Composition of Bianhua (15 practical articles)
Sadness and warmth
2024-04-28 06:49:14
high school

Composition of Bianhua (1)

I like Anne Baby's words, with the yearning of a girl, just like the article "The Faramita Flower", "If you see it, it goes out; if it disappears, you will remember it.". Close your eyes and remember the memory that has not been erased.

"Jiajia, our friendship should be as long as the other shore flower!" "Ah? Why?" I am naive. Facing Tongtong who is the same age, we always rely on each other. Today I know that it will take a thousand years for the flowers to blossom on the other side of the river. What Tong Tong said at the beginning was that we wanted our friendship to last as long as the flowers on the other side of the river. At this time, I wanted to shout happily: "Our friendship has lasted for ten thousand years!"

Is our friendship really long? Remember, when we ran hand in hand in the street, holding a bubble bottle and blowing colorful bubbles

When we meet now, we will give each other a deep smile. Over the past 10 years, we should thank the deep friendship that has shaped our pure hearts! The dimple is the fruit juice shared in childhood and the snack for boys to fight back. The fourth grade, learning, seems to distance us, I do not want to give up, you do not want to give up, we still eat breakfast together, play together

The friendship that can stand such a test is called true friendship, because we will also think of the friendship of the past "thousand years". Later I learned that flowers bloom for a thousand years, flowers fall for a thousand years, flowers bloom and leaves fall, leaves grow and flowers fall, flowers and leaves never meet! Tongtong, maybe our friendship is just a flower leaf, but it is deeply impressed in our hearts.

I occasionally opened a book and flew out a note, which Tongtong left me: love never fails I understand its translation; Love never fails.

May these six words, elegant and patient, speak of the beauty of the world and our friendship.

Heilongjiang Daqing Heilongjiang Datong District Third Primary School Grade 4: He Jia

Comment: The author recalled an experience of getting along with a good friend, and used "the other shore flower" to describe the friendship between the two people. They know that it will take a thousand years for the flowers to bloom on the other side of the river. They also hope that their friendship will last forever, but time has destroyed their plan, and the two people are still separated... Although there is no specific event, the author expresses his feelings in a lyrical way.

Composition of Bianhua (2)

Cherry blossom is the national flower of Japan. It is beautiful and holy. It is said that the cherry tree grows on flesh and blood, so it can be so charming. In China, there is also a flower that can be compared with it - the other shore flower.

The scientific name of Bianhua is Shisan, also called Manzhu Sha Hua, which is characterized by flowering first. At the end of the flower period or when the flower meets the leaf, there are other species that pull the leaf first and flower after the leaf withers. Because the flower and the leaf are always not allowed to meet, it has the name of the other shore flower.

Because this kind of flower often grows on graves, and is also called the flower on the Huangquan Road, but this kind of flower has always had a bad reputation in China, because it has no fragrance, and grows in the backcountry, very enchanting, very dark and unlucky. Let him have some comments in China. It is said that at the turn of the morning and the night, when the other shore flower blooms, the door of life and death will be opened. It can cross the Yin and Yang worlds and make people come back from the dead. As for whether the other shore flower is really so magical, I don't know, because there is no scientific research to prove its authenticity.

The other shore flower is also called Manzhu Sha Hua. The reason why it is called this name comes from another legend. There is a man and a woman in love with each other. One is Sha Hua, the other is Man Zhu. The gods are not allowed to love each other, so they were caught within a short time. The gods punish them. Sister Xia can control them and keep them from seeing each other forever. So when Manju was born, Sha Hua died. When Sha Hua was born, Man Zhu died. And this characteristic is the same as that of the other shore flower, which has no leaves when it blooms, and the leafed flower has withered, so the other shore flower is also called Manzhu Sha Hua.

The flowers on the other side of the Yellow Spring are blooming on the other side of the Yellow Spring. How can you cross the bridge?

Composition of Bianhua (3)

The flower on the other side is the flower on the other side. Each flower is at the junction of dawn and dawn. The feeling contained in the Faramita flower is not the palpable heart, but the love far away from the horizon. What it represents is only desolation and sadness. " "The flower on the other side is also called Manzhu Sha Hua. It is a gorgeous red flower like blood that blooms on the other side of the netherworld, with flowers but no leaves. When the soul passes through the forgetful river, it forgets all kinds of things in life. Everything once left on the other side of the river has become a enchanting flower. We will die in this land one day, and everything will be buried on the other side of the road and in this piece of soil, just like Manzhu Sha Hua. " "No matter how beautiful the flowers are, they will only open on the other side, and the results will only be buried in this gravel." "Are they buried in this gravel? In fact, they are not. It seems that the results are just so, but actually? Like the land in front of us, even in the rain, it will glow. The reason is not that the flowers themselves will glow, but more because the soul buried in the soil is glowing. The soil and gravel we choose should be valuable. Even if the results are the same, they are all dead, but a valuable death is meaningful. " "The meaning is very simple. It is to let us find a meaningful way to die and bury in a valuable land, just like the flowers on the other side of the river, shining with the dead soul." Decadent... I was born before I was born, but I was old when I was born. You hate me for being born late, and I hate you for being born early. You were born before I was born. I was old when I was born. If you hate me, you will be good with me every day. I was born before you, but you are old. I am far away from you, and you are far away from me. I was born before you, but you are old. Turn into a butterfly to look for flowers, and live in fragrant grass every night. Rendering, parting... parting, parting

Composition of Bianhua (4)

One day, you suddenly said to me, you can see me, but you can only look at me like this. I feel happy but bitter. Since then, when the flowers are blooming on the other side, you always stand on the river bank, while I always like to hide in the flower heart and watch your every smile, every move, and then sleep with my pillow

But one day, the flowers on the other side are no longer in full bloom. I know you will not come back. On that day, I used my soul to promote the other side of the flower. You still can't be seen with that kind of enchantment

On that day, the flowers on the other side of the sky reddened for half a day. Before I had time to say goodbye to her, I disappeared in the lost way.

