Understanding (16 recommended)
Sleeping in spring and not knowing the dawn
2024-03-29 06:15:32
third year in high school

Understanding (1)

Know you, the beauty god in troubled times.


I understand you. I am born a beauty, with beautiful hair, fragrant cheeks and beautiful face. "The embroidered hibiscus opens at the same time, and the golden duck lining the gills." In the empty courtyard, you looked at the agarwood curling. At that time, you were the daughter of an official family, living a comfortable life, and full of the influence of your father Li Gefei's culture. Li Gefei, a student of Su Dongpo, had become a master of literature. You are not only as beautiful as jade outside, but also as beautiful as bamboo inside. You are immersed in the sea of literature every day. You and your female companions are swinging in the courtyard from time to time, hoping that your father can find a good husband for you as soon as possible. I hope

You once wrote a poem, in which "the inscription of virtue and innocence is to make the gods and ghosts grind the cliffs." This sentence is extremely unique and can not help being praised, which is not inferior to the romantic school Li Bai and the bold and unconstrained school Xin Qiji. I also wondered how your innocent girl could tell such a chapter with a huge chest and a magnificent atmosphere? Maybe it's just because you will not only persuade beauty, but also defeat your own spiritual world. At that moment, I understand you.

God will never let you wait so hard for your sweetheart. Who knows, love is coming to you quietly. Love is a turning point in life. You will move from a girl to maturity. You can't go to the backyard to sit on the swing, and you can't fight grass with your girlfriend. The youth that once belonged to you is like a cloud of smoke turning over and won't let you be pampered any more. You will finally pass the ferry. At that moment, Your mood, I understand you.

When you come there with all the hopes of the girl in your boudoir, you are relieved and fall into the honey pot of love, until you finally arrive at the young man in your heart, Zhao Mingcheng. It's a godsend! You remember that day, "I'm afraid Lang guessed that slave noodles are better than flower noodles. The cloud sideburns are slanted with hairpins. I just want to teach Lang to compare." I understand your mind. How can I say "sweet".

However, the definition of life is not always calm. The iron horse of the Jin Dynasty invaded the Southern Song Dynasty. For a while, the flames of war were flying, the trees fell and the nest scattered, and people fled everywhere. The ends of the world were full of smoke. Your sweetheart was appointed as the prefect of Jiangning. I thought that the person who usually works with you would take the lead and shoulder the responsibility for the country, I seem to understand your longing mood and eyes. As for him, Zhao Mingcheng fled first without fighting. Hate, shame and regret flowed into your heart like a torrent. Shame on the person who is tough on the outside but weak on the inside is your only idea. At that moment, I understand you. You are a weak woman. You have been broken by the cold water of life. I understand your complex feelings. If I were you, I would severely humiliate the righteous.

Facing the Wujiang River, thinking of the past, looking at Zhao Mingcheng, and facing Xiang Yu's defeat, the corners of his mouth raised like sarcasm, singing: "Life is a hero, death is also a ghost, and Xiang Yu has been thinking of, and refused to cross the Jiangdong River." She looked up to the sky and smiled with tears. Zhao Mingcheng never thought of Yi An, who used to be in harmony with his fish and water, but also despised and hated himself so much! Hate! Hate! When I think of the two people on the bank of the Wujiang River, my eyes cannot bear to be wet. Suddenly, I know you, and I know Zhao Mingcheng who is regretful and dare not say it beside you.

Zhao Mingcheng was recalled to Beijing for reinstatement, but he fell ill and died in self reproach and depression. You seem to start again, foolishly reading the profound meaning of the incense. After the loss of home, you may be tired of the huge life transition. Why didn't you cry that night? Why didn't you say a word that night? You just looked out of the window at the waning moon. Why, why?

Life forced you to remarry. That Zhang Ruzhou was also a polite gentleman, but he soon showed his true shape. His ugly face cheated you for the sake of the gold and stone treasure. You didn't agree with him and argued with him. But he fought hard. The little white face under the red candle was really disgusting. In desperation, you went to a dead end and reported Zhang Ruzhou's crime of bullying the monarch. Understand you, sigh in the rainy night, understand you, keep a noble heart and never bow. Oh! Wind, don't hurt the poor people!

In the feudal society, the wife accused her husband and sentenced herself to two years. In prison, "the evil people were inferior to the evil people because of the late life of Sangyu." How tough you are! You would rather go to prison than accompany the evil people. Fortunately, when I was in prison, someone in the court helped me. On the ninth day, I came out of the prison and understood you and your strong character.

