Desire composition (17 selected)
Obsessed with old dreams
2024-05-22 00:01:39

Desire Composition (1)

Everyone has a wish, but everyone has a different wish. Some people want to be a teacher, and some people want to be a scientist.

My wish is to be an excellent teacher

This wish has been hidden in my heart for a long time. I want to be a teacher because I like the profession of teacher. The profession of teacher is very great and sacred. A teacher is a candle that can illuminate others. It is the floor for people to step on, the hardworking gardener, and the good example in the minds of students. Teachers can pass on their knowledge to students, and can also teach students the principles of being a man, how to be a man, and what the basic principles of being a man are. So I want to be a teacher

I will live with students. Do a good job of teacher-student relationship, know more about them, and communicate with them. Let them be happy and often play games with them when appropriate. Relax. Don't be so tired. In addition, I will never assign so much homework. I will assign a little homework. In class, ask them more questions. They can also ask me directly if they don't understand. Whenever the students do something wrong. I will definitely come up with a good way to educate them. Let them realize that they have made mistakes and need to correct them quickly. However, I will not do anything bad and I will not beat them because they are still young. I will not let them hate teachers. Don't let them disrespect teachers and let students understand the purpose of these practices. I will also make them too tired. Of course, I will also let them gain more knowledge and have a better future.

In order to realize this wish, I must study hard. After several years of striving, we must be an excellent teacher, the best teacher in the hearts of students and the teacher that students like best.

Desire Composition (2)

On a birthday, people will say to the birthday person: "Make a wish!" At this special moment, they make their own wishes to express their hopes and yearnings for a better tomorrow. Each of us has his own wish, and at different time stages, we often have different wishes. Wishes are one after another, and the pursuit steps are also step by step. The constant wishes and the constantly advancing life.

When I was in kindergarten, I always wanted to play with toys every day. Almost every day after school, I would pester my mother to buy toys. I also fantasized about owning a "toy house", which became my wish. Although this wish was naive, it was sweet. After all, the boy who fantasized about the "toy house" was only five years old.

The gear of time keeps turning, and the sweet wish gradually becomes tasteless. At the age of nine, I was already a third grade student. When I learned from my teacher that there are many left behind children who have not experienced the warmth and happiness of the classroom, I had a new wish. This wish is to let those children who can not afford to go to school experience the mutual help among classmates, and let their peers who leave the campus return to the classroom. I think they are too pitiful and need help too much; Therefore, I would like to donate money to these poor students. This wish is "great". In this way, my "sweet" wish has been replaced by the "great" wish. I grow up in this alternation.

The gears of time continue to rotate. The four seasons in the years are like a moment when the camera "clicks". Now I am 13 years old. I no longer fantasize about "toy houses" or funding tuition fees for poor students. My wish has also changed. This is very realistic and mature: I will proudly step into the door of famous universities, because I know how to change my destiny with knowledge, Create the future with knowledge.

My task now is to study hard, work hard and work hard for this wish! I firmly believe that this is not a dream.

Desire Composition (3)

The new year is coming, and we are one year older. In the new year, my biggest wish is not to buy toys, eat KFC, or just get good grades, but to do more housework for my parents.

To tell you the truth, there is a story about choosing this wish. In 2019, I helped my mother wash her feet at the teacher's request. But since then, I have never done housework again, which really makes me feel ashamed.

One weekend, my father bought a lively carp to go home. When I saw the fish, I thought to myself: My classmates had killed fish before, and now I can finally show my skills. First, I fished the fish out of the water and put it on the cutting board. Then I picked up the kitchen knife and prepared to kill the fish. Maybe he made a noise when taking things. Dad ran out of the living room and saw my appearance of going to kill fish. His face turned from sunny to cloudy. He squinted at me to see how I killed fish. I first scraped the scales from the tail to the head, but the carp didn't listen to me and jumped up when I wasn't paying attention, spilling the scales all over the ground. Maybe my father thought I was helping more and more, so he grabbed the kitchen knife in my hand and said, "Get rid of these scales right away.". My mother also scolded me: "Why are you killing fish? Do you want to cut your hands?!" I had to finish the task assigned by my father, and then stood aside and watched him scrape scales, pull out his gills, break his belly

In the new year, I have grown up one year. I am no longer a little bit small in the eyes of my parents. I can't just ask for things and do things on my own. In this way, I can help my parents reduce their burden and become a "little adult".

