Protect Frogs _ composition 400 words (15 general articles)
Happiness is far away
2023-08-01 02:06:07

Protecting Frogs _ Composition 400 characters (1)

Last Sunday morning, my mother and I went to the food market to buy food. We saw an old uncle selling frogs. He was holding two frogs in his hand. The frogs were struggling. The bamboo baskets next to them were filled with frogs. They were whining inside, as if they were saying, "Good hearted people, come and save us." The frogs were so pathetic. But some people went to buy frogs to make delicious food. I feel very sad to see this scene.

Frog is a friend of mankind, and it has many good names: "crop protection god", "pest killer", "field defender". Frogs eat small moths, mosquitoes, flies, locusts and other pests harmful to human beings. They have a thin and long tongue with a forked tip and mucus. It often rolls its tongue in its mouth. When a pest flies, it sticks out its long tongue, quickly sticks the pest with mucus, and rolls it into the mouth, often hitting a hundred shots. Frogs can catch more than 100 small moths and more than 800 mosquitoes every day, and eat about 50000 pests a year. Frogs are not only the protectors of crops, but also the singers of nature. With the beautiful frog sound, people have the hope of harvest. No wonder Xin Qiji of the Song Dynasty once wrote a famous poem: "In the fragrance of rice flowers, we can hear the sound of frogs.". He is also a "weather forecaster". If it is going to rain heavily, frogs will croak. There is a proverb that says, "Frogs croak when it rains heavily."

Let's protect frogs and our "Crop Protector" to make our nature more harmonious and beautiful!

Protecting Frogs _ Composition 400 characters (2)

One day, I went to my classmate's house to play. When I found that someone was selling frogs, I felt very bad, so I put together all the information about the benefits of frogs to us. They are: frogs are the God of crop protection, can catch pests, and are our good friends. But some people went to kill frogs for money. I was very sad to see them.

Frogs not only eat mosquitoes, flies and larvae in water, but also eat moths, rice planthoppers and other agricultural pests. As soon as it meets pests, the frog's tongue will quickly shoot out of the mouth, stick to small insects, and get involved in the mouth. It is often a hundred shot. It is a famous expert in catching insects.

A frog can kill at least 30 pests and at most 200 pests a day. If you kill a frog, it is equivalent to killing a small guard of the crops, and it is also equivalent to letting tens of thousands of pests escape and more wanton damage to the crops. What a pity to lose a good friend, frog! Without frogs, who will protect the crops?

In order to eliminate pests in the farmland, people often inject liquid medicine into the farmland, leaving many pesticides on the crops. After people eat these crops with pesticide residues, they will have all kinds of health problems, which are the harm of killing frogs!

The frog cries, and it rains heavily. In the summer evening, as long as you hear the croaking of frogs, it will rain heavily the next day. You are a real weather forecaster.

Stop killing frogs! To protect frogs is to protect human beings!

Han Huaming, Grade 3, Beitan Primary School, Jiexiu, Jinzhong, Shanxi

Protecting Frogs _ Composition 400 characters (3)

I find that many people in life kill frogs or sell them, which makes frogs lose their precious lives. I feel very sad about this matter.

Frogs are masters of catching pests. Frogs are good animals for human beings. It is not only the natural enemy of pests and the guardian of harvest, but also the familiar and pleasant frog sound. In fact, it is just like the endless beautiful music of nature, a quiet and harmonious pastoral song.

"In the fragrance of rice flowers, we can hear the sound of frogs." The cry of frogs can give farmers hope to sow seeds, and make people happy and happy to harvest!

Frogs are aquatic and terrestrial rain animals. They are generally regarded as accurate barometers or indicators of environmental health. Sometimes, you can hear the sound of "squeaking" in the water, which is the sound of floating frogs, a baby that is not easy to find. Floating frogs are gray and only 2cm long. Although they are small, they are the natural enemies of small pests and termites.

In China, there are about 130 species of frogs in the breeding season, but no matter which species, they mainly feed on pests. The frog is an expert at catching pests. It depends on its long and wide tongue to catch pests. As long as a small flying insect flies, it will jump, open its mouth, and quickly extend its long tongue to eat the pests.

Frog is the "hero" of farmland protection. Let's protect the "capture master" - frog.

Protecting Frogs _ Composition 400 characters (4)

In summer, the sun is like a big stove. Early in the morning, the whole earth is like a big steamer, covered with heat. Xiaodian and Tongtong went to the food market to buy food. The food market was very busy and bustling. The sound of shouting, selling and bargaining is like a symphony. Walking around the vegetable market, Xiaodian suddenly found an aunt selling frogs.

