordinary times. He is fascinated when he plays computer games. My mother has criticized him many times, but it doesn't help. Dad is really a net worm!

Humorous mother and Networm father gave birth to me, a clever and clever elf. I was the lubricant of my parents. When they quarreled so much, I would stand in the middle and judge them. One said something, and the other coaxed them. Soon the contradiction disappeared and they turned their quarrel into friendship. Sometimes, my mother would confide her troubles to me. I listened to her as her friend, and sometimes gave her some advice. I became her bosom friend. However, Mom and Dad seldom quarrel, and they are always intimate.

The three members of our family often engage in some small activities: word catching, word puzzles, badminton matches, etc. The most lively is the Mid Autumn Festival party held by our family every year, which is the third time. I am the host. My parents are both audiences and actors. I arranged the scene like a dance hall. My mother sang very well, and my father and I were charmed by the sweet and beautiful voice; My father recited poems with his deep voice, which made my mother very intoxicated. I will reward him (her) with a mooncake for good performance. I will also tell them some jokes to make them laugh. Of course, I will also get a small reward - moon cakes.

Look, this is my happy little family with my parents, full of warmth and happiness. I love my parents, I love my family!

My Family Composition Junior High School (7)

Recently, I watched a TV play "The Nth Power of Home". I love it very much. The whole play tells the story of the struggle between two family businesses and a family that has been combined for N times. I laughed again and again for their joy and joy, and again and again tears misty for their sorrow and sorrow. Although this is a family light comedy, it permeates many life philosophies.

I like Wen Nan, the character played by Song Dandan. She has great love in her heart, and I am particularly moved by her maintenance and loyalty to her lover. Although she is a little silly, a little "axis", and a woman approaching menopause, her selfless love for all children makes it impossible not to love her, and she is a mother that is difficult to surpass.

Enjoy the role of Zhao Wen in the play. Appreciate her truthfulness and frankness. She knows what she needs, and admires her "I am cheap, so I am here." She bravely faces her inner desire. It is also a kind of life attitude to dare to pursue fame and wealth boldly, directly and truly in the face of the originally unfair world, which is more lovely than those who actually care about fame and wealth in their hearts, but are hypocritical on the surface. Hypocrisy makes others hurt when they are not defenseless, which makes people despise them even more. Zhao Wen, I want to tell you that any means to achieve the goal must have a bottom line, and we cannot give up all principles, because we are human! People will have spiritual and emotional needs, which can not be replaced by any material.

Perception of the concept of cultivating competitors. There are so many people in the world. We deal with different people every day. Of course, we have friends as well as rivals. We can stick to our own practices for our beliefs, but we must understand the ideas and practices of our opponents. Learn to appreciate, influence and face your opponent, cooperate with him when necessary, make his advantages available to you, and establish a relationship of friendship and friendship with him, so that you will succeed.

Pursue Chu Mu's dream of wealth. Everyone must have written an article "My Ideal" when he was young, yes. People always have some dreams when they are alive, otherwise they will be boring. Everyone's daily efforts are to realize the dream in his heart. Like Chu Mu, I think that the greatest wealth of a person's life is human! Is a relative! The pursuit is to live happily every day. And true happiness is not something that life does not bring or death does not bring. If one day you are rich enough to buy everything in the world, but there is no one around you who can call your family or friends, and no one shares your wealth, your success, and your happiness, what can you do? Your heart is empty, and you forget what is missing, what is warmth, and what is gratitude. What can you do then.

The so-called happiness is that the whole family will stay together forever.

The so-called wealth: there is a family that will stay together forever.

My Family Composition Junior High School (8)

Please open this door! This is my home. There are father and mother at home. Don't be afraid. They are very kind. Come in! Don't hurry home first. Look at my home. What kind of home it is!

A busy day lies in the morning

Before the morning sun shines into the house, my mother always gets up first to cook. Then came Dad's getting up. Finally, it is my lazy voice. After the three got up, the tension began. The most nervous one is my mother. She just finished breakfast and began to take care of the housework. It takes all morning to do it as fast as possible. I really don't understand. My father seemed to be no worse than my mother. It took me two minutes to wash, five minutes for breakfast, and even faster to wear shoes and socks. I'm calm now, but I'm still in a hurry. I often forget to bring something when I go out, so I have to call my mother to send it. Morning is like a fast song!

