What I Taste in Composition 600 Word Composition (16 compilations)
Flowers smile at dawn
2023-09-07 05:11:03

What I've tasted in composition 600 words composition (1)

Everything is ready, only the east wind. I looked left and right, and finally I looked forward to Friday. Friday is our textbook drama performance day, ha ha O (\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\) O~~~~

One group after another finished performing, and soon it was our turn to perform. We played the lesson "I am a cat", in which I played a little girl, although it was a supporting role, oh! I can't wait to play a supporting role. It's easy to remember, and I will try my best to play this role, even though there is only one sentence.

At the beginning of the performance, our group tried our best to perform well with the hope of winning the first place. The performance was good at the beginning, but after a while, things went wrong. The two performers stopped reading. Zeng Qingze, who played the cat, did not say a word. Suddenly, it calmed down. "Cat" winked at "the author", indicating that it was their turn to read, What made people angry was that Hu Yucheng shouted, "Hey! You read here!"! take a look! This is the result of only rehearsing several times and making noise during rehearsal. Even our team leader gently shook his head, and then to think about the previous performances of several groups, I am afraid there is really no hope of winning the first place! Oh! What bad luck!

It's almost time for my performance. I hold my hands into fists, and my palms are sweating. I memorize my lines again and again in my heart, and silently pray that I don't make mistakes! I'm afraid I've made a mistake. okay! I'm finally here! I walked up to "Cat" and pointed at "Cat". I don't know whether I was too nervous or suddenly forgot my lines. I should have said "Mommy!" but I said "Ouch!" Ouch! This is bad! Wrong pronunciation! I thought hard for a while, eh? What is it? oh by the way! It's like this: "Mommy! This cat is too indecent!" Whew! Thank God, that's right this time.

When we saw the performances of the later groups, especially Yi Jingyang's group, even the opening remarks made everyone laugh, not to mention the content. In addition to disappointment, we were disappointed. I think that we should obey the team leader's assignment and not make any noise. This would not happen.

After the results were released, I didn't get the first prize as I expected, even the third prize. This time, I really tasted the taste of failure.

What I've tasted in composition 600 words composition (2)

On weekdays, every time I see teachers immersing themselves in correcting homework, I feel particularly sacred! With a wave of the teacher's red pen, it looks so impressive! This year, I also became a leader and was appointed as a group leader by the language teacher to help the teacher correct homework.


At the beginning, I felt very dignified. Every day, my classmates came to me with their notebooks. After several days, I found that things were not as simple as I thought. We are in the sixth grade, and we have homework in every subject every day. Every morning as soon as I arrived at the classroom, I saw a stack of books on my desk. I raced against the clock to sit down and correct. During the break, other students can rest and do their own exercises, but I have to immerse myself in homework. The batch of homework takes up a lot of my time. I'm really miserable.


One day, the Chinese teacher called me to the office, pointed to the book I had approved, and said, "Look at you, what book was approved? Why did you do so many wrong things, none of which were approved?" As the teacher circled on the book, my heart filled with bitterness. This batch of homework is still a technical job!


Since I was criticized by the Chinese teacher, I have become cautious in approving my homework. I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go. One day, my deskmate came to me with a notebook and said, "My word is clearly written correctly! How can you give me a fork?" The loud voice of my deskmate attracted a group of onlookers. I quickly opened the book to proofread, and found that it was really my own mistake. My face was so hot that I wanted to get into the table.


Today, in front of the students, the teacher said: "Our group has been working hard for a long time. We sacrificed our break time to help the teacher correct the homework. Let's thank our group leader with applause!" Thundering applause resounded in the classroom. My heart was sweet.

The experience of correcting homework not only made me realize the hard work of the teacher, but also made me win the applause of my classmates.

What I've tasted in composition 600 words composition (3)

Since I was young, I have always been the joy of my family and the apple of my parents' eyes. I am always so careless that it is difficult for my family to find out my other side - in fact, I am a person with exquisite mind.

Examinations are something that students often have to experience, especially in Grade Three. I used to tell my parents about my exam results every time, so their mood rose and fell with my grades. But now I prefer to bring happiness to my parents.

