Puppy and Me (Top 20)
Hold hands to reminisce about the past
2024-02-14 04:41:43
fourth grade

Dog and Me (1)

My family has a small pet dog. Its name is Xiaohuang. It is yellow all over and a little white. The ears droop, very cute.

One day, I took him for a walk. On the road, a black wolf dog bullied him. He bared his teeth and seemed very angry. He barked at the big wolf dog, which also barked at him. Little Huang Meng bit the tail of the wolf dog and made him bark.

Another time, I took it to buy vegetables for my mother. When I got to the store, it always barked, which made the boss very angry. I scolded him all the time on the way home, but he didn't listen and asked for a piece of pork I bought. It was really unpopular.

I love my dog!

Dog and Me (2)

My family has a puppy.

Its snow-white body has several pink spots, which we all call Qiqi.

Qiqi likes eating small bones very much. Whenever I go to dinner, I always give Qiqi some small bones first. Once I went to dinner and found there was no bone. I searched and searched. It turned out that there was no bone. I had already installed it.

I got some bones and ran straight to the dog. When I ran to it, Qiqi was happy to eat.

Once I asked Qiqi to play a game with me. He came to catch me. We played and played. When it was dark, he finally caught me.

In the evening, I took Qiqi to the street, and I bought a lot of beautiful dressing supplies for him. He looks good on me.

At night, it sleeps next to me.

Look, this is my cute little dog Qiqi.

Dog and Me (3)

Every time I walk on the street and see some people holding one or several happy dogs, I envy them - if only I had a cute dog to play with! So when I came home, I always begged my mother and father to buy me a puppy to be friends with me, but my mother and father didn't like me to keep dogs. They said I was too young, and I was very upset about this.

One night when I was studying, my father came back from other places with a big box. He smiled at me, and I guessed that my father would bring me a good gift. I can't wait to open the box. Ah! A small black head came out of it. "Ah, it's a little black dog!" I jumped up happily.

I picked up the little black dog and found it was so beautiful. With a long mouth, round eyes, a shiny nose, and a fat body, he walked unsteadily and his tail was still high. It has a good red tongue to lick my hands, itchy, I like it very much. Dad said: "Give it a name!" Looking at its black fur, like a cute little ball of fur, he said: "Call it Doudou!" It seemed to understand my words, and "Wangwang" shouted at me. My father said, "He hasn't eaten anything for a day. Let's get him something to eat." My mother cooked a pot of porridge with corn, which smells delicious. I said to Doudou, "It's time to eat!" Doudou ran over, sniffed it with his nose, stuck out his tongue, and shook his tail. He ate it with a big mouthful and still hummed. I touched its back with my hand, and it wagged its tail, as if to thank me. Finally, he added the food with his tongue, which was very cute.

Every day when I come home from school, the dog will pick me up at the door. After finishing my homework, I will lead the dog to the wind. Gradually, I can't leave the dog, and we have become very good friends.

One day, my grandmother's birthday, our family went to congratulate, leaving the dog at home, and came back the next day. When I came back, I found it behind the door after looking for it for a long time. I picked it up and found it trembling all over. I looked at me with a pair of frightened eyes. I was very sad. The father touched Doudou's small head and said, "My child, it is too small and needs careful care. Mom and Dad have to go to work every day, and you have to go to school every day. After such a long time, it will be lonely and depressed, so I'd better give it away.". Since then, I found that Heihei always longed to look at the sunshine outside the window, and then hid in the corner. Gradually I understood that what Doudou wanted was the freedom to run, rather than my selfish locking it up at home. Finally one day I said to my father, "Dad, give Doudou away!" "Why?" My father looked at me in surprise. "Because it is my friend." Dad patted me on the shoulder in approval. Later, my father sent Doudou to his friend's house in the countryside.

Now Doudou has grown into a powerful dog and lives happily in the countryside. Once when I went to see it, it wagged its tail at me happily. It turned out that we were still best friends.

Grade 5: 1476551439

Dog and Me (4)

I have raised many small animals, such as dogs, cats, goldfish... Let me tell you the story of dogs!

It is called Black Tiger, because its hair is black, a little like a tiger, so it is named Black Tiger.

