About Lugou Bridge (5 high-quality articles)
Life will continue
2024-04-19 07:26:10
fifth grade

About Lugou Bridge (1)

The October breeze is like my mother caressing my face, soft and cool. We took advantage of this wonderful time to arrive at the world-famous Lugou Bridge.

Lugou Bridge is located on the Yongding River, which is about seven kilometers southwest of Tiananmen Square. The Emperor of the Qing Dynasty once wrote "Lugou Xiaoyue" here. The most famous one is the stone lions on the bridge railing. These stone lions have different shapes and are lifelike.

Now, let's take a look at these stone lions! The first thing we saw was a big stone lion. It sat there peacefully, with two small stone lions carved beside it. They were protecting the big lion, just as we were protecting our motherland mother. A little lion nestled in the mother lion's arms and fell asleep sweetly. It was really a mother son relationship. At this time, I remembered that when I was a child, I also lay in my mother's warm arms and ate her honey like milk. Moving on, there was a stone lion squatting there looking up at the sky, with its paws still holding its face, as if thinking about something, how mysterious! If only I could solve the mystery for it and make it as lively, lovely, gentle and amiable as other stone lions. Go forward. I saw a small stone lion riding on his mother's back, with his small claws still holding his mother's mouth; Mother was very angry, but what could she do? She had to smile helplessly. The little stone lion is so naughty!

Look, that stone lion is angry! It showed its sharp teeth and tightly clenched its fist, as if angry. A stone lion over there is playing with hydrangea. Its lovely appearance makes you change your mood immediately.

There are countless stone lions on Lugou Bridge. The stone lion of Lugou Bridge is a miracle in the history of bridge building in the world.

About Lugou Bridge (2)

Lugou Bridge, built in 1189, is a multi arch stone bridge. There are 281 watchposts on the bridge, each of which is carved with lions. The cute lions are not only strange in appearance, but also different in appearance, which is simply amazing. Some of their little lions are playing hide and seek with the big lion, some are clinging to the mother lion's arms and playing coquetry, others may be too naughty and fall to the ground by the big lion, and some big lions are also doing some interesting movements: some side their heads, as if watching the beautiful scenery; Some roared at the sky; Some are playing with their favorite balls.

Those lions are not only so interesting, but also unforgettable. On July 7, 1937, the Japanese army made an excuse: "One of our soldiers is missing, and we want to search the city". After their unreasonable request was severely rejected by our defenders, the Japanese army opened fire on our defenders and shelled Wanping City, and the Anti Japanese War began! Lugou Bridge is the place where the "July 7th Incident" took place.

August 15 this year is the 69th anniversary of the surrender of the Japanese army. On that day, I came to Lugou Bridge and the Memorial Hall of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. I saw the picture of how the Japanese army humiliated the Chinese people in the memorial hall, and I really couldn't bear to witness it at that time. The Japanese army did three very brutal things at that time: burned all the houses, killed all the people, and robbed all the things in the people's homes! This is the "three lights policy" they pursued. Those Japanese soldiers didn't let go of children. It was really cruel. 69 years ago today, the Japanese surrendered! China is like a sleeping lion. It didn't wake up until the Japanese attacked China. This magnificent lion is becoming stronger and stronger day by day in the bright sunshine!

About Lugou Bridge (3)

The October breeze caresses my face like my mother, soft and cool. We took advantage of this wonderful time to arrive at the world-famous Lugou Bridge.

Lugou Bridge is located on the Yongding River, which is about seven kilometers southwest of Tiananmen Square. The Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty wrote "Lugou Xiaoyue" here. The most famous one is the stone lions on the bridge railing. These stone lions have different shapes and are lifelike.

Now, let's take a look at these stone lions! The first thing we saw was a big stone lion. It sat there peacefully, with two small stone lions carved beside it. They were protecting the big lion, just as we were protecting our motherland mother. A little lion nestled in the mother lion's arms and fell asleep sweetly. It was really a mother son relationship. At this time, I remembered that when I was a child, I also lay in my mother's warm arms and ate her honey like milk. Moving on, there was a stone lion squatting there looking up at the sky, with its paws still holding its face, as if thinking about something, how mysterious! If only I could solve the mystery for it and make it as lively, lovely, gentle and amiable as other stone lions. Go forward. I saw a small stone lion riding on his mother's back, with his small claws still holding his mother's mouth; Mother was very angry, but what could she do? She had to smile helplessly. The little stone lion is so naughty!