Jinbing Nanci, you carry books to escape, your belongings are burned and looted, and the dragon flag is gradually disappearing in the sea! Worry! Worry!

I have been a northerner, and I sigh hopelessly. In your old age, you were poor and sick, and your body and mind were emaciated. I realized how terrible it is to be alone beyond time and space. In a lonely courtyard, an old woman would recite a little word and remember Zhao Mingcheng. "The search is cold and desolate. It's sad and sad." The night is like a rock, and the weather is like darkness. Who do you know? I know you, and I have tried to have fun in pain, but in my sadness, I feel more sad!

Know you, also tried to recall love, but in love into the sea of suffering, miserable!

I know you, and I have tried the literature of retreat, but I can't get out of the literature. Sad!

Understand you, your life is the best witness of love, history and literature. Life is always in the struggle of fate to reveal its true shape. How can it be a word of "sorrow".

Know you, that lonely woman; Know you, the miss woman; I understand you, what Liang Heng said: "The beauty god looking for in the words of autumn wind bamboo."

Understanding (2)

Life always begins in one's own tears and ends in the tears of others. It is believed in medicine that tears can clean the eyes, which is a kind of stress response to external stimuli. Since the birth of the fetus, there has been a basic tear. Then, tears branded life, until the end of life, perhaps there are tears in the memory of your soul has gone.

People are emotional animals. They have seven emotions and six desires. They cannot be repressed in the heart for a long time. They can only show their expressions, words, and actions. They can cry and laugh, whether they are happy or sad. Tears accumulate in their eyes. Water flows like water. One drop after another is the emotional world. There are both truth and falsehood in this world, and there are calls

There are also traps

Tears are not only related to sadness and sorrow, but also to joy. Laugh in anger and cry in joy. People can't find the best way to express their feelings for a while before they are surprised or happy, but tears often come out first. There are tears in the smile, and the nature is frank. However, it is difficult to express the complex feelings after that. All of them are condensed in the liquid that bursts from the eyes.

He who dares to laugh and cry is a true lover. True heart, true tears.

With a moving heart, we moisten the truth, goodness and beauty of the world with tears; With a compassionate heart, we use tears to mourn the pain and sadness; There is a sincere heart, we use tears to warm the painful soul.

Life always moves forward in tears. You can taste all the joys and sorrows of life. Maybe if you understand tears, you will understand life.

Understanding (3)

Want to approach you, look for your footprints, and then slowly understand you - Wang Shouren.

When you were young, you saw the vast grasslands and deserts outside Juyong Pass for the first time, and experienced the pride and pleasure of running a horse. The great achievements in the Hongwu years - the establishment of a dynasty, the divine power of the Emperor Yongle - the victory on the grasslands. Those past ups and downs are deeply impressed in your young heart, so that a seed begins to sprout in your heart.

The next day, you wrote a letter to the emperor and would like to lead people out of the pass to pacify the Tatars! At that time, you were just a teenager, so you could disregard your life and want to go to the battlefield to defend your country and kill people! Even if my father prevents me from making this wish come to naught, even if it didn't come true at that time, I can't shake the seed in my heart. I think I understand that the seed is your determination to serve the country and save the people.

When you were middle-aged, after you had quelled the rebellion of King Ning, you came to Zhang Yong alone, hoping that he could persuade the emperor to return to Beijing. Not for others, but for the people of Jiangxi who have just experienced drought. When Zhang Yong proposed to exchange King Ning for the title, you laughed and said: "This man was supposed to be handed over to Grandpa Zhang. I want peace in the world to fight against treason. That's all!" You don't want money or officials. You don't want to be punished by falling into a trap, nor even your own reward. For the sake of the common people, you are willing to quit and hand over your contributions. I think I understand your mind of indifferent to fame and wealth and caring for people.

When you were over 50 years old and already seriously ill, you received an urgent report from the Imperial Court asking you to pacify the bandits in Guangdong and Guangxi, without hesitation, and set out immediately. Even if you are a famous university student, you have enough reasons to refuse. Even if you know that you may go and never come back, you will go without regret. You have not forgotten the determination you made when you were young - to serve the country and save the people. You have been fulfilling this promise, never stop, until the last moment of life.

