Composition of College Entrance Examination Rules (15 articles)
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2024-01-11 03:38:53
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Composition of College Entrance Examination Rules (1)

One: God and Satan

The angel football team led by God played a game with the devil football team led by Satan. After a 90 minute battle, the result was shocking: the Angel Team, which was obviously superior in strength, lost by a big score. God was puzzled, so he had to ask Satan. Satan said, "I asked a Chinese judge." God suddenly realized.

Competition needs rules just as life needs air. Without the restrictions of rules, God may not win.

Second: Human and nature

Man and nature have been struggling. This struggle is cruel: nature is cruel at first, but people are cruel now.

Human beings defy all rules when they commit violence against nature, while nature follows all rules when it retaliates against human beings.

Man and nature is an eternal topic. Human beings live in nature. However, the rapid development of modern civilization has destroyed the balance between human beings and nature. Human arrogance has brought more and more danger to the world. Human beings are endlessly mining resources from nature and discharging waste materials. When nature can no longer tolerate this kind of devastation, she began to retaliate: frequent sandstorms, Heavy rains and floods, red tides that cover the ocean, unprecedented ozone holes and greenhouse effects... Nature, according to her rules, has sounded the alarm bell again and again for mankind.

Man lives in nature. If he wants to live in harmony with nature, he must follow the rules of nature.

Third: China and WTO

China has successfully joined the WTO, and we are facing unprecedented challenges, one of which is the change of rules.

China has a glorious civilization of five thousand years. However, the side effect of this civilization is that some backward ideas are deeply rooted. There is still a market for local protectionism, and there are also frequent human transactions. Unfair competition still exists. Some of China's market rules are out of touch with the world.

However, joining WTO will change all this. The rules of fair competition will be thoroughly implemented. Monopoly and local protection will also be broken. The new rules will bring new vitality to China.

IV. Others

As the saying goes, "If you don't follow the rules, you can't form a square." Rules are like the route of an airplane. As long as you and I abide by the rules, we can fly on our respective routes without any trouble. If someone violates the rules and leaves the scheduled route, it is inevitable to crash. Maybe disobeying the rules can be a temporary advantage, but those who play with fire will burn themselves, and those who trample on the rules will be punished the most severely by the rules.

Fifth: Conclusion

Rules make our life better.

Composition of College Entrance Examination Rules (2)

What are rules? Is it a law written in black and white, or a school rule with seven chapters and eight sections? It should not be these. When a child falls down beside you, there is no rule that requires you to lift him up, but you still do so, because your heart has such a rule: to help people who are weaker than you, there are more rules in your heart, and morality will be formed accordingly. Rules and morality complement each other. Without morality, rules cannot support the normal operation of a society. Rules are set by people, and no matter how tight they are, they cannot be "perfect". Without moral support, rules can easily be exploited. If you say "no spitting anywhere", I will spit on the bench in the park; If you say "scribbling" is not allowed, I will draw you a row of blue faced and fanged kids "seriously". How about that? If things really get to that point, I'm afraid it will not be a sputum, a painting so simple. Lawyers can take advantage of the loopholes in the law, and turn the matter upside down with their own ingenious tongue, regardless of right or wrong. I'm afraid it will snow in June every year. A society without rules is in chaos. Not all people can "worry about the world first and enjoy the happiness of the world later" like Fan Zhaoyan, and not all people can "be old and old, young and young". It may be possible to "pick up all the leftovers on the way", but "open the door at night" sounds like a beautiful fairy tale. When morality is not enough to restrict people's behavior, the rules will timely fill this loophole. "One should sweep the snow in front of one's own door, and never mind the frost on others' tiles" sounds like moral degradation, but the United States has enacted laws that require you to sweep the snow in front of your own door first, and then at least not let passers-by slip by your snow. This is the bottom line of morality - rules. The ideal society should be the coexistence of rules and morality. Rules restrain people from slipping out of the bottom line of morality; At the same time, morality also fills the loophole of the rules, making them more perfect. Only when a person is bound by external rules and internal morality can he become a real person; Only when the rules and morality of a society complement each other can the society be full of hope. Morality is the way to a better future, and rules are the lights beside the road, illuminating our pure soul and the road full of ideals. We bury morality in our hearts, hold rules in our hands, and face the future bravely.

Composition of College Entrance Examination Rules (3)

"When all norms and taboos do not exist, how far away are you from evil?" This is a sentence on the poster of the horror film Invisible Man. When a transparent person faces the opaque world, the sleeping desire hidden in his heart begins to wake up, so there is the evil invisible person and this thriller film. The real anxiety does not come from the terrible plot in the film, but from my torture of myself, "When there is no rule, will you do bad things?" My answer is: I will! This is a latent desire that originates from human nature. Maybe everyone outside has evil at the bottom of their hearts. Once the shackles of evil are opened, there will be many atrocities in human history. In my opinion, the fundamental symbol of human civilization is to control desire, which is also a sign of mankind getting rid of barbarism. At first, the suppression of desire came from morality, which is an idea accumulated in the long-term social activities of human beings. It is a way to understand what should be done and what should not be done. This is the central way of ancient Confucianism in China, but the ancients said that no virtue is necessary, only virtue is dangerous. That is to say, morality without coercion is powerless. From this point of view, the "rule of law" advocated by Legalists is the way to govern society, and the so-called "rule of virtue" of Confucianism is just a "utopian" ideal. We cannot restrain the derivation and flow of desire, but we can restrict the behavior generated by desire, which is the rule based on morality. Our evil thoughts may have subverted some kind of morality thousands of times, but the punitive rules make it impossible for evil thoughts to burst out, and support the moral tree, thus forming a legal society. It can be said that "human nature is evil, and people always do good." Morality is the basic construction of rules, but violating morality does not violate the rules. Nathaniel Hawthorne's Wakefield is such a character, perhaps out of his desire for vagrancy. He ran away from home one day, but only stayed in a hotel just across the street from home, and stayed for 20 years. This wanderer who ran away from home is more eye-catching. Readers can't help measuring his distance from social ethics. He has violated morality and deviated from the standard, but we can't say that he has any deviant behavior, and the sophisticated Hawthorne has solved the problem for us, At the end, he wrote: "In the seemingly messy world, each of us is placed in a certain position. Once we leave this position, we will be abandoned by the world forever." This Wakefield will be abandoned by the world in fact. Here, Wakefield violates another rule, a social rule. As Mr. Spencer said to Holden in The Catcher in the Rye: "Life is a ball game, but we should abide by every rule of one kind or another." Yes, we live in this society. To participate in such a "ball game", we have to abide by the so-called "rules".