A day of solitude lies in the afternoon

My father and I don't go home in the afternoon. Mom was the only one left at home. She wiped the ground clean and prepared a delicious dinner for Dad and me to come back. Mom is so lonely! Fortunately, the next door neighbor and she are good friends. In the afternoon, it's like singing a cold song.

My Family Composition Junior High School (9)

I have a happy and warm home, with parents who love me in every way and naughty and lovely me.

My father is busy with his work, so he seldom has time to accompany me, but as long as he has time, he will accompany me to play. My father's favorite hobby is playing chess. Once, when my father saw that I had finished my homework, he said to me excitedly, "Peng Peng, let's play chess!" I said, "OK." I quickly put the chess out. The chess war started. My first few moves were smooth. I was very proud after eating several pieces of my father's chess pieces. However, my father soon used his unique skill to kill me completely. What a tragedy! What should I do? I frowned and didn't know how to deal with it. At that time, my father saw my mind and gave me some advice, so I was able to survive. The fierce war is coming to an end. My heart is almost in my throat, which is one step away. God! I actually won. I danced with joy and ran around the house. My parents smiled happily when they saw me like this. I knew that it was my father who deliberately let me win, but I was still happy in my heart.

My mother takes good care of us in life and cooks many delicious meals for my father and me every day. My mother is also very concerned about my study. She checks my homework every day. When I encounter a problem that I cannot solve, my mother will patiently and tirelessly tell me until I understand it. Whenever I do my homework well, my mother will praise me and encourage me. Once I do something wrong, my mother will severely criticize me until I realize my mistake. I know my mother is good for me. I will listen to my mother and be a sensible child in the future.

In the eyes of my classmates, I am a "naughty boy", but in the eyes of my mother, I am a "happy boy". I remember one time, I asked my mother, "Did the mother chicken give birth to the chicken?" "Yes." Then can I give birth to the chicken by putting the eggs under my buttocks? " Make mom and dad laugh. Every time my mother mentioned this, everyone would laugh.

This is my home, a home full of love and warmth. I love my family, I love my parents.

My Family Composition Junior High School (10)

Family is like a Milky Way, full of countless stars full of fun, fun also contains many warm! Our home is full of warm and interesting things!

It seems like last year... "Tomorrow is Grandma's birthday, what can I give you? By the way, just buy a beautiful birthday cake!" I thought about this and put my pocket money into my schoolbag secretly. In order to give my grandmother a surprise, I deliberately asked my grandfather not to pick me up. After school, I went to the bakery at the entrance of the community and carefully selected a delicate cake. The smooth ice cream was decorated with pink flowers and fresh and fashionable fruits. My aunt wrote the red "Happy Birthday" in the middle with jam, which made people salivate, Well, that's it. Grandma will love it! Open the door quietly and put the cake on the table quietly. Eh! Why is there already a cake on the table!, Grandma went to buy vegetables. Mom and Dad hadn't finished work yet. Grandpa watered flowers on the balcony and smiled at me mysteriously. Could it be that Grandpa bought them? No wonder grandpa didn't come to pick me up today and promised to be so cheerful. It turned out that... I went back to my room to do my homework while thinking about today's grandma's birthday. "Ding dong, ding dong...", the door bell was accompanied by the voice of Mom and Dad outside the door, "Be careful, don't damage..." That was Mom's voice. When I opened the door, my parents happily waved a big cake in front of me, and said mysteriously: "Jiji, you know, today is Grandma's birthday!" Then they put it on the table, "Eh?" I can imagine the expressions of my parents in a flash! Yesterday, nobody mentioned Grandma's birthday. Today, everyone bought a cake. So everyone wanted to surprise Grandma just like me!

"Ding dong, ding dong! Look at the joy. The tiredness on the face is gone. Listening to the happy singing in the kitchen, I think our "surprise" really surprised Grandma!

On that day, we sang the Happy Birthday Song around the three "birthday cakes". We sang it again and again, laughing happily, and gathered together for a long time, unwilling to disperse.