The flowers bloomed silently. At that moment, I heard the voice of heartbreak. It was so sad and cold

Composition of Bianhua (5)

Mother said that Bi'an flower is a very bright flower. It is said that it grows on the roadside of Huangquan, and only people dying can see it, because Bi'an flower can let you forget everything in the world, so that you can die and reincarnate in peace of mind—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

I am a new born kitten. My mother named me Liang. I don't know why my mother gave me such a name, but I know my mother and grandma love me very much, and they always give me delicious food, so that I can have a full meal every day and then sleep comfortably next to my grandma. My mother sang a lullaby for me to sleep. At that time, I was the happiest. But one day

"Grandma, where's your mother? Where's your mother?" I fumbled on the ground with my hands, but I couldn't touch her warm and tender hands. "Grandma, where's my mother? I want my mother, Grandma, I want my mother." I couldn't find my mother, so I cried. At the moment, my heart was in a mess. I felt that my mother had an accident, but Grandma never told me, just kept crying. I decided to go to my mother, but I couldn't find the door because I couldn't see. My mother said that we cats can't see. We all listen with ears to determine the direction of things. I calmed down and listened carefully with my ears. I heard the wind and some noises. I slowly followed the sound. I found that I had found the door, and I ran out quickly. Grandma's eager cry behind me was soon drowned by the wind. "Mom! Mom! Mom!" I shouted to my mother, but only the wind and the loud whistle answered me. I was afraid. I wanted to go back, but I could not find the way back, so I had to move on. "GuGuGuGuGuGuGuGuGuGuGuGuGuGuGuGuGuGu......" The voice in my stomach kept ringing, I couldn't walk, I regret running out, maybe my mother has gone home safely, but I can't go home. "How fragrant!" The fragrance drifted into my nose. I ran into a big yard along the fragrance. It was very noisy. There were many people talking, and there was the sound of things falling on the ground. It seemed that many things were falling on the ground. "What a lovely cat!" A little girl's voice sounded in my ear, and then I was picked up by her. The hands holding me are like mother's hands. They are warm and smooth, and I am still in her hands. She seemed to carry me to the middle of the courtyard, because I felt that many people came around me and many hands touched my head again. I felt very uncomfortable. I tried to find those mother like hands, but they were all folded back. "The cat seems to be a blind cat." Someone said something, and people around me immediately stopped stroking me. "Really, it's a blind cat. Alas, it's so pathetic." At this moment, I knew that I was blind. My mother and grandma had been lying to me. I also knew why my mother named me Liang because I was a blind cat. "Well, let's not surround it. We need to find a safe place to place it. It's a blind cat and it's dangerous to run around.". From the words of these cats, I know that this is a school. The students here are very kind and friendly. "Kitty, come on, let's eat this." It's the girl with mother's hands. I ran along her voice, and she gave me a delicious chicken leg. It's really delicious. Just as I was enjoying eating, I was kicked off. My body made an arc in the air, and then fell down on a hard ground with many hard sticks like a bird with broken wings. Before I fell to the ground, I heard the hateful laughter of the person who kicked me away, as well as her panic sound. I wanted to stand up and tell her that I was OK, but I found that I could not move. A hard stick was inserted into my back. I felt a pool of wet but warm liquid under my body. I knew that it was my blood. I knew that I would never see my mother, my grandmother, or the girl with her warm mother again. Goodbye! " Liang Er, do you know? There is a very beautiful flower in the world, which is called the other shore flower. It is said that it grows on the Huangquan Road, and only the dying person can see it, because it can take away the memory of that person, let him forget everything in the world, so that he can safely leave and reincarnate. " mom. Is that the other shore flower? It's really beautiful and bright. But Mom, I don't want to forget you and Grandma. There are so many beautiful things. Mom, I don't want to forget. Mom, Mom. Where the hell are you! Liang Er, I really want to see you. Liang Er is so afraid, really afraid, so afraid

Aaaaa Senior Three: aaaaaaaaa

Composition of Bianhua (6)

"Hello! Yan Xiaoxue! Get up! Today is your first day in the first grade!" Grandma shouted hard outside the door, "Here we go!" My name is Yan Xiaoxue. My parents work in other places, and I'm used to being lonely. I don't often talk in front of adults. I'm a good girl.

"Well, Grandma, what do you want to eat today?" I came out wearing a lovely princess skirt and carrying my schoolbag. The style of the schoolbag is different from others. It is only dull black and a little white. I forced my parents to buy it.

"Oh, I had milk toast and an egg this morning." Grandma smiled and her face was full of wrinkles.


Ten minutes later, I finished my breakfast and went to my school with my grandmother. I seemed to be a genius. In addition to English being my last ditch, I learned many Chinese characters by myself. And I also mature earlier than other children. When I got to the classroom, I asked Grandma to go back.

When I looked around the classroom, there were all kinds of crying people. I frowned in disgust and saw that only the last row of the classroom had a place. I walked over. Unexpectedly, a boy beat me and walked to the pillar. But, strangely, he didn't sit down, but stood. I poked my head curiously. The answer was, There is no bench. When I was worried and didn't know what to do, the boy waved to me.

If it was normal, I would certainly ignore it. This time, my feet moved and walked over by myself.

