I am very grateful for her 600 word composition (collection of 5 articles)
Thick fog permeates the mountains and fields
2023-09-05 02:00:39

I am very grateful for her 600 word composition (1)

She is like a warm wind, and I am like a tiny dandelion seed, waiting for her to blow and embrace. At the end of spring, I will never forget her.

It was an ordinary afternoon, but our class was like a busy vegetable market. Why on earth? It turns out that today is the time when the results of the midterm exam evaluation paper come out. We are both excited and uneasy about this hour. Just when everyone was chattering like a group of little sparrows, the head teacher came in with a stack of test papers. He looked around seriously, took a long breath, raised his glasses, and then said in our uneasy environment: "This exam, everyone got a mess, the highest score was 93. Next, I reported the score, and everyone listened to me."

I heard clearly: "Summer morning, 85 minutes!" I was very surprised, like a fish caught ashore, "flopping", "flopping" up. There was a thunderstorm outside, "crash", "crash" and "boom". The sound of "boom" was like a symphony, mocking me. I seemed to hear the laughter of my classmates: "Cut, before the exam, I said that I was the first in the class. Now, even I am inferior!" I seemed to hear my mother's scolding: "The exam is so bad, I don't have to go to school in the future, and I just went to the construction site to work." I was very sad and regretful.

It was drizzling, and I was just sorting out my things when Mr. Hu came up and said, "What do you not understand in the summer morning? I'll teach you!" I was surprised and said, "Thank you, Mr. Hu. I can't do this problem, but you can teach me." "This problem is to first calculate the distance between A and B, and then remove the speed of AB, which is the final answer. Remember and don't forget to write "

I talked with Mr. Hu for an hour and a half. I also know many practical tips. For example, when multiplying decimal numbers, it is easier to align them first. When I was about to say goodbye, I also said to Mr. Hu: "Mr. Hu, there are still some math problems I can't solve tomorrow, can I ask you for advice?" Mr. Hu replied mischievously, "OK, I will come!" I have been very grateful since then.

I hope that Mr. Hu will continue to care for the flowers of the motherland like a warm and diligent gardener! I will also move forward to a better goal, to be the first in the class!

I am very grateful for her 600 word composition (2)

There are many people that I am grateful for on my growth path, and the most grateful one is teacher Wang.

When I was in the fourth grade, there was a time when "yo yo" was popular in my class. I also want to have one, but I dare not ask my mother for it because I am afraid of her rejection. One day, my classmates all went to PE class. My movement was a little slow, and I was the only one in the class. I didn't know how to do it. I went to check other students' school bags by devious means. When I found that there was money in a school bag, suddenly, "Yo Yo ball" shook in front of me, and a voice said in my ear: "Take it, you can have a Yo ball" So I put the money into my pocket with trepidation. However, my heart is up and down, there is always a feeling of fear. In class, I didn't dare to look at my classmates or teachers. After class, I didn't dare to talk to my classmates. I dodged around like a mouse that was about to be caught by a cat. It was not easy for me to endure until school was over. I ran home as fast as I could and forgot everything about going home with my classmates.

The next morning, teacher Wang, the head teacher, learned about the loss of money in the class. Instead of making a big investigation, she carefully understood and analyzed it in private. During the break, she called me to a corner of the campus and asked me to take the initiative to explain and seriously criticize me. She neither in front of the whole class nor in the office, but in a deserted place to carefully reason with me and analyze the seriousness of the problem. After Miss Wang's careful education, I deeply realized my mistake. With her encouragement, I returned the money to my classmates in private. I promised the teacher that I would never take anything from other students again, because I remembered teacher Wang's words: "A gentleman loves money and takes it in a proper way.".

I am very grateful to Mr. Wang for his help to me. I am grateful that Mr. Wang has such a tolerant and loving heart for a child who has made mistakes. It is her love for me that has always encouraged me to be an upright and honest person in my future life.