I guess the next thing without saying it! We ate the three cakes together happily for a week! Eat every day! Oh, I don't want to eat cakes anymore!

My Family Composition Junior High School (11)

Family is a word that makes many people feel happy. I also have a happy family, a kind mother and a smiling father. They gave me a lot, they warmed my heart that night

It was getting dark, and the wind was beating against the window mercilessly. In this quiet school, only the first floor of the office is still bright. That's the first time I met my parents. Sitting on the cold chair, looking at the teachers with some disappointed eyes, I was afraid and instinctively leaned against my mother. The teacher told me a lot. That night, my mother and I communicated with the teacher for a long time. When I left school, I caught my father's eyes waiting outside the door. The eyes were eager, uneasy, caring, understanding, encouraging

Dad came up and gently put his arm around my shoulder and gently comforted me: "It's OK, silly boy, you can do your best. You can still do your best in the future, you know?"

"That's right. If you have something on your mind in the future, tell your mother to enlighten you. In terms of learning, you can't work harder now. You can continue to make progress before the final exam, you know?" Mother said, wiping the wet tears from my eyes with her hand. I sobbed and nodded.

When I finished my homework, my mother pulled me to her side, and my father came over. The three people sat down side by side.

I knew it was to see my parents, so I didn't open my mouth and bowed my head silently. My father changed his old smile and said to me in a slightly kind but serious tone: "My child, I know that your study has gone backwards recently. What's on your mind that you didn't tell us?" I shook it hard

Shake your head, because there is no such thing. "Forget about the achievements. As long as you try your best, no one will blame you." Dad got up and went back to his room. Although I knew that I had disappointed my parents, the seemingly bland words of the single parent comforted me and made my heart warm. Although my father warmed my uneasy heart, I poured a plate of cold water on myself: I was afraid that one day I would fall to the bottom of the valley. At that time, the warmth of my family could not lift me from the darkness and frustration. Thinking of this, my tears fall down again. My mother saw the fear in my heart, put my head on her shoulder, and caught my hand with her big hand. "Don't be afraid, my mother is here. My daughter has always been the best, and occasional failure is not eternal. My mother can't speak, but I can tell you not to think too much about tomorrow. As long as you make efforts and sweat today, tomorrow will be your brilliant day. My child, from today on, you should take every step more steadfastly. My mother believes that you can move towards success and glory. " I was moved by my mother's words. I looked up at her clear eyes and nodded firmly.

The cold wind is still howling outside, but at this time, I feel warm, which is given to me by my family. I believe that I will succeed, because behind me, the warmth from my family supports me.

My Family Composition Junior High School (12)

My family should be a Beipiao people. My father came to Beijing very early and was one of the guerrilla traders. In 2002, my father had a community convenience store of his own, then my mother and then me.

I was born in my hometown. My father said that the conditions were poor at that time, and it was not allowed to give birth to me in Beijing. It would save a lot of money to give birth to me in my hometown. After half a year old, I followed my mother back to Beijing and returned to our convenience store. My mother said that my father was very happy at that time, which could not be described in words.

Since then, convenience stores have been accompanied by my growth. When I went to kindergarten, my father took me to all the kindergartens around by bike, but I couldn't get into the kindergartens that were suitable for me. My first kindergarten was in a village far away from our home. My father said it was very cheap. The trusteeship fee was 270 yuan, and the living cost was 130 yuan, one after another every week. Every Friday when my father picked me up, he said that I cried like a tearman, and my face, hands and clothes were dirty, as if there had been such a picture in a movie. The scene at that time has been lingering in my memory and that of my father. My second kindergarten is in the Asian First Kindergarten. I was lucky again. By chance, my father met the principal of the First Asian Kindergarten and told her my story. Later, after the test of the head of the kindergarten, I had a wonderful and happy three years in the First Asian Kindergarten.