At the end of a big exam, the teacher handed out the test papers of all subjects. Of course, I was full of fear when I was not good at science. Sure enough, the bright red "X" on the white test paper hurt my eyes. I wasn't shocked, but I couldn't help crying.

I received the test paper in my schoolbag and walked home with heavy steps. At the first sight of me, my mother rushed over eagerly, helped me take off my heavy schoolbag, and asked me how I did in the exam. I wanted to complain, but when I saw my mother's eyes full of expectation, I was stunned for a long time. I fought back tears and said, "No, it's not very good, but I will try my best to do my best." Dad listened, smiled, walked up to me and patted my shoulder and said, "As long as I can play normally, go to dinner and rest early in the evening." I nodded. Father and mother looked up and smiled. I suddenly found that there was a joy and pride in my parents' eyes that I could not understand.

At night, lying in bed, I pondered over the meaning of my parents' smiles. Yes, I don't know why, because they are parents, they are happy to accept everything I have, and they comfort me with my courage and strength today. I suddenly understood what my sister meant by "growth".

Growth is not just about learning more skills and showing yourself better. I think growing up is to know how to let the family members who love themselves have more happiness. Actually, happiness is easy.

Growth is like a sunflower struggling upward under the sun. Every time I reach a higher level, I will have a full harvest. That time, I tasted the taste of growth.

What I've tasted in composition 600 words composition (4)

There are two kinds of people in the world: winners and losers. Success can be in all aspects: success in career, success in competition, success in learning... In a word, they are all winners. I also have moments of victory, and I have tasted the joy of victory!

On the 2017 National Day, I participated in the "Changzhou Youth Football League" with the team. The game was held in one afternoon and eight teams participated. Our team overcame Houyu, Malaysia Airlines Center, New North Experiment and other primary schools all the way, but was bloodwashed by the powerful city men's football team at 7:1 in the semi-final. We had to compete with the old rival Hong Jing for the third place.

Hongjing is our old rival. We all know each other very well. The match was full of gunpowder. As the captain and the forward, I joined Jim, the left wing, and Qizi, the right wing, to form the "three arrows of attack".

With the whistle of the referee, the battle began. Just about 3 minutes after the game started, our passing error was passed to the mobile phone club. We just got on the bus and recorded Ma Wei. Then they made a comeback with two goals in a row, and the first half ended 0-3. We quickly adjusted our tactics to keep the score close to the opponent. At the end of the score, I was knocked down in the restricted area, penalty kick! Jim, the left wing, took the penalty and nervously covered his eyes with his hands. His feet were soft like jelly. "Bang" the ball went into the net, and there was a cheering sound off the court. The score equalled and the game entered a white hot stage. In the last two minutes, our team got a free kick with excellent position, and the heavy responsibility of the game also fell on my shoulder. I adjusted my breathing, ran up, raised my feet, and made a symbolic pose. The football crossed a beautiful arc, leaped over the barrier without any obstacles, leaving a goalkeeper with an ignorant face, and the football was smoothly put into the arms of the net. "Won!" "Good job!" Cheers and cheers came one after another.

The match was very similar to the 2004 Champions League final. When Liverpool fell behind 3-0, they fought hard to catch up and won the championship with penalty kicks, creating the "Istanbul miracle"; It is also very similar to the 1999 Champions League final. Under the unfavorable situation of 0-2 in 90 minutes, Manchester United scored two goals in one minute, snatching the trophy that Bayern got. It made "Sir Alex" Ferguson say the classic saying "Kill, this damn football", and made Bayern fans feel that it only takes a moment to fall from heaven to hell.

Although I am not a world champion and I am not participating in world level football matches, I have tasted the taste of victory ten times sweeter than the world champion!

What I've tasted in composition 600 words composition (5)

"There is no rainbow without wind and rain. The sun always comes after the wind and rain. Please believe that there is a rainbow and you can understand it through ups and downs..." Every time I think of this song, "The sun always comes after the wind and rain", I have a new experience.

