Compositions along the way (7 in a collection)
Solitary Clouds in Far Water
2023-11-03 08:30:02
Argumentative paper

Writing along the way (1)

In daily study, work and life, everyone is blind to composition. With composition, people can reflect objective things, express thoughts and feelings, and transmit knowledge and information. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is the composition of Xiao Biandun, who is going all the way with roses. Welcome to share it.

It is another year of wind rise and another year of water fall, and time will slowly sink the past. However, there is a scene that is still deep in my memory and cannot be forgotten.

In the dusk, a wisp of cooking smoke rose from the roof. I walked in the garden not far from home, and my brother in front of me was running happily, and the noise of playing had been integrated into the moonlight.

I was looking down and counting my steps. When I looked up, I saw a sea of flowers. With heavy makeup and light makeup, it is sexy and hot. It emits dazzling light at night. A closer look shows that it is my favorite flower: rose. There are so many kinds of flowers in the world, but I only like roses. He represents enthusiasm and fierceness.

I am trapped in this sea of flowers, unable to extricate myself. I stood on tiptoe, leaning forward slightly, trying to pick a flower to appreciate. But when I touched it, my fingers were pierced by its protective clothing. The rose is beautiful, but you can't pick it. This is exactly what "can be seen from afar rather than played with."

I looked at the blood on my hands and thought: the roses that looked so weak only had a layer of clothes that could protect them. How strong must your inner heart be so as not to be afraid of people's mistakes?

Looking at the stars in the sky, I swear in the sea of roses. In the future, I will be strong and powerful, and I will make myself a person who "can look at things from afar but can't play with them".

It's too late to leave the sea of flowers. God doesn't seem to agree that I am obsessed with this. God seems to tell me that if I continue to be so persistent, I will be deeply hurt. Random, the sky fell dripping raindrops, bit by bit beating on my body, the raindrops were admonishing me to leave.

In the end, I still left. The sea of roses is still in the template of my memory. When I returned home, it was the storm and rainstorm that came. However, the roses under the storm were still strong in the flower sea.

I will carry the strength of roses along the way.

Writing along the way (2)

Writing with confidence

No matter in study, work or life, everyone will inevitably come into contact with composition. Composition is a transition from internal speech to external speech, that is, from a concise and concise language that can be understood by oneself through compression to an external language form that is developed, has a standardized grammatical structure and can be understood by others. There are many things to pay attention to in composition. Are you sure you can write? The following is the composition collected by Xiao Bian, which goes forward with confidence. Welcome to read and treasure it.

The word "confidence", I think, is to believe in myself. I am confident that I will lead him along the way. It has helped me overcome many difficulties.

After the exam, I sat on the seat with confidence, and all the difficulties were solved one by one under my intelligence. Suddenly, a question came to me. Several similar answers came to my mind. After a while of hard thinking, I was ready to give up. At that moment, I was confident. I said, "Come on, don't give up. You can do it. Think about the answer again." This is not much time. I firmly wrote down the answer, and the results came out, I got a high score again. Thank you for your confidence.

In the game. It's hard to relax for a while. This time, I forgot to take confidence with me. I played according to the method taught by others for several times without passing the exam. I thought about it and didn't know where En Dichu was. This was confidence. I said I believed I would follow my own way of thinking, so I continued to play according to my own way of thinking and finally found the problem. I immediately broke the deadlock and won hahaha.

In class, the teacher gave two questions. The first question many students were wrong, and the second question students gave the same answer. This is why I stood out and told my mind the answer. Because I was confident that I believed in my courage, you must be accurate. After I sat down, the teacher wrote the exact answer. Ha ha, my answer is accurate.

Be confident at all times, and you will succeed with confidence. Let's move forward with confidence.

Writing along the way (3)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

A wonderful life needs not only happiness, but also pain. If you want to grow and gain, you need not only praise and joy, but also, more importantly, slowly understand and mature in the pain time after time.