One day, Liu Yan and I went to play. When we came home from the gate court, we found three puppies. One was black, and the other two were yellow. They were crowded together.

Looking at the pity, I picked up the black one, and Liu Yan also picked up one. After returning home, I fed it with milk and then went to bed.

The next day I woke up and found that Black Tiger was no longer there. After asking my mother, I knew that Black Tiger had been put in the sky. I hurried up to find that Black Tiger was OK.

I found a paper box to build a house for Black Tiger, and put it in. He was very happy and went round and round.

That night, it suddenly rained. When I came to the roof to look, I found that the house of Black Tiger had been destroyed, and Black Tiger ran out of the snake skin pocket containing rice.

This is my pet dog, Black Tiger.

Grade 5, Shengli Street Primary School, Junlian County, Yibin, Sichuan: Li Junhao

Dog and Me (5)

My dog is very cute, so I gave it a handsome name - Junzhen

It has big eyes, black and yellow hair, and teeth in black, white and yellow. Its ears are covered. Its nose is black. I like to touch its nose. It is stupid and picky, but it is loyal.

One day, I was walking into my alley when I came home from school. My dog waved his tail at the door to welcome me home. As soon as I arrived, a very fierce dog suddenly rushed at me. I stayed where I was. I don't know when my dog helped me stop Xiong Gou. Xiong Gou launched a very fierce National Olympic Games against it. 555, I was bitten and cried Ah! The dog was driven away, but my dog was seriously injured

After a week, it finally recovered, and the owner of the bear apologized Is my dog loyal.

I love my dog. The time he spent with me is wonderful! It has protected me many times, and I am very grateful to it!

Dog and Me (6)

"Little Cherry, don't follow me!" I looked at the little cherry lightly. It was covered with golden yellow. While wagging its tail, it stared at me intently. The watery eyes were about to sprout me.

We used to go to the countryside, and we would take muddy roads, which were very slippery. I was afraid that Cherry would get hurt, but he just didn't listen. He followed and wagged his tail all the way. His eyes were full of tears. It seemed that he would fall down at a touch. My heart suddenly became sour.

Little Cherry seemed to notice something, and when I wasn't paying attention, she threw herself into my arms with a "woof". I flashed and it flew empty. It seems to be very wronged, like a small child.

When I walk, it goes to the car; I trotted all the way, and it trotted all the way... I suddenly got a brainwave and ran home. Little Cherry liked to learn from others very much, and she followed me to her home. It stretched out its powerful limbs, and its strong legs leaped into the air. Soon, we were home.

I closed the door with a snap. Little Cherry didn't seem to expect that I would shut it in the room and screamed desperately. But what can I do? In the curtains, I vaguely heard its pathetic cry at the top of its voice, as if I saw the twinkling tears in its eyes. If something unexpected happens to little cherry

I dare not think about it any more. I ran home recklessly. Little Cherry was lying on the ground powerless. My heart was broken with a cry of grief. This was a valuable gift from my mother-in-law on my second birthday. Little Cherry, I will never leave you again.

This is my little dog Cherry. Wherever I go every day, he will go,

It also made me feel a bit heavier on my shoulders.

Dog and Me (7)

I have a puppy. This puppy is very beautiful. Its face is very strange. The right half is black, and the left half is white, just like black and white chocolate. There is a red mouth under the small nose, and there are several small black spots on the mouth, which is very similar to several black beans. Its body is white, like a wool ball, with a black tail, very beautiful. The limbs are very short, like four thin and short pillars.

This puppy was sent by someone else. When he first came here, he didn't eat or drink. He must have missed his mother. After a few days, it began to eat. Every time I feed it milk powder, it only takes a few mouthfuls to stop eating. Once, my mother made some soymilk. Unexpectedly, she drank it all at once. I gave it a name: Huanhuan. Every time I give it food, as long as I shout, it will immediately come out and run to my side.

When I come home from school every day, the first thing I do is to see what Huanhuan is doing. As soon as I opened the toilet door, it quickly raised its head to have a look. It seemed to say, "Master, I'm hungry", and it just turned around at my feet, as if to say, "Hurry up, I can't wait.".

