Look at my family (select 3 articles)
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2024-03-08 03:47:58
primary school

Look at my family (1)

My family Look, this family

Family is a big container, which contains sour, sweet, bitter and spicy food. Today, what happened in my home is "spicy".

In the dead of night, a sound of opening the door woke me up. Who is it? When I looked closely, I saw that it was my father, and I couldn't stop nodding, thinking about the scene of my father being beaten by my mother tomorrow.

As expected, when I was still sleeping soundly, I suddenly heard a sound. When I saw that it was already light, I turned around again and found that my mother was pointing at my father's nose and scolding him. I saw my mother interrogating my father like a judge. My father was bombarded with words like cannons. From time to time, I pinched my father, while my father stood there like a lion without pride. Finally, my father broke out: "The lion doesn't rage, but you treat me as a sick cat!" My mother was stunned, then put her hands on her hips, and swore angrily, Dad finally lost his support and became a docile kitten again. My mother didn't feel relieved, so she waved me over and said, "Follow the family rules." When I heard this, a faint smile appeared on my face. I saluted my mother and said, "YES, SIR!

Hum, Dad is finished, because Mom and I are going to beat him!

Look at my family (2)

I have a home full of warmth and happiness. I love this family, but I love this family more. Everyone in my family has their own unique style. Isn't that a joke? However, please see for yourself! Want to go? let go!

My father is a real smoker. However, he is not very tall. To say that my father likes smoking is not a myth. Of course, he also loves my mother's cooking. If you come to my house as a guest, the first thing you smell is not the smell of rice, but the unpleasant and choking smell of smoke. This is the worst time for our family (except Dad), but he is leisurely smoking in the room, and we can do nothing! Just like that time, when I finished my homework, I began to watch TV when I was bored. It was 18 o'clock in a flash, and a plate of delicious food was on the table. Looking at these delicious dishes, I could not help but "drool for three thousand feet". Suddenly, when I was preparing to eat, my sensitive nose smelled the familiar smell, "Dad, you are smoking again!" I said impatiently. "Oh, it's nothing. Why are you making a scene?" "It's nothing. I have no appetite." I was full of anger. "Yes, yes, no one loves my food!" Mom also said angrily. "All right, all right, can't I go out to smoke?" Dad closed the door and went out. But after a while, we were very happy, and Dad suddenly came back miraculously, "There are too many mosquitoes outside, it's better to stay at home." What? I fainted, "Dad, when can you quit smoking?" "Hey hey, don't worry, don't worry."

Mother knew without saying that she was the head of the family. She can go up to the hall and down to the kitchen. I'm not a braggart. My mother cooks dishes, which are well-known and well known, although sometimes they are "spoiled" by my father. At noon, it's time to have a meal. There are "braised pork in brown sauce", "sweet and sour ribs", "pickled fish", "shredded pork with green peppers", "braised tofu in brown sauce" and so on. How about admiring them!

My sister is a computer fan. She even forgets to practice computer when eating, so she naturally becomes a "glasses sister". However, my sister is also a computer expert. Whenever something goes wrong, she will solve it easily.

Although I am not "reading thousands of times", I have read many books. According to my family, reading is my lifeblood.

This is my big family. Although they are always noisy, they are very warm. Do you think I can not fall in love with this big family?

Look at my family (3)

Pupil composition: Look, my family

My family members have different temperaments and personalities. Let's take a look at my grandma first!

My grandmother is a retired teacher. Her hair is a popular curly hair among young people. She said that it is naturally curly. My grandmother is a lottery fan. If you disturb her when she is watching the lottery trend chart with all her attention, you can pity her. She will lose her temper first. If it is me, I will run away, Grandma doesn't lose her temper when no one bothers her. She usually nags: These days, these children can't do things, and they have to go shopping for the Spring Festival. When will I think of this

My grandfather is a Christian, and my grandmother is a Buddhist. Because my grandfather keeps his mouth open and shut, he is a god and heaven. My grandmother is not happy with her. She has to fight at least two or three times a day. Every "war" is good, but it is not over. Otherwise, we will suffer.

After introducing my grandparents, introduce my mother!

My mother is a very careless person. She forgets everything every day. In the morning, she either forgot her purse or left her mobile phone at home. At noon, I heard her knocking at the door, and I knew that she must have left her key in the office. As soon as I opened the door, I was sure!

My father is sometimes serious and sometimes likes to laugh. I can't understand. Sometimes I'm doing my homework and I don't know what to do. Suddenly, I heard: "Xin, look..." I was puzzled. When I looked in the past, it was my sister's fault.

My sister is three years younger than me. She is very naughty. She often "bullies" me as an elder sister. If she is unhappy, she will punish me. She will frame me again!

As for me, I don't need to introduce more. I am very good in front of the teacher and dare not speak out. But once I left the adult, I became bolder and wanted to bully others and tease others. But I often failed to achieve anything, but I was miserable. Alas, if I don't mention it, I will feel distressed!

Other members of my family will not be introduced one by one. Although we have different temperaments, we get along well. If you are free, come and see our family! I believe you will like us.

Look, my family