After Reading Living
2023-09-26 08:24:16
Senior One
reaction to a book or an article

This winter I have a good book. It is not thick, but warm. When I first saw it, the bright red fascinated me. The cover is very simple. The bright red background is only set with two big characters - alive. Under the weak purple light, something seems to be hidden behind the book, which is very mysterious.
With curiosity, I opened the first page
The book originated from the American folk song "Old Negro". Because of this song, the author was deeply moved and wrote the novel "Living". The author quietly let us follow his cold style, and witnessed people dying in this disturbing story called living.
When reading this novel roughly, it mainly tells that "I" listened to an old man Fu Gui tell his own story in a country. Fugui used to be a young master of a landlord's family. He lost all his money due to gambling and became a poor man. He was captured by the Kuomintang as a able-bodied man. After the Great Leap Forward, the People's Commune Movement and the Cultural Revolution, his relatives died one after another. Finally, only he and his old cow survived until now.
At this time, I feel my heart has been very heavy. First, I felt angry for Fugui's family failure, and then I felt sad for Fugui's tragic fate. The atmosphere of the whole story is gloomy. However, no matter how miserable Fugui's fate is, even when he is on the verge of death, he lives. Between sad plots, Fugui lives with death. When telling about the suffering, there was a strange look in his eyes, and he could not tell whether it was sad or happy. It is from here that my heart is deeply touched again.
When it comes to Fugui, he is not a respectable figure. He was so dissolute when he was young. Later, although he became honest, he did not know how to educate children. But when you think about it, he still has qualities that other people do not have. Fu Gui has been hit and suffered more than ordinary people do, but he still lives on his own strength and is strong. Unlike Chunsheng, who committed suicide because of setbacks in the Cultural Revolution, this spirit is still worthy of our praise.
In real life, there are very few people like Fu and Gui who have a strong tragic tone, but we will encounter large and small bumps. In the face of setbacks, we will either be discouraged and surrender, or keep our heads up. I believe that as long as we live, all the details and feelings in life will be forgotten by us and forgotten by time.
Just live! I loudly praised that sentence: people live to live! Maybe live like Fugui, or live like an old ox
Close the book, bright red came into my eyes again, and pierced my heart. I know that time is passing like night, and death will fall from the sky like night. No pain, no sorrow, no joy... It seems that a green leaf is swaying in the wind, and the tranquility is waving beside you far away
Senior One: Qian Hanmo