I believe that in the new year, my parents will certainly meet my "little wish". I also hope that all the children can also realize their beautiful wishes! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Desire Composition (4)

The New Year is a new beginning. People like to make a summary of the year, what happened in the year, and make a plan for the new year. In the class team class on New Year's Day, our class is holding a class meeting themed "My New Year's Wish". Mr. Wang talked with us about our New Year's wishes. Teacher Wang said happily, "My New Year's wish is to have more free time to play football, because I feel that my football skills are getting worse after work."

The students also talked about it. Some said that their biggest wish in the New Year was to have a computer, some said that they hoped to learn to swim, and some said that they hoped their parents would make up. What is my New Year's resolution? I asked myself gently, "I really want to eat KFC once!" Every time I passed by when I came home from school, I really admired adults and children sitting there happily eating. But I never dare to go in, although I want to go in very much, because I have no money, I dare not ask my parents for money. They came here from the remote Heilongjiang Province to work. It's not easy for me to go to school. But I really want to taste KFC, but how can I say such a New Year's resolution?

"Xu Lanyu, what's your New Year's resolution?" Teacher Wang asked kindly. "God, how can you call me!" I was shocked, and my face turned red. I hesitated to speak. Mr. Wang, the green nursery teacher, smiled and said, "It's OK. Tell me about it! Maybe I can meet your New Year's wish." I bowed my head and said softly, "I want to eat KFC!" As soon as my voice ended, the classroom burst into laughter. When I heard the laughter, I regretted very much and lowered my head deeply.

Teacher Wang seriously asked everyone to calm down. He said, "Is it funny? Is a person's real good wishes so funny? Xu Lanyu, you are brave. After school, Teacher Wang took you to KFC. Meet your New Year's wishes! Who else has the same idea?" Gu Zhaoyun and Wang Yaqian also raised their hands. Mao Jidi stood up and said, "Mr. Wang, you said we can't eat fried food." After thinking for a moment, Mr. Wang said, "Just once! Nothing is more touching than this New Year's resolution!"

I hope every New Year's Day will come true.

Desire Composition (5)

Plants have their wishes

The wild flower has the wish of the wild flower. Her wish is to bring people endless color. Although she is small, she should also unite with her partners. Even if she is buried, even if she is humble in the famous flower, she is willing as long as she can contribute.

Lvzhu has the wish of Lvzhu. His wish is to bring people peace and let people's tired eyes be liberated here. The green and flowing bamboo purifies people's hearts, sinks down, understands the philosophy of life, and sees the bright future.

Fukienia has the wish of Fukienia. Her wish is to bring fragrance to people's life. Although life is short, it has a fresh fragrance, which is pleasant, fresh and refreshing.

Natural landscape has the wish of natural landscape

The lake water has the wish of the lake water. Her wish is to irrigate the crops, moisten the land, and make the farmers around have a good harvest every year. Create patches of wetlands to provide migrant birds with the best temporary hotels. As a mirror, you can make up for passers-by and make a natural well, so that thirsty passers-by can taste her sweet taste. For a band, under the silent night sky, play a leisurely little order.

Prairie has the wish of prairie. His wish is to provide a natural training ground for steeds and Tibetan antelopes, so that they can strengthen their health here. When they are tired and tired, they can rest on the grassland and eat tender grass. When they are tired and dry, they can ride on the boundless grassland.

Wishes are beautiful and hope: wishes are longing and expectation

Desire Composition (6)

The Happy New Year is coming again, and I have grown up one year. In the new year, I have a beautiful wish that we should have a happy New Year and not let troubles interfere with us. In the new year, I must go back to my hometown to have a look, sing and chat with my grandma and mother-in-law; Tell grandpa and grandpa about the interesting things in life, and help them beat their backs to eliminate fatigue. Their body and bones are still as good. In the new year, I must play ball games with my little nephew, hug my little cousin and teach him to walk. I will be very happy because I like children best; In this way, adults are also very happy, because they don't have to care about children. In the new year, I also want to find happiness. I will go to Liucheng to buy delicious food, buy some new clothes, go to Liuzhou to buy some mutton skewers, eat some mutton powder, and play in the park. In the new year, you will get a lot of New Year's money. If you play with it, you can not. You can save half of it and take the rest

Use it, and then use the remaining money to buy school supplies. We are happy to learn well. If school supplies are not enough, you can ask for them from your lucky money. In the new year, father and mother are the hardest. Sometimes my parents will go to relatives' homes to pay New Year's greetings, sometimes they will take me to play, sometimes they will take children at home, cook... You see how hard it is, I will also help them beat their backs and bring them happiness.