Composition of College Entrance Examination Rules (4)

One: God played a game with the Angel Football Team led by Satan and the Devil Football Team led by Satan. After a 90 minute battle, the result was shocking: the Angel Team, which was obviously superior in strength, lost by a big score. God was puzzled, so he had to ask Satan. Satan said, "I asked a Chinese judge." God suddenly realized. Competition needs rules just as life needs air. Without the restrictions of rules, God may not win. Second: Man and nature Man and nature have been struggling. This struggle is cruel: nature is cruel at first, but people are cruel now. Human beings defy all rules when they commit violence against nature, while nature follows all rules when it retaliates against human beings. Man and nature is an eternal topic. Human beings live in nature. However, the rapid development of modern civilization has destroyed the balance between human beings and nature. Human arrogance has brought more and more danger to the world. Human beings are endlessly mining resources from nature and discharging waste materials. When nature can no longer tolerate this kind of devastation, she began to retaliate: frequent sandstorms, Heavy rains and floods, red tides that cover the ocean, unprecedented ozone holes and greenhouse effects... Nature, according to her rules, has sounded the alarm bell again and again for mankind. Man lives in nature. If he wants to live in harmony with nature, he must follow the rules of nature. Third: China and WTO China has successfully joined the WTO, and we are facing unprecedented challenges, one of which is the change of rules. China has a glorious civilization of five thousand years. However, the side effect of this civilization is that some backward ideas are deeply rooted. There is still a market for local protectionism, and there are also frequent human transactions. Unfair competition still exists. Some of China's market rules are out of touch with the world. However, joining WTO will change all this. The rules of fair competition will be thoroughly implemented. Monopoly and local protection will also be broken. The new rules will bring new vitality to China. Fourth, as the saying goes, "If you don't follow the rules, you can't form a square." Rules are like the routes of airplanes. As long as you and I abide by the rules, we can fly on our respective routes without any trouble. If someone violates the rules and leaves the scheduled route, it is inevitable to crash. Maybe disobeying the rules can be a temporary advantage, but those who play with fire will burn themselves, and those who trample on the rules will be punished the most severely by the rules. Fifth: Concluding remarks rule, make our life better!

Composition of College Entrance Examination Rules (5)

"This year is the third year for our province to enter the college entrance examination of the new curriculum standard, and the material composition continues the previous style. The material tells about a school's' goat crossing the single wooden bridge 'competition, and the customary practice is to fight the winner according to the established rules, but some competitors completed the competition by crossing the bridge with both pairs in a new way of mutual embrace and transposition, which caused heated debate and thinking." Hu Jingmin analyzed the material content clearly The direction is relatively clear, indicating how to deal with the rules and how to deal with new situations. Any composition of the examinee based on this idea, or talking about abiding by the rules, or talking about adapting to new situations, or discussing the relationship between the two, as well as thinking about related life and social problems, is considered to be in line with the intention of the question.

This year, my province's college entrance examination full score composition, the title is "Sticking to the rules is also the road". Hu Jingmin and other experts from the comprehensive evaluation group thought that the composition was first of all original. This year, 70% and 80% of the examinees took "win-win cooperation" as the theme, and this examinee showed new ideas, emphasizing that sports competitions, social systems, and traffic order all need systems and rules, and only when everyone abides by the system can social harmony be promoted.

The experts of the marking group believe that the most important reason for the full score composition is not entirely the original intention, but the excellent language expression ability. First, the broad vision and wide knowledge make it easy to quote famous quotes and social examples; Second, the logic is clear, and the whole article is very natural; Third, the language ability is strong, the article is analytical and rational, and the flavor of eloquence is strong; Fourth, it has a distinctive personal style, which can make the experts in the grading group shine.

Less articles accumulated in daily reading "no spirit"

Although the composition proposition has remained stable this year, the statistical results show that the passing rate of composition this year is about 88. 5%, much lower than in previous years. In this regard, Hu Jingmin believes that nearly 88. 5% of the examinees can closely follow the materials and accurately set their minds, while a few of the examinees have errors in examining the questions, resulting in basically conforming to the meaning of the question, deviating from the meaning of the question, or even irrelevant. Most marking teachers believe that students' ability to understand and take exams is not enough when facing open questions. The root of this problem is that students' daily reading accumulation is not enough, their knowledge is too narrow, and their thinking ability is weakened. "The difficulty of this year's college entrance examination composition lies in the examination of students' rational thinking ability. Candidates must strengthen the training of rational thinking and cultivate the ability to dialectically analyze problems." Hu Jingmin suggested that candidates should learn to use rational thinking, from phenomenon and essence, process and result, commonness and personality, internal and external causes, quantitative and qualitative changes, subjective and objective, process and result Understanding the meaning of the question from multiple perspectives, such as necessity and contingency, knowledge and practice, material and spirit, and grasping the meaning of the material content as a whole, conceiving and writing, are directly related to the selection of materials, layout and even the depth of the article, which is the lifeline of composition.