Maybe it is because I feel that he is a lonely child like me.

"Well, come and join me."


I answered that, after all, he is a first grade child, embarrassed and speechless.

He doesn't speak and I don't speak. I'm used to it, but it seems that he is not comfortable at all.

"Ah, what's your name? My name is Jiang Kefan." After a long time, he finally choked out a word.

"Yan Xiaoxue," I said simply.


The last term of the first grade and the next one have passed. I seem to be a stranger to my classmates. Only Jiang Kefan and I are familiar with each other. The teacher also arranged Jiang Kefan and I together as if they were leading a red line.

My last final exam was double percent, and the next final exam is double percent. Even the ordinary exam only has three or four times of 99, 98 points, and the rest are 100 points.

After class, my classmates all wanted to make friends with me, but I was reading a book and didn't pay any attention to them.


In the second grade, I didn't sit with Jiang Kefan, and I was much more cheerful. My schoolbag was also changed to pink, but the teacher wanted to deliberately embarrass me, so he moved me away from Jiang Kefan. My deskmate became two other boys. Zhu Xuan, Zhou Ke.

The two of them seemed to like me very much and kissed me in the face, so I was transferred to Jiang Kefan's side.


In the fifth grade, I seemed to have changed my soul and become a "violent woman".

Jiang Kefan has also become my "enemy". He, his good friend, Zhang Nan, and many other boys are also my "enemy". Similarly, there are many boys here who like me. There are no less than 10 in the class, and I only know half of them. Most of them like me are my "enemy". However, when Jiang Kefan became my "enemy", Let him become my secret crush.

(The next article will write about what happened in Grade 5)

Senior 3: Liu Lin

Composition of Bianhua (7)

As night fell, Sula's hatred dissipated in the sky.

When I woke up again, I was a little confused. Sula looked around warily -- a vast expanse of white, even a little bleak, and there was no one around.

"Hey!" Sula shouted bravely.

No one paid any attention to her. Even Sula's clear voice dissipated in this white world. Sura, fearless, suddenly hesitated what to do next.

Clenched his fists, took a deep breath, and sula strode forward.

Sula is a girl with deep resentment in her heart. She comes from an orphanage. But even in the orphanage, no one dares to provoke Sula. Her eyes are as deep as a well. She is cold and ruthless and wants to trap people.

As Sula walked, she found beautiful flowers blooming everywhere she passed. As Sula walked, a lot of things came into her mind inexplicably, like a movie:

At the age of five, Yaya grabbed her apple to eat, and she cried angrily in the fight. Aunt Zhou came over and scolded Sula indiscriminately and helped Yaya grab the apple. Sula has been having trouble with Aunt Zhou for several years.

At the age of seven, everyone was listening to Grandma Hu carefully. After class, the children all asked Grandma Hu a lot of questions. Sula summoned the courage to ask Grandma Hu a question: "Grandma, do you know where my parents are?"

Grandma Hu didn't even look at her. At that time, Sura was timid and introverted, so she secretly wiped away her tears alone.

Ten years old is the first time that she has turned ten. She hopes to get the blessing from her aunt and friends. The other children were very happy to have passed the age of ten. Sura giggled in anticipation of the sour smile in a pile of gifts. But nobody seemed to know about it that day. I told them about it clearly.

Sula felt the indifference of others, that is, from then on, Sula began to be indifferent and complain more.

At the age of fourteen, she suffered from lung cancer. But no one helped her, just let Sula stay alone in the empty hospital, and so spent the countdown to life. Sula hates them so much. Why should I suffer from disease? Where are my parents!


There are many stories in her mind that make the sensitive and suspicious Sula gnash her teeth. Sula feels that her brain is about to explode, but everything is so vivid.

"Ah!" Sula screamed, rubbing her untidy hair.

Sula's side is already full of flowers. Gradually, the harsh and sarcastic voice around him softened, and his heart became calm.

Some scenes came to her mind, which she did not know:

At the age of five, Aunt Zhou put an apple on Sula's bed that night, but I don't know which naughty child ate it. After Sula fell asleep, Aunt Zhou bowed her head and kissed Sula on the forehead: "I'm sorry, I misjudged you. You must have eaten that apple."

At the age of seven, Grandma Hu was a little deaf, and many children could not hear clearly. If Sula asked again, Grandma Hu would speak kindly to her.

At the age of ten, I don't know who had the idea to surprise Sula. That night, everyone secretly put many gifts on her bed. But being taken away by a child is a shadow of the one who took the apple.

At the age of 14, everyone quietly helped Sula collect money to cure her illness, but Sula left quietly on a rainy day.


Sula burst into tears. She thought that she hated Aunt Zhou in every way and said bad things about her that time; Thinking that she would never stop talking when Grandma Hu was lecturing, Grandma Hu suddenly aged several years; After her tenth birthday, she looked at everyone with contempt. I still remember that Yaya ran past Sula with a smile, but pushed Yaya to the ground. The children around were so frightened that they could not speak. At that time, she didn't know that Yaya sent Yaya her favorite doll

More importantly, she met her parents for the first time to protect their little daughter, Sula, in a car accident. Finally, she asked a friend present to send her to the best orphanage

Sula's face was soaked in salty tears, and her cold and heartless defense line was finally broken by the truth of the world.

Too many things she doesn't know, too many wrongs! Including her favorite parents.

When Sula Baotou was crying bitterly, an uncertain and thin voice said in a trance: "Don't you want to know who the child who always takes your things is?"

There is someone here! Sula's first reaction was panic. However, he soon calmed down: "Who is she?"