In the new year, I have a small wish, that is, to bring happiness to everyone and let everyone have a happy New Year.

Desire Composition (7)

Since I started kindergarten, the image of a teacher has taken root deeply in my young heart. My kindergarten teacher is very young and gentle. He is as enthusiastic about every child as he is about his own child. The enlightenment teacher gave me meticulous love like my mother. The teacher washed my hands, helped me with food and medicine, and taught me how to tie shoelaces. I remember at that time, I was timid, didn't like talking, and the children didn't play with me. It is the teacher who chats with me every day and lets other children approach me actively. Gradually, I loved talking and laughing. It was the teacher who enlightened my heart and let the happy sunshine cast into my hazy heart. In my mind, the image of the teacher is so tall. She is not only knowledgeable, but also can play, play, sing, dance, and even speak with a good voice. In short, I admire my teacher too much. Since then, I want to be a teacher. I want to let my students grow up happily with wisdom and love like my teacher.

On holidays, my sister and I always like to play the game of being a teacher. My sister is naturally my student. I took my textbook and wrote the simple numbers and pinyin letters I just learned on the blackboard. My sister also learned very hard. We play this game every day. When my little sister called me a teacher, I seemed to find the feeling of being a teacher, and I really got over the addiction of being a teacher.

I am now a fourth grade primary school student. I have experienced several teachers, and each teacher has a very high position in my heart. When I grow up, my desire to be a teacher is becoming stronger and stronger. But I understand that it is not enough to have goals and aspirations alone. It requires hard work. I must study hard, read widely, be a knowledgeable person, and be a good student praised by parents and teachers. I told my parents, grandparents and grandparents my idea, and they all supported me very much.

With the encouragement of my family, I am more confident. I will be happy only if I have aspirations. In order to realize my wish, I must refuel, work hard, I believe in myself, I can do it!

Desire Composition (8)

When I was young, in the grass and on the playground, I was often seen running fat. However, every time I play cat and mouse with my friends, I always can't run fast. Although my weight is very standard now, I was really a little fat girl at that time. It was my grandmother who made me fat.

"Lunch, lunch, Jingbao!" This was Grandma's kind call, so I would fly to the table, which was already full of my favorite dishes and a bowl of white rice that was about to overflow. At that time, I was able to eat very well. After three or two times, I finished eating. Then I ran out to play. The meat jumped up and down with my body.

When I came back from playing exhausted, Grandma smiled and handed me some washed fruits in one hand and some cookies in the other as usual. I was very happy. After eating these things, I went to bed. At that time, I didn't realize anything.

In the hot summer, I didn't want to go out in the afternoon. Grandma didn't let me bask in the sun. After I woke up, she brought me a bowl of summer jelly. How happy it would be to eat iced jelly in such a weather! Grandma knows I like it, so she takes care of her lovely granddaughter every day.

However, as a result of eating and sleeping for a long time, there is only one result - gaining weight!

On that day, my father, who had been on business for many days, came home to see me and picked me up. He shook for a while before he stood still. He said in surprise, "Why haven't you seen me for a few days? You've weighed so much!" "Really? I don't think so!" I answered innocently. "Is the food too good at Grandma's house?" I told him every day's food. "It's strange not to be fat after eating so much," he said, leading me to Grandma.

Grandma saw me and smiled, but Dad said seriously, "Mom, don't give her so much food every day. After dinner, it's fruit and snacks!" Grandma calmly replied, "Little child, it's time to grow body and bones. How can we not eat more?" "But you can see she has no bones and full meat. It's only a few days now." I seemed to realize the seriousness of the problem and nodded. "All right, I will pay attention next time!"

The next day at lunch, Grandma, as always, saw the full rice in front of her. I panicked and said: "Too much, I can't finish it." "How can I? It used to be OK!" "Dad said that he can't eat so much, so he will get fat." "Don't listen to your dad, he is fooling around. When he grows up, how can he do if he is hungry?" Grandma's eyes were full of disdain. "It's not nonsense, it's true." She then sighed: "Now people are afraid of eating. Think about our time... Look at your two brothers. When they were your age, they ate a big bowl and piled it up!"

"Grandma, how can you compare me with them? I'm a girl!". I had no choice but to finish eating.

A few days later, I will weigh myself. God! When I gained another two jin, I said to my grandma hurriedly, "Grandma, I am heavy again, and I must reduce my appetite in the future." "What's fat, isn't it good?" She reached out her old hand and squeezed my face, soft.

