Ducklings Crossing the River (7 Collections)
Always on the road
2023-12-20 06:49:27
primary school

Ducklings crossing the river (1)

One day, the chicken and the duck went to the suburbs together. That day, the weather was very sunny, it was a good day.

The chicken and the duck came to the river bank, and the chicken suddenly cried. The duckling asked, "What's the matter with you?" The chicken said sadly, "I can't swim, what should I do?" The duckling smiled and said, "I can swim, I can carry you." Then the chicken got on the duckling's back, and the duckling swam across the river with the chicken on his back.

Across the river. The duckling rampaged about and didn't find a big hole in front of him. With a "bang", the duckling fell into the pit, where it cried. When the chicken saw it, he quickly found a small bucket and ran to the river to fetch water. In this way, bucket by bucket, the water became higher and higher, and the duckling was finally saved.

The two partners jumped up happily and said, "It's good to help each other!"

One day, after heavy rain, it was sunny. The chicken asked the duck to go to the Happy Park in the afternoon. The chicken also brought a bucket to catch some caterpillars.

When they came to the river, the chicken said in fear, "I can't swim, so don't go!" The duckling said carelessly, "I can swim, so I can carry you." So the chicken lay on the duckling's back, and the duckling jumped into the river and swam. After a while, the chicken came ashore and pulled the duckling up.

The chicken and the duckling went on. Suddenly, the duckling fell into a big hole and cried loudly. The chicken looked, thought, and soon had an idea. He picked up buckets of water, scooped buckets of water from the river and poured them into the pit. Soon, the duckling slowly floated up and was saved!

The chicken and the duck danced happily.

One sunny morning, chicks and ducks were going to catch insects on the other side of the river.

When they came to the river, the duckling jumped into the water first. He said to the chicken on the bank, "You can't swim, you will drown. Why don't you sit on my back and carry you across the river?" So the chicken sat on the duck's back, holding the bucket for catching insects. The chicken said to the duckling, "Thank you!" The duckling said to the chicken, "You are welcome!" After a while, they swam to the other side of the river.

The duckling happily walked in front, and the chicken followed. Suddenly, the chicken heard the duckling crying for help and ran to see the duckling fall into a big hole. They were all in a hurry. The chicken said, "Don't worry, Brother Duck, I will try to save you." He looked at the bucket in his hand and thought of a good way. He carried a lot of water in a bucket and poured it into the hole. Finally, the hole was filled, and Brother Duck was saved.

They became good friends, singing happily and catching insects together.

Ducklings Crossing the River (2)

Today's weather is very good. It's sunny and sunny. The chicken calls the duckling and goes to the rabbit's house to play.

They walked, came to a green grass, saw colorful flowers, really beautiful! There is also a small river blocking their way. It turns out that a heavy rain broke the bridge a few days ago. The rabbit's house is on the other side of the river. What if the chicken can't swim? The chicken was so anxious that it sweated like ants on a hot pot. Suddenly, the duckling had a brainwave and came up with a good idea. He found a board and said to the chicken, "There is a way. We can use the board as a boat. You stand on the board and I will push you across the river." Encouraged by the duckling, the chicken stood carefully on the board and smoothly crossed the river along the current. The chicken said to the duckling, "Thank you," and the duckling said, "You are welcome. This is what I should do."

They walked happily to the rabbit's house.

Ducklings Crossing the River (3)

One day, the chicken went to school happily. Halfway, a small river blocked the way. The chicken can't swim, and there is no bridge on the river, so it is crying.

When the duckling heard the cry, he walked over and asked curiously, "Why are you crying?" The chicken cried and told the duckling the story. The duckling smiled and patted his chest and said, "It's up to me." Then the duckling found a square board and put it in the water as a boat. Then he helped the chicken to get on the "boat" carefully.

The duckling helped the plank and paddled the chicken across the river like a small guard.

The chicken is happy to go to school again.

Ducklings Crossing the River (4)

One day, the chicken and the duck were going to eat on the island on the other side of the river, but there was a river between them.