Shallow Reading Brings Roughness to Language

Many marking teachers also found that there is a bad trend in the overall development of college entrance examination compositions, including direct use of wonderful sentences, too many flowery words, lack of true feelings and rigid writing patterns, and such compositions generally do not score very high. Statistics show that the scores of most examinees in our province are between 36 and 45, accounting for 73. 06%。

Hu Jingmin introduced that, from the perspective of the college entrance examination grading, it is common for examinees to directly apply or plagiarize existing excellent sentences (paragraphs), which reveals the lack of examinees' ability to express themselves. "The composition review does not oppose the examinee to imitate and learn from the existing excellent sentences (paragraphs), but it is not allowed for the examinee to directly apply or copy the existing excellent sentences (paragraphs), which will make the language dull and the style mixed, leading to the separation of the content and the meaning of the question."

In addition, influenced by the convenience of information exchange in modern society, most of the examinees' compositions reflect a relatively obvious tendency of language roughness. "Although there is no language sickness from the perspective of sentence, the organization language is not reasonable, the meaning is not clear, the expression is not accurate, and it is difficult to reflect the ideological, literary and artistic nature of the words."

Hu Jingmin suggested that only when candidates learn to accumulate materials extensively and enrich writing content, and learn to hone language to improve effective expression, can they write high scoring compositions. "Candidates should pay attention to the collection and accumulation of relevant materials in their daily learning process, carefully think about the truth of being a man and doing things, and build their own personalized material library. At the same time, they should pay attention to refining the composition language, improving the expression of meaning, and enhancing the aesthetic feeling of article reading."

Composition of College Entrance Examination Rules (6)

The ancients said: no rules make no circles.

The western proverb says that behavior forms habits, habits shape character, and character determines fate.

Put a handful of sand on the paper, slightly vibrate the edge of the paper, and the sand will flow freely. If you apply a layer of gelatin on the paper, and then put sand on it, the particles will stick to the paper safely, and you can also use it as sandpaper, giving it practical value.

If we compare human beings to sand and society to paper, then the rule is the gelatin, which makes human beings and society complement and integrate, and enables everyone to play their respective functions and condense into a solid group. If there is no rule, human beings will be a plate of loose sand.

Therefore, rules are the basis of the formation of society. Without rules, there would be no human society.

However, the rule is not dead, not unchangeable, it should be timely, appropriate, appropriate, moderate. On the one hand, it should limit and restrict human behavior; On the other hand, it should also promote human development and progress.

This so-called "when things are different, things will be different, and when things are different, things will be ready for change."

In the primitive society, hunting was equally divided and everyone was equal. This rule was compatible with the low productivity of the primitive society. Nowadays, there are more capable people in distribution according to work, which is to adapt to today's fierce talent competition and optimize the social labor force.

In ancient times, politics and religion were unified. Most people in a country were allowed to believe in a unified religion. Among pagans, the brave could change the world, while the weak could only destroy themselves. This cruel rule was adapted to the power dictatorship at that time. Today, people have found their own value and expanded the scope of survival with freedom of belief and speech, which is the requirement of the dynasty and the need of human independence.

Throughout the ages, the thinking reeds of human beings, with their infinite wisdom, have been constantly exploring the most suitable environment for survival and development. They have also been constantly seeking the best rules for social progress through generations of reproduction.

From constitutional monarchy and Shang Yang's reform to Roosevelt's New Deal, the founding of the United Nations, to "reform and opening up", "one country, two governance" and the expansion of the European Union, human beings have gradually become an indestructible group full of wisdom and courage from a fragmented land.

I believe that with the update and the determination of more perfect rules, these golden sands will decorate the beautiful planets with brilliant brilliance!

Composition of College Entrance Examination Rules (7)

What are rules? Is it a law written in black and white, or a school rule with seven chapters and eight sections? It should not be these. When a child falls down beside you, there is no rule that requires you to lift him up, but you still do so, because your heart has such a rule: to help people who are weaker than you, there are more rules in your heart, and morality will be formed accordingly.

Rules and morality complement each other.

Without morality, rules cannot support the normal operation of a society. Rules are set by people, and no matter how tight they are, they cannot be "perfect". Without moral support, rules can easily be exploited. If you say "no spitting anywhere", I will spit on the bench in the park; If you say "scribbling" is not allowed, I will draw you a row of blue faced and fanged kids "seriously". How about that? If things really get to that point, I'm afraid it will not be a sputum, a painting so simple. Lawyers can take advantage of the loopholes in the law, and turn the matter upside down with their own ingenious tongue, regardless of right or wrong. I'm afraid it will snow in June every year.

A society without rules is in chaos. Not all people can "worry about the world first and enjoy the happiness of the world later" like Fan Zhaoyan, and not all people can "be old and old, young and young". It may be possible to "pick up all the leftovers on the way", but "open the door at night" sounds like a beautiful fairy tale. When morality is not enough to restrict people's behavior, the rules will timely fill this loophole. "One should sweep the snow in front of one's own door, and never mind the frost on others' tiles" sounds like moral degradation, but the United States has enacted laws that require you to sweep the snow in front of your own door first, and then at least not let passers-by slip by your snow. This is the bottom line of morality - rules.

The ideal society should be the coexistence of rules and morality. Rules restrain people from slipping out of the bottom line of morality; At the same time, morality also fills the loophole of the rules, making them more perfect. Only when a person is bound by external rules and internal morality can he become a real person; Only when the rules and morality of a society complement each other can the society be full of hope. Morality is the way to a better future, and rules are the lights beside the road, illuminating our pure soul and the road full of ideals. We bury morality in our hearts, hold rules in our hands, and face the future bravely.