"In fact, it's better to be fat. After studying in high school, you can still withstand the pressure of learning, so that you can get into Tsinghua University and Peking University!" "What, how can you have another goal? You want to get into Tsinghua University and Peking University when you are so fat? Grandma is joking!" At this time, Grandma suddenly frowned. "In fact, Grandma didn't read a few books and went to work before finishing primary school. Now that the family conditions are good, Grandma can't do anything for you. She has to prepare lunch every day, just to make you eat enough to study hard. In the future, she will surpass two older brothers and get into a good university, so that Grandma can also get some credit." She gently stroked me.

Grandma said, tears came into my eyes.

Desire Composition (9)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

I have a small wish that I can own a bicycle, because riding a bicycle can not only exercise, but also save energy and protect the environment. Although I have a bike at home, it's my father's, I'm not that tall and can't ride it, so I can't ride a bike until now.

I remember one time, my father helped me hold the back of my bike and let me learn to ride a bike. I was very happy at that time. But I don't know whether it was because I was too excited or too nervous. I was riding awkwardly and almost fell on my feet. My father comforted me by saying, "That car is too high. If you want to ride it, I will buy one for you."

How I want my father to buy me a bike. I will take good care of it. I'm looking forward to that day.

First grade: Xiao Jin

Desire Composition (10)

The summer vacation lasts for two months. For such a long vacation, I have to make good arrangements. It's better to combine work and rest. My parents and I discussed and finally decided on five summer vacation wishes.

First, I went to Beijing for a trip; second, I went to the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum to have a good time; third, I went to the Oriental Pearl to see the beautiful scenery of Great Shanghai; fourth, I had a good game addiction during the summer vacation; fifth, I carefully reviewed the courses I have learned in the past three years, and tried to learn to get ahead of others in the fourth grade. I know the most difficult one is the last one, so I must work hard on this one.

First of all, my first summer vacation wish was to go to Beijing. I asked my father when he would go to Beijing. My father said, "The tour group has been booked, and the time is July 25." I jumped and danced happily, and soon I could see the magnificent Tiananmen Square and the rolling Great Wall.

The second summer wish is to go to the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum. I really want to see animal specimens, robots, electric balls... I know this is a piece of cake. As long as Mom and Dad are happy, they can go to realize their dreams at any time.

My third summer wish was to go to the top of the Oriental Pearl. This wish has been realized. I stood on the top of the Oriental Pearl Tower and saw how big the beautiful Shanghai in the East was!

I was surprised when I climbed the Oriental Pearl Tower. It turned out that the Oriental Pearl Tower was so high! It's almost breaking through the clouds. My father said that it is 468 meters high, ranking sixth in the world and fourth in Asia. The Oriental Pearl in my eyes is like a string of giant candied haws.

When we visited the Oriental Pearl Tower, it was a sea of people. About 1000 people were queuing up, which made us queue for more than an hour. After I went in, I felt as if I had entered the candied haws. There were three balls in the Oriental Pearl. We went to the second ball. When I came to the second ball, I was surprised to find that I had reached 300 meters. Looking down from above, I felt like a giant. I also felt that I was playing in the virtual computer game world. In front of me, planes flew by one after another At the foot, there are many ships walking slowly, and cars on the roads and streets are like ants moving, forming countless threads

I came to the sightseeing room of the Oriental Pearl Tower. It said, "Patients with acrophobia, hypertension, heart disease, pregnancy and various diseases cannot enter this room. I hurried inside and took a look. It turned out that my father had been cheated

My fourth summer wish is to have fun playing games. I play life and death sniping. It's time for war. I have a gun in my hand. I feel like a soldier. I killed four people directly with a gold nknk when the war started. The battle started to be hot. Bad. Someone threw a grenade at me. I immediately avoided it, but unexpectedly it was a flash bomb, The enemy used this light to kill me. At this critical moment, my teammates saved me, and I directly gave my people out.

My fifth wish is to strive to be a monitor. I asked my father what is the requirement of being a monitor: "Good grades, good learning, good in all aspects.

I am the master of my summer vacation. I don't have many wishes in the summer vacation. It is not easy to realize them one by one!

Desire Composition (11)

Standing in front of the house, the streets and neighborhoods are decorated with lights, singing and laughing, and the New Year is coming.

20xx has arrived, and 20xx has passed. Some people are one year old and others are one year old again. I shouldn't talk about anything. Every year, it will always be the end and the beginning. This is a well-known fact. I don't want to belittle myself.