I understand your name - Wang Shouren, who has adhered to the benevolence, righteousness and morality of Confucianism and set an example all his life; I have read your determination - to serve the country and save the people, to devote all my life to practice and die; I also understand your feeling that it is easier to break the mountain than to break the heart.

Understanding (4)

The life of a person is so long, but there must be sunshine behind every shadow. If you can remove the fog and feel the movement of the truth with your heart, it can turn into the key of fire, fuel the flame of your life, and give you endless power to break through obstacles. Learn to understand each other and gain strength from them to pursue the dawn of life.

Learn to understand the overall situation on the battlefield where the flames of war are blowing through the sky and everywhere. In war, we should pay attention to the advantages of time, place and people, so we need to know everything involved in the surrounding area. In the battle of Chibi, Sun Liu's allied forces defeated Cao Cao's army with fewer victories and more defeats. They deeply understood Cao Cao's insidious and despicable character and expected that he would sneak into the sea in the fog; At the same time, they also carefully surveyed the surrounding terrain, and finally succeeded in forcing Cao's army from the sea to the shore, and used circuitous tactics and winding mountain roads to make it desperate. The Shu army kept in mind the enemy's weakness and the situation of the battlefield - it did not know how many confrontations and how many muddy roads they had taken, so that they could know the military situation of the Cao army, so that their ambush on the winding path was just right, and they won a seemingly impossible battle. Understanding the root of things can usher in the glory of victory.

Learn to understand the essence of things in the broad and profound art world. Painting pays attention to seeing from heart to receiving, so you need to grasp every detail of the scenery you are going to describe. The "Shrimp Painting" by Qi Baishi, a famous painter in China, is well known. Before painting, he observed the freely swimming shrimp in the water day and night. Every movement of wagging the tail, or the shaking of each beard, was seen by him and recorded in his heart. All that came to his mind was the shape of shrimp and its spirituality and charm from the inside out. As time goes by, Qi Baishi has a unique understanding of shrimp; When drawing, inspiration gushed out, and the image of the shrimp was drawn on the paper bit by bit. Every detail was carefully portrayed by him, and no defect could be found. His profound understanding of the shrimp body made him feel like flowing water in the whole process; The moment the brush moves away from the paper, the shrimp in the painting is ready to emerge.

Painting art is the cultural crystallization of the Chinese nation handed down from generation to generation for thousands of years. It is not easy to turn objects into lines and show them to the world. But Qi Baishi's understanding of prawns made him complete such a masterpiece, and he is famous for it. Understanding the root of things can lead you to enter the palace of art and gain high attainments.

There are thousands of people in the world. All living creatures must have a shining meteor in their heart. Learning to understand its basic connotation can make it bloom like a lotus in the sky, give you warmth and hope, bring you strength, explore its magic and flexibility, and create a touch of touching brilliance.

Understanding (5)

On Sunday, Xiao Ming goes to play with Xiao Gang.

On the way, he met his teacher. Xiaoming said politely, "Hello, teacher." The teacher heard him and said, "Xiaoming, you are a good boy with good manners." Xiaoming smiled happily.

Understanding (6)

When I was young, my mother was like water and I was like fish; I am sensible, my mother is like cloud and I am like rain; When I grow up, my mother is like fire and I am like oil; When I grow up, my mother is like a string and I am like a kite.

I like to sleep with my mother's neck when I am ignorant. I always keep my hands tight, and I know that her shoulder is softer than the pillow from then on. A lot of drool

But she holds it so sweet that a lullaby can always bring me to the edge of my dream. "Don't sleep?" Ignore her words and just break free from her tight arms and rush out

Unexpectedly, my mother pulled my scarf back again. She was always used to slapping my buttocks and saying, "Be honest, and don't want to swim out of this sea."

In the blooming season, the school hall of the primary school is full of books. The naughty children are still naughty. When they are fighting, they are caught by the teacher in a "pigtail". They are so scared that they can't avoid a "beating" when they go home. "Why are you crying? I will make a scene in the next class!" I had to be honest for several weeks in the face of threats. After that, my mother said in a loud voice that I should remember to eat or not to beat, and still had nothing to do with me. Maybe she is so ignorant, which makes her mother worried all day long. She wants to stay by my side every day. Alas