Ten years ago, my brother was born in Beijing. I remember that my brother was in a big hotel at the full moon. On that day, a lot of people came, drank a lot of wine, and got drunk. My mother blushed that day, I smiled, and my father was drunk. At the end of that year, my father went to Shenzhen with his dream and our housing dream in Beijing. Through investigation and investment, he had his own factory. Just as his factory was about to achieve results, Dad was shattered by a sudden serious illness, as well as our family's dream of housing in Beijing. When my father was ill, my mother's eyes were desperate. My eyes were more or less confused, but my father's eyes were firm. My father told me that although his limbs were inconvenient, he had no problem in thinking, so he had enough ability to support me and my brother.

Our family still lives on a 7 square meter balcony and continues our life of living in a cramped house in Beipiao. My father said that in the near future, we will return to our hometown because I can't take the college entrance examination in Beijing, which may be my father's frustration.

Many of the above things were told by my father. There are many things that I seem to understand and do not seem to understand. My father is unwilling to tell me many things, saying that I am small and do not want me to carry too much. This may be the most authentic Beipiao, Xiaoju and the most helpless life in our family.

My Family Composition Junior High School (13)

What is home? Home is the nearest place to your heart; Home is the eternal concern that haunts your heart; Home is the harbor where you take refuge in the storm.

My home is a warm harbor built by my grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, my brother and I. Our home is full of love. Now, let me introduce to you how I get along with my family!

My grandfather is an expert in fruit trees. All the fruit trees he planted will have a good harvest. Every time I returned to my hometown, my grandpa would pick me up with a smile. When I got home, my grandpa brought out the big and red fruit, which made me want to finish eating. Grandpa is usually very kind to me. When he works, I will run to him and say, "Let me help you!" Although I say so, I think in my heart: Grandpa is old and should lie down and let me do these things for him, but I can't say it. It's just like drinking water, and I swallow it into my stomach. My grandpa felt sorry for me. "You go to watch TV, grandpa can do it alone." I pleaded with him in every way, and grandpa finally agreed to let me help him do a little trivial things. Although these are small things, they also show my sincerity to help grandpa.

When I did something wrong, my grandfather never gave in. He punished me to write several articles every time, asked me to "think about my mistakes" and told me many reasons. He never hit me when he taught me. Later, I realized that my grandfather punished me to write articles, in fact, in order to improve my writing skills in the future.

My grandma is a kind person. This year, she is 67 years old. Although her grandmother is old, her heart will never change. Whenever I finished eating, my grandmother would say, "Take two more mouthfuls, or I will not go to school." I had to eat more reluctantly. I know Grandma is doing me good. Every time Grandma picked chestnuts from the tree, she would leave them to me, because Grandma knew that her granddaughter liked to eat chestnuts.

Grandma is old, and her legs are not flexible. She shakes when she walks. Seeing this, I will run to her and help her walk. Whenever my grandmother's illness worsens, I will rush to the pharmacy with great care to buy medicine for her. I hope her illness will recover soon, and her grandmother will love me as before.

My father is so kind, smiling at his naughty daughter every day. Every day when I came home from school, my father would smile and say to me, "My dear daughter is back?" At this time, my mood would be very good, and I would suddenly have the spirit. I also smiled and said to my father, "Back!" At this time, how kind he was, how kind he made you feel how great the power of father's love is!

My father is so kind again. Once, when I was walking on the street with my father, I saw an elderly grandmother, who knelt on the ground and begged for alms. But those people just came to join in the fun, looked and left, but they never saw them give things and money to the elderly. But Dad took out 10 yuan from his pocket and put it in the old man's shabby bowl. When I saw it, I couldn't help saying, "Dad, how kind you are!" Later, when I met that old and weak old man, I would not hesitate to take some money out of my pocket and give them alms.

My father is so careful. He sees and remembers what his daughter has done, but he is so careless that he can't take care of himself. A few days ago, due to the sudden change of weather, it rained heavily, and I didn't take my umbrella. After returning home, I had become a "drowned rat". I kept shivering. Careful dad saw that, he found me a thick coat and put it on me. In the afternoon, my father insisted on taking me to school, and I promised. On the way, my father said very little. Although it was very cold, I felt a warm current surging through my body, which was warmer than when I sat by the warm stove. When I got to school, my father watched me walk into the school gate. Before I left, I hesitated and said, "Then be careful on your way."