The sun, shining in the wind and rain, has illuminated my life. If you don't experience wind and rain, how can you see the rainbow (success)? If you want to succeed, then you must experience the wind and rain. The wind and rain is failure. How can you feel the joy of success without failure?

I remember that when I was in primary school, I had a bad habit, that is, I didn't want to work hard when I failed. Once, I did a small experiment and failed once or twice, so I gave up. However, I once read an article in which one person liked writing and often submitted articles, but failed 15 times. But he still did not give up, continued to work hard, and submitted again. In the end, his masterpiece of more than 100000 words was favored by the president of a company, and he achieved success.

When I finish reading this article, I will have deep feelings and make unremitting efforts to win success. "The sun always shines after the wind and rain." So, after dozens of failures, I finally succeeded in the experiment. At that moment, I felt the joy of success.

The taste of failure contains my bitterness, and the joy of success inspires me to work hard. That experiment, that story, whenever I want to give up, I will think of them.

"Sunshine always comes after rain". The sunshine always comes after the wind and rain. The sunshine after the wind and rain is the freshest, most beautiful, most gentle and most beautiful. The sunshine after the storm is also the most touching.

If you want to succeed, you must go through ups and downs; If you do not go through the storm, then you will not taste the joy of success.

"Failure is the mother of success". If you are a loser, don't be discouraged, and don't be discouraged. Because Edison said: there is no failure in the world, but it is a step closer to success. Repeated failures have laid the foundation for success. Every successful person is also experiencing failure and pain. But they are unwilling to give up and discouraged. So as to strengthen confidence, continue to work hard and strive towards their goals until success.

The sunshine always comes after the rain, please believe that there is a rainbow, and you can understand everything... "I think of it again, and have a new experience

What I've tasted in composition 600 words composition (6)

When I walked alone on the street, my mood seemed to be covered by a dark cloud.

It was a sunny afternoon. The teacher walked onto the platform and said to us, "Today, we are going to choose the monitor.". "Yeah!" The students all cheered together, and suddenly our class seemed to explode. Then, the teacher said, "Today we will select the monitor according to the principle of fairness and justice. Who wants to be the monitor, please stand up and let the students present vote, OK?" "OK!" The students agreed with one voice.

The election contest began, and I thought to myself: Will you stand or not? My heart was full of hesitation and contradiction. After some internal struggles, I finally defeated myself and stood up. Voting began. The first few students had good votes, but the first one was not so good. Finally, it's my turn. My restless heart is pounding more and more. It's almost in my throat! I look forward to my classmates voting for me.

But then my number of votes was very bad, only five or six. Suddenly, I felt extremely humiliated, lying on the table, tears swirling in my eyes, I tried to hold them back, and finally failed to hold them back. My frustrated tears fell like broken beads. However, I was afraid that my classmates would find my ugliness and laugh at me more, so I dried my tears in a hurry. I was very sad.

"Ding Lingling" class was over, but I was still immersed in sadness. The teacher seemed to see my mind, so he called me to the office to comfort and encourage me with earnest words, saying: "This election was not successful, it's OK, keep going, I believe you have the ability, failure will not always appear on you, as long as you have excellent performance, success will wave to you". After listening to the teacher's inspiring words, I suddenly felt full of incomparable strength and confidence. I feel much better

Through this event, I learned a truth: we must have confidence in life. Although failures and setbacks may occur in life, as long as we have the perseverance and perseverance to overcome all difficulties, we will not be far from success. I will never forget this little experience in my life, because it is a light that guides my way forward.

What I've tasted in composition 600 words composition (7)

After reading the title, you will feel puzzled: failure leaves only pain, how can there be benefits? However, that time, I really tasted the special sweetness that failure brought to people

I remember that when I was in the third grade, I saw the solicitation information of Youth Literature and Art Style magazine. I know that there are a lot of elites in the magazine Youth Literary and Artistic Style. Why not show your hand in it? Therefore, I sent out my most satisfactory article - "My Mother" hopefully, waiting for the reply with confidence.