Composition of College Entrance Examination Rules (8)

Variable rules are true rules Full score composition in college entrance examination

In daily life or work and study, everyone will inevitably come into contact with composition. Composition is a transition from internal speech to external speech, that is, from a concise and concise language that can be understood by oneself through compression to an external language form that is developed, has a standardized grammatical structure, and can be understood by others. How to write a composition to avoid stepping on thunder? The following is a carefully edited composition with full marks for the college entrance examination. I hope it can help those in need.

"No rules, no square", Mencius taught his descendants to remember carefully. It seems that they have come up with the truth that rules can not be changed once they are established, but they have no courage to reform after reciting Kong's teachings of "no common sense".

I remember that Hegel once talked about tradition. Heinz thought that the rules were similar to tradition, that is, they were observed by the world and changed with the evolution of the times, that is, "tradition and rules have the attribute of expansion" mentioned in his discussion

In my opinion, what Hei said is quite right. There is no reason why everything should not change.

The time is endless and the history is endless. The internal contradictions of all things in the world promote changes, and they continue to link up. Only when they link up one after another can there be the enlightenment of "the nature is always the same". Only when they change, there will be corresponding changes in people's minds. When they change their own rules, there will be a corresponding change in the rules. From ancient times to today, there can be a rule that connects the past and the present, There may be a common rule of enlightenment, that is, if there is one, it will be easier for the future era, and there is no reason to perpetuate it.

However, I can't deny the permanence of the rule just by my own judgment. The judgment is still subjective and the fact is indisputable.

In line with the belief that the country will not follow the ancient law if it does not govern the world in one way, Shang Jun has the courage to do everything to strengthen Qin's law, which not only makes Qin powerful, kills six countries, and unifies China, but also realizes the progress of social form. What is the effect of not changing the law?

Looking at all times and at home and abroad, improvement always goes hand in hand with change, and the establishment of rules is a big move in its reform. Napoleon rose up in obscurity and stood up in the flames of war. He won the land of France and made other countries more obedient. His urgent task was nothing but to establish rules. So there were many new rules, such as the Napoleonic Code. Only this can be called a wise man, He knew that if he wanted to improve, the rules must not be preserved, and changing the new rules was the great guarantee of improvement.

In the Book of Changes, there is a truth that "change leads to success", and one of the major examples of its opposite is that the Qing Dynasty died without change, which is the evil result of not thinking about innovation, which can be warned but not followed.

Now we have joined the World Trade Organization, which is an excellent opportunity to optimize our market order. China is also aware of this opportunity. It will have a lasting effect to adapt to the times, innovate and advance.

Since people began to use adherence as a derogatory term, it has been a significant improvement in their familiarity with the rules. If they do not adhere to adherence, they want to improve. If they seek the rules that will last forever, then the rules that can be changed will become their rules.

Composition of College Entrance Examination Rules (9)

Popular material of 2013 college entrance examination composition: wisdom of rules

Germans believe in planning. Life is full of planning.

The door handles in Germany are all "one" horizontal. Because the "torsion" force is larger than the "one" horizontal handle, the failure rate is high. "One" cross handle, press down, gently push, suddenly open. Small force, low loss, most in line with engineering economics.

The windows in Germany are all opened inwards and from the top, so that they are wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, so that all the indoor turbidity and dust gently raised can fall out of the window, and leaves and rain can not leak into the room. If the side window is opened, the rain will slant in from the side. The wind, no matter which side it floats from, the open angle above the side window will definitely penetrate.

In Europe, where there is a church, there may not be a square. That is a small town. Where there is a square, there must be a church. That must be a big town.

The square known as Frankfurt Nanjing Road is not in front of the church. It turned out that during World War II, Frankfurt was almost reduced to ruins, so there were few ancient buildings and many tall buildings. This is a newly planned city, so the square here is no longer an appendage of the church, but reflects the concept of modern municipal administration. The square is not only a transit for people and vehicles, but also a business aggregation center. The square is a subway exit, surrounded by "open" entrances, rather than only intersections, so it is convenient to take shortcuts to each direction, but any "open" will not be blocked. Every "notch" has a "pocket" - a curved shop at the fork in the road, which can be clearly seen by the left and right passers-by. In the past, there were many shops like the French Concession in Shanghai, which could be described as "the pearl on the dragon's forehead". In Shanghai, it was "hard to find", and the rent was significantly higher than that of the shops along the street next door. Standing in the square of Frankfurt, looking around the ellipse, you can see all the shops in Baokou. Such shops have wider openings, higher ratings and higher rents. The more intersections, the more packages, the more customers, and the more consumption, the higher the government revenue.

In Germany, everything is reasonable. Behind the rationality is planning. The result of planning is rules. If there are rules, follow them, even if it seems a little pedantic.

Material application: Germans are famous for their preciseness in the world. In 1899, Germans laid a water pipe network in the Qingdao rental area. A hundred years later, some parts needed to be replaced. A German enterprise sent an email reminding that according to German rules, they must be within 3 meters of aging parts. Spare parts are stored. The construction company followed its lead and found the spare parts left a hundred years ago, which were brand new and intact. It can be seen that the Germans learned enough wisdom from the rules.

Composition of College Entrance Examination Rules (10)

Read the following materials and write an article of no less than 800 words according to the requirements. It is required to choose a good angle, determine the purpose, clarify the style, and prepare the title by oneself; Do not break away from the content and meaning of the material. Do not imitate or plagiarize.