People always say that children of fourteen or five years old are in the period of rebellion. I know you have shed tears for me. The colorful world does not belong to students. You always emphasize it again and again, but I just ignore it. Maybe I am really obsessed with new things. Maybe I can't do anything about your daughter. I remember that slap hit me on the face, which hurt me and hurt my heart. I don't understand, or was it the mother who was reluctant to beat and scold me? I really slapped your daughter today. Tears are hot, but my heart turns cold. "Do you still love me?" I ask myself again and again in my heart, asking the reason for the slap. I can't figure it out. I really can't figure it out. What's wrong with me. I ran into the room, slammed the door, and cried for the first time on the table. The tears were really salty, really bitter and astringent. I don't know when the tears dried up and stuck tightly to my face. I was tense, and I lowered my head and learned from the crack of the door that you had turned off the light to rest. However, in the silent night, the time seemed to coagulate, but I heard you sobbing, as if forced to endure. The heart beat so fast, but the tears could not stop pouring out, crying so hard.

When everything was calm again, it was the next morning. You unexpectedly opened my door and said, "Get up and have dinner." The voice was so gentle and not a bit hypocritical. Tears swirled again, and I tried to answer them. Finally, I understand that your love is not spoiled, nor connivance. Damned, I thought you didn't love me. Think about the scene when you stared at my eyes and I stared at your eyes at dinner, and now I have the same smile. It is for two pairs of swollen and red red eyes.

After so many years of experience, I should say that I still don't understand you, but you have given me a right path. I will not let you cry in the future, and I must really grow up.

My cousin got married this year, and I was eighteen years old. At the banquet, you always said the same thing: "The married daughter, the spilled water, why did you give birth to you?" But I was secretly amused. In another year, I will also be separated from you. Although I don't want to die, I hate growing up. Yes, what's wrong with growing up, so that I can better honor you. The kite that has been leading for 18 years should now be disconnected to let it fly freely.

As time goes by, it's time to let go of what you can't keep. You must not cry when you let go, because I said I would not let you cry again.

When I was young, my mother moistened me like water; If you are sensible, your son will follow your mother's heart, either happy or sad; When you grow up, you can't conflict with me; You have grown up and watched over your daughter for half of her life, but you have to cut the tie to let her go -- Mother, this life is really hard for you.

I am old and my mother is old, but I dream of really understanding you!

Understanding (7)

On the morning of spring, all the plants in the forest wake up. The birds flew to the old locust tree and chirped, as if to say that the little friends were getting up soon. At this time, a little hedgehog came out from under the grape vine.

When the bird saw the hedgehog, it said to the hedgehog, "Good morning, Mr. hedgehog." The little hedgehog ignored the bird as if he hadn't heard it. At this time, the squirrel on the old locust tree saw it and said to the little hedgehog, "Your things have dropped." The little hedgehog quickly turned around, but saw nothing. The little hedgehog raised his head and said to the squirrel, "What did I drop?" Then the squirrel said, "You lost your manners." The little hedgehog blushed and apologized to everyone.

Understanding (8)

There are too many things in this world that I don't understand and don't know how to make a foothold in this world. Maybe I'm too young to think about them. There are too many things in life that I don't know how to take my own road. Maybe I'm really wrong and shouldn't think about them. If you don't understand something in your heart, you should boldly admit your ignorance. I think I still understand this.

I don't understand my mother's painstaking words, my father's strict encouragement, and my teacher's careful teaching.

Understanding (9)

Don't come in the middle of spring. Plum drops like snow, and the whole body is still full after brushing. There is no evidence for the news of wild geese coming, and it is hard to make a dream after a long journey. Departing from hatred is like spring grass, which grows even deeper.

He is talented, good at painting and calligraphy, good at poetry and poetry, and familiar with music. He is a poet who has been passed down from generation to generation; I didn't want to fight for power and profit, but I wanted to live in seclusion. It was an accident to ascend the throne. He hated being born in an imperial family. The right and wrong of merits and demerits have become the track of history.

People say that he, Queen Li, is a king of subjugation, but who can understand the pain in his heart?

Li Yu, the sixth son of Li Jing, did not dare to participate in political affairs because he was afraid of the suspicion of the Crown Prince. During this period, he named himself 'Zhong Yin', 'Zhong Yin Jushi', etc., to show that his interests lie in the landscape, and that he has no intention of competing for the throne with his brother. Unexpectedly, the prince of the emperor soon became a tyrant, and only Li Yu was left. He had to make it difficult to be the prince and ascend the throne. In fact, when he ascended the throne, the Southern Tang Dynasty had paid tribute to Song Zhengshuo many times. In the meantime, he met Zhou Hou. Zhou Hou is a beautiful and talented woman. Because of her, the Empress has left many masterpieces.