"She is petite." There is no emotion in the thin voice. Sula's eyes widened. It's impossible! Jiaojiao has always been good to her, and Jiaojiao is her only friend!

"Impossible," said Sula firmly.

"You came here. This place is the edge of heaven. After you died, you just came here to understand the truth. Your complaints are too deep." The voice is as cool as ever.

Sula fell into silence. There was so much love around me

The flowers on the edge of heaven gradually changed from enchantment to pure and moving simple flowers. "Your resentment has disappeared on the edge of heaven, and you are welcome to become a member of heaven." This soft voice reminds Sula of cotton candy.

A girl in white was sitting in the middle of a simple flower and smiled at Sula.

Sula walked slowly to the girl and sat down. Suddenly, she burst into a bright smile. It has been several years since she could smile so freely. It turns out that heaven is like this. There are no so-called angels. Everyone lives here in a happy and indifferent mood.

Far away, I saw a couple running towards me.

Sula covers her mouth, tears of happiness fall, and she cries with joy: "Mom and Dad!"

The family finally met in heaven.

The flowers of heaven are blooming everywhere on the other side of heaven. Love is not only in the world

Junior two: Mint

Composition of Bianhua (8)


There are flowers on the other side of the river, and there is no fate between flowers and leaves.

The river of Forgotten River is quiet and light, and between the river and the bank is the natural cutting.

The road of fire is long, and the cause and effect of previous life and present life are scattered.

I wish my heart and feelings would be broken. The flowers and leaves are gone.


Faramita Flower

Flowers have no leaves in full bloom.

When there are leaves, there are no flowers.

Always know each other.

But we can't meet forever.

The opening of loneliness is on the other side.

Only a hundred feet away.

The furthest distance in the world is not thousands of miles.

But it is very close.

The distance between heart and lovesickness.

Maybe someday.

Swirling bird swallows.

Pick up the shore where it yearns for life.

At the cost of life.

Look at flowers, bloom for a thousand years, fall for a thousand years.

On the other side of the river, flowers and leaves cannot meet.



Extinguished on the lonely shore;


Disappear in the moment of joy.


Standing at the ends of the sea.

Waiting for epiphyllum reappearance;


Forget the other side of the previous life.

Listen to the budding soil.

The other side.

No lighthouse.


Brush your hair white.


I'm not afraid-----


Wings of flowers

To death.

Only then knew how to fly.

Blooming flowers on the other side.

We must live forever.

Will sprout and develop again!



Also called devil's gentleness.

Who would have thought.

They will be such beautiful fairies.

How much torture they had to go through to become so beautiful.

How much sorrow did they have to endure before they decided to grow up on the Huangquan Road.

See and hear every day.

How cruel to them.

Who would have noticed such beautiful flowers blooming on the roadside.

Who would have noticed that the little girl prayed for them from the bottom of her heart?

People today.

Become apathetic in essence.

Become selfish.

After entering the society.

The innocence of youth.

Teenager's dream.

Already in the bustling city.

Buried in the cold street.

For them now.


More important than anything!

It's ridiculous.

Why give up your dream.

Wouldn't it be good to persist?

Why go with the flow.

Wouldn't it be good to be the most unique self?


Only her.


Stick to her beliefs in the crowd.

In people's eyes.

She is a different kind.

In my own eyes.

I am always the best!

She is so stubborn.

It's something that no one else has.

That's why.

They are so beautiful.

Because they will never be confused by the city.

They are always respected by others.

Their confidence.

From their pure hearts not confused by the secular world!

We should also stick to the pure place in our hearts.

Always believe in yourself.

You can say to yourself:

"I am good!"


Mother said that Bi'an flower is a very bright flower. It is said that it grows on the roadside of Huangquan, and only people dying can see it, because Bi'an flower can let you forget everything in the world, so that you can die and reincarnate in peace of mind. notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

I am a new born kitten. My mother named me Liang. I don't know why my mother gave me such a name, but I know my mother and grandma love me very much, and they always give me delicious food, so that I can have a full meal every day and then sleep comfortably next to my grandma. My mother sang a lullaby for me to sleep. At that time, I was the happiest. But one day