"Goat Crossing the Single Wooden Bridge" is a traditional team competition event of Weimin School. The rule is that the team members of both sides fight in pairs and walk in opposite directions at the same time. They walk on a low single wooden bridge that only allows one person to pass. The one who can break through the other side's block and successfully cross the bridge wins. Finally, the number of people passing by the whole team decides the victory. Therefore, it is customary that when the two sides meet, they will try their best to make the other side fall off the bridge and pass by themselves, just like a goat hitting the horn. However, a new situation emerged in this year's preliminaries: in one group of competitions, when the two players met, they hugged each other, turned around and transposed, and all successfully crossed the bridge. This practice triggered a heated debate among spectators, athletes and referees on the spot. After the event, the relevant debate continued.

20xx Shaanxi College Entrance Examination Composition with the same topic: Respect the rules to win

The existence of activity rules is to maintain and promote the normal and efficient conduct of activities, and its foundation is the investigation purpose and essential significance of such activities. Therefore, respecting the rules should become the primary task of the participants.

"Goats cross the single log bridge" is a competitive event, and its rules have clear requirements: "Those who can break through the other side's block and successfully cross the bridge will win, and finally the number of people passing the team will determine the outcome." We should understand that the essence of competitive events is to select through competition. Competition is the means and process, and selection is the ultimate goal. This is also the reason why we deny the behavior of "embracing each other and turning around to cross the bridge". If we agree with the behavior of "holding each other and turning to cross the bridge", the final result of this competitive event will be that the winner cannot be selected. While not respecting the rules, it also fundamentally negates this competitive event.

After all, competitive events are about selecting the winners, so how to stand out while taking into account the rules? We should respect the rules and win with integrity. The reasons for respecting the rules will not be repeated, but the so-called "winning by winning" means that we compete in accordance with the rules to win. Winning with integrity is not only a respect for rules, but also a manifestation of morality. It is the virtue of a gentleman to win well and not lose courtesy. China has always attached importance to "integrity", which is a great virtue. In the Spring and Autumn Period, all the heroes rose in response to the situation, and Duke Huan of Qi finally won the glory and was praised by the saints. Why? Throughout its history of hegemony, from the quality of Baomao to the recruitment and killing of Aijiang, to the proposal of the Kwai Qiu Alliance: "respect the Zhou Dynasty, fight against the barbarians, ban usurpation, and suppress annexation". If we regard the battle for hegemony in the Spring and Autumn Period as a competition, its rules are obvious, that is, to win the world's fame and follow the hearts of the people. Duke Huan of Qi, with the slogan of "respect the king and fight against the barbarians", takes benevolence and righteousness as the benchmark of action, and uses righteous morality to fight against it, Without any ingenuity or deceit, he finally won the approval of the Zhou royal family, and the vassals in the world worshipped him and became the leader of the five hegemons. Confucius believed that Duke Huan of Qi was the best judge for his "righteousness without deceit".

Positive conduct originates from positive virtue, and positive virtue is embodied in positive conduct. Virtue and virtue were valued by the ancients. The Analects of Confucius has three debates: the debate between Chinese and foreigners, the debate between justice and benefit, and the debate between gentlemen and villains. The core of the three debates is beauty. Since ancient times, if we attach importance to our actions, we will be magnanimous; if we speak, we will be moderate; if we take them properly, it will be appropriate to advance and retreat. Regularity is appropriate, and ingenuity defeats the mind and upsets people's minds, which is the most prudent point of all generations.

There is a story in Chuang Tzu · Heaven and Earth. When Zi Gong visited Chu, he saw a man who was a nursery abandoning machinery to hold a jar and pouring it out. He questioned. The answer of the man who was a nursery was: "If there is machinery, there must be organic things, and if there is organic things, there must be tact. If there is tact in the chest, there will be pure innocence; if there is pure innocence, there will be uncertainty; if there is uncertainty in God's life, there will be nothing in the Tao. I don't know, but I will be ashamed to do nothing." Although this is an extreme example, we can still see the prudence of the ancients. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and the dike of a thousand miles collapses in the ant nest. Therefore, gentlemen attach great importance to details. Guatian and Lixia are still not ready to take the crown, nor will they have the heart to cast ingenuity in the competition, because even if they can win for a while, they will lose for virtue, so they will not do it.

In the era of commodity economy, opportunism is rampant, which is traced back to its origin. The society's wanton contempt for rules, and the excessive affirmation and connivance of opportunistic behavior are one of the major reasons. As in the material "Goats cross the single wooden bridge", the essence of its competition is competitive skills such as balance ability, rather than deconstruction rules. If we affirm this deconstruction, we are actually encouraging opportunism in a disguised way. If we are used to getting benefits from it and are recognized, we may take this mentality to participate in other activities, or even into future social work, which deserves our deep consideration and consideration.

Composition of College Entrance Examination Rules (11)

College Entrance Examination Composition I on Rule Awareness

When carrying out the moral education of "eight honors and eight disgraces" nationwide, I deeply felt that as a middle school student in the new era, we should cultivate and develop good moral codes of conduct.

The diversity of modern life gives everyone the freedom to choose their own way of life, but no matter what, they can't break through the bottom line of being a man, can't reverse right and wrong, and take pride in shame. But it is not enough to just know the content of "eight honors and eight disgraces". It is not enough to distinguish what is "glory" and what is "shame". We should establish a sense of rules, abide by these moral norms and internalize them into a sense of consciousness. I think this is the key to the implementation of "eight honors and eight shames".