I am very grateful for her 600 word composition (3)

Care is a beautiful landscape painting, which makes people intoxicated; Care is a clear spring in the desert, which makes people on the verge of extinction see the hope of life; Concern is a song floating in the night sky, which makes the lonely and helpless people gain spiritual comfort

Outside the window, the light rain keeps falling. When the examination papers were handed out, a big "88" mark was particularly dazzling. After class, the teacher reported the scores one by one. Only a few of them scored lower than me. This time, I scored "8" lower than the average.

After class, I sat on the seat alone in a daze, and the chirping of birds seemed to laugh at me. At this time, she came up to me. "What? Let's play together!" I looked up and said, "No, thank you. You can go." She sat down and put her hand on my shoulder, as if she had seen through my mind, "It doesn't matter, I failed the exam once, it really doesn't matter! Failure is the mother of success! You can't always think about sad things. It's better to think about what to do next time than to be in a daze here! What's more, when everyone fails, how many times did Edison try to invent the light bulb? You gave up just once? This is the same as eating. If you don't cook well for the first time, it doesn't mean you won't eat later! So, be confident and believe that you will do well in the exam next time! " She smiled and cheered me up. "Come on!" I also smiled. "Yes, life will inevitably go wrong, and this little setback is not worth mentioning!? Believe yourself, come on!" "This is you I know well, let's go play for a while!" She took my hand

The rain stopped, and a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky

Since then, I will face everything with an optimistic attitude!

I am very grateful for her 600 word composition (4)

Care is a beautiful landscape painting, which makes people intoxicated; Care is a clear spring in the desert, which makes people on the verge of extinction see the hope of life; Concern is a song floating in the night sky, which makes the lonely and helpless people get spiritual consolation... Outside the window, the light rain keeps falling, and I am grateful for her composition. When the examination papers were handed out, a big "88" mark was particularly dazzling. After class, the teacher reported the scores one by one. Only a few of them scored lower than me. This time, I scored "8" lower than the average.

After class, I sat on the seat alone in a daze, and the chirping of birds seemed to laugh at me. At this time, she came up to me. "What? Let's play together!" I looked up and said, "No, thank you. You can go." She sat down and put her hand on my shoulder, as if she had seen through my mind, "It doesn't matter, I failed the exam once, it really doesn't matter! Failure is the mother of success! You can't always think about sad things. It's better to think about what to do next time than to be in a daze here! What's more, when everyone fails, how many times did Edison try to invent the light bulb? You gave up just once? This is the same as eating. If you don't cook well for the first time, it doesn't mean you won't eat later! So, be confident and believe that you will do well in the exam next time! " She smiled and cheered me up. "Come on!" I also smiled. "Yes, life will inevitably go wrong, and this little setback is nothing to worry about! Believe yourself, come on!" "This is you I know well, let's go play for a while!" She took my hand

The rain stopped, and a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky... From then on, I will face everything with an optimistic attitude!

I am very grateful for her 600 word composition (5)

·Care is a beautiful landscape painting, which makes people intoxicated; Care is a clear spring in the desert, which makes people on the verge of extinction see the hope of life; Concern is a song floating in the night sky, which makes the lonely and helpless people get spiritual consolation... Outside the window, the light rain keeps falling. When the examination papers were handed out, a big "88" mark was particularly dazzling. After class, the teacher reported the scores one by one. Only a few of them scored lower than me. This time, I scored "8" lower than the average. After class, I sat on the seat alone in a daze, and the chirping of birds seemed to laugh at me. At this time, she came up to me. "What? Let's play together!" I looked up and said, "No, thank you. You can go." She sat down and put her hand on my shoulder, as if she had seen through my mind, "It doesn't matter, I failed the exam once, it really doesn't matter! Failure is the mother of success! You can't always think about sad things. It's better to think about what to do next time than to be in a daze here! What's more, when everyone fails, how many times did Edison try to invent the light bulb? You gave up just once? This is the same as eating. If you don't cook well for the first time, it doesn't mean you won't eat later! So, be confident and believe that you will do well in the exam next time! " She smiled and cheered me up. "Come on!" I also smiled. "Yes, life is bound to go wrong, and this little setback is not worth mentioning! Believe yourself, come on!" "This is you I know well, let's go play for a while!" She took my hand... The rain stopped, and a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky... From then on, I will face everything with an optimistic attitude!