Huanhuan is very hygienic. On the first day of her arrival, she kept shouting and we ignored her. Later, I found that its nest was wet a lot, so I knew it was called because it urinated. Once again, we heard it cry again, and the cry became louder and louder. Mother said, "It's not going to shit this time, is it?"? We went to the toilet together, put it out, and it walked around in the toilet. Finally, I took a piece of paper to wipe the shit out of a corner. I thought to myself: This puppy really likes to be clean. When he urinates, he also uses a signal to inform us. Mother didn't like the dog at first, but she liked it because it was hygienic.

I like this dog very much. I love it, and it loves me.

Dog and Me (8)

I like little dogs since I was young. My mother satisfied me and bought me a garden dog. Because his body is white, I named him "Little White Ball"

It has fur like snow. Its short tail is swaying from side to side. Its tongue is always sticking out to dissipate heat. Its small nose is embedded in its mouth. Its big bright eyes blink and its ears stick up all the time. It is really a beautiful little dog.

His mouth was very greedy. I remember once I gave him half a piece of ham sausage and ate it all at a light speed

”I cried a few times, as if to say: "It's really fragrant, can you give me some more?" But that's what I eat! But when I saw his pitiful expression, I was tender hearted and gave him mine. He gloated at me and said, "Oh, what a greedy dog!"

It is not only greedy, but also very naughty! Alas, it always hurts me to mention the past! On that day, my dog and I were chasing and running at home. We had a good time. But the dog suddenly jumped on the table and rushed at me. "Bangdang" and "What are you doing? Ouch! My beloved vase! Look at you, I said, let the dog go out to play, look, you have caused trouble..." Mother scolded me indiscriminately, and the dog? Just sitting there quietly!

Although he is naughty and greedy, he is still my dearest playmate. How about, is it very cute!

Dog and Me (9)

How I miss my inseparable "good partner" - every family

Jiajia is a cute puppy. A pair of bright big eyes were embedded in the round head, and then put on a brown and yellow dress. Oh! Don't mention how cute it is.

Looking back, my family and I were so happy at that time. Every morning, I go to school happily after washing and eating breakfast. Every time, my family always follows me all the way, as if they are protecting me. Until I got to the station, until I got on the car safely, until the car ran on the road, until the car disappeared in the sight of home, it would not go home.

Every time I get home from school, I can always see familiar figures. It always runs towards me with its small head out and its fluffy tail wagging. Then, we jumped and danced all the way home happily.

However, last summer vacation, my family left me forever. To the beautiful and peaceful heaven.

That day, the hot sun scorched the earth relentlessly. In the high temperature of more than 40 degrees, my parents and I were blowing air conditioners and watching TV at home. I looked and thought of my family. I think it must be very hot in such a hot day! I ran downstairs to see it. As expected, it was too hot to bear. Expose the long tongue and breathe heavily. I can't take it into the air-conditioned room to blow the air conditioner. I can't help but let him take a cold bath. My family has a small pond. The water is not deep. My family used to play with me here. I picked up my family, went to the pool and put it in gently. But as soon as I let go, I heard a scream from every family. Then I watched it sink stiffly. I panicked at once, yelling at the adults, and trying to salvage the family with a stick. Grandpa and uncle came first. When my uncle saw it, he took the stick in my hand and slowly fished out the house with the stick, shouting, "Turn off the electricity and turn off the pump." Then I understood. It turned out that when I visited my family into the pool, the pump at the bottom of the pool was working, and the water was a highly conductive object. I looked at the corpse of my dear family and my eyes were moist. How regretful I am. If only it wasn't summer then; If only the pump didn't work; If only water could not conduct electricity, it would be an insulator; If only everyone could open their eyes and run and play with me. But everything is impossible, everything has already happened. Later, my father and grandmother buried my family in the garden where he loved to play with me.

In this way, every family left me without looking back. How I want to see my family now, how I want it to protect me all the way to the station, how I want it to shake its head and tail when I get off the bus.

Ah! Family, I want to say to you: "Sorry, I was wrong, I was really wrong, the little master was really wrong! Do you hear me? The little master was wrong!"

Grade 1, Class 13, Xuyi Primary 5, Maba, Xuyi County, Huai'an, Jiangsu: Xie Wenjie

Dog and Me (10)

My family has a lively puppy with a round head and two ears, but it is very sensitive. Its eyes are shining like black gemstones. The most characteristic is that it has black hair, so I call it "black hair". Heimao knows the way very well. If you don't believe me, let me tell you!