Rule consciousness is a kind of consciousness that every citizen in modern society needs to possess. But Chinese people just lack this sense of rules. The "Guanshengyuan mooncake" event, the "real estate business" scandal... The eternal rule of "genuine goods" and "no fraud" in the mall has been broken time and again. What about our first a arena? The "fake ball" and "black whistle" are all not flat, and one wave is rising again; The phenomenon of not buying tickets, not queuing, and not abiding by traffic rules when running red lights is more common. We walk in the street at random every day, as if stepping into the irregular "animal world". It is precisely because they do not pay attention to the rules at ordinary times and neglect the habit of abiding by the rules that the uncivilized behaviors of Chinese people in foreign countries often occur, which tarnishes the image of Chinese people. As a result, in France, Germany, Japan, Thailand, Singapore and other major destinations for Chinese outbound tourists, warning signs appeared in simplified Chinese: "Chinese, please flush after you go", "please be quiet", "please do not spit everywhere"... When tourists become the latest export of China, "Chinese" has become a synonym for uncivilization.

Therefore, having knowledge of rules is far from enough. What is more important is to have the desire and habit of abiding by rules. An educator once said that good habits are the moral capital that people store in their thinking habits. This capital will continue to grow, and one can enjoy its' interest 'all his life. Haier, a well-known Chinese brand, keeps its workers on the right when commuting to and from its factory. There is no influx of employees from other enterprises, and the traffic rules are strictly followed. Compliance with rules is so important for the development of an enterprise, let alone a society? Society is a whole, and abiding by rules among people will make life happy, harmonious and stable.

The highest requirement of rule awareness is to comply with the rules and become the internal needs of people. In this realm, following rules has become the second nature of human beings, and external rules have become the internal quality of human beings. The change from norm to quality, for individuals, means that the rule is no longer just an external force, so that people can get real freedom in a sense. In the words of Confucius, this is "follow one's inclinations and do not exceed the rules". You may think that this requirement is too high, because it is Confucius who can achieve this level. Actually not. Almost everyone can do this abroad. Long Yongtu, the chief negotiator of China's accession to the WTO, once said: "I have a Chinese colleague who works in the United Nations, and his child grew up in Switzerland. Once, everyone rowed on the Lake Geneva. After drinking a coke, one member of our delegation threw the bottle of cola into the lake, which is common in China. But the child who grew up in Switzerland turned pale and told his mother that it seemed that the person who threw the coke bottle had committed a great crime. " Another real example is that a group of German college students did an experiment. They pasted the words "male" and "female" on two adjacent phone booths on a street in Cologne, Germany, and then hid in the dark to observe. As a result, seven or eight German men queued up outside the phone booths with the words "male", while the phone booths with the words "female" were empty. Many Chinese people may find it laughable that a telephone booth is not a toilet. What kind of men and women should be divided? These Germans are really stupid, but it is this "foolishness" that makes Germany become a world recognized country with fairly perfect and developed rule of law.

A country with rules is strong, a country with rules is strong, and a country with rules is strong. May we all abide by the agreement on every square inch of land. Please always establish a sense of rules in our hearts!

College Entrance Examination Composition II on Rule Awareness

Obey the rules. From my beginning, there is a story that a Chinese student studying in Japan washed dishes for Japanese restaurants to earn tuition after school. There is an unwritten rule in Japanese catering industry: dishes must be washed seven times. The work of washing dishes is paid by the piece. The foreign student was very careful and didn't wash dishes once or twice. As a result, the labor efficiency was greatly improved. When Japanese students asked him for skills, he did not hesitate to say, "Just wash twice less." Japanese students gradually alienated him. Once when the boss of a restaurant was checking the cleaning of dishes, he used a special test paper to measure that the dishes were not clean enough. When he asked the foreign student, he said, "There is no big difference between washing five times and washing seven times." The boss simply said, "You are a lawless person, please leave."

The students alienated him and the boss fired him because they didn't obey the rules, which shows the importance of rules in developed countries. Why does Japan, a developed country, attach so much importance to rules? I'm afraid an old Chinese saying can answer this question: no rules, no square. Yes, if there are no rules or do not follow the rules, things will be in a mess. Where is efficiency and where is development? Sadly, the Chinese who first understood the role of "rules" forgot to follow the rules when doing things abroad.

There are rules of family life in family life, such as work and rest system, sanitary requirements, politeness habits, etc; There are rules of social life in social life, such as traffic rules, public order, etc; It also has its rules in study or work, such as class on time and group cooperation; In international affairs, there are also rules of national affairs, anti missile treaties, non-interference in other countries' internal affairs, etc. From a small point of view, rules are the guarantee of a person's success; In general, rules are also the guarantee of normal interpersonal communication and normal social operation.

However, in front of our eyes, we can always see some things that do not comply with the rules; Someone cheated in the exam; When shopping, we encounter fake and inferior products; When traveling, you will encounter black tour guides and fake scenic spots; When a unit is promoted, it will encounter trust relations through the back door... All kinds of incidents that do not comply with the rules hurt the hearts of the people and social justice.

We call for justice, we hope for fairness and justice, but who is the person who upholds justice and creates a fair society? In fact, this person is ourselves. We are not only the advocates of complying with the rules, but also the defenders of the rules. Students, what are you waiting for? Abide by the rules, start with me, let's all take the initiative to resist those who do not abide by the rules. Let's keep clean, remain unmoved in the face of interests, and stick to the rules, so that we won't encounter those ugly irregularities again.

College Entrance Examination Composition 3 on Rule Awareness

During the summer vacation, I read a book called Sixty Six Turns, which is the work of Cao Wenxuan, a famous children's literature writer. Reading this book carefully makes me feel a lot.

According to the book, three village boys saved money to buy a pair of skateboards. Through hard study and practice, they all mastered excellent skateboard skills. One day, they saw a group of children in the city in a skateboarding practice match. They selected one of them to compete with the children in the city secretly by "palm on palm", and finally won the second place.