Nearly a month after the manuscript was sent out, my grandfather in the reception room handed me a letter. When I looked at the envelope, I was very excited. It was sent from the magazine of Youth Literary and Artistic Style! I couldn't wait to open the envelope. Stunned, what was in front of me was not the brilliant red certificate, but a callous rejection {. Suddenly, I felt my brain was blank, as if my literary road was separated by a cold door.

When I got home, I couldn't help crying. My mother seemed to know about the rejection and came to me to comfort me gently: "My child, failure is not terrible, as long as you face it bravely, you will taste the sweetness of failure. At that time, you will find that failure is also a kind of success, because you have taken another step towards success!" Looking at my mother's back, I felt a little confused.

At night, I was still thinking about my mother's words. Suddenly, I saw something. It seemed that I understood something. I picked up the sent manuscript and began to revise and transcribe it. The bright moonlight accompanied me until very late, very late... Finally, the revised work Motherly Love Like the Sea was born! At this time, I finally tasted the sweetness of my mother's failure.

Later, after more than a month of evaluation, my work "Motherly Love Like the Sea" won the prize! When I held the red certificate in my hand, I remembered my mother's words again. Then I realized the truth: failure is not a stumbling block, but a stepping stone to success. As long as you accumulate over time, one day you will step on failure to success!

What I've tasted in composition 600 words composition (8)

It was a Friday night. My mother was going out shopping. Before she left, she told me: "If you want to take a break, take a break. You can watch TV for a while, read more books, and don't play computer games. If I know it, I will hand in a lot of New Year's money this year." I answered with confidence: "Yes, Madam, you can rest assured. It will be no problem to hand it over to me at home."

I turned on the TV, but found that there was no wifi, so I had to turn off the TV and play Lego. I rummaged through the boxes and cabinets to find usable parts, and accidentally broke the vase in the living room. I was scared out of a cold sweat and thought: It's over, it's over, my mother will be angry when she comes back. I quickly took out the dustpan and broom, cleaned up the debris, poured it into the trash can, and covered the debris with some snacks, so that I could not see it.

I sat in the living room pretending to be a clever reader, but in fact I was always uneasy. At this time, the door opened and mother came back. I was extremely nervous, as if I were in hell, and my heart would jump out of my throat. Mom checked around and felt that the computer had no residual temperature, so she went back to the room with confidence.

Didn't Mom find out? Or did she find that she deliberately didn't tell? Whatever, it's also good. Don't be scolded. Just when I wanted to be beautiful, my mother appeared in front of me. "Did you see my favorite vase?" I shook my hand repeatedly. But her mother has become "Conan". She took a look in the trash can and found some glass fragments exposed outside. She turned around and asked sharply, "What's in the trash can?" It's over. It's really over. This year's New Year's money has been lost.

Mother said seriously, "You broke the vase and handed in the New Year's money this year. In addition, you lied, so the next year's money will be confiscated!" Ah! I sat on the sofa like a deflated ball. Alas, I knew it before. Why should a man have been brave? He should not have made more mistakes

This time, I deeply felt the uncomfortable feeling of lying. I was really scared, nervous, and walking on thin ice. Anyway, I don't want to taste it anymore.

What I've tasted in composition 600 words composition (9)

The first game was the preliminary match. In the preliminary match, we played football with Class 6 first. Everyone thought, what if we could not play Class 6? But we should remember not to give up. If we win, we should be happy. If we lose, we should not be sad. We should remember a famous saying: failure is the mother of success. After learning from the experience of the last time, we will certainly have a good harvest.

At the beginning of the first game, we tried our best to hope that we could win. At that time, we were very dominant. The whole game was played in the opponent's half. Through the sense of unity of passing, we reached the semi-final with a score of three to zero.

The next challenge is Class 4, which has always been one of the best in our grade. If we can play Class 6, we may not play Class 4!

When the semi-final came, we all braced up and prepared for the next four classes. Although I was afraid of losing the ball, I still kicked the ball in the other side's half as I did last time, but... we could only reach the middle of the court at most. Of course, a classmate of our team kept shooting at the goal, but was guarded by the goalkeeper. The goalkeeper kicked the ball, and then a classmate seized the opportunity, Grab the ball, shoot a shot, enter the door, we cheered!

