Composition of Big Red Dates (3 popular articles)
Clouds are light and the sky is high
2024-05-03 00:34:13

Composition of Jujube (1)

My hometown is Dazhai, Shanxi. When it comes to the Mid Autumn Festival, there are many fruits in the mountains, on the slopes, in the orchards and in the homes. The garden is full of fragrance, red Fuji apples, dark dates, green walnuts, golden Taiwan persimmons, and purple Kyoho grapes are all ripe.

My favorite food is the newly shot big red jujube. It was a big jujube tree from my neighbor before. It took root to my yard, and I grew four small jujube trees. I cut the cross branches every year, and it became a big jujube tree in a few years. It can be seen that jujube trees are full of vitality and do not need any hard care. As the saying goes: Peaches, pears, and four fruits last for five years. The date tree will pay back the money that year, which means the speed of the date tree hanging fruit. Every year, when the spring breeze blows, the jujube trees grow green and yellow, and the trees are full of golden hexagonal small yellow flowers. The jujube flowers have a strong fragrance, refreshing. When summer comes, the small yellow flowers slowly fall off and become the same green fruits, and then slowly become the dates as big as peanut kernels. In autumn, the dates gradually turn yellow and red to 4cm long and mature. Look, the red dates on the upper layer of the jujube tree are as red as tower bells. They look beautiful when the wind blows, like exquisite agate floating, like LED red lights flashing in the city night sky.

When the date was struck, he held up a long stick and slapped it all over the tree. Most of the dates fell with leaves. The grown-up said that after a dozen, the jujube trees will bear more fruit next year. You can't shake the jujube trees, otherwise the trees will lose their hearing. Next year, the leaves will roll up and not bear dates. I don't know whether it is true or not. I dare not shake it. I have seen the trees that do not bear dates, and the leaves are yellow. Greedy, I picked up big and red dates and stuffed them into my mouth. They were sweet, crisp and fragrant. After a while, my stomach swelled. The adults said that it was bad to eat too much, and I had diarrhea. But the round and red big and crisp dates were irresistible, so I hid them in my pocket.

A few days later, in front of the courtyard in the village, the roof was full of red dates.

The most popular way of eating in the big red jujube village is: steamed jujube cake, rhubarb rice noodles, a layer of red jujube, a total of 4 layers. It is beautiful and delicious. Festivals and marriage have the meaning of thriving. Secondly, put decorations on the steamed buns. There are four layers of steamed buns, one layer of green bread and one layer of red dates. The wedding, Spring Festival, and jujube mountain steamed buns are indispensable to the celebration and joy. Just like a cloth tiger giving birth to a child, the jujube bun on the top of the bun on the roof of the building is called "top bun". After eating it, the boy is said to be born. There is a saying that married couples eat dates [early homonym] to have children early, which is to wish the couple a prosperous future. These are probably the cultural characteristics and customs that only Shanxi has. I caught a cold. My mother cut open the red dates and cored them. She put ginger in them and dried them on the stove. After eating, she said she would be fine if she sweated and caught a cold. Some people make drunken jujube with a ratio of 10:1 between jujube and wine to cure physical deficiency. Some people make red date porridge, stuffing, red date syrup, honey dates, soup, soup, moon cake stuffing... It can be seen that red dates have penetrated into the regional culture that other fruits cannot replace in their hometown. It is an irreplaceable product for happiness, celebration and looking forward to the future. Maybe I only know the dots and lines it represents.

Now the transportation is convenient and the logistics is developed. I often buy some crisp dates to eat during the Mid Autumn Festival in Shanghai, but I haven't seen such big red dates in my hometown. Most of them are flat, yellow and sprayed with saccharin water.

Composition of Jujube (2)

Speaking of the specialty jujube in my hometown, I really want to drool. It's beautiful to eat!

In Huangfu area, if you pay a little attention, you will find that there are large jujube gardens everywhere.