For an accidental reason, the boy who won the second place got a chance to go to the city school for free. How many rural children dream of this opportunity! However, the boy didn't go there readily. He thought that they all skated very well, because he won the game of "palm on palm", and he got the chance to compete with the children in the city; Now, faced with the only chance to go to school in the city, they also have to make a choice by "hand in hand". It is a permanent agreement between the three village boys to decide the winner by "hand in hand and back in hand", which is the rule they have always followed together.

No matter what temptations they face, no matter how good opportunities they encounter, they never regret. The sense of rules has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the three children. What an ordinary and valuable quality! Rule is order. "There is no square without rules". From a country to a school, there are rules. National rules are laws and regulations; The school rules are the school rules and student rules. Every one of us must abide by the rules, otherwise, the whole society will be confused. For example, when we talked about the road, the red light stopped and the green light went. But some people just don't obey the rules and run the red light at will, which not only disturbs the traffic order, but may even lead to traffic accidents. In class, some students didn't raise their hands when they spoke. They scrambled to speak, which made the whole class noisy. The teacher didn't know who to listen to. These are the results of not following the rules, bringing disorder and confusion to the traffic and teaching.

Rules mean fairness. In sports competitions, every athlete must abide by the rules of the game, which is fair to them. Some athletes have achieved good results in the competition through hard training and hard work. However, some athletes improved their performance by taking drugs. After being found out, they not only cancelled their performance, but also were suspended for life. This is because we do not abide by the rules, which undermines the fairness and impartiality of the game.

In daily life, it is also a rule to pay attention to first come, then come. Some people do not queue up to buy things or get on the bus. They insist on getting in front of others. This is a typical violation of the rules and undermines social fairness and harmony. To establish a sense of rules is not only the embodiment of our quality and cultivation, but also the proper meaning of building a harmonious and civilized society.

College Entrance Examination Composition IV on Rule Awareness

The word "rules", as we all know, refers to the systems or regulations that are stipulated for common compliance. With rules in our world, people will live happily; If our world has rules, it will not lead to tragedy... The reason why our world is beautiful is that it has "rules"!

Everyone must obey the rules. Only in this way can people be safe and happy. But not everyone will follow the rules? Not at all. Some "smart people" violate traffic rules, school rules and other rules for their own interests. Some of these people got their due punishment, while others got away with it. No, I have an example here.

When I was playing basketball on my way home, I saw several motorcycles running in the opposite direction to my car. They rampaged into our neighborhood from where the car turned around. They were so tactful when they were already retrograde. They ignored the danger and almost ran into our car. Fortunately, Mom came to a sudden stop, or something would happen! Unexpectedly, they still looked indifferent and rode into the auxiliary road. They are too arrogant! How ungrateful!

What about doing such a dangerous thing just because you don't want to wait for the traffic lights? Is it worth it? As long as they are patient, they will not violate the traffic rules, nor will there be any potential safety hazards on both sides, nor will they make everyone nervous.

Rules... rules... Now everyone says they should obey the rules, but who has really done it? There are countless unintentional and intentional violations of rules. Even we, the enterprising, innocent and lovely students, have thousands of violations of rules in school and in life. If everyone does not obey the rules, there will be no "rules" in the world. The number of car accidents increases rapidly every day, which may also lead to the demise of mankind!

So how can we avoid violating the rules?

Remember: we must have a pure heart and remember: "You can't break the rules!" And in practice, we must also have a public morality. In this way, the number of violations of rules can be reduced in practical sense, even if everyone no longer violates the rules.

Rules are very important. The world will become a better place only if everyone abides by them!

Composition of College Entrance Examination Rules (12)

At the 2017 World Cup in South Korea, there were some violations of the rules that people did not want to see. In this regard, many people have come forward to accuse athletes and referees of breaking the rules and hope that the stadium will be "pure".

Related links:

However, there are still many cases of doing things without rules. The "Guanshengyuan mooncake" event, the "real estate business" scandal... The eternal rule of "genuine goods" and "no fraud" in the mall has been broken time and again. What about our first a arena? The "fake ball" and "black whistle" are all not flat, and one wave is rising again. Today, the majority of fans in Beijing hate it. The rules of "fair competition" have also been trampled relentlessly again and again... No ticket, no queue... All kinds of cases of non-compliance are shocking. We walk in the street at random every day, as if stepping into the irregular "animal world".

Expert comments:

For this phenomenon, our experts spontaneously shouted: what happened to our people, what happened to our society, and where did our rules go?! It is well known that china has joined the wto and is about to face waves of opportunities and challenges. But no matter the wolf or the wave, our rules cannot be abolished. The first thing we need to do is to comply with the unified requirements of WTO for member countries, that is, the basic norms. Mr. Long Yongtu once said, "Enter the rules before entering the WTO". Yes, after joining the WTO, we must abide by the village rules, otherwise the world will be in chaos.

Immediate comments:

The words of experts and scholars have sounded the alarm bell for the people all over the country. As the saying goes, "There are national laws and family rules." Wherever we are, we should abide by the "rules of the game", otherwise we will be the first to get out. But the rules should not be blindly adhered to. We should learn to "keep pace with the times", carefully analyze and study the rules, and give play to the subjective initiative. We should not let the rules fetter us, but let them serve us to the maximum extent.

Current affairs:

A country with rules is strong, a country with rules is strong, and a country with rules is strong. May we all abide by the agreement on every square inch of land.

When cuckoo crows, can spring be far behind?

When oranges are red, will the harvest season be far behind?

When we stop in front of the cashier's desk of the bank and see that every citizen is waiting one meter away when it is not his turn to fill out the form and can insert the pen on the desk back into the pen holder, will our thriving day be far behind?

