Talk about eating Laba porridge on Laba Festival (21 selected sentences)
Lonely Butterfly Shadow
2023-03-21 10:41:16
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. In order to get lucky, I went to the next community to get Laba porridge. Our community was too weak, so I was robbed within 5 minutes.

2. Today is Laba Festival! Drink Laba porridge and soak Laba garlic! At the same time, it is the 23rd little cold solar term, indicating that the weather is getting colder and colder! Pay attention to keeping warm!

3. It's early to have Laba porridge. It's getting closer and closer to the New Year. Although the concept of the New Year is becoming more vague as we grow up, we should be happy when we think that we can buy bags and clothes for a year with bonuses at the end of the year.

4. My father gave me a bowl of Laba porridge to eat. Happy Laba Festival!

5. Other people have afternoon tea, I have morning tea... I still think that the red bean paste is delicious, and Laba will take the red bean paste instead of Laba porridge.

6. Today is the Laba Festival. Please accept my deep blessing for a bowl of Laba porridge. May all the happiness accompany you forever, and I wish you a happy Laba Festival!

7. Laba starts the vacation mode, sweet Laba porridge, soft thick egg, red big apple. Warm breakfast for family! Suitable for me! Food for family is always the happiest feeling!

8. Laba: The Laba porridge is a happy and drizzly day. It's like a dream to enter the net, but it's a pity that we didn't meet each other.

9. The dish will be opened right away. Laba porridge has one more date, fragrant! If you want to have porridge today, you will give jujube to the market!

10. Yesterday, Nanyuan Street, Fengtai District held the theme activity of "Changing Neighborhood Sentiment in Shed and Celebrating Laba in Village". More than 300 old neighbors gathered together to taste Laba porridge and talk about the neighborhood.

11. Today, Xiaohan "ran into" Laba Festival to kick off the Spring Festival. People started the New Year by eating Laba porridge and making Laba garlic, looking forward to the new year.

12. On Laba today, I didn't drink Laba porridge of Jingyan Temple, but I drank a bowl of black rice porridge. It's also satisfying to eat wheat with my father-in-law. Life is healthy, safe, happy, and rich. It's honorable.

13. After Laba is New Year! Laba porridge has been drunk. Go home from work to soak Laba garlic!

14. Today, let's have Laba porridge with the lord. Xiao Wa always eats so carefully in the play. He has a good appetite.

15. Today is Laba. I didn't expect time to pass so quickly. I was forced to do experiments at school. I really wanted to have a bowl of hot Laba porridge.

16. Today, when Xiaohan meets Laba, he freezes his chin&# 10052;&# 65039; Today, I remember to go to the canteen to eat a bowl of Laba porridge. After Laba, the New Year is coming. I'm going home for the New Year. Are you looking forward to it?

17. A bowl of Laba porridge in Daxiong Temple in the morning, burp! A bowl of self cooked eight treasure porridge at noon, eh! I only have porridge this day!

18. Laba Festival, the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, is used to eating Laba porridge. This year, Xiaohan coincides with Laba. It is the best choice for people to drink Laba porridge in cold weather. Laba people have a tradition of offering sacrifices to ancestors and gods and praying for good harvest.

19. Tianjin usually drinks Laba porridge on Laba Day. Does the south also drink porridge on Laba Day?

20. Brother, today is the Laba Festival. Remember to eat Laba porridge (I have become my brother's meat meal, so shy).

21. The cold Laba Festival, of course, requires Laba porridge! Boil a pot of spicy Laba porridge! Drink a bowl of fragrant and glutinous Laba porridge. It tastes delicious and sweet! After Laba, the taste of New Year will be stronger!