Humorous, philosophical sentences, mood phrases
be ready to realize one 's aspiration anywhere all over the country
2023-05-27 14:47:36
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. It is still easy to mix in ancient times. If you cut it off, you can become a civil servant.

2. The highest level of brothers is that others think we are gay.

3. Thank you for your indifference. I know that I love you so much.

4. On the night before the start of school, China's electricity consumption will rise in a straight line.

5. The early bird catches the worm, and the early bird catches the worm!

6. The sky has set a great task for us. If the sky does not set a great task, aren't you still from us?

7. When you are in love, you promise to have a good marriage in the next life. After marriage, you often suspect that it was a bad marriage in the previous life.

8. Even believe in advertising, reading is silly, right?

9. You are from Yuanmou, Yunnan, and I am from Zhoukou, Beijing. Let me hold your plush hand! love! Let's walk upright!

10. My girlfriend asked me, do you think you are handsome? I said I was not handsome. She punched me and told you to lie.

11. Don't fall in love if you have no money, no savings and no house. Why force yourself to make trouble for others.

12. Late at night, Boeing pilots came home and knocked on the door. The wife asked: Who? The pilot said humorously: Request landing! Suddenly, a man in the room shouted, "Copy that, take off immediately, and make room for you!"!

13. Without toads, swans would be lonely.

14. How can I lose weight without enough food?

15. Women chase men, and the partition gauze. Men chasing women, mother next door.

16. When a man doesn't belong to you, he makes you sigh what is perfect. When he belongs to you, he makes you sigh what is true.

17. Wear other people's shoes, go your own way, and let them find it by taxi.

18. I like Teresa Teng, dead; I like Weng Meiling and committed suicide; I like Anita Mui. She died of illness; I like Huang Jiaju, and I fell dead; I like Leslie Cheung, jumping off a building; I like you. You can do it yourself!

19. After studying for more than ten years, I think it's better to work in kindergarten!

20. In addition to love, there are carrots in other people's fields.

21. Have a good time, think about it, and slap a small flat.

22. I'm not afraid of being used, but I'm afraid you are useless.

23. Effect of contraception: If it is not successful, you will become an adult.