The chicken said, "I can't swim. What can I do?" Suddenly the duckling came up with a good idea. The duckling said, "There is a board on our way here. You can stand on it as a boat, and it can take you across the river. I can swim. I don't need a board, and I can swim by myself." Then the chicken followed the duckling along the way, It didn't take long to find the board. The duckling lifted the board and put it into the river. It said, "Stand up, chicken!" Then the chicken jumped onto the board, and the duckling jumped into the river. The plank floats and the duckling swims with it.

Before long, the two friends reached the other side of the river. The other side of the river is very beautiful, where flowers are in full bloom and trees are in shade. The chicken saw that there were many crawling insects on the bank! The duckling looked into the water and said to himself, "There are many algae in the water, too." The chicken and the duckling said in unison, "We can have a good meal."

Ducklings crossing the river (5)

Today, the weather is sunny and sunny. Chickens and ducks are going to catch insects on the other side of the river.

Just arrived at the river, the duckling jumped into the water first. He said to the chicken on the bank, "You can't swim, you will drown. Why don't you sit on my back and carry you across the river?" So the chicken sat on the duck's back, holding the bucket for catching insects. The chicken said to the duckling, "Thank you!" The duckling said to the chicken, "You are welcome!" After a while, they swam to the other side of the river.

The duckling happily walked in front, and the chicken followed. Suddenly, the chicken heard the duckling crying for help and ran to see the duckling fall into a big hole. They were all in a hurry. The chicken said, "Don't worry, Brother Duck, I will try to save you." He looked at the bucket in his hand and thought of a good way. He carried a lot of water in a bucket and poured it into the hole. Finally, the hole was filled, and Brother Duck was saved.

They became good friends, singing happily and catching insects together.

Ducklings Crossing the River (6)

Chickens and ducks are good friends.

One morning, the chicken and the duck went to play together. They were walking. Suddenly, they saw a river. What should they do? The duckling thought again and again. Suddenly, the duckling came up with a good idea. He said to the chicken, "Don't worry. I'll find a board and put you on it right away, so that we can all get there."

"Good! Good!" The chicken cried happily. After a while, the duckling found a board. The chicken was afraid. The duckling said, "It doesn't matter. I'm behind you to protect you."

They both crossed the river smoothly and smiled happily.

Ducklings Crossing the River (7)

One day, the chicken and the duck came to the river to play. The chicken saw many beautiful flowers on the other side of the river. The chicken wanted to pick them for the mother chicken. But the river was so fast, the river was so deep and wide, and the chicken could not swim. If it jumped, the chicken would drown. What should we do? When the chicken saw the duckling was about to jump into the river, the chicken stopped him and said, "duckling, can you help me cross the river because I can't swim?"

The duckling said, "Yes, but how can I send you there?" After a while, the duckling said, "Yes, I will carry you across the river." The chicken listened and said, "No, no, it's too dangerous." After a while, the duckling thought of the big bucket at home and said, "Yes, come with me."

So they moved the buckets from the duckling's house one by one and shouted the command: "One two, one two."

With a plop, the bucket fell into the water. As soon as the chicken jumped into the bucket, it sat down safely. The duckling pushed the bucket across the river. The chicken said, "Duckling, thank you!" The duckling said, "You are welcome. Friends should help each other."

Chickens and ducks cross the river

One day, white clouds floated in the blue sky. The chicken asked the duckling to play at the rabbit's house.

When I was walking, I suddenly met a small river. The bridge on the river was washed away because the river rose.

What shall I do? They are as anxious as ants on a hot pot. The duckling finally came up with a way to say, "Chicken, sit on my back and I will carry you to the river bank." The chicken said, "OK." The duckling slowly swam to the other side of the river.

At last, the chicken and the duck went to the rabbit's house happily, and the rabbit welcomed them happily.

3 Chickens and ducks cross the river

A lovely chicken lives in a green forest. One day, it will go across the river to buy gifts. When we reached the river, we found that the bridge was broken, and the chicken cried anxiously.