Then my teacher said that the ball should be kept until the end. Let's not attack but defend. In this way, we played the score to the end, and we won.

We are now ready for the final. We are confident of winning and ready for the final. In the final, we all had the determination to persevere until the end. First, we passed the ball to the other side's door, and then we scored a goal through the assists of our teammates. Next, we were very lucky. The other side hit the goal post several times, and we started to counter attack, and then we took a lead. Finally, we became the champion of this league with 2-0.

From the tension at the beginning to the self-confidence now, we have a sense of pride in our hearts. Our strength of unity and persistence is the guiding light on the road to success.

What I've tasted in composition 600 words composition (10)

It was the National Day when my cousin came back. I crept to my cousin's suitcase and opened it. I saw the Rubik's Cube hidden in the clothes room at a sharp glance. I picked it up, wriggling from side to side and pinching from right to right. After a long time without getting a clue, I angrily said, "What a tormenting thing." As soon as the words ended, my cousin came, picked up the Rubik's Cube from behind me, looked at me contemptuously and said, "You can't do it!" After hearing this, I put my hand in my waist angrily, stood up on tiptoe and said, "What's great, I can do it too." As soon as I finished speaking, my cousin showed me his so-called "unique secret" - to complete the Rubik's Cube in a dozen seconds.

My cousin and I came to the yard and came at once. He saw his hand quickly turning on the cube, and once he finished, his cousin put down the cube and shrugged his shoulders. I stared at the Rubik's Cube on the table, and my desire for it grew stronger and stronger. My cousin saw my thoughts and said to me, "If you can spell this Rubik's Cube well, it will belong to you."

As soon as I finished my meal, I leaned against the bed and made a magic cube. At this time, my cousin walked in and said arrogantly to me: "If you can't spell well, don't fight!" This sentence of my cousin completely angered me, who was eager to win. I said to my cousin, "Don't treat me with secular eyes, I will!" Seeing my performance, my cousin left with a grimace. I racked my brains, but I couldn't think of it for a long time. "If you can't get grapes, you will get sour grapes." Doesn't that correspond to me now? Recalling the scene of my cousin's magic cube fight, I matched them one by one, and soon I finished the fight.

The next morning, I hopped to my cousin and showed him my "talent". After seeing it, my cousin couldn't help but admire it.

Looking back now, I always feel extremely proud, and that time I tasted the taste of success!

What I've tasted in composition 600 words composition (11)

"Shattering", the sound of pencil rubbing against paper came from the examination room. I was worried. I looked at the questions in front of me, and beads of sweat hung on my head. This is Beijing, where the final of the International Youth Mathematics Competition in China is being held. There are experts from all over the country. I am worried that I will fail them.

Ringing bell, the bell of roll up came from the examination room. Ah! An examination paper with a topic that had not yet been read was taken away at once. I stared blankly at the back of the invigilator who had left. My heart was sour, but it was really not my taste. I don't think I got a good score this time. After the exam, I went back to my room and lay in bed without saying anything.

On the fourth day, at the most tense moment, we began to reveal our awards. I pricked my ears and listened carefully as the host read out one name after another. The bronze award and silver award had no me. It seemed that they could only be encouragement awards. I comforted myself secretly: unfortunately, we must sum up experience when we come next time.

"The following is the list of the gold medal winners." At this time, I actually heard my name. I can't believe my ears. The students around me gave me a thumbs up, and I responded and began to applaud with everyone. It seems that this time, my efforts were not in vain, and I immediately enjoyed myself, thinking: It seems that I can go home and boast with my mother. At that moment, I felt like I was going to fly to the sky. It was so cool! It is Beier Shuang in terms of Da Zhang Wei's songs. After the award ceremony, I went back to my room and lay in bed, tossing and turning, very excited. I'm looking forward to going home soon, so that my family can praise me well. Thinking of this, I can't help laughing.