"Grandma, where's your mother? Where's your mother?" I fumbled on the ground with my hands, but I couldn't touch her warm and tender hands. "Grandma, where's my mother? I want my mother, Grandma, I want my mother." I couldn't find my mother, so I cried. At the moment, my heart was in a mess. I felt that my mother had an accident, but Grandma never told me, just kept crying. I decided to go to my mother, but I couldn't find the door because I couldn't see. My mother said that we cats can't see. We all listen with ears to determine the direction of things. I calmed down and listened carefully with my ears. I heard the wind and some noises. I slowly followed the sound. I found that I had found the door, and I ran out quickly. Grandma's eager cry behind me was soon drowned by the wind. "Mom! Mom! Mom!" I shouted to my mother, but only the wind and the loud whistle answered me. I was afraid. I wanted to go back, but I could not find the way back, so I had to move on. "GuGuGuGuGuGuGuGuGuGuGuGuGuGuGuGuGuGu......" The voice in my stomach kept ringing, I couldn't walk, I regret running out, maybe my mother has gone home safely, but I can't go home. "How fragrant!" The fragrance drifted into my nose. I ran into a big yard along the fragrance. It was very noisy. There were many people talking, and there was the sound of things falling on the ground. It seemed that many things were falling on the ground. "What a lovely cat!" A little girl's voice sounded in my ear, and then I was picked up by her. The hands holding me are like mother's hands. They are warm and smooth, and I am still in her hands. She seemed to carry me to the middle of the courtyard, because I felt that many people came around me and many hands touched my head again. I felt very uncomfortable. I tried to find those mother like hands, but they were all folded back. "The cat seems to be a blind cat." Someone said something, and people around me immediately stopped stroking me. "Really, it's a blind cat. Alas, it's so pathetic." At this moment, I knew that I was blind. My mother and grandma had been lying to me. I also knew why my mother named me Liang because I was a blind cat. "Well, let's not surround it. We need to find a safe place to place it. It's a blind cat and it's dangerous to run around.". From the words of these cats, I know that this is a school. The students here are very kind and friendly. "Kitty, come on, let's eat this." It's the girl with mother's hands. I ran along her voice, and she gave me a delicious chicken leg. It's really delicious. Just as I was enjoying my meal, I was kicked off. My body made an arc in the air, and then I fell down on a hard ground with many hard sticks like a bird with broken wings. Before I fell to the ground, I heard the hateful laughter of the person who kicked me away, as well as her panic sound. I wanted to stand up and tell her that I was OK, but I found that I could not move. A hard stick was inserted into my back. I felt a pool of wet but warm liquid under my body. I knew that it was my blood. I knew that I would never see my mother, my grandmother, or the girl with her warm mother again. Goodbye! " Liang Er, do you know? There is a very beautiful flower in the world, which is called the other shore flower. It is said that it grows on the Huangquan Road, and only the dying person can see it, because it can take away the memory of that person, let him forget everything in the world, so that he can leave in peace and reincarnate. " mom. Is that the other shore flower? It's really beautiful and bright. But Mom, I don't want to forget you and Grandma. There are so many beautiful things. Mom, I don't want to forget. Mom, Mom. Where the hell are you! Liang Er, I really want to meet you. Liang Er is so afraid, really afraid, so afraid


At dusk, the sky is a sad orange.

A blood red flower on the other side of the bank can be as bright as the setting sun, quietly swaying.

This is the scene I have been looking forward to, beautiful and peaceful.

When I was very young, I knew that there was a kind of flower called Bi'an flower. But I don't understand the sadness and desolation, only know that it is beautiful, growing softly on the roadside, and the red blood shows a gorgeous meaning.

Today, when I saw these little Faramita flowers on campus, I couldn't help thinking. It is said that the flowers on the other side of the river grow on the gloomy and long yellow spring road. The ghosts lined up to go to the Hades, and the flowers on the other side of the Yellow Spring Road, which opened freely, can be said to be the most unique scenery on the road. The flowers are poignant and beautiful. Although they are elegant, they have a trace of oriental specific resentment. The folds of the petals turn a hundred times and turn a thousand times. It seems that there is no end to the lamentation of life and death.

The cluster of flowers on the other side of the river in front of me, with thin and tortuous purplish petals stretching from the center of the flower to all around, seems like countless red threads, pulling the hearts of people and deceased relatives. It opened so gently, so exquisite, so moving.

Some people say that the "flowers and leaves will never meet" of Faramita, just like people's parting in life and death. Yes, it gave birth to such a slender and beautiful flower stem, but it has no green leaves lined with flowers. I once regretted this, but it is also this regret, which shows its tragic beauty. It has leaves without flowers, flowers without leaves, and is always a lonely watcher. Even if the same root is born, even if the oath of life and death is made, it will never escape the torture of fate, Never meet again. Just like the people on both sides of the bank, life is wrong, but looking at each other by the water, it is Yongjue.

I once imagined that the former life of Bianhua should be a pair of lovers who loved deeply, but because of natural and man-made disasters, Yin and Yang were separated. Although they could not meet, they watched the happiness with infatuation. As time went on, they turned into a bitter flower on the other side of the river, growing on the same flower stem, but one was a flower, the other was a leaf. They were heartbroken and grief stricken. No matter how hard they hold hands, they can never feel the temperature of each other.

A friend once asked me, in fact, the color of the Bian flower is very bright, why do you always think of it as so sad? I said, it is very bright and warm, but it is a kind of wet bright, which makes people want to cry. In this world, too bright color, but there will be a kind of heartache taste, heartache this world will have so bright color. My friend said, no, it's because I am so sad that things always close themselves with gorgeous colors.

Composition of Bianhua (9)

On the other side of the river

Faramita Flower • Nian

Bianhua, also known as Manzhu Sha Hua. Flowers bloom for a thousand years, flowers fall for a thousand years. Those who go to the country of death will walk through the beautiful flowers to the hall of the nether world. The enchanting flowers on the other side of the river are their last farewell station. Presumably, my dear grandma must also pass there, enjoying the beautiful flowers on the other side of the river, and with a smile, entering a life destination that we will never find. When I was young, because my parents were busy working, my grandparents often accompanied me. I like to listen to Grandma's stories about her childhood. I always open my curious eyes and imagine what I was doing at that time? I like origami. Grandma looked at it quietly. An ordinary piece of paper became a kind of lifelike creature in my hand. I like to cuddle up in my grandma's soft and warm arms and recall the fairy tales of yesterday, to weave dreams belonging to princes and princesses... I like to play an unknown wool game with my grandma, which was taught me by my grandma. I played chess with my grandmother. After a fierce battle, my grandmother laughed like a child after winning me, and the wrinkles of the years also relaxed. But she always immediately put away her excitement and comforted me when I failed. She said softly, "It doesn't matter if I fail once. Believe yourself, I will win next time." When I win, I blame Grandma for her mistake just now - sometimes it is the place where "novices" can't make mistakes. At this time, she always smiles without speaking. When I grew up, I understood the "mystery" - this game was played by her since childhood. How could she make such a low-level mistake after more than 60 years? Grandma deliberately lost to me in order to regain my confidence. And when I have won several games in a row and am complacent, my grandmother will soon give me a heavy blow and make me stop being complacent.

