Painful Lessons 600 (8 Collections)
Calm as a chrysanthemum
2024-01-20 09:02:34
primary school

A painful lesson 600 (1)

"Ding Lingling One by One" The wonderful class bell rang throughout the campus, and a class began with the bell.

Dear teacher Li reported a large stack of corrected answer cards and walked onto the platform with a smile. The smile was as bright as the sunny weather outside, but it did not make us feel a bit warm, just because of the large stack of test papers.

The students looked helplessly at the answer cards. Just now, their enthusiasm for class suddenly dropped to the freezing point, and the smile on their faces immediately solidified. I saw some students put their hands together, silently praying that they could do well in the exam; Some eyes stared at the answer card closely, like a cheetah finding delicious food.

When I handed out the test paper, I was shocked when I read the composition: God, I actually deducted six points from the original 50 point composition, and only got 44 points. Look at the restaurant Han next to me, 50 points, full marks! I looked at the bright red 50 points enviously, and felt like I had knocked over the bottle of Chinese medicine.

When I saw the 44 points on the answer sheet, I thought a lot: I wrote a composition every day, didn't I? Why didn't it work? Is it because of little progress? Or is the content bad? The teacher once told me that my essays did not describe in detail, but I always took the teacher's words as a deaf ear, going in one ear and out the other. Now this painful lesson gave me a blow in the head, woke me up and forced me to face the problem correctly.

When I think of this, I blush like a big apple, till my neck is red. I regret that I didn't listen to my teacher at the beginning. I really "don't listen to my teacher, and I will suffer"! I'm going to set my ambition: "write essays, use more details, read more books, absorb the essence of the composition book, learn other people's good words and sentences, learn from each other's strong points to complement each other's weak points, learn the writing characteristics on the reading topic, imitate writing, and improve my literary literacy."

This painful lesson woke me up like an iron bar, and it will become my eternal lesson. I will always remember it in my heart and never do it again.

A painful lesson 600 (2)

I went swimming with Chen Yuchuan this afternoon. When I came to the swimming pool, I paid the money and rushed into the locker room. After I changed my swimming trunks, I threw away my clothes and thought that I would not deposit them this time.

Then he rushed into the swimming pool. I didn't expect that there were mobile phones and keys in my pants, let alone that someone would steal these things. Chen Yuchuan and I played crazy until 4:30. When I came to the locker room, I found that there was nothing in my bag except my shorts and my jacket. Where are my pants? I couldn't help feeling hot. I hurriedly searched the locker room carefully, and then asked others to look for it together, but I still couldn't find it. "Is it possible that someone has put on the wrong pants?" As soon as the idea came to my mind, I was immediately denied. "No, no, is it possible that someone has put on the wrong pants? The pants must have been stolen!" I could not help feeling a blackening before my eyes, There are my mobile phone and home keys!

So I hurried to the school to inform my mother of the news, but there was only Teacher Zhou in the same office with my mother. So I borrowed her mobile phone to call my mother. After receiving the phone call, my mother immediately rushed to the school to ask me about my situation. When my mother knew that I had put my clothes in the locker room instead of the counter, He immediately criticized me and said, "Why did you put your clothes in the locker room? Don't you know there are valuables in your pants? You think there are no thieves in the world! People in the world are not like you! It's good to say that if you lose your mobile phone, you will have to change the security door! By the way, where are your swimming trunks?" "Swimming trunks?"

I stammered, "Oh! I forgot it in the swimming pool!" My mother glared at me and hurriedly led me to the swimming pool. When I went to the locker room, I first took out my swimming trunks, and then told the uncle of the management office about it. The uncle and I searched again, but still couldn't find them. After returning home, my mother said to me in earnest: "Wu Tong, you should know that people in the world are not all good people, so you must be careful in the future, and don't be afraid." I listened and nodded vigorously.

Alas, this is really a painful lesson. I can't repeat it in the future!

A painful lesson 600 (3)

Human life is fleeting. Maybe in the twinkling of an eye, the playing of life will be over, ushering in painful lessons again and again.

What's the lesson of traffic safety? It's the loss of blood and the complaint of tears. Maybe at the moment when you decide whether to comply with traffic safety, a painful lesson will happen to you. Just like that time, I saw him crushed under the public wheel, never getting up again, just sleeping like that

In October 20xx, I saw the lesson of blood with my own eyes, the men in the pool of blood.

That morning, it was sunny. The sun shone on the earth, making the autumn earth suddenly warm up. The golden sun made people feel particularly comfortable. At that time, it did not expect that the road would be covered by blood.