Year after year is the checkpoint of a person's maturity again and again. Everyone has never been familiar with the world, from young to young, then to young, middle-aged and old. The road of growth is also bound to undergo hardships. When you look back on the past and see your childish and impulsive actions, you will smile and be very happy.

It is a bad thing for everyone if you are confused to break through the barrier. If you don't have a clear goal and only know how to run headlong, you may end up doing nothing or going astray. No one will, nor dare to bet their future. It is very important to set a goal. It will make you change gradually. Yes, I will also change slowly if you don't want to stop here.

When I thought of this, the cool wind blew, and I pulled my sideburns. Several families in the distance were setting off firecrackers. The old and the young opened their mouths and covered their ears to watch the crackling sound of firecrackers. The firelight reflected on their faces, and their smiles were deep happiness, what a warm family. I turned my head and went into the yard. In the cold kitchen, my mother was cooking alone. I silently reached out my hand to help my mother wash the dishes. I spoke to her unnaturally. She was stunned, and then answered with a smile like a flower. With questions and answers, the originally cold kitchen began to become warm and fragrant. I know the goal of 20xx, and I have made it clear that I should cure my loneliness, and then be filial to my parents and guard my small home.

The New Year is like a river. The left bank is my unforgettable memory, the right bank is my bright spot worth grasping, and what flows in the middle is my mistakes.

Desire Composition (12)

Hello, everyone, I am a small mobile phone, which can make people communicate and let relatives and friends far away communicate with each other; Let people learn online... but my little master uses me to play games, which makes me become the "eyesore" of adults.

My little master's name is Adai. He is a little fat man with a round face like a watermelon and a round belly like a winter melon. He will collapse when sitting on the sofa. I lost my reputation in his hands, alas!

There is a doggerel that can just describe his madness of infatuation with me: he never leaves his hand until he has a fever. When is the end of putting down his mobile phone and holding the tablet? My heart is also hard to say ah!

I still remember that terrible encounter, which almost broke me to pieces!

That day, my little master was playing with his mobile phone while walking, but he accidentally stepped on a banana peel. His hand slipped, and I "flew" up and saw beautiful mountains, tall buildings... I was dancing in the air, and I was handsome for only three seconds. I just heard a "bang" and fell on the cold ground. Fortunately, I practiced "golden bell covered with iron cloth shirt", Otherwise, I will say goodbye to the world.

"If you don't die in a big accident, you will be lucky" doesn't work on me at all. I still remember the first time of "swimming", which can be described as swimming incisively and vividly!

That night, my little master was playing with his mobile phone while soaking in his feet. What was the result? He stretched out his hand to eat the potato chips, but he picked up the sesame seeds and lost the watermelon. I fell into the basin with a "plop". The little master was "eye disease and slow hand". Although he picked me up, my brain was seriously flooded. After rescue, it was invalid and I died bravely.

Humans, please spare us! In the future, can you stop harassing us so "desperately"? We also have ideals and pursuits. How I wish I could help people, exchange feelings with their families, look up information on the Internet and enrich knowledge, instead of making people think of us as a game console, a game console with a short life span. People, do you hear my heart?

Desire Composition (13)

We all have a common wish to make Mother Earth more beautiful, make nature more vibrant, and make human homes more harmonious and beautiful. This is my wish.

The wish is certainly good, however, our mother - the earth, her beautiful flower clothes are being torn by her children, and the blue sky is being polluted by her children. And these cruel children are not exactly our human beings? She did not understand why her children should treat her so cruelly? In fact, she gave us many gifts. There are abundant coal mines, large areas of Jinshan, fresh air, blue sky... Why should we leave no room for excessive abuse? But it is gratifying that we humans have realized the seriousness of the problem. Protecting the environment has become our common topic.

It is not difficult to protect the environment. If everyone can pick up more waste paper, throw less garbage, ride more bicycles, drive less electric cars, plant more trees, and destroy a forest, the world will become clean and beautiful.

"Protect the environment, start with me." Let's protect our home together and create this beautiful home together. Let's realize our common wish!

Desire Composition (14)

The wish is like a light bird, singing songs to relieve people's fatigue; The wish is like a lush forest, making natural oxygen bars for people; Wishes are like an immortal mirror, which can compare with oneself and change people's shortcomings.

Some people want to be the ruler of the world; Some people wish they could have a bowl of rice. Some people wish to be pure and noble, eager to read widely; Some people wish to be vulgar and selfish, and desire to be as golden as a mountain.