Not long ago, I took Heimao to the park. Suddenly, my favorite song sounded next to me. I couldn't wait to run there. It seems that Heimao is not interested in music. He left quietly, but I didn't notice it. When the song was over, I turned around and saw that the black hair was gone. I cried "wow" and walked home with tears and loss. When I came to my house, I was surprised to find that Heimao was sleeping in the kennel. When I heard the footsteps, Heimao immediately ran to me and wagged his tail!

I was shocked. Why can Heimao go home without being taken? Why doesn't Heimao get lost? Does Heimao have super memory? A series of questions puzzled me. Curiosity drove me to find out.

The next day, I let Heimao out to play by himself, and I hid behind him. I saw Heimao urinating on the grass or trees on the roadside every time he walked a section of the road, which made me frown.

After more than an hour, Heimao walked a long way, and I was tired. In order to find out, I also continued to observe its action. After another walk, Hei probably felt hungry and suddenly turned back. Whenever I came to a fork in the road, I thought, "Hey, let's see how it goes." But Heimao stopped, lowered his head and sniffed on the ground. I think it is looking for something to eat! But it found nothing. After smelling for a while, it suddenly raised its head, walked straight ahead, and identified the way. In this way, Heimao went home smoothly. I can't find the reason why it can go home.

I couldn't figure it out, so I went to ask my father. Dad just turned his mouth up slightly, gave me a "Mona Lisa" smile, and said: "You can find the answer yourself!" Then he left. But I was not discouraged. I ran to the bookstore and roamed in "One Hundred Thousand Why". One hour later, I finally found the answer.

It turned out that every time a dog walked a distance, he would throw urine. When he comes back, he smells his urine. In this way, it will help it find its way home. If other dogs urinate there. Don't be afraid, each dog's urine smell is different, and dogs are very inspired by their own urine smell. As long as the smell of urine is different, it means that you are going in the wrong direction.

"I found the answer." It turned out that when Heimao was at the fork in the road, he was smelling his urine, not looking for food.

I jumped up excitedly, walked out of the bookstore, and ran home in three steps and two steps. I told my father the answer. He stared at me with his talking eyes, which were full of surprise, praise and encouragement. I feel very happy, my heart is as sweet as honey.

Through this discovery, I understand a truth: if you observe carefully and think hard, you can find the mystery of things and understand the relationship between things.

Dog and Me (11)

When I mention the puppy, I think of the puppy in my family. Its name is "Xiaomeng" and its name is "Xiaomeng" because it is so cute. I accidentally found this puppy in a game of hide and seek.

I still remember the time when my good friends and I were playing hide and seek. I ran to a grass and hid. Suddenly I heard a weak dog barking. Turning around, I found a newly born dog beside me. It was looking at me with expectant eyes. Its hair was gray, and its short legs had sharp claws, A pair of lovely ears are hanging down on both sides of the head melon. In the middle of the head melon is its watery eyes, and it also sticks out its pink tongue. It seems that he is hungry! I quickly took out the snacks that I hadn't eaten for him. When he was full, I was ready to go home.

But he followed me wherever I went. I wanted to get rid of him and deliberately quickened my pace. When I got to the door of my house, he still followed me. He intended to follow me into the house. I wouldn't let him in. When I was ready to close the door, he looked at me with a pathetic expression. My heart suddenly softened, so he waited outside the door. I went to the kitchen and asked my mother, who was cooking, if I could keep the stray dog I picked up outside. My mother is really a reasonable mother! She said it could be raised. I jumped three feet high with joy and ran to the door to bring the dog in. He was also very happy!

This is the origin of my dog. How about you envy it!

Dog and Me (12)

Four years ago, my family had a puppy. She is very naughty and cute.

This puppy was given to me by my father on my birthday. Because I like dogs very much, my father took me to buy a dog on my birthday. In the shop, there are all kinds of puppies. Some are white, some are brown, some are black... I like a yellow dog best after looking at it for a long time. The dog has yellow fur, round eyes and erect ears. It looks very smart. So I choose it.