Look, that stone lion is angry! It showed its sharp teeth and tightly clenched its fist, as if angry. A stone lion over there is playing with hydrangea. Its lovely appearance makes you change your mood immediately.

There are countless stone lions on Lugou Bridge. The stone lion of Lugou Bridge is a miracle in the history of bridge building in the world.

About Lugou Bridge (4)

Investigation Report on the July 7th Incident

1、 Investigate reasons

In the last century, Japanese imperialism deliberately created the July 7th Incident, which was the beginning of Japan's invasion of China. In order to let us know more about this history, I wrote the following survey report!

2、 Survey methods

① Visit grandparents who participated in or witnessed the July 7th Incident;

② Read some books and materials about the Anti Japanese War;

③ Search the Internet about the July 7th incident.

3、 Investigators


4、 Investigation report

The July 7th Incident is also called the Lugouqiao Incident and the July 7th Lugouqiao Incident. At 10:00 p.m. on July 7, 1937, the Japanese army carried out a military exercise to attack our army relentlessly and brutally under the pretext of "missing a soldier". This incident was deliberately made by the Japanese army in order to swallow up our country.

5、 Feelings after writing

After reading these, I think the war is so cruel and ruthless. In real life, I hope there will never be any war again, we only want peace! We should study hard, so that we can help the society and maintain world peace in the future! I believe that at that time, there will be many people in China's conference hall who will work together to draw a beautiful blueprint for China's future!

About Lugou Bridge (5)

400 word composition on Lugou Bridge 1

One early autumn morning, I acted as a guide and took my cousin to visit Lugou Bridge. We walked from Dongguan Gate to Wanping City via Shunzhi Gate, along the Linyin Avenue, to the Memorial Hall of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. In front of the Anti Japanese War Memorial Hall, there are two oriental lions, staring at the eyes of the gods, facing the west, holding their heads high and roaring, symbolizing the rise of the oriental Chinese nation. Just above the silver gray Anti Japanese War Memorial Hall, there are 11 bright and powerful characters - "Memorial Hall of the Chinese People's Anti Japanese War", which was inscribed by Grandpa Deng Xiaoping himself. Cousin was attracted by the magnificent building, so she asked me to take pictures for her.

Follow the detour and you will come to Weiyan Gate. When climbing the city wall, the first thing you can see is the towers at the east and west ends. In the four corners of the tower, there is a row of auspicious lions. There are also 16 big red columns around the tower. The ancient city wall has gone through 360 years of vicissitudes of life. It is the most complete and smallest closed county in China. On the green and gray city bricks, the evidence of the heinous crimes committed by the Japanese invaders in those years - bullet marks can be vaguely seen.

After walking along the city wall for a week, walk down the stone steps and you will see "Lugou Xiaoyue", one of the eight scenic spots in Yanjing. My cousin and I went to Lugou Bridge with Renliu. At the bridge head, the white marble monument on the right side is the first thing to come into view. There are four pillars on the stone tablet, on which the Oriental Giant Dragon is carved. On the front of the monument, there are four dark green characters "Lugou Xiaoyue", which was inscribed by Emperor Qianlong himself! On both sides of the bridge head, there are two Chinese watches, on which two lions squat, as if guarding the Lugou Bridge day and night.

Composition on Lugou Bridge 400 words 2

The October breeze caresses my face like my mother, soft and cool. We took advantage of this wonderful time to arrive at the world-famous Lugou Bridge.

Lugou Bridge is located on the Yongding River, which is about seven kilometers southwest of Tiananmen Square. Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty wrote "Lugou Xiaoyue" here. The most famous one is the stone lions on the bridge railing. These stone lions have different shapes and are lifelike.

