Childhood Reading Feelings
Happy Stars
2024-01-26 01:23:28
Junior 1
reaction to a book or an article

The full text highly summarizes Mr. Gorky's childhood life. During the reign of the tsar, a poor child, Amusha, lost his father at a very young age, and then lost his mother. The only relative, his grandfather, also suffered from decline. But he still has a heart of learning. The rough and miserable life is moving!
After reading Childhood, I felt the author's tragic experience in his childhood and felt that I was lucky, at least I was happier than him. Because when the author was 3 years old, his father died of illness, and his mother took him back to his parents' home. Unfortunately, my grandfather was a selfish, greedy, and overbearing small business owner, ruthlessly exploited employees and lent money at high interest rates. However, the development of capitalist Russia interrupted my grandfather's dream of becoming rich, and he went bankrupt and became poor. After the poor mother remarried, she fell ill and died. The eleven year old author was brutally driven out of the house by her grandfather and went to the society to make a living
There is a section in Childhood that I like. It is about a chemist's "good thing". The young hero makes friends with a strange person when he is not fully absorbed by the old culture. He knows that this will definitely make Amusha's grandfather beat him up again. This is just because in the society at that time, not serving the czar is doing nothing, It is evil. I believe that it will make many people laugh, but more thinking. Is the social truth so unacceptable at that time? Maybe there are too many such things. For this reason, many scientists have sacrificed their lives, but Mr. Gorky, the wise man, expressed happiness and regret for his short friendship. This also let me know that the existence of darkness is based on people's innocence and ignorance, and whether people should take the initiative to learn. It should be known that people with knowledge are smart people, and only such people can maintain justice and truth
It uses excellent writing techniques and simple language to tell us that we should persist in seeking knowledge, not afraid of difficulties, persevere, and take a positive attitude towards learning and life.