One day a few years ago, I saw the persimmons sold by the vendor in a small stall at the entrance of the community were very cheap, but they were not ripe and very hard. The peddler said that he could eat it after a few days. However, after three or four days at home, the persimmons were still hard. I couldn't help tasting it. It was so bitter and astringent that I wanted to throw it away. When Grandpa knew it, he quickly stopped me: "It's a pity to throw away these persimmons. If you want to eat in a hurry, you can find some toothpicks and put them on the persimmons to ensure that they are cooked quickly and well." Although I was a little skeptical, I did as Grandpa said: put four toothpicks around the persimmon lid. Two days later, the persimmon really became soft, and the taste was very good, sweet, without a trace of astringency. A toothpick pricks persimmons. Why can it ripen them? In response, the friend explained: "Using toothpicks to accelerate the ripening of persimmons is a stabbing and astringency removing method, which is a very effective local method. Because after the persimmon skin is punctured, it will accelerate its oxidation, so as to achieve the goal of rapid ripening." It turns out that ripening sometimes comes at the cost of pain. Grandfather pointed at the persimmons and said to me, "These persimmons can only mature with injuries. People, too!"

I was deep in thought. Yes, persimmons are like this, and life is like this? (Be good at using excessive sentences)

I can't forget the unforgettable summer vacation of 13 years. Nobody expected that this was the end of my grandfather's 73 year old life.

I remember that grandpa was always strong and always went to the ground to help during the busy farming season. At that time, he always said I was making trouble, and we were all full of bright smiles

However, on that day, my mother's phone rang suddenly in the middle of the night, and my mother's face told me that something important had happened - Grandpa had gone, forever! However, I wondered why I didn't cry, why my heart was not so painful, why I took the news calmly like my mother, and why I was calm.

Then one very ordinary noon, I leaned over by the window. Somehow, I cried without warning, and my tears could not stop. All of my tears burst at that moment. I suddenly thought of my grandpa. In the future, there would be a huge crowd, and I would never find that figure again. I would never have the chance to call "grandpa" again. This title disappeared from the world, and I suddenly felt heartache, heart rending pain. Close your eyes, the touching picture flashed in my mind, I dare not think about it, but it seems to take root in my heart, so I can't forget it. In my mind, it is always that face, so clear, as if it is the pain of a living person, although the pain will come sooner or later. At that moment, I understood that maturity comes at the cost of pain.

But I understand: no matter how hard it is, we must go against the current, and even if we are covered in bruises, we must travel with pain!

Junior 2: Feng Jing

Writing along the way (4)

In today's realistic society, we are like sailing against the current. If we don't advance, we will retreat. Therefore, we are moving forward every day. However, in the process of moving forward, we have encountered many tests, but whenever you are ready to give up, there is always a mentor and friend to support you.

I still remember that when I first entered junior high school, I put on my school uniform with childishness and felt extremely excited about the upcoming junior high school life. However, the first day of campus life in junior high school washed away all my excitement. When the junior middle school teacher taught on the platform in a way different from that of the primary school teacher, my mind seemed to be covered with a thick fog, and I tried my best, but I could not remove the fog that blocked my progress. I was anxious, and then I really felt that the difference between primary school and junior high school, in the classroom of junior high school, the teacher would no longer painstakingly urge us to take notes, no longer loudly scold us to be quiet, and the students would not sit solemnly... However, all these sudden changes made me involuntarily resist junior high school life.

Until one day, the head teacher, Mr. Chen, came to me to talk with me in the office. As soon as I entered the office door, the teacher came to me kindly and said, "Come on, sit down." I stretched out my hand and dragged the chair beside me behind me, sat down and asked carefully: "Teacher, don't you know what you want me to do?" The teacher said kindly, "I have seen you wandering in class recently. Is it because you are not used to it or for some other reason?" Hearing this sentence, my heart rippled. I couldn't help but admire what Mr. Chen said. I nodded, and then told all my feelings in the way of confiding. In this process, Mr. Chen has been listening carefully without any impatience. After that, Mr. Chen said to me earnestly: "In fact, everything has a process of adaptation. In junior high school, it was much harder than in primary school, and I gradually adapted. As for the surrounding environmental problems, there is a good saying that the master led the practice in his own life. As long as he keeps control of himself and is not disturbed by the outside world, I believe you will become an excellent student. Come on, I believe I can do it! ”After hearing this sentence, the thick fog in my mind slowly dissipated, and I seemed to see that the road of life is full of new goals.