Grandma gets up early every day, prepares breakfast for her family, and puts my clothes in the nearest place to avoid the short cold when I get out of bed; My grandfather and I always like cooking, so that until now, we do not know what she likes to eat or does not like to eat; When I read, draw or do my homework, Grandma would never watch TV even if she had nothing to do. She always sat next to me and asked me what I needed. Grandma always smiles at what I ask her to do and help, and happily does it well. It seems that I give her a reward

You can also contribute to the composition of primary school students on December 14, 2005, the lunar calendar. My dear grandma left her beloved relatives, full of nostalgia for us, flew to the place where the other side flowers bloom, held the fiery red flowers, and died peacefully.

Grandma's past life must be the other shore flower under the bridge. She would rather leave the warm sunshine to enjoy the beauty of the dead who most need spiritual nourishment. In this life, although she is an ordinary person, she also loves people around her to the greatest extent. What will it be in the next life? Is it a tree for shade and dust reduction? Or a mansion that "protects the world's poor people"?

A hundred day memorial ceremony is said to be the last day for the dead to stay at home. I anxiously walked through all the rooms, hoping to feel the breath of Grandma more. The room is full of her love, but she has left. Grandma will always occupy the softest place in my heart and become an eternal memory.

It's Tomb Sweeping Day again. I think that if I have the chance to find it, I will offer a bunch of flowers on the other side of the shore in front of Grandma's tomb

Composition of Bianhua (10)

Between the lines, look at the flowers on the other side. People and I forget that we are silent.

Anne's five books were published together last January. She said that this is the cause of the five books, and that it is time to meet.

Faramita is an earlier book.

Randomly sign a girl's pen name, and the players ask and answer themselves again. Like other words, Faramita Flower also walks in the noisy dispute of right and wrong.

He is a lonely and determined traveler with his own goals. Neither side is home.

Camellia is selected as the cover and apricot color as the background. A new start, re describe the selected color, comfortable, calm. Everything goes on, everything is ok, as if it were the first.

After "Farewell to Vivian", sporadic and broken discussions on some issues that have been thinking and exploring, it can be said that the long story "Farewell to Flower on the Other Bank" has continued to go a long way.

As for childhood and death, love and rejection, entanglement and liberation... Annie said that the previous ones were all the attitudes of a person when he first set out, many of them were thin and sharp, easy to break, so they were painful. She hopes that this long story is no longer a surging tide for readers, but an unfathomable, smoky, and allegorical sea facing the lantern night. Reflecting people's attitude towards spring, flowers and birds are accommodating, holding their breath and moving forward. After stepping over, they are doomed to turn back instead of landing.

For a long time, Annie was immersed in the stories on the other side. Joe's encounter. She wants to show her own movies to her men. She says the audience will see her.

The old see bloom; Young people see withering; Disappointed people see sweetness; Happy people see evil. Joe in the story also belongs to our life.

And Nan Sheng. She is a girl from the top of the mountain. She remembered the frozen blood, the instant annihilation. Annie recorded the death in Nan Sheng's eyes with calm language:

The screeching and desperate scream of tires on the road caused by the rapid braking. The girl standing on the road saw a group of black birds flying low away

The time that disappeared and passed by somehow drifted away under the fireworks on New Year's Eve. Nan Sheng lit up the sky of death with brilliant light in the most joyful and sad way. The prosperity is in full bloom.

It is also conceivable that the final end. Return to one's life and go somewhere else.

The story of the whole book is very strong. It was a road of displacement. Readers will think of the life they have chosen. Sometimes it is beautiful, sometimes it is frightening, sometimes it is hateful. In fact, happiness is always an illusion. Everything fluctuates in the illusion.

Inside and outside the story, Annie has always asked herself to be a sympathetic narrator. She has seen feelings that are too traumatized to show. Some people can't find a way out of blind life. There must be a strong reason behind the pain. Annie tried to show this truth in Faramita, but did not judge it.

We should not believe that human nature has a standard for judging right and wrong, and believe in all the confidences. Even if it is only a tiny place, it is like a blue lake in a remote valley. The wild geese and swans fly by. It is calm and calm, never leaving traces, just like useless; But it is also like the firefly that can only be found in the night. It belongs to the depth of time. The darkness itself is the first kind of memorial, written to itself. This is Anne's words, her words. This is its life.

Only the heart knows that time is not generous. The youth took root in a twinkling of an eye, and disappeared. The intense sadness has become the past. There are only clouds and deep green mountains left in time.

Annie finished writing "Faramita Flowers" in Shanghai, and she finished talking to herself. Take off your mask, open your heart, then unload your baggage and start again.

The night she left Shanghai, she saw a purple sunset in the sky at Hongqiao Airport. Looking down through the window of the plane, the city on the ground is full of lights and neon lights. Shanghai, this magnificent and huge city, looks like an empty ship in the night. She has finished talking to the city, so she wants to say goodbye.

Time flows in the clouds. It is like a river. It is surging forward in calm. We watched the other bank and waited to swim. I can't reach the flowers on the other side. It was a huge sense of emptiness, full of questions about life and wordlessness.

I only hope that after thousands of scenes in the world are bustling, you can also see the flowers on the other side of the river.

People and I forget that we are silent.

Composition of Bianhua (11)

In the sixth grade, I was about to enter junior high school, so I bought a classmate book and recorded all the names, phone numbers, QQ, etc. of my classmates.