Now, let's take a look at these stone lions! The first thing we saw was a big stone lion. It sat there peacefully, with two small stone lions carved beside it. They were protecting the big lion, just as we were protecting our motherland mother. A little lion nestled in the mother lion's arms and fell asleep sweetly. It was really a mother son relationship. At this time, I remembered that when I was a child, I also lay in my mother's warm arms and ate her honey like milk. Moving on, there was a stone lion squatting there looking up at the sky, with its paws still holding its face, as if thinking about something, how mysterious! If only I could solve the mystery for it and make it as lively, lovely, gentle and amiable as other stone lions. Go forward. I saw a small stone lion riding on his mother's back, with his small claws still holding his mother's mouth; Mother was very angry, but what could she do? She had to smile helplessly. The little stone lion is so naughty!

Look, that stone lion is angry! It showed its sharp teeth and tightly clenched its fist, as if angry. A stone lion over there is playing with hydrangea. Its lovely appearance makes you change your mood immediately.

There are countless stone lions on Lugou Bridge. The stone lion of Lugou Bridge is a miracle in the history of bridge building in the world.

Composition on Lugou Bridge 400 words 3

From 1920xx to 1949, there was no major repair work for Lugou Bridge. Only a few places added railings and stone lions. After the founding of New China, the People's Government paved the deck of the Lugou Bridge with asphalt, and built stele pavilions, stone railings and pillar lions on the bridge. In 1967, more than 400 meters of footpaths were widened and 59 concrete cantilever beams were built.

In 1986, the Beijing Municipal Government set up the "Lugou Bridge Historical Relics Restoration Committee" to launch activities to protect the ancient bridge and restore its original appearance; Overall planning, mobilization of all sectors, and organization of repair. The project raised 3.55 million yuan. The footpath widened in 1967 and the concrete cantilever beam were removed, and the original stone railing observation column was strengthened; The asphalt is removed and the bridge deck is restored; At the same time, Wanping City was repaired and the city towers were restored. And comprehensively renovate bridge piers.

In addition, partial weathering and anti leakage protection measures have been taken for all the watchposts, breast boards, ground straps, bridge decks, Huabiao, stone tablets, etc. of the ancient bridge. When the bridge deck is renovated, there is an Indian heart in the middle, which completely retains the original state of the ancient bridge. In June 1997, some stone lions and watchposts damaged by lightning were repaired. In order to protect the old Lugou Bridge, a famous ancient bridge at home and abroad, in 1971, Beijing built a "new Lugou Bridge" about one kilometer away from the ancient Lugou Bridge.

This is a 17 hole river crossing highway bridge, with a total length of 54.99 meters and a width of 15.5 meters.

Composition on Lugou Bridge 400 words 4

From the Lugouqiao Incident in July 1937 to the fall of Guangzhou and Wuhan in October 1938, it was a stage of strategic defense.

The Lugouqiao Incident opened the prelude to the nationwide Anti Japanese War. At that time, the Japanese invaders regarded the Kuomintang as the main target of war, so the front battlefield shouldered by the Kuomintang army was the main battlefield against the Japanese attack.

At the beginning of the national war of resistance against Japan, the Kuomintang showed a certain anti Japanese enthusiasm, and successively carried out important campaigns such as the Battle of Pingjin, the Battle of Songhu, the Battle of Xinkou, the Battle of Xuzhou, the Battle of Taiyuan, the Battle of Wuhan, and won the victory of the Battle of Taierzhuang, which blocked the Japanese army's advance and crushed the Japanese army's arrogant attempt to destroy China in three months. However, since the Kuomintang politically implemented the one-sided anti Japanese line of relying solely on the government and the army, and militarily adopted the strategic policy of relying solely on defense, although many officers and soldiers of the Kuomintang army bravely resisted the Japanese attack, the battle situation in the front battlefield was still very unfavorable, and large areas of North China and Central China were lost successively, The National Government also moved its capital to Chongqing. On behalf of the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation, the Communist Party of China proposed a line of all-around resistance relying on the people.

In late August 1937, the main force of the Red Army led by the Communist Party was reorganized into the Eighth Route Army of the National Revolutionary Army, and moved to the front line of anti Japanese war in North China; In October, the Red Army guerrillas in the southern provinces were also reorganized into the New Fourth Army and moved to the front line in central China. The Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army went deep into the enemy's rear and opened up the battlefield behind the enemy, mainly cooperating with the Kuomintang army strategically.