In spring, pear trees, apricot trees and peach trees all sprouted buds and bloomed beautiful flowers. Only jujube trees did not move, as if they were still awake. Maybe it doesn't want to show off like other fruit trees, but stands there silently to accumulate strength so as to produce bigger and sweeter fruits in autumn.

In summer, other fruit trees are covered with fruits. At this time, the jujube trees have yellow flowers. The jujube flower is very small, like a grain of rice.

Autumn is the harvest season. The jujube trees are also full of red dates. Unlike pear trees and peach trees, they hang their fruits high on the branches, but like shy little dolls, they hide under the leaves and show red smiling faces from time to time.

On Sunday, my mother and I came to the jujube garden and saw red jujubes growing on the trees. The jujubes, one after another, were covered with fruits and branches, just like thousands of sparks and pearls, dazzling against the background of green leaves, which made people want to bite.

There are many varieties of red dates. I saw big and red dates in this jujube garden and tasted them sweet and crisp. The owner said they were walnut shaped dates. I went to the jujube garden again and saw an oval red jujube four or five centimeters long. I tasted it. It was delicious and sweet. The owner said it was mare's milk jujube. Then I saw some smaller dates. The owner told me that you should not underestimate these dates. They taste better. They are called flat nucleic acids. I tasted it with doubt, ah! It's delicious. It's a little sour in the sweetness. You can feel the sweet and bitter. After eating one, you can't help taking another. Take a closer look at its core. It's really a bit more flat than other date cores. It's really called flat nucleic acid!

There are many new varieties of jujube in my hometown besides these! Such as newly produced winter jujube, golden jujube, etc. If you come to my hometown Puyang, don't forget to taste the red dates in Puyang!

Composition of Jujube (3)

My hometown is on the coast of the East China Sea. Every family here grows jujube trees. In the golden autumn season, pearl and agate like jujube trees are crowded and hung all over the branches. They are purple in red and crystal like pearls.

At the end of spring and the beginning of summer, when the drizzle drizzles, the jujube tree greedily sucks the rain and dew, stretches the green leaves, and opens clusters of pale yellow flowers. Smile cheerfully in the rain. The breeze passes by, sending out bursts of fragrance, refreshing and intoxicating. There was a poem by the ancients that said: a faint fragrance of jujube flowers, depending on the hometown. Around the Dragon Boat Festival, the jujube flowers began to fade. One after another golden flowers fell in the wind, spreading the ground like gold powder, and the conical jujube also began to emerge. The book says: Jujube flowers are as small as rice, but they are like peonies. As the saying goes, peonies can be seen in the sky. Jujube flowers are small and solid. More jujube flowers, more honey. In the time of jujube blossom, along the road, beside the road, on the weir of the river and at the head of the village, there are rows of beehives, like a long snake array; Look at the bee flying and butterfly dancing in the jujube forest. It's really lively. The produced jujube nectar is sweet, fragrant, moist and delicious; Royal jelly is a precious tonic made of bee milk.

After hard growth in summer, the tender green jujube in July began to turn white, and then dyed red until it matured in August. "The red dates on the 15th day of July and the red dates on the 15th day of August fall off the pole" means that. At this time, the sound of date hitting and date picking filled the fields, and the joy of harvest spread over the golden fields. The unique soil of my hometown produces jujube with thin skin, abundant meat, small core, crisp, sweet and delicious, and rich nutrition. The cultivated winter jujube is as big as a small egg, bright in color and sweet as honey. It is not only popular in China, but also exported to Europe and America, becoming a famous jujube. Now, due to the continuous growth of the economic value of jujube, jujube trees have been planted in large areas, and households in my hometown have increased their planting. Jujube trees have strong vitality. There are almost all jujube trees in front of the house, behind the house, and beside the ditch. With the intercropping of jujube and grain, there are endless jujube forests on all slopes; Especially in the mature season of jujube, it is really: "The fragrance of the four fields is floating in the sky, and thousands of young jujube shoot red clouds".