The first one is not my friend's, but Jiang Kefan's

When I took the exam in junior high school, I wrote seriously, hoping to get a good score and also hoping to enter a college with Jiang Kefan.

However, things are not as simple as I thought. Instead of being admitted to a school, I and Jiang Kefan entered a school!

The teacher also gave us a big party.

We are all partying.

And sometimes some students in the class express themselves.

I also have many confessions.

I saw Jiang Kefan chatting with his classmates in the distance. I looked at him and was fascinated!

When I come back, Jiang Kefan will walk like me.

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and was going to confess to him. Unexpectedly, just getting up, I was blindfolded by a pair of slightly cool hands.

My first reaction was to call out my friend Aike's name, but the other person was lying on my face and said softly in my ear: "No, Yan Xiaoxue, guess wrong!"

I listened to this voice and was stunned. This... is Jiang Kefan's voice!

Suddenly, he pulled me to face him, and he said to me: "Yan Xiaoxue, I, Jiang Kefan solemnly tell you! Now! You will be my girlfriend“

I don't believe it: "Really?

Jiang Kefan smiled at me and said, "Hmm! "He answered very forcefully.

I hugged him happily and kissed him on the face, as if he was stunned by my kiss.

At this time, what I didn't notice was that in the distance, Ike's hatred eyes: Hum! Yan Xiaoxue! I hate you! I will definitely take back Avan!

After a while, I let Jiang Kefan go, looked at Zhang Nan who was looking at me from a distance apologetically, and walked over: "Zhang Nan, sorry, I“

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zhang Nan: "Don't say sorry to me. I sincerely wish you all the best!

Then, Zhang Nan walked to the middle of the stage and picked up the microphone: "I believe you have just seen it, Jiang Kefan, the male god in our class confessed to Yan Xiaoxue. Although, ah, Kefan, you are my good friend, since you are not married, then I, as well as many boys in the class, have a chance! Now, raise your hand if you want to chase Yan Xiaoxue!

After Zhang Nan finished speaking, he raised his hands. The 10 boys under the stage also raised their hands. I smiled with understanding: Ha ha, fortunately, Zhang Nan is not angry!

Composition of Bianhua (12)

Walking in the morning, I caught a glimpse of a bright red plant.

At a closer look, there are several lonely red flowers on the flower bed, which are like dragons' paws. They are charming and charming, but they are also a little lonely.

What a unique look! A long, thin flower stem without half a leaf. The light of a stem makes people feel uncomfortable. There are six or seven small flowers growing at the top of the flower. They form a circle in an orderly manner and stretch out their long and thin petals. The petals open outwards and the ends roll slightly, giving people a generous feeling. The color of the petal spreads outward from the middle of the petal, and becomes lighter and lighter toward the edge, making the edge pink, like a pink edge on a dark red petal.

The most special thing is the stamen of Bianhua. Red, slender, stretched out filaments, there are six or seven in a small flower, slightly up, pointing to the sky, and surrounding the petals in the middle. There is also a black bulge on the top of the filament, which is the anther, playfully stuck to the top of the filament.

From a distance, the thin and curly purplish red petals of these Bian flowers spread from the center of the flower to all around, and the filaments in the flowers are like threads of red. The overall appearance is extremely enchanting and charming, which makes me marvel at her beauty.

But I noticed one thing. This flower has no green leaves to match, only beautiful flowers to bloom alone. "The flowers bloom on the other side of the river, and the leaves will never fall." I forgot the sentence from where I looked, but I said it well. Only one flower stands alone, blooming and falling, leaves and flowers can not appear at the same time, never meet. Even though the flowers on the other side of the river are more beautiful, the good flowers are supported by green leaves. There are no leaves and red flowers, which only make people sigh. Flowers never see leaves. How lonely they are. But even though they grow on the same root and absorb the same sunshine and rain, they are always alone and can't rely on each other. Each other, the other side, the companion is always on the other side, beyond our reach.

What kind of people like us who have friends? More importantly, we should cherish our relatives and friends around us. We should not wait until we lose them to know and wake up. Cherish it well. After all, who wants to be lonely like flowers and leaves on the other side?

By contrast, we are much luckier than Bianhua, aren't we?

Composition of Bianhua (13)

Take a walk to see a flower, and take a ferry to enjoy the spring water of a lake. The years are quiet and the world is stable. Then the flowers on the other side of the river will bloom... When I met the Epiphyllum, I was surprised that I just seemed to understand her meaning. All encounters are accidental, all encounters are grand, and all encounters are unique.

Half of the homework, thirsty, drink water. In the bright moonlight, a pot of small flowers on the balcony is very dazzling. It is my small Epiphyllum, and I am secretly happy that she is going to blossom. Approach her quietly. She found that she was slowly lifting the flower tube, slowly opening the purple coat, and the large white flower composed of many petals gradually opened. Ah oh, my epiphyllum, finally, finally, we met unexpectedly in this quiet night. Overwhelmed with joy, I hurried to check the information on the Internet. It turns out that she has such a beautiful legend.

Epiphyllum has a nickname - Weituohua. Epiphyllum is a god of flowers. It blooms every day and is gorgeous at four o'clock. It likes a guy who hoes for her. It is known by the Jade Emperor and forced to separate. The god of flowers was demoted for life and could only blossom for a moment. He did not meet his lover. The boy was sent to Coffin Hill to have his hair cut and was named Wei Tuo. But Huashen can't forget it. It was chosen in the late spring, when the capital of Hume Wei went up the mountain to pick spring dew, and bloomed when he was frying tea for Buddha! To see Venerable Wei Tuo. However, when spring went and came, the flowers bloomed and withered, Wei Tuo did not recognize her!