Those frogs opened their big eyes and kept croaking in the bag, as if saying, "Help! Help!" Xiaodian and Tongtong ran to her and said to her aunt, "Auntie, frogs are beneficial insects, please let them go." Auntie turned her head to look at them, and Xiaodian said, "Frogs are soldiers protecting crops!" The aunt shouted, "Little boy, walk around and play. I had a hard time catching such frogs and wanted to sell some money. I care about beneficial insects and guards. As long as they can sell money, you can buy them if you want. Don't buy them. Don't hinder me from doing business."

Xiaodian and Tongtong stood there, looking at the frog's eyes for help. They were all worried. At this time, the small telegram said, "Let's take out the money to buy the frogs and then let them go.". With these words, they took out all the money for vegetables, bought all the frogs, and put them back into the fields. The frogs jumped back to the fields happily and croaked as if to say, "Thank you, little friend!"

Xiaodian and Tongtong were very happy on their way home. They talked to the uncle of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to catch the bad guy who sold frogs!

Protecting Frogs _ Composition 400 characters (5)

One day, my mother and my brother went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables. The market is full of all kinds of dishes. When he came to the end, his younger brother saw a net of frogs and said, "The frogs must taste delicious with their snow-white belly, green back, and fat and tender thighs." His younger brother wanted to eat the delicious frogs.

My mother was ready to go home after buying vegetables. My younger brother looked back at the lively frog and walked to the door of the food market. My younger brother couldn't help saying, "I want to eat frogs." My mother said, "Don't buy frogs after buying so many vegetables." My younger brother said, "Frogs are delicious. Why don't you buy them?" Although I also wanted to eat frogs, I knew that frogs are beneficial insects, He was able to protect crops, so he said to his younger brother: "The teacher often said that we should protect beneficial insects. Frogs are beneficial insects. How can you eat them?" The younger brother said cunningly: "The teacher did not say that we must not eat them, that is to say we can still eat them." I also persuaded "frogs are expert at catching insects. They can eat tens of thousands of pests every day. If you eat a frog, you will release thousands of pests. How many crops will these pests destroy?" My brother blushed and said with embarrassment, "Brother, I will never eat green frogs again." My mother praised my brother and I and praised us as sensible children. I feel very happy because I have protected the frog once again and done something meaningful. Later, I will tell all my friends to protect the frog and beautify our life together. Once again, I will see the scene of "rice flower fragrance talks about harvest, and listen to the sound of frogs".

Protecting Frogs _ Composition 400 characters (6)

When summer comes, if you come to the rice fields or rivers in the countryside, you will hear bursts of frogs and see frogs who are industriously catching pests. However, in the restaurant, the number of frogs on the table is increasing. It is often seen on the roadside that some vendors are selling bags of frogs on the roadside. The frogs they sell are either toys or pets, or become delicacies on the table. Some people say, "We should protect frogs. Their disappearance will harm human beings." But others say, "There are many frogs. Even if they disappear, nothing will happen."

I think his statement is wrong. First, there are fewer frogs and more pests. Therefore, various diseases are spreading. On average, three percent of the crops in every square meter of land will be destroyed by pests... Second, every frog eats twenty or thirty pests every day, so frogs are the natural enemies of pests and the guardians of farmland. A large number of frog pests will be greatly reduced, and people will not have to suffer from pests. People will live a better and happier life without suffering from disease and hunger. Third, go outing in spring and summer, watch the butterfly dance, listen to the frog playing, lie on the green grass, enjoy the warm wind, and watch the changing clouds. Is it very comfortable?

Let's protect the frog and find the original freedom for the frog!

Protecting Frogs _ Composition 400 characters (7)

One Saturday, I called Xiao Ming to play in the field. Xiao Ming answered the phone and soon arrived at my home. I said to Xiao Ming, "Hey, brother, let's go to the field together!" Xiao Ming said to me, "Let's go quickly!" I walked with Xiao Ming on the road to the field and saw many things.

Xiaoming and I went to the field. Suddenly, Xiaoming heard the sound of frogs. He poked his head. He looked around and found a frog. So, Xiaoming pulled up his pants and walked quietly behind the frog. Then, he threw his hands at the frog. I saw Xiao Ming and found something in his hand. So I asked Xiao Ming, "Xiao Ming, what are you doing?" Xiao Ming said to me, "Look, big frog!"

When I saw the big frog, I thought of what was said in the book, so I seriously said to Xiao Ming: "Frogs are beneficial insects. They specialize in eating pests. Please don't catch them, and put the frog back quickly." Hearing this, Xiao Ming immediately blushed, like a big apple.

Xiaoming squatted down and opened his hands. The big frog jumped out of his hands. Xiaoming said to him, "Sorry, big frog, I won't catch you in the future." The frog croaked, as if to say, "It doesn't matter, you won't catch us!"