He was riding his bike. Maybe he had just returned from seeing the child off and forgot his pencil box. He hurried back to see the child off, but it was time for class. He might be a little worried and rode very fast. I saw the red light on, but he was still moving forward. Just then, a bus came flying. At that moment, the car collided with him, but he was so weak, Soon he was rolled under the wheel. I saw his brain squeezed out, and his head immediately flattened, covered in blood, and his legs were pressed under the wheel, unable to move. By the time the driver and the crowd rescued him, he had stopped breathing, his body was covered with blood, his bloody head had been opened, and there were blood vessels and other things in it, which made people dare not look at him and were extremely afraid. At that time, many primary school students immediately cried, and of course, I also cried.

Time rushes by. I still remember that scene and the painful lesson. It turns out that traffic safety is so important. If you break a little rule, your life will stay in that moment and you will never return. A painful lesson! What you bring is our thinking time and time again, thinking about traffic safety.

A painful lesson 600 (4)

On Thursday night, for some reason, I came back from playing basketball with a dull pain in my stomach. I didn't take it seriously. After doing my homework for a while, I felt weak and dizzy. I put down my pen and lay down on the bed. It was a terrible lie, and my stomach hurt even more. It was like a balloon full of water and gas hanging there, and the food in my stomach seemed to overflow. I had to get up again and walk slowly in the living room for two times, feeling a little better.

My mother asked me to go to bed ahead of time. But I felt more uncomfortable when I was lying in bed. My stomach was being pulled by a rope, and I felt cramps. My muscles were tense all over my body, like an endangered worm, slowly moving my body in the quilt, struggling painfully. I began to wonder: "Is this appendicitis or stomach perforation?"

After taking the medicine, the pain was alleviated, but my mind was still confused, dizzy, and I fell asleep. I woke up twice in the middle of the journey with pain. The feeling of dizziness hit me, mixed with the pain in my stomach. Finally, I couldn't help but vomit all over the floor. Then I realized that I had eaten so much!

The next day I asked for a leave. The lack of sleep and stomachache made me feel worse than vomiting. Sleeping in bed, dizzy is really not a taste; Sitting on the sofa, the feeling of nausea surged up, everything in the stomach seemed to squeeze into the throat, and the head seemed to be shaking. A few mouthfuls of bitter juice poured into my mouth several times, and I swallowed it hard, otherwise, the food would be turned out at once.

I reluctantly went to school in the afternoon. In PE class, I couldn't hold on. Practicing standing posture is like hitting your stomach with a hammer. Once your stomach sticks out, you will hit the "hammer" in your stomach. It feels like the "hammer" will come out of your belly button. That's uncomfortable

In fact, all the pain comes from my greed. On Thursday night, I ate too much food, and just finished eating, I was eager to drink water. Then I ran out to play ball games. After playing, I drank water again. If you torture your stomach like this, it will certainly "protest".

This is a painful lesson. Up to now, I'm still careful not to eat or drink, for fear of offending my stomach again.

A painful lesson 600 (5)

Whenever I see the two deep scars on my face in the mirror, I can't help recalling the painful lesson.

In the summer of 20xx, the final exam ended. I relaxed my tense spirit. In the evening, my classmate Wang Rui asked me to ride a bike. He said that sliding from the ground to the underground garage was very dangerous and exciting. I never played and agreed without thinking. At this time, I had already left my father's words telling me to pay attention to safety before going out, and excitedly followed Wang Rui straight to the underground garage. From the ground to the underground garage is a long washboard slope with a slope of more than 50 degrees, and there is a 90 degree turn when reaching the underground plane. I can't wait to ride my bike down from the ground. At first, the impact was not great. I looked around curiously while riding. After a while, the speed increased, and I felt light, as if I were in space. As we approached the basement, we made a sharp turn, and the car rushed forward for more than ten meters. It was really enjoyable!

Once, twice, three times, we are both happy. The fourth time I rushed down, I was exhausted, and a grain of sand flew into my eyes. I dare not spare a hand to rub my eyes, so I have to wait for my eyes to get better. But when I opened my eyes, I found that I had reached the turning point, the brake could not be braked, and it was too late to turn! In a flash, I ran into the hard stone wall on the slope, and my head was broken and bleeding. The blood soaked my clothes, and I felt as if I had been in pain for centuries... Wang Rui, who played together, was scared away. The security guard who came to hear the news informed my parents, and I was rushed to the hospital by 120 first-aid.

In the emergency room of the hospital, I was lying on the stretcher covered with blood, and my face was bruised and bruised so that I could not find my nose. After a series of examinations such as CT and nasal film, six stitches were sewn on my right eyelid, three stitches were sewn on the right lower part of my nose, half of my front teeth in my mouth were missing, all the upper and lower front teeth were loose, and I had to wear five wires to fix them... That night, my parents, my grandparents, my aunts and uncles, and my cousins were crying out for me, and I could not answer, I only remember the sharp call of the ambulance, the special smell of the hospital, the dazzling halo of the shadowless lamp, and the unforgettable pain. It seems that I really died once.