Although I have got a good result, I still have to work hard modestly for greater success.

What I've tasted in composition 600 words composition (12)

That day, I really knew the taste of hard work. In the past, my parents always said that I would not be filial to my parents and elders. This time, I must make my parents look at me with new eyes. I went to the balcony and picked up the broom. I started to sweep from the door. In the middle of the sweep, I was almost exhausted. But in order to impress my parents, I went to the balcony again, put down the broom, picked up the mop, and dragged and dragged. The ground glistened. I danced proudly, but... I was not handsome enough for five seconds, and I fell with a bang. I dragged my aching and tired body to the balcony, put down the mop, and picked up the duster cloth and said, "Oh, my god, it's killing me!" After that, I said, "Oh, it's really hard!" After that, I took the duster cloth to wipe my face. After I wiped it, I knew it was a duster cloth. I petrified it immediately and went to the bathroom to wash my face while washing my face, Humming Lu Han's motive force. After coming out, I immediately changed my style and hummed Xue Zhiqian, what do you want me to do.

Suddenly, my parents came back. I was expecting how my parents would praise me? I was very general. I didn't think that my parents were chatting while I went back to my room to change my shoes. I immediately petrified again.

I hurried to the tea machine to pour tea, and then asked my parents to sit down.

Mother said: "Let's go ahead. Today, we cleaned so clean. What do we want to do? We don't have anything to pay attention to."

I said, "Who says cleaning is something? I want to get your comments

Mother said again, "Your evaluation is that you are cute and our little hero."

I said, "No? I'm so happy!"

Dad laughed and watched TV, which made me ugly.

What about? Is my taste good? Come and have a taste!

What I've tasted in composition 600 words composition (13)

The helpless flowers fall—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

After listening to Professor Liu Xinwu's lecture "A Dream of Red Mansions", I couldn't wait to read this book. When I read the section of "Daiyu Weeps and Remains Red", I couldn't understand her sadness, but in life, I gradually understood the truth.

That day, I was doing my homework when I heard the figure of a person downstairs: "The cherry blossoms are falling!" I was surprised: "Where are there cherry blossoms in our community?" But on second thought, I was allergic to pollen when I was young, so I didn't touch many flowers. It's no wonder I didn't know. But it's always good to know. So I went to the window, and when I saw it, I was surprised again: Is this the cherry blossom? According to that, our community is full of cherry blossoms! Alas, I'm not a grass man!

In my impression, I have never noticed it since I was born. The pink flowers in Zhiman Community in spring and summer are only peach flowers, but they never notice that they have no fruit. Now people, who only strive for fame in the court for the benefit of the city, can't manage the vegetation. She waited, waiting for a group of lively children, but hurried by. In my eyes, she is just a foil for more beautiful scenery.

"There are many withering flowers flying all over the sky. Who pities the loss of beauty?" Cherry blossoms are struggling to open up to win others' pity, but it is a loss of beauty waiting for her. The sound of flowers blooming and falling, like a cry, sounds very detailed, but to my ears, it is deafening!

Why don't there be more idlers like Mr. Dongpo in the world! Someone said, "There are no idlers in the world." Yes, there are idlers in the world. Few of them pay attention to plants, and most of them pay attention to jasmine, orchid, chrysanthemum, etc. Who cares about Japan's national flower? But she is not wrong. Why is the world so unfair?

That night, I just slept, it began to rain, and soon the thunder rolled. "How many flowers fall when the wind and rain come at night?" After the wind and rain of the night, how many trees still have those few leaves!

Cherry blossoms fall and people are haggard. I finally realize the taste of falling flowers, whining pain

What I've tasted in composition 600 words composition (14)

I have tasted the taste of failure, 600 words of junior high school composition material

The sky was dark, there was no wind, my heart was deep, and there was no relaxation... On the first day of the lunar new year, at the beginning of the brilliant flowering season, I wanted to leave a good memory, but unexpectedly, a "local snake" came across, which put me, a "talented woman" of the new century, into the "eighteenth floor dungeon" at once, and let me taste all the sour and disgusting tastes in the world of mortals.