In the next life journey, I will take my teacher's expectations and my own original dream to forge ahead bravely on the road of future life.

Writing along the way (5)

No matter in study, work or life, we have more or less been exposed to composition bar. According to the different writing time limit, composition can be divided into limited time composition and non limited time composition. So have you learned about composition? The following is a collection of my parents' essays that I hope can help you.

From my birth, I began to bathe in love and strict love, and grow happily. My mother always gives me a kind motherly love. She always has a smile on her face and always encourages me. My father gave me a stern look, but I knew it was also a kind of love. My father sounded the alarm bell for me all the time, which made me dare not relax. It's hard for me to win my father's "thumb", but just because of this, my mother encouraged me to grow up and let me be confident, while my father warned me not to let me be proud, which makes me very happy. My study is also great in this case, and I always rank top in every exam. But my writing ability and English are very poor. My parents often sigh because of me.

I slowly grew up, taller and more knowledgeable, but my parents slowly grew older, with more wrinkles and white hair. On one occasion, I finally wrote a composition that I felt very satisfied with. I excitedly showed it to my mother. After reading it, her eyes brightened, she gave her thumb to praise my good writing, and encouraged me to exercise hard and go further. But after reading it, my father said coldly that I was badly written. I was very sad. It was my first good article after all. I ran out of home with tears in my eyes. When I got home, I found that my parents were quarreling, perhaps because of this. After that time, my mother bought a lot of composition guidance books. My mother patiently taught me and I studied hard. My composition level has improved a lot with the joint efforts of my mother and me. Slowly, I also got a praise from my father that was more important than gold.

That day after school, the teacher assigned us to go home to read English, and the next day we had to dictate. Now I'm so worried. I can't even read. What should I do? I just stay in the study and lose my temper. My parents saw it and asked me what was wrong. I was wronged and told them the situation. Dad listened, patted his chest and said, "What are you afraid of? Your mother and I are here, and you are afraid that you will not learn." I was a little incredulous, pointing to the sky and saying, "Don't blow any more, the cows are blown to the sky by you." Dad was speechless by me, and was stunned for a long time before he said, "Let you see my real skills." Dad first taught me the word "banana", In order to help me remember the words better, he told me a joke: "A foreigner went to climb a mountain and fell down accidentally on the way. A man grabbed him. The foreigner saw a banana and said," Banana, that man is very strange. Don't pull it? Then he let go, and the foreigner fell off the cliff. "I laughed, In my smile, in my father's careful guidance, in my serious study, I unconsciously learned English. The next day, I got full marks for my successful dictation. I was so happy that I felt the joy of learning and more energetic.

My parents have to go to work every day. They get up before dawn and go to bed late at night. They work very hard and always take care of me meticulously. I don't know how much care I have taken for my growth and learning. I don't know how much hair has gone gray. I often help them do housework and share their worries. One night when I was a child, after we finished eating, my parents were very busy. My father collected the dishes and my mother washed the dishes. I saw that they were very busy with sweat, so I wanted to help them do something within their power. I want my mother to teach me how to wash dishes. My mother was very happy and said: "Son, I am very happy to have you, but you are too young to do such a job." "I want to wash the dishes, I want to wash the dishes..." I cried, and cried. My mother couldn't help me, so she told me how to wash the dishes, and then took half of the dishes to wash for me. I do it according to my mother's method. First pour a basin of water, then drop a few drops of dishwashing liquid, and then pick up the sponge gourd pulp to wash. I washed and washed. It took me half an hour to wash several dishes, but my mother was almost finished. I saw my mother washing so fast, so I ran to my mother and asked her, "Mom, how did you wash so fast?" My mother said, "As long as you wash the dishes carefully, you can clean them and wash them quickly!" I scratched my head after listening to my mother's words, He said, "I was thinking about watching cartoons when I was washing dishes." After that, I ran to the original place and began to wash dishes seriously. After a while, I finally finished the dishes clean and fast. In fact, I grew up slowly in the way my mother taught me by example, and gradually learned a lot of knowledge that I could not learn from textbooks.