I looked at my watch, and soon it was noon. I said to Xiao Ming, "Since you know your mistakes so well and can correct them, you can come to my house for dinner." Xiao Ming said to me, "OK!"

Protecting Frogs _ Composition 400 characters (8)

This morning, the sun was bright, the willows were green and the flowers were red. The birds were singing on the branches. Xiao Dongxing and Gao Cailie came to the pool to catch small tadpoles. He looked into the pool and said, "Wow, there are so many tadpoles!". Xiaodong is happy. He immediately picked up the net and caught the tadpole. When the tadpole saw the net bag, he swam around in a panic.

After a while, Xiaodong caught a lot of tadpoles and put them into the water tank. He looked at the hateful tadpole and smiled from ear to ear. He strode home. At home, while listening to the radio, he teased the tadpole. Suddenly, Xiaodong heard from the radio how humans should love animals and how frogs can help crops catch many pests. So he opened the book on how to protect small animals. The book also tells a lot of common sense about animals, and also sees the story of how little tadpoles become frogs. He knew that frog was a good friend of human beings. Smart Xiaodong realized that he had done something he shouldn't have done. He thought that he would not catch tadpoles to play with. He blushed and bowed his head, and quickly put the tadpole back into the pool. The tadpole swam happily in the pool again, wagging its tail and head all the time, as if saying, "Thank you, Xiao Dong". The willows and flowers seemed to laugh too.

Xiaodong was very happy. We should all know how to cherish animals and nature like Xiaodong, and be a small guard to protect animals together.

Protecting Frogs _ Composition 400 characters (9)

Now the living conditions are getting better and better. I found that frogs have gradually become a delicacy on people's tables. I'm sorry, cruel human. Don't you know the importance of frogs to us?

Frogs are good at catching pests. Its eyes are prominent, large and round, its mouth is large, and its tongue is very long. It was dressed in beautiful green clothes, with beautiful patterns on its back and white belly. It has four legs, short forelegs and long hind legs, which are very cute. It's very interesting when it catches insects. As long as it sees insects, its hind legs jump hard, stretch out its tongue long, roll up the insects, and finally eat the insects without residue. It eats more than 70 worms on average every day, and more than 15000 worms a year on average. What amazing data!

Frogs are also excellent singers. Every summer evening, the frogs will make a "croak" sound, as if they are singing a happy and tidy hymn. It's really nice!

However, today's children go to the fields and rivers to catch tadpoles. Adults took frogs to the market and sold them, turning them into delicious food.

We should put frogs back into nature and establish a base for "frog protection".

Frogs are great contributors to protecting the fields. We should not hurt them, but love them.

Protecting Frogs _ Composition 400 characters (10)

On Sunday morning, my mother and I went to the market to buy vegetables. Suddenly, I heard a cry: wheat frog! Wheat frog! I came closer and saw an old man selling frogs! I saw some frogs struggling painfully and croaking from time to time, as if saying, "No hope, young frog." I felt very sad to see this scene.

Frogs are professional pest control experts. They are small animals that are beneficial to crops. They are introduced in books, newspapers and television. Frogs should be protected. Its method of catching pests is very special. When catching pests, the frog hunches its back, holds four claws, opens its mouth, stares at the big eyes, and stares at the captured object tightly. When it feels that it can attack, it suddenly darts, and the originally wide open mouth spits out a long tongue like a flying fork, which quickly sticks to a small insect and rolls it into its mouth. A frog can kill thousands of pests in a day, and is the natural enemy of pests. Moreover, the muscles of the hind legs of frogs are very developed, and the jumping ability is very strong. It is said that a frog can jump up to 130 cm high. Only fleas can compete with frogs at such a high height. The frog's eyes are very big, and it is a useful assistant for the frog to catch insects. Its eyes are like two crystal clear glasses, which bulge high and blink. If there are pests behind it, it can find them in time and won't let them escape.

Please protect our "pest expert" - frog!

Protecting Frogs _ Composition 400 characters (11)

One summer day, the wind was sunny and the lake was sparkling. A group of small tadpoles were playing, and they did not know that the danger was approaching them quietly. The naughty Xiaoming, with a net on his shoulder and a bag in his hand, ran to the lake and caught the tadpole with a net as big as his palm. The tadpoles left the lake before they could reflect. Their parents desperately call their children, but they are far away.

A few days later, Xiaoming heard the radio saying that he wanted to protect the frog. He thought, "If I catch a tadpole, it's like catching a frog. But why should I protect the frog? What's the role of the frog?" He asked for help from newspapers and books. Finally, he found out the role of the frog. He read carefully. Frogs generally live in paddy fields, ponds In ditches or bushes, they mainly eat moths, mosquitoes, flies, rice planthoppers and other pests. One frog can eat 30-60 rice field pests in one day. According to this number, frogs can be called real crop guards. "Ah, the frog has so many skills." Xiaoming suddenly realized.