At this time, a handsome duckling came unsteadily and asked gently: "Sister chicken, why are you crying?" The chicken said: "I want to buy a gift, but I can't cross the river." The duckling found a solid wooden board as a boat and sent the chicken across the river.

Later, they became very good friends.

4 Chickens and ducks cross the river

Today, the weather is sunny. The chicken and the duck go to the rabbit's house to play.

Suddenly, they heard a loud noise in front of them. So they ran to the front and saw that the small bridge in front was broken. The chicken said, "What can I do? I can't swim. I can't get through." The duckling thought for a while and said, "I have a way. You can lie on my back and I can carry you, OK?" The chicken said, "Thank you.". So the duckling carried the chicken across the river. So they went ashore. The chicken said to the duckling, "Thank you. Without you, I would not be able to cross the river." The duckling smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. Friends should help each other." Then he went to the rabbit's house happily.

5 Chickens and ducks cross the river

One day, the sky was bright with white clouds. The chicken and the duck go to the rabbit's house to play together. As I walked, I suddenly heard the sound of rushing water. It turned out that there was a small river blocking the way.

The chicken said, "Duckling, what should we do? Let's go back?" The duckling said, "It doesn't matter. I can swim, and I'll carry you there." The chicken said, "OK, thank you!" The chicken stood on the duckling's back, and the duckling carried the chicken to the other bank. After they went ashore, they came to the rabbit's house to play happily.

At Little Rabbit's house, they played chess and games. They were very happy.

6 Chickens and ducks cross the river

One day, the chicken and the duck agreed to go to the park together.

Suddenly, a river blocked their way. The duckling had a brainwave and said, "Don't forget, I'm an expert in swimming. I can swim there." The chick said, "But what can I do if I can't swim?" The duckling thought for a while and said, "I can carry you there." After that, the duckling plopped into the river. The duckling waved his hand to the chicken and said, "Come down quickly. Don't be afraid." So the chicken jumped with its legs, Lightly landed on the duck's back, and the chicken quietly grabbed the duck's neck. They crossed the river happily.

So they continued to walk to the park, saying as they walked. Suddenly, the duckling accidentally fell into a pit. The duckling flapped his wings with all his strength and said to the chicken above, "Chicken, chicken, help me up quickly." The chicken had an idea and came up with a good idea. So he picked up his bucket and scooped up a bucket of water in the river. Then he walked to the pit and poured the water into the pit. The chicken fell down three or four times in a row, and it was already tired and sweating heavily. Finally, the duckling was saved. The duckling said to the chicken, "Thank you, chicken."

Finally, the duckling and the chicken became a pair of inseparable good friends.

7 Chickens and ducks cross the river

One day, chickens and ducks went to the river to play.

They came to the river and couldn't cross it. They thought for a long time. The duckling suddenly remembered and said, "The chicken climbed on my back and I swam over." The chicken said, "OK.". The duckling swam in the river. The chicken climbed on the duck's back and swam past. The chickens and ducks crossed the river and were overjoyed.

Today, ducklings and chickens are very happy.

8 Ducklings carry chickens across the river

One day, it was sunny and sunny. It was a good day.

The chicken took a small basket and happily went to the other side of the river to pick mushrooms. When the chicken came to the river, it stopped and thought, "I can't swim. How can I go to the other side of the river to pick mushrooms?".

At this time, the duckling happened to pass by. When he saw the chicken walking anxiously, he went to the chicken and asked it, "What's wrong with you?" The chicken said wrongly, "I can't swim, and I can't go to the other side of the river to pick mushrooms." The duckling said enthusiastically to the chicken, "Don't worry, I'll carry you across the river." Then the chicken climbed onto the duck's back, The duckling took the chicken to the other side of the river. When the chicken reached the bank, it said to the duckling, "Thank you, duckling."

The trees and grass across the river are green. The flowers are colorful and beautiful. The chicken happily went to pick mushrooms