"The first test will be held in the afternoon." The teacher announced once. Looking at the students' nervousness, I began to feel a little gloated, because I understand that this small test, for me, is Zhang Fei eating bean sprouts - a piece of cake. 60 points, with great confidence, 70 points, there is hope, 80 points, make do, 90 points, ingratiating, perhaps from the lines, this is the world's first smart man - me!

The moment of tension, excitement and excitement came, and the teacher handed out black and white paper. At this time, I looked from left to right. There was only a little question I could do, let alone 90 points. It seemed that even her penultimate score of 60 points was hard to get! In any case, time waits for no one. My heart beats more and more as I watch every minute slip away from my hands. Even a surgeon holding a stethoscope can't hear the sound so clearly. Ringing bell...... A piercing bell rings, and I reluctantly and slowly hand in the examination paper that has been watched for a long time and has never been finished.

The waiting days are long, but this time it's not just waiting, it's more to escape, because I don't want to see myself lost, depressed and helpless. But the fact is the fact after all, and the paper was handed out

On that day, the clouds were so dense and low that people could not breathe, but I had no intention of taking these into account. I want to cry, shout, speak, and express my dissatisfaction, but these are useless. The tears flow to my mouth, and I feel salty and astringent.

The day is getting darker, the heart is more chaotic, the taste of failure is heartbreaking, but tomorrow is the beginning of glory.

I have tasted the taste of failure, 600 words of junior high school composition material

The bright moonlight decorated the starry night sky and illuminated the earth. The night sky is like an endless sea, quiet, vast and mysterious. Fields, villages, trees, in the quiet sleep, wrapped in silver gauze, charming and elegant, I stood at the window, my thoughts drifting to the distance.

That day, the Chinese teacher handed out the test paper. I saw it and it was over. I only got 93 points this time. I can't believe my eyes. I read it carefully and found that there were two wrong multiple-choice questions, the composition was deducted by 10%, and the reading was almost deducted by half, which was really 93 points. Looking at the dazzling red, my heart could not help but pained. I never thought I could do so badly in the exam.

Walking in the busy street, looking at the smiling people. Young people walk in groups of three and five on the street. They wore earphones, listened to music, and couldn't help singing along with the music. Others are talking and laughing, and the street has been echoing their laughter while I am out of tune with them. When I got home, I didn't tell my mother that I had failed the exam. I just carried my schoolbag into the room. This is, the sky is covered with dark clouds, and a heavy rain poured down. The relentless heavy rain not only slightly flooded the river, but also flooded my accumulated depression all day long.

The next day, I was called to the office. The teacher said to me, "This is the first time that you have failed so badly in the exam. Next time, you must work hard. When you encounter setbacks, you must have the faith to move forward. You must act immediately, stick to the end, and never give up. The winner will never give up, and the quitter will never succeed. Understand?" I know the teacher, I will not do it next time. "The teacher's words swept away the haze like sunshine, This reminds me of many reasons. Edison said, "Failure is also what I need. It is as valuable as success." More let me understand that failure can not only make people lose confidence, it can also make people more frustrated and brave.

Now, what I have to do is to redouble my efforts and strive for success in the next exam.

Junior two: Long Hui

I have tasted the taste of failure. The composition material of junior high school is 600 words

"There is no rainbow without wind and rain. The sun always comes after the wind and rain. Please believe that there is a rainbow and you can accept it through ups and downs..." Every time I think back to this song, "The sun always comes after the wind and rain", I have a new experience.

The sun, shining in the wind and rain, has illuminated my life. How can you see the rainbow (success) if you don't experience wind and rain? If you want to succeed, then you must experience the wind and rain. The wind and rain is failure. How can you feel the joy of success without failure?

I remember that when I was in primary school, I had a bad habit, that is, I didn't want to work hard when I failed. Once, I did a small experiment and failed once or twice, so I gave up. However, I once read an article in which one person liked to write and often submitted articles, but they failed 15 times. However, he still did not give up, continued to work hard, and submitted again. Finally, his masterpiece of more than 100000 words was favored by the president of a company, and he achieved success.