However, life does not end without a feast, and misfortune will come to this happy couple one day. When Empress Li was twenty-eight years old, Empress Zhou died of illness, like a fallen leaf blown away by the autumn wind. Empress Li suffered terribly and wrote one sad poem after another‘ One mountain, two mountains. The mountain is high, the sky is far, the water is cold, and the maple leaf is red. Chrysanthemum blooms and remains. The wild geese fly high and the people haven't returned yet. A curtain of wind and moon is carefree. The pale clothes are thin and thin, and the double black snail is lightly frowned. The autumn wind is much, how about the rain. There are three or two rows of plantains outside the curtain, and the night is long. ' For Empress Li, this was a great misfortune, but how could he get his fate?

In 975, the Song army went south and the city was broken. Li Yu was captured and was awarded the title of an order defying marquis by the Song Dynasty. I wonder whether this is a favor or a shame to him?

The late Lord could not be an emperor, but he unintentionally became the 'Emperor of Ci'. From the happy and wasteful life in the palace to the country's subjugation, he wrote the literature of blood and tears to make deep sorrow, honest and sincere. He is not a good emperor, but who can deny that he is not a good poet?

Originally, Tanabata was a romantic festival, but on this day, in Chinese history, a dazzling star was immersed in the long river of history. For him, death is a kind of relief? Save him from this life. In a dream that never wakes up, I dreamed that after Zhou, it was not in the palace, but in the beautiful landscape

Understanding (10)

Maybe it's always like this. When I started to care about some things, I found they were far away from my sight. Only then did I realize how regretful I was, and I didn't find those beautiful flowers in my life earlier. In the end, I saw the silent love with the price of parting little by little. The most familiar is often the most precious, not because of loss and care, but because care will be afraid of loss. After calculation, those beautiful things only stayed for a few stops and then hurried to the distance. Everything seemed unexpected but unexpected. The cruel reality shows that everything is too late and too late. Even though there are thousands of regrets, it is still indifferent.

The first laugh, the last tears. Little by little, I remember, never forget, good or bad, laugh or cry, love or hate, what is it. Each of us is guilty of different crimes. Who is right and who is wrong can decide who is right.

I stared out of the window and always said that I had forgotten the past. My friends also thought that I had already forgotten. In fact, who can really forget? The wounds that cannot be touched are all traces of memories. Deceive yourself and others. Deceive yourself and others. The songs of the past fascinate me too much, and the melody is too beautiful. I can't turn off its player all the time. Maybe one day I will gradually understand, and let this single cycle song stop with my youth.

What is the definition of maturity? Who can be really mature? We have always been the children with stars but no results. We are too young and naive. To survive in this flashy world, we are too easy to lose and experience too little. The darkness and beauty of this world are just the tip of the iceberg. If we break through it, we may not have the courage to survive and have nowhere to escape. We can only choose to hide in our own reality, back to the mirror, live in our own world, and slowly get off the track of this world, I don't know what is the right answer, nor how to walk soberly and resolutely, but I believe that time will let me slowly understand.

Understanding (11)

The falling flowers are obliterated, and the wind ripples once. The flowers are like pity, but they breed the foundation of the big tree. When the wind blows away, it sweeps away a few pieces of floating dust, but it reveals several seedlings, which grow continuously under the sunshine.

I always thought that you were playing a strict role. Even if there was still a kind of warmth, you would also sleep like an old tree, and never shine like the sun.

It was still an ordinary day, and the weather was as cold as usual. The dead branches were shaking in the cold wind, which also set off small whirlwinds. The white and scary plastic bags were also flying around. Finally, they were hung on the branches, but they still showed their disgusting dance with the dead branches. My heart is already surging, worried about the upcoming homework review. In addition to this abominable weather, my heart seems to be covered with a layer of gray carpet, which makes me even more upset. I wrapped my coat tightly, squeezed my neck, clenched my hands, and walked forward with a worried face.

When I arrived at the class, I sat down on the seat and didn't even bother to take off my clothes, so I quietly waited for the arrival of "bad news". At last, the head teacher came in like a devil, put the homework on the platform, looked around as usual, and was opposite to my eager eyes. But at that time, I felt the teacher's sharp eyes straight through me like a knife, and the cold came at me. I immediately bowed my head and blushed to the root of my neck. "It's you! Don't lower your head, the homework is unqualified!" The words like blade shot at me, and my legs slowly stood up like lead, bowed my head, waiting for her to scold like wind and rain. To her surprise, she became very gentle and said, "Go out, I'll talk to you."