More than ten days later, Xiaoming sent the little frog back to the lake. He put it back and said happily, "Little frog, little frog, you must catch pests for the farmer uncle when you go back!"

Protecting Frogs _ Composition 400 characters (12)

I found that people nowadays like to catch frogs and eat them as good food after catching them. I'm very sad. Frogs are our good friends!

Frogs are amphibians, the "god of farmland protection", and the "top expert" in catching pests. Its eyes are very big, and it can rotate flexibly up, down, left and right; The two hind legs are also very developed, helping the frog jump; And the frog can catch many pests, the biggest contribution is its tongue. The frog's tongue is very special. Its tongue root is in the front, and its tip is in the back. There is mucus on the tongue. When catching pests, the frog aims its tongue at the target and turns over the mucus to stick the pests. Then the pests become the frog's "snack".

What pests do frogs eat? In fact, it eats flies, mosquitoes, aphids, locusts, and other pests in the field. Each frog can eat tens of thousands of pests a day. What a great contribution! But now, people have eaten frogs, and many frogs have died. Think about how many pests will be released for every frog they eat!

Frogs are the best "farm guards" in the animal world. They eat moths, mosquitoes, flies, rice planthoppers and other pests. The frog has a pair of round and prominent eyes, and its vision is very sharp. It can quickly find insects in flight. The back of the Spotted Frog is green, with several black stripes on it, which has a good camouflage effect and can help it catch insects. When catching prey, the tongue quickly turns over and shoots out of the mouth, sticks to the insect, gets involved in the mouth, and hits every shot. It must eat at least 50 or 60 pests a day, and at least 10000 pests a year. What a considerable number! The frog's offspring tadpoles also have the ability to eat pests. One tadpole eats more than 100 larvae a day. Therefore, frogs are well deserved "farmland guards".

Protecting Frogs _ Composition 400 characters (13)

Frogs are good at catching pests. Its eyes are prominent, large and round, its mouth is large, and its tongue is very long. It was dressed in beautiful green clothes, with beautiful patterns on its back and white belly. It has four legs, short forelegs and long hind legs, which are very cute. It's very interesting when it catches insects. As long as it sees insects, its hind legs jump hard, stretch out its tongue long, roll up the insects, and finally eat the insects without residue. It eats more than 70 worms on average every day, and more than 15000 worms a year on average. What amazing data!

Frogs are also excellent singers. Every summer evening, the frogs will make a "croak" sound, as if they are singing a happy and tidy hymn. It's really nice!

However, today's children go to the fields and rivers to catch tadpoles. Adults took frogs to the market and sold them, turning them into delicious food.

We should put frogs back into nature and establish a base for "frog protection".

Frogs are great contributors to protecting the fields. We should not hurt them, but love them.

Protecting Frogs _ Composition 400 characters (14)

At this time, Xiaoming said, "Frogs are beneficial insects and can help us catch pests." The frog seller said, "What are you doing, little fart boy? Don't meddle. If you have the ability, you can give me money!" Xiaoming said, "You can't sell any of them. I'll go home and get money. You tell me how much you can buy?" The man smiled and told him how much he wanted.

Xiaoming returned home and took out all the pocket money he had saved. He also counted whether it was enough. After counting, he ran to buy frogs with money.

Xiao Ming bought all the frogs. Then he took the frog to the river and let it go. The frog seller was captured by the relevant department.

When Xiaoming came home, his mother looked at the empty money box and said, "Don't spend money in the future." She also criticized Xiaoming. After Xiaoming's explanation, mother knew the truth and found that she misunderstood Xiaoming. Mother admitted her mistake and praised Xiao Ming.

Each of us has life, and so do animals. We must respect life and protect it. Everyone is responsible. Start with me and start today.

Protecting Frogs _ Composition 400 characters (15)

The little frog has many skills. It is a "good assistant" of the farmer's uncle and an expert in catching insects. It can eat many pests, protect crops, and let people eat fresh vegetables.

Little Frog is still a singer. When it rains heavily in summer, he can hear the sound of "quack quack". Do you know who is calling? You guessed it, the little frog was barking.

The little frog is also a good sportsman. It can jump 20 times longer than its own body in one jump, which is really powerful.

The little frog is also an expert in disguise. Because the skin of the little frog is green, about the same color as grass, it can protect itself from the enemy.

Little frogs are so useful, but how do humans treat them? Because of the high nutritional content of frog meat, people like to eat frog meat. That's why people catch a lot of frogs. In addition to these, humans have polluted the environment, making the frog's body mutate and discolor.

Frogs have such great abilities. Why do you want to hurt frogs? Please protect the frog!