In the afternoon, my father came to pick me up again after school. This time, my father only took an umbrella, which is for me. I said, "Dad, what will you do?" My father said, "I don't care, as long as you don't catch a cold." Finally, when I got home, I didn't catch a cold, but my father caught a cold. After taking medicine for several days, I was very sorry.

My mother is hardworking and serious. Because my father is usually busy with his work, my mother does all the housework at home alone. Now that I am grown up, I can help my mother do some housework within my power, which can not only exercise myself, but also reduce my mother's burden. But my mother got up very early in a short day and stayed up very late at night.

My mother is very strict with my study. No matter when she works hard every night, she will check whether my homework is well written. Therefore, I am very careful when I do my homework. Although I am only a middle school student in my class now, I firmly believe that I will be among the top five students in my class. Sometimes, my mother criticized me for my sloppy study, but I talked back to my mother. But later, my mother would cry alone and regret criticizing me. When I saw this scene, I understood my mother's good intentions.

At home, my brother and I are incompatible and often quarrel, but we also get along well sometimes. Every time when I was doing my homework, my naughty brother would run over and steal my ruler or pen. When I found out, that was when we were fighting. Sometimes, for a small matter, my brother and I also have disputes.

My brother is very funny. Every time when I am sad, he will come to comfort me and cheer me up. Sometimes, I was really moved by his words and laughed heartily. My anger also floated away with the laughter.

The above is my relationship with every member of my family.

There are laughter and sorrow sighs in my home. But in my mind, my family is so overflowing - it gives me family affection and happiness, because there are grandfather's honesty, grandmother's kindness, father's kindness, mother's care, brother's innocence, and my lively and cheerful.

I love my family.

My Family Composition Junior High School (14)

My father and mother are both construction engineers, and they are very busy with their work. Especially my father, who has been away for a long time, only comes home on weekends. My grandparents are in the countryside, and my mother usually takes me with them. For my mother, she is really busy working and taking me with her. As for me, I was also very upset. Every day before school, I would tell my mother that she would remember to pick me up on time. Don't be late! Picking up children on time for school has become a headache for working parents. Our primary school was early after school. Our community saw the difficulties of office workers, and set up a 4 o'clock school. Teachers in our school volunteered to help us with our homework. Professional teachers helped us get rid of the bad habit of procrastination in doing homework, and improved our homework accuracy. In the summer, we also set up a club group to let our office children have a place to stay. It can lighten the burden of parents and let them work at ease. For us, we learn together and play games together, making our childhood life more colorful.

What I like to do every weekend is to go to grandma's house in the countryside. There I played water rafting, fishing and picking wild flowers with children. Every time I go to my grandmother's house, my grandparents in the village will give me some local specialties such as garden, sweet potato, taro, etc. Once I asked my grandmother, "Grandma, why did they bring it to me? Why did they treat me so well?" Grandma said, "We rural people are hospitable and know how to share!" I said, "Why don't I get such treatment in the city? We don't know anyone from the same building in the city?" Grandma said, "We rural people are different from you. We have lived in the same village for generations for many years. We often work together, discuss experiences and harvest fruits together." Grandma's words caused me to think deeply. As the saying goes, a close neighbor is better than a distant relative. In fact, as long as we take the initiative to say hello to our neighbors, adults may feel awkward and dare not take the initiative to say hello, so let us children play a role in the bond, and take the initiative to say hello. Maybe neighborhood relations play a subtle role in this greeting. Now our people upstairs and downstairs will greet each other when they see it. They will also share delicious food, children will play together, and parents will also discuss the experience of taking care of children. The community is a big family, and we need to love it together.

A short time ago, I participated in the election of the brigade committee, which made me feel deeply. Let all the students in the school vote for a fair contest. At that time, I was also very confused. Although I had introduced myself in posters and speeches, I was still afraid that others would not know me or me. At this time, I deeply realized the importance of contacts that my parents often said. How to expand our children's circle of friends? It is said that the children in the city are lonely and have few playmates. Why? We are as enthusiastic as the children in the countryside! We just need a platform to make friends. Now we have held various activities in the community, such as science popularization knowledge explanation, stage performance and so on. In particular, the club group in the summer has made us make a lot of new friends, including big brothers and sisters, little brothers and sisters. Let's grow up together and love each other. I believe that this kind of activity in the community will be better and better, and will be loved by many parents. I also believe that our big family will love each other more.