I lay in the hospital for seven days and spent a whole summer vacation, which cost my parents a lot of medical expenses. Since then, I have learned to use my head before doing anything.

A painful lesson 600 (6)

One afternoon, after work, my father said that there seemed to be a black fly in front of his left eye, which was very inconvenient to see. We asked my father to hurry to the hospital for examination. After some examination, we learned a bad news: my father had a slight retinal detachment in his left eye, and he would lose his sight if he did not operate immediately.

Hearing the news, I felt like a bolt from the blue. The family did not dare to neglect him, so they hurried to send his father to the best First People's Hospital in the city. After three days of in-patient observation and examination, Dad smiled into the operating room under the advice of all of us.

We waited anxiously outside the operating room. I was even more anxious than an ant on a hot pot. I walked up and down the hall, and then ran to the door of the operating room to look inside. Although I could see nothing, I would go to see it later. "Amitabha, bless my father's operation, and let's finish it quickly!" I silently prayed for my father, hoping for the success of the operation.

Three and a half hours later, the door of the operating room opened. A doctor poked out his head and said, "Li Baojun's family..." We hurried to the front and saw Dad lying on the bed with white gauze wrapped around his eyes. At this time, my tears poured down like summer thunderstorms. I pushed the sickbed with my family and pushed my father back to the ward.

In the ward, my father told me about his operation. "The doctor used local anesthesia, and I was highly myopic, so it was difficult to do, so it was very uncomfortable. When the pain was severe, I would recite Yue Fei's" Man Jiang Hong "." Speaking of this, my father sobbed.

At this time, the passionate mother and aunt were also full of tears. I cried even more. My father said to me again, "Maomao, you should protect your eyes in the future. This is because I don't pay attention to protecting my eyes at ordinary times." I said, "Well, I know." Yes, if you don't protect your eyes, you will be as painful as my father.

This is really a painful lesson!

A painful lesson 600 (7)

One day, I was walking on the sidewalk beside the road. An old woman was walking beside me, and we waited for the green light to cross the road. The old grandma has white hair and a smile on her face, which makes me feel very kind. The green light is on. Grandma crosses the road first. Suddenly, a red car flew wildly, scaring the old woman to the ground. The sound of the car still lingered in my ears. It was clearly a red light, but its owner did not pay attention to the traffic rules. At this time, I heard the passers-by behind talking:

"Ha ha! Look at this old woman. She can't get up even sitting on the ground."

"People now! It's really killing me..."

I didn't want to hear any more, so I ran to the old woman and lifted her up, and said to myself, "How ungrateful!"

"Alas, what's the matter? Why don't you obey the traffic rules when driving? Isn't it the green light?" Grandma complained. I thought to myself: such a person has no conscience! I won't be such a person until I grow up! Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the front. It turned out that the red car had just hit the fence.

I walked over and saw that the front of the car was basically abandoned. Looking inside, the big brother in his twenties kept bleeding on his head, still holding his mobile phone, with more and more information inside.

After a while, the ambulance came. The doctor touched the elder brother, tried his breath, and immediately announced: "The patient has not breathed and is dead." At this time, I seemed to hear the "black hunter" laughing wildly, fooling his ignorance and breaking the rules! I seem to hear the cry of his relatives, kowtowing and crying. At this time, I couldn't help falling a tear. When the ambulance arrived, he called his relatives.

I walked alone in the street, recalling what had just happened. The laughter of "Black Hunter" and the cries of relatives made my tears fall again. I felt very tired and didn't cry anymore. I returned home with an empty shell. Since then, every time I pass the road, I will remember that "when the car goes straight and the horse goes sideways, we must follow the rules. Only when the green light goes through the red light can we become square". Otherwise, we will pay a heavy price.

A painful lesson 600 (8)

Before long, the teacher asked me to go up, and I saw, ah! Why was she angry? She held my test paper tightly with one hand, and formed a fist with the other hand. Her chest heaved violently, as if a big balloon was about to explode. The meridians on her neck stood up trembling, and her face was swollen red, from the neck to the back of her ears, like an angry rooster. She tightly closed her mouth, and her cheeks were bulging, like a frog's bulging airbag, I knew that she was trying to hold back her anger. The nostrils are so large that they play back and forth one after another. The exhaled air is like a pump. I ran to the teacher in fear. "Come on, look at this question, how many times it was wrong." The teacher said to me sternly. With the two sounds of "hiss, hiss", my test paper was torn into four pieces by the angry teacher. I was shocked. The teacher brought me another one and asked me to redo it. I took the test paper, like eggplant, and went back to my seat dejected.

As the saying goes, "You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry." This time, it's good to eat a piece of raw tofu in a hurry. It seems that you can't just do things quickly! This is really a painful lesson.