Please always establish a sense of rules in your heart!

Composition of College Entrance Examination Rules (13)

Follow up report:

At the 2017 World Cup in South Korea, there were some violations of the rules that people did not want to see. In this regard, many people have come forward to accuse athletes and referees of breaking the rules and hope that the stadium will be "pure".

Related links:

However, there are still many cases of doing things without rules. The "Guanshengyuan mooncake" event, the "real estate business" scandal... The eternal rule of "genuine goods" and "no fraud" in the mall has been broken time and again. What about our first a arena? The "fake ball" and "black whistle" are all not flat, and one wave is rising again. Today, the majority of fans in Beijing hate it. The rules of "fair competition" have also been trampled relentlessly again and again... No ticket, no queue... All kinds of cases of non-compliance are shocking. We walk in the street at random every day, as if stepping into the irregular "animal world".

Expert comments:

For this phenomenon, our experts spontaneously shouted: what happened to our people, what happened to our society, and where did our rules go?! It is well known that china has joined the wto and is about to face waves of opportunities and challenges. But no matter the wolf or the wave, our rules cannot be abolished. The first thing we need to do is to comply with the unified requirements of WTO for member countries, that is, the basic norms. Mr. Long Yongtu once said, "Enter the rules before entering the WTO". Yes, after joining the WTO, we must abide by the village rules, otherwise the world will be in chaos.

Immediate comments:

The words of experts and scholars have sounded the alarm bell for the people all over the country. As the saying goes, "There are national laws and family rules." Wherever we are, we should abide by the "rules of the game", otherwise we will be the first to get out. But the rules should not be blindly adhered to. We should learn to "keep pace with the times", carefully analyze and study the rules, and give play to the subjective initiative. We should not let the rules fetter us, but let them serve us to the maximum extent.

Current affairs:

A country with rules is strong, a country with rules is strong, and a country with rules is strong. May we all abide by the agreement on every square inch of land.

When cuckoo crows, can spring be far behind?

When oranges are red, will the harvest season be far behind?

When we stop in front of the cashier's desk of the bank and see that every citizen is waiting one meter away when it is not his turn to fill out the form and can insert the pen on the desk back into the pen holder, will our thriving day be far behind?

Please always establish a sense of rules in your heart!

Composition of College Entrance Examination Rules (14)

Remember the rules, society needs rules to regulate behavior. Chinese style road crossing has been seething a while ago. Whether the street lights are red or green, gather enough people to cross the road. Such irregular travel behavior not only causes inconvenience to others, but also is irresponsible for their own safety, and it also tarnishes the image of Chinese people. Our Chinese dream is to build a beautiful China, where beauty lies in mountains and rivers, in human relations, and in a harmonious society. We should keep the rules in mind, so that our society can achieve? Cure without cure? In this way, our motherland will be bright in spring and bright in the clouds.

Keep in mind the rules and promote the prosperity of the country and the nation.

Although we are a socialist country, crimes often occur, and severe punishment according to law is indispensable. The fight between tigers and flies reflects the new generation of leaders' determination to fight against corruption. With the development of economy and the deterioration of the environment, "haze" on ten sides has become more and more serious? It is extremely urgent to dust the face of ancient China and jointly build an ecological China. We must follow the laws of nature, so as to make the air cleaner, the sky bluer, and China full of birds and flowers.

The stars in the sky should run around their own tracks, and the trains on the ground should move along the paved tracks, so should people. Without rules, no rules, there is no right or wrong in human behavior, and life is also short of the track on which to rely, such as runaway wild horse, which is full of tragedies.

We need rules, remember the rules in the heart, will blossom in spring.

Composition of College Entrance Examination Rules (15)

800 word topic composition model for college entrance examination: rules and morality

What are rules? Is it a law written in black and white, or a school rule with seven chapters and eight sections? It should not be these. When a child falls down beside you, there is no rule that requires you to lift him up, but you still do so, because your heart has such a rule: to help people who are weaker than you, there are more rules in your heart, and morality will be formed accordingly.

Rules and morality complement each other.

Without morality, rules cannot support the normal operation of a society. Rules are set by people, and no matter how tight they are, they cannot be "perfect". Without moral support, rules can easily be exploited. If you say "no spitting anywhere", I will spit on the bench in the park; If you say "scribbling" is not allowed, I will draw you a row of blue faced and fanged kids "seriously". How about that? If things really get to that point, I'm afraid it will not be a sputum, a painting so simple. Lawyers can take advantage of the loopholes in the law, and turn the matter upside down with their own ingenious tongue, regardless of right or wrong. I'm afraid it will snow in June every year.

A society without rules is in chaos. Not all people can "worry about the world first and enjoy the happiness of the world later" like Fan Zhaoyan, and not all people can "be old and old, young and young". It may be possible to "pick up all the leftovers on the way", but "open the door at night" sounds like a beautiful fairy tale. When morality is not enough to restrict people's behavior, the rules will timely fill this loophole. "One should sweep the snow in front of one's own door, and never mind the frost on others' tiles" sounds like moral degradation, but the United States has enacted laws that require you to sweep the snow in front of your own door first, and then at least not let passers-by slip by your snow. This is the bottom line of morality - rules.

The ideal society should be the coexistence of rules and morality. Rules restrain people from slipping out of the bottom line of morality; At the same time, morality also fills the loophole of the rules, making them more perfect. Only when a person is bound by external rules and internal morality can he become a real person; Only when the rules and morality of a society complement each other can the society be full of hope. Morality is the way to a better future, and rules are the lights beside the road, illuminating our pure soul and the road full of ideals. We bury morality in our hearts, hold rules in our hands, and face the future bravely.