We are the flowers of the future of our motherland. We need unity, we need friendship, and we believe that our 'future will be more loving and help each other.

My Family Composition Junior High School (15)

I was born in a happy family. I have a hard working father, a mother who loves me, a fat brother and a lively brother. Every day after school, my parents will ask me to write my homework immediately. After finishing my homework, I can watch TV and play computer games. But now I'm in the sixth grade, so I have less time to play! Because my father said to me, "I want to go to junior high school. I need to focus on my studies. I can't play anymore."

Our parents are very strict with us and have high expectations. We all hope that we can do our best. If we don't do a good job, our parents will whisper to us, making me feel happy to be born in this family. If our parents hadn't taught us hard, we wouldn't know so much, nor how to face the world we don't know. Although they don't spend much time around us because of their work, our parents will also take us out to play on Sundays, and we have fun.

Although there are not many people in our family, I am still very happy because my family gives me a lot of love. When I do something wrong, they will tolerate me and take care of me. They will let me eat, dress, live and do well. When I grow up, I will go as far as I can to thank my parents. My family is the biggest pillar in my life. Without the help of my family, I don't know how to extend my life.

From this we can see that family is very important to us. Now there are many homeless children. We have a warm home and are the happiest children in the world. So we should be filial to our parents. What parents want most in their life is that their children are healthy and can be filial to them. Sugarcane is the best gift we can give to parents. I believe we can meet this small requirement.

"Home" is really important, so with a warm home, we will know happiness! So we should be filial to our parents at home!

My Family Composition Junior High School (16)

My family should be a Beipiao people. My father came to Beijing very early and was one of the guerrilla traders. In 2002, my father had a community convenience store of his own, then my mother and then me.

I was born in my hometown. My father said that the conditions were poor at that time, and it was not allowed to give birth to me in Beijing. It would save a lot of money to give birth to me in my hometown. After half a year old, I followed my mother back to Beijing and returned to our convenience store. My mother said that my father was very happy at that time, which could not be described in words.

Since then, convenience stores have been accompanied by my growth. When I went to kindergarten, my father took me to all the kindergartens around by bike, but I couldn't get into the kindergartens that were suitable for me. My first kindergarten was in a village far away from our home. My father said it was very cheap. The trusteeship fee was 270 yuan, and the living cost was 130 yuan, one after another every week. Every Friday when my father picked me up, he said that I cried like a tearman, and my face, hands and clothes were dirty, as if there had been such a picture in a movie. The scene at that time has been lingering in my memory and that of my father. My second kindergarten is in the Asian First Kindergarten. I was lucky again. By chance, my father met the principal of the First Asian Kindergarten and told her my story. Later, after the test of the head of the kindergarten, I had a wonderful and happy three years in the First Asian Kindergarten.

Ten years ago, my brother was born in Beijing. I remember that my brother was in a big hotel at the full moon. On that day, a lot of people came, drank a lot of wine, and got drunk. My mother blushed that day, I smiled, and my father was drunk. At the end of that year, my father went to Shenzhen with his dream and our housing dream in Beijing. Through investigation and investment, he had his own factory. Just when his factory was about to achieve results, Dad was shattered by a sudden serious illness, as well as our family's dream of housing in Beijing. When my father was ill, my mother's eyes were desperate. My eyes were more or less confused, but my father's eyes were firm. My father told me that although his limbs were inconvenient, he had no problem in thinking, so he had enough ability to support me and my brother.

Our family still lives on a 7 square meter balcony and continues our life of living in a cramped house in Beipiao. My father said that in the near future, we will return to our hometown because I can't take the college entrance examination in Beijing, which may be my father's frustration.

Many of the above things were told by my father. There are many things that I seem to understand and do not seem to understand. My father is unwilling to tell me many things, saying that I am small and do not want me to carry too much. This may be the most authentic Beipiao, Xiaoju and the most helpless life in our family.