When I finish reading this article, I will have deep feelings and make unremitting efforts to win success. "The sun always shines after the wind and rain," so after dozens of failures, I finally made the experiment a success. At that moment, I felt the joy of success.

The taste of failure contains my bitterness, and the joy of success inspires me to work hard. That experiment, that story, whenever I want to give up, I will think of them.

"Sunshine always comes after rain". The sunshine always comes after the wind and rain. The sunshine after the wind and rain is the freshest, most beautiful, softest and most beautiful. The sunshine after the storm is also the most touching.

If you want to succeed, then you must go through ups and downs; If you do not go through the storm, then you will not taste the joy of success.

"Failure is the mother of success". If you are a loser, don't be discouraged, and don't be discouraged. Because Edison said: there is no failure in the world, but it is a step closer to success. Repeated failures have laid the foundation for success. Every successful person is also experiencing failure and pain. They just don't want to give up and get discouraged. So as to strengthen confidence, continue to work hard and strive towards their goals until success.

The sunshine always comes after the rain, please believe that there is a rainbow, and I will accept it through rain and wind... "I think of it again, and I have a new experience

What I've tasted in composition 600 words composition (15)

It happened in the fifth grade. That time, the school held a composition contest, and the top three winners will be able to represent the school to the county to participate in the contest. This news made our Chinese teacher crazy. A few days before the competition, we didn't have new lessons, but we were taught the skills of writing compositions. Finally, as the "favorite" of the Chinese teacher, I was naturally elected by the teacher to be the lecturer of the school without hesitation. Finally, the teacher also said a meaningful sentence: "Ladies and gentlemen, this competition is of great importance, you should prepare well!"

After listening to the Chinese teacher's words, I smiled. My heart was full of scorn. Hum, ready? With my excellent writing skills, I still need to prepare? The first place is none other than me.

In this psychology, when others are accumulating beautiful words and sentences, I change the channel in front of the TV; When others are searching for writing skills, I eat snacks happily on the chair; When others recite beautiful articles, I laugh at cartoons. It was not until the night before the game that I casually turned over several articles that I thought were beautiful.

My lack of effort also paid a price. My name was left far behind in the ranking list of the speech contest. The bright and prominent name not only humiliated my self-esteem, but also made me deeply taste the taste of failure. That feeling was so painful that my poor self-esteem was broken.

I still can't forget that taste. It doesn't disappear like other past events, but is deeply embedded in my heart. Let me always remember that success can only be achieved through continuous efforts.

What I've tasted in composition 600 words composition (16)

After so many years, the only thing that impressed me deeply

I remember that it was in my second grade, on a sunny afternoon - "ding ling ling, ding ling ling". The bell rang after school. The students were carrying their bags and preparing to go out. Just as I was about to take the first step, I heard only "boom... boom... boom". Suddenly, the sky sounded like an "atomic explosion", which made my heart break. In the blink of an eye, the big raindrops fell from the sky, and it began to rain cats and dogs. I could not help but touch the left side of my schoolbag and the right side. "It's over! I forgot my umbrella!" I screamed. I didn't envy other students at all when they went home with umbrellas and were taken away by their parents. I squatted alone under the eaves of the school gate, and even the flowers and grass beside me were unwilling to accompany me. Everyone was dejected. I curled up and had to resign myself

Half an hour later, I still squatted in the "old place", and there was no change at all. Because I had been blown by the wind, my body could not help shaking up. Do I have to "drink the wind" all the time? Just as I was complaining, a familiar figure appeared in front of me, "It's Mom!" I cried out in ecstasy. I saw my mother's clothes and pants were soaked, and her hair looked like it had just been washed. My mother said with a face of self reproach, "I'm sorry, my mother is too busy, she forgot to pick you up". I didn't answer, but hugged her tightly, I feel so warm in my heart. I am deeply immersed in maternal love

Maternal love is the sun that warms the soul, the rain that moistens the soul, the fertile soil that irrigates the soul, the rainbow that beautifies the soul, and the taste of happiness!