First of all, when he came back to my house, he was not used to it, so he was shy, didn't want to go shopping, ate less, and was only in one place. But every day, I come to touch her, and she gradually knows me. We play together every day, which is very interesting.

The puppy is obedient and smart. If you say stand her up, she will stand. Say to jump her, and she will jump. Sometimes it looks like a child. After class, when I got home. Seeing me, the dog ran and wagged its tail. But when she saw a stranger, she would call to inform someone that someone was coming. Because of the puppy, everyone is happy and not afraid of thieves.

We have many commemorations. I also took a lot of photos to leave the best memory. Each photo is very cute and funny. I used all the photos to make an album.

But I can only support her for one year, and then I can't support her anymore. Because my grandfather has tuberculosis, he can't raise animals at home. I have no choice but to let my aunt support her. I'm sorry that I can't play with it every day. So every weekend, I often come to my aunt's house to play with the dog.

Now that puppy has grown up, but it is still very cute. It is still my puppy. I like it very much.

Dog and Me (13)

My love is not much. I like painting and small animals. Just a few weeks ago, my father gave me a puppy. It is a dignified dog. It took me a week to figure out its hobbies. It likes to eat, it likes to receive frisbees, it also likes its clothes and flowers, I call it Huahua.

Huahua is very obedient. I went out for a walk with him this morning. He ran to play with flowers in the flowers, chased butterflies in the open space, and ran to race with his brother. But soon he ran to the door and waited for me.

Once, at noon, when I was taking a nap, I called. I saw that Mei Mei and Hua Hua, my sister's kitten, had bumped into each other. Of course, the cat was afraid of dogs. I got together, picked up Mei Mei, and walked to her room. Hua Hua seemed jealous. She stood up and cried while pulling my clothes.

This is my beloved dog Huahua.

Dog and Me (14)

My dog's name is Hua Hua, because he has such a cute little head. We all like him. Once I threw a stick and he went to pick it up, but I heard him tell me to go and have a look. I saw that my stick was thrown into a well, and I left with him. Another time we were playing. We didn't know there was a well. It was a funny day when we fell down! I'm so happy.

Dog and Me (15)

One day, my parents went to work, and there was only me and the dog at home. Because its fur was flower, we called it Xiaohua. It is very cute. Whenever my parents feel lonely when they are not at home, it can bring me joy; Every time I was scolded by my parents for being naughty, it would come to me and lick me with its red and soft tongue to comfort me - how well Xiaohua understands my mood, who says animals have no feelings?

Dog and Me (16)

Today, my father bought me a puppy. I am so happy that the puppy is black and white with big eyes. So I called it hehe. He likes to bask in the sun, like a lazy pig. One day, I lost my key and he found it. I really like him.

Dog and Me (17)

When I was only ten years old, I had a puppy.

On the morning of my 10th birthday, my father said that he would give me a small police dog. I was very happy after hearing that. After lunch, there was a knock on the door and several barks in the middle. I immediately jumped up to open the door, because I guess this should be sent to the dog. This dog is really cute, with a pair of long ears, each about 10 cm long. It's brown all over and feels smooth. The eyes are black, like a black gem. He looked at me without blinking, as if to say: "Can you be the new owner?" I could not help but say: "How lovely!" Listen to the uncle: "This dog is the crystallization of two police dogs who have made great contributions to my family!" I said excitedly: "If I cultivate it well, will it also make great contributions?" "Hehe! It is possible!" The uncle smiled and said. After listening to this, I said excitedly, "Yeah!". The uncle looked at me excitedly and continued to say, "This is the smallest dog in the litter, only one month! Moreover, this is a male dog. I tell you, male dogs are not as coquettish as female dogs, so it's much easier to keep."