Wishes, people must engrave their wishes in their hearts, only in this way can we firmly move forward to the goal; Wishes, people must engrave their wishes in their minds, only in this way can people courageously approach the goal. Wish, please don't write it down on the table. If you carve it on the table, it will become a mark. The mark will always be erased. Don't talk about your wish. It becomes empty talk, and empty talk will be broken.

Wish, please don't use it as a colloquial language. It will become an ordinary word. Such words will always be changed!

Desire Composition (15)

Sitting alone on the grass, the brook in front of me is murmuring, the willow branches near the brook are floating on the water, the breeze is blowing gently, the scenery in the countryside is beautiful. I gently wrote my wish on the pink paper, carefully put it in a bottle, closed my eyes and silently thought, that story, the drifting bottle, my wish is in your heart, you float away quickly, Let my wish come true quickly.

In fact, my wish is very simple, as long as the school test can get a good result. Alas, let's achieve it quickly. It's not easy for Mom and Dad. They work hard to earn money for me. Every penny I have is earned by them with blood and sweat. I always feel sad when I think about it. When I spend money, I always feel reluctant. But everything is despicable. In this era, it's impossible not to have money at all. I was sad because I went to school far away from home, so I only saw them a few times a year. Every time I met them, I found that they had lost a lot of weight. One day, my mother was combing her hair, so I went over to her. I used my hands to find her hair, and I found a wisp of white hair on her head. My heart shook. My mother was old, and the years passed, The burden of life left wrinkles on my mother's face, so sad. I should grow up and share some for my mother and father. When I was young, my father always held me to play. I don't know when my father will not hold me anymore. This is because I found that I have grown up and am no longer a child.

I once asked my parents what gift they like, but they said that my study was like everything. My heart felt a little warm. Now that the exam is coming, I should give this gift to my parents. You must bless me, little bottle, to fulfill my beautiful wish. The girl's drift bottle, go away, go far away.

Desire Composition (16)

Wish is not only a beautiful dream, but also a goal for me to work hard. It is the desire that gives power. Each of us has the goal of growing up, and my goal is to be a glorious people's teacher.

Teachers are indispensable to the growth of every student. Work silently, witness the growth of countless students, impart knowledge to students without reservation, let them grow up healthily, and then win glory for the country and become the pillars of the country. They worked hard just to let students learn more knowledge, meticulous care, kind words, severe criticism... guiding us and making us stronger. They irrigated us with sweat and let us grow from small seedlings to towering trees that shade the sun.

If I can become a people's teacher, I will use my unique teaching methods to teach students, so that they can find the fun of learning in the classroom. If one of them makes a mistake, I will take a guided approach to criticize him, make him realize the mistake in essence, and find ways to improve, so that he will not make mistakes again.

Wish is not just a big dream; Wishes are not whimsical; Wish is not a slogan. Wishes exist in everyone's heart for the purpose of making people realize their lofty aspirations and goals!

Desire Composition (17)

The new year is coming, and we are one year older. What is your greatest wish in the new year? In the eyes of greedy people, red envelopes must be the most important; Eating countless foods is the key to celebrate the New Year; In the minds of ugly people, the number one is beautiful clothes... My wish is to grow taller. In the process of growing taller, there was a problem in my stomach that I couldn't digest. The first question is how to grow tall? This problem has been in my stomach for a long time. We can check information and ask knowledgeable people.

How to grow tall? My understanding of growing tall is to eat more nutritious food. The online answer is: 1. Diet helps grow taller. Protein, minerals and vitamins are needed. Recommended diet for growing taller - shrimp skin tofu. 2. Exercise promotes growth. Exercise can promote the metabolism of the body. Accelerating the absorption of nutrients by the body is an essential item to promote the growth of children. If you want to grow taller through sports, you should first avoid choosing heavy or excessively worn sports, such as weight lifting, long-distance marathon running, weight bearing exercises, etc. You can choose bouncing or stretching sports, such as basketball, hurdles, pull ups, rope skipping, etc. It is recommended to take the long and tall exercise - touch high. 3. Only by reducing pressure can we grow taller. School and family have an impact on children's foot lifting. Children who are under heavy learning pressure or in an inharmonious family environment for a long time will generally have a heavy mental burden and great emotional fluctuations. Some data show that long-term high heart pressure will inhibit the secretion of growth hormone and affect the normal growth and development of children. Therefore, parents should build a harmonious family, not give too much pressure to children in learning, strengthen parent-child interaction, have love to warm children, guide children to an optimistic and upward path of life, so that children can grow in a relaxed and happy environment.

Grow, grow, grow! This is my wish.