I returned to Epiphyllum. At this time, her corolla has closed and gradually withered. I am not sad. When Freddie finally fell down in A Leaf Falls, he saw the strength of the whole tree, so he was no longer depressed about his own withering, but proud of being a part of the past and looking forward to the emergence of new leaves next spring. Leaves wither, flowers wither and people die. Her life is not long or short, the key lies in her value. This is also the essence of life cycle. Why not create a beautiful life? Not long ago, Yangzhou TV's Concern reported the story of a girl in her early twenties, Lv Yun, who suffered from leukemia. She is a sister of Hui nationality in my hometown, beautiful and graceful. She was a beauty dresser when she was alive. She used her small hands to bring every customer a beautiful appearance and confidence, but she still failed to save her life. Everyone went to see her off. They didn't think she was dead, but they went far away. This is one thing she chose to do after her illness. Just like "a flash in the pan, just for Wei Tuo." Such a short time, it bloomed her lifelong glory and created a great beauty.

We are teenagers in the flower season. Just like a flower that is waiting to sprout, it opens quietly on this shore, waiting for the youth course to sit quietly, waiting for the glory of life to bloom on the other shore. The autumn twilight casts a beautiful shadow, which is golden and reflects the sky red, and is blooming its beauty. However, in the declining corner of the sun, some small flowers are quietly waiting for God's favor. But it can only be used as a foil for the other side of the flower for a lifetime, and never "fly to the branches to become a phoenix".

Isn't life just like this? Some people say that they are well prepared, but only have few opportunities; Some people look at personnel quietly and are always in full bloom.

I am here, waiting for the flowers to bloom on the other side. Because the scenery is unique

Composition of Bianhua (14)

The blood is sprinkled in this flowery time, watering the seeds of hope, hoping that the next spring will bring flowers to the other side.

As the cold weather approached, the big summer with hot air finally disappeared, leaving nothing, even the last summer flower. This is the last winter before the next flowering season. I light 18 birthday candles, close my eyes, and make a wish silently

"I hope the flowers will bloom on the other side."

This is my wish for adult ceremony when I was 18 years old.

Unconsciously, my college entrance examination day is less than eight months away. Like those who have walked on this road, I sometimes wander, sometimes confused. Sometimes the grand third year of senior high school looks like an old black and white photo, monotonous and boring, like the autumn outside the window, which is also bitter and tasteless. At the age of 18, I quietly spread out here, doing the same exercise in a 24-hour cycle. And I am more like a small ball doing circular movement in physics problems every day. I don't know when it will end.

In fact, I'm always happy about it, because I hope the flowers will bloom on the other side.

When people leave, I will still sit in my narrow seat to compete with Newton, and fight against various mathematical problems. After the battle, I will reward myself a little. If the battle fails, so what? Smash the dust and move on. Because I know that youth should be a crazy run, gorgeous fall, and then stand up and run again.

In this way, day by day, I picked up all the knowledge points that were almost forgotten and connected them into beads.

Because you firmly believe that the other side of the flower will bloom, you will give up what you thought was precious. Maybe two months ago, we still had childish faces, but now, we have to be sad, lost, depressed, and put on a lonely smile like those who have struggled on this road. No more in the one after class

Seconds fell asleep quietly and would not comment on boys and girls downstairs on the balcony. Because there is a dream, because I believe that the flowers on the other side will bloom, I will not give up and become a real dreamer.

Senior three, a little bitter, but very happy. We struggle to carefully water the seeds of hope with the sweat of the general age of flowers.

The flower on the other side will bloom gracefully;

The other side of the flower, you will be intoxicating;

The flower on the other side will be fragrant everywhere.

Composition of Bianhua (15)

The flowers on the other side are blooming, and the beauty of human nature is flashing.

I still remember a stubborn and strong man. Every day, he lived a full life. With unyielding faith, he resolutely entered the university, gave warmth to others, and gave stability to his family. He is one of the Chinese people who moved Hong Zhanhui. When he just entered junior high school, his father was bedridden due to a sudden heart attack, and his mother was also weak and ill, unable to support the whole family. The sensible Hong Zhanhui was very strong. He did not think that his day was going to collapse, and he tried to make up for the expenses of living at home. As the days went by, my father's illness not only did not improve, but became more serious. He coughed every day. Sometimes the ground was covered with blood. Maybe it was a ruthless killer, always haunting him. One day, when his illness suddenly worsened, his father died quietly, and the only pillar of his family fell down. Although Hong Zhanhui was heartbroken, he was unyielding and did not give up halfway. His academic achievements might give him some comfort. He was admitted to Hunan South Huaihua No. 1 Middle School with excellent results. He worked hard to take care of his sister and take care of his family's chores every day, We can imagine the hardships of life. He left everything behind and worked hard every day.

The passage of time and relentless days brought his face and youth. Maybe it was painful, but it was full, which brought him a strong life and persistent perseverance.

With excellent college entrance examination results, Hong Zhanhui was admitted to the ideal university. After graduation, Hong Zhanhui made great achievements by virtue of his tenacious life experience. His life was also happy and warm. He insisted on engaging in the charity industry, sending his blessings and expectations to those who need help. Donation of love became his "cause".

The flowers on the other side are blooming, and the beauty of human nature is shining

Perhaps you are a flower in bud, revealing fragrance; Perhaps you are a strong tree, sheltering the tiny grass under the green grass; Maybe you are kind and interpret the beauty of human nature. Maybe, it must be true. The brilliance of our humanity in life is also shining. How many people can achieve great things? You are calling for the beauty of human nature, the peak of beauty!