At night, when I was about to fall asleep, suddenly there was a strange sound near my bed. At first glance, it was the dog that grabbed my bed. Maybe he wanted to sleep with me! The father next to him said, "Well, there are three beds in this room, but the dog only wants to sleep in your bed, which means that he already thinks you are his master! Let him sleep in your bed for one night!" I thought: I still said that his mother is more charming than his mother. In desperation, I took the dog to bed. When the dog got to the bed, he seemed to be grateful to me. He added a little bit to the left and a little bit to the right of my face... Licked my saliva all over my face. I took a paper towel and said to my father, "Dad, I suddenly thought of two lines of poetry. Do you want to hear them? I just made them myself!" "Of course! I want to hear my daughter's poems." So I learned from the poet's voice and said, "Sleeping with the dog tonight, my face is full of drool." My father said, "Good, creative!" After that, I closed my eyes and went to sleep. But I couldn't sleep because the dog lying on me would sleep in another place later. Although the dog's eyes have been closed all the time, it crawls on the bed, which reminds me of the word "sleepwalking".

You see, my dog is so cute.

Dog and Me (18)

Huanhuan has black hair, round eyes and sharp claws. It is a very clever dog.

One day, I came home from school and found my slippers missing. I think, shoes don't have long legs and wings, where can they go? It must be Huanhuan's "good deed". Sure enough, I found Huanhuan swinging around with one of my slippers. I was so angry that I scolded him: "Huanhuan, why did you pick up my shoes?" But he was not afraid, but he ran to lick my hand. I smiled. Huanhuan had no idea of my anger. It was so cute, so forgive it!

Huanhuan is very naughty, but also very timid. Once, when I was eating snacks with relish, Huanhuan came and snatched the snacks from my hands. Unexpectedly, it didn't take it well, and the snacks were scattered all over the ground. I angrily slapped him on the bottom with my slippers. My anger subsided, but Huanhuan was so frightened that she urinated all over the floor.

The dog Huanhuan really makes me happy and worries me!

Dog and Me (19)

I have a baby dog, which is a pure German shepherd dog. It was given to me by my uncle not long ago.

There is not a single hair on his body. If he sleeps in the snow, he may not find it for three days. Its sharp ears, small and exquisite, stand up vigilantly; Black eyes, shiny. The sharp sense of smell is unparalleled. The mouth of the blood basin with a "V" shape is daunting, and the sharp canine teeth make it even more powerful. Its strong limbs support its strong body. Seeing it so brave, I named it "White Tiger". Although the "white tiger" looks scary, it is not. I remember when my uncle just gave it to me, when it opened its mouth, I couldn't help being surprised: What sharp teeth! I don't know whether it bites indiscriminately or not. But after a few days, it became familiar to me and began to walk around me. Every day when I went to the night market, I led it, causing many curious people to talk about it. Some children also followed the "white tiger", but the "white tiger" walked gently in front of me and did not bite people. Only then did I know how gentle it is.

My lovely "white tiger" is not big, but it needs to eat a lot of food. Every night, my mother would make some extra pieces of meat for him to eat, and the white tiger enjoyed the delicious barbecue with relish at this time. But in order not to raise a fat dog, it needs to eat more vegetables. I decide the daily nutritious meals. Alas, my lovely pet dog! He is really my good partner.

Dog and Me (20)

Me and the dog

During the Spring Festival, I went to my grandma's house to play. As soon as I entered the courtyard, I saw a little flower dog. It is thin, wearing a black and white "clothes". Short legs, dark eyes, flat nose, small mouth, very cute. As soon as my foot entered the door, it barked "woof, woof, woof..." as if to "eat" me. I took a few steps back in a hurry, which scared me into a cold sweat. My grandmother picked up the dog, and I quickly entered the house. The dog was still staring at me, which was not good.

After dinner, I first gave the dog the bones in the bowl to eat. The dog looked at me and wagged his tail as if to say, "Thank you!" He lowered his head and chewed the bones with relish. I thought to myself: this little guy is really greedy. Don't bite me next time! After a while, the dog ran out of bones, licked his mouth with his tongue, and bit my trouser leg with his teeth, as if to say, "Give me another bone, OK?" There was only rice left in my bowl, so he had to give it some rice, but he left disappointed after smelling it.

Since I fed the bones, the dog has been friendly to me. Once, when I was doing my homework, his familiar voice came again, and he ran to me and called a few times, as if to say, "My little master, can we play together?" When he saw that I didn't agree, he jumped on the table, smelling here and there. There was no way, I had to put away my book and play with it, and it jumped up happily.

Dogs have a lot of habits. They especially like to eat bones and fish. As long as you are gentle with it, it is very good for you. Animals are our friends. We should love animals.