The Future is on the Cloud Sample Essay
The temperature of the moon
2023-11-28 00:12:52

The Future is on the Cloud Sample Essay

Jeremy Rifkin's The Third Industrial Revolution said that the third industrial revolution would be a "cloud revolution". What is the "cloud revolution"? I am neither an expert nor a scholar, so it is difficult to give an accurate definition, but one thing remains unchanged, that is, speed and quickness. It will be an era full of data.

"Cloud" means unrestrained, erratic, coming and going without a trace. However, I don't like this kind of thing that cannot be grasped, although Marx said, "All solid things have disappeared". The impression that the industrial revolution gave me has always been that the molten iron with dazzling red light is "sizzling"; The burning fire threw out sparks like wild animals; Or the machinery with strong metallic smell is rotating rhythmically.

The Future in the Cloud said that there would be few people in the factory, and all work would be done by machinery. The first and second revolutions, originally distinguished by steam and electricity, are now a world apart from the so-called "third revolution". It is not difficult to find that science and technology are playing an increasingly important role in it, and the transformation mode has reached the evolution with science and technology as the core. What is the driving force behind all this? In my opinion, it is people's eternal pursuit and desire for a higher level of life.

But I have been thinking about a question: what progress has people achieved through the "industrial revolution" and technology?

I remember seeing a picture: it was a family dinner party, and the picture was full of helpless and confused grandparents, and all the younger generation who lowered their heads to pay attention to mobile phones. The "bow head clan" is an expanding collective. Admittedly, mobile phones let us get a lot of things, but also lose a lot of things. There can be a lot of gossip, information and games, but the communication and emotion between relatives is not just a matter of thinking.

Once a classmate said to me solemnly, "If you delete my blog, cancel my attention, throw away my address book, and delete my mobile phone number, you will never find me again." Indeed, I seem to be able to find the person I want to find at any time, but I can't find that person at any time. I can touch any corner of the world through my fingers, but I was caught in the sea of data by touching the thin screen.

Because people rely on technology, it breaks the balance between reality and illusion. The independence that people should have - not being bound by anything created is losing. Technology is also a quagmire, not a rocket! Technology is also wine, not water!

To live, people need to contact other lives and bring others into their own world. In this convenient and fast era, my will, my needs, and my likes can be completed by myself without the help or guidance of anyone else. I will become a closed individual. When personalization reaches its peak, there will be no other people in the world, only data.

Look to the past. In ancient times, facing the great power of nature, the ancestors lamented that creation was too great and they were too small. Therefore, efforts have been made to change the means of transportation, improve the transmission mode of cultural civilization, improve the quality of eating, drinking, sleeping, and enhancing productivity, so as to make the world smaller. When we knock on doors with our fingers, we think we can easily control the world in our hands, but in my opinion, it is to abandon the energy of paying attention to the people and things around us, and put the farther and more illusory things in an important position. A person's capacity is limited, and the word "willing" exists. Whether it is near or far, the right of choice lies in oneself, and people often choose the faraway illusion because of the ugly habit of "liking the new and hating the old".

Look at the present. The political superstructure needs to be based on the economy, and the economy needs the support of science and technology. In the 1990s, the Clinton administration developed the economy with "science and technology", creating another economic glory in the United States, which shows the great role of science and technology in the economy. However, people's life needs not only two things, but also a transparent sense of familiarity and a culture of communication between people. Special institutions such as state organs and scientific research institutes need the most advanced equipment, which is understandable and necessary.

But if we put the huge data system into the society, it will no longer involve work and science and technology, but also social cultural development, people's lifestyle and future development trends. This can not be solved simply by using fast. Data is emotionless. A few decades ago, economic science was to develop vigorously. In the process of development, the lost things need to be found, because the reason why the quality of the past exists is to confirm their existence, allowing them to remain until now.

Now is the time to find them. These quick and convenient tools can save us time and effort, and also let us live alone. The network covers up the real identity, reduces the cost of speech, lowers the threshold of speech, and leads to the truth and falsehood. Happiness, trust and harmony may be fading away. This is not to say that the development of science and technology will make human beings degenerate into silent people living alone, but that the speed of such coverage and replacement has exceeded the adaptability of human beings. Should we slow down? Let's think about what a whirlpool of loneliness and down-to-earth feeling would be in the high-tech and high-quality life!

We need to wake up! Get rid of the dependence of science and technology, and be a complete and healthy self. Please escape from this isolated island era and return to the original real and simple life.