I went to junior high school in a flash. Now I am taller and older, and I know that I should study hard and be a sensible child. These things are gradually understood under the patient education of my parents. Along the way, I am growing healthily with their kindness and sternness

Writing along the way (6)

When we grow up, cars become an indispensable means of transportation. It is like a full-time baby sitter bought by money. It may also have life risks, such as car accidents, flat tires, rear end collisions, etc.

Generally, our family will travel by car, and the most important thing is the car. Sitting in the car, comfortable armchair, the scene outside the window is changing from far to near. Sitting in the car, there is a feeling that the whole world is still at this moment, as if only our family and this car are chasing time and eternity; It also seems to move aimlessly without sense of direction. Outside, everything is still, only cars and people are moving. All these contain happiness, freedom, light and yearning. But after passing through a tunnel, it seems to return to real life.

The wind whistled and woke the people in their dreams. The car was still running, with light and color. It had strength and full of feelings, and crossed thousands of mountains and rivers. Although we are only here in China, it seems that we have seen the scenery of the world and finally arrived at the place we yearn for - our destination. All the journeys are finally over, all the cars will be dilapidated and finally scrapped.

Every trip is like this: Dad is concentrating on driving, Mom is reading, my brother is sleeping, I am listening to music and daydreaming about some things... As soon as we reach the end of the journey, we will spontaneously put down the things in front of us and merge into another new place.

Every car in the world comes and goes, only this car takes us all the way.

Writing along the way (7)

Today, China's position in the world is gradually rising. China's exchanges with the outside world are also playing a more and more important role in China's social, economic and political development. Under the situation that the pace of social development is accelerating, China has come up with a response strategy: start from extending the road, and make continuous progress on the road of development.

Along the way, the pace of society moves with the pace of the people. A few years later, it is estimated that the term "bike sharing" is little known in China. But now, in order to adapt to the development trend of the new era, "bike sharing" has entered our society and come to our side. There is no doubt that the speed of cars is far greater than that of bicycles, but there are more cars, which may not be more convenient than bicycles. To some extent, bike sharing is much more convenient, The road to work and school is smooth, so is the road to society.

Along the way, the pace of life moves with the pace of technology. In this fast-paced society, people's lives need to be accelerated to keep up with the development of the times, but what can we do to go fast and steadily? China has built a high-speed railway with great efforts. This road, which is made of white iron and hard steel, can reach everywhere. It is faster than cars, more comfortable than trains, and more safe than planes. The main road of China's social and economic progress is smooth and fast because of it. The birth of high-speed railway is a new breakthrough in China's transportation.

Along the way, the pace of the country moves with the pace of politics. More than 2000 years ago, the Chinese people, with wisdom, courage and sweat, opened up a path of people to people and trade exchanges connecting civilizations in Asia, Europe and Africa, and jointly forged a brilliant ancient Silk Road with the people of countries along the route. Now, the Chinese people have once again picked up the lost sand and opened up the ancient Silk Road. As the Belt and Road, this road is a win-win cooperation road to promote common development and prosperity, and a road of peace and friendship. China's politics will also follow this road to the world. China will show its great power on the land and sea Silk Road, and spread Chinese culture, Bring back your good reputation.

The times are developing and the society is making progress. From sharing bicycles to promoting convenient life, to establishing high-speed railway to ensuring transportation, and then to the "Belt and Road", which has caused a great stir. Along the way, China is taking a solid step to step on a road by road basis. Foreign friends now see China as a struggling China, and in the future see China as a brand new China.