In the corridor, she smiled at me and calmly asked me why I made so many mistakes. Was it because she didn't understand yesterday or something else. "Old...... Teacher, I reviewed too late yesterday and forgot this homework. I suddenly remembered it when I got up in the morning and was in a hurry to write it." I said quietly. "Oh, I know you are not such a child, and you usually perform well, but you can't forget to sleep and homework because of review, which is not good for your health and learning efficiency. OK, go back quickly, write well, and ask me again if you can't." Then he smiled at me gently. I stood still and didn't know what to say. The teacher who is strict with us has a gentle side! And she usually strictly requires us to form good habits and think about our future! But it was so late that I understood the teacher's good intentions and really understood her

"What are you still waiting for? Get in! You'll catch a cold soon!" "Oh, thank you, teacher!" I just turned around, but my eyes were hot

The wind outside the window has calmed down, and the sky has gradually shed a few wisps of sunshine, warm and comfortable.

Understanding (12)

I just came back from my hometown, and my father urged me again. I don't understand. I haven't returned to Wanzhou for more than two years. This time, it's not easy to return. Why doesn't my father want me to stay longer? Is he really afraid that I will be angry with my brother alone over there? I don't understand, really don't understand.

My father wears a pair of glasses, which always makes me feel a lot of pressure. He didn't want me to go back to my hometown to see my old grandmother, my old grandfather and my young brother. Why did he think I would be angry there? How old I am! I think my father is too strange. It was the same before divorce and after divorce. Think about it. My grandfather and I haven't seen me for more than two years. My father should understand that I also have a yearning for Wanzhou, and he is always unwilling to mention it. Therefore, I look forward to returning to that paradise every day. Finally, I graduated, I can go back to Wanzhou! I have been there for more than a week, and I remember how my grandfather and I let me stay. But my father, because I stayed for three more days, only said one word to me: "You didn't adhere to the principle." The principle? I cried sadly.

I don't understand my father's heart.

Occasionally, I would turn over the graduation photos in the drawer, and all the students on them smiled at me. I don't want to be happy. I hate those classmates and don't like them at all. If it was in the past, I would still like to believe those friendships, but they are too dark and too patient. On the surface, those students care about me and like me. In fact, they don't know how to scold me behind my back. I got the first place in the exam. They said I cheated; I lend them my book, and they always break it on purpose. I don't know who I offended in my previous life. They did this to me! What's wrong with me! I always think of others, but no one has thought of me. My heart aches. They stirred up dissension. Some people said that she scolded me behind my back and let me break up with her. In fact, it was the person who really scolded me. Why do they do this. I know that before my sixth grade, I was respected by the people in my class, and I was carried to a high place by them. In the sixth grade, they fell down from the sky. That feeling is too disgusting. It turned out that they appreciated my good performance; I'm beautiful, they like it. Now, my grades are good, they slander me; Some people like me, they are jealous.

I don't understand my classmates' hearts.

In recent years, some people always said I was stupid because they lied to me, and I was always cheated. I am a permanent victim. I remember the first time someone said that he liked me. I lowered my head with a red face and carefully polished the corners of my clothes, but a burst of laughter came to me: "Your little girl will like you?" It turned out that today is April Fool's Day. Their sarcasm pierced my ears, and I firmly raised my head and smiled coldly: "Oh, yes, there is a way to hurt people, you, come here." My eyes seemed too terrible, making the crowd disperse. The person who teased me was kept by me, but I started to do my homework. The boy seemed to have no choice but to stand stupidly. This is exactly what I want. Later, I raised my head and looked at him with surprised eyes: "Hmm? Why do you always stand like this?" He was angry and sat down in his position. A roar of laughter. Since then, many people like to tease me. I always pretend to be generous. In fact, I remember it silently in my heart. They all said I was stupid.

Am I stupid? Yes, I am really stupid.

Foolish enough to listen to students' lies;

Foolish enough to be provoked into dissension and act as the executioner;

Silly enough to meet the person I admire for the first time, thinking that he is the only one who cares about me;

I was so foolish that I cried bitterly when I heard his confession to another girl;

Foolish enough to rush up and slap him;

Foolish enough to fight with him. I know we are completely broken.

I dressed myself like a fish in water. I wore suspenders, short skirts, long hair shawls, exaggerated headdresses and long nails in violation of school regulations. When did you fight without me?

