81 Sentimental Signature Files for Girls
A small leather hammer
2023-02-26 09:27:17
Complete set of signatures

1、 The white hair is three thousand zhang long.

2、 He didn't even know that I existed.

3、 No more evidence of our love.

4、 I, my life, my future, are in total darkness.

5、 You have never been in the drama, but I lost myself.

6、 Since I'm fine, why don't you?

7、 I am the only one who knows how to be sad.

8、 Your thoughts made me fall in love.

9、 Being duplicitous is just an excuse for our guilt.

10、 Seeing your happiness, I will give up.

11、 I can't cry yet. I hold back the tears.

12、 If life is just like the beginning, then only Tao is common.

13、 With memory, I cut off all news of you.

14、 You are a grand dream. Who can blame me when I wake up.

15、 Always inadvertently remember, and inadvertently forget.

16、 I don't want to live such a boring life all day.

17、 Those crayon lines are like frozen tears.

18、 You will always understand my sadness and my tears.

19、 Quietly hide all the wounds, and then walk away with a smile.

20、 Behind every joke is a wound that cannot be mentioned.

21、 The reason for living is very simple, because there is no you in that heaven.

22、 The disappearing figure brings endless yearning.

23、 The familiar people gradually become unfamiliar, and the goodbye faces are like strangers.

24、 I saw everything, but I didn't say anything.

25、 Your heart is very busy, so you have no time to listen to me attentively.

26、 It took all my luck to meet you in the moment of my life.

27、 I want to give my loved ones the power to cherish me, which is very sad.

28、 I regard you as my everything, but you never look me in the eye.

29、 Love that has changed over time never knows how far it will go forever.

30、 It is better to make one person suffer than three people suffer.

31、 I have been deceiving myself, but I don't want to believe that you have left.

32、 I have no you in my life, you seem to have never appeared.

33、 Living in the eyes of others every day is often the most tiring.

34、 Don't tell others when you are sad, because no one will care.

35、 The original heartbreak, the dream woke up, heartbreak, also no pain.

36、 Can you love me once and let me indulge again.

37、 A complete thing is always divided by carelessness.

38、 In the last life, I cried for you, but in this life, I cried alone.

39、 Give up what you can't get. Do you think about it every day?

40、 I am not afraid that you will not accompany me to see the sea. I am afraid that you will accompany other women to see the sea.

41、 Good things suddenly disappear in life, leaving only despair.

42、 Anyone who is young has a best friend and a favorite person.

43、 How many times have I edited and deleted messages with the same content.

44、 My language is too pale, but my heart is aching because of your every word.

45、 Since I can't achieve the best of both worlds, I have to choose to be alone.

46、 If you are the one, you are not afraid of not finding someone, but you are hurt when you meet someone.

47、 No matter how time changes? There will always be such a person living in the bottom of my heart.

48、 It turns out that our unrewarded love is just a shameful joke.

49、 She is your indispensable oxygen, and I am your indispensable carbon dioxide.

50、 After the clouds leave, the water flows for ten years. Laughing is like old times, and the sideburns are rusty.

51. It turned out that everything in the world could not compete with time, and all his emotions were his defeated generals.

52. I am living fairly well, neither good nor bad, neither surprised nor pleased. Everything is just fine.

Fifty-three. pretending to look up at the beauty of the sky, in fact, i just don't want tears to flow out.

54. Brother, go all the way! Be a good person in the next life! Don't live like this again.

55. If you betray the world, I will accompany you and betray the world together.

56. If I say I want to be alone, I need you more than ever.

57. Meteor is like a short love. What is beautiful is a moment, and what is missed is a lifetime.

58. Life is not easy, it depends on acting skills. Play the role of yourself, play yourself to amnesia.

59. If I love you only in simple words, what is left between us?

60. When he is hot and cold to you, it is because he is going through fire and water for another person.

61. I saw my reflection in the midst of mountains and seas, leaving only one outline and beyond recognition.

62. Walking on the cold street, the dim street lamp shines on you, showing a sense of desolation.

63. Love is a timely rain. If you listen carefully, it will become infinitely transparent.

Sixty four. When I saw you find your happiness, I cried. Is it happy or sad.

Sixty five. Without you, the city will lose its yearning. So choose to forget behind the smile.

66. If love is a gamble, then I will be poor and lose everything, while you will be rich and have a lot of money.

67. Sometimes, people suddenly say to you, I think you have changed, and then I begin to have mixed feelings.

68. I have the feelings of a scholar, but not the writing skills of a writer. I don't know how to write love and hate for you.

69. Life will always give you another chance, which is called tomorrow. Only after things have changed.

70. Maybe I am very sad, helpless, lonely and want to cry, but I can't be angry, can't complain, can't lose and can't cry.

Seventy one, are you too stupid or I too persistent? When they tell your stories, I pretend to let myself turn a blind eye.

Seventy two, watching the person you like talking and laughing with other people of the opposite sex, several people can understand the pain.

Seventy three, I shed a tear for you, and the story will end in the end. My sincere efforts are not the happiness you want.

Seventy four. Maybe love is not passion, nor nostalgia, but time, and years have become a part of life.

Seventy five, do not understand, why is the world sad? Why is everyone I see crying? And I'm bleeding?

76. Sing about loneliness, dance about loneliness, hurt your heart and hurt your feelings. Indulge in voice and color, love with elegy, miss into a river.

Seventy seven, one day, we finally found that growing up means not only desire, but also courage and strength, as well as some necessary sacrifice.

Seventy eight, one person, one heart, waiting for life. A person, a city, a lifetime of heartache. A person, a road, a lonely life.

Seventy nine, at that time, I was very tired. I was used to pretending to be strong, and I was used to facing everything alone. I didn't know what I wanted to do.

80. It really takes us a long time to understand what kind of people and things we will really miss.

Eighty one, when we parted, we had no lingering tears, and we were relatively speechless. Look at the setting sun shining through Wenfeng Tower and its afterglow on the bank of Xiqing River.