I am rebellious, yes, I am.

Rebellious to smash things in others' shops at will;

Rebellious enough to beat people out of nosebleeds but walk away disapprovingly.

They are afraid of me, and they dare not sue me. Because my image of a good girl has long been deeply rooted in the teacher's heart.

At that time, I really didn't know what I was doing. I passed in a trance. The exam was a mess.

On the days when I returned to Wanzhou, I heard my brother burping in the middle of the night, and I laughed wildly. I don't know why, the brain doesn't listen to me. I didn't do that before. I laughed all the time. Suddenly, the tears came down.

Curious, I don't understand why.

Not only do I not understand the heart of others, but also I do not understand myself. I am so defeated.

If I make a wish, I would like to get a mirror to illuminate my heart and that of others.

Understanding (13)

I really don't understand why God created a cat that ate mice? I really don't understand why people are both beautiful and ugly. Is God also partial? I really don't understand that the kind-hearted and ferocious people in the world are all human beings. Do people's hearts have different colors? I really don't understand that pigeons are angels of peace. Why are they slaughtered in large quantities? I really don't understand. Is it because the gods are venting their anger that human beings kill each other? Why do I not understand all this?

It seems that there are some problems that don't let children think, but let them think. We seem to be a little sad, and feel the heavy responsibility on our shoulders. This is what<<Don't understand>>gives us, and it is also its strength

Understanding (14)

As time goes by, the distance between you and me gradually lengthens. I turned around once and found that it was not you who didn't understand me, but I never tried to understand you.

The sun slants to the west and shines on the treetops, scattering on the ground in a mottled way, as if to put a soft coat on the earth. On the way home, I had no time to appreciate it, while the teacher scolded me: "My child, your physics performance has dropped a little bit recently. Your mother has come to school several times. She is especially worried about you, and she dare not talk to you about learning, for fear of adding to your burden. You, don't let your mother down..."

The teacher's words sounded in my ears. The closer I was to home, the heavier my pace was. I didn't know how to face my mother when the door opened. Back home, the familiar smell of food came from the kitchen. As soon as I put down my schoolbag, I looked at my mother. Mother is no longer young. The snow of the years has already climbed onto her old black hair. The iron hoe of time has already left deep lines on her eyes, but the only thing that remains unchanged is probably the clear eyes. However, there are some worries and anxieties in these eyes. This kind of look at each other made us speechless, and the atmosphere was somewhat stagnant.

The first person to break the deadlock was my mother. "Daughter, I know that your grades have dropped a little bit recently. I know a physics teacher who recently opened a remedial class. Next week, should we go to a class? Although it will be a little tired, it will always be better than now." She said carefully, full of expectation, afraid that I would disagree.

I looked at her, and the words of rejection came to my lips. I could not bear to say them. After struggling for a while, I had to say coldly: "What is not your arrangement? What do you want me to say?" I turned around and blocked the door with the aroma of the food. "Why don't you understand? I am also for your good!" A sigh passed quietly.

In the twinkling of an eye, it was the day of class. My mother and I were walking together in the street. She walked in front of me, and I followed far behind. The distance between us was getting farther and farther. This morning seemed to pass quickly. The teacher of this physics class was funny and humorous, and I also understood many things that I didn't understand. It seemed that I was relieved that my mother was not so bad. She understood me as if she knew herself.

When I walked out of the classroom and looked up, I found my mother's figure. She seemed to be talking with the teacher. After hesitating for a while, I went to listen to her talk with the teacher. "Teacher, how was our child this class? She was a little introverted, but she was a good child." I saw her mother leaning forward slightly, her face was full of pious smiles, and her forehead was sweating a little. It was summer, and the sun was scorching the earth. I can imagine how anxious she was.

This scene is a sharp sword that pierces my heart. The sun shines on me everywhere. At this time, I realized that I know you, but I don't know you as much as you do.

Time pushes us forward little by little. I will use time to slowly understand you and record our memories carefully.

Understanding you is a wordless expression!

Understanding (15)

"The hardest thing in the world is to 'understand'."

If you can't see the future clearly, please make your heart simple. The gray of life is called "haze". The relationship between people is very complicated, and it is not easy to meet people. Get along well together and cherish each other!

Because I know that when I am lonely, someone will accompany me, and when I am lonely, someone will comfort me; Because I know that I won't laugh at you in distress, but I will cry with you when I cry; What is the most difficult thing in the world—— Nothing is better than "understanding".

In life, we must always carry forward with a heavy load. Mr. Yang Jiang once said, "We were so eager for the waves of destiny, and finally found that the most beautiful scenery of life was the calm and calm inside. We were so eager for the recognition of the outside world, and finally learned that the world is our own, and has nothing to do with others." If you carefully taste this sentence, is it full of truth?

We should learn to treat others with a calm spirit and let our hearts return to peace. I know that I am important, and it is also a strong reflection of my heart. Why do you have to know yourself? This is because you live for yourself. If others understand that you are someone else's business, you should understand yourself first.

After all, people are just ordinary people, not immortals or sages. In our daily life, even if we inevitably have bad emotions, we cannot be influenced by bad emotions. When depressed, breathe in a different environment; When confused, think from another angle; When the road is impassable, there is a road beside it. Thanksgiving life, Thanksgiving life gives us unique spirituality.

Understanding (16)

Late at night, floating wind, rain.

At night, I was awakened by the beating rain. Looking around, I can't see my fingers.

Open the window, touch the night breeze and collect the raindrops. So, this night, this wind and this rain lead me to infinite reverie??

Spring is endless

At night, on the water, on the terrace.

A light breeze blew through the wooden window and brushed a frustrated face. It was raining outside the window. You sit in front of the window, quietly looking at the peach tree not far away, tasting the elegant and mellow wine, sometimes singing poems, sometimes smiling, even though it is late at night, but no sleep.

Drunken, you are drunk, you are not only drunk in the night rain wine, but also intoxicated with the abundant spring. You caress the wind with your hands and watch the peach blossoms fall from the branches to the river, and then go with the ripples on the river. So you recited the famous line of the ages: "You can sleep in spring without knowing the dawn. You can hear birds everywhere. How many flowers will fall when the wind and rain come at night?".

Family worries are lingering

Rainy night, autumn pool, melancholy.

Bashan, at night, the heavy rain beats the plantain. The river has risen over the small wooden bridge across the two banks.

"It's late autumn now, but I can't drive back to my hometown. I wonder if my parents are healthy and my wife is sick of lovesickness."

You are sitting under the door eaves wet by the rain, and the chilly autumn wind flies over your frowns, which messes up your buns on your temples and your thoughts. "Why should we cut the west window together, but talk about the night rain in Bashan"? The dark night cannot hide your tears, and the endless family worries linger in the downpour??

State hatred is lingering

In late autumn, the cottage is a national hate.

You stand in the heavy rain, looking at the roof of the house with triple thatch rolled. Some hang on the treetops, and some sink into the pond. There are only bursts of desolation in my heart, and my voice is helpless to sigh. "Alas, it's cold autumn rain again. The child will be frozen again tonight. There is no place in the house that is not wet by the rain. What can we do?"

Looking at the people around you who have lost their homes and lost their lives, you can't help but leave bitter tears and mournfully recite: "?? Thousands of houses have been built in Ande, which greatly protects the poor people from all over the world. The wind and rain do not move. Alas, when you suddenly see this house in front of your eyes, it will be enough for me to break down and die alone!" The national hatred is long and long.

The wind blew across my face, and a leaf floated past, falling into my hand holding the rain. This is an ancient leaf. Maybe it is full of laughter and pain, just like this unpredictable rainy night, it will change with people's joys and sorrows. Therefore, there are intoxicated Meng Haoran, homesick Li Shangyin, and worried Du Fu??

How many flowers fall when the wind and rain come at night? But I still understand you.

This composition got full marks. It is not only the language structure, but also the author's basic skills from his conception to his writing. On a rainy night, the author "wakes up from the beating rain". In this special environment, "I" cannot help but fall into meditation: the author imagines the background of Meng Haoran, Li Shangyin and Du Fu's poetry, and uses the technique of historical representation to reflect the pursuit and ideal of the three poets with the help of the special artistic conception of "rain". The title of the article is fresh and incisive, the structure is clear at a glance, each paragraph is in alignment, and the sentence pattern is neat when reading, which enhances the momentum of the article. The author is ingenious in arranging the structure of the article. At the beginning, he uses the "rainy night" to enter into reverie, and in the middle, he puts himself in a position to associate their feelings. At the end, he goes from illusion to reality, and looks after them from beginning to end. The ending "How many flowers fall when the wind and rain come at night?" is thought-provoking. It is a good exercise.